#abortion is human rights don’t let the american missionaries protest in front of the uk health clinics
The elections are over in the UK.
Shabbaz has a really good summary of the current situation. It’s worth taking a look.
And if my peeps over here live in the UK, please go out and vote in every election. Demand accountability from your local representatives. You can hold them accountable when they aren’t living up to their manifesto.
I no longer live in the UK. I was one of the many European migrant workers that left because of Brexit. The environment was hostile, the whole settlement scheme was giving dejavú of the Windrush scandal. Residency was now dependent on work visas, citizenship no longer attainable.
If you still live in the UK do your utmost to keep the tories out. Jacob Rees Mogg does not have your best interest at heart, his businesses are not even located in the UK. Boris Johnson got his French passport while he was pushing for Brexit. They’ve trashed the country to let you living in rubbles while they have a escape route.
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