#pro transidentity
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animal-creature Β· 5 months ago
If any transid or para needs to hear this,
You will be alright.
You will be safe, you will be comfortable, you will be free, you will be happy.
We will be accepted. It's inevitable. We're making progress day by day. Our communities grow rapidly, people who were once skeptical change their minds and become accepting.
You will survive, and you will live.
Please keep going on.
There's always someone fighting for you.
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radqueercatfish Β· 2 months ago
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🌸 PERMASCARS : a term where you think you should have / feel like having permanent scars !
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[ If already coined by someone, consider this an alt flag ! ]
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suresuresureaursure Β· 21 days ago
UHM UHM UHM new ship hyperfixation just dropped (transautisticball x cisautisticball)
I posted it/about it in rqballs (the community)
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theproblematicnerd Β· 7 months ago
Survey for Non-Radqueers who Support Transids and Paras
Who can take it? anyone who supports transids (or <insert preferred term>) and paras but is not radqueer
What is it about? the issues with the radqueer community that don't get talked about by pro-transid/pro-para folks often, and also just recognising this group as it gets a lot of hate from both sides
What will happen with the data? it's public to view and the link is in the survey description! I may also make a post on the results here or talk about the results on my Notion, it won't be used to make any community 'look bad' or anything like that, I think that's just mean
Are you radqueer yourself? I am not, but I have a big interest in the pro-transid/para and radqueer communities and as you can see by my Notion I love talking about it in a very autistic manner! I'm anti-hate towards people who identify this way and I engage a lot with the community, but don't label myself radqueer. This is a very self-indulgent survey because it's for a group I'm a part of! (tags are for reach as usual)
Results Summary: here
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transidentityneocities Β· 1 year ago
Transidentity Neocities
Hello tumblr!
I've made a neocities website about transIDs. It's meant to be for people who are new to the term who want to learn what it is.
I am listening if anybody has suggestions for content or links they'd like to see added. You can message me here or leave a comment on the site (I think that's how it works). I may add a section of personal experiences and quotes so that people can understand what it feels like to be transID.
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forgedesires Β· 1 year ago
Can you coin transTwi'lek?
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a transspecies term where one feels they should've been born a twi'lek, want to be a twi'lek, want to become a twi'lek, identifies as a twi'lek, etc.
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no-more-rqs Β· 5 months ago
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im going to put this in a separate post because theres WAY too much i need to talk about here than i could reasonably put in a comment. @bread-werewolf you can read this if you want but i dont expect you to listen
alright, for one i want to address the "radqueerish" thing. "radqueer", as its currently defined, is "pro para and pro transid", but i know thats not what you mean by this because incest isnt included in that definition. what you mean is that it is one of the bad things radqueers support. however, do you know what other people consider "radqueerish"? every single thing they dont like, regardless of it is harmful or not. endo systems, otherkin/therians, paraphiles, kink, mad pride, fictionkin, nonbinary people, contradictory labels, and more. yes, there are real anti-radqueers who believe that being nonbinary is a radqueer thing. if something not inherent to the radqueer label is still "radqueerish", then everything is radqueer. the only think that is inherent to the radqueer community is supporting all paraphilias and transidentities. nothing else. incest is not included in that.
if you, after reading three different credible papers (one of which is 20+ pages long) proving you wrong, still believe that incest is "radqueerish" because its a bad thing radqueers support, you are exactly as justified as the anti-radqueers who say that endo systems are a radqueer thing. you claim that endo systems are valid because theyre proven and supported by real science - yet the second it comes to something that you personally dislike, suddenly studies dont matter. i would like to remind you that the rate of incestuous offspring having any sort of disability is 3 percent, and that is only if they actually have children (most dont). this is proven by science, as is evident in the articles included in the post you commented on.
to all anti-radqueers, do you actually listen to all evidence, or do you only listen to the evidence you agree with?
now, onto the supposed "radqueerish" thing. if someone chooses to have a child who is disabled, why is that a bad thing? why is a disabled person's existence so horrible that the idea that, out of one hundred children, three of them will be disabled, means that no children should be allowed to be born? there is no difference between a disabled child born from a disabled person and a disabled child born from any other person. both children are disabled. neither parent is morally wrong for choosing to have a child. disabled children are not a burden, not a moral failing. you should not be advocating against the existence of disabled people. that is eugenics. it is eugenics to claim that disabled people should not be born, for ANY reason. it is eugenics to tell ANYONE "your children might be disabled, so you cant have any kids" because you are intentionally trying to prevent disabled people from continuing to exist. is it radqueer to be against literal fucking nazi ideology?
i will repeat again: THREE PERCENT. you are claiming that no one related whatsoever can ever date because, out of the people who will actually have children (which is not very many), 3% of those children will be disabled. you would think its 110% with how hysterical people get over this. there is no other reason why incest alone could be harmful. this is the only concrete reason besides "its gross and i dont like it".
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transx-mogai-cafe Β· 8 months ago
Hey, i just want to thank you for being one of the people to turn me fully pro-transid back in 2022. I was only finding out about general transids like transage and transabled, and initially when i saw your blog and saw identities like "transmusician" and "transhaircolor" i first thought it was ridiculous and not a good-faith identity, because in my opinion it was silly to identify like that. But i decided to follow you anyway, and just in several days seeing you post about them and their genuine experiences helped me understand it so much. I am now using "silly" transids too :) You are truly a living legend of transid and radqueer communities (even if you're not alive on tumblr much!).
Thank so much for telling me, I love knowing I've helped even just a handful of people!
I think it's important to balance the serious and the silly in any community, really. In the queer community, I'm a big advocate for transgender healthcare and easily accessible STI testing for example, while also acknowledging that I also have silly aspects to my own coffee-related gender. Same for other transidentities! On this blog I tend to talk a lot about transabled advocacy, healthcare and morphological freedom, while also being able to say maybe I'm also transbarista! Not all of it is silly, but it's not all serious either. But I guess you already realized that! (≧◑≦)
Thanks for stopping by!
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polycoins Β· 4 months ago
  πŸͺΆ interaction policies ...β˜†
this is a more in depth code of conduct that will be expected out of this blog and from those who interact with us.
01.) we are a flagmaking blog. our identity terms can be related to: genders & neogenders, paraphilias, plurality & other mental disorders, sexualities & romantic orientations, transidentities. γ€€γ€€γ€€01.a.) when requests are open, you are allowed to send an ask about a certain identity that has not been posted on the blog or internet. a definition of your term if it is being coined can be very helpful; and credit will be attributed to you. γ€€γ€€γ€€01.b.) when requesting a vector or a redesign of a certain flag, please say as such, and attach the best resolution photo you can with your ask. if you are unable to send an ask with an embedded image, a pasted link of your reference image works as well. we ask that you also provide credit to the original coiner/designer/poster.
02.) requests always bypass the queue; but most posts will be placed on a queue to not oversaturate the blog with posts.
03.) asks not related to identity terms or flagmaking will not be answered; in fact, they'll be deleted, because we're not a discourse blog. hate or criticism will be read, but not shared. γ€€γ€€γ€€03.a.) asks related to giving credit will be posted.
04.) we currently do not @ (tag) the people we vector from unless asked. this policy may change in the future to be a better archive, but for now there will be no tagging.
05.) we are archival – we will not be hindered by a person's morals, sensibilities, or sensitivities when it comes to identity. these terminologies and flags are to help people and other beings to introspect upon temselves. γ€€γ€€γ€€05.a.) we may not follow others' dni's for this reason. γ€€γ€€γ€€05.b.) original credit will always be given regardless of stances from whom we take a flag from. γ€€γ€€γ€€05.c.) we will not ask for permission to vector flags for this reason. we are making vectors for external wikis such as pluralpedia, paraflags wiki, or even transid.org, thus making these flags more accessible. γ€€γ€€γ€€05.d.) we will not delete any flag posts for this reason.
06.) when possible, we always will try to link for credit. but if you get mad at us for making a vectored 5:3 ratio photo of your work, please find the block button and block our blog. trying to send an ask to get us to take something down will not work. γ€€γ€€γ€€06.a.) requesters are still allowed to ask for a vector of your flag/identity/term/work. you will still be credited.
07.) we are noncom – we do not participate in communities and choose to remain unlabeled.
08.) we have no dni because they do not work and we cannot give the time to police others on the internet.
09.) we are not responsible for how you interpret and/or use these flags when they are harmful paraphilias or transharmed/ful identities. γ€€γ€€γ€€as much as we advocate for anti-contact and pro-consent and trauma informed transition, we operate on a don't ask, don't tell policy when it comes to takes on the specifics of these identities. that is to say: we won't ask if you're identifying with a flag for pro-contact reasons, and you won't willingly tell us as such; and us posting a flag does not mean we condone its actions or more negative interpretations. γ€€γ€€γ€€09.a.) regardless of what we post, we do not condone active, nonconsensual harm put upon others. γ€€γ€€γ€€09.b.) regardless of what we post, we do not condone harmful activities enacted on a party that cannot consent (ie. minors & animals).
10.) we are not a text blog – our posts should only include relevant posts to flagmaking, flag archiving, coining, and vectors. we do not plan to participate in discourse or make any posts defending our stances any more than we must. γ€€γ€€γ€€10.a.) we will not post any asks regarding discourse over any identity category.
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antirqpuppy Β· 5 months ago
Dissodic lowkey sucks.i followed a dissodic archive blog when I first heard the term was actually okay with transition for nonharmful transidentities so I see terms that get couned and the language they use and it will be like "dissogreenhair" (example, I'm sure it exists but I've never seen dissogreenhair)
And you keep reading the post and it's like. "Dissodic is NOT supportive of transitioning or transitioning tips WHATSOEVER!! No Subliminals! No manifesting! NOTHING!!"
And it's like no actually if having green hair is that important to you then like. Dye it. That's literally an okay thing to do. And if you can't dye your hair but you believe in subs and manifesting then listen to subs and manifest that change in hair color.
The term may be pro transition for nonharmful transidentities but the fact of the matter is that the community is not. Its like they want you to be miserable
(screenshots of another ask they sent me)
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That is so interesting to hear, thank you! I didnt know the community was that much against non harmful transitioning.
If you dont mind me asking, do you think a third, new term would be better? Since Ive first heard that some people dont like the term dissodic because of similar reason, Ive wondered why they dont just make a new term.
Having so many diffrent labels that mean the exact same thing is probably annoying though and that might just be the reason. I mean transid is perfectly fine, its just that they get associated with radqueers too much.
Another thing I thought about was, why not just use the term anyway? They cant make you not transition. If you want to, then just do it. Hm but people might just single you out as the "bad one" maybe and it would probably be hard to find people alike in the same community.
But I would love to hear an opinion of a person that is actually affected.
I hope this doesnt sound rude or anything I'm rlly not trying to.
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philosophicallie Β· 3 months ago
β‹…Λšβ‚Šβ€§ ΰ­¨ΰ­§ β€§β‚ŠΛšβ‹… 🚬 fencebreaker πŸͺ½ β‹…Λšβ‚Šβ€§ ΰ­¨ΰ­§ β€§β‚ŠΛšβ‹…
as the internet becomes more divisive, i find myself wanting to say my stances to basically start shooting rent lowering shots and curate a followerbase that at the very least, are people i'd have resonating opinions with.
censorship : proship / pro-literacy / anti-censorship paraphilias : sex positive / paraphilia positive / pro-consent big-three paras : big-three neutral / pro-consent (chronological children & animals cannot consent) / anti-contact plurality : endogenic positive / anti-sysmedicalist genders : neogender positive / xenogender positive / transition-choice positive radqueers : radically inclusive / radqueer neutral transidentities : transid neutral / transrace/trace neutral / transharmful neutral / transharmed neutral / pro-choice / pro-consent agesliders/transages : pro system littles / pro age regressors / pro age dreamers / pro sexual littles recovery : pro-choice / pro-recovery / paraphilias β‰  mental illnesses DNIs : DNIs do not work / just use the block button gatekeeping : anti-gatekeeping
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imactivethisblogwilleat Β· 3 months ago
turned anti rqs posts into a pro rq song
This kind of act be sick as freaky fuck
Plagued by thoughts we can't control
mentally unwell developmental behind
we're accepting of pro faith identities
hoping to not be exiled out here as rad
personally we support them bad queers
i hate you fucking unsupporters of crust
would be around someone who proclaim
looking to collect them all the youth libs
not trusting an goverments exploitations
antis they're all for beating your face in
if you are any of those, fuck right off too
we chose to become plural fuck you ooo
i'm into degenerates into a lot worse fool
this lable does support real life consent
if you are a survivor unblock this person
but you aren't weak or worthless for that
who term gonna get termed who reports
this user is recovering from bigotries lies
refuse to translate your quirks don't hide
can't stand those who say they a freak
yet only sanatized versions your scream
yeah practically the same as the foe
wishing all people a horrible pride month
reblog if you're a beautiful sin this hunch
are you fucking real, we do expierence it
debunk misinfo just starting arguments
why are we blocked, it's another fighting
requested by anon, a transidentity loving
start thinking you are the future, believe
smell your scent your validations sewn
protect this prey draw close your soul
yea we need 50 definitions there no limit
hyperfixation on media it is the you in it
how much more blatant can we be, see
full of fakers spreading fun and laughter
casted off dysphoria ascend transition
words don't have meaning, world is ours
dealing with right wingers and medicalist
stand up us true predators defend flocks
we are abhorrent and terrifying, keep defying our little precious burning fire
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rqmaxsblog Β· 11 days ago
My DNI List + Intro
For more specific DNIs a link will come soon.
Anti: DNI
- Anti-Consensual (Pseudo)Abuse
- Anti-Fiction
- Anti-Pro Contact
- Anti-Para
- Anti-Recovery Neutral
- Anti-Radical Queerness
- Anti-Ship
- Anti-Transidentities
Pro: DNI
- Pro-Non Consent
- Pro-Harrassment
Right Wing: DNI
- Adultists/Adultriachists
- Ableists
- Bigots
- Exclusionists
My Intro is under the cut !!
Your DNI may be me, take a look:
Anyways ! Call me Max or Maxile !!!
- Antifa
- Anti-Harrassment
- Pro-Contact
- Pro-Fiction
- Pro-Para
- Pro-Ship
- Pro-Transidentities
Left Wing:
- Abolitionist
- Anarchist
- Communist
- Radical Queer
- Xenoanarchist
- Youth Liberationist
- Awooqueer
- Dollqueer
- Liberqueer/Liberpunk
- Post-Radqueer
- Pedoqueer
- Violentqueer
- Werequeer
Im just a silly goofy goober who uses They/Them and a lotta more Neopronouns.
Ima Femboy, Lesboy, Achillean Thingy.
Im Trisabled, Racevoid, Multicultural, Transdeity, Panradoxage, (Chrono)Age-Non-Conform, Transdrug User, etc
Ask should always be open :3
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thehoundsflags Β· 1 year ago
We are The Hounds, they/it, plural and nonhuman descriptors only.
We are an disabled ( brain and body wise ) DID system. We are collectively nonhuman + transspecies, queer + objectum. The body is adult.
You may use stuff we've coined if you fall under our DNI, but it's preferrable you don't use our flags in that case.
Discourse is almost always deleted. All system origins discourse is.
DNI if you are:
- anti-neurogender, anti-xenogender, anti-neopronouns, anti-neuroorientation, anti-aspec (includes being against afamilial and aplatonic), anti-autoorientations, anti-amasui, anti-objectum, anti-polyam, and anything generally similar, generally queerphobic.
- anti nonhuman/fiction identifying such as anti-otherkin, anti-therian, and so on, not acknowledging/treating species dysphoria with respect.
- anti-paraphilia, anti-kink.
- pro acting on paraphilias the other being cannot consent to, paraphilias that significantly harm yourself or harm the enviroment.
- radqueer, transidentity/transx or whatever other (same/adjacent meanings) names for communities like these.
- associate the term transspecies with radq/transid, when the word originated in mostly therian spaces and thus fits under the alterbeing & nonhuman community term umbrellas.
- anti-furry, anti-selfship.
- anti-pet/age regression, anti-pet/age dreaming.
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animal-creature Β· 2 years ago
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βœ§β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜…: *.✦ .* :β˜…. β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€βœ§
Neuroxenic (and it's analogues) is a term that describes the state when one's neurological or mental functioning can be described, explained or understood in non-normative or non-human ways.
βœ§β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜…: *.✦ .* :β˜…. β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€βœ§
Being neuroxenic can be connected to or influenced by being kin, spiritual, plural and more. It can also be connected to and described using aesthetics, animals, colors and more.
βœ§β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜…: *.✦ .* :β˜…. β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€βœ§
Being neuroxenic can be considered as its own form of neurodivergence. However, neuroxenic as a term isn't inherently neurodivergent, nor is it neurotypical; there are no restrictions for using this term; anyone can use neuroxenic labels, whether they are ND, NT, neither, both, in-between, or other.
βœ§β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜…: *.✦ .* :β˜…. β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€βœ§
Neuroxenic can be used as an umbrella term that includes xenautism and xenADHD as well as other xenoabled and xenomalady identities that describe mental or neurological functioning ways that are xenic in nature. (however, no one has to be included into neuroxenic umbrella if they don't want to).
For example: someone might identify as xenoneuro due to being xenADHD and/or xenautistic.
Neuroxenic identities can be standalone terms as well.
Examples: someone might identify as neuroxenic due to feeling like the right way to explain their ways of neurological functioning is through neuroxenic labels (regardless of whether they have or don't have any specific NDs)
New neuroxenic identities can also be coined by adding any prefix to -neuro.
For example: kinneuro (link). Someone might identify as kinneuro due to being kinautistic and/or kinADHD or due to believing that the kinneuro label is the right way to explain their neurological functioning.
βœ§β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜…: *.✦ .* :β˜…. β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€βœ§
Neuroxenic identities aren't inherently transidentities, although they can be.
The coiner believes that anyone can identify as cisneuroxenic as well as transneuroxenic.
βœ§β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜…: *.✦ .* :β˜…. β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€βœ§
Some examples of using the term:
"I use neuroxenic labels such as xenautistic, xenADHD and others"
"I am xenneuro, specifically - kinneuro, because i believe my neurodivegrence is influenced by my otherkinity"
"I am xenoneuro, i believe the way i think can only be described in non-normative ways"
And many, many more. The coiner believes there is no wrong way to identity as neuroxenic.
βœ§β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜…: *.✦ .* :β˜…. β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€βœ§
Thank you for reading this post. The coiner would appreciate any feedback. You can ask any questions about this term. You are very welcome to coin neuroxenic flags, identities, and other things.
Everything in this post is free to use, credit is not necessary (though is appreciated)
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transidtrash Β· 2 years ago
a term fur people who want to have or wish to acquire a different artstyle!
let mew know if this has been coined befor!!!
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