#professor yana
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corallapis · 2 years ago
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khruschevshoe · 1 year ago
I don't care what you say about the 60th anniversary specials. David Tennant's Doctor has never been fruitier than whatever the hell he was doing in Utopia. The way he looks at Professor Yana? Whatever the hell kind of vibes he was putting off in his conversation with Jack in the radiation chamber? Ignoring the two people who currently fancy you in exchange for looking near-worshipfully at your evil ex in human form because he embodies hope? Telling your other ex that you can't stand to look at him because he's wrong yet being more honest with him than you have anyone else for a long, long time? Unhinged queer icon. Who needs healthy admissions of feeling when you have whatever the hell kind of subtext-rising-to-text these two moments are conveying
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marvelmaniac715 · 2 months ago
Rewatching Doctor Who’s ‘Utopia’ (I still think the Master instinctively grabbing the Doctor by the hand and running with him once again is unbearably tragic) and it’s honestly hilarious and sweet that the Doctor smiling at and agreeing with him is what first sets the drum flashbacks going in the Master’s head (aside from the discussion of space travel). Those two are so normal about each other, even fobwatched 😭.
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cactiaintracist · 9 months ago
the doctor: “if she is my granddaughter I’d definitely recognize Susan the second I meet her”
the master: “are you SURE!!?”
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captainjackscoat · 23 days ago
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this is very funny to me
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notgingersigmatheta · 1 month ago
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He Is Waiting
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roxannepolice · 4 months ago
Figured I might try rambling about how wonderful the DW s3 finale trilogy is, all with some screencaps that get it best
All screencaps from QuiteUnlikely.net
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I've rambled about this before, but this shot is some ancient philosopher with his twink boytoy arrangement (think Socrates with Alchibiades or Aristotle with Alexander). Just. Obsessed with the Doctor being in supplicant/trainee position here.
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Much binary code has been spilled about how Martha and Jack should be absolutely pissed about the Doctor wanting to "care for" the Master, and rightly so, but the moment Martha realises professor Yana might be a Time Lord is freaking everything. Just look at her. She's forcefully keeping herself from exploding with joy at the idea the Doctor might not be alone anymore, keeping in mind how she actually sat there and listened to him waxing about Gallifrey. It's the same energy she gives when she finds out the Doctor found Rose. I understand the pleasures of vindicativeness but my girl Martha Jones has the emotional capacity of the Pacific. Same goes for Jack. That guy went through everything the Master put him through over the YTNW and still decided his dying words should be letting the Doctor know his husband is out there. Struggling through radiation poisoning to get him a date was the least the Doctor could do in return.
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Just sir Derek Jacobi acting porn.
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There is a repeating choice in camerawork where the Master is shot from below and the camera turns around him, especially when he's surrounded by the Toclafane. Gives the viewer an excellent sense of vertigo that makes you feel you're inside his crazy pretty head.
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I am absolutely obsessed with visual choices in the TenSimm phonesex scene. Just, the sudden sense of intimacy between them, underlined by the Master taking out his private phone? The Doctor stepping away from Martha and Jack for the talk? The way he conspiratorialy lowers his head for asking the Master out for a date talking about how they might just be together in whatever way, fighting across the galaxies if that's what he wants? Amazing.
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This moment is amazing and not discussed enough probably because the fandom is too busy finding hidden meanings of winning and losing in thoschei context to appreciate what's explicitly laid out before them. Like, you can just tell the Master knows the Doctor's there but still waiting for the proper order of moves in this fucked up game of chess they are playing (and also actually focused on his plan in which the Doctor is just one element and not the focus). Meanwhile, the Doctor's all oozing determination right before he states his claim in the game: I'm not here to kill him. I'm here to save him. That's it. He knows how difficult it will be, but he will win the game by "saving" the Master. Both from others and himself. In this very simple, very explicitly laid out context, the Master dying rather than getting "saved" by the Doctor is... well, let's call it a draw.
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Just an apprecitation of David Tennant's acting here. You can see this does not come easy to the Doctor. You can see he feels the weight of forgiving the Master. You can tell he really did suffer for himself and others like the Christ figure he is over the year. At the same time, the arrangement of his hands on the Master's body is so overwhelmingly protective. He knows what he's about to say is horrible.
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Ok, this scene was backward engineered. RTD just really wanted thoschei to hold hands under his run. There's a reason this moment keeps being giffed as them actually reconciling and that's the author wanting it to feel like this. At the same time, the little alone moment the Doctor and the Master get on the ground is wonderfully crafted. The Master going into grandiose Paul Atreides' He who can destroy a thing has the real control of it mindset while the Doctor just calmly calls his bluff and talks him down because he really does know him. A contrast to the chaos going on oboard the Valiant. Followed by what would be mistaken for aggressive sex in the wild if you got just a teensy bit drunk.
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Just appreciation of Jack holding the Master by his collar like a naughty cat that won't let his nails get trimmed :3
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Look at him. Look at the impossible warmth in the Doctor's eyes. This bitch is so freaking hopeful. His mind in already in the space of cuddling with freaking enormous Flemish giant rabbits on Teletubby planet he and the Master are going to engage in.
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OK, this moment. This moment. Lucy seriously doesn't get due appreciation as a character. Judging from the comments on my "Lucy adopted the Master because he reminded her of her cat" staute more eternal than bronze post, a lot of people don't like the idea she was just hypnotised into working with the Master and quite right too. No, this is a woman who enjoys power, who gets all ears when she's called "the power behind the throne". This is also someone who has witnessed the last remnants of humanity cannibalising themselves into murderballs, abandoning all hope for better future. End of the day, it's all going to end and the end will not be pretty. It's also someone who suffered a year of abuse from someone she actually loved and does not have the 900 years of witnessing all sorts of horrors the Doctor has. But just look at the calmness with which she gives the gun to Jack. She just did what needed to be done. When the Doctor says the Master "corrupted" Lucy, it's... well it's not exactly that he's wrong, but it's not the case of "oh, just an innocent dainty girl who met a bad man", it's more the case of "If you take a life do you know what you'll give? Odds are you won't like what it is". Contrary to what some writers would have it, DW's stance on violence isn't "guns are baaad, m'kay", but it is "once you've ended a life, it changes you as a person", hence aside from "nooo that's mah husband :(" the Doctor stopping Francine killing the Master, while the latter goads her to it, come on, you have it in you, just as I did the first time around way. The Master gave Lucy an opportunity to kill. Now she's just going along with it. Killed by the monster of your own making, if that ain't the story of the Master's life.
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Ok, ok, ok, the pieta. Because this is the freaking pieta, with the Christ figure holding up the Satan figure. How much more blasphemous can you get? How much deeper into the essence of mercy can you get?
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There can never be enough said about the Doctor's reaction to the Master saying he'd rather die than be imprisoned by him. Yes, there's the level at which he has a backup plan AND THAT CANNOT BE EMPHASISED ENOUGH, but from the Doctor's perspective? That's the Master denying everything he is, rather than just granting him the experience of another Time Lord - especially this Time Lord - by his side. That here, thank you mr Tennnat, is pure devastation. It's the one possibility the Doctor never took into account. The one rule of the game he never considered valid.
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But on the other hand, this here? This here is the Master genuinely surprised and almost sympathetic of the Doctor, on the account of focusing on all the good times they had together, all the times they together achieved things they never could seperately I mean leaving aside the Axon incident being one of the meanest things the Doctor ever did to the Master, tee hee. He seriously never expected the Doctor to hold these memories fondly, to actually think of him fondly. That's the juxtaposition to him enumerating all the times the Doctor's beaten him earlier in the episode. For him, it's always only about the objective winning. For the Doctor, it's been at least partially about the relation. The way his eyes venture of the Doctor's face? That's surprise and sympathy. But of course, not strong enough to change your mind when you do have a plan B.
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The Master's so playful. So playful when he says the "I win!" line. He knows the Doctor. He knows his stake in the game was to "save him". Dying is the only way left for him to at least not loose. But for the Doctor it became so much more, and he didn't even realise when.
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This is the face of the man who wants it to still be a game and still denying just how much real the things are getting. Look at him, he's ready to mirror the Master's playfulness the moment he gets a chance.
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Bless you, mr Simm, for just how bloody peaceful you look here. For looking like you've just had the first peaceful sleep in centuries. You look like a freaking doll.
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Oh yes, we will appreciate the burying your face in the other's hair here. To quote the brilliant line from a tensimm fic by @theprodigalpragmatist y'all need to read, A mourning wail. A mammal unburdened with consciousness prodding the limp form of its mate and finding no response, crying out to gods it couldn’t conceive of. A defeat.
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And of course, the downturned lips of mr Tennant mourning and dutifully accepting the Doctor's deepest defeat to date. This man's still thinking of the fun he'd have pressing Flemish gaints' fur to mr Simm's round face.
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The choice to include the wink to the audience that the Master is in fact just fine right at the moment when Martha leaves and the Doctor is alone in the TARDIS is briiliant. Oh yes, just gimme that God descends to the bottom of hell's frozen lake and finds Satan to pick them up feel.
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dandelionjack · 1 year ago
sleeper is so fucking heartbreaking. not even the sex jokes balance it out. the ‘murderous alien desperately wants to be human/believes they’re a human until they discover that they’re not and haven’t been for a long time’ trope has been done like 7 times in doctor who but it gets me EVERY TIME!!!
the scientist from victory of the daleks. dalek oswin. cyber-bill. auton rory. sleeper beth… and, in a way, john smith, ruth, and professor yana. they just want to be human. they just want to be able to love. they just want to help… tragedy in its purest form. the universe had other plans
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thelesbianthespianposts · 9 months ago
master sexuality headcanons
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inafever · 2 years ago
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Please no more Derek Jacobi in David Tennant's films. It never ends well...
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witchofthemidlands · 2 years ago
that moment in which professor yana becomes the master is absolutely unhinged. he just goes from that snazzy soft spoken old gentleman to an eldritch horror with those incredible delgado vibes in seconds & it is an absolute tragedy that he (as the master) only had about ten minutes of screen time. could have been one of the masters of all time.
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khruschevshoe · 1 year ago
Me, a dumbass, realizing that the Master in nuwho has only ever been revealed as a twist after an entire episode of them acting as an ally or at least non-assuming acquaintance to the Doctor or their companions:
something something foils parallels the Master could have been the Doctor if they weren't so obsessed with control the Master keeps trying to prove to the Doctor that they are one and the same THE MASTER AND THE DOCTOR ARE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN EQUALLY CAPABLE OF GOOD AND BAD AND IT IS ONLY CHOICES THAT KEEP THEM WHO THEY ARE
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marvelmaniac715 · 9 days ago
More angst thoughts for ‘Utopia’ and Professor Yana:
So, we all know that Professor Yana was amazed by the Doctor and immediately connected with him despite not fully knowing why, and I’ve been thinking about that for a long time. Then, recently, I looked up a picture of a young William Hartnell so I could see if all the ideas of a young Theta Sigma being blond were true (they aren’t if we’re basing his appearance off of a young Hartnell - he had brown hair) and something struck me. In a very loose sense, he reminds me of a young David Tennant in some aspects:
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It’s not much of a resemblance, it’s very much a stretch, but just go with me here for angst purposes, okay? So, Yana sees the Doctor, and somewhere in the back of his mind he can’t get over the memory of a very similar face from his distant past, a person who he can’t quite recall, but when he looks at the Doctor he has the eerie feeling that he’s seeing a ghost. Then the drums in his head start up again when the Doctor smiles again, and the unfathomable ghosts of his past, visible only in confusing dreams that the Professor cannot comprehend, won’t leave him alone.
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nkp1981 · 1 year ago
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The Master And Professor Yana
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dw-tma · 8 months ago
The Magnus Archive wiki describes the Web as
“The fear of being controlled or trapped, especially being unaware of one's own entrapment. The fear of being forced to do things against one's own will, of being manipulated. Also the fear of spiders. Manifests as spiders, spider webs, web-like patterns, puppets.”
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rambleonwithrosie · 2 years ago
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Okay fellow whovians...
I am rewatching 10 and maybe I've forgotten or maybe I just found a plot hole. But inH the Lazarus Experiment episode in Season 3 Martha's mom Francine leaves that famous frantic voicemail at the end warning her daughter that the Doctor isn't safe and explaining she has it on authority from Mr Saxon himself... so here's my question.
Why is The Master trying to stop Martha from traveling with the Doctor by using her mum? Like surely he has to realize if Martha isn't with the Doctor then there's a good chance he never gets freed from his watch and stays Professor Yana stuck at the end of time looking for Utopia. Like... am I missing something here or is the Master literally so blind in his hatred of the Doctor that he'd fuck his own timeline up just to inconvenience him by having him lose his companion?
I'm having a little Whovian crisis over here send help!
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