#programme force
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fitnessmith · 6 months ago
Programme force + conseils nutrition pour devenir fort
NOUVEAU 👉 Programme force + conseils nutrition pour devenir fort. Rendez-vous en bio @fitnessmith, cliquez sur le lien, fitnessmith.fr/news puis dans « les nouveautés» - Ou rendez-vous dans votre boite mail pour les fidèles auditeurs #musculation #podcast #fitnessmotivation #gym #abs #shredded #minceur #regime #nutrition #dietetique #alimentation #alimentationsaine #keto #cetogene #vegan #vegetarien #carnivore #workout #france #sante #musculation #powerlifting #force #entraînement #nutrition #musculationfrance #muscleup #gainz #forcephysique #programmeforce #bodybuilding #strongman #training #gymfrance #objectifforce #musculationnaturelle #fitnessfrance #renforcementmusculaire #programme6semaines #nutritionmuscle #développécouché #soulevédeterre #squat #forceetpuissance #musclebuilding #progressionforce #forceetnutrition #muscleetforce #hypertrophie #strongisthenewsexy
Pour développer rapidement votre force, il est essentiel de suivre un programme d’entraînement spécifique. Tous les types de musculation permettent de développer la force, mais pas tous dans les mêmes proportions. Si vous souhaitez gagner en force de manière efficace, il existe des programmes approuvés par les powerlifters spécialement conçus pour augmenter la force. J’ai effectué des recherches…
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rosepetalkitty · 15 days ago
hi wait did I read your tags right, you made your own version of a soundgasm website?
kinda? i mean it's not "my own version of soundgasm" because it's just my personal site (so like you can't make an account and upload stuff there) but yeah, go check out https://listen.rosepetalkitty.cc, i made it all myself from scratch because i wanted to be able to have more control over the backend and the ui.
plus it lets me edit my descriptions and tags, replace audio files if i fuck something up, and add extra stuff that soundgasm doesn't have, like collections/series, automatic messages on discord when i post new audios, maybe in the future a way to have a play queue, possibly a "variants" feature for different versions of the same audio, better metrics (instead of just "how many clicks has this audio gotten since i posted it" i can see stuff like "during which hours do i get the most traffic", "how many clicks has this audio gotten this week", etc.). and also it's in my color scheme. so uh. yeahg. maybe it's more accurate to describe it as my equivalent to Shibby's "Shibbydex" or Miss Lilith's "Lilith Unleashed".
oh and btw, for my petals who aren't already aware, im no longer posting my audios on soundgasm for obvious reasons (my own site is just way way better for me to work with and as far as im aware its better for my listeners too) so if you're looking for my files in the future please go there. all the old ones from sg are on my new site, but im not going to delete them from sg, im just not going to post new things there.
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cryptidnest · 9 months ago
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My fanart doesn't seem to be liked, so I'm just going to dump it in here, and see myself out!
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egg-emperor · 7 months ago
you know I got that mf thang on me lol (24 hour ECG monitor)
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too many wires and stickers stuck to me I feel like I can't move so they won't come off. I've had plenty 5 min ECG tests but wearing it around for 24 hours is a whole other thing and Idk how I'm gonna sleep comfortably DX
Eggman would not be offering me any help but him being here makes me happy and that's enough hehe
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angelofsmalldeath-codeine · 8 months ago
The elections are over in the UK.
Shabbaz has a really good summary of the current situation. It’s worth taking a look.
And if my peeps over here live in the UK, please go out and vote in every election. Demand accountability from your local representatives. You can hold them accountable when they aren’t living up to their manifesto.
I no longer live in the UK. I was one of the many European migrant workers that left because of Brexit. The environment was hostile, the whole settlement scheme was giving dejavú of the Windrush scandal. Residency was now dependent on work visas, citizenship no longer attainable.
If you still live in the UK do your utmost to keep the tories out. Jacob Rees Mogg does not have your best interest at heart, his businesses are not even located in the UK. Boris Johnson got his French passport while he was pushing for Brexit. They’ve trashed the country to let you living in rubbles while they have a escape route.
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eve-will-perceive · 2 months ago
when my mum suggests that I don’t don’t do engineering or any of the jobs I would be happy with, but instead work in the AI field and make a bunch of money. and because people like me could stop AI from being so horrible. and I wouldn’t have to try because I’m a female.
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r0semultiverse · 11 months ago
This is better(?) than the minimalism plague infecting modern web design, but not by much!
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I do not like the mobile appification of web sites either! Looking at you as well, tumblr! By all means, get experimental with it (please do), but don't make everything look & function like a mobile app!
Hey, all supposed 34,175+ followers...
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Can you do me a favor & go @ (or tag) Neal Mohan on twitter & tell him to have the YouTube video page layout changed back? I'm so serious, go bother him about it. If enough people do this & this gets around enough, resulting in more people to asking it be rolled back, it should at least get him to ask it to be changed!
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dailyslmccl · 1 year ago
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[#1] Trying out this daily art thing. Here's hoping it goes somewhere
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v-4-l-0-n · 1 year ago
Broke: Chihiro is a cis man
Woke: Chihiro is a trans woman because of the context in-game and her backstory, as well as unfortunately being based on transmisogynistic stereotypes
Bespoke: Chihiro is a trans woman because she’s a programmer
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theoryfan205 · 1 year ago
Pray for me I'm going to get blood drawn and it's very scary and painful
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queenlua · 2 years ago
i desperately WISH that reading the phrase “[x] is among the few who understands how to write C programs with effectively zero memory bugs” didn’t instantaneously put me through a demented minor-key magical girl transformation sequence in which i became a screeching thirteen-headed cockatrice, belching fire and ichor and rust macros
but UNFORTUNATELY FOR ME i’ve looked at these fuckers’ code, so,,,,
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autism-corner · 1 year ago
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lokis-wager · 1 year ago
When the relationship between the video game character and the game's programmer is a religion analogue: !!!
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kachmedcom · 1 year ago
Musculation saine : un corps sain, fort et confiant
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Musculation saine : un corps sain, fort et confiant Vous rêvez d'avoir un corps sain, fort et confiant ? Vous avez commencé la musculation, mais vous vous sentez perdu ? Vous avez peur de vous blesser ? Si vous avez répondu oui à une de ces questions, ce programme est fait pour vous ! Un programme est basé sur les dernières recherches en musculation, en santé et en psychologie. Il est accessible à tous les niveaux, débutants comme confirmés. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant et commencez à sculpter votre corps !
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marcusrobertobaq · 2 years ago
DBH fanfic mfs got a obsession with DPD post-canon. It's a corrupt police place, bro. Their high ranks are in the pockets of the mayor and CyberLife.
Connor is outta DPD in "Last Chance". A captain can't do shit like "i want this man back" and this is it. They got a Chief. Connor is now a terrorist in CL's view (deviant who killed his guards and got an army with stole androids). Connor was in the DPD cuz CL wanted.
Hank loses his badge if he hit Perkins (parallel to him quitting the force if hostile), getting him back means the cops are indeed corrupt. Hank shouldn't even be in the force to begin with. I doubt a cop with his disciplinary record and "drinking issues" don't get suspended irl. Unless your path is "Connor got Jericho location from Chloe" or neutral/tense, Hank's is out.
The 200k RK900s are for the state department, they won't get deviant if they ain't active in the moment of the revolution and i doubt CL gonna let y'all touch 'em until there ARE LAWS sayin' all androids got the right to be autonomous. Unless u gonna make some of 'em look for the deviant Connor, they ain't got opportunity for deviation. They ain't in CL tower, probably in another warehouse.
It's not logical partnering an android with Reed. Fowler choose Hank cuz they're friends and he trusted Hank to do the job. An android would probably be partnered with Ben cuz he seems more "efficient". But like i said, the only reason Connor is in DPD is cuz of CL and i doubt he would want to go back there.
The DPD mfs u can think about in post-canon is Gavin, Ben, Chris, Tina etc. They still in the city. Just remember Detroit gonna be in android's hands for a couple of weeks, don't matter if u had a Demonstration or Revolution.
If u can make an fanfic justifying all these topics and still use the "DPD detectives" formula, congratulations, you are the 1%. But plz, for the love of god, leave your major game events in the description so i can get which direction u took.
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isak-og-even · 2 years ago
also shout out to German filmmakers for not being afraid of (partial) nudity.
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