#pro shikamaru
comikadraws · 21 days
Okay, now that the previous polls will hopefully keep on running in the background, I'd like to discuss some things with my mutuals and followers (and honestly, everybody else who feels affected) after an anon brought something up to me.
Basically, it's about aggressive, defensive S@suke stans.
Aggressive, because they will hate and shit on every character - often disproportionally or beating a dead horse. Defensive, because they will act like any healthy criticism of S@suke is hate or will reject the notion that S@suke is anything but perfect.
Is this an experience/sentiment you share?
This is not a post to attack S@suke FANS but to criticize the behavior of S@suke STANS. Because if this is truly a pattern inside this fandom, we need to talk about it.
I have added some further information (statistics) into the comments.
While I am making a poll, I'd actually prefer if you shared your opinions in the comments and reblogs as well!
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shyflowerhologram · 4 months
The double standards Konoha and fandom generally has when it comes to Uchihas, for example - Asuma’s death. Apparently, Shikamaru is allowed to grieve over his teacher’s death and be unreasonable and lead Choji and Ino against the people they had no chance against. Shikamaru may have had plan against Hidan, but he had no idea about Kakuzu’s abilities. Sure, he planned to get Hidan’s jutsu to kill Kakuzu, but without Kakashi, who got added to his team on last second, Ino and Choji would be long dead before Shikamaru’s plan came into action. Everyone supports and understands him. But now, when Sasuke is grieving over his family and wants a revenge, whole village (and fandom) is calling him a wuss. Where was Kakashi’s famous speech about how he had it worse when he offered his help to Shikamaru’s team? He never showed any intention to support Sasuke about killing Itachi, like he did with Shikamaru. He literally said: “Sasuke quit seeking revenge, even if you success, you’ll be left with emptiness in the end,” of course, it sounds wise, but then Kakashi goes and offers his help to other team for a revenge mission. Why? Itachi was a criminal just like Hidan and Kakuzu, member of Akatsuki. Did Itachi cause less grief for Sasuke than Hidan did for Shikamaru? Why was it so wrong to go after Itachi like they did with Hidan? There is no arguing that Itachi is worse opponent, but that had never been anyone’s point. The only thing everyone droned about was that Sasuke had to give up on revenge, forget about his massacred clan and play house in Konoha like nothing bad had ever happened. Another example would be how everyone says how Sasuke doesn't deserve forgiveness or happiness after everything he had done. What had he done so bad actually? Are we still going on about killing few samurai in a battle? Well, remember Gaara, who used to kill everyone simply for the sake of it. He wasn't on his right mind? Surprise, neither was Sasuke at kage's summit, he was finally going to face man who had ordered his family's death, too bad he wasn't all logical. Gaara could be redeemed for his killing spree, but not Sasuke. Sasuke, who got rid of two akatsuki members, sealed Orochimaru and put end to his experiments and torture (until konoha embraced Orochimaru back, because he was bad but at least he didn't kill samurai). Not to forget how Sasuke did Konoha a huge favor and got rid of Danzo, and I'm not gonna talk about how helped Naruto to save the world, but who says thank you? Nope, no one.
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Shikamaru buried the murderer of his sensei alive and you don't call that "curse of hatred". Imagine what he would have done if someone exterminated his whole family and grave robbed them to implant stolen body parts on themselves. I honestly think you don't appreciate me for how trully chill and rational I am in comparison to the average shinobi.
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luna-blood · 5 months
I was debating on YouTube about Sasuke but YouTube deletes comments, especially those that have a link. It was also difficult for me to search for the publications. So I gave myself the task of collecting posts from all Sasuke fans and neutral critics of the work 'Naruto' that talk about Sasuke and his relationship with the other Naruto characters. I have also included my contributions, such as questions to other users and post responses. I hope this post helps you when you need support when you are debating in favor of Sasuke. Without anything else to say, I leave you the links:
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Positive qualities of Sasuke.
Sasuke's chakra is extremely powerful, voluminous, and denser than Senjutsu chakra!
It is false that Bee could have killed Sasuke any time he wanted.
¡Sasuke has been shown to nullify mortal wounds with Raiton!
Sasuke is literally the first person to survive the Raikage's Liger Bomb.
All Sasuke received from Raikage was a small lip bleed, while Raikage lost an arm and another Kage, Gaara, had to intervene to save his leg and his life.
Orochimaru's "physical condition" has nothing to do with his ritual and Sasuke's victory.
Analysis Sasuke vs Deidara.
Sasuke killed Danzo; he did not commit suicide.
Are Itachi and Kakashi really prodigies at the level their fans believe them to be? No.
The only reason Naruto managed to hurt Kaguya was because Sasuke forced her to change dimensions more than once and she herself had changed dimensions about four times in total.
Because Sasuke haters say that Haku is simply more tragic and a better person than Sasuke; and Batman too!
What is it about Sasuke that provokes people so much, compared to all the other fictional characters (in and out of Naruto) who have done bad things? Gaara was killing people for fun in part 1, but no one ever complains about him not being punished. Zuko from ATLA burned down a village of civilians, sent a hitman after Team Avatar, and was just lucky that no civilian was injured/killed, but everyone adores him. But Sasuke is unredeemable for threatening to destroy the village?
A back and forth on why Sasuke is a much better realized character, with thematic and narrative depth, compared to Kurapika and Zuko.
Sasuke is the imperfect victim unlike the perfect victims of ATLA and Full Metal Alchemist.
Sasuke's character is too good for the Naruto universe.
Are people upset that Sasuke was going to let the Shinobi Alliance perish?
Sasuke as a feminist icon.
Sakura is a female incel.
Sakura is a narcissistic.
Sakura inserted herself because she wanted validations from people who were out of her league, that's why. She is perfect for self-insert.
The mere idea of turning over an entire manga in your head in which Sasuke hides a raging boner (at age 12) for Sakura is... repulsive. Don't you have anything better to do?
Sasuke never kissed Sakura.
The blow on the forehead is not the maximum expression of love.
Naruto Gaiden is a fucking masterpiece! It proves that Sasuke doesn't love Sakura.
Sasuke retsuden is not canon.
Sasuke retsuden is not canon, Jun Esaka herself said it and if you are a fan of Sasuke it is normal that you hate Sakura because Sasuke is unhappy with her.
Sasuke still considers Sakura inferior.
Sasuke didn't push Sakura away because of the curse of hate.
Sasuke rejected Sakura, Ino and Karin, he didn't push them away because he was afraid.
Sasuke is not in love with Karin and did not have sex in part 2 with Karin.
Why Karin's fans say she had sex with Sasuke in part 2.
What does Kakashi know about the genocide and the physical and mental torture that would lead the child victim to a fatal coma, at the hands of a family member?
Naruto is a narcissistic.
Why Naruto is the worst character.
How can anyone read the two chapter panels showing two very different worlds the characters occupy and be surprised by the way it ended? They were not going to reconcile since the world where Sasuke exists is the antithesis of the world where his former team resides.
Lee was never "good” at Taijutsu, let alone being a genius at it. The series' main theme, revolves around bonds. When the manga began, Naruto let loose Kurama (unintentionally) against Haku, breaking all Ice Mirrors that ... no Jutsu could break; and that, happened way back in the Waves Arc. How does that associate "hard-work" with Naruto's character, upon whom many poor souls project their misfortunes to feel vindicated, when two geniuses (Sasuke and Kakashi) in the near-vicinity failed? Naruto powered through this via nothing but brute force; and that isn't a precursor to hard-work. That's the exact opposite. With the beginning of the next Arc, the "if we work hard, we could beat all odds, too" trope lovers got their kicks from Sasuke's humiliation at Lee's hands (or gates?); but then they conveniently forget that Lee himself stated that what Sasuke accomplished was literally impossible for someone like him (he even emphasized on this argument). Gai even went so far as to state that even with the Sharingan's power, Sasuke should never have been able to do what he did (he literally invented his own Taijutsu maneuver from Lee's in a single day; if that's not prodigious, I don't know what is); and Gai, last I checked, is an authority on the subject of Taijutsu, not you—yes, you! Sasuke mastered Kimimaro's CS in under two hours whilst Lee survived simply because Kimimaro was dying and he literally died whilst delivering a death-blow to Gaara and Lee; so thematically, narratively, and metaphorically, Sasuke matched an adversary against whom both Gaara and Lee lost? That and Lee was outshined by Sasuke twice in a row, going so far as to undermine Lee in his own life endeavors that involved years of sweat and tears?
Shikamaru's revenge is meaningless unlike Sasuke's.
People who support Nagato but vilify Sasuke sound a lot more idiotic than they think.
In defense of Fugaku.
How does Sasuke's revolution develop?
Why didn't the narrative validate Sasuke's radical change from Konoha's Will of Fire to the Revolution?
Itachi massacred the clan out of conscience.
The difference between Kushina and Itachi is not that big.
The policies of Tobirama Senju and the Uchiha genocide.
At what point will people stop demanding Sasuke?
Tsunade was at the forefront of the Second Shinobi World War that massacred the people of Nagato, plundered their land's resources, and continued to use the land as a battlefield resulting in mass deaths, poverty, and suffering. A war that Konoha started.
Why do so many people still blame Sasuke for Sasuke's past?
Uchihas do not have mental illnesses.
Sasuke vs Readers without empathy.
Kishimoto canon vs Studio Pierrot fanservice.
The brilliant change of perspective and theme between Hebi and Taka Sasuke; and that there is no writing defect in the moment in which Sasuke stabs Karin to reach Danzō.
Tobirama never accepted the Uchiha as true allies like Hashirama did, never trusting them, something he admitted so openly that his brother had to warn him "not to continue pursuing the Uchiha." And the Uchiha weren't planning to kill innocent people, they were planning to take over the government itself.
Kishimoto is anti sasusaku and anti naruhina.
Kishimoto never wanted to write Boruto.
The real Sasuke fans.
Sasuke winking at Sakura was never happened in the manga, it was a translation error.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
I don't buy the 'Sasusakus are a cesspool of homophobic cishets and Sasunaru shippers are a shining light in the fandom who truly understand queerness and media!!!!' allegations because Sasusaku shippers have been nothing but respectful of me headcanoning Sasuke as a trans lesbian because of the combo of her individual character and how her relathionship with Sakura is written and one of my friend's even agreed that Sasuke works really well as a transfem character even though that's not her personal hc and they're always the ones defending Sasuke and the Kunoichi without pitting any of them against eachother and instead uplifting them with an emphasis on their girlhood without being cissexist and also having a nuanced view on the Uchiha clan and Sasunarus think Sasuke hates women so much she can only like men and say none of their pre-Shippuden dynamic counts because Sasuke had more screentime being toxic destructive friends with Naruto and get EXTREMELY up in arms over non-Sasuke guys as Naruto's endgame both on their own posts and even on strangers' and it's like their entire life to spew ironic unironic misogynistic takes and jokes about every female character in existense with their gender as the basis and act like Madara's not a militaristic child groomer who started the Uchiha intergenerational trauma and actively refused to let anybody end the cycle to the point of naming because of how proud he was.Idk i just feel like there's something deeply ironic about Sasusaku being labeled as 'cishet bullshit' while Sasunaru is considered a stepping stone and iconic gay couple despite not ever being canon and calling eachother brothers in-universe and it's worth noting Sasuke expressed she liked Sakura better than Naruto and Naruto never called Gaara,Kiba OR Shikamaru his brother so i think the problem with Sasunaru is just that they don't want the other specifically,not that they're straight LMAO
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syssyab · 9 months
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Seeing these b*tches make my blood boil. Sasuke should have never drank the konoha water. Why are they still in the council AND have power. Forget about being prosecuted (we knew Naruto ain't doing it), they aren't even retired yet🗿.
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wisebeth · 2 years
“Sakura is a horrible person for making fun of Naruto for being an orphan”
Let's see what other characters did when they were the same age as Sakura
Naruto :
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Disguised himself into Sasuke to kiss Sakura without her consent
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Mocked Sasuke's dead clan
Ino :
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Fat-shamed Choji even though he's made it clear multiple times he hates being called fat
Neji :
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Humiliated Hinata, who already had low self esteem, in front of everyone
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Attempted to kill her to punish her for something which wasn't her fault
Shikamaru :
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Unapologetically misogynist and generalised all women
Sasuke :
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Tried to kill his best friend in the name of power
Funny how all these characters were of Sakura's age did something as equally bad as her or worse yet only Sakura gets shit for it. Hypocrisy?
They were kids, who were naive and didn't have the maturity to act the wisest (in Sakura, Naruto, Ino and Shikamaru's case) or traumatised with no one to properly help them (in Sasuke's and Neji's case) and all of them eventually grew up and became better.
It's ridiculous to still hold Sakura for saying something insensitive in her childhood.
Bonus :
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She immediately regrets after Sasuke calls her out but y'all probably don't remember it.
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lolalola-universe · 2 years
I love this dude and his videos!
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narhinafan · 1 year
The reason why I don't think Sakura can ever be Hokage is mostly because she can't be trusted and not to mention doesn't help that she's married to Sasuke someone who isn't necessarily trustworthy by most people. She doesn't have any respect really by most people of Konoha she doesn't have the maturity or anything else that is required and also would be an insult when you literally have Shikimaru yeah he may not be the strongest but he definitely is one of the most intelligent and is able to think on his feet quickly he is Hokage material even if he isn't the strongest candidate.
So true plus her personality isn't suited to it Naruto's personality had faults, but he matured enough to handle the job. Sakura though is still as immature as she always been it makes no sense for her to be Hokage when she can barely look after herself and her family let alone the whole village.
Shikamaru is literally Naruto's right hand he knows all the ins and outs of the job and can handle it.
I think Shikamaru could be quite strong actually with his head I can see him having developed the Nara jutsu in unique ways and having a fighting style that gives Kage level ninja trouble.
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foreverdawn · 2 years
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Nara Shikamaru Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi, Nara Shikamaru, Nara Shikaku, Nara Yoshino, Yamanaka Ino, Yamanaka Inoichi Additional Tags: BAMF Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi is a Good Teacher, Sasuke gets his shit together, Naras are too smart for their own good, Smart Nara Shikamaru, Character death (but only kind of), Maybe more character death later, Evil Shimura Danzou, All my homies hate Hiruzen, Panic Attacks, I didn't research anything, Except Naruto facts, Timeline What Timeline, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sharing a Body, Sorry for anything I got wrong Summary:
It’s a sad day at the academy when their teacher tells them that the class clown, Naruto, died in an accident last night. Sakura should be sad, or maybe a little distressed. Well, she’s a lot distressed. Not because Naruto is dead. No, she’s distressed because she woke up this morning with Naruto’s voice in her head panicking and telling her that he was attacked last night. Now he’s cussing out the teacher in her head because 'it wasn’t an accident! I was attacked, you lying bastard!' while Inner tries to calm him down.
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venerawrites · 5 months
Can ask for shino and shikamaru (separate) (angst)
A story about them having a crush on reader but then they found out that someone likes them too??
Maybe they were about to go see reader until they saw them with another boy 😭👊👊👊
author's note: wow, I took a while with this request, but I was waiting to be in the right mood so I can write it! I changed the story a bit with Shino, I hope that's okay! I really hope you enjoy and thank you so much for requesting! <3
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Being best friends with Kiba had ton of pros - you always had something fun to do, his mom made the best fried spinach rolls and you also had unlimited passes to cuddle Akamaru any time you want. It also gave you the chance to join him and his teammates' training, despite not being a ninja yourself.
Spending so much time observing them, you grew somewhat closer with Hinata and Shino too.
The girl was shy and timid at first, but once she got to know you, she started to relax and speak more. For your surprise, she was also quite quick witted, offering remarks and comments the second Kiba said or did something foolish. You didn't had a lot of common, but she had a vast knowledge in very different areas and could keep up a good conversation on almost any topic.
Shino, on the other hand, was more difficult to get to know. The first few times you showed up at their training, he just silently nodded his head as a greeting, before continuing his sparring. Even when it was time for his break, he choose to sit by himself in the opposite side of the field, rather next to you. After a few months, however, your patience paid off and he started to have small chats with you, usually cantered either around nature or insects.
Naturally, at first you thought that maybe he didn't like you. You've seen him talk with other shinobi on the streets of Konoha, and he sounded quite blunt with the rest of his team, so you didn't think he was shy or embarrassed. But when you finally shared your thoughts with Kiba, he just laughed, resting his arm around your shoulders:
"Don't worry, Y/N! He is like that with everyone - trust me, I know him like the back of my hand!"
Unbeknown to you, meters away, standing in one of the many alleys leading to the central road, was the devil himself. Shino's eyes remained focused on the hand around your shoulder, his lips instinctively pressing into a thin line.
Shino often questioned how did he got to his current position.
Being in a team with the Inuzuka, he knew who you are before he even met you - Kiba never missed a chance to say how beautiful and funny his best friend is, and how one day they are going to finally gain the courage to ask them out. At first, Shino didn't think much of it - his teammate was famous for getting a new crush every second week of the month.
But soon every second week turned into a whole month and then to six months, before it was finally a full year and Kiba got bold enough to bring you to one of their training practices.
Oh, how wrong it felt for Shino's breath to hitch in his throat, the moment he laid his eyes on you for the first time! Thankfully his stare was well hidden behind his dark glasses, because he was sure if the other boy noticed, he wouldn't hesitate to attack and that would surely affect his team's future dynamic.
Knowing he should not lust after his friend's interest, the man tried his best to stay away. He avoided talking with you, sitting near you or even looking at you for too long. The more he resisted this pull he felt toward you, however, the harder it got to control himself.
"What if I just give myself a little taste? Maybe once I get to know them, all these feelings would fade away", he thought to himself when he finally got brave enough to sit next to you.
Any hope he had that he would lose interest once he talk with you, quickly disappeared into thin air, once you looked at him with your big eyes, eagerly nodding for him to continue his explanation about dragonflies and the metamorphosis after their larval stage. He wasn't used to someone questioning him so much or show such keen interest in what he was talking about, so when you did, he couldn't help but realise he was in love.
Shino considered himself a good and loyal friend. But as he watched Kiba wasting his time with you, he started to feel selfish.
Why shouldn't he show you his interest? His teammate was obviously not going to do it, so it was technically not a stabbing in the back... right? It was your choice at the end of the day who do you want, but he had a right to compete for your heart too!
After months of thinking it over and over, Shino knew he had to tell you how he felt, even if the risk of you rejecting him was big. But as he watched Kiba sitting you down on one of the benches, his hand still around your shoulder, while the other one shyly pulled a flower from behind his back, he knew he was too late.
He had lost without even being given a chance.
Shaking his head, he threw the small box of your favourite chocolates bonbons in the nearby bin, before turning away and stuffing his hands in his pockets. The sound of your laughter ringed behind him and he had to stiffen his whole body, stopping it from taking a glance and breaking his heart even more.
Maybe one day things would be different - it would you be you and him on that bench, and he would pour his whole soul in front of you, promising you the world if you only give him the chance for him to give it to you.
Maybe one day he would be able to be with you, without feeling the rotten feeling of guilt and disgust with himself.
Maybe one day, but today was not that day.
Clear days like these were rare - no clouds, no wind, not even the slightest movement in the air - just the unforgiving sun shining brightly at the Village Hidden in the Leaf. Time felt just like a concept when the hours kept dragging slowly after one another, each feeling like a whole eternity.
A loud yawn escaped Shikamaru's lips and his feet dragged through the dirt, making their way to the training grounds where he was sure you will be. While you didn't posses any special abilities or unique jutsu techniques, nature has gifted you with extremely sharp mind, wide imagination and skilful hands, which were able to build any type of weapon. When you were not away on a mission or hanging out with Shikamaru, you liked to spend your time resting the improvement to your latest gadgets.
The friendship that blossom between you two in your late teens was both surprising and unexpected. Back at the Academy you both shown quite hostile behaviour toward each other and while you were not exactly “enemies”, you couldn’t stand each others presence. The Nara boy did not like how loud, unpredictive and spontaneous you are, seeing your carefree attitude as both annoying and dangerous, especially during missions.
On the other hand, you were also not a fan of him. While you acknowledged his intelligence and gift for coming up with quite interesting strategies, his laziness, sarcasm and constantly bored expression were something you would never want in a fellow comrade.
Yet, a few years later you were almost inseparable. His knowledge combined with your handiness made you a powerful duo and you were often combined in missions together, especially when it came to tracking and ambushing rogue ninjas. What started as strictly shinobi work soon turned into daily hangouts. You learned from each other and often spend whole nights talking and brainstorming how to better your teamwork.
But respect and friendship were not the only thing growing between you two. Shikamaru didn't know when or how exactly it happened, but one morning he woke up next to you on the sofa, after both of you fell asleep playing shogi, and he looked at you, suddenly realising what the funny feeling inside of his chest was. He reached out to you that day, gently removing the hair out of your peacefully sleeping face and wishing that one day he will wake up next to you as your lover, not just the friend you accidentally fell asleep next to.
Months passed since that time and he never said even a word about his feelings. Every day you met at the exact same spot and exact same time, spending your whole days together, just like you were before. You continued acting the same way, enthusiastically talking about your latest inventions, completely unaware of your friend's longing looks and blushing cheeks. Or maybe you were aware, but you were nice enough not to say anything about it.
Shikamaru rarely felt fear, but for weeks now this was the main emotion squeezing his heart. What if you didn't return his affection? What if you wanted to just be friends? What if you realised his feelings and decided to take a step back, thus making him lose you forever?
All these questions were actively torturing his brain every waking minute, but as he stood near the entrance of the training grounds, watching you laughing, head buried in Naruto's chest, he couldn't help but squeeze his hands into fists.
What was this dobe doing? And since when you were SO close?
Feeling someone's glare burning the back of your head, you lifted your head from the blonde's jacket, before turning around. Spotting your best friend near the gates of the grounds, you ignored his narrowed eyes and annoyed frown, instead waving your hand high in the air.
"Shika!", you smiled brightly, pulling away completely from Naruto's embrace, "You are late today!"
The black haired male only hummed in response, slowly walking over to you, his eyes dancing between you and his other friend. While your demeanour seemed normal, the Uzumaki's face was all red and he kept glancing at you every few seconds, his teeth deep into his bottom lip.
"Am I interrupting something?", the words came out heavy with sarcasm and your brows immediately furrowed. Shikamaru hasn't used this tone since your academy days, when he took any chance to show his dislike toward you.
Naruto finally acknowledged the other male, one of his hands making his way toward the back of his neck, where he nervously scratched the skin. He grinned at the Nara, stepping over to him and extending his arm for a handshake.
"H-Hey, Shikamaru! Didn't expect to see you here, heh...", his hand shamefully retracted, once the other boy did not take it, instead glancing at it with disgust. You watched the weird interaction, while pulling your weapons in your bag, confused at why both of them were acting so strange in each other's presence. They were not the best of friends, but they were still pretty close and it was unusual of them to be that nervous around each other.
"I was just asking Y/N if they want to come and grab some ramen with me-"
"They are busy", Shikamaru impatiently interrupted, briefly moving his eyes to you, "We have plans already."
The blonde man let out a small "oh!" and he looked over to you with a confused expression. Having all your weapons neatly packed in your bag, you stood next to both of them with crossed arms, you face twisted in annoyance.
"Actually...", you moved over to Naruto, taking his hand in yours and giving him a small smile, "I am so starving, I would love to have some ramen now! If you go and wait for me near the gates, I will be there just in a minute."
The man smiled at you, nodding his head at your words, before reaching toward your shoulder and taking the heavy bag from you. He passed Shikamaru, nodding his head as a goodbye, but the dark-haired male was too busy glaring at you in order to give any type of response.
Once Uzumaki was at a safe distance from you, you turned your attention back to your friend, almost hissing at him:
"What the hell is your problem?"
He scoffed at your words, one of his brows arching high up.
"Naruto?", his name feel out together with a mocking laugh from his lips, "Really? You are ditching me for Naruto?"
You rolled your eyes, both annoyed and baffled by his bizarre behaviour.
"I'm not ditching you!", you defended yourself, before crossing your arms once again, "I am absolutely starving and technically, laying in the middle of a field and sleeping is hardly counted as "plans". Naruto was nice enough to ask me to join him-"
"That dobe likes you! His face looked like he was about to explode when he was next to you!", Shikamaru didn't even wait for you to finish your sentence, before huffing at you. He took a step closer, his jaw clenching, "I though you are better than entertaining stuff like these from... people like him."
The way he said these words, filled with so much venom and dislike... You didn't know who the man before you was, but he was definitely not your best friend.
"Dobe? People like him?", you repeated, taking a step back, "Okay, calm down Sasuke 2.0! Don't get your panties in a twist and go rogue or something, because you can't handle the idea of me hanging out with people other than you!"
Before he can reply, you stepped around him, making your way toward Naruto, who was patiently waiting for you near the gates of the training grounds. After a few steps, you looked back, your eyes full with dissapointment:
"I really thought time has changed you... If you decide to stop being a d*ckhead, you know where to find me! Goodbye, Shikamaru!"
The young Nara stood there in the middle of the grassy field watching your figure become smaller and he loudly gulped, when he saw the blonde taking your hand in his. He knew he acted irrationally, based on his jealousy and anger, and know as there was nothing but silence around him, he realised that maybe he did already lost you forever.
cc artwork: Clement Tingry
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It is so funny how revenge is seen as natural and even inevitable in the ninja world, except when I seek it, then it is "curse of hatred".
Also, it is funny how they always find in war an excuse to kill Uchiha.
Gaara killed ninja from several nations for fun and nobody started a revenge escalation leading to war. They even made him kage as a prize. Aren't we exaggerating a bit here?
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eiloveir · 2 months
→﹐naruto hc! <3
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‹𝟹 :: ⭑⭒  🗨 !!  naruto characters and their social media habits
warnings: rushed and out-of-character
note: this is just something I decided to create on a whim, though I was inspired by a post on a clock app. i imagined how these characters might use social media, so here it is.
characters: konoha 12
𓋭  ۫   ☔️ ﹒ ❊  ͚
uzumaki naruto
this guy’s the reigning king of shitposting. he’s got a knack for calling out anything he deems “overrated,” and he doesn’t hold back. his feed is a never-ending stream of complaints about everything from minor inconveniences to full-blown disasters. you might see posts about how his ramen was too hot or things like pineapple on pizza. he’s the kind of troll who wouldn’t hesitate to pick a fight with kids on roblox, turning every argument into a battle that leaves them in tears and scrambling to save face (konohamaru). he would also be the type to start internet beefs over the most mundane things. if you’re ever scrolling through your feed and see a heated argument about why a certain trend is lame, chances are he is behind it.
haruno sakura
the feminist and activist extraordinaire! she’s the type of woman who not only supports human rights in every way possible but also cheers on the LGBTQ+ community with gusto—because, spoiler alert, she’s part of it. she’s someone who’s fully aware of the impact social media can have and is determined to use it to amplify her voice and make a real difference. i also think she has multiple social media accounts like a pro—there’s her private twitter account where she rants about how messed up the government is, her ao3 account where she writes fan fiction with a side of social commentary, and of course, her tumblr where she’s a curator of memes, political discourse, and everything in between. (me)
uchiha sasuke
god, bruh. this dude is basically a social media ghost—he hardly ever posts anything, but when he does, it’s like the internet has just won the lottery. he’s that guy who seems to do absolutely nothing yet somehow manages to grab everyone’s attention. he’s not really into posting on social media, but when he does, it’s always so aesthetically pleasing that you’d think he has a personal stylist and a professional photographer on speed dial. he doesn’t even try to make his posts look good; he just rolls out of bed and somehow manages to be effortlessly cool. man could post a picture of his breakfast and it would still get more likes than your entire feed.
nara shikamaru
this lazy ass (me) would probably end up being a streamer, posting about his win streaks and achievements in every game he plays. despite barely lifting a finger to do anything else, he’d be all over social media, bragging about every victory and high score. he’s the kind of guy who’d stream his gaming marathons from the comfort of his bed, racking up followers while casually lounging around in sweatpants. If there’s a leaderboard, you can bet he’s at the top, and he’s not shy about letting everyone know it.
yamanaka ino
girlie is the famous influencer! she’s always buzzing with posts about the latest fashion trends, beauty tips, and social events. like, you know, the kind of Instagram girlie who’s always flaunting her ootd and setting style standards. she’s practically a fashion icon with every outfit she wears. she’s also the type to post inspirational messages like “wear whatever makes you feel good” or “your body, your choice.” she’s incredibly popular across all her social media platforms and has a tiktok account—she’s all about those thirst traps and dance covers.
akimichi choji
my boi would definitely be the type to either watch mukbangs obsessively or become a mukbanger himself. he’d spend hours trying to replicate recipes he’s seen online, turning his kitchen into a culinary experiment zone. and you can bet he’d be posting all about it—sharing his attempts, successes, and occasional fails. his feed would be full of mouthwatering food shots and videos of him devouring his creations, proving that he’s just as passionate about cooking and eating as he is about sharing it with the world.
she’d regularly post about her daily life, giving followers an inside look at her studies or work. her feed would be filled with a lot of photos showcasing her favorite books, snapshots of her workout routines, and candid moments with her for lifers. she’s all about fitness, making her social media a hub for health tips and personal growth. you’d see her posting everything from meal prep ideas to gym selfies. she’d be the type to inspire others with her discipline and positivity.
rock lee
lee would be the type to flood his feed with gym and fitness content, sharing everything from his daily workout routines to personal fitness goals. his posts would be packed with enthusiasm and motivational messages, like “don’t judge a person because of their appearance” and other self-improvement quotes. despite his positive energy, not everyone’s a fan—especially naruto and kiba, who might be more inclined to roll their eyes and make a shitty rant about his optimism.
hyuga neji
this dude, much like sasuke, is totally indifferent to social media. he doesn’t bother with frequent posts but when he does, they’re thoughtful and deliberate. you might see him sharing reflections on life, articles he’s stumbled upon, or insightful news about everyday occurrences. he avoids jumping into pointless online drama or trends, yet somehow, he’s always clued in. that’s thanks to lee and tenten, who can’t stop talking about the latest gossip and social media happenings. despite his apparent disinterest, he picks up on all the chatter and remains surprisingly well-informed about the buzz. so, even though he’s a low-key user, he’s never completely out of the loop.
inuzuka kiba
his socials would be about random rants and memes. he’d post exaggerated complaints about the most trivial matters. his feed would be a fucking mess of humorous and offbeat content—think sarcastic comments, goofy polls, and plenty of memes featuring akamaru. he’d frequently stir up controversies, posting impulsively and diving headfirst into debates. his online presence would be a whirlwind of arguments, especially with naruto, where they often argue over who’s the dumbest between them.
hyuga hinata
she’s the type to be a crocheter, the kind you see on tiktok with an account just for her yarn creations. her feed would be packed with posts showcasing her latest crocheting projects—everything from cozy blankets and stylish scarves to adorable amigurumi (crocheted plush toys). she’d share detailed photos and videos of her work. her account would also feature tutorials and tips for fellow crocheters, helping them improve their skills. she might post about her extensive yarn collection, offer free patterns, and give followers a peek into her crafting process. whether she’s showing off her latest masterpiece or sharing a behind-the-scenes look at her studio, her feed would be a inspiring hub for all things crochet.
aburame shino
the random entomologist on your feed. he would be all about his shit for insects and the natural world. his posts would feature photos of various bugs, often accompanied by educational captions about their behavior, ecology, and characteristics. his feed would include updates from his fieldwork, observations on insect behavior, and informative posts about conservation efforts. while he might occasionally share glimpses of his other interests or hobbies, the focus would remain firmly on nature and entomology. whether he’s showcasing a rare beetle he’s spotted or sharing insights on preserving insect habitats, his content would be a treasure trove of knowledge for fellow nature enthusiasts.
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
Do not get how Naruto/Hinata and Aang/Katara are the Nart and Atla ships that got branded as 'ships that cater to cishet men' as if Shikamaru/Temari and Sokka/Suki don't exist
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nocusbonkus · 3 months
Knowing you since childhood irl, absolutely fucking batshit insane for someone to accuse you of being white & right wing conservative, and on top of that to insinuate you are pro-slavery just because you disagree with their extremist take on Hinata (who is likewise young and powerless to stop heinous Hyuga practices and has never been shown to be complicit and a direct participant in causing any branch member pain - that I know of anyway. Plus the fact that she wouldn't be a part of the main family anymore since she's been booted out of the direct line of succession).
Almost forgot, and *on top of that* assuming you're not familiar and are narrow minded about abuse. All this from a complete stranger on the internet that disagrees about your interpretation of a character's role in clan politics.
Complete dick behavior, hope other people can enjoy your stuff without being virtue signaling pricks. Waffles and Pancakes jesus christ
White, right wing AND pro slavery being thrown at me while I'm an afab Filipino with green hair and pronouns was certainly something 😭 I didn't think this was where posting about my rarepair on tumblr would go but, here we are.
I think believing someone cannot be a victim because they're a perpetrator of abuse is a dangerous mentality to have. We both already agree on Hinata not being a perpetrator, but believing she is one simply because she's in the position to do that is 😭😭😭 again, something. I don't know why we want to believe the worst of her character, isn't it a good thing she isn't as terrible as she could be?
Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled gayness. At least Hinata would've been happy Neji found love with Shikamaru 😭
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Reasons for submission under the cut
puts his team in danger to prove himself
lies to war impacted characters about making change but does nothing when he’s in power
only cares about his war criminal boyfriend even at the expense of others
depiction as a hero is boring
does not fix the systemic issues of the shinobi system
got stupidly overpowered/god-like and became boring/bland
prophecy child trope
bad fanbase
have enough men like him IRL
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