#prometheus imagine
a-boca-do-inferno · 1 year
sex etiquette, free therapy & sincericide (david 8 x reader)
summary: David has many skills built into his design. Luckily for (y/n), trying is one of them.
warnings: swearing, nakedness, mentions of smut, slight angst, fluff
words: 1.0k
notes: hiii. i missed writing for him. could be read as a continuation to love or trust, or a standalone. either way i hope you enjoy x
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David is oddly amusing after sex. He will awkwardly, although conceptually contradictory to his unhuman nature, walk to the bathroom and just stay there for a whole minute. Then he will come back — still without a word —, with his perfect naked body only illuminated by the low blue light in (y/n)’s quarters and frozen blue eyes that advert from hers at any cost. And it’s in that moment her gaze meets his, briefly, that sometimes she wonders if he ever regrets paying her those visits at night. 
Ever since the crew awakened, (y/n) couldn’t help but notice the difference of treatment David displayed between her and their colleagues. It was as subtle as a lingering touch whenever he brought her tea, or as blatant as his toothy smile directed at her whilst she studied some coordinates for the next expedition. Either way, it simply seemed impossible to escape the android’s overwhelming attention over herself. He hovered like a heavy cloud, but caused its opposite effect on the girl with his somewhat disconcerting warm presence. So, it was only natural their acquaintance would grow to be more intimate as time went on, resulting on that strange, casual relationship of theirs. 
It didn’t have a name or a clear goal. For now, (y/n) enjoyed his company — and his bedside manners, of course — very much and enough to want him around even after having sex. And that’s why his alien demeanour bothered her so much. Granted, this time she just had to speak up.  
“You always do that”, she muses. 
Sitting right next to her on the bed, mimicking the way her body is inclined on the headboard, David looks up at last. He has a neutral expression that turns into light confusion, flexing his eyebrows. “Always do what?” 
“You stand there, quiet, distant, as if you weren’t almost fucking me through a wall just now”, her tone is obviously comic, but it doesn’t seem to affect David that much. “I’m just kidding, by the way.” 
“I know”, he says, not really showing any sign of contempt. But then again, he never really did. His blonde hair is dishevelled and (y/n) puts it on place, causing him to flash her a smile before continuing, “and I am aware I have quite a lot to learn about sex etiquette.” 
“It’s more than that and you know it, David.” 
He frowns. “I don’t follow.” 
“Are you afraid?”, she then asks, taking a deep breath when the crease on his forehead only thickens. “Of us? Of me? Does this thing we have... I don’t know, frighten you?” 
His faint smile flutters a bit as his eyes travel the room. “I wouldn’t say fright. I believe I am incapable of experiencing such thing, as it is not in my design”, as low as his voice is, she can hear him clearly, yet his tone gives her nothing to consider. David is just plain about things, and although (y/n) appreciated his honesty, in that moment she only felt annoyed by it. Noticing her sour face, David inquires, “have I upset you with my words?” 
“Not really”, she shrugs, but fails to convince him of her lie. The girl sighs in defeat, closing her eyes for a second. “I just... I can’t understand how you can do what you do with me, hold me close, kiss me so passionate, and tell me that this is all just part of your design. It is not. I can’t... I can’t accept that.” 
“That is not what I meant, and you didn’t let me finish my sentence.” 
“So finish it.” 
 “You don’t frighten me, but I must admit I am uncertain of this relationship”, David explains, gazing intently at her. “You are aware of my limitations. I am not human, and I can’t provide you with the fulfilment a male of your species would and that which you probably will need, eventually. Emotional and physical wise.” 
(y/n) only hums in thought, nodding once. She then opens up her bathrobe, revealing her naked body to his eyes one more time. “What do you think when you look at me?”, she offers him a small grin, caressing her own curves as she waits for his answer. Some of his liquid remains still ran down her inner thighs and it almost aroused her again, but she contained herself. That question was important. 
David’s eyes scan her up and down as he states with a gravelly voice, “I think about having you for myself forever.” 
There is pause, and her insides burn with his words. (y/n) then scoffs, shaking her head as she covers herself again. “David, you can’t say things like that.” 
With genuinely curious eyes, he retorts, “why?” 
“Because I am alone in this giant piece of metal floating in middle of space for two years. And then you tell me this. How am I supposed to react?”  
“I simply responded your inquiry, (y/n)”, he mumbles, and there is no indignation to his voice. It is collected as ever, although his confused expression just gave way to a slightly more concerned one. “I don’t see how I could help your feelings, and I am truly sorry for that. However, perhaps... I could try.”  
“You can’t, David”, (y/n) sighs, taking his hand into her own. His pale fingers instantly curl against hers and she can’t hide a sad smile looking at them. “Nobody can, I guess. I’m just using you as my free therapist at this point, that’s all.”  
David stares at her for a moment and simply nods. “Do continue, then.”  
She shakes her head, another bitter smile painting her lips as she does so. “You know what? Forget I ever said anything, you’re right. You can’t and shouldn’t have to help me. Let’s just fuck again and call it a night.”  
David stops (y/n) halfway when she tries to straddle his body, raising his brows in a quick realization. “But I want to”, he whispers, squeezing her arms as he holds her in place. He then lets her continue to move onto his hips, pulling her close enough to feel her hot breath against his mouth. David grins at the surprise spread on her features, brushing their lips together, “do you?” 
They kiss, eventually, and his tongue takes her places (y/n) didn’t think were possible in the middle of nowhere. His embrace around her waist gives only enough room for her to catch her breath, before she rests her forehead over his. 
“Try me.” 
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scatterghosts · 10 months
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Prometheus Bound by Peter Paul Rubens // The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabernal // Francesca by Hozier
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spooky-something · 3 months
These playlists are gonna make me cry, I can't, they're so bad...
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Don't you dare try to gaslight me, Victor would NOT listen to Will Wood, leave him out out this...
Like, for actual characterization, this one had it, a lot of these songs are actually on our own Frankenstein playlist...
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Heavy on HAD...
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mars-ipan · 7 months
do you guys think aziraphale heard the myth of prometheus for the first time and lost his mind a little
#marzi speaks#good omens#aziraphale#this is lighthearted but also not at all. i just don’t have big words rn#can you imagine though. aziraphale is gomensverse’s prometheus#he brought humans fire.#do you think he heard of prometheus and suddenly his fear of disobeying god reared its ugly head with a vengeance#do you think he remembered lying to god about it. wondered if it was that that would do him in instead of the original theft#do you think he spent nights upon nights wondering when he would be chained to his rock#wondering when his crow would come eat his liver for all of eternity#do you think he wondered if it already had?#not in the shape of a crow- but of a snake- a charming snake that slithered over and ate his heart again and again and again#he had appeared shortly after aziraphale gave up the sword; after all. aziraphale told him and everything#perhaps that was his punishment. perhaps She was playing a cruel little game by sending him someone he wanted so much but could never have#maybe that was the rock. the chain. the inability to move- to do anything more than sit there in anguish#the crow came in the form of that sharp mind and clever tongue. it dug straight to the core of his heart and tore it to shreds#picked it apart; observed; and ate#do you think he worried on and off about that for centuries. millenia#do you think he thought about it every time that demon of his did something so utterly charming#‘oh- there’s another piece of my heart- a morsel for him to savor again and again’#do you think he thought about it when he kissed. felt those lips on his like a sharp beak straight through his body#do you think he minded. do you think he thought ‘i would lay in these chains forever if you would just do that again; right now.’#do you think he broke those chains anyway.#I’M INSAAANE turns out i did have big words for it
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I can't help but notice how the apparently-quintesson-executioner in the leaked images resembles final form Mandroid..... did the quintessons turn him into one?? Is that what was under the windowed lump thing??
I feel like that would be FASCINATING, especially since we've got precedent for a character being turned into a Quintesson in Cyberverse
He DID say he overthrew someone and freed the sharkitrons... I always assumed that was the Quintessons
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waateeystein · 2 months
Today I ordered a copy of Mary Shelley's "The Last Man" and Mary Wollstonecraft's "A Vindication of the Rights of Women." Very excited to read those alongside "Romantic Outlaws," the Mary's stay in my consciousness at all times!
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Literally scribbled it on my phone but. David 8 with the Detroit Become Human spinny LED thing.
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bnuuywol · 1 year
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ FALLEN STAR ☽༓・*˚⁺
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
i like to think that mia's school was blown up in the amsterdam disaster and then it was slowly rebuilt. but a week before it was reopened j*son blew it up again and they were just. so tired. this is why they dont want bats in their city
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[Imagination WAS the eagle that devoured Prometheus!]
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brokenhardies · 8 months
gang i have an asau concept and this happened when i saw a lot of similarities between futaba and maruki;
hermit!maruki and councillor!futaba
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crowties · 2 years
honkai leaks warning ok are you looking away yet okay good Prometheus is so bron shaped. it even has her droopy grey eyes i cant believe they stuck with that one manga panel image of it.
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rosetta-j-stone · 2 years
Intellectual conversations with my brother
Me: Man, sometimes shredding my old papers is like f-ing Sisyphus
Me: Heh, nah - no one likes f-ing Sisyphus
Me: It’s just the same old routine over and over
Me: <repeats this to my brother>
My brother: Wait, NO ONE likes f-ing Sisyphus?
My brother: Are you saying ODYSSEUS likes f-ing Sisyphus?
My brother: PLOT TWIST
Me: Er, where you been Homer
My brother: And you know what else?
My brother: THE ILIAD
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fatecanberewritten · 1 year
As a child I scribbled; and my favourite pastime during the hours given me for recreation was to 'write stories.' Still, I had a dearer pleasure than this, which was the formation of castles in the air - the indulging in waking dreams - the following up trains of thought, which had for their subject the formation of a succession of imaginary incidents. My dreams were at once more fantastic and agreeable than my writings. In the latter I was a close imitator - rather doing as others had done than putting down the suggestions of my own mind. What I wrote was intended at least for one other eye - my childhood's companion and friend; but my dreams well all my own; I accounted for them to nobody; they were my refuge when annoyed - my dearest pleasure when free.
Mary Shelley, Author’s Introduction to the Standard Novels Edition of Frankenstein
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bitterkarella · 13 days
Midnight Pals: Omens
Arkasha Stevenson: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the first omen Stevenson: it's about a plot to breed the antichrist King: wait this sounds familiar Stevenson: yeah it's based on The Omen King: no that's not it
King: wait! i've got it! King: this is totally ripping off Good Omens! King: it's the same set up! Lovecraft: you're right! even the name is similar! Barker: wow, i hope someone gets fired for THAT blunder
King: neil! Neil! did you know that the omen is ripping off your book? Neil Gaiman: steve, good omens is a parody of the omen King: King: what Gaiman: i mean, even the name is similar Gaiman: that should have been a clue
Gaiman: you must understand, steve, that once the omen was the biggest thing in horror Gaiman: we believed its grip on man's imagination would last the ages! But alas... it is forgotten! Gaiman: forgotten like the fading filaments of a dream in the morning light! King: oh ok
Gaiman: now, like the great ozymandias,king of kings, memory of the omen has scattered to the howling winds of the glittering desert of oblivion Gaiman: and like prometheus the titan of old my torment knows no bounds Koontz: neil! did you know the first omen ripped off your book?
Gaiman: no young dean for you see the omen actually predates good omens Koontz: huh? but it just came out! Gaiman: no see the original omen came our before the good omens book Koontz: original omen? book? Koontz: i don't understand
Mary Shelley: sup fuckers Shelley: so neil i hear they ripped off your book Gaiman: no i Shelley: i'd be real pissed if someone ripped off my book Gaiman: they didn't Shelley: i'd give em one of these [pantomimes shivving]
Gaiman: please! no one ripped off good omens Barker: oh they definitely ripped off good omens Poe: seems pretty obvious, yeah Gaiman: edgar! he's just stirring up shit! Gaiman: you know that! Gaiman: why are you believing him now? Poe: no he's right, it's an open and shut case
Neil Gaiman: it's not a rip off! good omens was literally an omen parody! Gaiman: if you won't believe me, ask terry! Terry Pratchett: hey is anyone hungry? i could really go for some soup right now
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Every day Prometheus prays for someone to Deliver him from His torment. Then He and the Eagles have a good laugh about it before they evicerate him once more
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