saschuv · 5 months
I desperately want to know how Fugaku and Mikoto would have reacted to how Sasuke was treated after the massacre. Same with Shisui actually.
I wonder if they would have accepted death the same way or instead would have fought Itachi had they know the fate waiting for Sasuke.
Neither fugaku or mikoto fought itachi as one they couldn’t bring themselves to harm their child. But secondly because as their dying wish, itachi promised he would look after Sasuke. And what did he go and do? Torture this boy beyond comprehension. He never needed to go that far. Sasuke witnessed the Uchiha massacre at the hands of the brother he loved more than anyone over 500,000 times. At the age of seven… he is torn away from everything he loves because of his brother, I think that’s enough to make someone hate another. The extra step with the tsukuyomi really was not necessary. And twice?! Uh huh… it shouldn’t be surprising itachi wouldn’t respect the dying wish of his mother and father considering that atrocities he committed against them already. But it’s still heartbreaking. Idk if I were Mikoto or Fugaku I’d be pissed. And I wonder what Shisui would think. Not only for itachi to kill the whole clan, but then his future crimes too against both Sasuke and as a criminal. Shisui is slightly more complicated as he didn’t support the coup and wanted to protect Konoha like Itachi. But Itachi took it so much further.
The Uchiha clan are the clan of love. They do everything for their family. For itachi to do this is a complete disregard for their culture and everything they stand for and feel. Idk if I were an Uchiha, I’d be appalled.
Just had some thoughts about this and how Itachi completely disregarded his parents’ sacrifice
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saschuv · 5 months
Thinking about how sad the end to Sasuke’s story is and how his grief and anger is minimised.
Rewatching parts of Naruto and seeing Naruto declaring to sasuke to put all of his hatred onto him and that he’s the only one that can take it is actually so strange. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t hate for his character (okay maybe mild hate because he does do a lot wrong, but so do most Naruto characters and I’m not here to get into that rn). It’s just I find it kind of off… (I know people use this moment as a great sns scene and I have no hate against that ship! This is nothing to do with sns) Sasuke’s grief for his clan and deep seated anger at the village and world is beyond valid. Naruto’s declaration feels slightly entitled? I understand they were friends for a bit and went through a lot together during the short time they were a team and how sasuke is one of Naruto’s first proper connections so it’s all very important to him and so on. It’s just… this isn’t about him? He’s got nothing to do with this? I know it’s about trying to “help” sasuke who is self destructing to get revenge and justice. I’ve spoken before how this fandom compares characters’ traumas a lot and how that’s odd, including how Naruto doesn’t compare to sasuke - both had truly dreadful childhoods, I just think they’re two different traumas and whilst both lonely, are lonely in different ways and for different reasons. And also sasuke is so much more than just lonely. Naruto doesn’t understand Sasuke’s trauma and doesn’t understand his anger. The whole of team 7 disregarded his grief and trauma. At the end of the show Naruto fails to give the Uchiha any justice as hokage and sasuke is manipulated into believing he needs to “repent” and to protect the village. It’s such a sad story. I could say a lot more and this isn’t well articulated at all but anyways… if people disagree or have another interpretation I’d love to hear!
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saschuv · 6 months
“Save Sasuke from the dark path he was going down” sounds so deep and romantic or whatever until you remember that the “dark path ” being referred to was the search for answers and closure made necessary by systematic oppression, a corrupt political system, surviving a massacre, and constantly being invalidated.
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saschuv · 9 months
this is so so so disgusting...
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so basically, that was Itachi's plan: force Sasuke down on the path of vengeance to gain power, own eternal mangekyo, then he would put him under genjutsu to keep him forever as Konoha's slave, perfect weapon.
how can a character be so disgusting? like Sasuke didn't even want mangekyo, originally he didn't want to kill anyone, the vengeance against Itachi was forced on him by Itachi himself, through torture and endless trauma, even with Orochimaru, he didn't want to kill people
honestly, how does he dare to say he loved Sasuke. He never cared for Sasuke as a person, he viewed him as a tool and planned out how to control his whole life. Who cares what Sasuke wants, make him avenger, then make him protect Konoha
seriously so disgusting
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saschuv · 9 months
it's always the itachi fans who act as if sasuke was badly written for losing it after he found out that his own village ordered the uchiha massacre. but they never mention the fact that the village didn't order itachi to torture sasuke and abuse him... the moral standard sasuke is held to in some of the fanbase is insane. also... do they just forget that he was like 16 during the kage summit. he was the sole survivor of the genocide of his own family at like 5 or 6. he was abused repeatedly by his own brother and tortured. even during his fight with itachi he's backed into a corner, knows he has no more chakra, and is seemingly being approached by itachi to have his eyes ripped out. all at around 16. he'd already admitted once he killed itachi he would have no reason to live. for the love of god if any character deserves empathy from the fanbase it's sasuke ... ESPECIALLY when talking about him after he just finds out the truth about itachi
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saschuv · 11 months
Sasuke really does value autonomy and truthfulness so much…like he makes a point of rejecting the ideologies of the people who have hurt him in favor of his own path and values—he rejects Itachi and Orochimaru’s ruthlessness and manipulative methods, instead freeing prisoners and refusing to kill innocent people and letting the Team Taka members choose to join him. He verified the truth about the massacre with multiple people and seeks out the truth about the shinobi world and it’s history himself by asking the past hokage and coming to his own conclusion that the system needs to be changed, and he’s incredibly honest throughout the whole story—he’s flawed and he makes mistakes like any complex character but he has a lot of qualities that are worthy of respect.
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saschuv · 11 months
I love getting political over sasuke
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saschuv · 11 months
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saschuv · 1 year
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Cursed pirate Sasuke to go along with Siren Naruto, found some cursed gold and uses his immortality to hunt down his brother for revenge. ❤️‍🔥
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saschuv · 1 year
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them ;-;;;
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saschuv · 1 year
Thoughts on Jiraiya -
Messier post to usual - I really don’t care about Jiraiya enough but I was thinking about him.
I always found Jiraiya to make me slightly uncomfortable and I never liked him that much. He was introduced as a man that pervs on women while they’re in the baths (already off to a great start) and then we later find out he’s Naruto’s godfather who neglected to show up for 12 years. Not only that but he showed interest in Naruto when he was in his female form (he’s 12?!).
Had he not been too busy trying to seduce women when he’s supposed to be looking after and protect Naruto because the Akatsuki (a group he knows are dangerous) are after him, he would have been there to protect both Sasuke and Naruto from Itachi and Kisame. For being one of the most powerful Ninja in the village (one of the Sannin) he was a largely incompetent Ninja.
Didn’t Jiraiya say that he'd kill Tsunade if she were to betray Konoha? (He also constantly sexualised her). Overall, Jiraiya isn’t this “Goofy” caring teacher of Naruto, he was a shinobi of Konoha who worked to keep ensuring said village upholds their power and oppressive regime. He’s got the same corrupt mindset of all of the big Konoha ninja and leaders. He also used Naruto’s money when the kid hardly has funds and who literally bought him a gift… Embarrassing behaviour ngl.
I also see fans use Jiraiya’s death as what allows Naruto to understand Sasuke’s pain… Naruto fans are obsessed with comparing trauma and ‘who had it worse’ which is always odd but comparing the Uchiha genocide to Jiraiya’s death is insane. It doesn’t compare at all and Jiraiya was a terrible teacher anyways?? That doesn’t take away Naruto’s grief for him but let’s not compare these two character’s grief.
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saschuv · 1 year
Sage of six paths he is but he certainly ain’t sage of wisdom. I mean, is it too much to ask? One would think he’d have gained at least some wisdom through his travels and through the years right? Like, wisdom enough to know that being prejudiced against your own child is wrong, that isolating him further when he needs guidance and counsel the most is just nonsensical, and that the key to peace is actually a mix of both his and Ashura’s methods instead of just one correct way (and ironically enough, it’s the union of the two approaches that eventually “got things done” by the end of the series lol)… 🥴🤌
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saschuv · 1 year
A few thoughts on Hashirama:
I’ve mentioned before how we do lack information on the founders but they’re definitely an interesting group with quite a bit to unpack. I really find Hashirama an intriguing character and wish we knew more about him and, as is the case with most Naruto characters, he has lots of flaws that are fun to look into.
Like Madara, Hashirama hoped to found the village for peace and to protect those he cared about - his clan, and particularly his family (Now Tobirama). Both were tired of the endless warfare their two clans faced but these two, once in agreement with their dreams, found themselves at odds with each other once Konoha was founded.
Madara knew what he was signing when forming Konoha in their alliance with the Senju and it’s very important to realise that when Madara grew fearful of Konoha and what it was becoming, clearly what was in the peace treaty wasn’t being obeyed. I’ll go into this more another time but, yes madara was being manipulated by Zetsu to an extent here but truly Hashirama and the village definitely went wrong somewhere and we see that certainly in Konoha’s legacy later on.
Hashirama is recognised as this kind, almost naive guy, but as a shinobi who has killed countless of people and is pretty much a warlord himself, this “personality” of his seems a little off - it seems to be more of the facade, a front he puts on to be approachable and disarming. This is definitely an unnerving element to his character and when certainly what he says when fighting Madara confirms that:
 "No matter what happens I will protect our… no my village. I still believe that protecting the village is the best way to protect people, shinobi, and children…! Anyone who tries to harm it, whether they are my friends, siblings or my own children… I won't forgive them."
As stated earlier, both Hashirama and Madara founded Konoha for peace and protection of their families after endless warfare and yet Hashirama’s words fully counter that. If it takes killing your family, even siblings and children to keep your village, I believe there is a fundamental error in how it is governed and it’s beliefs.
As we see in Naruto, Konoha fails to achieve peace. In fact, it actually achieves the opposite, even pretty much starting wars to secure its income and power and massacring clans and oppressing them (the Uchiha as the prime example) to ensure this (very fragile) “peace”. But even during times of no war, it can hardly be called peace. I think such a major reason for this is not only the fundamental way the shinobi world works but because of Kokoha’s leaders and what they set up - much is spoken about in terms of Tobirama and Sarutobi but I think Hashirama needs to be spoken about more too as a reason for these issues.
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saschuv · 1 year
Things I think people forget about my favourite angry grape boy from the book canon
1. Jiang Cheng nearly killed himself to get to help in time for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji when they were trapped in the cave
2. He had to be physically restrained to stop him from trying to save Wei Wuxian from the whipping at Lotus Pier
3. He was disassociating hard when Wei Wuxian left him in am alley for food and in that state he sacrificed himself to protect Wei Wuxian and he has still never told him that
4. He gathered the Jiang sect back into existence on his own in the 6 months Wei Wuxian was trapped in the Burial Mound and still looked for Wei Wuxian the whole time AND helped Lan Wangji liberate all their swords
5. He does not know that Wei Wuxian does not have a golden core until the very end of the book. Which means he didn't know that Wei Wuxian didn't have a golden core to help him heal from injuries or why he wouldn't use his sword or why he waa acting so erratic
6. In the book he doesn't have any real interaction with the Wen siblings. Especially not when conscious or aware of it.
7. He is a teenager and a leader of a sect that he had just rebuilt before Wei Wuxian dies. His decisions that went against Wei Wuxian were made with his entire sect in mind not just their relationship. Which really is what he's supposed to do as a leader. I don't agree with all his decisions but I do understand why he made them
8. Wei Wuxian was the one who suggest the break between them and chose not to explain the significance of the Wen siblings in any detail
9. Jiang Cheng trusted Wei Wuxian and his ability to control his demonic cultivation until he ended in the death of their sister
10. Child Jiang Cheng didn't dislike child Wei Wuxian at first because he had to give up his dogs but because his father picked up Wei Wuxian which broke his tiny heart because he could count on one hand the times his father had held him. Jiang Fengmian sucked as a father
11. Jiang Cheng, after that night when they both broke their legs, protected Wei Wuxian from dogs and treated him like his brother
12. Jiang Cheng was not the one to buy Jin Ling fairy and from what I can tell does not keep dogs
Like yeah. He's an asshole with anger management issues and a hard on for torture and communication problems but he does love Wei Wuxian and make decisions that he believes are right for his people
And Jiang Fengmian was a horrible father to him. That combined with his mother telling him that the reason his dad doesn't love him is because he's a failure...there are reasons why he's the way he is
But he's clearly a successful leader with a strong sect that he built up single-handed while trying to help raise his nephew
Still an asshole but this is all why he's my favourite asshole
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saschuv · 1 year
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Poor unfortunate soul
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saschuv · 1 year
Some more thoughts on Naruto and also looking at the fandom, especially Tobirama:
Tobirama is an interesting character. All of the founders are. I definitely wish we got to learn more about them but we still got quite a bit and I wanted to look a bit into Tobirama and how he treated the Uchiha as that seems a common debate amongst fans.
I’ve always found it ironic when Tobirama speaks of the Uchiha’s apparent “curse of hatred” when he was literally the angriest and most hateful. He took one look at Sasuke and started spewing bigotry at the kid and he doesn’t even know him.
An odd thing I’ve noticed is fans denying Tobirama as racist against the Uchiha. It was established within the series that as a clan, the Uchiha had their own culture and religion and who felt stronger than others. Tobirama knows these things - his clan fought the uchiha for years and he studied them well to know how to defeat them. He’s well aware that the Uchiha feel stronger than others and can easily be led into hatred and despair just as how they love stronger than others and he exploited that multiple times, and then acted surprised and disgusted about how they reacted to his actions… His paranoia and prejudice meant he alienated the uchiha in a village THEY helped found.
I also see Tobirama fans use his brothers’ deaths as the reason he hates the Uchiha and that that justifies it. This lacks logic. Yes, tobirama would hate the Uchiha for what they did to his brothers and be upset, that’s inevitable. BUT, the Senju killed hundreds of Uchiha too, including Madara’s other brothers (and later Izuna). Neither side were innocent and yet the Uchiha so desperately wanted peace they accepted the peace treaty and tried to be allies eith the Senju, whilst still trying to keep their culture alive. Like the two clans were at WAR with each other, the Senju sent children out and said children died. Yes, it’s tragic and cruel and so unfair but what do you expect the uchiha to do? They’re also paranoid and fearful and likely looking at a strategic pov by trying to stop them before they become too powerful. Now this doesn’t justify it but I’m just trying to say neither side were purely innocent or ‘evil’ like fans try to make this out as.
Now back to the Uchiha trying to keep their culture alive in Konoha. This ended up with them being alienated from the village and being looked upon as “other”, whilst the Senju dispersed throughout the village. The different cultures should have been celebrated but instead it’s just increased the suspicion as the Uchiha tried to hold onto their traditions and others didn’t so much. Madara signed that peace treaty also to receive equal and fair treatment but instead the Uchiha got the opposite and Jon noticing this would just continue, Madara grew fearful for the clans fate but when warning them, the clan were so desperate for peace in this village they decided against him. Madara knew what he was singing so it’s clear that konoha had turned against what they agreed upon.
It’s a tragic fact that Izuna was right in his wanting to Madara in his death that they Senju couldn’t be truested and it’s a pity that Tobirama’s paranoia blinded him and narrowed his mind, turning to anger and racism.
There’s something bittersweet that sasuke looks like Izuna as he tries to stop konoha’s oppressive rule that his ancestor once predicted,
Disclaimer: I do find Tobirama interesting and enjoy reading about him, as I’ve just stated here I just disagree with a lot of his actions and morals. Sadly there are inconsistencies in the writing and a lack of information that makes his character difficult to fully understand.
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saschuv · 1 year
I love Indra so wanted to share a few thoughts on him:
Indra had every right to be upset and I will always stand by that. I swear so few people recognise that he too was a victim.
Zetsu manipulated him and the great sage of six paths couldn’t even be bothered to go check up on Indra? Like how did he not notice zetsu strolling about near their home/why didn’t he even try to help Indra? He just let it all spiral out and then blatantly favoured Asura.
Indra was robbed of his birth right and humiliated in front of his clan. Idk if I were him I’d be miffed too.
For the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo lacked much wisdom and was an immensely incompetent father.
Indra is such an interesting character and I wish he was more explored. So much potential.
I wish there were fics out there that support Indra because I always just find ones that have Indra regretting his actions and agreeing with Asura like…? Get that man his justice!!
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