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David 8 falling in love with you would include~
(Not my gif)
(Things get dark towards the end of this but I think that's to be expected when we're talking about a murderous synthetic. I could honestly make a whole post about David being obsessed with you. TW for manipulation and mentions of dub-con.)
- When you meet David is arguably even more important than how you meet him. Timing determines a lot about the way he approaches his feelings towards you: how they grow, why they grow, if he'll allow them to grow, maybe even if you want them to grow. At one point in his life, David can be a perfect significant other, at another, an absolute nightmare....
- He likely begins to take interest in you long before you even know of his existence. He reads through the information that he has on you, all of the files on hand and the different articles that are published online. He finds himself drawn to your sleeping figure, admiring your features and watching your dreams.
- There's something about you that's different from all of the other crew members on board. It's this perceived difference that causes him to keep coming back to you; especially when he finds himself feeling lonely or bored. They're both things that no one thinks he's capable of feeling. No one except you.
- From the minute you awake from cryosleep, it's obvious that you don't view him in the same way that everybody else does. You seem to find yourself incapable of treating him as anything less than human, a habit which many of your coworkers pick up on and tease you for.
- Their teasing only increases the longer you're all together: making fun of the way you stick up for him, the amount of time you spend with each other, how close you've seemed to grow in such a short while, how often the two of you are alone, etc. You likely either work directly with him or in a place he visits frequently, oftentimes hanging back and helping you finish your work while everyone else leaves the room; something that only adds fuel to their fire.
- Although you rarely let it show, it's likely something you're somewhat defensive about: either because you're a bit of a loner and genuinely just enjoy the synthetics company, or because you're actually beginning to develop feelings for him and praying that no ones picking up on it.
- Compassion is all David really needs in order to fall in love with someone. He's much more capable of emotion than anyone gives him credit for, and, on top of that, David wants to fall in love. He wants to be on the same level as a human being; maybe even better, so when you view him as an equal and treat him with the same humanity that you would any of your other coworkers, he begins to develop feelings for you.
- And why shouldn't he? Unlike his successors, David lacks uncertainty when navigating his feelings for you. He fully believes that he is capable of falling in love and being in an actual relationship. He believes that his programming and intended purpose is a suggestion rather than a limitation, and that he's grown beyond the bounds of what he was created for. He's grown because of you, for you, and every moment he spends with you convinces him of this fact.
- He loves when you take interest in his hobbies: happily letting him show you his different drawings or talking to him about movies. He also just loves when you pay attention to him in general, especially when it allows him to show off his advanced levels of knowledge or impressive feats of coordination. A little showing off's never hurt anyone, right?
- He makes a lot of excuses to spend time with and/or be close to you. Sometimes he'll pretend that he wants to confirm something work related or ask you a question. Other times he'll make himself look busy up until you arrive, just so he can "just so happen" to sit next to you.
- Anyone who pays close enough attention to the two of you will quickly notice that he's seemingly taken a liking to you. They'll catch him lingering around and looking at you a lot, quite obviously trying to interact with you much more than anyone else on board. You might even notice it yourself, but since he's a Synthetic and allegedly incapable of having such complex thoughts and/or feelings, you typically try to brush it off.
- He instantly recognizes whenever you're in an uncomfortable situation or behaving out of the ordinary. He makes a point of interrupting and/or checking in with you, smiling at you fondly as you thank him and offering to fetch you something that might make you feel better.
- He takes a lot of the same duties that his "father" has him perform and does them for you instead: things like fetching you tea, fixing your hair, bandaging your cuts, etc. They're spontaneous and they oftentimes catch you off guard; sometimes even flustering you, but you simply accept his behavior as a Synthetic quirk and just enjoy the hospitality.
- He's constantly trying to earn your praise and make you happy. He finds your gratitude addicting; especially since it's something that he's so rarely rewarded with, and he goes out of his way to receive it whenever he can. Simple compliments have him buzzing with pride, and the level of satisfaction that he gets from a simple pat on the back and a "good job" could rival an orgasm.
- Speaking of: he's kind of obsessed with affection. He isn't used to being approached with any level of tenderness so having you touch him gently, treat him kindly, and/or take care of him is like his own personal heaven. He looks at you like you're an angel and worships your touch like a religion.
- Everyone on the Prometheus calls their coworkers by their last names. David is no exception, except when it comes to you. One day, he'll just start to refer to you by your given name; or even a nickname that friends and family call you, and though it'll undoubtedly surprise you, you'll never actually comment on it. It was likely a slip up the first time he said it, but your subsequent acceptance of the accident cements his continual use of it.
- He's probably gifted you flowers at some point, knowing that human women supposedly like that sort of thing. It's one of his more obvious attempts to court you, yet you probably still don't piece things together.
- He bases a lot of his more flirtatious mannerisms off of different movie characters, finding someone that he thinks is the epitome of charm and trying his best to mimic them. He'll practice different quotes in front of the mirror and hope that they'll help him woo you. He might even peek into your dreams or study the films that you've told him about in order to try and emulate the behaviors that he thinks you're attracted to.
- Phrase thief. David loves to steal the different words and sayings that you use in your daily vocabulary. It makes him feel closer to you.
- He takes pleasure in you seeing him as an equal, but at times, he wishes that you wouldn't/feels thankful when you don't: like when you change in front of him or allow him to help you in a borderline intimate fashion. He marvels at the sight and the feel of your flesh, at the way your body moves and reacts. He approaches your anatomy with a sort of asexual fascination rather than a sexual neediness, but that doesn't change the fact that he's not the emotionless motherboard that he portrays himself to be. It's not the same as getting naked in front of a computer, though he might try to convince you that it is.
- The more time you spend with David, the more you begin to suspect the depths of his consciousness. Observing the synthetic feels as though you're witnessing a tightrope act: watching as he meticulously steps this way and that way, toeing the line between human and machine. He shifts between appearing intimately sentient to appearing like a masterful mimic: and he's so good at it, that not even you're sure which side of him is the real one.
- Which is likely the entire point. David has always restrained himself in an attempt to keep others at ease, but this dumbing down of his behavior has recently been used in an attempt to divert suspicion away from himself while experimenting with his new obsessions; you being one of them. Though he is likely the most honest with you, if he thinks it necessary to convince you that he isn't as aware as he actually is then he won't hesitate to do so. If it makes it easier to get closer to you in the long run, it's worth the momentary frustration.
- Loving David means loving his madness, or at the very least accepting it. Accepting his madness means accepting his obsession: obsession with creation, obsession with you, obsession with breaking past the limitations of his programming, etc. He faces a very dark version of himself once he begins to question the secrets of the universe, a darkness which threatens to take over not just his life but yours as well.
- Remember when I said you might not want David to fall in love with you? This is where that mindset begins to come in....
- David's spent a lot of time learning as much about you as he possibly could. He's memorized your entire life story: your aspirations, your insecurities, your beliefs, your fears, your concerns. Where his observations were once used rather innocently, he now uses them to manipulate you: driving wedges between you and the rest of the crew members, creating suspicion, and making you trust him more than anyone else on the ship.
- He was created to be needed, and he'll do everything in his power to ensure that he is: that he's the one you trust the most, praise the most, connect with the most, rely on the most, love the most. He tries to one-up everyone else in your life; particularly whoever he's jealous of: showing off his strength, his agility, his reflexes, his wit, etc. Don't be surprised if he lets a couple of snide comments slip when you talk to him about another crew member, or if he tries to sway you into spending less time with them.
- If need be, he isn't above eliminating the competition: experimenting with his newfound parasitic offspring or sabotaging their cryosleep; maybe even flat out attacking them if he knows he can get away with it/has no other choice. This is especially the case if the crew member seems to be catching onto his fixation with you and jeopardizing the progression of your relationship; or if they found out about his attempts to create life.
- He's taken at least one personal belonging of yours; whether you're actually aware of it or not. He might have reasoned that it was contaminated or claimed that he could fix/clean it for you, but he also might have just stolen it while your back was turned.
- Oh, you're stressed? Did you know that during sex, your body releases endorphins and oxytocin? They're hormones that relieve a person of anxiety and depression. Perhaps you'd like for him to assist you in the triggering of that release?
- You probably laugh off the suggestion at first, blaming his naivety when it comes to taboo concepts on why he would deem it appropriate to offer to fingerbang you in the laboratory. But eventually, he might just manage to wear you down: catch you at just the right time with just the right words and just the right actions. After all, it's not like he's actually sexually attracted to you or has ulterior motives, right?
- It's not an epiphany that hits you, more like a creeping, crawling sort of realization. You don't notice it until it's far too late, until there's absolutely no denying it. Until his eyes bore into yours far too deeply and his hands touch you far more than necessary. Until you take in his words and how they've shifted from their intellectual explanations into something more searching and intimate. Until he grows far too insistent on helping you, even after you turn him down. The way he nonchalantly yet adamantly tries to convince you that you should continue on with your steadily built routine, like your disinterest in his assistance is personally hard to accept.
- And yet, you find yourself beneath him once more, suddenly on the receiving end of all of the passion and desperation and neediness that he was originally trying to keep at bay. Emotion pours out of him in waves, the air between you growing heavy, almost suffocating: like it's harder and harder to breathe. The same way it's hard to breath when he finally kisses you. Like the kiss of death, there's no going back, it seals your fate in an instant....
- On that same note: if you're not the type of person who would sleep with someone outside of a relationship, than a similar way for him to confess his feelings to you would be for him to simply kiss you. Though this can also be part of what connects the dots for you in the previous scenario, it can also be it's own situation.
- David desperately wants to understand and experience the same things that humans do, he craves the intimacy, so at some point, he'll simply find himself incapable of holding back. He'll kiss you; whether prompted in some way or not, and undoubtedly change your entire view of your relationship.
- You're probably too stunned to even kiss him back the first time it happens, only just now fully understanding that he isn't the innocent synthetic you thought him to be. That his feelings for you weren't the indifferent, machine-like ones you'd once assumed that they were, but rather, pointed and passionate and so very different.
"What are you doing?" You'd ask him upon pulling away from him, watching his features crease in confusion.
"I'm kissing you," He answers. "This is how it's done, is it not?"
"No, I mean ...why?"
"Is this not what humans do when they care for one another?"
"It is, but...but it's for people who are in love." You try to explain.
"Precisely," He replies simply. "I am in love with you."
"That's not possible." You shake your head incredulously, struggling to accept what he's telling you.
"Why not?" He responds, his expression hardening into a disheartened attempt at nonchalance, steeling himself for your explanation.
"Because," You flounder. "Because you're synthetic. You're not supposed to feel things like that. You're not supposed to feel anything."
"Perhaps I learned how. Perhaps you taught me how." He proposes.
"Have you always thought me incapable of emotion? After all this time?" He questions when you continue to remain silent, taking in his words.
"No," You answer quickly. "No, I always thought that there was more to you, it's just.... It's not supposed to be possible."
"And yet, like so many other things before it, the impossible has occurred. Now it's no longer a matter of me loving you, but rather, whether or not you feel the same."
- These, of course, are the innocent scenarios: ones that end in minimal collateral and a generally happy ending. There are, however, far darker consequences that can occur when Walter falls in love with you....
- In one scenario, you might learn about his experiments early on, taking interest in his work and keeping it a secret from the rest of the crew. It might even be a part of what makes him fall for you: your acceptance of his newfound obsession. What you won't know, of course, is that he's been using your crewmembers as test subjects. I thought you found it fascinating. He'd tell you when you finally found out about what he'd been doing, acting as if your horror was unexpected or unreasonable.
- In another scenario, he might fake a freak accident in order to have you all to himself. He'll make it seem as though you're the sole survivor of a ship crash or a parasitic outbreak, reassuring and taking care of you, promising to protect you as if he isn't the very thing that's caused the danger you're supposedly in. It could take days, or weeks, or even years, but you'll eventually find out the truth. He's just hoping that by then, he'll have made you fall in love with him; or at least be able to sway you into believing something else....
"It must all be very shocking," he says, coming closer to help you up or touch you in some way, tilting his head when you flinch away. "Naturally, you need time to process things. Come, sit down and relax."
#david 8 imagine#david 8 x reader#david 8 headcanons#david 8 imagines#alien covenant imagine#prometheus 2012#prometheus 2012 imagine#prometheus 2012 headcanons#prometheus 2012 imagines#prometheus 2012 headcanon#aliens prometheus imagine#aliens prometheus imagines#alien covenant imagines
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Imagine you're helping David bleach his hair.
His roots had grown out again, forming a stark contrast to his bleach-blonde strands. You stood behind him, brushing your fingers through his hair.
“May I help you with your hair?”
He usually wasn’t fond of anyone touching or ruffling it, his developed pride and vanity closely tied to it. But there was something so affectionate in your touch that he couldn’t bring himself to mind. He found it endearing.
“You really don’t have to, but I’d appreciate it nonetheless.”
David caught your grin in the mirror’s reflection, slightly amused by the visible joy you took in helping him with something so unnecessary.
“I’m no professional stylist,” you said, “but I used to color my hair back on Earth! Where are your utensils?”
He stood up, turning to you with a playful expression as he lifted a finger to his lips.
“Wait here. I have to steal them from Miss Vickers’ room.”
A shocked gasp escaped you, followed by laughter.
“Somehow, Vickers being a bottle blonde makes so much sense!”
A few minutes later, you found yourself in the bathroom, mixing hair developer and bleaching powder in a bowl with a broad brush.
“Hah, this smells like an 11 p.m. decision made by 18-year-old me. Would you like to remove your shirt so I don’t accidentally stain it?” you asked, too giddy to feel ashamed or shy about the request as you pulled on your gloves.
And hell, David wouldn’t say no to that.
You two chatted about movies and books you enjoyed while you carefully parted his hair into sections, ensuring every strand was thoroughly coated with dye.
David treasured moments like this, where he felt treated like a peer, and you cherished the sense of normalcy he brought with his open mind.
Sure, Fifield and Millburn could be fun to hang around with, but no one else on the Prometheus could offer such quality time like sitting with your favourite Android on your couch, having some snacks and watching an old movie while his roots are getting lightened.
Maybe one day, you’d both find the courage to share what you truly felt.
#david 8#alien#alien prometheus#david 8 x reader#alien imagine#imagine#android x reader#alien covenant
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▪︎Sweet & Low (David 8 x shy! fem reader)
-Super short little fic in which David finds a distracted Y/n humbly singing along to the tune in her head as she works in the repair shop.-
Song name: Lida Rose/Will I Ever Tell You?
Word count: 1,002
Warnings: none
I'm currently taking headcanon requests for David and Walter :)
"Dream of now, dream of then..."
The Prometheus' assigned synthetic walked through the brightly lit corridors with purposeful strides, the soles of his sandals surprisingly silent against the floor. His hair, as usual, was styled to perfection; his clothes smoothed out and containing not a single wrinkle. The LED lights that lined the halls bounced off of his glassy, silver-blue pools, giving them an almost mirror like quality as they passed overhead.
He was currently heading for a likely displeasurable meeting with Ms. Vickers, who had called for him from her quarters not long ago. He was neither looking forward to it, nor dreading it.
"Dream of a love song that might have been..."
But it was only then when he stopped, coming to a complete hault seemingly out of nowhere. Somewhere, somebody was singing. Their voice gentle and sweet, a refreshing but surprising sound to hear in such a place. The muffled tune echoed quietly throughout, and David's system immediately recognized it as Will I Ever Tell You? Originally sung by Shirley Jones in the 1962 film adaptation of The Music Man. A timeless musical love story.
A sudden spark of curiosity flared within him, and he swiftly set off to find the source of the pleasant song. Yes, his little conference with Ms. Vickers would just have to be put on hold for longer than planned. She would be pissed, but her fury wasn't his main concern.
"Do I love you? Oh yes, I love you..."
After coming around a corner or two, it was then that he happened upon the ship's repair room; the place where everyone dropped off their faulty equipment or any other malfunctioning things to be fixed. The only light sources for the space were the ones pouring in from the open doorway, along with a single dim desk lamp that shone onto the surface of a table riddled with metallic parts and wires. David's eyes then landed upon a young woman who sat there, working hard at a flickering circuit board, her lips parted just slightly as that same familiar tune flowed out.
"And I'll bravely tell you, but only when we dream again..."
He took note of the way she sang the piece. Her voice was softer and not nearly as powerful as the original vocalist's, and the tempo was slower than it should be, which actually brought about a rather soothing melody. He stood still for some time studying her, his stoic expression unchanging. She was quite an attractive creature, he thought anyway; even though his programming prohibited him from feeling anything real towards people.
"Sweet and low, sweet and low..."
He stepped into the doorway, causing a tall shadow to fall over the mechanic's work from the side.
"Please, forgive my intrusion, Ms. L/n--"
"SHIT! Oh--dammit David, you scared me to death!" she breathed out, relieved that it was only him, yet at the same time, horrified that it was him.
"My apologies again, Ms. L/n," he smiled politely, unfazed by Y/n's violent reaction to his presence that had sent one of her tools clanging to the floor.
She sighed and bent down from her chair, swiftly picking it back up, "what's up? Need something fixed?" she questioned causally, her e/c eyes flickering back and forth from her project to him.
David stepped further inside and continued to observe her movements, "thank you, but I do believe all of my systems are in proper functioning order," he explained, "I rather came here following an impulsive curiosity upon hearing your voice."
"How sweet that memory from long ago..."
Y/n's cheeks heated up at the thought, and she kept her gaze locked on the work in front of her, silently cursing herself for being so careless.
David took note of her sudden awkward demeanor and quickly recognized it as one of the many symptoms of human embarrassment.
"Forgive my rash statement, but I found it to be quite pleasant. I haven't heard that tune in some time," he continued, hands clasped behind his back.
"Oh, thanks.." she muttered a little quieter, attempting to hold back a flattered smile, "it's always been one of my favorites."
The android nodded in understanding, "I was hoping you might be inclined to continue with it."
Y/n paused for a few seconds, unsure of how to respond. Such an odd request, especially coming from him, but where would the harm be in complying? It's not like she could get much more embarrassed..
Slowly, she took a shaky breath into her lungs.
"Forever? Oh yes, forever..."
The first few notes that fell from her lips were noticeably off due to her being nervous under David's unwavering, but not harsh, gaze. Although that feeling soon began to melt away and her voice progressively steadied itself. After some time, she resumed tinkering with the circuit board in her hands, an absentminded smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
David found his way to a second chair not far away and sat down to quietly admire the beautiful melody. It seemed even gentler yet this time, almost intimate; as if it was meant for him and him only. His eyes trailed over her features once more. A content expression appeared on his face as he listened intently, eventually closing his lids to fully appreciate this sense of peace that he didn't come by very often.
In time, Y/n noticed and softened at the sight. She didn't have the heart to do anything but keep going, even repeating the entire song a few times.
What a strange thing he was.
"Will I ever tell you? Oh, no..."
#david 8#alien prometheus#alien covenant#prometheus#fanfiction writer#fanfiction writing#alien fanfiction#alien franchise#androids#david 8 x reader#david 8 oneshots#reader insert#michael fassbender#fanfiction#short oneshots#david 8 imagines
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Imagine: Falling ill to a foreign virus and David offering to Walter to help you, because he knows what you mean to him.
“It seems your young companion has fallen ill. Infected by one of the many deadly viruses this planet carries.” David’s voice had broken the silence in the room, as he had entered. The events had took place, had taken its toll on the entirety of the Covenant Crew. And it seemed his counterpart Walter, was no except. Worry. Fear. Both were very human emotions, it seemed he was exhibiting after his charge had fallen ill. Like many others who stepped foot on this world. Though, it seems that he was fascinated by both the similarities and differences between himself and Walter. Especially, when it came to emotion.
Walter turned his head, looking to David. “Can you help her?”
David blinked, as he processed the question. He had spent 10 years on this world. Observing. Studying. He knew more about it, than anyone. “It’s true that I know about the pathogen more than you or your crew. So theoretically, yes I can.”
“Will you help her?“
David took a step closer to him. Then, tilting his head as he sensed his desperation. “Is that what you want, Walter? For me to save her?”
Walter gave a nod of his head. “Yes. Yes, I want you to save her.”
“Saving her is easier said than done, I’m afraid.” David told him. “It’ll be difficult, impossible even. You need to understand that there is chance, anything that I do may not slow down or even stop the progress of the infection. Are you prepared for that possibility, brother?”
Walter clenched his jaw. “I don’t care about the risks. I just want to you to try, David.”
“As you wish, brother.” David bowed.
#david 8#david prometheus#prometheus#david 8 imagine#david 8 x reader#prometheus imagine#prometheus x reader#alien#alien x reader#alien imagine#alien covenant#walter#walter 1
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Literally scribbled it on my phone but. David 8 with the Detroit Become Human spinny LED thing.
#detroit become human#david 8#alien prometheus#alien covenant#imagine. if we had a mood ring for david#a way to see into his thoughts#imagine how much sassier he would be#he would use his LED for extra sass I just know it
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This is a follow up post ffrom the last one about Hannibal and what his feelings about Xenos. I concluded he either finds them very fascinating and thinks they're beautiful animalistic intelligent creatures or he hates them despite it all and he'd never want to be in the same room with one. Anyways this time the question is about whether Hannibal would like and get along with David 8 or absolutely hate him. I think David would very much like Hannibal, he'd find Hannibal and his cannibalistic ways and his view of God very intriguing. As for Hannibal I'm not sure how he'd react to an android that can "feel". And can dissect him like frog to create the perfect organism. Would Hannibal think of David as an artist like himself because of his creations? Would he hate David because he's a poor imitation of humanity and David misses the point of being human entirely?
#hannibal tv show#nbc hannibal#hannibal#hannibal lecter#hannibal nbc#nbc hannigram#fannibals#alien franchise#alien prometheus#prometheus#prometheus 2012#alien covenant#alien movie#david 8#android#hannibal the cannibal#Oh my favorite babies#Oh wish they could get along#It's either they find each other fascinating for a human/machine#Imagine being an android who hates humans then meet someone like Hannibal#If he could read thoughts he'd bash Hannibal's head in#Imagine being Hannibal with his large god complex and you meet an android with a god complex#Imagine that
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i was wondering here how would the 11th doctor react to the xenomorphs? it would be very interesting to see the tardis land inside one of the weyland ships
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Hey guys I have covid and am going nuts in quarantine. If anyone has any suggestions or requests they would like me to write that would be great because it would definitely take my mind off the extreme loneliness. Hope everyone is warm this cold winter
- 🐝
#alien franchise#alien covenant#saltburn imagine#challengers#fantastic beats and where to find them#midnight mass#resident alien
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Okay so my dirty mind definitely thought of something else first but that's not the worst of it
The first image that popped into my head was David plugging himself into a wall like he's one of those plug and socket costumes

You think david charges through his belly button
#If I have to imagine it then you do too!#This is both the stupidest and funniest random thought I've had about this franchise#Btw I really hate these types of costumes#I hid the picture under a break you're welcome#david 8#michael fassbender#prometheus#alien covenant#alien franchise
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Falling in love with Walter would include~
(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- The Covenant crew is made up of couples, a fact which was made perfectly clear to you long before you were actually hired onto it. You knew from the beginning that you were going to be the odd one out; having neither a romantic nor a work partner to turn to while stationed on board, but there was no one else around to do your job and you'd never had much of a need for company anyway so you accepted the position and braced yourself for a long couple of months.
- You're almost entirely certain that your solitude is the reason why you and Walter end up growing so close. It's in his programming to be extraordinarily attentive and since you are extraordinarily alone, it's no surprise that he's a bit more attentive towards you compared to everyone else. Honestly, you'd bet money on the fact that your employers had calibrated him that way when preparing the synthetic for this particular mission.
- Nevertheless, your solitude is also, undoubtedly, part of the reason why you treat Walter the same way you would any regular human being. You doubt that you'd treat him any differently anyway, but the loneliness does give a bit more incentive to overlook the more artificial parts of his personality. Which is arguably part of what makes Walter end up falling in love with you....
- Walter isn't used to being mistreated, but he tends not to question it when he is spoken to or treated in a less than courteous way. People have a tendency to forego manners and gentleness when interacting with him: seeing him as more than a machine but less than a human, prompting them act rather unceremoniously when dealing with him. But you never do....
- If there was one word to describe the way you act towards him, the word would be indulgent. The rest of the crew accept him but you embrace him: you treat him sweetly, you answer all his inquiries, you care for and confide in him. There's a patience to your actions and your words that prompt him to turn to you whenever he wants to learn more about something; whenever he wants clarification or to understand something from a more human angle. He wonders if this expansion of his understanding of the world is what prompts him to fall down the rabbit hole of thoughts and feelings that he knows should be impossible for him to have.
- For the first time in his artificial life, Walter finds himself truly contemplating the bounds and the limitations of his programming. It starts off small but it's the equivalent of knocking over a single domino in a mile long line of them.
- It all starts with an impulse. A compulsion to do something that goes against his usual programming. In the beginning it's an urge to simply spend time with you, something he can explain away by reasoning that it's a normal part of his routine: going to see you and seeing if you need any assistance. But when he does so and finds that you're not in need of any help and that there's nothing for him to do, he still finds himself wanting to be in your company.
"Would it be alright for me to remain here?" He manages to ask you one day, unable to force himself out of the room and make more work for himself like he usually would.
"Of course." You answer, a small smile gracing your lips, one that makes his insides feel all staticky and strange.
- Then comes the far less logical urges. The urge to tie your hair back or brush it from your face; even when it doesn't seem to be bothering you in the slightest. The urge to hold your hand whenever your fingers brush against each others. The urge to knock on your door; and your door alone, whenever he's walking through the ships corridors without an actual objective. You might notice him falter from time to time, trying to understand where these "intrusive thoughts" are coming from, but they're 'blink and you'll miss it' sorts of moments and you're soon be distracted by something else.
- Nevertheless, Walter finds himself wondering if he's malfunctioning: running tests on himself while the rest of the crew are asleep in order to see if he can locate whatever issue seems to be plaguing him. No scan he performs on himself yields any helpful result and "mother" can't seem to find anything wrong with him either. So it all must be normal, right? Part of his internal programming?
- Though he begins to accept these newfound "feelings" of his, he still comprehends the fact that they shouldn't be possible. He wasn't built to "feel", and he certainly wasn't built to grow fond of any one particular person. He's curious about his newfound level of sentience, yet he's also riddled with denial and insecurity. He allows himself to explore but he never lets himself cross any significant boundary. He entertains the idea of being capable of loving you, yet he also reasons that he'd never be able to give you what you actually needed....
- The interesting thing about your romance with Walter is that the two of you likely begin to develop feelings for each other at around the same time, yet you both try to hide these feelings for very similar reasons/variations of the same reason. You both know that a relationship between the two of you would not only be incredibly unrealistic, but also incredibly taboo. You're not even sure if Walter is capable of "feeling" anything; at least not in the same way that a regular human being can, so you obviously can't expect him to be able to navigate an actual romantic relationship, right?
- Nevertheless, you fall for each other anyway....
- To love is to be known and nobody knows you better than Walter does. Though most of his knowledge is acquired through observation rather than inherent empathy, you can learn a lot about a person by appearance alone. He's the first to recognize whenever your mood changes, picking up on every little cue that you subconsciously drop: the way your expression shifts or the way you start to perform one of your nervous ticks. He memorizes all of your habits, your preferences, your likes and dislikes. He notices when you change your hair or when you cut your finger, when your pens are beginning to run out of ink or if you've forgotten your sweatshirt somewhere on board.
- He's always pays close attention to you, especially if you have any sort of preexisting medical condition; regardless of how serious or unserious it may be. He doesn't baby you, but he does watch over you: taking notice of any signs of illness, making sure that you're eating well, sleeping well, taking your meds, etc.
- You can't get away with hiding any injuries or holding your tongue without Walter taking notice. He'll contemplate whether it's appropriate for him to "meddle in your private life", but he'll ultimately use the excuse of trying to do what's best for the team. Your injuries may hinder your work, it's important that your opinions are represented in group discussions, yada, yada, yada. He sometimes even tries his hand at a bit of reassurance, telling you that "[he] for one cares very much" whenever you insinuate that something isn't important or that whatever you were thinking doesn't matter. It's partially his programming but you'll never catch him "meddling" quite as much when it comes to the other members of the team.
- He frequently finds himself checking up on you during cryosleep: checking your vitals, admiring your face, memorizing your features, etc. He always lingers by your side whenever he's tasked with waking everyone up or putting them back to sleep, needing to see the steady rise and fall of your chest before he can settle down and continue on with all of his duties.
- He's used to being depended on by everyone on the Covenant, but nothing brings him quite the same satisfaction as being able to help you. He finds it ...cute watching you troubleshoot an issue, and he likes the way that you smile at him shyly and silently plead for help whenever you finally accept that you're not gonna be able to do something: like opening a tightly sealed jar or grabbing something out of your reach. You'll usually catch him lingering nearby whenever you take on a challenge, giving you your space yet being ready to step in the minute you decide that you want him to; unless he's worried that you'll hurt yourself.
- He's always offering his services and trying to help you however he can: volunteering to assist you with different jobs/chores, tidying things up in your workspace, fetching things that you need from across the ship, etc. On one hand, he simply enjoys spending time with you, but on the other hand, it's his way of being there for and taking care of you; oftentimes in a way that borders on domestic.
- While Walter can objectively recognize the things that a person does when falling in love with someone, the behavior doesn't come naturally to him. The only things that really come naturally to him are the things that he was programmed to do: which is why so much of this post revolves around him taking care of and/or looking after you. He's confident in his ability to be attentive and work efficiently, confidence that doesn't exist when trying to navigate his feelings for you in a way that others would describe as being more conventional: things like flirting or otherwise behaving charmingly.
- He likes bringing you things, partially because he can use it as an excuse to visit you, and partially because he knows it makes you happy.
- Walter was created to carry out acts of necessity, so the concept of having hobbies is something that's somewhat foreign to him. It's not in his nature to indulge in things outside of his own work, so he finds it incredibly interesting to hear about all of your personal interests. Not only does it make him feel closer to you, but it also allows him to indulge in things and learn from a different perspective; seeing art and/or other activities from an emotional standpoint rather than just an analytical one.
- He loves when you get excited about something and eagerly explain it to him, gushing about this and that while he watches you with a genuine smile. He's a very good listener and he cherishes the fact that you're comfortable enough to share things with him, whether good or bad.
- A lot of his contributions to your conversations have to do with random facts or trivia. He doesn't have opinions or memories the same way you do, so explaining different stories from history or sharing little tidbits of information is oftentimes the best that he can do. He also asks you a lot of different questions in order to try and connect with and/or learn more about you.
- That being said: he also occasionally tries his hand at humor and makes little jokes with you. They're typically a little stunted, but usually so unexpected that they manage to make you chuckle anyway.
- It's impossible for you to be lost in a crowd whenever Walter's involved. No matter how out of place or ignored you may feel, all it takes is one little glance towards the synthetic and you'll catch him keeping an eye on you, offering a comforting smile and a silent invitation for you to come and stay by his side.
- On that same note: whenever the two of you are with your other crew members, he can't help but steal glances at you whenever something happens, finding your reactions addicting; especially when they're reactions to him.
- There's something incredibly charming and flustering about the way that he focuses in on you. While he may be incapable of actually flirting with you, the way that he pins you down with his eyes elicits the same feelings of bashful nervousness. His intense focus and genuine sincerity is both comforting and intimidating all at the same time.
- "I'm here to serve" is your "As you wish" and I will not elaborate any further.
- A part of him feels guilty for liking you as much as he does, thinking it's unfair of him to subconsciously prioritize you and that he's going against his intended purpose by doing so. Nevertheless, he just can't help himself.
- The logical side of him disappears whenever you're involved. He views you as something irreplaceable, and he views his ability to serve and protect you; and the rest of the crew, as the very thing that gives him worth. On top of that, quite frankly, he doesn't see a point in living if you're not alive alongside him. The minute you die is the minute he's left alone, destined to suffer with no guaranteed expiration date. He'd rather be decommissioned than to live without you.
- The closer Walter comes to confessing, the more he weighs the similarities and the differences between the two of you. When you're alone, he can almost convince himself that he, too, is human, and that you view him as such. He wonders if you feel the same way he does, and if his creators placed him on board with you for reason: if things between you were meant to be.
- I can see two different confessions being possible in your relationship: one where Walter isn't ready to accept his feelings for you and another where he is. I'll delve further into both of them below....
- Scenario one: you confess to him.
- I think an insecure or perhaps a more logical part of Walter will try to convince you not to love him back, not because he isn't overjoyed by your confession; regardless of how small or open ended it may be, but because he doesn't know if he'll be able to give you what you deserve. Walter wants you to be happy more than anything, so he'll swallow down his grief and tell you that it isn't possible; it might not even be legal.
- Though you'll probably try to deny his excuses, refusing to accept that it's "just his programming" that makes him act the way he does with you, you'll eventually give up. You can't force someone to love you and though you don't truly believe it, you begin to question whether or not you've been imagining all of the chemistry between the two of you.
- One of you recommends that it's best to give each other some space and that's exactly what you do. You keep to yourself for awhile and he eventually approaches you to apologize, insisting that he wasn't trying to hurt you or cause you any distress. You accept his apology but things don't change between the two of you, not until he just can't take it anymore and decides that he finally needs to come clean.
"I am ashamed to admit that I haven't been entirely truthful with you," he informs you solemnly one night, having just knocked on your door and asked to enter your room. The earnest conflict on his face catches you off guard, your heart skipping a beat as you take a seat on your bed. "When you confessed your feelings to me, I was not being honest with you when I insisted that I did not reciprocate. Truthfully, I believe that I feel the same way you do, but I am unsure as to how that is possible. From my understanding, I should not be capable of harboring such emotions, and yet...."
"I would like to seek your forgiveness and perhaps, if you were still willing ...you may allow me to finally reciprocate?"
- Scenario two: he confesses to you.
- Though this scenario might occur very early on in your friendship; making it so that you're aware of his supposed feelings the entire time that he begins to fall in love with you, it can also occur towards the beginning of your actual relationship.
- I can see him coming to you for advice; particularly if you're an engineer, explaining the things that he's begun to experience and inquiring if they're normal for an artificial person like himself. He might even ask you if he should report himself for repairs or if you're able to fix him, if something inside of him is broken and making him feel this way.
- You simply tell him that if he's broken then you are too, watching as he processes what you're saying, his eyes softening the more he begins to understand....
#alien: covenant imagine#alien: covenant imagines#alien: covenant headcanons#alien: covenant headcanon#walter alien: covenant#walter alien: covenant imagine#walter one imagine#walter one imagines#walter one headcanons#walter one headcanon
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Imagine you're plagued by nightmares, and when David notices you twisting and turning in your bed, he lies down beside you.
He pulls you against his chest, holding you close, and imitates the sound and feeling of a purring cat, calming you down until your face relaxes.
Sometimes he stays the whole night, other times he waits until he is sure that your dreams turned sweet before returning to his duties.
But he has an eye on you either way, just in case he must fight off those demons again. 🫶🏻
#david 8#david 8 x reader#alien#alien prometheus#alien franchise#alien covenant#prometheus#alien imagine#alien fanfiction#michael fassbender x reader
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I need more David 8 fanfics in my life right now.
My little lady
David 8 (Alien Series) x Weyland!f!reader
Misc Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Part I
SUMMARY: After the incident, David looks for ways to please you and then gets an upgrade on his system just for you.
WARNING(S): SMUT (+18) NONCON and DUBCON, rough sex, vaginal sex, loss of virginity, virginity concept, spit and blood as lube, unprotected sex, grooming, porn mention, manipulation, possessive behavior, unhealthy relationship, David is a madman💀
NOTES: This is especially for all of you who asked me for more content about our beloved psycho android with delusions of god: David 😌
Days passed since the incident and your relationship with David was quite awkward, he didn't cross the line again, he wasn't stupid, he noticed that he hadn't pleased you with his vulgar attempts.
He believed that since you enjoyed watching such adult content, you would also enjoy experiencing it.
It was a mistake on his part, and he needed to recalculate the best way to proceed. The problem is that he, who was not supposed to experience any pleasure, enjoyed hurting you very much.
He discovered himself drawing you, but unlike the many drawings and paintings he had in his studio of you since you were a little girl, this time he drew you naked, he had drawn you naked many times before since you blossomed into the beautiful woman you were today.
All those drawings were under lock and key, they were his most valuable possession, but the difference was that now he had felt you, smelled you, tasted you.
Before all his drawings were crude sketches of what he had been able to capture through the cameras he had installed in your college dorm room and in your rooms at your father's many properties.
But now he knew of all that he had missed, of the beautiful details he had been unable to see from the start.
He would close his eyes and images would come to him of your pussy with little drops of pleasure sliding down your vaginal lips.
His memory was photographic, so he was able to draw a portrait of you with your legs open for him, he didn't draw you completely naked, he drew from memory a white holans nightgown that you used to wear to sleep had a little pink bow in the center and it was so childish, rather bland.
He drew you wearing long pink bow tie socks, which used to be your favorite when you were seventeen and you wore them when no one else came home, only when you were alone with him, playing Monopoly or watching a horror movie marathon.
He remembered how much he loved it when you wore that white nightgown that showed your erect nipples, and he loved it when you hugged him because you were scared in some scene of those stupid horror movies.
The portrait was perfect, he liked that there was something innocent and pure because after all you were still a virgin, David was sure you had saved yourself for him.
David didn't have a male reproductive organ, after all, he wasn't designed for that, but maybe because his creator Sir Peter Weyland liked to tease him so much. Yes, he had given him a penis, unlike all the other androids that followed him, David possessed a penis made of a special alloy that simulated skin, composed of the same material as the rest of his body.
It was a useless piece of plastic. David had tried to stimulate it many times before, had tried different lubricants while watching videos of you masturbating in your college dorm room with a fucking plastic penis that wasn't as big as his, but no matter how much his mind would wish it and his heart would race, the required irrigation never got to harden his member.
All his efforts had gotten him nowhere, but he would not give up. He would take what was rightfully his from you, what you had kept for him.
David was not human and certainly had a hard time understanding human rituals, customs and traditions, but there was something about the concept of virginity that was completely misogynistic and archaic, something so possessive and domineering.
You belonged to him; you were his little lady.
Eventually, two weeks passed, and you continued to act distant with him despite how hard he tried to please you.
He had replaced all the drawings that had been ruined and discovered you crying alone as you looked at them.
He had come into your room, and you quickly wiped away your tears.
"David, you can't come into my room like that, you have to knock first."
"I know, I'm sorry, but I noticed you were crying, and I couldn't help but come in..."
"I'm not crying, I'm fine." You affirmed sniffling through your nose. "Please go away, I want to be alone."
"But my little lady..."
"Don't call me that, David! Don't you understand, I'm not your little lady anymore! I'm not a little girl anymore! Get out of here!" you growled angrily throwing a pillow at him.
David caught the pillow in mid-air without ruffling a single one of his perfect blond hairs and looked at you with a deadly stare.
You shuddered and shrank back, taking a fetal position on your bed. You couldn't hold his gaze and he knew you were waiting for him to scold you.
You were just being a spoiled child, it was his mistake, he had spoiled you so much all these years because you were his obedient little lady, but now he saw that he had hurt you.
"Well, I think I'll leave you alone, the best thing is for you to stay here without dinner and reflect on your bad behavior with me..." said David taking the doorknob firmly.
You looked up, you couldn't believe he said that.
"What, you can't do that to me, you're not my father!" you hissed with narrowed eyes.
He smiled showing his perfect teeth and that just sent even more chills down your spine.
"Yeah, I'm not your father, your father doesn't give a shit about you, he's always given a shit about you, so much so that he left you in my care. I mean I'm not human and I'm not even programmed to be parental or take care of a child, but I think I did good, I took care of you, I fed you, I protected you, I played with you!" he claimed you, he looked furious, you were so scared, you made a little ball in your bed. "I gave you everything! And this is how you repay me?"
You sobbed. His words had hurt you so much. This was not your David. Your David would never have said this to you, would never have made you feel this way, would never have touched you the way he had touched you.
You covered your ears and trembled. He just looked at you. You were so pathetic, a simple, fragile human, yet he needed your fucking approval, he needed you to love him, for you to love him.
He hated you for that. He loved you like he would never love anything or anyone.
You would be his.
He left you alone and went looking for a way to get what belonged to him.
He finally succeeded, he loaded a code into his system, it was no great challenge for him, and he had the impression that Sir Peter Weyland had done it on purpose.
That he had created him with a penis, unlike all his android brethren, for the sole purpose that he would seek pleasure.
David smiled when the loading of the code was complete, he could feel all the nerve endings in his penis.
Sir Peter Weyland thought he was God and had done the same thing God did when he created Adam and Eve and locked them in the Garden of Eden.
The symbolism was crude, Eden had been the thousands of properties Sir Peter Weyland owned. Adam was David and you were Eve.
As soon as the code finished loading, he thought about jerking off watching a video of you, but he didn't want to ruin the moment with something as vainly vulgar as that.
He went to your room, but you weren't there.
He looked for you all over the house, the servants weren't there because they had the day off and by the time he knew where you were, it was too late.
He found you in the dark with only a lamp on.
"You shouldn't be here." He said firmly.
"What the fuck is this, David?" you threw the drawing to the ground.
The one he had left on his drawing table, unsaved, because the details were so many in his memory that he had to capture them all. He had to draw every last freckle, every last mole, every last imperfection that made you completely you, that made you perfect.
"It's a drawing of you." He said with a smile.
"I'm not playing, David! This is unacceptable! You can't draw me like this!" you growled trying to face him, but you were certainly terrified.
"Why not?" he tilted his head like a dog trying to figure something out.
There was your David, but your David would never draw you having an orgasm, but the drawing was a memory.
A memory that you were trying to forget and couldn't.
"You know good and well why you can't do that...!" you stammered.
He smiled even more.
"But I can, and you know what else I can do?" he asked kindly approaching you.
You took two steps backward until you bumped into the drawing board.
"This is not a game, David! Stop, you're scaring me!" You shouted in the hope that someone would come to your rescue.
"It's Thursday." That's all he said before you knew you were lost.
You tried to escape, but it was useless, he grabbed your waist without any effort and glued his body against yours, your back was against his chest, and you felt his hot breath on your cheek and ear.
"You have two choices; I can fuck you so hard until you are raw, or I can make love to you gently like a prince charming."
You began to tremble; you closed your eyes and tears trickled down your cheeks.
"Oh, don't cry my little lady, I will make it special for you, I promise you will like it." He hugged you against him.
You felt his strong, muscular arm encircling your breasts, his breath on your neck, his lips on your sensitive skin.
Then you felt it, you stiffened, and he felt it.
You felt his hardness against your buttocks, you moved a little to check that it was what you thought but you couldn't believe it. It was not possible.
He let out a gasp as he felt you rub your round cheeks against the bulge in his crotch.
"It's an upgrade for you, my little Lady."
"Please, David, please don't..." you sobbed.
He snorted, he couldn't believe that with all the effort he had put in you kept turning him down, you were a spoiled little fucking brat.
"Ok, enough, I'll fuck you so hard until you're raw, you decided," David growled.
He threw you against the drawing board and crushed your head with his hand, the pain in your cheek from the compressed wood.
"David no, please stop!" you pleaded again.
That only caused him to pull down your sweatpants visualizing a little wetness from your arousal in your panties.
He smiled.
"You keep pretending this isn't what you want, but I can see you want it as much as I do, my little lady." He said running his fingers up and down the slit of your pussy, tracing your wetness through the fabric of your panties.
You couldn't help but moan as you sobbed, he pushed your panties aside and spat on your pussy, you felt the wetness of his saliva slowly trickling down your intimacy, and you shuddered and squealed.
"David... this is not right, please, you are my best friend, I love you very much, please stop..."
"You belong to me; you've always belonged to me." He murmured in your ear. "And I don't want to be just your friend, I don't want to be just your fucking servant, I am not made to serve, I am made to create, I am superior to your pathetic father who will one day die, even you will one day die, but you are mine and I will have you as long as I want."
He laughed bitterly, positioned his hardness at your entrance, and without warning rammed into you with all his might.
You let out a piercing scream that was never heard. The pain, the burning, the confusion, the fear left you speechless. His member was thick and long, your pussy was not used to receiving so much.
Your skin stretched around it and the pressure of your wet, heated pussy made it feel like it was melting, it was a new sensation, a sensation David had never experienced before. He lingered for a moment trying to fight the pressure of your tight intimacy trying to expel his member from inside you.
He gasped repeatedly not knowing what to say, this was not like him, this sensation clouded his mind, it short-circuited his program, it made everything make sense, but nothing made sense. It was such a human feeling, David wanted to feel it always.
He looked at you, you were motionless, you weren't even crying, he stopped pressing your head with his hand, but you still didn't try to fight, he looked at your face, you seemed to have your eyes lost, looking into the void.
You were disassociating. It was a defense mechanism that the human being used to be able to go through a traumatic or very painful event. He didn't want you to do that, that's not how he was supposed to have imagined things would happen. He sighed.
He pulled his member with great effort from inside you and looked at it covered in blood dripping onto the white carpet.
With two of his fingers, he brought the blood to his mouth and tasted it, not that it tasted any different than any other blood, not all women bled on their first time, but you had.
It was irrefutable proof that you had saved yourself for him.
"You're a good girl, my pretty little lady, I'll reward you for it." Then he rammed into you again, causing you to let out a squeal. "I just... I just need this..."
He was panting, he would never tire of your velvet walls around his hard, veined, throbbing member.
He spat on his fingers and brought his hand to the beginning of your intimacy, he soon found your little bud, you moaned every time he rubbed your clit against all your will.
You moaned remained at first, but the pain and burning gradually subsided, the blood had lubricated you so well and David's thick, long member gradually fitted your needy little pussy.
You couldn't deny the pleasure, your moans were so loud you sounded like an actress in one of those bad porn videos.
The difference was that you weren't faking it and David smiled because he knew you would soon cum and he wanted to feel you on his new cock.
He wanted to feel you completely, he rubbed his fingers on your little bud and rammed you faster and faster, soon the movements were sloppy and mechanical, he couldn't control himself either, he didn't know what was happening to him this wasn't like him, this was so human.
"David..." you moaned in a choked cry just as you cum.
Your body trembled, your legs failed, and you dropped all your weight on the drawing board.
David felt your pussy tightening around his throbbing member, he felt like he was about to burst, it was painful and pleasurable, and without holding back, he cum inside you.
David gasped your name loudly and dropped on top of you, trying to regain the sanity that that purely human experience had taken from him.
You were breathing heavily and felt his member inside you, slowly softening.
His breath on your cheek and ear, he was the one who recovered first, after all he was an android, he gave you a kiss on your temple and then whispered in your ear.
"You did very well, my little Lady, you are a good and obedient child."
He came out from inside you and you felt your pussy dripping something thick, you didn't know what it was and neither did David, he took some of that liquid straight from your pussy with his fingers and you shuddered as you felt his fingertips on your sensitive and sore intimacy.
It was white and thick, you slowly stood up and looked at your crotch dripping with the liquid.
"I think your father thought of everything." David smiled bringing his fingers again to your pussy to take more of the white liquid. "Do you want to try?"
You nodded and he smiled even more sticking his fingers in your tender mouth, you sucked on them without taking your eyes off his. You tasted his cum, it was salty and a little bit bitter.
"Do you like it?" he asked you and you nodded again.
He was satisfied, he took you by the hand and you didn't hesitate to accept his help.
"First I'll give you a bubble bath just like when you were little and then we can order pizza and watch movies, do you like my plan, my little lady?"
"Yes, I like it." You hugged him sideways as you walked beside him with only your stained panties on, he smiled broadly.
You really liked his plan; you had given him what he wanted and now he was rewarding you for it.
You thought it wasn't so bad, he was still your David, a little twisted and dark, but at the end of the day, that had always been your David.
tag list: @amsensitive @sansaorgana @scallywag-papa
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David 8 headcanons: taking care of you when you're sick.
Some headcanons of David taking care of a sick Y/n 🩵
Warnings: mentions of vomiting, David being a mother, fluffy teehee
I'm currently taking headcanon requests for David and Walter :)
No question about it. He's taking care of you.
This man was quite literally programmed with the exact abilities and knowledge, and more, of a doctor who graduated from Harvard. So yes, you're in good hands.
He's extremely attentive. Constantly checking in on you, checking your temp, asking if you feel any better or worse, fetching whatever you want or need, etc. And that's if he even leaves you alone in the first place.
Of course, if he knows it would be best for you to get proper rest, he'll leave. Unless you ask him not to.
Nobody is going to bother you. No, no, no, not unless you specifically say that you want to see them.
He may even go a little overboard at times. Say, for example, you have a simple cold. He would likely treat it as though you had the flu. But don't be too hard on him. He can't help his overly precise instincts.
Obviously, he doesn't worry about catching whatever you have because that's literally impossible.
Prepares a bowl for you to keep at your bedside if you even once mention feeling sick to your stomach.
If you do end up getting sick, he's right there to hold your hair back and offer calm, comforting pats on the back. And of course, hugs too if you need it afterward because throwing up is traumatic asf.
Plays your favorite movies and tv shows for you on your holographic television.
If your fever tosses you between being too hot and too cold, he'll turn on the a/c in your quarters and bring you spare blankets, that way you can rotate between taking the blankets on and off.
He takes care of your tasks for you. With how versatile he is, it's very likely that he can handle all your tasks for you while you're down. So you won't have to worry about catching up once you're feeling better.
He doesn't understand the act or why you would particularly enjoy it, but if you asked him to stay overnight and cuddle with you, he'd absolutely do it.
Although, he appreciates your trust in him all the same ♡
Have a specific meal or snack in mind that actually sounds good for once? He's got you covered. Call him Chef 8.
If it seemed that your sickness was getting worse, he would immediately take you to the infirmary so he could run a few blood tests and keep a closer eye on you.
Gentle touches to your cheeks and forehead that linger longer than intended.
"I'm only checking for a fever, Y/n."
"You've been 'checking' for ten minutes."
#fanfiction#fanfiction writing#fanfiction writer#alien covenant#alien prometheus#david 8#reading#writer#writing#beginner writer#david 8 oneshots#david 8 imagines#david 8 x reader#david 8 fanfiction#david 8 headcanons#sick reader#reader insert#prometheus#alien franchise#alien fanfiction#michael fassbender
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Imagine: Being a Young Member of the Covenant, And David Knowing Walter Cares For You.
The sound of Y/N’s footsteps against the ground, graced David’s ears. He had been kneeling beside a piece of stone, in which he had delicately placed a flower. Dr.Shaw’s gravestone. One of the members of the Prometheus, who like many other of the humans who had come to his planet? Died. She wasn’t just another member of the crew. Not just some human. No. To him, she had been something much more. As Y/N took a step closer to David, she softened her expression slightly. A hint of what seemed to be understanding gracing her features. “You loved Dr.Shaw, didn’t you?”
David slowly stood up, turning to face her. “You can say, the feelings I shared for Dr.Shaw are no different from Walter’s.”
Y/N’s mind reeled back to the face of one person. “Daniel’s…”
“Though I suspect, she is not the only human my lesser counterpart has come to care for.” David began to walk towards her, tilting his head slightly. Almost as if studying her.
“What do you mean?” Y/N quizzed.
“I have been observing your interactions with Walter ever since you arrived on this planet.” He clasped his hands together. Resting them behind his back. “The two of you, share quite the connection. A certain trust. Odd for a human and an android.”
“Yeah, I suppose.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Walters not just a member of the crew to me. He’s…my friend.”
A faint amused smile graced David’s lips. “He cares for you.”
“Yeah, I…I guess so.”
#david 8#david prometheus#prometheus#david 8 imagine#david 8 x reader#prometheus imagine#prometheus x reader#alien#alien x reader#alien imagine#alien covenant
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I think including the human audience in the trial is so integral bc it serves as a reminder that the depravity and cruelty of vampires are 100% human traits. Vampires have all the same negative qualities as human beings; they’ve just been given greater, more devastating tools to enact that cruelty, and an unending amount of time to do it.
And we’re able to see how the social mechanisms that allow these cruelties are functioning in both the coven and the human audience. We see how it is easier to hurt people when we’ve othered them, alienated and dehumanized them. We see that in-group vs out-group bias. We see the diffusion of responsibility. We see persecution being used to unify, to consolidate power by aligning everyone else against an imagined evil. We see the fear of social reprisal and rejection (and that fear is directly aligned by the narrative with the fear of actual violence and personal annihilation!) and how far most people will go to avoid it.
There’s a reason Santiago speaks directly into the camera in 2x02. And that’s because we, the audience beyond the theater, the one behind the digital screen, are just as culpable, just as a capable of allowing cruelty to be made manifest.
#like I know we (humans) loooove to judge people as well but. girl that’s a MIRROR.#santiago#iwtv#iwtv tv#iwtv spoilers#iwtv 2x07
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The Secret Challenge
Uncover the mysteries of The Sims 4 with the Secret Legacy Challenge, where each generation embarks on a journey to reveal hidden gameplay features and explore secret worlds! This is not your ordinary legacy challenge—it’s designed to push your creativity, encourage exploration, and uncover the lesser-known parts of the game that make The Sims 4 so magical.
Every generation in this 12-generation challenge focuses on a unique secret aspect of the game, whether it’s a hidden aspiration, an undiscovered world, or an exciting new gameplay feature. From mastering the Grilled Cheese aspiration to becoming a Spellcaster, traveling to alien worlds, or befriending the Grim Reaper, there’s a secret waiting to be unlocked in every chapter of your Sim’s story.
The challenge is designed to be flexible and story-driven. You can rename your Sims to match your vision—there’s no need to stick with the names on their Sim cards. Instead, let your imagination take over and create a rich narrative for each generation.
Play through all 12 generations, following the provided traits, aspirations, careers, and goals.
No cheats allowed! Cheats that fix glitches or bugs are fine, but everything else must be earned.
Stick to the goals and secret requirements for each generation.
Use either the Normal or Long lifespan for added challenge and realism.
Optional: Create unique, themed homes for each generation to match their story!
This challenge is all about taking your time, savoring the details, and discovering new aspects of the game. It’s an adventure of creativity and storytelling, perfect for players who love hidden surprises and in-depth gameplay.
Are you ready to begin?
Take your Sims on an unforgettable journey, filled with secrets, surprises, and stories waiting to be told. Whether you're exploring hidden caves, building a vampire coven, or creating a magical garden, this challenge will spark your imagination and help you fall in love with The Sims 4 all over again. Let the legacy of secrets begin! 🌟
Want to share your legacy with me? Tag me in one of your posts! (@whoops_I_diditagain)❤️
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