#pro stelena
stargirlie25 · 9 months
if you are a Riara,Elriel,Vassien,Jelly,Delena,Klaroline,Clexa,Then this is not a safe place for yall.
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chernayawidow · 2 years
How I’m choosing to believe it went
Bonnie (rightfully) refuses to help Stefan find a cure for Damon because he’s horrible/doesn’t deserve to live and he wouldn’t hesitate to let Bonnie die.
Bonnie pretty much starts putting herself first from here on out because she deserves better
Damon (thankfully) dies from the wolf bite at the end of season 2.
Elena doesn’t forgive Damon for any of his misdeeds because death does NOT equal an automatic pass for all of his appalling actions.
She doesn’t give him that disgusting kiss while he’s on his death bed. (That kiss wasn’t their first kiss either btw, their first kiss was when Damon forced it on her in 2x01)
Stefan doesn’t leave town with Klaus because he didn’t have to go to him for help for his undeserving brother
Without having to take the cure to Damon, Katherine would remain trapped with Klaus and would be taken with him when he leaves MF
Stelena continues to flourish (as it should)
Life for the MF gang remains kind of normal (as normal as it can get in a supernatural town)
Season 3 pretty much doesn’t happen because it wouldn’t have the chance to snowball into the events that occurred
The only thing that would remain the same is the Jeremy/Anna/Vickie storyline I reckon
Season 4 would only partially happen because the hunter would still come to town, and Shane would probably still be a problem
Anyway, Damon dying from the wolf bite solves lots of problems and that’s why he should’ve perished!
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mutuals that have watched tvd i need to know what teams you were on. this is for a very important reason
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zalrb · 8 months
Why don’t you think that Kevin Williamson gets the same criticism for the problematic aspects on the show as Julie Plec and Caroline Dries?
I was on Reddit and I saw a post that said the Kevin deserves the same treatment and he is also to blame for the racism and the Bonnie treatment and for the “Pro-Confederacy” but all the blame is always placed on Julie and Caroline?
I went through your posts and you tag “Anti Julie Plec” and “Anti Caroline Dries” but not “Anti Kevin Williamson.”
Why do you think that Kevin Williamson is not blamed for the problematic and even for the “Damon” of it all?
The person who posted that said it’s because Kevin Williamson can write a story whereas Julie and Caroline cannot.
I don't think it's that people don't hold him accountable, I think it's that JP and Caroline are simply named more. I agree that KW should be called out more by name especially considering what he did on Tell Me A Story
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In terms of my tags, I started this blog near the end of season 6, which contextualizes a lot of my posts and frustrations in those posts because JP and Caroline Dries had been running the show for about three and a half seasons by this point and they were the ones who had the quotes and the interviews and the tweets about how they viewed Bonnie and about how Bonnie functioned in TVD or how they viewed Black women in general
DRIES:  We’re going to see Bonnie continue to try to adjust to life in the prison world.  She tried to have Christmas, and it just made things worse for her.  She’s going to have a birthday in the prison world, which is going to be worse.  She’s really going to hit rock bottom before she pulls herself up by the bootstraps and says, “You know what? Let me get out of here!”  She will finally find her way back, and it will come at the perfect time for our friends, who are in need of a friend rejuvenation and beautiful reunion.  So, she comes back and is emotionally scarred from it.
“"Bonnie will continue to be a loyal friend to Damon and a very supportive person for him to lean on as he goes through the drama of the second half of the season,“ she explained. “But their relationship will also face its own obstacles down the road. Bonnie and Stefan are grounding forces in Damon’s life. So for him to put his relationship with Bonnie at stake would have really, really bad consequences for Damon, for sure.”
“She’s been empowered by her best friend Elena to kind of follow her… to become this stronger woman that she’s become, but also take on the role of being Damon’s moral compass,” Dries says. “With Elena sidelined, Bonnie’s worried: ‘Is Damon going to go off his rocker? Do I need to keep an eye on him?’ Then there’s Damon, who’s obviously grieving the loss of the love of his life, and the big question is, ‘Is he going to become the monster that we saw in Season 1, the real villain of the show?’”
Like Damon, Bonnie is now doing what she wants. “And so, she’ll kind of get involved in Alaric’s storyline a little bit,” Dries says. “But as she’s working with Alaric and helping him through the grief of losing Jo, Bonnie starts to get herself embroiled in a little bit of a love story. And so, that’s been very fun to watch unfold.”
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so they took up most of my ire in relation to Bonnie's treatment (it should also be noted and I've said this before, if I say Julie/JP or Caroline, I mean JP and co. or Caroline Dries and co., which is meant to encapsulate the entire writers room because one person did accuse me of blaming everything on JP or Caroline when they themselves didn't write a specific episode and I had to be like I refer to their names as an encapsulation of the writers/show/EPs in general). If I tagged KW it was usually in relation to a Stelena post and KW was SE's biggest champion, which was why I didn't put anti KW in the tag (I'm not saying I haven't tagged KW in Bonnie posts or posts that talk about the antiblack treatment of the show but I know I specifically tag KW for SE posts) and some of that still carries over.
Plus, Bonnie's treatment was always terrible but in the seasons KW was actively involved, her treatment was better -- not good but better -- which isn't to let him off the hook but I think in relation to what she goes through from season 4 onwards combined with the tweets and the posts and things like Julie explaining that Kat begged her not to kill Bonnie off, JP and Caroline are the names that automatically come to mind for people.
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doyelikehaggis · 2 years
Just curious but how do you feel about steroline? I’ve seen u like and rb some anti sc posts on my blog but there were also some pro sc posts so I’m curious. I remember seeing a post on ur blog talking about you liking their wedding and preferring s2 steroline but idk if that’s still the case.
Uh yeah, I guess I can be mostly neutral, leaning more into... dislike? I guess? Don't get me wrong, when I'm rewatching TVD, I will more than likely fall for them and their storyline, assuming I don't get unhealthily attached Stelena like I always do. Their scenes can be fun to watch. However, in terms of do I ship them? No. I would rather see Caroline with Tyler or Matt, and Stefan with Elena or Rebekah. I like some anti posts because I tend to agree with what's being said in them even if I'm not strictly anti sc. I prefer their friendship, but I don't hate their romance. Just would've preferred it didn't happen. Probably why I do enjoy season 2 steroline because their friendship is strong in that one without it really being heavy on romance.
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austennerdita2533 · 2 years
I know you don't love Stelena---which I totally get, because even though they're an all time OTP of mine, I can also see why some don't ship them, especially after all the delena stuff in later seasons! Anyway, I was wondering if even someone relatively 'meh' on Stelena like you feels that Stelena has more chemistry and natural romantic connection than Steroline? I'm so curious! I can't trust my own judgment on this because I have such a pro-Stelena bias :)
Oh, definitely! Stefan and Elena had wonderful chemistry. It was palpable. You could feel the magnetism between them. It was so natural and seamless and passionate, yet also soulful. They were kindred in a way, you know what I mean? They fit. They clicked straight away and seemed to understand each other without need of words to fill in the space all the time. I always loved that about them.
Their soulful bond and star-crossedness always reminded me of Bangel a little. Which—💔💔💔
Stefan and Caroline had good chemistry as well. Though, it was their friendly “I’ve got your back” rapport and respect for one another that grew over time that I found to be engaging, not so much their romantic connection/tension, which was lacking for me on the whole. Or, at least it was in the later seasons. Their romance always came across stilted, awkward, and imbalanced to me as it played out and I still don’t understand why haha. I am a huge friends-to-lovers trope gal (as well as a multi-shipper), so they should’ve ticked a bunch of my boxes but they didn’t. Still breaks my heart a little to know I couldn’t get behind them as a ship, because I tried so harddd. 😭
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kiss-my-freckle · 27 days
One of the writers that left after season 4, Jose Molina, said this on Twitter when asked by a fan right after Julie's "It would take 80 years for Elena to move on from Stefan to Damon without sire bond," interview: "*eyeroll* Relax. There are no spoilers here.Just watch and enjoy."
He was pro Damon/Delena and wrote 4x8, along with 4x2, 4x14, and 4x18. He also responded with this when a Stelena/Bamon fan who ended up bitching to Julie and Carina after Delena was endgame was asking why nobody was listening to Stefan wanting to use the sire bond to calm Elena and that Damon was wrong for siring her to turn her humanity off, to which he said he disagreed lol: https://64.media.tumblr.com/294fe76ce949b11d8bceab961c09ec43/tumblr_mkmlrfIIXn1rxmardo4_540.pnj
I wouldn't say that it would take 80 years for Elena to move on from Stefan. An idiotic claim, considering Elena couldn't even last to their year anniversary before falling in love with Damon. Trust me, I've looked at the sire bond storyline from every angle, and I speak according to the show itself. The sire bond did nothing but push Elena to be brave because denying her feelings for Damon became pointless. She was literally wearing her heart on her sleeve where everyone could see it. As for comments made outside of the show itself... I consider them nothing but fan service. If they wanted it in the show, it would be in the show.
I've debated Elena's humanity switch before. Damon wasn't wrong for siring her to turn it off based on their own knowledge at the time. Both brothers have flipped their switches before, so Damon knew they could flip her switch back on. At the time when he sired Elena to turn it off, both brothers were led to believe there was no "off" switch for the sire bond. This meant that Damon would have to sire Elena's entire mourning process, which wouldn't be fair to Elena or her brother. I consider it typical of Stefan to expect Damon to use the sire bond because he seems to think he has the right to speak to Elena's feelings. Stefan is controlling that way.
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lottiesprophecy · 2 months
about me -`♡´-
name: morgan
age: 30
pronouns: she/her
interest: asoiaf, peaky blinders, dune, the vampire diaries, outer banks, the bear, from dusk till dawn: the series, stranger things, cillian murphy, florence pugh, austin butler, ewan mitchell, ayo edebiri
ships: bamon, stelena, kichie, helaemond, sydcarmy, tommy x lizzie, edssy, stancy, feydrulan, lucemond.
do not follow if: you're homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, racist or a zionist. this blog is owned by someone who is pro-palestine.
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the-oddest-inkling · 1 year
A few old fandoms got resurrected:
Pitch Perfect (more specifically: Bechloe)
Wynonna Earp
Teen Wolf
The Vampire Diaries (I am Anti-Delena! and Pro-Stelena)
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
stelena and monnie
I mostly ship them as friends but I'm also down w them as a romo ship. Tho idk how I'd write the romantically, maybe I'd have them get together in s3 or s7 tbqh. But for brotp, I'd just show more of them being cute and bffy. Matt would defend Bonnie a lot and always oppose to her being the sacrificial lamb (he would actually do MORE, unlike jer). They'd just have a lot of cute scenes and sleepovers. Also I love the idea of a Matt/Bonnie/Tyler where they were all bffs in the past (pre s1), until s1 dick tyler appeared but they got closer in s2 and reunited in s3 and are an unstoppable trio. @scorpio-karma's tonnie hc also gave me feels too. Also Matt/Tyler/Bonnie/Caroline ot4 would've been incredible, but ofc the show cared more about ships than friendships 😔.
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roonilwazlibweasley · 3 years
the vampire diaries ships: rating by me !!
note: so I'm only rating the main ships + fanon ships which are popular !! keep in mind that these are my opinions and if you have different ones that's totally fine <3
stelena 10/10 ughhh they were so adorable literally so cute together i loved them so so much. and when the universe was trying to draw them together by sending visions omfg domestic stelena?? with a family?? literally would die for them
mattlena 5/10 - kind neutral on this one, probably could've been cute but because of the way things happened, they weren't meant to last
maroline 9/10 - this relationship oml !! when it started I didn't like it too much but the development >>> and then caroline singing on stage to win matt back !! that was so cute
forwood 10/10 - when I first started watching the show I would've never thought they'd end up together, but when they did it was such a pleasant surprise? and such a refresher from the rest of the ships. It felt new and exciting !!
Jalaric 15/10 they were adorable. why did jenna die :/
beremy 4/10 I thought that they were endgame when they first started dating but then jeremy cheated on her with a literal ghost so yknow, that relationship wasn't going to last
delena 6/10 I didn't like them that much tbh, I think they had wayyy too many issues to work through :( they even addressed the toxicity of the relationship but still decided to do nothing about it? ( i'm sure that they worked through these issues before they got married tho) bad boy and good girl trope overused tbh, but I gave them points bc like, THE CHEMISTRY N SHIT????
klaroline 3/10 mehh they had some chemistry but their "relationship" was so random? and it wasn't really a relationship because they had a few random moments thrown together. I do think caroline saw the good in him, but overall I didn't like them too much. plus the shippers piss me off, with the whole bullying leah pipes of the originals because they couldn't see Klaus with anyone other than caroline smh. also I hate how the show tried to paint them as star crossed lovers like?? idk what that was about haha also their relationship would've been a shitshow bc klaus screwed over almost every single one of caroline's friends :/// also didn't he almost sexually assault her when he was in tyler's body? like he was taking advantage of the fact that caroline would have sex with tyler. anyway i hate this ship with a burning passion <3
parkwoof (see what I did there??) 8/10 I actually quite liked them, the whole enemies to lovers thing? amazing <3 but then liv died?? and it was so depressing??
bamon 15/10 damon told bonnie he respected and loved her multiple times and they were damn close and they probably fucked in the prison world once or twice :D
bonkai 6/10 ehhh not the biggest fan - when they first met, I liked them, and then they kinda lost the chemistry they had :/
calaric 0/10 absolutely gross and weird
jolaric 9/10 aww omg this was so adorable and we all thought that alaric finally had a chance at love haha well that didn't work lmao *wipes away tear*
stalerie 7/10 agghh they had that whole puppy love thing going but I don't think they would've ever lasted as a couple, even without caroline in the picture
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stargirlie25 · 7 months
My top tvd ships (yall bouta be mad)
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STELENA: MY PERFECT BABIESSSS (dont get mad at me delenas already endgame so chill)
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KOLVINA: So perfect.
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the salvatores: literally hunt down the cure with the intent of forcefeeding it to elena, never bother to consult her on whether or not she wants it, torture her for exploring her humanity-less side despite them being the reason she was in this state in the first place, purposefully use the sirebond to control her, refuse to accept no humanity elena as the "real" elena
st*lena and d*lena shippers, general tvd fandom: uwu #OTP
elijah: "it would be a shame if the world lost a soul as compassionate as yours"; "your compassion is a gift"
rebekah: likes elena as she is in her humanity-less state and can't understand why the salvatores are trying so hard to fix her through violent and abusive methods rather than accept elena for who she is
tvd fandom: beklena and elejah whomst??
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zalrb · 1 year
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I didn’t need Zal to explain why. As she stated, it’s been a topic of discussion for a few days at least so I’m quite aware of how she feels. Not to mention that I’ve been regularly following Zal’s blog for…juuust over a year now (?) after an extended hiatus away from all social media but we are very much in sync with the thoughts and opinions on the characters/plot lines/plotholes and the general semi-awesome mess that is TVD.
Zal’s blog is pretty much one of the few blogs I actually read outside of the food and photo blogs I regularly peruse. I’m very much pro-Stelena/anti-Delena and hers is the logical and honest blog I hit up when the blatantly ignorant/intentionally obtuse Damon-stans (not to be confused with the cool and honest Damon-stans) or the garden variety TVDReddit trolls make me feel a bit homicidal.
Besides, I can admit that I was being a little bit generous with my opinion on Damon’s imagined sexual prowess. But just a bit. Boy does have repeat customers.
Still doesn’t change the fact that I feel that Damon would lose out to Stefan by a country mile if we were comparing.
It's all good! I don't expect everyone who checks in with me to agree with everything I say.
Boy does have repeat customers.
and this one makes me laugh because I was like besides Elena, who were his repeat customers? And then I was like there's Rebekah technically since they had sex twice and then I was like see but I'm chalking that up to Rebekah wanting to be wanted rather than his actual prowess.
Then I was like, I guess we could infer Sage? And then I was like oh but she absolutely steered that whole thing. It's one of those he wasn't fucking her, she was fucking him.
Then I was like, Katherine? Same thing with Sage and she probably taught him whatever he does know.
Caroline, she had no choice.
Lexi was once so he could prove a point and I find that whole thing ridiculous anyway.
Maybe Isobel.
I legitimately think Matt would be a better lay.
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qvnthesia · 2 years
What's your take on the Salvatores' relationship with Elena? Just asking because you've made your stance clear on Damon's (hate him) but I'm not able to understand your opinion on Stefan?
First of all, let me make one thing clear — by human standards, none of the romantic relationships on the show are healthy. They are all toxic by human standards, and healthy by supernatural standards.
Keeping this point in mind, we'll go back to the days when we clicked on the 'play' button of the first episode of TVD (on Netflix).
Oh, how intrigued we were after constantly watching Stefan and Elena's cemetery interaction on our Netflix highlight carousel. We never knew how loyal we'd become to some of the characters on the show, how disappointed we would be at the quality of writing, and how much we'd swear to create our own versions of the show through writing (and we did).
99% of the people who began watching TVD saw only two ways for Elena — Team Stefan or Team Damon. If you belong to the 1% category who saw a different path for Elena right from the beginning, you're either batshit insane for considering Matthew Donovan as a plausible romantic interest for Elena or a genius intellectual for seeing Elena herself and herself only (and also seeing Barolena).
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When the show began, we first got Stelena. Stefan was respectful to her, he was loyal, kind, caring, basically a man any woman (or man) would want in her/his life. Then Damon rolled into town and oh, boy, how much everyone was whipped for the badass Salvatore brother who tore hearts out of hybrids, staked his claim on ours with his smirks and his eyes, and kept us entertained with his sarcastic quips and one-liners. As the show went on, some of us rooted for Stelena, while others desperately wanted Elena to ditch Stefan and get together with Damon.
After eight seasons' worth of the lover debacle, DE emerged as the winner. SE stans were heartbroken and went anti-Elena, whilst DE stans waved their happiness in front of everyone's faces and worshipped DE like how they do now.
As an SE stan from the start, I was downright heartbroken. Why would Elena go for Damon? Why? He made her life miserable. He killed Jeremy, threatened to kill Caroline and Matt, and constantly tormented Stefan and Elena. Why?
As those questions ran through my mind, I started comparing the two of them with respect to their relationship with Elena.
When we analyse Stelena, there's one element that stands out the most—mutual respect. Stefan always valued Elena's choices (TVD S3 Finale, he saved Matt because Elena wanted him to save Matt over her). He only intervened if they were too drastic for her mortal capabilities. Elena cared for Stefan (TVD S2 E6, the moonstone retrieval got Stefan in a vervain full of trouble and Elena rescued him along with Baroline). She always saw the good in Stefan even though Stefan considered himself to be crap. The entire time in S1, he constantly contemplated on suicide because he was never meant to be a vampire. He was a vampire with blood addiction.
Now, when I put this statement forward, we'd remember Ripper!Stefan. We'd take into account that he massacred an entire village and he killed people. That doesn't make him any lesser than what Damon did, right? Because when Damon came into the picture, he killed tons of people. He raped Caroline. He tormented Jeremy and Bonnie and Elena. Yes, Damon killed people, and so did Stefan. That doesn't make Damon unworthy of Elena, right? Damon and Stefan are the same, it's just our preferences, that's all.
That's wrong, because there's only one thing that differentiates the Salvatore brothers.
Stefan hesitates to kill. It's in his nature. He feels remorse for the people he's killed, for who he becomes when he's the Ripper of Monterey. Damon doesn't hesitate to kill. If killing people gets him what he wants, he'll kill people alright.
Stefan killed thousands of people, but he felt remorse, he felt guilt for his actions. He spent years trying to be good (30 years of Ripper Detox). It's shown in the show how he genuinely wants to be good, how he wants to moderate himself even though he'd be less powerful than a regular vampire. Stefan wants to be good, he doesn't want people to endure the misery that he endures thanks to his past behavior. He doesn't want people to feel guilt, he wants people to live their lives fully because he knows what it's like not to fully live your life and keep swimming in that anguish for so long.
That's why he helped Caroline after she transitioned. That's why he was so intent on helping Elena because it was downright clear she wasn't accustomed to vampirism. People like Caroline, Katherine, Damon, and Klaus may have benefited from vampirism because it made them better versions of their human selves. But people like Cami, Elena, and Stefan certainly didn't. When Stefan realized there was a cure to immortality, he could give it to Elena because Elena valued her humanity and as a human, she was a better person than she was as a vampire sire-bound to her sire.
Damon, on the other hand, kills and kills and kills and has never expressed any guilt or regret for it. He didn't apologize for raping Caroline, he didn't apologize for snapping Jeremy's neck after Elena rejected him, and he didn't apologize for his actions. He's never owned up to it, he's always blamed his actions on some circumstance or the other. Stefan constantly kept warning Elena about his own darkness. He never thought he was going to be worthy of her after he saw how kind she was. But Elena made him see that he was the one for her, solidifying their love.
Damon was selfish. If he wanted something, he'd get it, no matter who stood in his way. If someone did, he'd kill them. The only way he could be tolerable or even controlled was if either someone took him down or Elena was under his control.
Elena: Why am I thinking about you? Damon: Because you're a vampire now. And part of you knows you're a lot more like me, than you are like him.
She's questioning herself and her own intentions and it may be a hallucination, but it's Damon right there. It's his literal thoughts speaking to her in such a manipulative manner. It's his thoughts that changed her, not the other way around. Damon changed Elena for the worse, Elena never changed him.
This is just a part of the entire story. If you go through the S4 transcripts, you can see how Elena's dialogue constantly trails off. It's as if she's intoxicated by something and she isn't in control of her own train of thoughts. She's constantly asking questions because she's nothing but confused and lost. The sire bond, coupled up with Damon's manipulative and hedonistic personality, warped and twisted Elena's sense of right and wrong and fiction and reality.
Now, if any DE stan might stumble upon this, they'd be like 'Oh! But wasn't Klaroline manipulative too, more emphasis on Klaus?'
But no! That's not the case! Because between Damon and Klaus, Klaus is more direct than Damon. That's one of the things I like about Klaus. He's very direct with his feelings, be it hatred or affection. He bit Caroline because, at that moment, he utterly despised her. But after Caroline admitted she saw goodness in him as she was dying, Klaus saved her because a part of him has always wanted people to see and understand the real him that's been inside of him all along. He's very direct with his actions and with his promises, although he does find loopholes.
Like Klaus, Stefan was also direct. That's why Stelena got a point for communication because they always communicated with each other, which is an important aspect of a relationship.
Damon was never direct with Elena, it's pretty clear in S5 and S6, how they're constantly going back and forth primarily because of Damon. He never clearly communicated with Elena, unless she'd reject him, he'd go ahead and kill people (e.g. Aaron Whitmore). If Delena wanted to hash things out, time for a sex romp.
The entire time on the show, the presence of the Salvatores reduced Elena to an object. It was as if she was their plaything and only they owned her and no other man. That's why I absolutely loathe the two brothers.
If it ever came down to SE or DE, I'd choose Stelena because as Rose said, Stefan is always good for her if it ever came down to Damon and Stefan. That's an assurance right there and buddy, if I were in a relationship, I'd need plenty of assurance.
None of the Salvatores deserve Elena. Certainly not Damon, and not Stefan either. He watched Damon abuse Caroline and didn't even interfere. He stalked Elena too, and I just went 'yikes'.
Elena's better off with herself, Baroline, and with the Mikaelson gang in NOLA. I despise Damon, fully anti-Damon space here, but with Stefan, it's a love-hate relationship.
Thank you for your questions <33
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jennifersminds · 2 years
Hey! Hope you are having a great day.
So since I like you opinions and analyzes so much, I wanted to ask, Why do you think people hate Elena?
I know they have some reasons, like her sleeping with Damon and breaking up with Stefan etc... (Which I find terribly hypocritical because no other character is better at that point) but it's like they think Elena was ALWAYS a bad friend or a girlfriend, they ignore the times she sacrificed herself and asked forgiveness from Stefan. Honestly, I've left apps like Reddit or Instagram because of that, I can't stand all this hatred towards a fictional character who has so many fans as well.
Okay I'm gonna start off with - tysm !!! for this ask and I'm so sorry for the tremendous can of mental worms it's going to pop off bc i have thoughts-
There are actually alot of factors in play when it comes to the frankly insane amount of hate Elena receives, and in my opinion they vary between vaguely valid and batshit insane. Now this could very easily turn into an insane rant so I’m gonna try to speak objectively in an attempt to actually explain myself lmao.
The cards are already sorta stacked against Elena as a main character because audiences seem to have this individualistic desire to tear a piece of medias protagonist apart (especially if they’re female). I honestly can’t think of a fandom I’ve been in nor witnessed one where this doesn’t happen to some degree. Media literacy is a dying skill and alot of audience member struggle to grasp that the ‘fun, witty, sexy, bitchy etc’ side character is often a side character for a reason. Main characters are viewed as ‘attention hoggers’ for merely taking up the most screen time as if thats not what they were always intended to do. No matter how snarky or chill a character is people will always get tired of them for wining or crying or taking up too much room. Regardless of a piece of medias contents, audiences have a very short fuse with this sorta thing. So Elena not only being a main character, but a main character who’s literally the centre of multiple spells/prophecies and who is constantly undergoing horrific trauma because of this and therefore crying, makes her an unfortunate target for contrarian viewers who are already desperate to hate the shows lead just to feel different.
The biggest factor is, to likely no-ones surprise, misogyny. Both internalised and not, the shows 12-17 year old target audience combined with the actual blatant sexism displayed in the show itself are a recipe for disaster that implodes with every new wave of tweens that stumble across the show. Now I mentioned how alot of audiences hate main characters out of a need to feel different, amplify that by a hundred thanks to the fun and unavoidable ‘not like other girls’ phase that most of this age demographic is going through and you’ve got yourself an Elena-anti. (I’m not demonising this phase, the treatment of young girls in society makes this an almost impossible thing to avoid, however it is a big reason alot of girls hate Elena). The nature of the show adds to this aswell, as the Salvatore love triangle encourages audiences to pick a side, Stefan or Damon, and once you start choosing between brothers you feel the need to choose between every character. So you’ve got girls who like Caroline feeling a need to hate both Elena and Bonnie because the show makes it feel impossible to like more than one character at once. 
Now, building more on internalised misogyny- the biggest and most insane way people hate on Elena imo is the ‘crybaby’ accusations. This to me comes from a mixture of point one and two, a lack of patients for main characters and their ‘whining’ and ‘not like other girls’ syndrome. Now we can argue until we’re blue in the face about who lost more or who deserves to cry but in my opinion it doesn’t matter. Elena was grieving at every point in the show (something that I don’t think was properly discussed tbh), being actively groomed and abused (I’ll talk more on that later), and dealing with multiple threats on her life at the age of seventeen. She deserved to cry. In fact she deserved to do alot more.
So I’ve mostly been talking about audience and audience perception so far so let’s get into the actual show and its storyline. Now I mentioned how tvd encourages their audience to choose, this in itself isn't wrong or unusual, however with Elena it leads to the entire audience heavily sympathising with one of the Salvatore brothers. The young girls watching the show are told that they need to feel bad/happy for whichever one they like the most because otherwise why are they watching? Now I know it sounds like I’m just describing to you the basic steps of watching/reading anything however this is a problem here because - 
The Salvatore’s are not victims. They are not just love interests. The Elena/Salvatore love triangle isn’t a normal love triangle where all the parties are equally complicated and therefore deserve to be held equally accountable. Both Damon and Stefan hold a highly significant level of power above Elena. Not just because they’r older but because she is a child. And not just because she’s a child but because they both no more about her and the world she’s being tormented by than she does. This would be one thing if they made an effort to share this information with her along the way but they don’t, and not only do they use this to manipulate her along the way they hold her accountable for what she does while being manipulated by one of them.
Not even the way teenagers would hold each-other accountable in a normal high school love triangle, they hold her to the standards of an adult and because they do- so does the audience. And because the young girls watching this show have no reason to hold their fav hunky sassy sexy vampire boy accountable for how they treat Elena. They then hold Elena accountable for not just the things she does ‘wrong’ but the things the Salvatores fo wrong too.
All of Damon and Stefans misdeeds fall upon Elena, the people they kill/assault (caroline), the battles they start. She is blamed for all of it because, going back to point one, she’s the protagonist, and she’s at the centre of it all. And while it is true that in the lore of the show everything happens because of Elena and her doppelgänger status, she literally never has any control or autonomy throughout the entire run. She doesn’t bring vampires into Mystic falls. The vampires (salvatores) force their way into it just to fuck her. But because the show would have to sacrifice its perfect love story to discuss this, it doesn’t. So it’s primarily young audience (point two) ignores it/doesn’t think of it, and also blames Elena the way the Salvatore’s do. 
Okay I’m gonna wrap this up even though there’s probably alot more I should say but i will give my vague opinions on a few plot points.
Stefan had no right to be mad at Elena in season 4, at-least not the way he was. I mentioned before that Elena was held to the standards of an adult by both brothers well I honestly think Stefan is the worst for it. His whole self afflicting, tortured “I never thought you’d hurt me this way” thing was bullshit because.... why??? why did you think that? She’s a child. A literal child that your psycho rapist of a brother has been trying to fuck for two years now.
The use of Rebekah by both Stefan and Damon is very gross to me aswell. And I think relevant here too because both of these moments are prime “OMG look how self centred Elena is” things. Both Stefan and Damon use sex with other people as a way to punish Elena for stepping out of line. The choice of Rebekah is deliberate by both of them and to say otherwise is ridiculous in my opinion. Damon sleeps with Rebekah not 48 hours after she tried to kill Elena and Stefan after Rebekah literal did kill her. The attitude of the “You’ve never seen me when I’m not in love with you.” shit is enraging.
Anyway, I’m gonna end this here. I’d be happy to elaborate/get into more specific moments and reasons whenever but thank you again for this ask. Sorry it’s a bit late but I wanted to get as much out as coherently as possible lmao.
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