#prompt piece
get-wr3ckered · 10 months
|Cuyan- (Mandalorian!OC) Prompt Piece|
Prompt: "You look... different. Hair cut?" "I lost an arm." "I know. The haircut thing was a farce. I just didn't want to be rude. But since you brought it up, what the hell happened to you?" Credit for the prompt goes to @prompts-in-a-barrel
Summary: A simple job for Cid goes very wrong. Warnings: Severe injury, loss of limb, mentions of blood/gore, SW cursing, canon-typical violence. Wordcount: 700+
Any Mando'a will be translated at the end.  
I think I've added all the appropriate warnings and tags but if I've missed something or tagged it incorrectly feel free to let me know and I'll fix it asap! Masterlist Iliana's oc information
'It's simple enough,' Cid had insisted. 'A quick in and out job,' the Trandoshan had shrugged off Iliana's scepticism.
Nabbing data from an abandoned outpost, the Batch could do that in their sleep. It wasn't some new, wild task they'd be embarking on. In comparison to half of what they'd faced, it was a rather rudimentary job.
Or at least it would've been if the outpost in question had actually been abandoned.
Arriving at the outpost only to be met with nothing shy of a small army of scrappers setting up demolition charges had been less than ideal. The pointed look Iliana had thrown Tech's way hadn't gone amiss. Had several dozen blasters not been aimed their way, she wouldn't have bitten back a bitter remark about him having brushed off her intuition back on the ship.
When the firefight began the Batch had been forced to separate, breaking off from one another in order to find cover. Omega and Iliana had lost sight of the others, the pair having taken up position behind a rundown terminal as they laid down their own barrage of fire. They'd held their own well, Omega grinning despite the situation as she'd landed several shots with her new energy bow while Iliana had fired off her phase rifle in quick succession and with all the skill of a seasoned warrior.
The scrappers' numbers had been dropping steadily, offering the pair all the evidence they'd needed to know the boys had been holding their own just as well as they had. Things were looking up and with only a handful of scrappers left it was all but certain that they'd have the outpost in hand soon enough. And then the charges were blown.
If the scrappers couldn't have it, then nobody could.
The 'how' of their escape was lost to Iliana. A vague blur of falling rubble, Omega being shoved ahead and the painfully obvious lack of movement in Iliana's lower arm was really all the Mandalorian could make out. She couldn't recall when they'd made it to a rocky outcrop, using it for cover as the remnants of the outpost shifted and they waited for the smoke to clear. Even as Omega tore up her jacket, tying the shredded fabric around the elder's arm, or lack thereof, in a bid to stifle the bleeding until the Batch found them, Iliana only vaguely recognised that the lower half of her left arm was missing.
"Echo! Wrecker!" Omega had jumped up from her spot beside Iliana, waving erratically at the two figures breaking through the smoke. "We've gotta get Illy back to the Marauder!"
With hurried steps, the two clones had joined the girl's side in an instant. Wrecker was tasked with checking the youngest of the group over, listening eagerly as Omega animatedly rattled off the tale of their daring escape, explaining almost too quickly how their Mandalorian companion had been pinned and resorted to hacking off her own arm to ensure Omega made it out. All the while Echo had taken to assessing Omega's attempts at binding Iliana's open wound, only half listening as the young girl recounted how 'awesome' their escape had been.
They'd be having a talk about their definitions of 'awesome' once things had settled down, that was for sure.
"Easy," Echo had mumbled as he helped Iliana up. leaning a majority of her weight against his side. A pained grunt fell past the woman's lips at the movement, and Echo silently cursed Hunter and Tech for not being quicker at bringing the ship around.
"You look... different," He'd posed, in a feeble attempt to distract the brunette from the incoming waves of pain. "Haircut?"
A near-indecipherable snort escaped her despite the pain as the ship came into view. "I lost an arm."
It astounded Echo how deadpan Iliana could be regardless of the downright agony she had to be in. As the Marauder landed a little ways ahead of them, he eased her forward taking on as much of her weight as he could, shaking his head at her blasé attitude to losing a limb.
"I know. The haircut thing was a farce. I just didn't want to be rude," He admitted with a barely there upturn pulling at the corner of his lips. It quickly fell to worry once again. "But since you brought it up, what the kriff happened to you?"
Cue Omega's overly excited rendition of events, the sequel.
Additional Notes: I'm not 100% satisfied with this so I may revisit it later, but using a prompt was a fun exercise to get the ol' writer juices flowing. (ew, why did I phrase it like that) Not proofread, I refuse to suffer my mistakes alone. Mando'a: Cuyan- survivor Taglist: Feel free to drop me a message to be added to the taglist!
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zosanbrainrot · 4 months
Could you draw Sanji crying & sobbing? Love your drawings<3
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why would anyone(me) make him cry so much stooopp
this was the first ask I saw when I first checked for requests, I enjoyed drawing these sm!! lmao
thank you! 💗💗💗
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flamingpudding · 2 months
Little Snippets #1
"Father, please do not scare the children."
Alfred let out a sigh at the children's reaction as well as his own fathers sheepish laugh as the man scratched the back of his head. Once more he couldn't help but marvel at how young his own father looked. But then again the fact that his father was by now a timeless being and rule of an entire realm likely contributed to it. He glanced at the still shell shocked children and stoic Bruce, a part of him took a bit of pleasure in their shock.
"Master Bruce, may I introduce to you my father." Alfred hummed indicating to the floating man with blazing white hair and glowing green eyes in regal clothing, well aside from the damned jumpsuit his own mother had never refrained from complaining about.
"Daniel James Fenton." The butler continued eyes crinkling with a smile as he watched his charges. "Ruler of the Infinite Realms."
"Just Danny is fine. Honestly it must be your mothers influence with how formal you turned out Al..." The man, Danny added reaching a hand out to ruffle Alfred's hair that Alfred sidestepped. Not because he didn't like his fathers show of affection, no because he had appearance to uphold and he didn't need to shock the children any more than he already had.
"T-that must be a joke, right Alfie...?" Jason spoke up being the first one to regain his ability to speak coherently.
"I am afraid not Master Jason. This man is indeed my father." Alfred hummed amused, he would think that with their near daily dealings with villains, aliens, supernatural and other beings they would be less shocked. But as it seemed his family didn't seem able to warp their heads around this. Surely they must have suspected some sort of supernatural connection to him, after all how do they think he was able to keep the entire Manor as clean as it is? He had his pocketwatch from his grandfather as his secret weapon after all.
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chvvy · 9 months
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zoro in a big puffy jacket is the best source of heat
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greenglowinspooks · 22 days
Honestly I think the fics where Danny’s a Kryptonian have a lot of potential, so here’s me throwing my hat into the ring
Danny was born a human. He was born to two loving (though slightly neglectful) human parents in the painfully mundane state of Illinois.
Then, he died, but he didn’t do it right. He became a Halfa; too alive to be a ghost, but too dead to be human.
Then, through strange, uncontrollable circumstances, that changed as well.
He had been heavily injured, missing a large percentage of body mass, and was at the cusp of either dying fully or just fading from existence.
(Perhaps it was an ordinary fight. Perhaps it was the GiW, or his parents. Perhaps it was a simple accident. That didn’t matter now.)
He fled, phasing through the ground, trying to bury himself as deep as possible.
(Perhaps he didn’t want to be unmasked in death. Perhaps that was already too late, and he just wanted his body be able to rest in peace.)
Unfortunately for him, he was in Metropolis, and ended up in a secret genetics lab below the earth.
Danny detransformed, completely exhausted, falling onto a table covered in different labeled specimen containers. He closed his eyes, and prepared himself for what would happen next.
And… nothing.
Slowly, cautiously, he opened his eyes.
Danny sat up, brushing off the foul-smelling liquid from the specimen jars, petri dishes, and assorted vials.
He felt…fine.
No, better than fine. He felt normal. Healthy.
He felt like he wasn’t missing most of his internal organs anymore.
Danny looked down at his stomach, and saw that the wounds that were killing him had completely disappeared.
(The blood blossoms, if there had been any, were still there, but they no longer hurt. At most, they itched a little, or maybe just tickled a bit.)
He wanted to question what in the hell had just happened, but he didn’t want to jinx it. He just quietly changed back to Phantom, going invisible and phasing out of wherever he had found himself in, ignoring the loud alarm system that had begun to blare when he broke the samples on that table.
Life mostly went back to normal after that.
If, like Danny, you ignored all the physical changes in a valiant effort to remain in denial that something was horribly wrong.
His skin was tougher, now; he didn’t get scrapes or cuts, even when he accidentally fumbled a knife while trying to cook. His ghost form was stronger, too; he was barely knocked down by his old rogues anymore.
He could fly, even in his human form. Though, admittedly, the flight was much different. It was like using a muscle he hadn’t known existed beforehand. He didn’t just ignore gravity or wind resistance, though he felt more graceful in the air now than he ever did as Phantom.
There were more powers popping up, lasers and cold breath, x-ray vision and super strength. His lungs and heart were larger, and he could handle temperatures much easier. He didn’t have to transform to handle the pressure and cold of space anymore.
His reaction time had improved, becoming much faster than ever before. His senses were much stronger, and he had even seemed to gain a sense of electric fields, like a shark.
The only thing that separated him from a Kryptonian was that he had developed electrokenesis, which he had never seen any of them use on TV.
So, surely, he was fine.
Everything was normal, he hadn’t been transformed by alien DNA in a sketchy lab, he had just had a really weird and specific metagene activation.
Clark Kent, Kal-El, was panicking.
It had been around a month and a half since a particularly brutal fight between Interpol and an unknown assailant, and it seemed that Interpol was determined to draw out whoever had scorned them.
Their method of doing this, of course, was trying to level the city.
He and Jon were doing their best to stop them, but with both Kon and Zor-El away on their own business, it was difficult.
And by difficult, he meant almost impossible.
Slowly but surely he was driving them back, but not without massive amounts of damage to the city, especially with only Jon on dedicated rescuing duty.
He was distracted, trying to draw a group away from a heavily occupied building, when a projectile hit him in the back of the head.
The world spun for a moment, and then it went black.
(It was, probably, then, some sort of Kryptonite-metal alloy. Interpol at its finest.)
He woke slowly, forcing his eyes open. He felt like he had been hit by an eighteen wheeler.
Clark jolted up, preparing for the worst.
To his shock, though, the city hadn’t been reduced to rubble while he was out.
Jon seemed to still be working on evacuation, either unaware that he had went down or forcing himself to focus on the task at hand.
Then, a lightning-quick figure flew into view, and Clark’s mind went blank.
He thought, for a moment, that Kara was back. But, no, that wasn’t right, she was supposed to be off-planet for another week or so.
Besides, this new figure didn’t move like her. They were lankier and more slender, and they flew quicker than any member of his family.
Their powerset was different, too; they focused mainly on using blasts of ice and electricity to drive enemies back, only occasionally using their strength or lasers—ones which came from their hands instead of their eyes.
He had woken up at the tail end of the fight, it seemed. The remaining Interpol agents were fleeing from the mysterious metahuman.
They stayed in the sky, motionless, watching them leave.
As if they could sense him staring, they turned.
They were small, still clearly young. Probably around Kon’s age, or maybe even younger.
Instead of the colorful clothing he had inherited from his family, the stranger wore black and white clothes which looked similar to a hazmat suit, their face covered by some sort of gas mask.
Interestingly enough, instead of the S-shape crest that he was so used to seeing, the stranger wore the letter D on his chest.
Kal’s heart sped up.
From up in the sky, he heard the stranger’s heart, on the left instead of the right, speed up in return.
But before he could say a word to them, they sped off, disappearing into the deep blue sky.
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keysandcrosses · 11 months
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drawtober day 21-31
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emacrow · 3 months
When Danny's core cracks while escaping into gothams, he doesn't disappeared or dies, but accidentally split his personalities
He accidentally multiples into tiny misshaped pieces of his own personalities that became tiny lil baby ghostlings the size of a toddler.
Which they all scattered and ran, spreading around gotham like they were running from the devil(GIW) themselves were after him.
While main piece human formed danny with barely his conscious left is stuck with the only piece of his core as his main personality.
The feral back off if you love your fingers and I will beat you into the grave while i spew comback puns at you personality.
Not even 7 minutes in gotham, he already attacked 39 strange strangers, fourteen people in clown masked, torn some messed up rejected clown apart, a guy in a green suit and ? Staff, ate some buffguy ectoplasmic injectors tanks, only to now being held by the scuff of his itsy bitsy white and red nasa shirt by a bat furry man in black, who had several bite marks dents all over his suit, arms and torn on his cape while he still biting the bat shaped metal thingy. .
Meanwhile near crime alley, red hood had found 3 tiny white haired toddlers, one paranoid then tim himself, one clingy onto him saying I love you, and another one follow around crying a lot calling out for someone named jazz..?
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isjasz · 1 year
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[Day 96]
Together they become GUY!!
(Context: On the stream yesterday they were joking about just combining into one player for decked out LOL)
(And Hermittober: Day 1 Frost ❄️)
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shepscapades · 2 months
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20. Weight of the World — Battle Tapes
You showed up haunted with a fist full of dynamite Curated provocateur Ooh, the funny thing about a life that's so civilized Is when the lines start to blur Delusional, until we fold Buried under the weight of the world
This songs hits ten times harder if you imagine that the instrumental dropping out to the slowly rising bass at ~2:28 is the moment Tango respawns after Bdubs' boogeyman kill and starts to spiral into rage.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 20 days
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they licensed his ass
my finished piece of the FWMS (official name definitely 100%) thing we started a few days ago! I had fun I hope folks had and/or continue to have fun with the sketch as well.
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servingrobin · 2 months
Prompt: you catch them with your stolen underwear.
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Zoro, Sanji, Luffy
Warnings: Zoro’s a freak, Sanji is a simp, Luffy is Luffy, underwear kinkyness all around
You’d been progressively losing more and more underwear over the last few weeks - had accused the ship’s resident pervert, had accused Robin of midwash thievery, had even checked Chopper hadn’t assumed the old things were rags (unlikely to you but everyone had Nami’s shriek seared to memory when she had found her favourite tanks in ribbons across his table) - all for no result.
So you resorted to old fashioned ransacking, moving from room to room, uncomfortably aware of the fact you were down to your last pair. Nami, Luffy, and Usopp were all clear and another scan of Sanji’s drawers (better safe than sorry) yielded nothing. It was almost midnight at this point and you were huffing around the ship in a more than aggravated fashion. You had almost steamed right past the swordsman’s room - the idea too ridiculous to consider - when you heard a low and decidedly immodest grunt from behind Zoro’s door.
Curiosity warred with manners for a few moments before your own nosiness pushed you forward - what if he was hurt? Stuck? Having a nightmare?
None of those thoughts could have prepared you for the sight of Roronoa Zoro, fearsome swordsman and ferocious first mate, one set of bright pink panties suckled into his mouth and a deep green pair wrapped around his cock.
He had one hand holding the first to his face and the other pistoning up and down over his cock, weeping red tip peeking through the top and dripping beads of precum across your underwear.
You shuttled out a gasp and waved behind you for the door, ready to jump ship in embarrassment, yet the simmering heat in your belly kept you rooted in place.
Zoro peeked open one eye at the intrusive noise, widening comically when he saw the silhouette at the door. He removed the panties from his mouth with one last prolonged suck and slowed his movements, though interestingly did not stop.
“You haunt my dreams woman, why don’t you come and help me out? I might even return these.” He twirled the pink fabric around a finger and his smirk held no shame. Zoro had been waiting for this chance for long enough.
You hummed as you meandered your way around the ship towards the washroom, first hamper already downstairs with the second swinging by your side. It had been a heavy few weeks exploring and this was the first chance you’d had to wash anything.
You bundled yourself through, hip bouncing the swinging door open whilst you heaved the basket inside. You spotted a pressed shirt back standing in front of your first hamper and grinned at your favourite blonde.
“Good morning Sanji - you have stuff to wash too? I can throw it in with mine.” You hummed as you got to work separating colours, almost missing the tinge of red rising to the tips of the man’s ears.
Sanji cleared his throat and shuffled around to face you.
“Good morning mon coeur, you look beautiful this day. Are you hungry? I’ll get started on breakfast.” He almost mumbled, hand reaching up to ruffle his fringe as he made to bustle past you.
You held out a hand to his chest to stop his escape, amused eyes resting on his front pants pocket.
“You seem to have something of mine there. “
Sanji looked down in horror and almost fainted at the shock of red peeking out of his pocket. He fell to his knees in an instant, hands grasping at your hips.
“It’s not what it looks like I promise my darling, I just….. I JUST NEED TO TASTE YOU.” He was shouting by the end and you could only gasp at his confession, both aroused and amused.
“I smell the perfume of you as you walk by me each day, I see the lines of lace across your skin, I fantasise about what you must taste like - most intimately.” He looked up at you with blue eyes wide as a pup, “I understand this must disgust you, please forgive me.”
You simply giggled at him and made to raise your skirt, leg coming up to rest on his shoulder.
Luffy had been a lovely boyfriend for the most part; attentive but adventurous, sweet and easygoing. But the man seemed to have next to no interest in going any further than a peck on the lips.
You’d been enamoured at first, assuming him to be gentlemanly and simply taking things slow. But months later with not even a furtive touch and you were going stir crazy.
You touched yourself almost daily, rubbing furiously to alleviate an ache you knew could only be cured by the silly pirate captain you loved so dearly. You were working yourself up to outright asking him but it was easy to go shy in the face of his earnest Bambi eyes - you would never force his hand and would have no problem if he just wasn’t interested in that sort of thing (you were more than secure in his love for you), but you thought you’d try a little seduction first.
It started with a wandering hand here and there, swooping from Luffy’s back to squeeze at his ass occasionally, pressing your chest flush up against him. He’d blush but be quickly distracted, the running of a ship always urgent.
You’d huffed and puffed for hours to Nami, until she’d grown tired of your whinging and had thrown some berry at you. “We’re stopping soon, go and buy something he can’t resist - it’s what always works for me!” She flashed you a grin and a wink.
So you’d brought a lacy set from some boudoir, light blue like the ocean sky. It melted nicely against your skin tone and left you feeling pretty. You set up in Luffy’s room, splayed across the bed attractively. This was it, if this didn’t work you’d just have to ask outright.
You heard Luffy bounding through the corridor on Nami’s instructions, elephant stampedes of footsteps as he ambled in.
He came to an almost comical screeching stop when he saw you, eyes bugging out of his head in a way that made you giggle.
“Umm…hrm…uhh.” The man was speechless, eyes glued to your body, shorts growing taut.
You spread your legs across the bed invitingly and waved him over to you.
“I think we’ve waited long enough.”
He nodded mutely, crawling over the bed to rest his head at your hip.
“Ths… these are beautiful.” He murmured, running a finger across the lace. He pressed a kiss to your hip bone and let your soft skin muffle his groan.
“Didn’t realise you wanted this attention….m’sorry, I’da given it to you in a second.” You giggled at his double meaning, running a hand through his curls.
His eyelids fluttered and he leaned down again, teeth catching the lace of your panties gently. Luffy pulled downwards in one haphazard motion, letting the fabric slide off your legs and grabbing it before it fell.
“Think these are mine now.” He grinned in his usual endearing manner, shoving them hastily in his back pocket before diving back up between your legs.
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kishdoodles · 9 months
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Happy New Year! My yearly Davesprite is here to usher in 2024... it's been a quite the 2023! This also marks 10 years since I started this tradition... yippee!!!
I made the piece this year listening to @toontitsgoopbrain's davesprite tracks (give them a listen they're really good!)
2023 has been on the quieter side for me, nonetheless I'm overwhelmed by the support I've had during it anyways. Thanks to everyone who stuck around!
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Hey siri how to convince people that DC heroes wouldn’t be surprised by literally anything Danny Phantom related actually.
From ghost king to regular Danny, they’ve seen shit like this at least 4 times this month. It’s just another day.
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pyr0frnzy · 6 months
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they don’t realize it but both of them are the princess and neither of them are the others knight in shining armor…
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naturecalls111 · 1 year
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Luffy: If you don’t like your surname, you should take Zoro’s. It would suit you.
Ussop: Yeah.
Sanji: *sputtering* That’s not how it works.
Nami: Roronoa Sanji sounds good.
Zoro: It does sound good. You should keep it.
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