#private label flannel clothing
sophiajone25301 · 6 days
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Private Label Flannel Clothing
Custom flannel clothing available in unique designs and sizes. Create your perfect look with personalized options. Shop today for the best selection.
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clothingflannel · 1 year
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Here Are Some Tips for Caring for Your Flannel Clothes
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lori11hen2ry · 5 months
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Sublimation Clothing Manufacturer In California
California's premier Sublimation Clothing Manufacturer, delivering top-notch quality and vibrant designs. Elevate your fashion with our custom sublimated apparel for a stylish and personalized statement.
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kapoor91 · 11 months
For the best in American-made flannel clothing, look no further than USA Clothing Manufacturer. Experience top quality manufacturing and superior service today. Visit us online now to find out more!
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jessica408 · 2 years
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Private Lebel Clothing Manufacturers
Make your private level clothing clothing more attractive connect Alanic Global, and make your own designed private label clothing.
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fuckandfable · 8 months
It’s always “woooow,that’s crazy” not, “wow I’m impressed how many rabbit holes you are able to fearlessly jump down 🐇 🕳️
Void. Void. Void. Void. How are you?
If you have nothing to say, I have plenty. I don’t take kindly to the mute. It makes me anxious. I am made for processing. I’m working on the finer details of life, that require nurture and deliberation. Emotions are like delicate flowers. Ones that need an ice cube set on their soil so it can water it slowly. Distributing nutrients and establishing growth.
It is easy to do the big things. It is easy to pour a glass of water onto a dying plant and hope that it will thrive in sunlight.
The day is cold and melting into me like ice. Me being the one who gives it the warmth it needs to settle within me properly. I don’t feel hung up on old emotions today. I know love exists because I exist. I feel present and happy.
These are the days of good, solid growth. The stillness presents grand opportunity and I stay eager and willing to embrace it all. Jumping on ideas yet to be realized. I don’t like feeling stuck in thought, or thoughtless, so I’m always thinking privately. When I smoke cannabis flower it allows those thoughts to spill right from me, and I love that.
I love the way I articulate. I love the way it gives me a challenge. Sometimes it does tend to complicate my relationships because others can be overwhelmed by this process. They may not have the thoughts to articulate because they have never thought in this way.
Today it did not take any effort to get dressed. Which made me happy. I felt beautiful in my long flannel coat. To be honest I have this tendency to think that I always stick out. I don’t know if that is narcissistic or not but, hey.
I feel that my aura has a very vintage hue to it. Immediately making people comfortable with this new aged nostalgic feeling. Drugs are so 1980s. People are getting high off nostalgia now. I believe this one hundred percent. The drugs are just artificial euphoria. Like that Meta world zuck man is trying to create. —> what a left turn that was. 😆✨
But seriously I felt the most me today. I am thinking productivity and powerfully. My mind is not my vice today. I felt beautiful in a natural sense, not in a Hollywood sense. If that makes sense?
How dare Hollywood set the standard for sexualization. Women have this ungodly, unfair disadvantage. We are so sexualized that if we choose to wear the wrong outfit without first considering what this would do to a “man” we are labeled in need of attention. WHAT THE FUCK? lol
This is fucking unacceptable. I refuse to take responsibility of the feelings of a man!!!!! No longer would I ever consider how the clothes I choose to wear make people feel? Maybe I just ignite their fucking insecurities and they could bear to be as free as I am.
I’m not some fuck doll in the flesh. I am creative, intelligent, independent, talented, ambitious, expressive. I am a divine body of god here to birth your fucking bloodline. Asshole. Excuse my feminine rage. 👀😉 excuse my ego.
Fuck all standards because I set the standards. I am the standard. But my standards look very much like the galaxy. Vast and endless. Ever changing. Limitless. Topless. I will not apologize for that. Ever. I have accepted it but, by all means, you certainly do not have to. I get it. And I pray for you.
People barricade themselves from rejection. I am learning to become strong enough to embrace the rejection of other humans. We tend to hide behind what’s trending. Confining ourselves into a small box. Unable to move or stretch our bodies or minds.
Open. The. Lid.
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flannelshirtsusa · 9 months
Private Label Flannel Shirts Manufacturer | Your Brand, Your Style - 50% Off Now!
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Create your signature clothing line with a 50% discount from private label flannel shirt manufacturers. Don't miss out!
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purplesurveys · 10 months
1 - When was the last time you met someone for the first time? Two Mondays ago. I went to a networking thing and chatted up a bit with the CEO of a local talent agency and a few of her employees.
2 - What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without bathing? 3 days was probably my longest range that made me go, "dude, you're gross." lol.
3 - Have you ever cooked with crab or lobster? Could you ever bring yourself to kill a live lobster/crab? I've never cooked with either and don't think I can kill any kind of animal for the purpose of cooking.
4 - What’s your favourite font? What size and colour do you prefer to use when you’re doing surveys? My favorite font to use in work decks these days is the one called Red Hat Text. As a standard, I like to stick with black and font size 11 but I switch them up if necessary.
5 - Have your clothing choices changed since COVID hit and you started to stay at home more? Yes. I used to be big on short dresses and shorts pre-COVID...not sure why that changed but in any case I hate showing leg skin now as it makes me feel exposed. K-pop's also made me lean towards more oversized/baggy apparel.
6 - When was the last time you went through a drive-through? I wanna say around a month ago? I just wanted a McDonald's cheeseburger after a long F2F day at work.
7 - Which fast food restaurant do you go to the most? What do you tend to order when you go there? McDonald's is my favorite partly because it's always a safe option to go with, and partly because I work with them so there's a bias hah. McNuggets used to be my go-to order, but now I find myself always getting a double cheeseburger with a request to remove the ketchup, mustard, and pickles.
8 - Do you own any plaid/flannel shirts? I don't think so.
9 - If you eat it, how do you like your steak cooked? What sauces and sides do you like to get with it? If you’re vegetarian, what would you have instead of a steak dinner? I like it rare; even medium-rare would make my eye twitch hahaha. I've never been picky when it comes to the sauces and sides.
10 - Are there any foods and drinks you only have around Christmas? My grandma's specialty dishes, especially her steak. She also makes this like creamy chicken thing but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called.
11 - Does it bother you when dogs jump up at you? Does it bother you less if it’s a smaller dog? No, it has never bothered me and I don't think it will. That changes of course if the dog is jumping because it's planning to bite my face off, but as far as friendly dogs, I'm open to all ways they'd like to show interest/affection.
12 - What kind of animal did you touch last? Was this animal one of your pets? That would be Cooper, and yes he is one of my dogs.
13 - Which colour do you prefer, red or blue? Blue.
14 - How would you describe your sense of humour? Have you ever offended someone when you were only joking? It's all over the place because I'm easily amused – I can laugh at anything from bad dad jokes to borderline offensive humor. To the second question, I'm almost certain that I have. It can happen.
15 - When was the last time you cried - what caused it? Yesterday. I was telling my parents that I got promoted again but that I don't want the higher position anymore, and that I plan on leaving the company in 2024. My dad sent me a private message and said his congrats but that he will also support me through whatever decision I make, and that made me cry.
The last few days have been mentally taxing precisely because of thoughts I've had about finally cementing my decision to leave for good, and those were the words I really needed to hear. Everyone else I've shared this with otherwise tells me to consider the higher raise and the nicer shinier label I can soon call my own, and that's just...not where I am right now, so it's frustrating when it's reinforced over and over.
16 - What’s your favourite flavour of potato chip? Salted egg or honey butter. Or just plain, that works well too.
17 - Do you have a lot of artwork around your house? What kind of art? We have a few generic, mass-produced paintings and miniature sculptures but that's it.
18 - When you paint your nails, what kind of colours do you tend to go for? I never get my nails painted. Just seems like a minor pamper-y luxury I can easily live without.
19 - Do you prefer fruit or vegetable juice? What kind of flavours do you like? I do not like the idea of either.
20 - What’s the weather doing where you are? Is that typical for this time for this time of year? There are like two typhoons doing a dance in the country rn so it has been awful, but on a more privileged note I do enjoy the colder temperature and nap weather it's been giving. And yeah, this is usually the time we have a slew of typhoons coming in every week.
21 - Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? How did you meet this person? It was just the receptionist at the restaurant I had reserved a table at for my mom's birthday lunch today. I never 'met' her and I just called the number because it was indicated on that restaurant's Instagram.
22 - Are you eating or drinking anything right now? I have my usual cup of coffee which is never absent when I take surveys.
23 - Who was your first celebrity crush? Which celebrity do you like now? My first celebrity crush was Ashley Tisdale and these days I like BTS.
24 - When was the last time you went to Starbucks? What did you get? Two Sundays ago – I got their new iced brown sugar shaken espresso (why must such a good drink be such a mouthful to say?) and their Belgian chocolate cupcake.
25 - Do you have a credit card? How much money do you owe on there? Continued from last night. I don't own a credit card.
26 - What colours have you dyed your hair in the past? What kind of colours would you like to dye it in the future? I've done brown and purple so far. I want to go purple a third time soon, but I'm also kind of wanting to finally try green. I'll probably only decide once I'm already asked at the salon.
27 - What’s your favourite Christmas movie? When was the last time you watched it? Love Actually. I've stopped my habit of watching it every Christmas, so the last time I saw it was around 3 or 4 years ago. It's A Wonderful Life is really good too, but I've seen it much less often.
28 - What’s your favourite brand and flavour of ice-cream or frozen yoghurt? I'm not a fan of froyo, but I do like cookies and cream ice cream!
29 - When was the last time you visited the dentist? Early August.
30 - What time do you consider to be too early to go to bed and to get up in the morning? When was the last time you went to bed/got up at those times? 11 PM would be too early for me; as for waking up in the morning, 6 AM will feel weirdly early – like it would make me go "why the hell am I up at this hour?" lol. I wake up at 6 AM pretty often, but I can't remember the last time I fell asleep before midnight.
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robert-01blog · 1 year
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Flannel Clothing, a trusted name in the fashion industry, specializes in private label flannel clothing manufacturing.
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fallonbeatriz5489 · 1 year
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6 Cute Ways To Wear Flannel Shirts For Women This Year
Are flannel shirts your go-to choice for outerwear? Well, most women in modern times are fond of wearing these plaid shirts to make their casual and street outfits a notch trendier.  USA clothing manufacturer is the best wholesale private label clothing  suppliers in USA. They supplies other country like Australia, Europe, UK and other country. Their clothes are soft and comfortable.  https://www.usaclothingmanufacturers.com/6-cute-ways-to-wear-flannel-shirts-for-women/
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Wholesale Flannel Clothing Manufacturer At 40% OFF During Black Friday Offer
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USA Clothes Manufacturer is one of the most reputable wholesale flannel shirt supplier. We offer top-quality wholesale private label clothing at the best wholesale rate For more information, please visit our website and get 40% OFF during Black Friday Offer
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sophiajone25301 · 3 months
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Personalized Flannel Clothing Line
Define your brand with Private Label Flannel Clothing. Tailored to your brand's aesthetic, our flannel apparel delivers quality, style, and distinct branding opportunities for your business.
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clothingflannel · 2 years
Read this to know the top three trendy flannel clothing items for women that are sure to amp the fall looks this year and therefore must-haves in every collection.
Get 60% instant discount now.
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kapoor91 · 11 months
Are you looking for Latest Men Dress Shirts Manufacturer and Suppliers for you? Discover our all trendy collection with only one click. Get in touch with us  and get affordable wholesale rates for men's Dress Shirts . To know more login now!
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briamichellewrites · 2 years
Elliot wanted to adopt a kitten but she needed to be eighteen years old, so she decided to wait. Brad asked her why she wanted a kitten after getting a puppy. She just wanted him to have a playmate while she was gone during the day and because she loved animals. After flying into Vegas, she visited Brad on the set of his new film, Oceans Twelve. It was a sequel to his previous film, Oceans Eleven, which had been filmed in 2001.
He hugged her and then introduced her to Casey Affleck, Bernie Mac, Don Cheadle, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Topher Grace, Bruce Willis, Eddie Izzard, and Andy García. Matt, Julia, and George were delighted to see her! Julia was visibly pregnant, which she was very happy about! Oh my god! They thought she had grown up since the last time they saw her. Could they ask why she got emancipated?
Yes. She explained that it was so she could get mental health treatment and have control over her medical care. Since she was a minor, she couldn’t talk to doctors or psychiatrists or make decisions for herself. She always needed parental approval. Even if it was for embarrassing female medical problems. That was why she did it. Because she was emancipated, she could have a mental breakdown and be able to advocate for herself. That made sense.
Has she had a mental breakdown? Occasionally. It wasn’t always sunshine and roses up there. They laughed.
“Have you had your fill of Vegas yet”, Brad joked.
“I think I could come back in a few years for my twenty-first birthday. I’ll probably get drunk and lose all my money gambling. I’ll make it a genuine Las Vegas experience. Maybe find a guy and get married to him.”
“With an Elvis impersonator”, Matt joked.
“Oh my god. How to Give My Dad a Heart Attack 101.”
They laughed. What was she going by? Was she female, or male? She was agender. It was for people who don’t want to label themselves as male or female or who don’t identify as male or female. They could call her whatever. She/her, he/him. It didn’t matter to her. There was a new term called gender fluid, where people switched between male and female but she was trying not to complicate things.
She was sometimes female, sometimes male, and sometimes a little bit of both. Her friends had a lot of fun giving her advice on how to dress like a guy. What did they tell her? Him? They told her to dress baggy, so she bought clothes that were a size bigger than what she bought in the juniors department. She had a good collection of flannels going. Her friend, Chester thought she would bring nineties grunge back in style.
He gave her some of his shirts because they were about the same size. Brad wanted to ask about Mike but not in front of everyone. He asked her that later in private.
“He’s in rehab.”
“Oh my god. Why? What happened?”
“He fainted due to stress. His brother found him unconscious at home and called 911. He agreed to go to rehab for anxiety and depression. His stress levels had been high since two years ago.”
“I apologized.”
“It’s going to take more than that. You asked but I’m not getting involved more than I already am.”
“Do you talk about me or Anna?”
No, they didn’t. He was still very angry about the affair and for two years, he had pushed it down. Until he collapsed. He wasn’t going to talk about it anymore. Thank you. As they walked back to everyone, he asked where her dog was. He was learning bad habits from Chester. Bruce was going to come back shirtless and drinking coffee. Bruce happened to hear his name, so he turned around. He came over to them in curiosity. Did she say, Bruce? No, her dog’s name was Bruce. Bruce Springsteen. Oh.
“I said that right when I noticed you. It just clicked that your name is also Bruce”, she said.
He shrugged while smiling. “It happens.”
Mike had slept like he hadn’t slept in years. His mind was clearer than before and he was able to process his thoughts and emotions. Coming to rehab was what he needed. He was surrounded by professionals, whose job was to help. During individual therapy, he could talk to someone who could understand what was going on in his head, even if they couldn’t relate to being cheated on. For two years, he had held on to anger. Now, he could talk about it.
During his downtime, he liked to sit by himself and draw whatever was in his head. Sometimes it was the band, sometimes it was cartoon characters and sometimes it was his friends and family. Art was his therapy and he was thankful he had gone back to it. He even drew Elliot as half male, half female. His therapist asked him about it. He had a former foster daughter, who had come out as agender.
She was very close with him and his ex-girlfriend. How old was she? She was sixteen. They fostered her between the ages of ten and twelve years old. She had come out of abuse and was very scared when she first moved in with them. For months, she would self-harm by hitting herself until she found that curling up in a ball was a better alternative. She was more receptive to him than his ex because her abuser had been female, so it took her longer to trust her. He thought of her as his daughter.
Was she placed into another home when she was twelve? No, her father found her. She was given a choice as to who she wanted to live with and she chose to go with him. That was very difficult, even though they respected her decision. Her father was an actor, so they traveled a lot.
Whenever she was in LA, she stayed with them to give her a break from late nights and early mornings. They loved having that time with her. Up until she was thirteen, a few years ago, she played with Barbies. It wasn’t just dressing them up and doing their hair, she would come up with elaborate stories for them. She had a huge imagination. What were her stories?
“Her favorite was an ongoing story of Barbie and her boyfriend, Brad, and how stupid he was. He would do idiotic things, like forgetting to feed the dogs. She had dogs that came with one of the dolls. He forgot to feed the dogs. Barbie would break up with him and then he would do something. She would take him back, only for him to do something stupid again.”
The therapist laughed. “She sounds like a sweetheart.”
“She is. She’s resilient, funny, and creative. There are not enough words to describe her.”
She had been with him when he first arrived. He missed her the most of all and she was one of the reasons why he was getting help. After his breakup, she moved in with him until they decided to have her emancipated from her father. She chose to do that for medical and mental health reasons. Because she was a minor, she couldn’t advocate for herself with medical or mental health professionals. She had to have an adult with her. That made sense.
After hanging out, the cast had to go back to work. Brad felt like things were back to normal, even though they weren’t. He still had to earn her trust back and repair the damage he had caused. But, it was a step in the right direction.
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flannelclothing-14 · 2 years
3 Flannel Vest Outfits to Wear beyond Winter -the Women’S Edition
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A flannel vest is a cozy, yet trendy addition to your closet. It is a versatile piece of clothing that can be paired with most looks and will make you look super-stylish, every time.
If you are a retailer or a private label business owner, looking for a reputed flannel clothing manufacturer for bulk orders, make sure you add these versatile flannel vests for your customers to try. We have listed here, three of our favorite ways, in which one can style a flannel vest and look dapper. Plus, you can wear these beyond the chill. Read on to know our chosen ones.
A Corset-Style Flannel Vest
You can wear a white shirt with a ruffled collar or a classic buttoned-up, and pair this style of flannel vest with it. Complete this look with a pair of jeans and your favorite boots. You can even wear this one with a short dress and ankle-length boots, for a more girly look.
Flannel Vest with High-Waisted Denim
For this look, choose a flannel vest you like and pair it with your favorite pair of high-waisted denim. Complete this look with a pair of nude pumps and a stylish shoulder bag. Voila! You are ready to roll!
Check Our Latest Catalog and Get Upto 60% Off on Wholesale
Flannel Vest with Formal Pants
For this relaxed day look that is equally luxurious and elegant, pair a flannel vest with a pair of formal pants. Accessorize this look with a stylish handheld clutch, dainty jewelry, and a pair of classy shades. There will be no dearth of compliments, with this one! If you are a business owner, looking to bulk order flannel vest wholesale for your customers to try these three stylish looks, you are right on track. Make sure you pick a reputed private label wholesale flannel clothing supplier, with a large catalog, and pick your favorite styles. Get in touch with their helpdesk if you have queries regarding any customizations, and place your bulk orders, afterward.
If this read inspires you to add some flannel vests to your usual looks, go ahead and play around!
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