#project management benefits
nando161mando · 1 month
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Babe wake up, new slur for management just dropped
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cicadaknight · 8 months
got an interview for a design/web position at our local grocery store wish me luck!!!!
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hinacu-arts · 2 years
Chapter 8 is kicking my butt y'all. I like what i have written but I kinda wrote myself into a corner and feel like i took a wrong turn. Like the potential is huge but i cut to the chase too soon. Im considering re-writing the chapter, and if I like that version better i'll post it and then post the current draft under "deleted scenes"
Ive got a couple of ideas that didnt make the final cut that ive spoken about a bit in the comments of my fic, and since theres a interest I plan on making a "side stories and deleted scenes" series (side stories would be 12!Mikey's commentary and maybe more party room stuff)
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sapphia · 3 months
USA please listen to me: the price of “teaching them a lesson” is too high. take it from New Zealand, who voted our Labour government out in the last election because they weren’t doing exactly what we wanted and got facism instead.
Trans rights are being attacked, public transport has been defunded, tax cuts issued for the wealthy, they've mass-defunded public services, cut and attacked the disability funding model, cut benefits, diverted transport funding to roads, cut all recent public transport subsidies, cancelled massive important infrastructure projects like damns and ferries (we are three ISLANDS), fast tracked mining, oil, and other massive environmentally detrimental projects and gave the power the to approve these projects singularly to three ministers who have been wined and dined by lobbyists of the companies that have put the bids in to approve them while one of the main minister infers he will not prioritise the protection of endangered species like the archeys frog over mining projects that do massive environmental harm. They have attacked indigenous rights in an attempt to negate the Treaty of Waitangi by “redefining it”; as a backup, they are also trying to remove all mentions of the treaty from legislation starting with our Child Protection laws no longer requiring social workers to consider the importance of Maori children’s culture when placing those children; when the Waitangi Tribunal who oversees indigenous matters sought to enquire about this, the Minister for Children blocked their enquiry in a breach of comity that was condemned in a ruling — too late to do anything — by our Supreme Court. They have repealed labour protections around pay and 90 day trials, reversed our smoking ban, cancelled our EV subsidy, cancelled our water infrastructure scheme that would have given Maori iwi a say in water asset management, cancelled our biggest city’s fuel tax, made our treasury and inland revenue departments less accountable, dispensed of our Productivity Commission, begun work on charter schools and military boot camps in an obvious push towards privatisation, cancelled grants for first home buyers, reduced access to emergency housing, allowed no cause evictions, cancelled our Maori health system that would have given Maori control over their own public medical care and funding, cut funding of services like budgeting advice and food banks, cancelled the consumer advocacy council, cancelled our medicine regulations, repealed free prescriptions, deferred multiple hospital builds, failed to deliver on pre-election medical promises, reversed a gun ban created in response to the mosque shootings, brought back three strikes = life sentence policy, increased minimum wage by half the recommended amount, cancelled fair pay for disabled workers, reduced wheelchair services, reversed our oil and gas exploration ban, cancelled our climate emergency fund, cut science research funding including climate research, removed limits on killing sea lions, cut funding for the climate change commission, weakened our methane targets, cancelled Significant National Areas protections, have begun reversing our ban on live exports. Much of this was passed under urgency.
It’s been six months.
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online1drer · 2 days
6 Powerful Benefits of Proper Small Business Project Management
Introduction Effective project management is pivotal to small businesses’ success in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. It involves systematically planning, organizing, and overseeing tasks and resources to achieve specific objectives. By embracing proper project management, small businesses can streamline their operations, enhance productivity, improve resource allocation, mitigate…
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sierraconsult · 6 days
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At Sierra Consulting, we are dedicated to facilitating your team’s successful adoption and mastery of the best CRM for your business. Our specialized training sessions are designed to cater to your team’s unique needs, including thorough guidance on navigation, feature usage, and effective collaboration practices. We strive to ensure your team is fully equipped to leverage the service and gain the skills required for successful application. Monday CRM’s user-friendly interface simplifies task management, project oversight, and team collaboration for users of all technical abilities.
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lbtc · 14 days
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Will a Project Management Certification Help Your Career?
Discover how a Project Management Certification can enhance your career prospects. Explore the benefits and opportunities it offers for professional growth.Uncover the advantages and pathways to success in your field.
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
When I was working at the sex shop I was pulling poverty wages. I loved my job but I was on food stamps and still barely getting by. When they hired the stores first male employee and he started at my pay rate after I’d been there for three years I quit.
I was initially really nervous when I saw the post for the mattress job. It listed a pay scale that I couldn’t even conceptualize and I appeared qualified. When I got an interview I was over the moon but also petrified. Reactions to my line of work often varied but most people were very embarrassed or skeptical. I worried about how I’d address it in the actual interview.
I lived far to the north of their headquarters and drove almost two hours to get there. When I finally arrived it was in the nicest thrift store clothes I could find, but I shrank inside to see a room full of older white men in nice suits waiting to be interviewed for the same job.
Why did I bother? I was decades younger than anyone else in the room, shabbily dressed, and I suspected I was the only afab person in the entire building. I stewed in my insecurities until I was called in.
The second I met my interviewer I was instantly put at ease. The man had the energy of a therapy dog, he was abound with positive, good natured energy. He was also incredibly beautiful. I grinned back at his welcoming smile as we said our pleasantries. But still. This very beautiful polished man seemed very innocent. How would the sex shop question go?
“I see here you worked at STORE?”
“Yes,” I said hesitantly.
“And that was sales? Or you just rang people up.”
“No, it was sales. I’d help people find products, we were encouraged to upsell, there was sales spiffs, and most importantly we educated customers on products to help them find what they liked best.”
He grinned approvingly and asked, “Can you give me an example of a time you successfully upsold a customer?”
I paused, wringing my hands before I asked, “How vague would you like me to be…?”
“Not at all!” He assured me. “Go for it!”
“Well. A man came in looking for something to make his fingers vibrate so when he was touching his wife it would enhance that sensation. We had cheap $10 cockrings that I showed him first. But we had a rechargeable waterproof one made of nicer material, and after I showed him a demo he bought that one.”
“How much was that one?”
“Wow! You had an upsell of 100% from what he came in looking for! That’s incredible!”
He was so truly genuinely stoked and not at all embarrassed that for the first time I saw a tiny glimmer of a future where I didn’t have ramen and peanut butter tiding me over between paychecks.
He asked me to wait then came back to tell me he liked me so much that he wanted to send me right into another interview, if that was okay. He didn’t want me to have to drive back later, it was terribly considerate and exciting. I beamed and told him it would be lovely.
I then had the second worst interview I’ve ever had. The worst goes to the time I applied to be a store manager for a pet food place years later. The district and store manager interviewing me passed notes and texted while I was speaking. When the district manager called to inform me I didn’t get the job I told him I’d never have accepted anyway because I’d never had such a disrespectful interview.
The new man sitting behind the desk radiated an aura of a brick wall. As someone with anxiety I’m highly keyed into the emotional states of people I’m talking to. To receive no feedback at all was my personal hell. After a perfunctory greeting he asked me with no inflection to sell him a pen.
I gathered the shreds of my courage and attempted the Herculean task he’d set me. Through my whole improvised spiel he resisted all attempts at engaging him, regarding me with a cold apathy as I touted the benefits of my fictitious pen.
Halfway through I broke into a cold sweat. My smile didn’t waver but it grew strained as I projected friendliness and warmth into the black hole of his heart. My thoughts scattered and my sales pitch grew redundant in the face of his nothingness. I finally concluded with a hard close and he simply nodded.
He glanced at my resume and commented, “You didn’t ask me to touch or hold it. Though I suppose I can understand from your previous line of work why you wouldn’t.” I shriveled and died inside knowing that I encouraged people to touch dildos all day long and had been too frazzled to offer him the pen.
He bid me a cool farewell. I made it to my car before I started sobbing. I had never been so rattled. I couldn’t understand what I’d done to make him so unfriendly or if my threadbare clothes were what had made him treat me like dirt. I drove an hour and a half to get home, weeping intermittently.
I was therefore taken by complete surprise to receive a call the next day inviting me on board for their five week training program. The first man who’d interviewed me gushed on the phone about how the second guy had loved me and that I was going to be fantastic.
I was in shock. When I showed up to training the second interviewer was charming my new classmates, beaming and laughing. He was an utterly different person. To my dismay I learned he was the trainer for my district and would be my point of contact if I made it through training.
He joked with me later that his interview facade was just a tactic to see how people held up under pressure and I filed him into a category of my deepest enmity. I never forgave him for how small he made me feel that day, but I never showed him the depths of my fury.
I aced every test and went on to be valedictorian of the eight people who had survived the rigorous training process to earn a sales position. When I got my first paycheck I bought myself new clothes, the first non-thrifted things I’d owned in years.
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intelisync · 2 months
Overcoming the 60% Struggle with ML Adoption: Key Insights
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In the race to stay competitive, companies are turning to machine learning (ML) to unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation. But what does it take to successfully adopt ML?
Machine learning (ML) is a transformative technology offering personalized customer experiences, predictive analytics, operational efficiency, fraud detection, and enhanced decision-making. Despite its potential, many companies struggle with ML adoption due to data quality challenges, a lack of skilled talent, high costs, and resistance to change.
Effective ML implementation requires robust data management practices, investment in training, and a culture that embraces innovation. Intelisync provides comprehensive ML services, including strategy development, model building, deployment, and integration, helping companies overcome these hurdles and leverage ML for success.
Overcoming data quality and availability challenges is crucial for building effective ML models. Implementing robust data management practices, including data cleaning and governance, ensures consistency and accuracy, leading to reliable ML models and better decision-making. Addressing the talent gap through training programs and partnerships with experts like Intelisync can accelerate ML project implementation. Intelisync’s end-to-end ML solutions help businesses navigate the complexities of ML adoption, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems and maximizing efficiency. Fostering a culture of innovation and providing clear communication and leadership support are vital to overcoming resistance and promoting successful ML adoption.
Successful ML adoption involves careful planning, strategic execution, and continuous improvement. Companies must perform detailed cost-benefit analyses, start with manageable pilot projects, and regularly review and optimize their AI processes. Leadership support and clear communication are crucial to fostering a culture that values technological advancement. With Intelisync’s expert guidance, businesses can bridge the talent gap, ensure smooth integration, and unlock the full potential of machine learning for their growth and success. Transform your business with Intelisync’s comprehensive ML services and stay ahead in the competitive Learn more....
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nnctales · 2 months
Top 5 Home Design and Construction Software
The home design and construction industry has evolved significantly with the advent of technology, leading to the development of sophisticated software tools that enhance design processes, improve collaboration, and streamline project management. Here, we explore the top five home design and construction software options available today, highlighting their features, benefits, and suitability for…
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charterglobal1994 · 3 months
IT Program and Project Management Services | Charter Global
Charter Global ensures seamless IT project delivery, blending industry standards and methodologies for timely, high-quality results.
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123worx · 3 months
Boost Efficiency and Productivity with Construction Management Software Mobile App
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With the fast-changing times in the construction industry, it becomes essential to be efficient and productive if a company wants to be successful. Mobile technology influences construction management software and mobile apps as game-changers in changing the conception of a project's execution. These are digital tools designed to make every process smooth, improve communication, and optimize resource use for better profitability and client satisfaction.
Why are construction management software mobile apps important?
Construction is complex and tricky. It includes many stakeholders, tight timelines, and large amounts of paperwork. Traditional project management methods are ill-equipped to deal with these issues, leading to delayed completion, over-budget, and miscommunication. 
Construction management software and mobile apps bridge this gap by providing real-time access to critical information, enabling collaboration and data-driven decision-making on the go.
Benefits of using construction management software mobile apps
Accomplish a construction management software mobile app for loads of benefits that will show up on the table and maximize your potential for project execution. 
These apps are always ready to simplify project management, facilitate proper communication, and increase efficiency and onsite decision-making.  This helps conquer unique hurdles construction professionals often encounter.
Streamlining project management with construction management software mobile apps
Centralized project information: With the construction management software mobile application, you can view and update your construction detailing, schedules, drawings, and documents from anywhere. This ensures that relevant persons have real-time access to the same.
Task and Resource Management—Quickly assign tasks, track progress, and allocate resources across multiple projects effectively. This will help you manage workloads better and hit deadlines more successfully.
Real-time Progress Tracking: Use mobile apps to track the progress of any project seamlessly. Identify bottlenecks early and take remedial measures quickly. This helps avoid delays and ensures your project gets finished on time.
Enhancing communication and collaboration with construction management software mobile apps
Instant Messaging and Notifications: Ensure seamless communication across team members, self-employed professionals, or stakeholders through instant messaging and push notifications. This makes sure critical updates or queries are tackled quickly.  
Document Sharing and Version Control: Share the latest versions in drawings, specifications, and all other project documents to avoid working with previous information, thereby reducing rework.
Remote Collaboration: Allow team members to participate in meetings virtually, review designs, and respond to them promptly to make them more inclusive and effective.
Improving efficiency and productivity with construction management software mobile apps
Mobile Data Capture: Grab and send site info such as progress photos, quality inspections, and safety reports directly from the field to your mobile devices, reducing paperwork and ensuring accurate, timely documentation. 
Automated Reporting: Generate individual task and overall project status, cost, and performance metric reports, all with quick taps to save time and push decisions backed by data.
Integration with Other Systems: Most construction management software mobile apps integrate well with other tools and platforms, such as accounting software, BIM systems, and project management tools, providing an end-to-end flow of information and minimizing manual data entry.
Features to look for in a construction management software mobile app
Below are the features to check in a construction management software mobile app when selecting one for your specific project needs:
User-Friendly Interface: The application should be user-friendly, intuitive, and straightforward to navigate. Even those with little technical expertise and know-how should manage tasks with ease.
Offline Capabilities: Many construction sites have no or low internet connectivity. Hence, the app should support offline access for some critical features with data synchronization to ensure continuous workflow.
Customization and Scalability: Choose an application that can be tailored or configured to your company's unique systems and activities and grow with any future expansion or project challenges.
Security and Data Protection: Ensure the application serves industry-standard security protocols and has strong data protection measures through encryption and frequent backups. This will ensure that information related to the projects is kept from the right hands.
Integration with Existing Systems: Check if the app can integrate your existing software and tools. For instance, project management software and project financials, so that data is easily exchanged and manual data entry is minimal.
Tips for successful implementation of construction management software mobile apps
Maximize the benefits of a construction management software mobile app and avoid penetration with the following tips:
Conduct a Thorough Needs Assessment: Assess your organization's specific requirements, workflows, and pain points to identify the most needed features and capabilities in your projects. Choose the construction management software that offers an associated app that addresses your requirements.
Involve Key Stakeholders: Engage the project managers, field supervisors, and other key stakeholders on board early. Include them in decision-making and implementation to ensure technology uptake and resolve any problems or challenges in advance.
Provide adequate training: Invest in a worthwhile training program so all users, from the crews in the field to the office, will know how to use the app's features to tap its full potential. Pick the construction management software that offers the best onboarding and support for a reasonable price. Your software is only helpful if you know how to use it for your business.
Establish Clear Processes and Protocols: Design transparent processes and protocols for data entry, communication, and collaboration within the app. This will help in achieving consistency and ensure the perfect flow of information.
Continuously Review and Improve: Periodically review app performance and gather user feedback. At the same time, it updates processes continuously to boost its usage and tackle new challenges or needs as they arise.
Mobile technology has become indispensable in today's fast-moving, dynamic construction industry. Construction management software mobile apps offer a wealthy solution to facilitate project management, communication efficiency, and productivity.
These apps help you stay closer to your projects, get real-time critical information, and drive success by making data-driven decisions. 
Explore the world of mobile apps for construction management in the future so that you can build anything.
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Preserving Diversity
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hradminist · 4 months
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moolamore · 6 months
Why is Cash Flow Forecasting Important?
Do you find yourself constantly juggling bills, unsure when the next payment is due, or struggling to make financial decisions for your SME company? Managing cash flow is similar to navigating a ship through rough waters. To ensure a smooth sailing and successful arrival at your destination, you need a reliable compass, and cash flow forecasting serves as your guiding light.
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In today's blog, we'll talk about why cash flow forecasting is important and why Moolamore is the answer to your business needs.
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arolesbianism · 7 months
Management games my beloved I <3 tormenting lil guys for my benefit
#rat rambles#I decided to give lob corp a try recently since my siblings have been playing it and Ive been having fun#but I also keep getting distracted thinking abt how oni characters would manage here#I have been deliberately not reading the story stuff since quite frankly Im not in the market for new blrobos rn#but I know bits and pieces from my siblings being obessed with the project moon universe and cast#I do like hod and the girl twin from what I do know abt them they do feel a bit like me bait#Ill probably go through the dialogue at some point in the future but probably not anytime soon#Im not making that mistake again after I slipped into the oni rabbit hole from One lore log Im not testing fate again#but hey on the bright side I get to get attached to my lovely lil employees as I repeatedly send them to their deaths#hey my strongest guy became the strongest by being my test dummy to rly I did him a favor#well the downside is that hes the only one I trust with my two waw abnos but realistically others could handle it too#hes not my only level five employee he just got there first and is my reliable lil boy#well I do have a teeny bit of a problem with the fact that I also have a mushroom thing that Im pretty sure is also a waw#I messed around with it a lil bit in a day I ended up resetting for unrelated reasons and from what little I gathered it seems like it#could be real annoying especially if by 'three non insight works in a row are done' it means for everything and not just itself#it seems to have a similar effect to a different abno I have that's a tree that tries to eat ppl but probably a bit worse#the reason I reset that day was because little red broke out while I was also messing around with a scarecrow guy#and I kinda just let things play out for a bit for funsies and when I looked back at the mushroom there was an enemy outside#so Im guessing it lures in ppl like the tree and then tranforms them into enemies#the tree seemingly in theory has benefits to letting ppl get eated according to the guidelines but Im gonna take a shot in the dark and#guess the mushroom is not going to provide fun benefits#I mean in theory if I just work with it only once in a while it should be fine but Im gonna leave it until I finish my abno backlog#Im finally almost done with the stupid scarecrow that bastard caused way more problems for me than it should have#my guys can easily take it when it breaches but the problem is little red#honestly little red is a quite the problem for me in general because of their counter lowering when another abno breaches#this is mostly a problem because I still have to do quests around supressing abnos#and lemme tell you my guys cannot take little red at all#I also have had king of greed breach but at least with her you can easily play the stalling game#maybe I should find out how the bounty deal works and if I could utilize that for the mission#oh yeah I also have the fire girl since I missclicked which is disappointing because shes low level and boring boooo
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