#pro shikamaru naru
narhinafan · 1 year
The reason why I don't think Sakura can ever be Hokage is mostly because she can't be trusted and not to mention doesn't help that she's married to Sasuke someone who isn't necessarily trustworthy by most people. She doesn't have any respect really by most people of Konoha she doesn't have the maturity or anything else that is required and also would be an insult when you literally have Shikimaru yeah he may not be the strongest but he definitely is one of the most intelligent and is able to think on his feet quickly he is Hokage material even if he isn't the strongest candidate.
So true plus her personality isn't suited to it Naruto's personality had faults, but he matured enough to handle the job. Sakura though is still as immature as she always been it makes no sense for her to be Hokage when she can barely look after herself and her family let alone the whole village.
Shikamaru is literally Naruto's right hand he knows all the ins and outs of the job and can handle it.
I think Shikamaru could be quite strong actually with his head I can see him having developed the Nara jutsu in unique ways and having a fighting style that gives Kage level ninja trouble.
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resolutepath · 1 year
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generic headcanons tag
Bosacius - The Nameless Yaksha - Current timeline verse
Bosacius - misc. hcs
Freminet - misc hcs.
Freminet & The House of the Hearth
Freminet - Drabble - A day at work under Mother
Elzer - misc hcs.
Diluc - Angel's Share
Diluc - Dawn Winery
Diluc - Ragnvindr Mansion
Hu Tao - The Nature of One Who Walks Both Worlds
Crepus Ragnvindr - Misc Notes
Crepus Ragnvindr - 10th Harbinger
Halfdan - misc hcs.
Ningguang & Her Private Chambers in the Jade Chamber
PSA: Interacting with my Elio
Elio - The Many Faces of Destiny's Slave hc.
Elio - The Many Faces of Destiny's Slave Part II
Elio misc. hcs.
Elio misc. hcs part II.
Elio - The Ability to See Destiny hc.
Elio & His Abilities Part II
Elio & The Stellaron Hunters
Elio's Connections
Elio: The Life That Came Before
Elio & Identity
Elio & What he Doesn't Talk About
Elio & Becoming a Stellaron Hunter
Elio trivia (generic hcs)
Elio & the title 'Destiny's Slave'
Diamond Misc HCs.
Diamond - The Consequences of The Stonehearts
Baiheng - Misc HCs.
Gilgamesh - b.nha verse
Gilgamesh - G.enshin & H.SR verses
Gilgamesh - G.enshin verse in detail
Gilgamesh - H.SR verse in detail
Achilles - G.enshin verse in detail
Achilles - H.SR verse in detail
Robin Hood - G.enshin verse in detail - tba
Robin Hood - H.SR verse in detail - tba
Romani, Robin Hood, Leonidas & Mash - HSR / G.enshin verse summaries.
Kirishima - naru / k.ny verse
Kirishima - fantasy verses
Kirishima - villain au || & headcanons.
Kirishima - traitor au
Kirishima & His Pro-Hero Career
Bakugou - k.ny au
Tokoyami - Misc HCs
Tokoyami - AU verses
Tokoyami & Dark Shadow
Tokoyami & Incidents in the Past
Tokoyami & Constructed Personality
Natsuo - AU verses
Edgeshot - Misc HCs
Shikamaru, Shikaku, Shikadai - The Nara Clan Structure
Shikamaru, Shikaku, Shikadai - The Nara Forest
Hatake Kakashi - Genshin AU
Hatake Kakashi - misc hcs.
Hatake Kakashi - misc hcs: g.enshin au
Seto Kaiba - verses post
Hei / BK201 - verses post
Kai Hiwatari - verses post
Yuriy Ivanov - verses post
Roy Mustang - naru verse
Roy Mustang - hc tag.
Ling Yao - G.enshin AU
0 notes
rayshippouuchiha · 5 years
Who would you (the Kits) consider the best suitor for Naruto in the Team Uzumaki AU? There are several choices and all of them are deliciously angsty/hilarious!
Honestly it’s like a spin the wheel of angst and hilarity.
Cause our main options, at the moment, are:
Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Neji, Gaara, and, somehow, fucking Itachi.
And yeah there are unique ... issues with each choice that’s for sure.
Each have their pros and cons so it’s difficult.
But to break it down realistically I’d say that:
Gaara’s probably out because of the entire Bijuu/Kazekage thing and them having to live in separate villages.
Unless we got the redemption/truth route Itachi’s probably a firm no.
Kakashi is a self indulgent thing cause yeah I love the pairing (please don’t send me hate about it I’ve explained my view on it in the past I don’t wanna do it again)
Neji comes hand in hand with more Hyuuga issues and I, not gonna lie, kind of normally see him attached to TenTen in my head. Plus I feel as if Hatsumomo would attempt to kill him again on principle because she’s the only Hyuuga who gets to keep Naru-sensei. (Hinata-sama doesn’t really count cause she can’t keep conscious around Naruto in the first place)
Shikamaru I adore, not gonna lie, especially if I play up the Nara hyper-fixation route but he’ll have to deal with Sayuri being his main opposition there and as we’ve now established she has moose.
And Sasuke is, well, Sasuke(TM).  Masahiro takes point on trying to outright murder him most of the time but, again, he’s Sasuke(TM).
So yeah, it’s a mess.
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blaze8403 · 5 years
My Ratings Skyrocketed after
Naruhito sparring session test and examination I casted that jutsu from the United states and knowingly some where alone undisturbed and my connection could not be disrupted my team closer and able to react - it was the approach Like no reason for and why - if I would Engage Naru head on get past he stops all three our failure and failures together We both or Naru set in motion we had to work together as a team to be successful even as individuals Naru didn’t know where I was what I was doing to send someone to kick me to disrupt the shadow jutsu casted and gain an upper hand Like Naruto Thoery and I am better than Shikamaru Nara (NARU OR NARA)
Shi (ish/his) Mar Kami or Kama Karama or Rama
NO MALE OR FEMALE NOT XY OR XX RULES TO YALE SEX IS GENDER PEOPLE ARE SEX CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE — COLD CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE HAWKINS TRANSLATED TO HAWKIN Message from Philosopher Professor Doctor Field General Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins jr HAWKINS UMBRELLA CORPORATION COATS ACTIVE IN CASE TERRY LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINS (via teremiah8403) WORDS WORDS poemswords - poemswords - sword and words YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ? DAI GENSUI TSU TER PHILOPROFESSU MADOSIER ( ER IN EMPEROR AND BOOPER AND ( DOSSIER / DOSIER ( OSS OR OS ) DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER GRAND MASTER GRAND MARTIAL MARSHAL FIELD DOCTOR GENERAL WAR OR WOR - RIGHT AND WRONG C=3 LIKE K=11=2 YAKAZA SOFT SEAT WAY WAR AND T IN TERRY AND H IN HAWKINS Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · TAO OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE — RavenDove - yin yin / yang - D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book.YORK PA - RESPONSIBLE RESPECTING EVERY SERIOUS PERSON ON NOW SERIOUS ISSUE BUT LISTEN ENTIRELY—OPERATIONS(TH OR AH) BOOP ( OOP=OO16=007 )—ENOCH PFL- COM01 TERRY HAWKINS - LEE ( RHEE )HIROHITO COULD SPELL BOOK AND BOOP - ER OR RE -KINGMAGIC YEA A GOD KNOW MAGICK - MAGI ?—PKA-TERRY THE TERROR MO IN HOME LIKE HOME PLATE ATE MODUS OPERANDI Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDN’T GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9) [email protected] TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not Book Rank‎: ‎TEN ( CODE_LOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected]/TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via blaze8403)Modus Operandi - GOD OVER MONEY THE LIVES OF MEN AND WOMEN ABOVE MONEY - IN GOD WE TO TRUST - USDA * (MURDA)HONESTY / DISHONESTY - SIDNEY / DISNEY(MONEY-YENOM) (BECK OR BECH ?)—TERRY CHRISTIAN CHRISTEN ANGELOUS LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINSWORD WORDS poemswords  poemswords -POME-OPME-(OPEM) YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ?DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER GRAND MASTER GRAND MARTIAL MARSHAL FIELD DOCTOR GENERAL WAR OR WOR - RIGHT AND WRONG C=3 LIKE K=11=2 YAKAZA SOFT SEAT WAY WAR AND T IN TERRY AND H IN HAWKINS Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · TAO OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE — RavenDove - yin yin / yang - D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book.YORK PA - RESPONSIBLE RESPECTING EVERY SERIOUS PERSON ON NOW SERIOUS ISSUE BUT LISTEN ENTIRELY—OPERATIONS(TH OR AH) BOOP ( OOP=OO16=007 )—ENOCH PFL- COM04 TERRY HAWKINS - LEE ( RHEE )HIROHITO COULD SPELL BOOK AND BOOP - ER OR RE -KING MAGIC YEA A GOD KNOW MAGICK - MAGI ?—PKA-TERRY THE TERROR MO IN HOME LIKE HOME PLATE ATE MODUS OPERANDI Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with Philosopher Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER -DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not BookRank‎: ‎TEN ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Loki Aisuru Ikigami ShinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via teremiah8403)Source:teremiah8403
0 notes
fineillsignup · 8 years
buddy i'm here to tell u what to ship. no i'm kidding. do you ever find it a little annoying when people try to compare team 10 leaving konoha almost against orders to find kakuzu and hidan, to sasuke defecting from the leaf and going to orochimaru? i feel like they're not really comparable, and they're not good examples of why konoha is bad. though a lot of sasuke fans call konoha bad for wanting him to stay while letting team 10 go after kakuzu and hidan, but the situations were different. -
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First off I’ve gotta say that I’ve never come across that particular pro-Sauce argument. I don’t subscribe to/follow that many pro-Sauce type blogs, and those that do are those that are good taggers and/or pro-Sauce but also not deluded about Kishimoto ruined Sauce by the end of the series. This is an effort to stay in my own lane because I tend to be 110% ready to throw down at any given time. It’s the reason I had to unsubscribe from #Naru//Hina. What I wanted: cute pictures and stuff of my #2 OTP. What I got: that, but also way way way too many sore winners. Yuck.
I digress. So. Point is, I’ll take your word for it that this is a common argument in Sauce’s defence.
I also agree the situations are not compatible.
1. As you said, while Itachi and Hidan/Kakuzu were both presumably enemies of Konoha, pursuing the Zombi Combi was a much more immediate, limited self-imposed mission. Shikamaru had a reasonable expectation of being able to find them in a specific area and within a very short period of time. It wasn’t a long-term defection.
2. What changed Tsunade from no to yes was that Kakashi, a jounin, offered to join to make a four-man cell. Konoha DID want to eliminate the Zombi Combi, and Tsunade’s objection to Team 10 going off by themselves was because she didn’t think that three chuunins had a hope in hell of beating two S-class missing nins. Once Kakashi joined, the situation was not comparable. They would still be underdogs, but success was at least possible.
3. As you said, Sauce was joining up with the Snake Bastard, an outright enemy of Konoha who had literally just been responsible for the deaths of half the Konoha forces. Let me repeat that. Oreo spearheaded Konoha Crush–it killed not only the Hokage, but half, half, HALF of the shinobi in Konoha. Imagine that half of the people at your job or school died, and someone whom you considered a friend went to become their killer’s disciple???? Konoha is actually extraordinarily lenient towards Sauce.
4. Sauce stated outright at this point that if he was able to kill Itachi with Oreo’s help, then he was fine with Oreo taking his body. So Sauce was willing to hand over his body, with its extremely powerful doujutsu, to a completely depraved monster who had already proved intent on destroying Konoha.
Now, I think that even before Sauce left Konoha, when he was making his decision, he already planned to destroy Oreo before going after Itachi. It only makes sense; Sauce knows that Oreo wasn’t as powerful as Itachi even BEFORE getting his arms sealed, so if Sauce would be strong enough to kill Itachi, he would have to be strong enough to kill Oreo as well.
But what he said was that he was fine with the deal as offered by Oreo. Shikamaru and Team 10 were not selling their abilities to any enemies of Konoha in exchange for defeating the Zombi Combi.
So, in conclusion, yeah, basically I agree. This is not a good example of how Konoha is bad. Don’t get me wrong, Konoha’s government and the shinobi system generally were awful. But in this particular instance it’s hard to disagree with them condemning one and approving the other. What needs criticizing is all the actions leading up to and following the Uchiha Massacre (Danzo and Hiruzen chiefly, Itachi somewhat, although his culpability is limited by his age and training); the stunning lapses with regard to Oreo by Hiruzen generally; the entire fucking concept of the Forest of Death, and the decision not to end the Chuunin Exams entirely when Oreo started nosing around; etc etc etc, I could go on.
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