"annabeth chase is an cold and emotionless character"
the judge: please rise, defendent, you have the right to address the court. do you wish to say anything in your defense?
the canonical teddy bear in her camp trunk pulling up like:
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massiveladycat · 2 months
they could never make me hate you annabeth chase
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Octavian knew he was going to die but went along with it because he thought it would make him a hero. He wanted to be loved till his last breath......and you want me to hate him?
Source: wiki
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flower-boi16 · 4 months
It's absolutely hillarious to me how huntlow antis will always go around saying "umm, Huntlow isn't canon actwually!" and use it as some kind of gotcha to huntlow shippers. Like, putting aside how none of these people apply this same logic to other ships (ie. Lunter & Gustholumule) what makes it funnier is the fact that Huntlow IS canon.
The two show strong feelings towards each other throughtout the whole show, Dana and the crew DIRECTLY SAID THAT THEY SEE THEM AS A COUPLE, there is OFFICIAL CREW ART SHIPPING THEM
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And also this.
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Huntlow is practically canon mfs.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Piper Mclean was never a pick me,she was just a butch queen who hated basic white straight girl femininity instead of actual femmes and y'all hated her because she clocked your asses
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valewritessss · 2 months
When people say Annabeth was an unreliable narrator and her stepmom was actually nice to her…
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 2 months
teen percabeth and (barely) adult jily but they're variants of each other
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bookworm-2000 · 10 months
Jason Grace deserved better 😭
Rick did us so dirty. He basically just dangled this incredible backstory in front of us. Like my man was literally raised by wolves?? And yet still grew up to be one of the most, if not the most respectful young man in the entire series??
Percy being better with a sword genuinely doesn’t make sense with Jason’s hinted background either. This guy who has been training since he was three years old (twelve years) and then this kid who’s only been training for five is stronger than him?
I honestly feel like Rick only did this so people didn’t hate Jason more than they already did, having a character who wasn’t the main be stronger than the said main character.
That’s a mouthful but you get what I mean. I’m 99% sure there’s a word for characters like Jason, but I can’t remember what it is. It’s kind of like how in ffs you get Mary Sue’s, or original female characters who take over the story? Not really but kinda.
But yes, let’s not forget this kid, because that’s literally what they all are! Kids!
But THIS kid didn’t know when his birthday was…
How can you hate him when you know that? That kind of backstory is usually enough to make people love horrible, bloodthirsty villains but not a 16 year old hero who lost everything when Hera took his memories?
It doesn’t make sense.
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anotherpjofan · 2 years
Rachel Dare is such an underrated character like girl almost gets stabbed by a sword anf proceeds to help the person?? Iconic behaviour she didn't even flinch - just immediately launched into jokes without missing a beat??? Then finds the guy in her school and doesn't scream or shout or call the police?? like this makes the idea of clear sighted people so interesting cause they just go about their lives like
3 y/o Rachel: Mom! My third grade teacher only has one eye!!
Her mom: And you're the princess who's going to save everyone ;)
And after they reach a certain age people look at them like they're crazy right? So does Rachel just go about her day like
Rachel: My barista may look like a demon from hell but damn she makes good coffee
So maybe she tweets this and everyone thinks she's exaggerating and finds it hilarious but Rachel is just going about telling the truth and is so confused on why she has a million followers
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justaneedle · 8 days
Okay, let me get something straight...
The Diary of Luke Castellan and Percy Jackson and the Staff of Hermes are published in the SAME fucking book, but people ignore direct Luke's POV in favor of the POV of the boy who was jealous of Annabeth all the way to this very Luke?...
Wow, I hate people.
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its not enough that I read that annabeth chase is a good architect. I need to read her in action. I need to know the creative process. I need to see her at nights, drafting out masterful plans on sheets of paper. I need to see her with a gleam in her eyes as she walks around the site pointing at things and telling people what to do. I need to see her light up with joy when the building is done and wipe the sweat off her face as she looks up at her creation, her craft, her new permanent perfect monument worthy of the gods. I need everyone to be worried in wrath of the triple goddess cuz "what do we do?? hecates mansion is ruined???" and annabeth to swoop in and save the day, rebuilding the mansion better than hecate could ever dream of. cause that was her dream since she was seven. and she did it. she achieved her grand plan.
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massiveladycat · 12 days
i honestly sigh so fucking loud when anti's decide that they should put pro tags in their posts. my friend, you are ragebaiting. you are aware that you are tagging the people who like the kind of thing you're insulting. and yes, youre entitled to your own opinions but come tf on. when i look through the pro annabeth tag, i'm not looking for endless 'anti this' and 'anti that.' i am looking for annabeth fans to talk to. i will respect your opinion, in all honesty each to their own, but this is our space and you have yours. you have an entire tag dedicated to being anti annabeth. we have an entire tag dedicated to being pro annabeth. and so, please just use the anti tags for things you're anti about. likewise, use pro tags for things you're pro about. please. out of respect for the people who are searching it up. if someone's looking for a fight and they go to the pro or anti tag and they start verbally harassing you, go for it. argue. but when they are looking to be peaceful, to interact with people who agree with them, do not interrupt that safe space with your 'anti' or 'pro' posts. don't tag things you are against. it will not be a good experience for anyone involved
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My head canons about Drew Tanaka:
1. Her father is a child of Dionysius. I mean she does give the vibes of the wine aunt.
2. She has siblings. And not like other children of Aphrodite. Her father has other children.
3. Her father was an actor when he met Aphrodite and fell in love with her and had Drew. When he found out that she was a goddess and just disappeared into thin air he was furious.
4. He wanted revenge and that attracted Nemesis. And thus her 1st brother was born. (in my AU his name is Ethan, I love this name) He made him even more angry and he was petty as hell.
5. He decided to practice magic to get his revenge and this attracted *drum role* Hecate. And thus her 2nd brother was born.(in my AU his name is Albastor, I love this name as well) After this her father gave up and just tried to raise them as a single parent.
6. Drew is allergic to like everything. Trying to buy her something is very hard. Like chocolates, can't have pistachios or almonds in them. Clothes, don't you dare give her silk she will kill you and then die. Flowers, well you get it.
7. She is bisexual and falls in love with every single person she meets. Never in a serious way but she gets bi panic all the time.
8. The 1st time she broke someone's heart, it was a mortal boy and she felt horrible for it.
9. She dated Nyssa (from Hepheastus cabin) secretly for 3 months and then went public. She is in a serious relationship with her and is absolutely smitten.
10. She was very close to Selina. Her betrayal was a big blow to her. I don't think she hated Selina for betraying camp but rather because she left her. I think she probably felt as if Selina chose her love for Charles over her.
11. She can use a gun. Seriously I imagine that the camp is under attack and everyone is fighting. And then Drew *I don't fight* Tanaka will pull out a gun and start shooting every monster in range with perfect accuracy.
12. She is friends with the Stoll twins, Malcolm pace, Nyssa, and Katie. And she high key ships Travis and Katie.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Reasons why Luke was wrong(from an irl radical)
He did actual zero direct action against the gods and only spent time getting power from the Titans
He also didn't do any activism for half-bloods or any other mythologicals so they could live better and in fact made their lives harder with all the problems he caused and said himself he dosen't care if he hurts anyone in his Good Kid reprise
He was misogynistic(pursued underaged girls romantically exclusively)and racist(targeted boys of color i.e Chris and Ethan and he only treated Percy as an equal because Rick intended Percy as a white boy)
He was the leader of an organized army i.e A military system
The army in question was made through mass child grooming
He did literally everything he claimed to hate in The Gods and even if he didn't realize it that dosen't make him not a fascist
"B-But he said western civilization is a disase!!!!"He IS western civilization,he's literally a blonde blue eyed white man who takes advantage of minorities as a lifestyle LMFAO
'Destroying society from the ground up to rebuild it' is a cryptofash dogwhistle
And to anybody who thinks he wanted to give demigods better lives because he said he did:
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valewritessss · 2 months
Guys I just found an account that is dedicated to being anti percabeth and anti annabeth and only making content about that
I’m so happy I don’t feel so much hatred towards something fictional that I make a whole account to be negative about that thing instead of just finding things I do like and being positive about those
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goddessofwisdom18 · 3 months
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aporia (noun): in greek philosophy, an impasse; a declaration of doubt. the girl from the real world has been on the island for two weeks; the daughter of the world is cursed to fall in love with male heroes alone. they do not like each other. are the nights cold enough to share a blanket?
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