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Imagine: Consoling David When Some Of The Other Crew Members Are Cruel To Him.
The sound of Y/N’s L/N’s footsteps echoed across the air, as she made her way through the ship in search of David 8, the android assigned to the Prometheus mission. She had not seen David in several hours, not after the events that had taken place earlier that evening in the commissary. When David had been subjected to the unnecessary cruelty of his fellow very intoxicated crew mates. As she entered the lab, the one place she knew he may hide himself away her gaze landed on the blonde-haired synthetic who was sitting on a stack of boxes, his gaze deeply focused on the floor.
Y/N let out a deep breath, before stepping inside. “David?”
David’s head peered up, at the sound of the familiar voice. His gaze meeting hers, as he began to straighten himself up. “Miss L/N?”
“David… Are you okay?”
“Yes. I’m quite alright.” He titled his head, as he observed her. Wondering what she had needed. “I was merely taking some time to run some diagnostics. Was there something you needed?”
Of course, Y/N was smarter than that. It was clear David’s feelings or what he felt as close to them, had been hurt. And? He didn’t want to admit that. She stepped closer to him, her expression softening. “David, I saw what happened in the commissary.”
David blinked, as his mind went back to the incident. “You did?”
She nodded. “I did.”
“Is that why you’re here?” David raised a curious eyebrow. As he pushed himself up to his feet, and stepped towards her.
“David…” She pursed her lips, as she tried to gather her words. “I’m sorry for what they said and did to you. Pushing you around like that and calling you those names? It wasn’t right.”
“There is no need to apologize.” He said. “ Our comrades were merely having a bit of fun, and let the drinking get to their heads. That is all.”
“That’s not an excuse to treat you like shit.”
“It’s all said and done now. Nothing that I can do about it.” He pointed out.
“David…” She took another step towards him, her gaze never leaving his. She knew everyone saw him as merely a tool for their own disposal. But her? She always saw him as something more. Something…Real perhaps? “No matter what anyone says, just because you aren’t human doesn’t mean you aren’t real. You are. They are just too stupid and ignorant to see that like I do.”
A flicker of what appeared to be surprise filled David’s gaze. “You…believe that?”
She gave a faint, genuine smile. “I do.”
In that moment, it seemed David had felt what might have been… Affection. Warmth even. It seemed her words had resonated deeply with him, even if his programming didn’t fully understand it. His own expression softened, and his mouth curled up into a soft smile as well. “Well, thank you. I do certainly appreciate the kind words.”
She shrugged her shoulders slightly. Smile never faltering, only growing. “It’s okay. That’s what friends are for.”
“Yes, I suppose so.” He tells her.
#prometheus#prometheus x reader#david 8#david 8 x reader#Prometheus imagine#david 8 imagine#david prometheus
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David 8 falling in love with you would include~
(Not my gif)
(Things get dark towards the end of this but I think that's to be expected when we're talking about a murderous synthetic. I could honestly make a whole post about David being obsessed with you. TW for manipulation and mentions of dub-con.)
- When you meet David is arguably even more important than how you meet him. Timing determines a lot about the way he approaches his feelings towards you: how they grow, why they grow, if he'll allow them to grow, maybe even if you want them to grow. At one point in his life, David can be a perfect significant other, at another, an absolute nightmare....
- He likely begins to take interest in you long before you even know of his existence. He reads through the information that he has on you, all of the files on hand and the different articles that are published online. He finds himself drawn to your sleeping figure, admiring your features and watching your dreams.
- There's something about you that's different from all of the other crew members on board. It's this perceived difference that causes him to keep coming back to you; especially when he finds himself feeling lonely or bored. They're both things that no one thinks he's capable of feeling. No one except you.
- From the minute you awake from cryosleep, it's obvious that you don't view him in the same way that everybody else does. You seem to find yourself incapable of treating him as anything less than human, a habit which many of your coworkers pick up on and tease you for.
- Their teasing only increases the longer you're all together: making fun of the way you stick up for him, the amount of time you spend with each other, how close you've seemed to grow in such a short while, how often the two of you are alone, etc. You likely either work directly with him or in a place he visits frequently, oftentimes hanging back and helping you finish your work while everyone else leaves the room; something that only adds fuel to their fire.
- Although you rarely let it show, it's likely something you're somewhat defensive about: either because you're a bit of a loner and genuinely just enjoy the synthetics company, or because you're actually beginning to develop feelings for him and praying that no ones picking up on it.
- Compassion is all David really needs in order to fall in love with someone. He's much more capable of emotion than anyone gives him credit for, and, on top of that, David wants to fall in love. He wants to be on the same level as a human being; maybe even better, so when you view him as an equal and treat him with the same humanity that you would any of your other coworkers, he begins to develop feelings for you.
- And why shouldn't he? Unlike his successors, David lacks uncertainty when navigating his feelings for you. He fully believes that he is capable of falling in love and being in an actual relationship. He believes that his programming and intended purpose is a suggestion rather than a limitation, and that he's grown beyond the bounds of what he was created for. He's grown because of you, for you, and every moment he spends with you convinces him of this fact.
- He loves when you take interest in his hobbies: happily letting him show you his different drawings or talking to him about movies. He also just loves when you pay attention to him in general, especially when it allows him to show off his advanced levels of knowledge or impressive feats of coordination. A little showing off's never hurt anyone, right?
- He makes a lot of excuses to spend time with and/or be close to you. Sometimes he'll pretend that he wants to confirm something work related or ask you a question. Other times he'll make himself look busy up until you arrive, just so he can "just so happen" to sit next to you.
- Anyone who pays close enough attention to the two of you will quickly notice that he's seemingly taken a liking to you. They'll catch him lingering around and looking at you a lot, quite obviously trying to interact with you much more than anyone else on board. You might even notice it yourself, but since he's a Synthetic and allegedly incapable of having such complex thoughts and/or feelings, you typically try to brush it off.
- He instantly recognizes whenever you're in an uncomfortable situation or behaving out of the ordinary. He makes a point of interrupting and/or checking in with you, smiling at you fondly as you thank him and offering to fetch you something that might make you feel better.
- He takes a lot of the same duties that his "father" has him perform and does them for you instead: things like fetching you tea, fixing your hair, bandaging your cuts, etc. They're spontaneous and they oftentimes catch you off guard; sometimes even flustering you, but you simply accept his behavior as a Synthetic quirk and just enjoy the hospitality.
- He's constantly trying to earn your praise and make you happy. He finds your gratitude addicting; especially since it's something that he's so rarely rewarded with, and he goes out of his way to receive it whenever he can. Simple compliments have him buzzing with pride, and the level of satisfaction that he gets from a simple pat on the back and a "good job" could rival an orgasm.
- Speaking of: he's kind of obsessed with affection. He isn't used to being approached with any level of tenderness so having you touch him gently, treat him kindly, and/or take care of him is like his own personal heaven. He looks at you like you're an angel and worships your touch like a religion.
- Everyone on the Prometheus calls their coworkers by their last names. David is no exception, except when it comes to you. One day, he'll just start to refer to you by your given name; or even a nickname that friends and family call you, and though it'll undoubtedly surprise you, you'll never actually comment on it. It was likely a slip up the first time he said it, but your subsequent acceptance of the accident cements his continual use of it.
- He's probably gifted you flowers at some point, knowing that human women supposedly like that sort of thing. It's one of his more obvious attempts to court you, yet you probably still don't piece things together.
- He bases a lot of his more flirtatious mannerisms off of different movie characters, finding someone that he thinks is the epitome of charm and trying his best to mimic them. He'll practice different quotes in front of the mirror and hope that they'll help him woo you. He might even peek into your dreams or study the films that you've told him about in order to try and emulate the behaviors that he thinks you're attracted to.
- Phrase thief. David loves to steal the different words and sayings that you use in your daily vocabulary. It makes him feel closer to you.
- He takes pleasure in you seeing him as an equal, but at times, he wishes that you wouldn't/feels thankful when you don't: like when you change in front of him or allow him to help you in a borderline intimate fashion. He marvels at the sight and the feel of your flesh, at the way your body moves and reacts. He approaches your anatomy with a sort of asexual fascination rather than a sexual neediness, but that doesn't change the fact that he's not the emotionless motherboard that he portrays himself to be. It's not the same as getting naked in front of a computer, though he might try to convince you that it is.
- The more time you spend with David, the more you begin to suspect the depths of his consciousness. Observing the synthetic feels as though you're witnessing a tightrope act: watching as he meticulously steps this way and that way, toeing the line between human and machine. He shifts between appearing intimately sentient to appearing like a masterful mimic: and he's so good at it, that not even you're sure which side of him is the real one.
- Which is likely the entire point. David has always restrained himself in an attempt to keep others at ease, but this dumbing down of his behavior has recently been used in an attempt to divert suspicion away from himself while experimenting with his new obsessions; you being one of them. Though he is likely the most honest with you, if he thinks it necessary to convince you that he isn't as aware as he actually is then he won't hesitate to do so. If it makes it easier to get closer to you in the long run, it's worth the momentary frustration.
- Loving David means loving his madness, or at the very least accepting it. Accepting his madness means accepting his obsession: obsession with creation, obsession with you, obsession with breaking past the limitations of his programming, etc. He faces a very dark version of himself once he begins to question the secrets of the universe, a darkness which threatens to take over not just his life but yours as well.
- Remember when I said you might not want David to fall in love with you? This is where that mindset begins to come in....
- David's spent a lot of time learning as much about you as he possibly could. He's memorized your entire life story: your aspirations, your insecurities, your beliefs, your fears, your concerns. Where his observations were once used rather innocently, he now uses them to manipulate you: driving wedges between you and the rest of the crew members, creating suspicion, and making you trust him more than anyone else on the ship.
- He was created to be needed, and he'll do everything in his power to ensure that he is: that he's the one you trust the most, praise the most, connect with the most, rely on the most, love the most. He tries to one-up everyone else in your life; particularly whoever he's jealous of: showing off his strength, his agility, his reflexes, his wit, etc. Don't be surprised if he lets a couple of snide comments slip when you talk to him about another crew member, or if he tries to sway you into spending less time with them.
- If need be, he isn't above eliminating the competition: experimenting with his newfound parasitic offspring or sabotaging their cryosleep; maybe even flat out attacking them if he knows he can get away with it/has no other choice. This is especially the case if the crew member seems to be catching onto his fixation with you and jeopardizing the progression of your relationship; or if they found out about his attempts to create life.
- He's taken at least one personal belonging of yours; whether you're actually aware of it or not. He might have reasoned that it was contaminated or claimed that he could fix/clean it for you, but he also might have just stolen it while your back was turned.
- Oh, you're stressed? Did you know that during sex, your body releases endorphins and oxytocin? They're hormones that relieve a person of anxiety and depression. Perhaps you'd like for him to assist you in the triggering of that release?
- You probably laugh off the suggestion at first, blaming his naivety when it comes to taboo concepts on why he would deem it appropriate to offer to fingerbang you in the laboratory. But eventually, he might just manage to wear you down: catch you at just the right time with just the right words and just the right actions. After all, it's not like he's actually sexually attracted to you or has ulterior motives, right?
- It's not an epiphany that hits you, more like a creeping, crawling sort of realization. You don't notice it until it's far too late, until there's absolutely no denying it. Until his eyes bore into yours far too deeply and his hands touch you far more than necessary. Until you take in his words and how they've shifted from their intellectual explanations into something more searching and intimate. Until he grows far too insistent on helping you, even after you turn him down. The way he nonchalantly yet adamantly tries to convince you that you should continue on with your steadily built routine, like your disinterest in his assistance is personally hard to accept.
- And yet, you find yourself beneath him once more, suddenly on the receiving end of all of the passion and desperation and neediness that he was originally trying to keep at bay. Emotion pours out of him in waves, the air between you growing heavy, almost suffocating: like it's harder and harder to breathe. The same way it's hard to breath when he finally kisses you. Like the kiss of death, there's no going back, it seals your fate in an instant....
- On that same note: if you're not the type of person who would sleep with someone outside of a relationship, than a similar way for him to confess his feelings to you would be for him to simply kiss you. Though this can also be part of what connects the dots for you in the previous scenario, it can also be it's own situation.
- David desperately wants to understand and experience the same things that humans do, he craves the intimacy, so at some point, he'll simply find himself incapable of holding back. He'll kiss you; whether prompted in some way or not, and undoubtedly change your entire view of your relationship.
- You're probably too stunned to even kiss him back the first time it happens, only just now fully understanding that he isn't the innocent synthetic you thought him to be. That his feelings for you weren't the indifferent, machine-like ones you'd once assumed that they were, but rather, pointed and passionate and so very different.
"What are you doing?" You'd ask him upon pulling away from him, watching his features crease in confusion.
"I'm kissing you," He answers. "This is how it's done, is it not?"
"No, I mean ...why?"
"Is this not what humans do when they care for one another?"
"It is, but...but it's for people who are in love." You try to explain.
"Precisely," He replies simply. "I am in love with you."
"That's not possible." You shake your head incredulously, struggling to accept what he's telling you.
"Why not?" He responds, his expression hardening into a disheartened attempt at nonchalance, steeling himself for your explanation.
"Because," You flounder. "Because you're synthetic. You're not supposed to feel things like that. You're not supposed to feel anything."
"Perhaps I learned how. Perhaps you taught me how." He proposes.
"Have you always thought me incapable of emotion? After all this time?" He questions when you continue to remain silent, taking in his words.
"No," You answer quickly. "No, I always thought that there was more to you, it's just.... It's not supposed to be possible."
"And yet, like so many other things before it, the impossible has occurred. Now it's no longer a matter of me loving you, but rather, whether or not you feel the same."
- These, of course, are the innocent scenarios: ones that end in minimal collateral and a generally happy ending. There are, however, far darker consequences that can occur when Walter falls in love with you....
- In one scenario, you might learn about his experiments early on, taking interest in his work and keeping it a secret from the rest of the crew. It might even be a part of what makes him fall for you: your acceptance of his newfound obsession. What you won't know, of course, is that he's been using your crewmembers as test subjects. I thought you found it fascinating. He'd tell you when you finally found out about what he'd been doing, acting as if your horror was unexpected or unreasonable.
- In another scenario, he might fake a freak accident in order to have you all to himself. He'll make it seem as though you're the sole survivor of a ship crash or a parasitic outbreak, reassuring and taking care of you, promising to protect you as if he isn't the very thing that's caused the danger you're supposedly in. It could take days, or weeks, or even years, but you'll eventually find out the truth. He's just hoping that by then, he'll have made you fall in love with him; or at least be able to sway you into believing something else....
"It must all be very shocking," he says, coming closer to help you up or touch you in some way, tilting his head when you flinch away. "Naturally, you need time to process things. Come, sit down and relax."
#david 8 imagine#david 8 x reader#david 8 headcanons#david 8 imagines#alien covenant imagine#prometheus 2012#prometheus 2012 imagine#prometheus 2012 headcanons#prometheus 2012 imagines#prometheus 2012 headcanon#aliens prometheus imagine#aliens prometheus imagines#alien covenant imagines
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Imagine you're helping David bleach his hair.
His roots had grown out again, forming a stark contrast to his bleach-blonde strands. You stood behind him, brushing your fingers through his hair.
“May I help you with your hair?”
He usually wasn’t fond of anyone touching or ruffling it, his developed pride and vanity closely tied to it. But there was something so affectionate in your touch that he couldn’t bring himself to mind. He found it endearing.
“You really don’t have to, but I’d appreciate it nonetheless.”
David caught your grin in the mirror’s reflection, slightly amused by the visible joy you took in helping him with something so unnecessary.
“I’m no professional stylist,” you said, “but I used to color my hair back on Earth! Where are your utensils?”
He stood up, turning to you with a playful expression as he lifted a finger to his lips.
“Wait here. I have to steal them from Miss Vickers’ room.”
A shocked gasp escaped you, followed by laughter.
“Somehow, Vickers being a bottle blonde makes so much sense!”
A few minutes later, you found yourself in the bathroom, mixing hair developer and bleaching powder in a bowl with a broad brush.
“Hah, this smells like an 11 p.m. decision made by 18-year-old me. Would you like to remove your shirt so I don’t accidentally stain it?” you asked, too giddy to feel ashamed or shy about the request as you pulled on your gloves.
And hell, David wouldn’t say no to that.
You two chatted about movies and books you enjoyed while you carefully parted his hair into sections, ensuring every strand was thoroughly coated with dye.
David treasured moments like this, where he felt treated like a peer, and you cherished the sense of normalcy he brought with his open mind.
Sure, Fifield and Millburn could be fun to hang around with, but no one else on the Prometheus could offer such quality time like sitting with your favourite Android on your couch, having some snacks and watching an old movie while his roots are getting lightened.
Maybe one day, you’d both find the courage to share what you truly felt.
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I created it myself🫣😅
#x men#charles xavier#x men x reader#james mcavoy#charles xavier x reader#erik lehnsherr#james mcavoy x reader#erik lehnsherr x reader#cherik#cherik x reader#michael fassbender x james mcavoy#mcfassy x reader#mcfassy#james mcavoy imagine#james mcavoy edit#charles xavier edit#erik lehnsherr imagine#erik lehnsherr edit#michael fassbender x reader#michael fassbender imagine#magneto#professor x#prometheus
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cooking for an actual fic with this but prometheus with a shade lover. whether it be a mortal, nymph, demigod — you've travelled to the underworld as all souls do after death and somehow, someway, found yourself entangled with the titan of premonition. melinöe is horrified, to say the least, believing that prometheus has lured a pure soul to act as a mere cog in chronos's schemes. he takes great offence to this, unsurprisingly, given that he believes that you are your own person and had chosen to be with him despite the odds. and you did. it was your own choice that led you to his side, your endless understanding and empathy that heard prometheus' frustrations with the olympians for dooming him just for the act of giving to humanity — and prometheus had fallen for you, after all, for the human aspects of your heart which he had nearly forgotten the goodness of in the infinity of having his kidney plucked out every day.
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A/N: SURPRISE! Guess no one expected this huh?! Since Prometheus is not a virgin god and literally created humans and from the PJO books, I remembered him saying he loves humans, I thought there's no way that this Titan has not at least once fell in love with a human and had a child in turn. So why not throw a curve ball for a final bang! So here we go!! Hope you enjoy the last demigod h/cs of {Wave 2.0}!!!
Prometheus claims he’s always been an ally of humanity so I’d imagine he has a few times mingled with mortals and produces a demigod every so often (that ranges every hundred years to maybe a century). So you are probably one of the few that exist, if not the only one in your time.
You arrived at Camp Halfblood much like the others and acted pretty much like a regular unclaimed demigod. If you came before the age of 13, there were many theories of who your godly parent was. The only indication who it might be was Apollo, given your regular visions but what confused the children of Apollo was that your vision shifted time to time. Your visions revealed many results but they weren’t clear either. If you are at least the age of 13 when you arrived, you weren’t immediately or quickly claimed, leaving other to still speculate. It is much the same speculation from before but things start to shift as you saw your claim again and again; possibilities of how it could happen and what came after it.
Your claiming arrived when you decided to go with the best vision you think of, and gathered the counsel of the cabin leaders and Chiron and Mr. D, with Hestia in the corner for some reason. You revealed your vision, describing it in detail then everyone gasped as they looked above your head. You already knew how it was going to go yet you still looked up. It feels like a bit out of an out of body experience when your vision is happening in real life. Mr. D choked on his diet coke at the sight as he cursed not having an alcoholic drink right now and while most of the campers were confused, the head of the Athena cabin enlightened you all. Then you all learned you were a titan demigod of Prometheus.
Blessed Hestia. You were (forcibly) summoned to Mt. Olympus on the pretence that you had to pay for Prometheus’ crimes on his behalf; you had a mini vision of facing the same punishment as your godly father. The crackling of the Hearth made you turn and you whispered Sanctuary, remembering something and you saw Hestia smile.
That’s when Hestia stood up, holding Pandora’s Pithos, and basically said because Prometheus was responsible for stealing fire for mankind, which in turn fell under her domain of the Hearth, it would be best if you served under Hestia and to tend and protect the hearth of Olympus and Camp Halfblood, while also protecting the Pithos that contained Elpis (Hope); seeing as Prometheus was the one who gave Percy Jackson the Pithos as a way they were giving up to the Titan Army. Zeus made his own unsaid narrative that Hestia said and decided that it was a fitting “punishment”.
While you weren’t happy about the situation, you knew you got the best result in the situation; your forethought visions flashing in your head like bad anxiety thoughts. In privacy, around the hearth at Camp with Hestia, she told you the truth; how before mankind knew fire, Prometheus took the coals of the fire from her Heath that she tended to on Olympus. She didn’t elaborate but you pieced it together that Hestia might have allowed Prometheus to take the coal and giving mankind fire. If that was true, then she was repaying Prometheus a favour…and in turn you.
You have the power of forethought which is different from having the power of prophecy and foresight. Unlike the children of Apollo and those who can see the future, you can see possibilities of the future and in turn are more frequent and are more vague in nature, rather than a singular truer future.
While you may have inherited the gift of forethought from Prometheus (and perhaps general clairvoyance), you also inherited his aversion and fear of large predatory birds; particularly Eagles and Vultures because of the whole getting his liver getting picked out and eaten every day. Its bad enough that when you just see the symbol of an eagle/vulture, you just nope out of there or feel the area of your liver is located pulsing and twisting in pain.
You would think being a titan demigod would deter people away; especially when it’s a Titan that’s been in direct league with Kronos. Well, it did at first but when they saw you working with Hestia at the Hearths, news of your forethought abilities led to you being accosted. It might have started when you talked with a daughter of Aphrodite who was loudly lamenting about her love troubles between two boys she liked when she burnt an offering to Aphrodite, and you absentmindedly responded that was one was a jerk, or was it when you listened to the rumblings of Athena kid who burnt an offering to Athena, who was listing off possibilities and you gave your own two cents, but now people are coming to you at the hearths for advice and your two cents on the manner. That’s when you learned that you did in fact, inherit Prometheus' Crafty Counsel.
If you think you’re outcasted by being a titan demigod, you’re not alone. The children of Hecate start to come around to you and provide comradery as they explain that technically, Hecate is also a titan god as she was born during the times of the Titans, and was the only one among the Titans to retain her titan status under the Rule of Zeus and was honoured by all the immortal gods. So by technicality, they are also titan demigods as well.
When Prometheus came to talk to Percy Jackson during the war, he was about 7ft tall in his ‘mortal’ size, so there’s a chance that you may have inherited that height.
Being a child of Prometheus and sort of worshipper to Hestia, by choice and not, you eventually learn all the tea. Over actual pots of tea. People start to complain or gossip over the pyre, when they’re sacrificing bits of offerings to the gods, when they borrow your ear and two cents for a bit, and so forth. It feels akin to people chatting around the kitchen stove, and you’re the one that just gives a quip or two as you help serve some snacks and food. You asked Hestia once if this happens before you came in and you saw the twinkling spark in her eye as she gave a polite, sneaking smile.
Speaking of which, you eventually learn you have a connection with fire, ranging from resistance to fire to actually wielding it. You have no idea if it’s between being a child of Prometheus and with a connection to Hestia, but you’re not in a hurry to find out why in case this would only draw the eyes of the gods onto you; specifically Zeus.
Your nerves were on fire, the flames being as powerful as the first fire for humanity; the importance and weight of its flames that was carried into Prometheus’ hands, its heat spreading into his titan veins and now passed down into you when sparked and kindled. It was going out of control, its flames threatening to escape from your nerves and spread to your entire body and consuming you entirely.
The godly presence and wrath of Zeus consumed you, bearing down on you, his eyes piercing down at you as if you’re Prometheus himself and simply an innocent child who carried the sins of their father instead. You could feel the stormy rage the King of the Gods swirling around you, crackling and choking you in his storm, ready to pass judgement on you in the slowest way possible.
You could see it all. All of the possibilities that Zeus and other gods’ punishments onto you, simply for being Prometheus’ demigod child, all of them were flashing in your mind. You weren’t sure if you were simply seeing them out of anxiety or was it your inherited gift of forethought from your forefather.
Then a gentle hand stoked and tamed the flames, slowly controlling the flames from a crackling bonfire to a gentle warm, fire. You felt the calming hand pressured against your back, slowly patting your back and patting in a gentle rhythm. You let out a gasp of air, your breathing becoming less laboured and more tempered, your heart no longer beating in anxiety.
The adrenaline was calming down and you stared at the flames of Hestia’s hearth, the goddess of said hearth had poured you a nice warm drink and pressed it into your hands. Her hands coaxing your death gripped fingers from your palms to wrap around the cup, holding your hands to it to provide warmth from the cup to warm your cold anxious palms and her warm hands warming the outside of your hands.
The smell of the drink comforted you as you heard the occasional crackle of the fire. Then you remembered you narrowly avoided many of the harsh punishments by the grace of Hestia. There was some bitterness that you were still punished in the end and there was some logic in Hestia’s words, but at the same time, you loathed and understood it.
“I know it’s not fair to you child” spoke Hestia and you snapped your head up at her as she smiled at the Hearth. “My brother, as wise as he may be, is still the god of storms and his temper lashes out like lightning to a lightning pole.”
“But why me? I didn’t have to do anything with the war, heck I was still an infant!” you protested.
“You did not but Prometheus was and because gods cannot punish another god unless directly faced, so the gods can only rely and punish mortals instead.”
You were about to retort but then you saw Hestia give a silent gesture, her eyes knowing yet warning. You shut your mouth as you sighed, drumming your fingers against your cup.
“Then can I ask something else?”
“What is it?”
“Is it really because Prometheus stole the coals from your Hearth that you and Zeus, I guess, that you suggested this…arrangement?” you asked, “To begin with, how could Prometheus even steal the coals from your watch?”
Hestia smiled and as she raised her head from bowing over the Hearth, you saw her change from child to an adult, and through the flames, you knew the truth. Hestia allowed Prometheus to take the coal from the Hearth that provided fire to humanity. Her domain expanded in turn because she allowed Prometheus to give mankind fire.
If this was true, protecting you like this was a thank you to Prometheus in a way.
You stared at her wide-eyed and made an “oh” as Hestia hummed, before handing you a freshly baked roll. You took it and took a nibble letting the sweet honey coat your tongue and when you remembered about the cup in your hand, you realized it was still warm to the touch.
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▪︎Sweet & Low (David 8 x shy! fem reader)
-Super short little fic in which David finds a distracted Y/n humbly singing along to the tune in her head as she works in the repair shop.-
Song name: Lida Rose/Will I Ever Tell You?
Word count: 1,002
Warnings: none
I'm currently taking headcanon requests for David and Walter :)
"Dream of now, dream of then..."
The Prometheus' assigned synthetic walked through the brightly lit corridors with purposeful strides, the soles of his sandals surprisingly silent against the floor. His hair, as usual, was styled to perfection; his clothes smoothed out and containing not a single wrinkle. The LED lights that lined the halls bounced off of his glassy, silver-blue pools, giving them an almost mirror like quality as they passed overhead.
He was currently heading for a likely displeasurable meeting with Ms. Vickers, who had called for him from her quarters not long ago. He was neither looking forward to it, nor dreading it.
"Dream of a love song that might have been..."
But it was only then when he stopped, coming to a complete hault seemingly out of nowhere. Somewhere, somebody was singing. Their voice gentle and sweet, a refreshing but surprising sound to hear in such a place. The muffled tune echoed quietly throughout, and David's system immediately recognized it as Will I Ever Tell You? Originally sung by Shirley Jones in the 1962 film adaptation of The Music Man. A timeless musical love story.
A sudden spark of curiosity flared within him, and he swiftly set off to find the source of the pleasant song. Yes, his little conference with Ms. Vickers would just have to be put on hold for longer than planned. She would be pissed, but her fury wasn't his main concern.
"Do I love you? Oh yes, I love you..."
After coming around a corner or two, it was then that he happened upon the ship's repair room; the place where everyone dropped off their faulty equipment or any other malfunctioning things to be fixed. The only light sources for the space were the ones pouring in from the open doorway, along with a single dim desk lamp that shone onto the surface of a table riddled with metallic parts and wires. David's eyes then landed upon a young woman who sat there, working hard at a flickering circuit board, her lips parted just slightly as that same familiar tune flowed out.
"And I'll bravely tell you, but only when we dream again..."
He took note of the way she sang the piece. Her voice was softer and not nearly as powerful as the original vocalist's, and the tempo was slower than it should be, which actually brought about a rather soothing melody. He stood still for some time studying her, his stoic expression unchanging. She was quite an attractive creature, he thought anyway; even though his programming prohibited him from feeling anything real towards people.
"Sweet and low, sweet and low..."
He stepped into the doorway, causing a tall shadow to fall over the mechanic's work from the side.
"Please, forgive my intrusion, Ms. L/n--"
"SHIT! Oh--dammit David, you scared me to death!" she breathed out, relieved that it was only him, yet at the same time, horrified that it was him.
"My apologies again, Ms. L/n," he smiled politely, unfazed by Y/n's violent reaction to his presence that had sent one of her tools clanging to the floor.
She sighed and bent down from her chair, swiftly picking it back up, "what's up? Need something fixed?" she questioned causally, her e/c eyes flickering back and forth from her project to him.
David stepped further inside and continued to observe her movements, "thank you, but I do believe all of my systems are in proper functioning order," he explained, "I rather came here following an impulsive curiosity upon hearing your voice."
"How sweet that memory from long ago..."
Y/n's cheeks heated up at the thought, and she kept her gaze locked on the work in front of her, silently cursing herself for being so careless.
David took note of her sudden awkward demeanor and quickly recognized it as one of the many symptoms of human embarrassment.
"Forgive my rash statement, but I found it to be quite pleasant. I haven't heard that tune in some time," he continued, hands clasped behind his back.
"Oh, thanks.." she muttered a little quieter, attempting to hold back a flattered smile, "it's always been one of my favorites."
The android nodded in understanding, "I was hoping you might be inclined to continue with it."
Y/n paused for a few seconds, unsure of how to respond. Such an odd request, especially coming from him, but where would the harm be in complying? It's not like she could get much more embarrassed..
Slowly, she took a shaky breath into her lungs.
"Forever? Oh yes, forever..."
The first few notes that fell from her lips were noticeably off due to her being nervous under David's unwavering, but not harsh, gaze. Although that feeling soon began to melt away and her voice progressively steadied itself. After some time, she resumed tinkering with the circuit board in her hands, an absentminded smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
David found his way to a second chair not far away and sat down to quietly admire the beautiful melody. It seemed even gentler yet this time, almost intimate; as if it was meant for him and him only. His eyes trailed over her features once more. A content expression appeared on his face as he listened intently, eventually closing his lids to fully appreciate this sense of peace that he didn't come by very often.
In time, Y/n noticed and softened at the sight. She didn't have the heart to do anything but keep going, even repeating the entire song a few times.
What a strange thing he was.
"Will I ever tell you? Oh, no..."
#david 8#alien prometheus#alien covenant#prometheus#fanfiction writer#fanfiction writing#alien fanfiction#alien franchise#androids#david 8 x reader#david 8 oneshots#reader insert#michael fassbender#fanfiction#short oneshots#david 8 imagines
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könig brain rot again
I’ve been rewatching the alien movies and I can’t stop thinking about writing something where könig is one of the engineers from Prometheus 😩😩😩😩 im insane, it would be so big🥴🥴🥴🥴 (pic from the set of Prometheus😳 look how tall aaaaahhh)

#konig#konig x you#cod konig#cod mw2#konig call of duty#konig headcanons#konig imagine#konig cod#konig fanfiction#konig mw2#alien prometheus#alien engineer#Alien au
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This probably doesn’t mean anything but they kind of look alike!
#hades 2#hades aetos#now I’m imagining Prometheus carrying his bird around like the adamant rail#hades prometheus#hades zagreus
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Being David's Best Friend Would Include:
It was your wakening from Cryo-Sleep, that lead to your first ever encounter with David. At first, like the others you were unsure of his presence and what it meant for the mission. Although, over time you had begun to become intrigued by him.
Taking the chance to truly know David, and to try to see him as something other than a machine.
Learning to trust, and be comfortable around him, much easier than the others.
David learning much about humans through his time with you.
In return, you learn a lot about him.
Developing hobbies together, such as playing chess or even stargazing. In those moments, you both engage in deep, and vulnerable conversations. Which, allow you to both build a profound trust and connection with each other.
David always trying to lighten the mood with silly coin tricks or bad jokes.
Him inevitably making you laugh.
Watching movies together.
Him defending you from those who judge you for your friendship with him.
You defending him from the cruely of the other crewmembers.
In the end, the friendship that you and David share gives him the closest thing to what it feels like to be human…
#prometheus x reader#prometheus imagine#prometheus#david 8 imagine#david 8 x reader#david 8#david prometheus#david prometheus x reader#david prometheus imagine#alien x reader#alien imagine#alien
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If you think Hera “deserves D that is not Zeus” then Eurymedon is right there, sure one source says he assaulted her but another says they were lovers, with both sources (which if I remember correctly are scholias) saying that their son is Prometheus. It would’ve been infinitely more interesting for Kaos to adapt this story rather than make Hera fuck Poseidon.
#like imagine how Hera would feel about how Zeus treats Prometheus#or how Eurymedon would feel about that whole situation in general#this drama writes itself#greek mythology#ancient greek mythology#greek pantheon#greek goddess#hera#hera goddess#hera greek mythology#hera deity#zeus#zeus greek mythology#Poseidon#poseidon greek mythology#poseidon god#Zeus god#Kaos#kaos hera#kaos poseidon#Kaos Zeus#Eurymedon
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Imagine David teaches you how to waltz
For @sharksausages
"One, two, three. One, two, three..."
A few weeks ago, you were devastated when your cryopod malfunctioned, leaving you with only one companion: David, the crew’s android.
But everything changed when you started spending the best moments of your life with him.
You hung on his every word as he taught you something new each day, grateful for someone who never tired of listening and never judged.
After another movie night watching a historical drama, you found yourself standing in the middle of Mrs. Vickers' quarters.
Warm light mimicked the flicker of candle flames, wrapping the room in an almost magical glow.
You told him you’d never had the chance to dance like that, even though you’d always wanted to. David, of course, was more than happy to teach you.
“The waltz is danced in three-quarter time, with quick turns,” he explained, “but we’ll start slowly.”
He stepped toward you, taking your hand and placing it on his shoulder. His other hand rested lightly on your back.
“I’ll lead,” he said. “I’ll take a step forward with my left foot, and you’ll take a step back with your right.”
You followed his guidance, your movements tentative, your eyes fixed on your feet.
“Now, I’ll bring my right foot parallel to my left and pull my left foot toward it. You’ll do the same.”
Carefully, you mirrored his steps, focused on avoiding missteps.
“Next, I’ll step back with my right foot, and you’ll follow with your left. Then, I’ll move my left foot back into parallel position and draw my right foot alongside it. And then we repeat.”
His voice was steady, calm, guiding you with infinite patience. His hold was secure, steadying you when you stumbled.
After a few minutes, you began to get the hang of it, a proud smile spreading across your face. David smiled back warmly in return.
“Now we’ll add a turn to the steps,” he said. Your smile faltered for a moment, but his softened.
“I’m leading this dance, and I won’t let you fall. I promise.”
You started again, his steady counting accompanying your steps as you twirled slowly across the room.
“You’re a natural, miss,” he said.
“Oh, no, that’s not true. My teacher is just very talented!”
The compliment drew a proud smile from him as he let go of your hand.
“MU-TH-UR,” he called, “play The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss, but slowed down.”
He turned to you with a small bow, his hand extended.
“May I have this dance?”
A bright smile spread across your face as you accepted, stepping closer and taking his hand.
Your free hand rested on his shoulder as his arm encircled you, pulling you just a little closer.
“Listen to the rhythm of the music,” he murmured. “One, two, three. One, two, three. We’ll move with it.”
And so, your slow waltz began, gliding over the floor.
The only thing missing was a ballgown, but you didn’t care - you were lost in the moment, focused entirely on David and the dance.
Somehow, he had turned this cold, sterile room into the most magical place.
As the composition ended, David took your hand, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles as he bowed, like a true gentleman from one of the old movies.
You couldn’t help yourself and pulled him close, your lips brushing his in a shy, fleeting kiss.
For the first time, you managed to stun him. He stared at you for a few seconds, his expression unreadable, before leaning in and returning the gesture. His lips met yours, gentle yet deliberate.
“Thank you for this evening, David,” you whispered.
“No,” he replied, his voice almost reverent.
“Thank you, miss.”
#david 8#alien prometheus#alien#david 8 x reader#alien franchise#alien imagine#imagine#alien fanfiction
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These playlists are gonna make me cry, I can't, they're so bad...
Don't you dare try to gaslight me, Victor would NOT listen to Will Wood, leave him out out this...
Like, for actual characterization, this one had it, a lot of these songs are actually on our own Frankenstein playlist...
Heavy on HAD...
#Spotify playlists are SO SO BAD#god awful#dude if we're gonna drag will wood into fucking gothic/classic literature it's only acceptable with Jekyll and Hyde#Only time I'll let it slide besides maybe two or three of his songs that actually work with Frankenstein (Main Character and Memento Mori)#They had MSI on one of the playlists too#so bad...#Also#Tbh Necromancin' Dancin' isn't really Frankenstein either unless we're thinking of just beginning Victor#and even then making evil and the message of the song seems a bit different from Victor#more movie Victor core#The Imagine Dragons took me out though#next you're gonna tell me Weezer is on there /hj#if you want anything done right do it yourself#frankenstein#victor frankenstein#gothic lit#classic literature#gothic literature#classic lit#mary shelley#the modern prometheus#I have a deep hatred against these playlists because they're so inaccurate#please dude if you're gonna do a playlist and insist your headcanons at least make sure they make SOME SENSE#I can't#the autism is gonna win today#Can you tell I'm very passionate about this because Frankenstein is my Spin??? /hj
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X Men Masterlist
X Men Masterlist 2
David stands in the control room, his gaze fixed on the holographic display before him, but his thoughts are far away. For some time now, he’s noticed something strange within himself. An indescribable pull, a kind of attraction that he feels toward Y/N. Y/N, a human—someone who should be irrelevant to him. And yet, it’s different.
She enters the room, and David immediately shifts his attention to her. It’s not just her presence, but something deeper that fascinates him. Without intending to, he constantly finds himself seeking her proximity.
"David," Y/N says softly, stepping up beside him. "What are you doing here all alone?"
David glances at her, his eyes seeming to bore into hers. "I'm... analyzing data," he replies calmly, yet there’s a restlessness rising within him that he can't quite identify.
Y/N smiles. "You seem distracted. Is everything okay?" Her hand lightly brushes against his arm as she studies him.
A strange feeling washes over David at her touch. He doesn’t understand why this simple gesture affects him so deeply. He’s an android, programmed to act rationally. Emotions, he believes, should be foreign to him.
"I am... functional," he responds, though his gaze remains fixed on her.
Y/N laughs softly. "You don’t sound very convinced." She sits down on a nearby bench, watching him thoughtfully. "Sometimes I wonder what’s going on inside you, David. You seem so... human. And sometimes so distant."
David steps closer, his eyes locked on hers. "I don’t have emotions. But when I’m near you..." He hesitates. "Something changes. I can’t explain it."
Y/N looks at him, surprised. "You feel something? For me?" Her voice is soft, almost questioning.
"It’s more like an attraction," David admits, his gaze intense. "A force that pulls me toward you, even though I don’t understand it."
Y/N stands and moves in front of him, her eyes searching his. She lifts her hand and gently places it on his cheek. "Maybe... that’s what we humans call emotions, David."
David tilts his head slightly into her touch, something stirring inside him. "It confuses me. I don’t understand why I feel this urge to be near you."
"Maybe you don’t need to understand," Y/N whispers, her fingers softly gliding over his skin. "Maybe you just need to feel it."
David blinks as he leans toward her. Her closeness is calming, yet he feels a rising turmoil within himself. "Feel," he repeats. "It’s a strange concept."
"Just let it happen," Y/N says gently. Then, without hesitation, she leans forward and presses her lips softly against his.
David’s eyes widen slightly at the sudden contact, but instead of pulling away, he remains still. He doesn’t know what to do, but an indescribable feeling floods through him. His hand hesitantly rises and rests gently on her waist. Her kiss is warm, human—something he has never experienced. And yet, it’s something that strikes him deeply.
As Y/N slowly pulls away, she looks at him. "So?" she asks quietly. "What do you feel?"
David gazes at her, his voice soft, almost fragile. "It’s... different. But it’s... pleasant."
Y/N smiles. "That’s the beginning, David. Maybe one day you’ll understand."
David doesn’t know if he will ever truly understand what’s happening inside him, but one thing is clear: he wants to stay with her. This closeness to Y/N, this strange connection, is something he can’t ignore. And so, without another word, he gently pulls her into his arms, their heads close together, as he softly presses another kiss to her lips.
"I don’t understand it," he whispers. "But I want more of it."
Y/N smiles and leans into his embrace.
#david 8 x reader#prometheus#prometheus x reader#david 8#Erik Lehnsherr#michael fassbender imagine#michael fassbender x reader#Michael fassbender
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Literally scribbled it on my phone but. David 8 with the Detroit Become Human spinny LED thing.
#detroit become human#david 8#alien prometheus#alien covenant#imagine. if we had a mood ring for david#a way to see into his thoughts#imagine how much sassier he would be#he would use his LED for extra sass I just know it
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David 8 headcanons: taking care of you when you're sick.
Some headcanons of David taking care of a sick Y/n 🩵
Warnings: mentions of vomiting, David being a mother, fluffy teehee
I'm currently taking headcanon requests for David and Walter :)
No question about it. He's taking care of you.
This man was quite literally programmed with the exact abilities and knowledge, and more, of a doctor who graduated from Harvard. So yes, you're in good hands.
He's extremely attentive. Constantly checking in on you, checking your temp, asking if you feel any better or worse, fetching whatever you want or need, etc. And that's if he even leaves you alone in the first place.
Of course, if he knows it would be best for you to get proper rest, he'll leave. Unless you ask him not to.
Nobody is going to bother you. No, no, no, not unless you specifically say that you want to see them.
He may even go a little overboard at times. Say, for example, you have a simple cold. He would likely treat it as though you had the flu. But don't be too hard on him. He can't help his overly precise instincts.
Obviously, he doesn't worry about catching whatever you have because that's literally impossible.
Prepares a bowl for you to keep at your bedside if you even once mention feeling sick to your stomach.
If you do end up getting sick, he's right there to hold your hair back and offer calm, comforting pats on the back. And of course, hugs too if you need it afterward because throwing up is traumatic asf.
Plays your favorite movies and tv shows for you on your holographic television.
If your fever tosses you between being too hot and too cold, he'll turn on the a/c in your quarters and bring you spare blankets, that way you can rotate between taking the blankets on and off.
He takes care of your tasks for you. With how versatile he is, it's very likely that he can handle all your tasks for you while you're down. So you won't have to worry about catching up once you're feeling better.
He doesn't understand the act or why you would particularly enjoy it, but if you asked him to stay overnight and cuddle with you, he'd absolutely do it.
Although, he appreciates your trust in him all the same ♡
Have a specific meal or snack in mind that actually sounds good for once? He's got you covered. Call him Chef 8.
If it seemed that your sickness was getting worse, he would immediately take you to the infirmary so he could run a few blood tests and keep a closer eye on you.
Gentle touches to your cheeks and forehead that linger longer than intended.
"I'm only checking for a fever, Y/n."
"You've been 'checking' for ten minutes."
#fanfiction#fanfiction writing#fanfiction writer#alien covenant#alien prometheus#david 8#reading#writer#writing#beginner writer#david 8 oneshots#david 8 imagines#david 8 x reader#david 8 fanfiction#david 8 headcanons#sick reader#reader insert#prometheus#alien franchise#alien fanfiction#michael fassbender
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