heidiikm · 2 months
Thinking about how sad the end to Sasuke’s story is and how his grief and anger is minimised.
Rewatching parts of Naruto and seeing Naruto declaring to sasuke to put all of his hatred onto him and that he’s the only one that can take it is actually so strange. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t hate for his character (okay maybe mild hate because he does do a lot wrong, but so do most Naruto characters and I’m not here to get into that rn). It’s just I find it kind of off… (I know people use this moment as a great sns scene and I have no hate against that ship! This is nothing to do with sns) Sasuke’s grief for his clan and deep seated anger at the village and world is beyond valid. Naruto’s declaration feels slightly entitled? I understand they were friends for a bit and went through a lot together during the short time they were a team and how sasuke is one of Naruto’s first proper connections so it’s all very important to him and so on. It’s just… this isn’t about him? He’s got nothing to do with this? I know it’s about trying to “help” sasuke who is self destructing to get revenge and justice. I’ve spoken before how this fandom compares characters’ traumas a lot and how that’s odd, including how Naruto doesn’t compare to sasuke - both had truly dreadful childhoods, I just think they’re two different traumas and whilst both lonely, are lonely in different ways and for different reasons. And also sasuke is so much more than just lonely. Naruto doesn’t understand Sasuke’s trauma and doesn’t understand his anger. The whole of team 7 disregarded his grief and trauma. At the end of the show Naruto fails to give the Uchiha any justice as hokage and sasuke is manipulated into believing he needs to “repent” and to protect the village. It’s such a sad story. I could say a lot more and this isn’t well articulated at all but anyways… if people disagree or have another interpretation I’d love to hear!
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Shikamaru buried the murderer of his sensei alive and you don't call that "curse of hatred". Imagine what he would have done if someone exterminated his whole family and grave robbed them to implant stolen body parts on themselves. I honestly think you don't appreciate me for how trully chill and rational I am in comparison to the average shinobi.
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tora-the-cat · 6 months
A happy ending for Sasuke is literally not even POSSIBLE for basically ALL of Naruto like it's not even funny. He really never even had a CHANCE he has of living a decent life, it's not even on the TABLE, by literally no fault of his own (because he's never done anything wrong). I'm going to scream.
0-6? Forces unbelievably outside of his control are organizing, ensuring, and executing an ethnic cleansing of his entire clan at the hands of his favoritest person in the world. Forces including the shattered psyche of said favoritest person, who tortures him until he is too terrified and traumatized to even think about anything else for years.
7-12? enrolled in Child Soilder School, completely isolated socially (not as a pariah but as a prodigy) befret of any support system, still traumatized beyond belief, and left with no outlet for any of his issues besides obsessing over the day, one day in the future, where Itachi will be dead and all this unresolved suffering and guilt and love and anger and fear and fear and FEAR will go away forever. Right? Because it has to. There has to be an end. Right?
12? Government assigned found family give him the support and love and attention and outlet and for the future that he's been craving for so long he didn't even KNOW it's what he needed. Has a soulmate and a bestie that can read his mind and a mentor who actually is willing to meet him where he's at and help him and maybe even love him and is this......Hope? That perhaps he can have a life outside of what Itachi did to- Itachi. Itach- FUCK. ITACHI IS LITERALLY HUNTING NARUTO FOR SPORT WITH ALL HIS WAR CRIMINAL FRIENDS AND SASUKE SHOULDN'T HAVE LET HIS GUARD DOWN BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW STRONG KAKASHI OR EVEN THE WHOLE VILLAGE IS, ITACHI WILL KILL ANYONE SASUKE IS STUPID AND SHORT SIDED AND CRUEL ENOUGH TO CARE ABOUT, HOW DID HE FORGET, HOW DARE HE FORGET, HE NEEDS TO GET STRONGER HE NEEDS TO AVENGE HIS CLAN HE NEEDS TO FUFILL HIS FRATERNAL DUTY HE NEEDS TO LEAVE BEFORE ANYONE ELSE IS MURDERED BY ASSOCIATION-
13-16? He dropped a lit match on his support system behind him him and ran into the cold shadows of obsessive anger that he only stepped out of long enough to loose the ability to ignore the gnawing want for warmth. That's bad enough, not even taking cohabitating with goddamned OROCHIMARU. No further explanation required there.
17? Kills his brother, gets NONE of the 'benefits' he spent his life convincing (begging) himself must be awaiting at the end. Instead everyhting has, in fact, gotten much worse very quickly and now all he has is a list of powerful people and systems that don't work and hurts and kills and tortures the people they've promised to protect that no one except him will oppose because it's basically suicide, and isn't he already so familiar with being on the shit side of this dynamic? Isn't it the normalest thing in the world, to fill the hole where his vengeance used to be with a hunt with near identical goals and intentions of his first vengance, the only real difference being his increasing dissalussion with ever being able to 'go back home', his almost all comsuming doubt that there's a 'home' waiting for him still, if there ever even was? So he dives into another goal before it goes as cold as the love he doesn't dare indulge, accumulating more power and rage then he knows what to do with (where can he put it down? where can he put it down?) and no reason NOT to challange corruption until it's either all gone or it kills him. Naruto, once the only person who looked at him with empathy instead of pity or expectation, thinks he should grit his teeth and bear it and go back to the village, as if that was ever an option for him. Sakura, once the only person who understood him, who followed his every thought process with ease and loved him even when he thought himself a monster, has finally given up on him and tries to kill him. What can he do but laugh as the world burns? It burned him first.
(but if that was true, then why is he still so cold?)
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nardo-headcanons · 3 months
Late, but it's not 12 AM yet. Happy Boopage day everyone.
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burstbubbbles · 1 year
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uchihaempress · 9 months
I just had a “debate” with an Itachi Stan and it inspired me to go back on Tumblr again 😭 They were saying how Itachi killed the Uchiha clan for the greater good. I asked what greater good? And they said “Uchiha curse” lmao I hate Naruto stans so much like I can’t even take them seriously 😭😭😭😭
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do you wish to talk about naruto… like I’d love to hear your thoughts on sasuke’s characterization…
oh my god someone asked me about sasuke's characterization. holy shit my time has come. i hope you don't regret this because i'm about to be very annoying
it's such a broad question i didn't rly know where to start so i think i'm going to go through some popular misconceptions people have on various aspects of his character uhhhh
loyalty: not to be all 'sasuke never did anything wrong' but he didn't really do anything wrong. leaving the village and his friends behind was out of a belief that in order to avenge his clan he had to be far more powerful than he was as part of team 7. he was manipulated by itachi (love him tho) and orochimaru who deliberately exploited him as a very young child. he was also given absolutely no support to counteract these influences. kakashi tried to give him a speech, but it was far too little too late
sasuke coped with the loss of his clan by telling himself that being alone made him strong, and being around people made him weak-- because if he had bonds, he would have something he was afraid of losing. and to go after itachi he would have to have nothing to lose. it's not that he didn't care about his friends: it's that he cared so much that he knew they would get in the way of his goal
it's worth remembering that goal was the only reason he had survived up until that point, as he says when facing itachi at the hotel. i have a headcanon that he would have become suicidal if he hadn't fixated so hard on this goal and lived for it, and think itachi also thought this which is why he insisted on getting sasuke to hate him and have something to live for
friendships: a lot of people say sasuke doesn't care about his friends, mostly because he has tried to kill them (specifically naruto and sakura, also karin and he left the rest of taka/hebi behind). again, he does care, to a painful extent. during the fight against gaara's ichibi form, he says 'i won't let anyone else close to me die'. from their very first mission in land of waves, he's extremely protective of team 7 despite convincing himself that caring about people again will be his downfall
although he's already depressed and traumatized by the time he joins team 7, he grows fond of them very quickly and protects them with his life. he also indulges in their shenanigans even though he usually acts like he's above them... but he's just a child too after all. same with taka/hebi: sasuke is supposedly colder than ever by this point, but he helps his teammates and builds a dynamic with them despite always keeping them at arms length
yeah basically people mistake sasuke's quiet exterior and snarky comments for him not caring and use his darkest moments as proof of that. but he's just very introverted, naturally sarcastic and afraid of connecting with people due to his trauma and when he does snap it's because of how much he cares, not because he's a crazy violent murderer
morality: for the vast majority of the show, sasuke is vehemently against killing anyone and even ensures that no taka/hebi members kill either. kage summit arc sasuke is at his very lowest point: konoha had led him to kill the only family he had left after killing an entire clan and traumatizing him for life. it makes sense for him to have a breaking point
it's also worth remembering that here everyone (except naruto) had given up on him and were aiming to kill him. i'm not going to go as far as to say that sasuke fought out of self-defense, but it is clear that he was fighting not in his right mind
sasuke was right to kill danzo, who orchestrated the genocide of all of his people and allowed him to kill his brother who was also a victim of that system. he was also right to want to kill the elders who were similarly responsible. the only goal of his i don't agree with is wanting to destroy konoha which he states at final valley but i'm honestly not even sure how much his heart was in this. i think he just wanted naruto to fight him but that's a topic for another post
basically sasuke did nothing wrong umm anyways on to lighter (?) topics
personality: there's a common trend in this fandom that sasuke's quiet and tough exterior is entirely an act and that he's secretly very soft. i do agree that he's silly (dumb sense of humor similar to naruto's in a lot of ways) and obviously very caring, but i also think that he's genuinely very pragmatic, calculated, and introverted. i think that in a relationship though he would have moments of vulnerability, he still wouldn't be a desperate or submissive type. he shows affection by doing concrete things for other people and helping them even when not asked
his cold demeanor is partially a defense mechanism since he doesn't trust people after the massacre. but it's also because he doesn't place value in pleasantries or hierarchy, and (lovingly) has supbar social skills.
emotional intelligence: sasuke is more emotionally intelligent than people think he is. i think it's easy to see this from the few monologues we get from him, where he's very aware of his own emotions. i think his main issue is putting things into words and communicating his feelings, not that he doesn't understand them
bonus - sexuality: vaguely related to the last point??? but mostly silly, i think because of this emotional intelligence sasuke figured out he was gay pretty early. i mean... he never shows even feigned interest in any women, and no straight person dresses like that COME ON. i think he felt some guilt due to being the last uchiha with a duty to revive the bloodline, but that he also didn't imagine himself living long enough to have a relationship so it didn't really concern him
tldr sasuke is an extremely caring character who loves deeply and desires justice for those people. he's very mentally ill, mainly as a result of a government-sanctioned genocide against his people and being given absolutely no resources to cope with that. he's also incredibly gay. and i love him so mmuch god please put me down before i write anymore
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mrsfushigurooooo · 1 year
Sasuke is more than his ships...
Why do people always connect Sasuke's character to a ship? why can't he just have a novel of his own with his own story? Sasusaku/Narusasu or any of the sasu ships are not really relevant to his character other than in a "We want to save him" type of way. I just feel like Sasuke is a character that's more interesting than what his ships/relationship are.
I'm not saying that Naruto and Sakura and team 7 as a whole aren't important to him as a character because obviously they were written to be, but I just think that he doesn't need to be in a relationship with either of them nor do I see those relationships in a romantic way important to him or his character.
I want a revolutionist Sasuke story that focuses on him, his trauma, and his mental health. Why is that never looked into? I feel like it needs to be, it doesn't quite feel like Sasuke's story is over yet and out of all of team 7 it doesn't feel like he has quite reached his goals since they were the only ones out of the three I believe kept changing.
I know there's a lot of argument surrounding who he should've ended up with, and personally, I believe it would've been fitting for his character to end up with no one, or at least instead of retsuden we could've just got a glimpse of Sasuke in his own world and peace.
I just find the shipping of Sasuke annoying since people seem to focus on that aspect more than focusing on him as a STAND-ALONE CHARACTER.
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bubblewhale · 9 months
I love getting political over sasuke
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plumsaffron · 2 years
I wonder if this also is what's happening. This scapegoat pattern crap in other fandoms. Target/Scapegoat Sasuke = Their Favorite(s) Protected. And if not targeted, the fear of the who their favorites really are becomes more or actually apparent. This will or may crush their ability to cope with the truth that their doing(s) was zilch. They are unable to accept what they looked up to or emulated (or attempted) was a mistake (Well maybe unless that's who they truly are and decided to absorb again). Anyways, the quest upon shifting the blame to Sasuke instead, threatens the false hope gained in the past from their savior(s). Making Sasuke a hot topic to be frowned upon and spreading their stupid contortions and others accepting that really tells a lot. Interestingly enough, their stupidity affirms Sasuke's is too powerful for them. The desperation to drag Sasuke down. He really is the most powerful entity of the series. It makes me chuckle how much he hurt these losers.
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heidiikm · 11 months
Some of my thoughts on Naruto as a (kinda) intro post!
Hyperfixating on Naruto rn and wanted to try write some thoughts down. It’ll become obvious very fast that I love sasuke and believe he deserves that absolute world and will defend him until my last breath thank you 🫶
I hate the narrative of Naruto for how it treated sasuke and the Naruto ending being literllay pro-konoha and sasuke is convinced he has to “repent”?? Like what’s he repenting for? Being a victim?
Imagine growing up having witnessed the genocide of your family by the one you love the most, tortured having to watch it over 500,000 times and being told to hate and kill that person that you once loved…
I don’t understand Itachi fans who will say they don’t like sasuke for what he does and his mindset when its Itachi who manipulated and moulded him into what he is… like you don’t like his actions and that he’s the ‘villain’ (in the eyes of many fans) when itachi told him to pretty much do all this. E.g kill his closest friends (Naruto) and only focus on becoming stronger to kill him.
Sasuke had every right to attack Konoha, the overall shinobi system and those that tried to uphold it.
Disclaimer: Naruto is a show that I love and means a lot to me. I enjoy analysing characters and themes within shows so that’s what you’ll probably be seeing me do on here. I just have a problem with some of the things within the story such as certain characters and especially how the narrative portrays things. Just remember this is all fictional and it’s never that deep I just want to express my opinions if you disagree then just don’t interact with me.
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Sasuke: -Leaves quietly at night so as not to involve anyone. -Tries to run away from the people following him. -Tells them to leave him alone and to go home several times. -Gets punched several times without even defending himself. -Fights back only after he is threatened to be taken by force to somewhere he does not want to be in. -After opponent is neutralized, just leaves.
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akamikazae · 2 years
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Me talking about Akami, Kakashi and Sasuke
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purplevenuss · 29 days
people that stan sakura and ship sasusaku and act like it's the pinnacle of feminism are laughable, because sakura's character and sasusaku go literally against everything feminism stands for. sakura is a pathetic girl that cries and beg for the love of a man that rejected her multiple times, broke a friendship with the only girl that defended her against her bullies for a boy that doesn't care about her, puts other women down (i.e tsunade in the war arc and wanted sai to call ino ugly) is shallow and chased down a guy that clearly didn't wanted to be chased. sasusaku? sasuke put her in a genjutsu where he crushed her bones, didn't care where she was falling in the lava during the kaguya's fight and made her a single mother. again, this goes everything on what feminism stands for.
and her fandom will make excuses for it, "every relationship is better when there's a woman in it" then go ship a well-written sapphic pairing, "it makes the fujoshis mad so i ship it" shipping garbage to spite people? this is so pathetic, man. and don't let me start on people who genuinely believe sakura is a well-written character and sasusaku a well-written relationship. just ridiculous
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burstbubbbles · 1 year
(i just saw a beautiful piece of fanart that showed his eyes as dark brown and i need answers)
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uchihaempress · 2 years
Nothing make me shake my head more than seeing people criticizing Uchiha as this horrible clan who is the Worst because... it exists and feels more deeply than anyone else, I guess, but not seeing a thing about Konoha not lifting a finger for the Hyuuga problem. Like even if the Uchiha were somehow responsible for their own massacre (which is hum hum), it would still not make this village okay???
In my opinion, The Uchiha clan had a strong sense of awareness about how Konoha’s leadership viewed them. The second Hokage gave them a small amount of “authority” when he created the Police Force, but the police force operated in isolated places in the village. Also, they weren’t put in any significant or influential positions in the Konoha government. Other clans didn’t have to deal with the government intensely trying to suppress them. As long as their leadership complied with the Konoha government, those clans could get away with a lot of things. Ex: hyuga clan slavery.
Not only did the government brainwash the people with the stupid ‘Will of Fire’ narrative, but many people who watch Naruto seem to fall for that crap too. They fall for the ‘Uchiha’s were evil’. Meanwhile, the government were trying to suppress them to the point where they had no choice but to rebel.
When I first watched Naruto and Shippuden, I always sympathized with Sasuke. Then I joined the online fandom to find that the majority of the fandom hated him, I was perplexed.
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