#programme fitness
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fitnessmith · 2 months ago
Nouvelle appli perte de poids, point faible biceps et comptage calorique
Nouvelle appli perte de poids, point faible biceps et comptage calorique. 🎙Pour écouter mon podcast : - Recherchez « la pause fitness » sur votre plateforme de podcast préférée - Ou rendez-vous en bio @fitnessmith, cliquez sur le lien, fitnessmith.fr/news puis dans « les nouveautés» - Ou rendez-vous dans votre boite mail pour les fidèles auditeurs #musculation #podcast #fitnessmotivation #gym #abs #shredded #minceur #regime #nutrition #dietetique #alimentation #alimentationsaine #keto #cetogene #vegan #vegetarien #carnivore #workout #france #sante
Dans ce podcast, nous allons parler d’une nouvelle appli perte de poids, de point faible biceps et de comptage calorique. Nouveau ! 7 collations nocturnes à moins de 110 calories pour calmer ta faim   Sommaire du podcast : Perdre du poids avec une appli intelligente Perdre du poids efficacement sans compromettre la santé, c’est le défi que des chercheurs de l’Université de l’Illinois relèvent…
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fox-guardian · 3 months ago
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[ID: A digital drawing of Colin Becher from The Magnus Protocol wearing a blazer and skirt, striped stockings, kitten heels and pearls, and aiming a gun at a computer with a ";P" symbol on the screen. He looks determined and afraid. end ID]
based on this
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happyendingsong · 2 months ago
applying for this jnior scrptwriting role but the only creative writing work i have to show is jn fic from three years ago. :/
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greatbigbeautifullife · 3 months ago
so incredibly happy to hear my close personal friends tom holland and zendaya are engaged
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sapphire-draw · 1 year ago
There's a lot of things I want to work on but I don't have any time for them. So instead here's two scenes I had already fixed up beforehand for a friend.
Context: One of my builders praying to the God of Destruction without knowing it's actually Malroth. Shenanigans ensue.
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Have a different altar to the Children of Hargon's because different religions can pray to the same god (game already makes the Children of Builder joke and I ran with it)
Also shoutout to that person in AO3 whom I totally stole the bird idea from. I couldn't find who when I went back to search for it. sorry. (if anyone knows I'll edit it in)
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If I had more time I could try to fix the weird layout. sorry.
Malroth (human) also doesn't know the God of Destruction is actually Malroth. It's really funny trust me.
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hl-obsessed · 1 year ago
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for @luckyagain who's tags kicked my ass to work 💕
[click for better quality as always]
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shakespearerants · 3 months ago
> be me
> vent to my best friend about a man who ruined my life for four hours
> "wow shakespearerants you are way too fixated on this one specific asshole are you sure you're not making him into a scapegoat for everything that went wrong in your life in the last 10 years because it's convenient?"
> realize he is right
> make a conscious effort to be less obsessed with a man I haven't talked to in over 7 years
> meet a very good friend for coffee and gossip this afternoon
> she went to the first class of [REDACTED] meetup that I didn't go to for unrelated to this one asshole reasons
> said asshole is now a literal police officer, insert surprised Pikachu meme here
> trying very very hard not to be back on my bullshit here but this perfectly fits into the conspiracy theory that the man is trying to torment me, specifically, with all of his life choices
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sampilled · 10 months ago
I’m manifesting that when kripke manages to get Jared on the boys, he has him do the filthiest nastiest smuttiest gay sex scene ever put on television, simply because I think fan reactions to that would be so fucking funny that I could die happy
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inspectorspacetimerevisited · 2 months ago
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Showing that no trope can’t be modified to fit into sci-fi,
‘Kaboom!’ had a delivery robot that could fly through space and time.
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fitnessmith · 2 months ago
Programme Full Body débutant en musculation pour se muscler
Vous débutez en musculation ? Découvrez ce guide complet pour structurer un programme full body efficace, adapté à vos objectifs. Pour voir ça, rendez-vous en bio @fitnessmith ou cliquez sur le lien : fitnessmith.fr/news puis dans « les nouveautés » ou directement dans votre boîte mail. #fullbody #musculationdébutant #programmefullbody #fitnessmotivation #musculationmaison #débutermusculation #training #musculationefficace #fitnessmith #fitfrance #musculationhomme #musculationfemme #musclebuilding #poidsducorps #haltères #progression #bodytransformation #musculationaddict #salledesport #sportmotivation #coachingfitness #fitnessgoals #programmefitness #musculationfrance #fitfam #trainingprogram #débuterensport #programmemusculation #workoutplan #muscleprogression #musculationrapide
Comment structurer un programme de musculation en full body pour débutant ? Si tu commences la musculation, le full body est une méthode simple pour progresser. Ce type de programme travaille tous les groupes musculaires à chaque séance, avec une répartition ajustée à ton niveau et ton emploi du temps. Je m’entraîne depuis 2004 en musculation, que ce soit en salle de sport, en home gym ou au…
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tchaikovskym · 1 year ago
My 2023 was wild, not in a way that anyone would use the term "wild" except me
#this year i travelled to finland. met a beloved mutual there#next week after that travelled to sweden/denmark (like copenhagen & malmo lol) to meet my old friend (with a recent friend lol)#then like. in spring we had this active/fitness challenege that kind of speed-run developing friendship with my coworkers#that challenge lasted 3 months i think?#also bc of it i went on walks frequently around one pond and was observing day by day a swan pair nesting their eggs until eventually#i saw their babies#also went on a 19km hike and 26km hike during the event that was crazy. swore to never do it again#ALSO participated in a trail running event (6km) and swore to never do it again#then i defended my thesis and gratuated#started thinking about and applying for phd#went on a 3 day roadtrip to lithuania with family and aunts family#following week went on a 3? day roadtrip to poland with coworkers AND FILMED THEIR ENGAGEMENT#i think after that i spent some time in a coastal town to see my cousin (from sweden)#and then her; my sister and me travelled to sweden (again for me!) to bring her back home and to give my sister her first travel with plane#then i got back and got into a phd programme.#broke my car; fixed it; gave it to my sister and bought a new car#buying a new car also was a fun trip with my engaged coworkers (but within country borders and lasted a day)#then my phd studies started and with it a new job#which i realized i should quit 2 weeks in lol#then the end of year was calmer. i did have small trips for like christmas tree igniting in a small town and#coworkers birthday party that was pretty fun#thinking back it really seems wild to me
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moonlight-eternal · 8 months ago
Pelipper mail! A large cardboard box packed with:
A high school physics textbook, with a bookmark placed at the start of the electrodynamics section
A college textbook on computer architecture
A book titled Arbok Coding For Dummies
A rubber psyduck
Interesting. I do thank thee greatly. When I have the time, free of the stresses of my mysterious malefactor or this suspicious orange-dressed team, I shall certainly endeavor to learn all that I can from these books.
...But what is the function of the rubber psyduck?
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cleargreyskies · 1 year ago
Despairing a little about the state of my master's thesis. It could have been so good if I hadn't stopped caring. I keep losing interest when it is one of my favourite topics and one I chose a year in advance. More guidance would have helped me a lot. Someone who showed they cared and would have made me work on it, too. (I am so bad at doing things if there is no extrinsic motivation. Sometimes I feel lost like a dog that needs a task and attention.) And a better work ethic. A better research question. The thesis feels so random, and I am not qualified for the discussion. Two weeks left, the most important intellectual part still missing. I hate this. One paper in your time studying has to be your worst, but why does it have to be the final one?
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evilmom · 1 year ago
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persimmonlions · 2 years ago
thank you louis for saving me money by not having any clothes that fit me
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the-irrelevant-trumpeter · 2 years ago
thinking about frangipani and ylang ylang... what's the story there
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