#priscila did the same thing
Ah this is the start of Angie and Esmeralda competing for Violetta's affection-
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
cailee is so pretty and although she doesn’t really look like Priscilla, she has the same vibe as her. Jacob doesn’t have the vibe as Austin did with elvis. And it just seems like he’s taken the role to annoy Kaia and Austin. It’s so aggravating when people say Austin did a bad job or was mid. Because at the end of the day, the people closest to elvis said he captured him perfectly and I just know that Austin was and still is so overjoyed that Lisa loved his performance. That opinión definitely means the most to him
yeah that's my thing too. like with caillee she's not a doppleganger sure, but i can enter the world of the movie and believe that she's priscilla for her time on the screen. jacob is just...jacob elordi pretending to be elvis. and i don't even think he's a bad actor, i'm looking quite forward to saltburn (not just for him, not a jacob stan here,- but he is a star in the thing) and will probably like his performance there. his elvis just isn't doing it for me. i've said on here before that i'm a euphoria fan- and i thought he was fine in that. he made nate very easy to hate!
and it's not even that i can't see anyone but austin as elvis either. after elvis 2022 my fav "elvis movie" is the elvis the early years series and i'm spacing on his name but i thought the guy who played elvis in that was great (whereas i didn't like the priscila in that!).
i'm not very picky film wise but not everything is gonna land with everyone. c'est la vie!
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mylittle-sunshine · 1 year
I had very weird dream... With a mix of camren, stupid wife and my life. (It's long and useless)
My family and I went to Brésil for our holidays and looked for the flat we were supposed to stay in. However, once we arrived, no one opened for us for around an hour, even though the landlord was already in the flat.
The flat was supposed to have a view on the beach (it didn't of course, it looked like the old flat I had in the suburbs of Paris lol).
When he finally opened for us, we discovered that he would stay in the flat with us, which I didn't like at all. Especially because the toilets had two doors: one leading to the hallway and one leading to his bedroom and I was scared that he would open the door because apparently it didn't lock. (And I saw his PeePee, not the best thing of my dream)
Then, we decided to go for a walk and discover the city. While doing that, suddenly I went to a movie theater and saw that there was a meeting with Priscila Buiar and Priscila Reis. So, obviously I went there because you have to be crazy to not going.
I entered the room and sat next to the stairs. I turned around and who did I see a few lines behind me? Camila Cabello. And my family suddenly disappeared.
So of course I'm feeling happy and all. When Priscila Buiar enters the room to sit in front of all of us with Priscila Reis, she has to walk through the stairs so I stop her for a second and tell her that Camila Cabello is here in English. She only nods and go to her seat.
When the conference is done, I look towards Camila and I see her cry. Everyone around me notices too and says things like "why would she cry if camren is not real" blah blah blah.
We get out of the room, and I still see her from afar crying. At the same time, Priscila Buiar comes to me and starts talking to me in Spanish about why I'm here and if I'd like to go out someday. After I say yes, she gives me her number and leaves because she has too. Apparently, in my dream, in Brazil people speak Spanish and not Português lol.
Then I go back to the house and that's when I finally see my mom again. Apparently now we are staying in the house of someone from Priscila's family and they have a pool. There are many other people and the next day a few of us left to go to an island to participate at a TV Show while the other part, like me, stayed and went to the beach to do towed tubing on a banana, which was cool. Oh, and at that moment, my family disappeared again. Noice.
When we're done, we go back to the house and all of us are either teenagers or young adults.
In that house you have a private part, which is the house of Priscila's cousin or I don't know how they are related, but they are, many billards, a pool and many other things to do and the billards are in the back of their house.
My friends and I, we decided to play billards but instead of billards balls, we used rotten tomatoes. The only real ball was the white one.
So I stepped away and looked at them playing after some time cause I got sick of playing with tomatoes, and that's when my friend hits the ball too strongly and it breaks a window.
The mother of the family and her oldest children came to tell us to play inside their house because they were upset that we broke the window, but they still managed to talk to us in a relaxed tone, which shocks me because I would have threw us out if I were them.
The boys almost run inside their house, maybe because it was a private part we couldn't go, while I stayed a bit behind with the oldest children. She talked to me a bit about Priscila and when I entered the house, I took my chancletas off but because I was barefoot, she threw me a pair of socks from where she was, which put blood on the carpet and got the mom even more mad.
I told her it was the socks so she calmed a bit down, and I don't know why, but the oldest children took me in for a hug and didn't let me go and I genuinely loved that.
I was about to go see Priscila when my classmates started sending me many messages, which made my phone vibrate and woke me up.
So no date with Priscila Buiar. I'm kinda sad lol :D
I hope you liked that useless thing. Usually I don't remember my dream, so I don't know why I remember this one lol.
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There are Olympics that are held only in the last year before graduating, which consist (depending on the specialization) of the Ministry giving you a project and a needs plan. The project for the Construction degree was to build a building in one week with a ground floor, four floors, two basements and structural calculations, as well as sanitary installation (which, I don't know if it is understood, but that project actually takes a month to complete since you have to do calculations, computations, strategies and so on).
For the Olympics we were required to form a group of four people, so as fate would have it, Esme, Betty, Maisie and I ended up in the same group. On Monday we discussed the land we would use and then did as much research as we could on the subject, even looking at architects' plans and so on.
On Tuesday, I started brainstorming with Maisie, as Esme and Betty weren't joining in the conversation, deciding to go make some tea and walk around the school. I corrected my idea with the teacher and we were convinced of the project, Maisie and I liked it, and it made the space ideal, so the first base of the project was ready, but now we had to decide the distribution of the floor layer, I began to devise everything, asking Esme, Betty and Maisie to give their ideas, Maisie helped a lot and I felt relieved, since we both understood each other, even so Esme and Betty didn't say anything. That day I stayed up until five in the morning researching and planning possible distributions.
Wednesday: I arrived at school early and met up with Esme, together we planned the first floor. When Betty and Maisie arrived, we asked permission and went to another room to use blackboard, and Betty started doing everything except what she was supposed to do, wanting to draw on the blackboard, make tea for everyone, walk around, talk to James, take my things without my permission and so on, in addition to starting to take photos of us since one of the instructions for the Olympics project was to make a drawing of all our efforts and so on. Suddenly they came up with an idea and changed THE ENTIRE PROJECT, in other words, there was NOTHING LEFT of the initial idea, which was a huge setback, I protested but after a while I gave up and offered an alternative so that their ideas could also be part of the project, in the end the teacher said that it was not going to be possible and that we should use the initial project, the problem is that I had already modified everything and had already started to draw the designs, I spoke with Esme and Betty, explained the situation and told them to CONTINUE WITH THE CHOSEN LAYOUT WITH THE NEW (old) DESIGN OF THE BUILDING, they accepted and that night, Maisie came to my house to have a sleepover to finish the work faster, we stayed up from eleven at night until seven thirty in the morning making (between the two of us) FOUR drawings of floors from the ground floor to the third level. Doesn't that sound like much? Believe me, creating, planning and drawing four floors for me and Maisie is not easy, but we did it and we loved it.
Thursday: We arrived to class late because we had fallen asleep. Maisie and I corrected the project with the teacher. It was just the two of us because Esme and Betty, despite seeing that we went with the teacher, NEVER moved. When the teacher finished correcting, she called them over and when she asked them to show her what they had done for the project, they both answered shamelessly, "We didn't do anything," "We slept all night," "Priscila said not to do anything." I responded angrily, frustrated and sadly that that never happened and that they had to do homework. Betty threateningly replied that I should address her with respect and I told her that I was sorry but that while she slept and did nothing, I fought against sleep, eye pain, muscle pain and hunger to finish the project...and yes, ladies and gentlemen, I burst into tears of frustration. That day, Maisie and I continued correcting like crazy, Betty and Esme did not correct anything, at some point I called a manager to mediate since I did not want to fight but also did not want to feel undervalued, everything ended "well" and they began to work.
Friday: I gave Esme and Betty more homework, and I'm sorry, but that day I SLEPT FOR LIKE TWELVE HOURS STRAIGHT WITHOUT FEELING ANY REGRET.
Saturday: nothing happened, which scared and surprised me.
HERE COMES SUNDAY which leads me to make all these posts on Tumblr.
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inthehausofholbein · 3 years
5 AND 37 LETS GOOOO (this is iris btw idk why i can’t send messages without it being anonymous <3)
5. “Sometimes I wonder if you even like me…it sure feels like you hate me sometimes.”
37. “I want someone I can melt around. I want someone who melts around me too…I don’t want this standoffish, unromantic love that you’re offering. I want more than that.”
ah yes, the angst prompts i was expecting how do i write
also, yep, they sound very luty to me and i am still not over them, sooo 🥴👐💁‍♀️🤷‍♀️
(future gab here. this turned out to be a long ass short film, so i’ll just hide it under “keep reading”. also, warning: this is quite angsty and self-harm is included, though, it ends pretty fluffy)
For the past few days, Ludmila was growing increasingly distant from the girl who she claimed "would never leave her side". Well, clearly that wasn't true, seeing as she was the one who left her side. Why did she practically leave anyway? Everytime Natalia would seem to go, she'd come back—but right now, that appeared to be near impossible for Ludmi to do the same.
"Ludmila." Naty confronted her, something the blonde dreaded would happen—though, it was only a matter of time... a pretty strange time... in the evening.
Ludmila didn't initially respond, only staring at her from down to her toes all the way to the top of her hair, confused and... weirdly astonished. "Why are you... here?"
Where were they? ...Standing at opposite ends of the front door to the Castillo house.
"O-oh..." Naty didn't know why she made an impulsive decision as she just did. She didn't know why did anything impulsive for Ludmila. She didn't know why she did anything for Ludmila, actually. “I-I, uhh...”
“I? I? Uhh?”, Ludmi mockingly repeated, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
Natalia seemed to regret her decision of coming over for a split second. This was far from the first time her friend treated her like she was dumb. Ugh! Why did she care for that... beautiful, beautiful... bitch.
“Are... you going to say something or just stand there?” Naty had been standing still—or rather, slightly shivering, staring at the wall as she got lost in her thoughts.
“No, no! I came here for a reason...” It’s either now or never, Natalia Vidal. “What is wrong with you right now?!”, she blurted out. She didn’t mean to yell, but she figured it would get Ludmi’s shrinking attention.
Uh oh... Ludmila knew what she was talking about. “What do you mean?”, she asked to play dumb.
“What do you mean by that? Until right now, you’ve been ignoring me! Ludmi- what happened?!”, Naty’s voice grew increasingly upset as she let her emotions take over her body.
“I-I...”, Ludmi attempted to reply, biting her lip and feeling her cheeks burn up.
“Ludmila?”, a stern voice called out. Ludmi jumped and immediately shut the door closed as her heart beat faster and more intensely. “Who was that?”
“Uhm, a fan...” Well, you got one thing right, Ludmila. “Y-you know? YouMix and stuff. Some people don’t know what boundaries are.”
“Is that why you slammed the door?”
“That’s it?”
“Yes, mother.”
“Hmm. I could’ve sworn I heard some yelling.”
“Yes! Y-yes... you know how avid fans are.”
Priscila scanned her up and down suspiciously. “Are you hiding something from me?”
“No, mother! I’m just a little tired right now a-and then I heard the doorbell.”
“Uhm... sure, I’m tired too. Don’t disturb me, now.”
Ludmila quietly sighed of relief before she almost opened the door again before her mother took a step back.
“If you are hiding something from me, though, it better not be that Natalia girl.” Yikes... “I told you to cut her out for years! I hope this is the time you’ll actually listen to me.”
“No, mother. Well... we haven’t been on speaking terms since last week.”
“Make sure that stays forever. Now, I’ll just go and sleep right now. Again, don’t even bother disturbing me.”
Ludmila waited for about a few seconds before sighing again and opening the door only to see Natalia... still there, crossing her arms, waiting for her to open the door or else she’d go in there herself. “What are you still doing here?!”, she whisper-yelled.
“What was that—?!”, Naty loudly yelled before Ludmila almost instantaneously covered her mouth. She tried speaking and removing her hand from her mouth, but it wouldn’t budge, only muffled noises escaping her larynx. Honestly, she was impressed by her almost non-existent strength appearing at this very moment.
“Look...” I’m sorry was what she was about to say, but she just shook her head instead. “Please please please... get out of here...”, she continued before releasing her slightly sweaty hand from Naty’s mouth.
“And why should I?”
“Y? You?”, Natalia mockingly repeated, giving Ludmi a taste of her own medicine. It worked because, indeed, that did not feel good to be talked down to.
“Just... leave!”, Ludmi blurted out before covering her own mouth.
Naty loudly sighed before saying, “Sometimes I wonder if you even like me…it sure feels like you hate me sometimes.”, before walking away.
“No!”, Ludmi exclaimed but to no avail. 
As Natalia was about to reach the gate, she felt a hand wrapping around her wrist. Well, it was Ludmi’s. Whose else could it be?
“I... I don’t...”, was the first thing she said out of the abundance of thoughts she had going on simultaneously inside her head.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes... I- I don’t, that is.”
“Prove it.”, she responded, raising an eyebrow and forming a slight smirk, though, not one that visible.
Uh oh, showing her emotions, something Ludmi was absolutely terrified of doing—but for Naty, it was almost like she’d do anything for her at this very moment. “Oh, uhm, uh... Do you want to... go for a walk or something?”
“Wait, what?”
“You know...” Ludmi repeatedly clasped and unclasped her hands as no sound came from her mouth for a short while. “...talk. Talk while walking...”
“Not here? We can’t just talk h—”
“My... mom! ...She said she’s going to sleep, but... I’m still... scared.”
That’s when Natalia had the realisation that perhaps the reason Ludmi slammed the door on her was because she wanted to hide her from Priscila. She never did like her and her “improperness”, after all. “Sure, let’s go...”
“Wait...” Sorry, she wanted to say again, but it felt unnatural to her tongue that was used to either spitting out insults or saying whatever she could to drive her mother’s attention away from her. “Let me... get my bag first. I’ll be quick.”, Ludmi said before swiftly walking inside the house.
“Still a perfectionist.” Naty muttered to herself. “Still a... cute- bitchy! ...but cute... whatever she is... God! Why am I like this?!”
“Like what?”, Ludmi suddenly asked, now wearing a blazer and a side-bag on her shoulder, startling the curly-haired girl that waited outside the house.
“Like... like nothing. H-how’d you get back so fast, anyway?”
Ludmi’s cheeks then turned pink-ish. “I... Oh, I didn’t want you to wait for so long...” Aww. She cares.
Thank you, Natalia wanted to say, but she just couldn’t. “Let’s... let’s go?”, she asked, shoulders rising as her arms stayed crossed.
Five minutes out of the house and neither girl talked to the other, only walking next to each other with their arms crossed and hair flowing in the cool night breeze. They were both thinking the same thing, “Come on. Come on... talk! Speak now so I don’t have to initiate—!”
“Why’d you go all the way the house?”, Ludmi accidentally blurted out, worried that this walk would be for nothing.
“Finally!”, they both thought, though it took Naty a few seconds more to come up with a reply. And by a few more seconds, it was actually a few more minutes. Why did she come to the Castillo house? Why’d she worry her parents and sister by saying she’d go out for a while? Why would she even worry herself so much about a girl who treated her as inferior for yea—?
“...Nat...?”, Ludmi asked, a little squeak to her voice and her head turned away.
I’m sorry, Natalia wanted to say, but why would she? She shouldn’t be the one to say sorry! “Lud...” They hadn’t called each other those nicknames in quite a while. “...I-I... I just... wanted to know if something was going on. You’ve... been ignoring me and... Ludmila, I care for you.” 
Hearing that, Ludmi made a noise similar to that of a sad dog, bowing her head down. “You do...?”, she asked, her voice cracking more than it ever did for little miss perfect.
“Yes... I do. Ludmila?” Ludmila tried resisting Naty’s arm lifting her head up, but Naty was stronger than she ever was. She forcefully turned Ludmi’s head only to see streams and streams of tears.
“Ludmi...”, Naty quietly said while her eyes stared right into those beautiful brown irises which were covered with built up feelings and her smudged eyeliner her tears ruined. She tried holding her hand, but to no success as the blonde girl flinched and instinctively moved her arms out of Naty’s reach.
“W-we don’t...”
“Ludmi...”, Natalia said in a much more concerned tone as Ludmi’s sleeve came loose and revealed scars. “Ludmila, what happened?!”, she worriedly asked while looking like she was going to cry herself.
Ludmi noticed her sleeve dropped and quickly hid her arms behind her back while panicking. “O-oh, uh, uhm... w-w-we- y-you... just... i-i-ignore this—”
“I can’t ignore it! Something’s wrong and you won’t tell me!” Natalia was practically screaming at that point, so she lowered her voice as to not draw attention from strangers. “I already saw them and you can’t hide anymore. What’s wrong?”
“...C-can we sit down first?”, Ludmila asked while pointing to the nearest bench.
They took a seat and Ludmi was breathing heavily while Naty’s didn’t change from the concerned expression.
“I’m sorry... I’m sorry! ...I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”, she exclaimed while absolutely burying her face in her hands, feeling her throat close up as she felt as if she was about to choke.
A short while ago, Natalia didn’t want to say sorry since Ludmila was the one who should be apologizing. Did Ludmi still need to? Yes. Was Naty happy that she apologized? Yes. Though, she felt sorry for Ludmila at this moment.
Naty reached out her hands and invited the distressed blonde for a hug. She did hurt her a lot, but she herself was also hurt and she needed an embrace from someone who cared.
Now, Ludmila wasn’t exactly the most touchy person—hell, for the past week, she was barely a person, but she was so broken that she accepted that hug, even wrapping her own scarred arms around Naty who was rubbing her back.
As they both let go after a quiet (excluding Ludmi’s strong heartbeat) moment of pure embrace, Ludmi fixed up her hair as it got a little messed up in her emotional breakdown.
“Do you know why... all this happened? Well- that’s a dumb question—”
“Just... continue.” Naty replied while wiping off some tears and whatever smudged eyeliner she could from Ludmi’s face with her own jacket.
Ludmila sniffled before doing so. “My mom has been even more unbearable! The only reason she hasn’t killed me is how tired she gets from working– She... she told me to cut you out for good...” Her eyes were pretty dry from just how much she bawled, but Natalia could still tell she was deeply distressed.
She didn’t quite know what to say, but she did have a question. “Where... where did these come from...?”, she asked, holding Ludmi’s wrists.
“I, uh...” There’s no escaping from this now, Ferro. “A... razor blade... I felt more alone in the past week even more than I ever did for my entire life. Doing this just felt like... a temporary escape.”
“Why’d you... this is why you’ve been ignoring me all week...?”
Ludmi weakly nodded. “I didn’t want her to eventually find out if I was lying so I... I just followed her command. I-I...” As regular as this sentence is for other people, it was the first time Ludmila has ever said it, to Naty no less. “I... care for you, even if I hadn’t shown it... I just didn’t want my mother to do anything to you. She’s absolutely capable of that.”
Naty’s eyes sparkled like a cartoon character’s as she felt one million things at once. She ignored her and treated her like nothing for quite a while. She was at an all time low that she physically harmed herself. All this mess was caused by her psychopath of a mother. She... she cares for her. This was the first time she was ever this vulnerable to her and... she cared enough about her to protect her from Priscila’s wrath.
As soon as she cleared most of her mind, she made an even more impulsive decision and kissed that girl. Ludmila was shocked and gasped before closing her eyes and enjoying that kiss, her shoulders unclenched and they both felt like the world disappeared the longer their lips were locked together. And although it would be a long time until the scars healed, that one kiss felt like it would get rid of them all. 
After a good minute of non-stop kissing, they both let go of each other’s lips and Ludmila just started nervously chuckling.
“I... I-I-I... I-I...”
“I? I-I-I—?”, Naty teased before getting a weak slap to the arm by the girl she just impulsively kissed, giggling after.
The laughter caught onto Ludmi before she sarcastically said, “My mom’s gonna kill me!”
“Oh!”, Naty remembered something. “Your mom! It’s getting late and... and sh—”
Ludmi put her hand forward to make the black-haired girl stopped talking. “If she ever does find out, she doesn’t need to yet.”
This made Naty smile. She was slightly worried, of course, but she was just happy this made Ludmila feel better and... well, she feels the same way, god damn it!
Ludmi also smiled, but not completely happily. “Natalia... I’m sorry for everything I put you through...”
“It’s okay. Well... it’s... not okay—how you treated me... but... it’s over now. I’m also sorry I didn’t look out for you more.”
“Pfft! Why are you apologizing? You haven’t done wrong to me, while I—”
“Changed!”, Naty giggled. “You’ve changed and you aren’t the same... bitch you were before.”
Ludmila snorted at that while slightly shaking her head. “I was such a bitch.”
“You were.” Naty giggled again. “But wait, though. If this is gonna work... I want someone I can melt around.”
“You... already melt around me.” Ludmi received a slap even stronger than the one she gave Naty. “What? It’s true!”
“Shut up, you.” Natalia responded while slightly messing up Ludmi’s hairstyle, making it perfectly imperfect. Just how she liked her.
“I want someone who melts around me too… I don’t want this standoffish, unromantic love that you’re offering. I want more than that.”
“Yes! ...y-yes...”
Naty laughed at that obnoxiously, making Ludmi’s face burn up as she got flustered. “You’re a little eager, aren’t you?”, she teased again.
“Yeah...”, Ludmi admitted. “But seriously! You’ve done way more for me than I’ve ever done for you. You’ve been with me since the first day, you put up with every stupid thing I said and did, and you... you never left my side even if I was a terrible friend. Let me show I’m a better person now.”
“You don’t have to show me! Just the fact that you apologized and... gave a whole speech... that’s great!”
“No! Compared to you? It’s pretty small.”
Natalia giggled at this. “It doesn’t matter how big or small your gesture is.” She said while staring at Ludmi’s wrists, rubbing the areas without scars. “It matters how genuine they are. Besides, what are you gonna do? Take me to the moon?”
Ludmi’s lips formed a smirk as she thought of an idea. “Or a date?”
This time, Naty was the flustered one, freezing, eyes widening, and face reddening.
Ludmila threw her head back in obnoxious laughter, her face getting redder and redder by the minute.
“Wait, wait, wait! What about your mother...?”
“Well...”, Ludmi replied while trying to calm herself down. “We can go for about an hour before we go back. I’m getting better at hiding from her, anyway.”
“I don’t know if I should be relieved or concerned at that.”
Ludmi closed her eyes as she giggled again before standing up and grabbing Naty’s hand. “Come over here, you idiot! Before we don’t have any time left tonight.”
Natalia only giggled as a response as Ludmi’s strength reappeared when she nearly pulled Naty’s arms out of her socket.
They walked for a while, searching for a good cafe when Naty said, “It’s gonna be a quite the walk from here. Should I carry you, your highness?”
“No-o! No!”
“Don’t worry!”, Naty replied while playfully rolling her eyes. “I’ll put you down before the entrance.”
The shorter girl picked up the other, bridal style, making her roll her eyes as far as she could to the back of her eye sockets while wrapping her arms around Naty’s shoulders as to not fall.
“You’ve always secretly loved when I carried you, didn’t you?”
“Fine! I did and... still do. Just let me pay for it all, though. One little gesture.”
And with that, Naty carried Ludmila across a street, earning a few stares from passer-bys. Neither of them cared, though. They didn’t care about Priscila finding out one day. They didn’t care for anything that night! All they cared about in that evening were each other and what they would eat and talk about. 
And although Ludmi was rejecting seemingly every food place in sight (and claiming, “None of them are good enough for you!”), Naty just chuckled everytime. Her annoyingly extra and picky personality was what kept her drawn to her all these years.
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marciego · 3 years
Jade for the character ask <3
finally taking some time to answer to this!! let's go for my girl <33
003 | jade
How I feel about this character:
she is literally everything to me like you have no idea. NO IDEA how much she means to me, and like i remember as a child loving her to DEATH and being SO angry at the show for always portraying her as a villain even tho she's always been a victim all along and like you have NO idea happy i am that not only the fandom is now able to see how mistreated she's always been but that the writers did too at some point and gave her the happy ending she deserved in s3...........i love her so so much
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
angie and nicolas <33 she's a bi queen love that for me
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
girl i wish she'd have non romantic relationships lmao, but i am. extremely fond of her relationship with esmeralda like they're very important to me
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i used to have every single unpopular opinion on earth about jade back in the day but now we all agree so i guess nothing 😭
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i wanted her to have friends <3 and positive female interactions <3 also idc they didn't divorce i needed her to marry nicolas a second time and this time have the princess wedding she's always dreamed of like she deserved it SO MUCH
Favorite friendship for this character:
HER AND GREGORIO they are NOT friends but they are peak wlw/mlm animosity and solidarity at the same time and i LOVE to think about gregorio actually growing really fond of her over time, they were the best part of s3 fr, like gregorio so clearly rooting for jade in the angie/jade/priscila song contest was so fucking funny i love them
My crossover ship:
with me <3
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supernova-151 · 3 years
for the fandom game violetta because duh, but also atla <33
blorbo (favourite character, character i think about the most): to absolutely no one's surprise, i'll say naty. she is my favourite ever, like top 3 characters of all media i think, and i literally love her so much and think about her all the time
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): naty again but bc i want to give a different answer...violetta especially s1 violetta <3
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): LENA. i love lena SO MUCH. and to say when she popped up in s1 i was like ??? who are you and now she's one of my fav characters of the whole show...stop i love her...also JADE
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and i won’t shut up about it for a week): omg lol no idea...there are so many characters in violetta that appear for two seconds and then fuck off forever...but like...brenda? she's there for a while actually but it still feels like 10 minutes of screen time overall. she was cool tho!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): i literally have no idea i hate so many characters actually. im gonna say ramallo bc no one ever talks about him i actually really like him but in a pathetic way
horse plinko (character i would torment for fun, for whatever reason): have you read my fanfic obviously im gonna say ludmila. as i once said, i am committed to the role so much im gonna make her eat a fucking apple the angstiest thing thats ever happened to her
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): have you read my fanfic obviously im gonna say priscila...and gery too they can go together since no one likes or will miss them
blorbo (favourite character, character i think about the most): ty lee <3 she was my biggest comfort character before naty and i love her to death...
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): APPA!!!! MY BELOVED!!! LITERALLY THE SHAPEST
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): i could say ty lee again bc she's very underappreciated but. im going to say. mai...she never had a proper storyline outside zuko and i feel like people who don't ship them together kinda just forget about her so. mai <3
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and i won’t shut up about it for a week): SMELLERBEE!!! i love smellerbee!!!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): hard not to answer azula here...i believe azula is absolutely the worst but when i read those long ass posts about how she didn't deserve a redemption arc bc she was Absolutely Irredeemably Evil im like...did we...watch the same show...
horse plinko (character i would torment for fun, for whatever reason): i think both azula and zuko are fun to torment. its a sibling package
eeby deeby (character i would send to superhell): ozai obvious answer i think superhell was created for him
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igglemouse · 4 years
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Origins - Episode 6
Elsewhere in the world Orlando had paced in his vast villa wondering why he simply couldn’t have it all. One might ask why he didn’t just pick up another woman, why didn’t he just move on, but it was more than that for him. Isidora had been the love of his life for years and years and for her to just deny that, for her to just move on...it wasn’t possible. 
“Why is she acting like this?” He asked of his guest, her mother. “I don’t get it.”
He didn’t understand but she did. “You apply the leash too tight and they rebel, trust me.” She said speaking from experience.
“Leash? I gave that woman everything.”
“And you kept her close. She could only leave the house when allowed, you controlled her friends, you controlled her income-”
He groaned, the same arguments Isidora had used. “I thought that’s what she wanted and it was for her safety.” Couldn’t she understand that he was in a dangerous business? People would hurt her to get at him and he did what he needed to protect her.
“Some women are content with that,” Priscila chimed in. Only over because he demanded her to be and they had to devise some plan to get her back here, with him. Priscila was all in of course. “Some even desire it. There was always something extra about Isidora though, I could never put my finger on it.”
“I thought you raised her better than this,” the insult came our casually.
“Giving the circumstances I did the best I cuold do. I was never meant to be a mother,” she said, taking the sting of his words and reminded him of her sorrow. After all, she was infertile, always had been.
“Yes, sorry, I didn’t mean insult you in any way. You take good care of your girls, no one doubts that.”
“While the other girls were content with being eye candy and play things, Isidora had always wanted...more. It always felt like she was meant for something more.” More than some gang owned whore, that was, but she would never think so lowly of the girls she had raised. 
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Hey Taylor!
We wanted to put together a project to show you how much we love you and your songs! We’re all so so so excited for Lover and all the new songs, the memories made listening to the album, at tour and making and meeting heaps of new friends!!
So here’s a bunch of incredible people’s stan songs and why the love them so much! @taylorswift
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Harishita (ig, @tayalisonswift) - I love this song because the lyrics are so relatable with me sometimes; especially when I am sad
Heidi (@heidilovestay137) - Tim McGraw has been my Stan song ever since I was 8 years old! It has helped me through all my rough patches in life and has just always been the song I go to when I’m feeling sad or happy!! The song brings back so many precious memories and it will always hold a special place in my heart! So thank you so much Taylor, for writing the song that made my life complete💖
Marta (@mlswiftie) - I’ve never really had a favourite Taylor Swift song mainly due to the fact that every single one of them is a masterpiece. However I feel like I relate to Invisible the most… every time I hear this song it somehow makes me feel less lonely cause other people are going through the same thing as me.
Sarah (@sarah-adores-swift) - this song has helped me through basically everything bad in my life. no matter what is happening, its relevant. the emotion is completely raw and just gets out the tears so you can heal :)
Haley Grace (@stateofhaleygrace) - I relate to every single word of this song and it has helped me a lot throughout my life, especially as a teenager. It is very empowering and I love to sing it at the top of my lungs!
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Rachel (@happy-for-swift) - Forever and always has always been by my side through those tough times by reminding me that the hard times will pass.
Alina (@itsaswiftstory) - Love Story means so much to me because it is such a happy song and it always makes me smile while listening to it! It was one of the first Taylor songs I was listening to and it just amazes me because it is so beautifully written! I don't even know why I love it so much but it always lifts up my mood!💗💗💗
Emilee (@emileelovestaylor) - Change is my Stan because it is just a strong message, and as someone with white skin (and I mean this in the nicest way possible) I want to work with the privilege I have to shine light on marginalized communities. This song pumps me up to do just that, and the melody is gorgeous.
Febe (@13taylorswift13ts) - Love Story was the first song that I heard of Taylor. That was the moment I knew that she was going to be a special person for me
Sammy (@sammylovestay13) - The song Fifteen has always been special to me because I’m always nervous on the first day of school and it’s reminder that I’m not the only one who feels this way. The song Out Of The Woods has always been a special song for me and the fact that Taylor chose New Zealand to do her music video makes me even more grateful that this song is in my life.
Jane (@janeheartstaylor) - I love forever and always because it’s not only was the first song by Taylor that I heard but it also helped me when one of my closest friends and I parted ways. even though the scenarios are different, it felt really nice knowing that I could turn to Taylor and this song and having someone who understood what was going on.
Sarah (@theirgetawaycar) - Change means the absolute world to me. It’s a song that’s been there comforting me in my times of need. When things get tough, it’s a source of hope and reminder things will get better. No matter what happens in life and what struggles I face these things will change.
Speak Now
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Bella (ig, @tayobsession13) - This song means a lot to me because it describes my relationship with my best friend. I have the time of my life fighting dragons with her
Clara (@claraisreadyforit) - I love this song because i can really relate with the lyrics, they make me feel better when i’m down, and i always sing along!
Sarah (@theswiftiesarah) - The story of us means the absolute world to em. It’s such a fun, uplifting song with such emotional lyrics. I can’t thank you enough for writing it T, it’s helped me through so much and always puts a smile on my face 💞
Kat (@tookapxlaroidofus) - Haunted is such a powerful song, and it’s one of those that you can sing your heart out to and it will get you out of any bad mood you were in! The violins! The bells! The whole production of the song, and the tour version! It’s also a song I listened to a lot with my mum when I was younger because we loved to sing it together! It’s a beautiful and powerful song that I’ll forever love!
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Mika (@handstiedtaylor) - all too well means so much to me because of how powerful the lyrics are. it really showcases taylor's talent as a songwriter and her voice sounds so so beautiful in it. i was lucky enough to hear it on the red tour & again as a surprise song on the reputation stadium tour, so this song also had some incredible memories attached to it💗
Nina (@ninaheartstaylor) - I love that song because it always cheers me up when I'm sad or in a bad mood! I relate to the lyrics a lot because I basically did exactly the things you (Taylor) are singing about. It means A LOT to me because I love the line "like we're made of starlight"! when I'm in a bad mood I just think of that lyric and I'm happy again because it reminds me of how everyone matters and is important.
Abby (@cleanspeech) - i love this song so much. it is a deep song about how fame can really be and it is important to taylor. i love this song because as soon as i heard it, i kept it on repeat for hours when red came out. this song is so glamorous and beautiful and the beat and lyrics are amazing. i love this song so much!
Jasmine (@alltootwell) - All too well means so much to me because the story and emotions behind it are so raw and real. It was one of the first songs I heard from the Red album and it has always been one of my favourite songs since then. This song has showed Taylor’s growth the most in that we’ve seen Taylor’s most vulnerable moments when singing the song and Taylor’s happiest moments when singing the song and realising that millions of people know all the words to the song 💓
Chloe (@thechainonyourneck) - sad beautiful tragic means the world to me because of the depth of the lyrics and melody. this song has gotten me through so much shit and it's just so so beautiful I stg. headphones in and rain outside, it's just perfect. and onto dbm. I listened to reputation and fell in love with this song. the vocals and the prospect of seeing it live just made me fall in love. and when I finally did see it live it literally took me to church in a crying emotional state 💀 will be forever grateful to you @taylorswift for writing these two masterpieces and for not losing the ability to hit home with your lyrics over time. I love you and much you love writing, forever and always 💓💖💕💞💗
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Lola (me!! @lolaheartstay) - hey Taylor!! i love ootw so much because it’s such a banger and it never ever gets old,, it was also rep tour auckland’s surprise song which was so special, it was the best day of my life! I remember when Taylor was in New Zealand filming the music video and I was so excited that she was actually in my country, like for real. when I went to australia in 2015 i listened to out of the woods on the plane, it was the first time i’d heard it and i literally listened to it on repeat for the full four hour flight, i was obsessed! one of my favourite lyrics is ‘two paper aeroplanes flying’ and i’ve always planned to get a tattoo of a paper aeroplane for this song! i really hope one day we can hug and i can tell you in real life how much i love out of the woods and you! love love love, lola!! <3
Brittany (ig, @awesomeswifties13) - This song means so much to me because at the time it came out I was in a very bad/abusive relationship and was dealing with an addict. This song gave me the strength to get CLEAN and leave the relationship. I’m now 3 years sober!mI hope can hug taylor someday and just say thank you!
Joji (@youfeltenough) - Clean means so much to me because it really helped me let go of things that kept me from being happy, thank you Taylor 💓
Priscila (@newromanticsss89) - The reason why I love New Romantics is because I can dance to it like no one is watching. It really makes me feel good about myself. My favourite lyric is “the best people in life are free” and I 100% agree with that! 🌼💗
Georgia (@celebrationofswifties) - new romantics is such a beautiful song & it makes me so so happy, it is the BEST song to dance like crazy to!!
Lauren (@thenameofbeinghonest13) - Out of the woods is a song that I’ve been obsessed with since Oct. 27, 2014, when 1989 came out. This song was so meaningful to me because I would listen to it every day in the car on the way to school with my Dad. I love the lyric, “the rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color” and am so happy that Taylor wrote this song!
Gabriella (@ycuareinlove) - you are in love was instantly one of my favourites from 1989 but after seeing it live I became obsessed. I think getting to sing it with Taylor felt so special and every time I hear it I just think of us doing the echo part with her. I’ve always been a daydreamer and thinking about love and having that for myself one day has always comforted me, and the song just explains everything I ever want in future relationships. it’s the dreamiest, most beautiful song and I can’t explain how magical it is to me. it just feels like home every time I listen to it. 💗
Liv (@longlivthemagic) - This song has a special place in my heart, because i used to always play it whenever i was having a panic attack to calm me down <3
Jaimie (@taylorswiftlet13-hk) - I love the song New Romatics because it reflects ME! As a person. The song is extremely catchy and the lyricism is amazing. Throughout my life, I have been bullied and in the end, I built a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me, and became a stronger person overall. Thank you so much for everything you do Taylor. I love you so much.
Sanya (@delicateswift1989) - Blank Space was the first song that I heard and I loved it immediately.It always cheers me up and will always be a special song for me
Bella (@bellaheartstay) - clean means so much to me, as it’s helped me through the toughest times and has inspired me to keep going :)
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Lydia (@yourmarkonswift) - I love Dress so so so so much because the kind of the detail of storytelling in the song is just so heart touching. The bridge is one of the best bridges Taylor has ever written and makes me emotional all the time.
Alexander (@alexanderadorestay) - King of my heart is my favourite Taylor song because I have made many memories while listening to the song plus the chorus 😍
Ginger (@gingeryswift) - I love New Year’s Day because the reputation album came out right when I was going through a fallout with an old friends and NYD hit me hard. The lyrics were everything I needed and more and overall, the line “please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” resonated with me so much because it was exactly how I felt at the time. 💗💗
Kendall (@kendallovestay) - I love getaway car because it has such incredibly written lyrics and it just makes me feel so nostalgic and happy 💓
Naomi (@naomilovestay) - At my reputation concert, metlife n1, i was in the front row of the b-stage where you sang dress. In that moment, i felt like it was just you & me in the room. I will forever be thankful for that experience. I love you so so much & i hope we can hug soon!! xoxo naomi!!
Hunter (@tayloroftodayy) - my stan song is getaway car because it has such an interesting and powerful storyline and always cheers me up and puts me in the best mood. you can listen to it when you’re feeling any emotion and it’s the best thing EVER 💗
Hayley (@delicate-stan13) - Delicate is my stan song because it helps me get through all my rough days. And it’s really fun to sing and dance to!!
Olivia (ig, @olivialovestaylor7) - hi I’m olivia and gorgeous is my favorite song of taylor’s because it is such a beautiful and happy song!! it captures the way you feel when you start liking someone perfectly and it’s just SO soft🥺🥺along with that it’s just a fun bop that you can literally listen to whenever! thank you so much taylor for writing gorgeous💕 
Emily Grace (@longlivetaysxift89) - I love CIWYW because I can personally relate to the lyric “I’m doing better than I ever was” because I’ve had to deal with a lot of mental health problems and right now I’m truly doing better than I ever was
Ella (@taylorsoldbluejeans) - i love delicate because it is such a beautiful song that can cheer me up no matter what! 🌈💓
Bessie (@flyawayswift) - Hey my name’s Bessie and New Year’s Day is my favourite song because it NEVER fails to make me cry, and it’s the most beautiful and delicate song in the world!! I’m so grateful to Taylor for writing such a masterpiece
Alexa (@kingsofmyyheartt) - I love king of my heart because it’s a pretty, happy, calm song that has a beautiful bridge and has such pretty lyrics! No matter what it’s sure to put a smile on my face!
Mia (@thisloveisdelicate) - I love the song delicate because is shows how your friends have to like you for who you are and that they aren’t gonna change you!!
Tayla (ig, @islandbreezeswift) - this is why we can't have nice things is my favourite song by Taylor because it helped me in a rough time when one of my friends kept stabbing me in the back while shaking my hand. the lyrics to tiwwchnt were extremely relatable, it felt like it was written for me. even though i'm no longer going through problems like this, this song is a bop and makes me dance!! thank you Tay for this song, ily from Tayla xoxo
Kartik (ig, @indianswifty) - On New Year’s Day I proposed to my girlfriend and this is our favourite rep song
Lena (@the-swiftie-scientist) - Call it What You Want reminds me how much Taylor had to struggle to find someone who stood by her no matter what 💫 it shows how important it is when you find someone who loves you for the things you are and doesn't care about rumors and gossip, someone who will stand by your side even when 'they took the crown' ... Also, it has a personal significance for me as it reminds me of how someone I love literally runaway with me on late November flying above the whole scene 💗 It's definitely Taylor's softest and most precious song, I will love it forever 💕
Sveva (@newtaylor89) - I was going through some bad times at school when i first heard this song. I was starting to have anxiety attacks, I started to avoid my friends hangs out and started pushing everyone away. Luckily my real friends stayed with me and helped me through that dark period of my life and so did this song. Now every time i listen to it i remember that my friends and Taylor will stay with me "when it's hard or it's wrong or I'm making mistakes". THANK U TAYLOR, FOR WRITING THIS EMOTIONAL SONGS, I'LL NEVER THANK U ENOUGH FOR WHAT U HAVE DONE TO ME! ILY
Mikayla (@weweredxncing) - The reason why i love this song so much is because whenever I listen to it, I just feel happy. It gives me hope that in the future I might find as love like that.
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Laura (ig, @frenchbabytay) - I love ME! Because Taylor talked in my language with Brendon, she’s feeling better after her bad moments and the music video is like Shake It Off!!! It’s so funny and she makes me dance!!!!
Anne (@annewantstomeettaylor) - Me - ee - ee, ooh - ooh - , ohh - ooh - ooh ! This song really means to me because every time my anxiety and depression attacks me this song gives me light and joy. And every time I feel conscious about myself this song makes me realize that I'm the one of me ! I can't explain the happiness I feel every time I hear this song. ILY T !  ♡♡♡
Olivia (@so-ready-for-it) - I love the song ME! So much because it’s all about embracing your individuality, and I’ve struggled with my low self esteem for such a long time, and the positive message of the song reminds me that I’m unique and perfect in my own way 💓
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
“A welterweight main event pitting a big 170-er against a 155er that actually makes sense” UFC Fight Night In London Preview
March 13th
WHEW! The UFC often is very hit or miss when it runs a show in England as evidenced by some real clunkers (the Corey Anderson vs Jimi Manuwa card) and some really damn good shows (Bisping vs Akiyama, Bisping vs Anderson) and mostly a ton of soft stuff in the middle. This journey to London is actually really deep if somewhat light on name value. Granted the idea of seeing a guy who headlined a PPV (Darren Till) vs a 10+ year veteran of the sport who happens to also be popular (Masvidal) is a solid headliner but the rest of the show is really just a bunch of damn good well put together fights. Volkan Oezdemir tries to snap a two fight losing skid vs LHW's most well rounded prospect in Dominick Reyes, Gunnar Nelson vs Leon Edwards is a FANTASTIC fight with a slight snoozer potential behind it, Nate Wood vs Teco Quinones is a fantastic bantamweight tilt and the prelims are loaded with good fights like Tom Breese vs Ian Heinisch, Dan Ige vs Danny Henry, the debut of well known prospect Mike Grundy and the return of Arnold Allen.  An early start time + a lack of superstars means you'll probably forget about this one before the weekend is through BUT I can think of worse ways to kill a Saturday morning.
Fights: 13
Debuts: Nicolae Negumereanu, Mike Grundy
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 3 (Alessio Di Chirico OUT, Cezar Ferreira IN vs Tom Breese/Carlos Diego Ferreira OUT, Ian Heinisch IN vs Tom Breese/Gokhan Saki OUT, Nicolae Negumereanu IN vs Saparbek Safarov)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 6 (Darren Till, Jorge Masvidal, Gunnar Nelson, Leon Edwards, Volkan Oezdemir, Priscila Cachoeira)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 6 (Jorge Masvidal, John Phillips, Jack Marshmann,  Volkan Oezdemir, Marc Diakiese, Saparbek Sarafov)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 9 (Dan Ige, Danny Henry, Leon Edwards, Dominick Reyes, Jose Teco Quniones, Nathaniel Wood, Danny Roberts, Claudio Silva, Arnold Allen)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2017 (in the UFC): 27-12
Darren Till- 4-1 Jorge Masvidal- 1-2 Gunnar Nelson- 2-1 Leon Edwards- 4-0 Volkan Oezdemir- 3-2 Dominick Reyes- 4-0 Nathaniel Wood- 2-0 Jose Quinonez- 2-0 Claudio Silva- 1-0 Danny Roberts- 3-1 Jack Marshman- 1-3 John Phillips- 0-2
Fights By Weight Class (yearly number here):
Welterweight- 3 (18) Featherweight- 3 (11) Middleweight- 2 (7) Light Heavyweight- 2 (10) Lightweight-  1 (15) Bantamweight- 1 (13) Women’s Flyweight- 1 (8)
Heavyweight- (7) Women’s Bantamweight- (2) Women’s Strawweight- (6) Flyweight- (4)
2019’s Records We Keepin Track Of:
Debuting Fighters (6-13): Nicolae Negumereanu, Mike Grundy
Short Notice Fighters (6-5): Nicolae Negumereanu, Ian Heinisch
Second Fight (18-5):  Ian Heinisch
Cage Corrosion (Fighters who have not fought within a year of the date of the fight) (5-8): Priscila Cachoeira, Jorge Masvidal, Saparbek Sarafov, Joseph Duffy, Jose Quinones
Undefeated Fighters (7-8): Nick Negumereanu, Dominick Reyes
Fighters with at least four fights in the UFC with 0 wins over competition still in the organization (4-4): Jack Marshman, Joe Duffy
Weight Class Jumpers (Fighters competing outside of the weight class of their last fight even if they’re returning BACK to their “normal weight class”) (7-5):
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- This main event is tricky and I'm wondering if the UFC are maybe expecting a bit too much from Darren Till. Till's 2018 was complicated; he struggled with a weight cut in a spotlight show designed to make him into a big star, beat Wonderboy in a very close fight and then made a quick-ish turnaround to fight Woodley in September, getting smelted in the process.  Till has said all of the right things, he did wind up jumping back in at welterweight (after talking about middleweight) and he's fighting a guy who you have to be REALLY special to make look bad. Masvidal is the king of the close decisions and while he's taking yet another road game fight, he's fighting a guy who is prone to lapses in activity who also is coming off his first career loss and in dominating fashion. Stylistically Till should be able to do whatever he wishes against a bloated 155er coming off a 15 month layoff but I think Masvidal is a more than live dog here. There's also a damn good chance this doesn't happen because Till whiffs on weight and comes in at like 174 and Masvidal passes.
2- So we're 100% sure that Askren vs Till is next if Darren wins, right?
3- Often times I'm reminded of an important quote in sports twitter when it comes to prospects. It has many variations but the most common prospect joke is "Learn 'em on Friday, fall in love by Saturday and ready to divorce them by Monday." MMA prospecthood is often a journey of learning, falling in love, violently falling out of love at the first sign of trouble then getting to say "I was in all along!" if it ends positively. It feels like Dom Reyes is currently somewhere between Saturday and Monday. Dominick Reyes has had rarely any trouble in his stroll through the undercurrent of 205 lbs, walking through the likes of Jared Cannonier and Jeremy Kimball before getting a big test in OSP. He pretty much dominated the fight although he couldn't leave with the finish (essentially robbed from a magnificent buzzer beater). Fans aren't judging Reyes by whether or not he can be a sizable contributor to the middle of the division, they're judging by him by whether or not he can beat Jon Jones. As such, there are some folks who think he's going to be amazing and some off the bandwagon entirely. The journey is dependent on what you seek. He gets Volkan Oezdemir in what is the next major test.
4- Why is Jack Marshman vs John Phillips on this main card? I mean I know all of these fights are on the same network and nothing matters but come on now.
5- If I told you that Claudio Silva was undefeated in the UFC spanning nearly five years now, would you even believe me?
6- Leon Edwards is one of those dudes who seems sort of stuck in no man's land at 170 lbs. He isn't a violent finisher, he's not a big talker and he's not a guy who is going to draw a ton of attention in any sort of a fixed market. As such, he's just running through a lot of guys and not getting anywhere a la Santiago Ponzinibbio minus the Ponz finishes. As such, this Nelson fight is BIG for him. Gunnar still has plenty of clout at 170 lbs and while Edwards SHOULD in theory be bigger by virtue of beating Cowboy Cerrone, that fight took place at 6 AM on Fight Pass which is pretty much like running your show on incognito mode. Gunnar is also a really odd stylistic match up for Nelson; the kind of guy he hasn't struggled with in the past but the sort of athlete he hasn't had to face in a run with dudes like Peter Sobotta and Bryan Barberena. It's a risky venture either way for two very good fighters.
7- Even though she lost in her debut, I'm not giving up on Molly McCann. She missed weight and was in her debut which are normally two tough factors to overcome. Keep an eye on her on the prelims.
8- Jose Quinones vs Nate Wood is going to be a ton of fun as Quinones is activity and accuracy over power and pacing while Wood is all pacing, incredibly active with his hands and developing even more of a ground game. This one has some spoiler-ish tendencies to it with Quinones a more than live dog in my estimation.
9- This show feels so naked without a HW fight. Like why even have a show?
10- If Saparbek Safarov can not beat a Romanian can crusher on like two weeks notice then I honestly don't know what you do with the dude.
11- Ian Heinisch vs Tom Breese is a great fight that has some snoozer potential. Heinisch cut his teeth in LFA (and the DWCTS) before upsetting Cezar Mutante in his debut and Tom Breese was a good WW prospect who has all the potential in the world at 185 lbs. Keep a real close eye on this one.
12- Are we going to FINALLY find out the elusive 5th main card fight for UFC 236?
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
So this is one of the most creepy scenes in the show, but I also am speculating some things.
Imagine if Amanda hadn't interrupted, or if Luna hadn't ran away.
In one way, probably not much would have happened. Luna doesn't feel comfortable telling her anything. But it's established from some scenes beforehand, that Sharon wants her to open up to her.
And what if she did? What if she told her about stuff like the drawing, the dreams taking place in the mansion, all of that.
It feels like Sharon wants to harm her, but at the same time, it's like she stops herself from doing that. She'd never physically hurt her. She's not Priscila Ferro (Priscila would push Luna down some stairs the second she came too close to the truth).
Maybe Sharon reveals the truth. Maybe if the scene continued, Sharon grew impatient with Luna not telling her what she wants to hear, and she ends up just revealing the truth. She loses control and screams at Luna, causing Luna to just become more startled.
And then, what would have happened? If Luna doesn't run away, what would Sharon do? She'd not physically harm her. But would she... keep her there? Would she kidnap her??? Or would she ask Luna to disappear?
As you notice, I am some unclear thoughts about this scene, I just have some speculations that circle around in my head on how the scene could have gone.
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Some things I reflected about this past weekend:
1. Priscila is just SO unreliable and she doesn't even see it nor care.
2. People in general will make little to any effort in fitting you into their lives. Nadia simply chose not to meet us. Guilherme was there for the party, not for me, which allowed him to leave after half an hour.
3. Ana beatriz is not exactly vibing the same. She sat all night. She didn't want to hit the dance floor although it was basically the same thing.
4. My sistee is a whole new chapter. She's home, but if she wasn't, things would be the same. Everything is about her and her boyfriend. She just sits in the other room not to be bothered. She actually talks to him, shares thigs with him.
5. Maybe, just maybe, I should keep more things for myself.
6. All that being said I am very protected. I almost lost my phone, so stupid drunk I was. I got it back though. I do believe this has to do with my guides. That's cool. Even though i was being silly and actually doing something harmful to myself I was guarded. I feel so much love for that. It's the one thing I feel I can rely on. This and my therapist.
7. Friendships are very situational. Truth is people are very self centered in their daily hustles. And they should, to some extent, however I don't think it's cool or elevated to treat people as means to satisfy personal pleasure rather than ends. That's very manipulative.
8. Leo. Apparently what he did at 10 was a prelude to his latter behavior. He wanted to hook up with me, even though he's married with a child. That's also why he was being so warm. He didn't give a fuck about reconnecting. He was after his own pleasure.
9. Yesterday f posted something in his stories, which he never does. So it's probably her. I didn't want to see it and I don't think it's the kind of thing I should keep a record on. This is fucked up and not the natural interaction someone should have with their ex. So fuck him and his life. He chose to go separate ways.
10. I really gotta trust life that more aligned people will show up eventually. Maybe when I totally feel I don't need them. Idk.
11. It woukd be lovely to feel safe with someone i know.
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imagine-by-susu · 7 years
Sherlock x Latino!Chubby!Reader - Abuela is always right
A/N: Finally I got some requests done. I got a lot on my mind just like my beta reader which means it all takes a while before anything is uploaded so please be patient ^^ PS: I am not very good in Spanish, I did most of it with google translater. But I hope I didn’t mess up anything. PPS: I combined two requests in here since they were familiar. Requested by @disneymarina​ and anon ^^ A special thanks to @true-queen-of-mischief :D Requests are open Fandomlist Masterlist of 2017 Masterlist of January 2018 Masterlist of Feburary 2018 GIF IS NOT MINE! Word Count: 1.130 ________________________________________________________________
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“Yo se, abuela. Sí, hasta luego. Yo también.” you sighed as you hung up and placed your phone onto the kitchen table. Sherlock walked into the kitchen, his morning robes around his body and his dark curls a total mess. “Who was that?” he stifled a yawn behind his hands as he sat down on his usual spot. “My Grandmother.” you answered as you sipped on your coffee. The man couldn’t hide his smile as he looked at you. “She is really excited about this family reunion, right?” you laughed a bit and nodded. “Well, of course. It means there a plenty of people who will eat her foot and believe me she will force you to eat.” you pointed to him but Sherlock only shrugged. “I know how this old Lady is and (Y/N), believe me when I say I don’t want to get murdered by her with a wooden spoon.” your laugh echoed through the whole flat at his words but he was right. Abuela was a spirited old Lady.
- “Are you done yet?” your boyfriend pushed as he sat on the bed waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. With a roll of your eyes, you looked into the bathroom mirror one last time. Your (Y/H/C) was pulled into a nice bun, a few strands framing your face. To make your Abuela happy, you wore a dark blue dress that she once had bought you. It went to your knees and the sleeves ended at your elbows. A little smile grazed your lips. You may not be a slim girl but you had enough self-esteem to see how good you were looking right now. Satisfied with your looks, you opened the door to the bathroom and Sherlock looked up from the floor. He smiled and got up, took your hand and kissed the back of it. “This dress suits you.” he complimented you and you thanked him. Sherlock himself didn’t look bad himself, with his black dress pants and the dark blue shirt. “Let’s go the Cab is already waiting.” with that Sherlock dragged you to the front door, handing you your coat before he put on his signature grey one. - The cab ride only took 30 minutes before you arrived at the big house your Abuela lived with your Abuelo. Sherlock, as always, left the cab and you paid the driver thank him before you left the car. The front door opened and old lady walked out of the house a big smile on her face. She wiped her hands on the apron she wore around her dress and opened the fence gate. “Mi pequeño (Y/N).” she pulled you into a bone crushing hug and you laughed while you hugged her back. As she let go, she turned to your boyfriend still with a wide smile. “Sherlock.” she said pulling him into hug too. Overwhelmed by that Sherlock slowly patted her back awkwardly. “I am happy to see you, too, Antonella.” The old woman pulled away from the man and smiled at you two. “I am so glad you two could make it. Come in, come in, everyone is already waiting.” she pushed you both into the house, closing the door behind her. In the house it was loud, not only because of the talking or the little children running around but also from the catchy Latino music, your grandmother loved to hear. Both you and Sherlock entered the living room and you were greeted by everyone warm heartily, especially from your parents. “How is it to live with the famous Sherlock Holmes?” your mother asked as he watched Sherlock interacting with one of your cousins, who happened to be a police office at Scotland Yard. A little laugh came from your lips. “Exhausting.” you answered her and both of you laughed together. “La comida está lista!” your grandmother yelled from the kitchen and everyone stood up to walk into the big dining room. - Everyone was gather around the big table, talking to another, laughing and telling stories. Even Sherlock had fun, happy to see that there were people who were quite interested in what he had to say. The food was, as always, delicious, the loud atmosphere was domestic and you just felt like you were home again. “Do you want some more Empanadas (Y/N)?” your grandmother asked, you were thinking if you really should eat some more. Your cousin Priscila rolled her eyes. “Abuela, don’t you think that little (Y/N) had enough food for today. Or maybe for the rest of her life?” Some looked up from the food, others gasped. Your father looked at your cousin. “Disculparse inmediatamente, jovencita.” He scolded her with a pointed finger.  You looked at your empty plate, your hands balled into fists. Sherlock could feel your distress and put a hand onto your fist. Then he looked to Priscila. “Of course, someone with anorexia would be jealous of anyone who can eat a healthy amount of food without sticking their finger into their mouth.” More gasps were heard around the table and Priscila looked at your boyfriend shocked. “How dare you…?” she whispered shocked that Sherlock dared to say such things. Antonella looked at her shaking her head. “We are talking later, jovencita.” The same scolding voice your father had used. “Pero,…” Priscila started but Abuela shook her head at her. “Do not ‘pero’ me. I am not a light side either and I respect the self-esteem (Y/N) has despite her what everyone says. We all should learn from her.” During her speech her Spanish accent grew thicker and thicker but then she sat down, her arms crossed. - After that the whole Family reunion was a bit awkward, in the end Priscila apologized to you and you recommended her to go to a therapy which she only nodded to. You thanked your Abuela that she stood up for you like that and she shook it off with the words, “Curvy Ladies stick together.” When it was time to drive back, you said goodbye to everyone and left with Sherlock. “Thanks.” you said after you entered the cab and gave him the address. Sherlock rose an eyebrow at you. “For defending me.” you explained as you turned your gaze to his blue eyes. “I mean. Maybe Priscila is right.” Before you could say anything else, Sherlock pulled you close to him, kissing your forehead in the process. “Never say that again. You aren’t anything what she said. The only thing you are is huggable.” Hearing something like that from the infamous Sherlock Holmes made you laugh. For you, he would do anything, no matter if you were curvy or not. He loved you for who you were, the spirited, huggable Latino (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
The doctor and the Monster (suspect)
"By all means, you shouldn´t be here" Scott toned in a more paternal way than it should be "be as it may be, you are the best in your occupation and any help is welcome, but this is your last case, got, James Pryde"
A "man" nods sagely with an obviously fake moustache (Scott have to take out it was too obvious) heavy clothes, a scarf and a hat.
"As long I´m not Mrs Darkholme I can still work here and I want to catch the culprit" her mind goes to tiny Clarice Fong "I want to catch this guy, I made a promise"
Scott nods as now the older man starts to explain the situation. With hesitation. That Kitty really picks up.
"First things first, what you hear here stays here," Scott said a bit dramatically than usual " a police officer found a dead woman in the same pattern of our, let´s say, ripper, and this time we have a witness to tell more about the situation, but, most are shady at best and telling different stories that have no connection, however, we found one ....and you need to be strong for this one"
Kitty didn´t have time to fully understand the words as Scott opens the door and reveals Doctor Kurt Michael Darkholme sitting as by the look of an old Scotland Yard´s member, the blue man was having the time of his life by terrorizing the other man(that has a real moustache)
"Ah, are you the help they were referring to?" Darkholme asked amused, a kitty can´t talk, her voice is far too feminine(and a feminine man is not treated well by his peers) so using a sketchbook the ''man'' starts to write the questions.
Scott explains that James Pryde ( Darkholme was mildly confused as the Summers didn´t mention the other man very much or maybe they did and he was paying more attention to Kitty) is mute, so, he will communicate by his writing.
Odd, is the only word that Kurt Darkholme can think, people with such problem can´t really work in such a position. Is this guy really that good?
'' what happens?''
"I was in the rouge when I meet a woman" James Pryde is not really happy with this line of speech " she was badly beaten up and feeling intense pain, many wounds and loss of blood, there´s no way to save her even if I have my equipment"
''mercy killing?''
" Yes, the woman didn´t deserve to die in such a way, no one does" Kurt Darkholme stated and there´s sincerity in his words.
''what were you doing in a whorehouse?''
"Picking up a friend of mine, he likes to be in whorehouses, his name is Wade, don´t look at me like that, I´m an almost married man I can´t enter in such places for another purpose"
Kitty still narrows her eyes at him.
'' what else did you saw?''
"I was focused on the body in front of me, the blood, but I can say the guy didn´t steal any jewellery and it was far too precise the wounds"
'' a doctor like you could have done? is what are you implying?''
"No, what I´m implying is that is a very well thought attack as well cruel, the person does have knowledge of what he was doing and a hate for women. Uhm now that I think about the Queen´s doctor is famous for hating women but the Queen"
''So let me get this correct, you went into a whorehouse to get your friend, found a dead body in agonising and commit a mercy kill all in one night?''
"And is not even Friday" Kurt stated amused.
'' show me your hands ''
Kurt complies and Kitty examines his hands looking for blood and for the skin of the women(a prostitute named Priscila James, she has several wounds and a few defensives cuts on her arms, probably trying to protect her face ) his hands are clean.
As much the story seems too fantastic, there´s no signal that Kurt is lying, at least not about the murder.
''you don´t have the habit to go to a whorehouse to search for ...friends, right?''
"No, of course not, I´m a man that is engaged...with your cousin, why I would waste my time on a whorehouse?"
''can you describe the people in the place?''
Kurt did describe all the gentleman in his mind as he explains that he was busier to look at the other´s face, the others were too terrified of blood to do anything.
Kitty then looks at his lips. If a gentleman really did go to a whorehouse there are certain indications that he doesn´t hide, Kitty is not prone to subtle as she looks at his lips then at the collar of his shirt. So far, is all clean, maybe his story, as much is fantastic, is really true.
But something is not right here.
''who do you think it would be done such thing? The rogue was the only whorehouse that was...unharmed''
"Aside from the creepy doctor? Well, my friend mentioned that a priest often goes to that place to preach who we all going to hell, could this be a religious nutcase"
''it wouldn´t be the first time, now, Heer Darkholme, I´ll give you an advice, in the future, don´t go to whorehouses to pick friends, it can be highly misrepresented''
Kurt promised to do just that. As Scott free him, a good look on the victim body and on Kurt´s own hands is proof enough that he couldn´t have murder, well, be the real murder, of this poor woman.
The man who did that has a real cruelty inside of him. Kitty is sure that the victim is a victim of occasion...but then it is not, the woman while fitting the pattern received more violence than the others.
Is this an attack on the victim or a message to the rouge?
Once Kurt Darkholme is free. A police member was designated(forced) to escorted the man back to his house safely.
"Scott, not going to ask if you ever enter in the rouge, but"
"No, I never enter in a whorehouse," Scott said vehemently. Bobby was back and listen to this exchange.
"Scott, in a whorehouse? NEVER, Mrs Summer would go all firebird on London" Bobby jokes and then Kitty writes on her sketchbook if he knows a whorehouse named rogue.
"Ah, yes, is a really different place, it hides well that you are in a whorehouse and everyone looks healthy, they have pretty women there" the word women is added too quickly.
''who is the owner?''
"Oh, someone called Rogue, I know what I´ll say seems dumb, but no one knows the real owner, it has representatives and all, but, the real boss? I have no idea and I don´t think the others are either"
Well, Kitty is interested. The attacks of the ripple have started for 4 months and all the other victims were from different whorehouses that belong to the White Queen(a woman who brought her ticket to the high society) but this Rogue is not associated to the White Queen.
Two scenarios:
Or the ripper is messed with the police and there´s no patter.
Or the ripper has a copycat.
Both are a bad news to everyone.
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inthehausofholbein · 3 years
Could you do Luty for the hc ask game?? Thank you!
1. Childhood headcanon
They had a sleepover and had a little too much fun (take that however you want). Priscila proceeded to kick Naty out of the house and never treat Ludmila the same way again for... certain reasons.
2. The weirdest headcanon you have
They actually were each other's first times, but have no memory of it since it was a one time thing where neither of them could hold it in anymore and made out. At the time, they (or Ludmila specifically) were like "oh, we're just friends and we're both girls so it doesn't count". Yes it did.
3. A headcanon that you think a lot of people have
That they've been in love forever but didn't realize it for years. This shouldn't even be a headcanon, they are practically canon.
4. A headcanon for their future
Whether they'd get married or not, I feel like they'd be a really chill couple (comfortable holding and flirting with each other in public). Maybe Ludmi would show Naty off to the world like she did with Fede at the start of season 3.
5. sad headcanon
- Ludmi won't ever be able to fully forgive herself for her mistreating others, and more specifically, Naty. No matter how much she reminds herself she changed, there's always this feeling of guilt that follows.
- They both always wonder how different things could've been if Ludmi wasn't mean in the first place.
6. funny headcanon
- If they ever get married, Priscila dies internally.
- They're both really comfortable with teasing each other (verbally and physically, again, take that however you want), rarely stopping.
7. headcanon you never shared to anyone
I feel like Naty secretly studies about stars to impress Ludmila and one up Fede.
8. favourite headcanon you ever had
This is related to no. 5. Even if they do wonder how things could've played out differently, they would never want to change anything (besides maybe the pig food commercial for Ludmila, as Naty will never stop teasing her about it). They appreciate everything they've been through, how they've grown and the memories they had before and have now.
9. headcanon that you want to be a canon
That they are together and are really really wholesome with barely any problems <33
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marciego · 3 years
i often think about what ludmila would do with her career in the future, because while singing has always been a fundamental part of her, the chase for fame was always priscila's doing, and imo it's still unclear how much of it she did for herself vs to please her mom (we do have some answers: youmix was entirely for priscila for example, but the way she acted at the studio among other things make me Think you know) and like. personally i believe that saying she did everything she did solely because of priscila is undermining how complex she is as a character, but at the same time imagining her simply pursuing a classic career in singing feels like something she absolutely wouldn't want to do.
and then i realized, you know what's the one thing ludmila truly never got to do? doing something that has no purpose. and that's exactly why now i can't see as anything else that some kind of "influencer", not in the way that she planned to be one, but i just think after the studio she started to simply do things she liked. posting covers of her friends' songs, going out to see nice places and posting pictures, maybe doing some fashion/makeup things when she feels like it, posting short clips of her explaining in an approachable way astronomy. i can see her getting to experience new things, going out with her friends, maybe learning photography, enrolling in college just to study even more in details physics and astronomy, who cares!!! everything she wants to do!!! and obviously ludmila still loves being the center of attention, she'd be posting what she does, communicating with people, just sharing what she loves, and that's just get her to experience even more things she wouldn't have tried otherwise
i just want her to realize that life is worth living, whether you have one big goal or not. life if worth living for the little things, and actually that's what i want ludmila to be doing for the rest of her life, to wake up and take what she wants, and then go to sleep whithout knowing what she'll be doing the next week, or the next month, and thinking "this is enough"
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