#because if she does that she will meet the real ripper
sammy-deserves-better · 10 months
Hey people who definitely didn’t follow me for my AUs here’s another AU I thought up on the spot!!!
Fantasy/Royalty AU bam lets get into it
Julia and Bowie are the princess and prince of the kingdom, as you do, it’s gay and lesbian hostility in that castle every day
Axel, Wayne, Raj and Emma are knights with Axel being the head of the knights, Emma is also secretly a florist because why not
Priya is the head of the guards while Caleb is the personal guard/advisor to the king
Chase is a travelling bard who loves to talk about his ‘amazing’ adventures of ‘helping’ people
Nichelle is still a famous actress but instead of movies she’s like, famous from plays and all that jazz
Ripper’s a barbarian that’s pretty good at his job, unfortunately he is not taken very seriously
Millie is a famous writer but she’s so damn difficult to find at times and only a few people know where she actually lives
Damien is a wizard’s apprentice, he’s still learning but he’s got some real talent within him
Zee is the court jester, he didn’t even like try out for the role he just started talking one time and the king thought he was hilarious
Scary Girl is a famous necromancer because she is, funnily enough, scarily good at her job
And MK, silly ol’ MK, is a master thief who is wanted all over the world, but can never be located, always managing to escape at the last moment
Alright here’s some more details yippee
Raj and Bowie are like, in love, obviously, knight x prince romance! Forbidden love that isn’t really forbidden but like it’s super cute and Raj is so smitten and Bowie just loves this handsome knight that would do anything for him
Wayne and Emma are friends here because I also think they’re silly, Wayne’s the only one who knows Emma’s secret florist job because she trusts him enough and also he accidentally found out but it’s fine!! But he also nearly gives away Emma’s secret so many damn times because he’s just a little bit stupid
‘Man I wish I could get Bowie a nice bouquet…’
‘Oh well Emma is actually a fl-‘
And then Wayne gets elbowed so hard he can’t breath for 2 minutes
Emma also definitely has a thing for the cute court jester but she has no idea on how to actually approach Zee so she just sends him flowers anonymously and sighs while looking at him lovingly
Julia and MK meet because MK climbs up the damn castle walls at 2am and sneaks into Julia’s room just to rob her, gets absolutely slammed by the princess, wakes up and is tied to a damn chair with Julia right up in her face about to rip her to shreds and all MK can say is ‘you are REALLY attractive oh my gods’
This throws Julia off, they start talking, Julia realises that despite the fact she is holding one of the most wanted criminals hostage in her room, she wants to keep seeing MK because she’s entertaining and mean and just slightly pathetic, so she lets MK go on the promise that the thief will come back every night and so she does and yadda yadda lesbians toxic yuri wins
Millie’s stories actually come to life because shocker she’s actually a wizard in disguise and she needs to be really careful about what she writes so that’s why she hides herself away and is so hard to track down because if the wrong people knew about her magic capabilities oh no that’s a lot of blood and injury and angst and 10k words every chapter
Millie’s parents also had this ability to create anything from mere writing, they shared this ability with the kingdom, and so if an important figure asked them to say…make a protector of the kingdom, they would do so, and they did, and that’s where our villain/antagonist comes in but that’s a story for another day
The older gens are also involved in this one way or another as well, most are just backgrounders but some hold important to the story
Damien is the wizard apprentice to Leonard and Tammy, two great and powerful sages who spend their time helping the world
DJ is the one who taught Emma how to be a florist, he’s kind and understanding and always helps Emma choose the right flowers to give to Zee
Eva trains Ripper under her watchful eye, she’s proud of how far he’s come, but feels he can do just a bit more
Aleheather are the king and queen of the kingdom, Bowie and Julia are their adopted children
And that’s all I got for now uhhhh add whatever you want to this it’s just a silly time
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ok chat the poll is over time to reveal the answers
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someone is killed in a giant microwave - YEAH season 12 episode 1 murdoch mystery mansion. the potato cooking room was at first a hypothetical presented in an earlier season that murdoch made a reality during the designing of his house ! someone then used the room to kill someone inside uh oh
sigmund freud's gaydar - YEAH season 15 episode 12 murdoch on the couch. sigmund freud, who's at the station house because of a threat to his life, reads henry's letter addressed to george and believes it to be a letter for a lover. when henry brings this up to brax and watts later, they don't contest this ! (in fact claiming this was the only thing he was right about) was going to make a joke about how he was like i know what you are but he actually seemed like genuine and objective with it honestly what the hell was up with that.
re-enactment of the last supper with dead bodies - YEAH season 9 episode 4 barenaked ladies. to make a poetic point about guilt and betrayal, someone kills some people who they think have wronged someone and electroplates them in the poses of various figures from the last supper.
one of the main characters kills jack the ripper - YEAH season 2 episode 2 snakes and ladders. a serial killer on the loose suspected to be jack the ripper is in toronto, and in a fight with him in the morgue, julia kills him. she is understandably shaken by this and the end of the episode she dances with murdoch because she’d like to be held <3
sherlock holmes meets arthur conan doyle. yeah they meet each other - YEAH season 6 episode 4 a study in sherlock. due to childhood trauma, there's a guy in toronto living as sherlock holmes :)) murdoch is frustrated that he won't believe that sherlock holmes isn't real, so to convince him, he invites arthur conan doyle, who happens to be visiting toronto, over.
reincarnation is real - YEAH season 6 episode 11 lovers in a murderous time. cant believe yall forgot this one this was one of my fav episodes the first time i watched s06 but anyways. two people bear a striking resemblance to two doomed lovers from many years ago, and the woman has visions and dreams of memories of details she can't possibly know ! they're reincarnated lovers. whoah
pig flies - YEAH season 6 episode 1 murdoch air. james pendrick, flying his test craft in the race for the world's first controlled air craft, tested a harness by using a dead pig as a passenger. was reminded of this one because in a s15 episode the brackenreids were laughing abt something and margaret said "when pigs fly!" and brax was like "i've seen that happen actually" <3
murdoch invents uber - NAH. murdoch does not invent uber. the closest we get to uber is not murdoch's invention but george and henry with henry's cab :) this lie kind of falls apart when you consider that murdoch's inventions are almost always technological innovations, while uber is. a business. and murdoch doesn't even like cars.
murdoch dies in a tub but only temporarily - YEAH season 5 episode 10 staircase to heaven. murdoch investigates a death within a club (one member being emily) who compete for a chance to "die" to see what the afterlife looks like, dropping them as close to death as possible and then reviving them, and murdoch tries it out yeah 👍
murdoch beats up santa claus - YEAH season 17 episode 9 the christmas list. in possibly his most out of character episode, murdoch suspects department store santa claus of theft and tries to arrest him in front of the children, then when santa resists, murdoch beats the shit out of him
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 months
"The Reason Was Always You"
AKA: The timeline of Metal Gear Solid as per Ocelot’s intervention. Even more specifically, this is my attempt at helping a friend understand what Ocelot was about, and all the nonsense he got up too and why. Of course, the why in this case is simple: Big Boss. Big Boss has been the singular motivation for absolutely everything Ocelot does in series since the day he met the man, and it remained so up until his death.
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Yes, all of this.
So. How to explain? I've gone with a general "summary and timeline" compilation that I'll do my very best to keep concise. But given that this is me don't quote me on that eh? ;)
So let's get to it!
Below is a quick-notes version of people and agencies that’ll serve as a sort of fast guide for who I end up talking about that show up more than once in the summary. It’s very messy and if I’ve forgotten anyone or anything I’ll have it included later.
People and Agencies:
Ocelot himself (okay that’s not funny I just included it because it was to me for ten seconds shh)
Big Boss (obviously, ‘father’ of Solid and Liquid Snake)
Colonel Volgin (AKA the Man on Fire: Colonel commanding the GRU during the time of Operation Snake Eater)
EVA (AKA Tatyana, AKA Big Mama: Chinese Philosopher Agent who later became the surrogate mother for the twins)
Paramedic (AKA Dr Jane Clark, the main creator of Les Enfants Terribles, and later the Genome Project which is part of what turns Gray Fox into the Cyborg Ninja, as well as having a driving force behind the PMC’S in 2014, during the events of MGS4. The ‘perfect soldier gene’, more on that later)
SIGINT (AKA Donald Anderson)
The CIA Director
Major Zero (AKA David Oh: The Founder of FOX, The Patriots and Cipher)
Kazuhira Miller (MSF and Diamond Dogs Sub Commander)
Dr Strangelove (A scientist who specialises in AI, works with the CIA and the MSF, she creates the AI that powers the unmanned weapons Big Boss fights in MGS Peace Walker, and eventually the AI that powers the Boss in the mammal pod in the 1980s’. She marries Huey Emmerich and has their son, Hal Emmerich aka Otacon with him. Killed by Huey Emmerich sometime between 1983 and 1984)
Skull Face (Originally the XO of Major Zero, and the head of XOF)
Venom Snake (aka the Medic, later the commander of Diamond Dogs and Outer Heaven, killed in 1995 during Operation Intrude N313 by Solid Snake)
Solid Snake (Dave, a Foxhound Soldier who kills Venom Snake, and later assumes to have killed Big Boss in Zanzibarland in 1999. Meets Ocelot in 2005 during the Shadow Moses Incident)
Liquid Snake (Eli aka The White Mamba, meets Ocelot in 1984 when he's with Diamond Dogs as a captured child soldier, later works with him in 2005 under the 'new' Foxhound
Solidus Snake (aka George Sears, aka the third clone 'the perfect' clone of Big Boss aka the 44th President of the United States)Dr Dr. Naomi Hunter: (Part of the New Foxhound and the creator of Foxdie, a virus that attacks a certain gene to kill the infected person very quickly. Said Foxdie is implanted in Solid Snake as revenge against him for killing her brother, Gray Fox, during the Zanzibarland Incident)
Sergei Gurlukovich (Head of the Russian Mercenary Faction the Gurlukovich Mercenaries)
Olga Gurlukovich (Daughter of Sergei, takes over the Gurkulovich Mercenaries after his death)
Raiden (AKA Jack the Ripper: Former child soldier adopted by Solidus Snake, later a Foxhound agent unaware it's not real, per se)
Agencies (I couldn’t think of a better word for them but ‘agencies’ is a kind of loose term in this sense)
I have not included the CIA and the GRU but they are there.
The Patriots 1.0 (Not an official way of terming them, I’m just trying to distinguish between that and the later, AI only version of the Patriots)
Cipher (Another name for The Patriots when it was under the command of Major Zero)
XOF (Assumed to have been Cipher, they are a rogue faction of Cipher headed up by Skull Face, originally the XO of Zero, he breaks apart from him)
The Patriots 2.0 (After Major Zero becomes non-functional due to being infected with parasites by Skull Face, SIGINT takes over the Patriots before they slowly begin to fully convert to being an AI controlled system. By the 2000’s, the Patriots are little more than AI, and only AI)
MSF (AKA Militaries Sans Frontiers: The first PMC created and headed by Big Boss)
Diamond Dogs (A PMC created by Kazuhira Miller and Revolver Ocelot, later commanded by Venom Snake)
Outer Heaven (A PMC under Venom Snake that absorbed Diamond Dogs and became something 'bigger' or new. This is a touch confusing, as Venom Snake refers to Diamond Dogs base as 'Outer Heaven' and Solid Snake storms Outer Heaven in 1995 but it's moved inland by that point)
Foxhound (A special forces group headed by Big Boss within the US military)
Zanzibarland (A private military nation headed by Big Boss. Where he is 'killed' by Solid Snake)
The 'New' Foxhound: (Foxhound after it's been created for a second time, with Liquid Snake in charge)
Dead Cell: (A faction Ocelot works with designed to bring about the SSS Project, aka the Solid Snake Simulation project, more on that later)
Who's Ocelot? (Speedy Ass Biography)
Revolver Ocelot aka Adamska aka Adam aka Shalashaska and eventually Liquid Snake was born in Normandy, on D Day. 6th June 1944. He is the son of the Boss, and the Sorrow. Both part of the elite COBRA Unit.
Ocelot was removed from the Boss very shortly after his birth and raised by the Philosopher's as one of their agents. Up until being sent to infiltrate the GRU for the CIA sometime before 1964.
Then, Ocelot was established as a Major under the command of Colonel Volgin. His birth aside, there are almost no confirmed details of his life before this.
Ocelot dies in 2014, of the new Foxdie virus, after fighing Solid Snake. He's 70 years old at the time.
The world's fastest biography out of the way, let's get into the more nitty-gritty of it-the timeline.
RUSSIA: 1964
*One of the few times Ocelot wasn’t doing things for the sake of Big Boss, as they don’t meet until Operation Snake Eater. (That I'm aware of at any rate)
Key Events:
The Virtuous Mission ( Late August)
Operation Snake Eater ( Early September)
As quickly stated above, Ocelot is a Major within the GRU under Colonel Volgin but secretly working with the CIA. (In the post credits, Ocelot reports directly to the CIA director in the USA.) He was sent in to recover part of the Philosopher’s Legacy. He succeeds, and gives the USA blueprints that are assumed to be Metal Gear.
EARLY 1970’s:
NOTE: Portable Ops canon is in debate within the fandom. I personally take it as canon, but some don’t. So Ocelot’s actions in this time period get argued. The way Portable Ops often gets argued. Since I take Portable Ops as canon, I included it. I’m using Wiki Fandom’s summary of events here, so again-there is interpretation that could be up for debate.
This could also be another portion of events that are not directly for the sake of Big Boss. But when the Patriots are formed, Ocelot helps them use the Legacy in it’s funding. The Patriots operated (at least originally) to ‘execute the Boss’s will’ post-humus for her. And create what they believed to be her desired world.
Ocelot recovers the second half of the Philosopher’s Legacy, and assassinates the DCI.
Foundation of the Patriots with Major Zero, Big Boss, Eva, Paramedic and SIGINT.
This is what I believe is the turning point for where Ocelot begins to put almost all of his focus into making sure everything he does serves Big Boss and his efforts.
Solid and Liquid Snake are born as the first successful experiment from Les Enfants Terribles. Big Boss leaves the Patriots. Ocelot remains.
Big Boss founds the MSF, and eventually takes on Kazuhira Miller as his sub-commander. Ocelot is not directly involved with the MSF. During the days of the MSF, Kaz forms a secret deal with Major Zero, which is how Zadornov (a KGB spy under the alias of Professor Galvez) and Paz Ortega Andrade (A Cipher Agent posing as a Latin American school-girl) are able to get Big Boss into Costa Rica. This is also where Chico (a kid Big Boss meets who is the younger brother of Amanda, the new commander of her late father’s rebel unit) meets Big Boss and is taken into the MSF.
XOF attacks Mother Base when Big Boss is coming back from his mission to save a captured Chico and Paz. Paz jumps from the chopper and dies before XOF shoots it out of the sky, killing Chico and the pilot, MORPHO in the process. The Medic jumps in front of Big Boss to shield him from the worst of the blast, but Big Boss ends up in a coma for the next nine years. Kaz is left with only minor or non-life-threatening injuries.
"This is an emergency, otherwise I sure as hell wouldn't-"-Ocelot, when Major Zero contacts him after the attack. The betrayal of Big Boss has forever left a sour taste in his mouth, regarding Zero.
Sometime later, after Kaz has been released from the hospital, Major Zero gets in contact with Ocelot and fills him in on a plan he has to keep Big Boss safe from his enemies. First, he has Big Boss and the Medic transferred into Cipher’s care through Eva, at the military hospital in Dhkelia, Cyprus. He proposes to Ocelot the idea of turning the Medic into a body double for Big Boss. Ocelot agrees and this begins the creation of Venom Snake through (as Ocelot puts it ‘powerful hypnogia’) and intense plastic surgery. In addition, he also spends the next nine years creating Diamond Dogs with Kazuhira Miller. The intention being that while Kaz, himself and Venom work with Diamond Dogs, Big Boss is free to get himself back up and running with his own base and men safely, away from the radar of XOF. With Diamond Dogs and Venom at the helm, nobody will know Big Boss is alive and building his own army (what eventually becomes Foxhound and later Zanzibarland) and will be safe.
Sometime in late February, Big Boss awakes from his coma and is filled in on what Ocelot has been up too. Ocelot and he prepare for the upcoming attack on the hospital, and when the Medic (now officially Venom Snake) wakes up two weeks later, Big Boss ‘helps’ escort and protect him from the hospital. XOF annihilate the place searching for Big Boss. Leaving nearly (if not every) occupant killed in the line of fire. The assault on Dhkelia is deemed necessary by Ocelot, and serves as a way to get Big Boss and Venom Snake out and free, without XOF continuing chase.
After they escape, Venom is left briefly unconscious. Ocelot retrieves Big Boss, then Venom. He puts Venom on the Heiwa Maru for transport to Afghanistan to save Kaz (who has now been captured by the 40th Russian Army and needs to be saved by Venom) and says his goodbye’s to Big Boss before joining up with Venom. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Big Boss before Ocelot lights his cigar, 1984.
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"We'll meet again."
At some point, Ocelot hypnotises himself, to keep up the ruse that Venom Snake is the ‘real’ Big Boss, so that he won’t blow his cover to soon.
After Venom rescues Kaz, the three of them work with Diamond Dogs and take down Skull Face. During this time, the vocal chord parasite is present, and Venom eliminates Skull Face, XOF and the virus. Around this time they also have Huey Emmerich (after having ‘saved’ him from Skull Face, who he’d been working under since the attack on Mother Base back in the 70’s)
"I maintainted limited contact, though in truth, we were just keeping tabs on each other." -Ocelot about his relationship with Major Zero, after LET and the dissolution of the Patriots. Keeping tabs on Zero was of course, useful for keeping Big Boss safe. Including from Zero.
I’ll also note real quick that it is around this time in the early 1980’s that Ocelot is dubbed ‘Shalashaska’ due to his torture techniques being so feared amongst guerilla’s he interrogated during the Soviet Afghan War. A monikers he’s given before Venom Snake is awake, and one that’s fully established by 1984.
TIMELINE UNKNOWN (Assumed to be sometime in the 80’s)
The details are unknown and undetermined, but at some point Ocelot reveals to Kaz that not only is Venom Snake a body double of Big Boss, but that Big Boss is alive and ‘safe’ doing his own thing to establish himself with Foxhound. Kaz, infuriated at being mislead and lied too, vows his revenge on Big Boss. Ocelot, simply says that eventually there will only be one Big Boss, and if Kaz wants to keep that vow, so be it. They’ll fight when the time comes (against each other, that is).
Venom Snake (at another undetermined time) learns the truth about himself. He remains in his role until his death.
At some point between 1984 and 1995, Kaz and Ocelot both exit Diamond Dogs/ Outer Heaven. The time period for when they do this, is unknown.
Outer Heaven is no longer necessary, and is in possession of a Metal Gear. The time for there to be ‘only one Big Boss’ has come. Venom Snake fights Solid Snake, and is eventually defeated and killed by him. Venom Snake’s exploits are absorbed and attributed into the legend and legacy of Big Boss, leaving Venom to be forgotten. Having ‘done his job’ and outlived his usefulness.
THE 90’s:
Ocelot does some mercenary work around this time, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Ocelot does not directly work within Foxhound, or the later Zanizbarland with Big Boss, but supports him in other ways during this time period. He is keeping a close eye on the Patriots 2.0 and establishing what will become his eventual take down of them completely.
But why take down the Patriots?
At the risk of veering off into headcanon territory (which a lot of this post already does so I’m not even sure why that’s a concern as it isn’t) I believe Ocelot wanted to eliminate and dismantle the Patriot’s because they wronged Big Boss. The Patriot’s harmed him, and later served as a threat to him. In many respects they threatened the world too; but for Ocelot, I believe Big Boss matters to him far more than the world ever did.
Leading into,
It is assumed that Solid Snake managed to kill Big Boss. However, the Patriot’s swoop in and steal his remains, placing him in a coma before he can expire. Following this, Ocelot teams back up with EVA, and they form a plan to eventually steal Big Boss from the Patriot’s. A process that ends up taking decades. And during which ends up requiring Ocelot to eventually make new ‘alliances’ and later, even develop into Liquid Ocelot.
But, before all that, comes a slow, methodical take down. Starting with Ocelot joining the New Foxhound in 2000.
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I like this summary of it the best.
26th February, 2005
Death of Kazuhira Miller.
Canon has never confirmed if Ocelot killed him but I headcanon that he did and I stick with that headcanon. Kaz’s glasses are given over to Liquid, to help him take on the impression of Kaz to fool Solid Snake with the ruse. Ocelot would be one of the most efficient people to achieve that, and they have that talk about it in the end of MGSV so ANYWAY. That is a bit of a ramble.
Shadow Moses Incident 2005
The elimination of the New Foxhound. All but Ocelot are killed via the Foxdie virus that is implanted in Solid Snake by Dr. Hunter. This also ends up killing Liquid Snake. Ocelot reveals (to the audience) in the ending, to have been working behind the scenes the entire time as well with the then-President George Sears. Solidus Snake.
The Arm, 2005
So. Bare with me. The Cyborg Ninja (Gray Fox) takes off Ocelot’s right arm with his sword during their fight. Sometime after the Shadow Moses incident, Ocelot has the right arm of the then-deceased Liquid Snake surgically grafted onto himself. This arm, ahem. Takes on the soul or spirit of Liquid Snake, and it can possess Ocelot periodically. Creating the character of Liquid Ocelot that is first seen in 2007. Two years later. When Ocelot is working with the Gurkulovich Mercenaries to steal Metal Gear RAY, before Ocelot betrays them. The “Liquid Ocelot” persona is up for debate.
Mentioned quickly up above, Ocelot steals Metal Gear RAY and the Tanker Incident.
“Sergei was my best friend!” Ocelot to Olga during Big Shell in 2009, when she accuses him of betraying her father and killing him (which he did). Loyalty to no-one is important. Unless it’s Big Boss.
Big Shell and the Solid Snake Simulation. Ocelot believes that the Big Shell is an experiment by the Patriots to establish any old person as Solid Snake. In this case, the unwitting patsy being Raiden. Dead Cell being a replacement for Foxhound. However, the Patriots are now completely an AI and they claim that they mislead Ocelot, and that their real goal was something else entirely. A system to control all people in the world. It is also revealed during the events of Big Shell that the Patriots are in control of every single aspect of society. And that the presidents are little more than Patriot selected plants, that are meant to exert their will unto society. Solidus Snake is killed by Raiden. Post Big Shell: The Creation of Liquid Ocelot.
Following the events of the Big Shell, Ocelot and EVA (now operating under the alias of Big Mama) are covertly working to dismantle the Patriots. By this point, the Patriot’s are in full control of society. The control PMC’s and other militaries with nanomachines that are a step up from the Genome Soldiers, and are an even more ‘perfect’ establishment of the Perfect Soldier Project. This is a project that used DNA from Big Boss to create the best soldiers. As said before, the Patriot’s are also a fully AI system. It is assumed that around this time, Revolver Ocelot is ‘possessed’ completely by the spirit of Liquid Snake (via the arm). And that Ocelot as he was known up until that point no longer exists. (While I’ve also found it kind of fun to toy with this theory, especially because the Sorrow was a medium and I really like the idea of Ocelot being supernaturally inclined) for the sake of this, I need to go with the way Ocelot himself ends up describing what happened. Ocelot is an extremely skilled hypnotist. (At least in Metal Gear’s lore sense of hypnotism). We already know that he hypnotized himself back in the 80’s, and it was using a more advanced version of this technique that he put himself ‘away’ and took on the persona of Liquid Snake. Said persona included the creation of more PMC’s, to help fight in a society of near total war. By 2014, an aged Solid Snake and Otacon are working to bring down the Patriot’s as well, but they have different motives. Ocelot wants to recreate Outer Heaven (in a sense) for Big Boss and the world he would’ve wanted. Philanthropy is for the salvation of the world and society. While I do still believe that Ocelot had a personal beef with the original Patriot’s for betraying Big Boss, I imagine that both things can be true. Ocelot knows the Patriot’s AI has infected everything in their society. Liquid Ocelot is created as a way to fool and interrupt the system. By working within the system itself, Ocelot takes it down from the inside, deliberately going against the AI’s predictions and algorithm to annihilate it. Solid Snake and the new Foxdie killing him, helps to bring about that goal. In the process, EVA is killed by the New Foxdie. Liquid Ocelot and Solid Snake fight, culminating in the death of Liquid Ocelot (and Ocelot entirely) via the new Foxdie. Outer Heaven 2.0 does not come to pass, but the Patriots are destroyed thanks to Philanthrophy’s efforts (and a worm created by Sunny Emmerich, the adopted daughter of Otacon and Solid Snake). Around this time as well, Big Boss briefly comes back to life (using body parts from the deceased Solidus Snake, I think Eva and Ocelot helped with that one but don’t quote me) and kills Major Zero (who is barely alive and only functions with life support) and dies of the new Foxdie virus. Thus a lifetime of betrayal and deceit, or torture and more alliances than one can shake a stick at, comes to a close.
"She's in love with the legend." "What makes you so sure?" "I was the same way, once."- Ocelot and Kaz arguing during Quiet's interrogation. Only for all the lies Ocelot tels, he was never lying about that. Except he loved the man, not just the legend.
So, at the end of the day, if one looks to the question ‘what was Ocelot’s motivation’? The answer is simply “for Big Boss” the motivation is sometimes debated, thrown around, tossed up, etc. So, for the sake of my own personal argument I say it’s because he loved him.
Not the purest kind of love no. We’re talking the devotional (one could even argue obsessive) intense kind of love that has a lot of toxic or ‘dark’ to be blasé about it kind of love. The kind of love that drives a person to do countless immoral, sometimes world-ending things in the face of it. From the time Ocelot met Big Boss to the time he died, nearly everything was in service of him. It did not matter to Ocelot how long that took, or how much ended up destroyed because of it.
It did not matter that it had a body count in the thousands. It did not matter who became necessary collateral along the way. Or whether Big Boss could ever even appropriately acknowledge or reciprocate it. At the end of the day, at the end of it all. For Ocelot it was all for him.
I probably didn't need this entire post to explain it but I am who I am and here we are.
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theajaheira · 6 months
back to btvs blogging to fix my brain a little i wanna talk about why jenny/ethan would function like calendiles except more insane and probably worse.
first off -- @ethanrayne was the one who fully converted me to how excellent the notion of bisexual ethan is, simply because ethan sharing the same desires and inclinations as giles and pivoting to the exact opposite end of the spectrum creates this excellently absurd warped mirror where they're both somehow overcompensating. trying to distance themselves from something and furious at this person who is able to inhabit this aspect of themselves that they themselves find abhorrent. giles could date men but he doesn't and won't because it's wrong so OBVIOUSLY he is going to live in a constant state of rigorous self-flagellation and boxed-in misery. ethan could date women but he doesn't and won't because then he's living within the confines of the system so CLEARLY the only path forward is to embrace selfish reckless hedonism. see what i'm saying here???
moving towards jenny/ethan with that in mind: i think ethan overlaps in key ways with both jenny and giles enough that he and jenny would get along OUTRAGEOUSLY well under particularly specific sets of circumstances. jenny and ethan both have a thirst for adventure (it's why giles likes them!) which means that they would both very likely have a hell of a lot of fun doing all the crazy party things that giles inevitably draws the line at. (the man does have limits.) they're both playful, flirtatious, sarcastic, and absolute unmitigated disasters who think they're cooler and more capable than they actually are. on that level alone they would get along really well.
BUT ALSO: ethan and giles are super similar in that they are so so mired in a decision they made in their early twenties and so resistant to change! despite ethan talking all the big talk about being freer than giles and more honest than giles, he is playing a very specific role just the same as giles is. he refuses to ever be there or be real. he would, i think, so easily see jenny as ripper's tiresome attempt at heterosexuality, as that's what fits most easily into his extremely limited concept of who giles is, and then actually meeting her and seeing her with giles and realizing that this is someone gorgeous, smart, funny, & completely in the loop re: giles's sordid history -- choosing to be with him not Because Of ripper or In Spite Of ripper but because she loves the whole complete man -- ethan would try and play mind games with jenny and she'd decimate him with her pinky finger and he would have that same moment as giles where it's like. i underestimated you SO thoroughly. i am at your mercy.
& ethan and giles are ALSO super similar in that we see them both in a romantic connection (giles with jenny, ethan with giles) where they are basically begging to be kicked around. jenny likes kicking people around. there is a very clear thing that could happen here.
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pumpkinfreak · 8 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2E7-E8
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Episode 7
Will is free everybody, but given his mental state, maybe he should stay in prison. The boy is unwell, justifiably so. Miriam Lass, now equipped with a cool robot arm, also not doing well. However is still training with the FBI, after two years of psychological torment from Hannibal. We love a motivated queen.
Jack really shows up in this episode, before Will even leaves the asylum property. and is all like, "We're still friends right... Pookie bear come home the kids miss you." and Will still goes to the cabin where they found Miriam. Granted it is not for Jack, it's so he can catch Hannibal, and after sniffing around the Love Shack, Will diagnoses Hannibal as just being a whimsical little guy. He's just a theatrical little scamp. Where you see a living person Hannibal sees an art exhibit.
(Headcanon: Hannibal is a fan of Marina Abramovic.)
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Anyway, Jack is now leaning toward Hannibal, maybe being the Ripper, especially after talking with Will. The Sassy Science boys even find a fingerprint that matches Hannibal's on a flower petal. Hey, you know who else fits the profile of the Ripper.
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Now, they are correct, that being said. You find a fingerprint of the man, YOUR BEST GUY, has been pointing to for weeks, and just go "Know what? This other guy is also pretty whimsical." I won't completely fault them for this because Chiton on paper looks suspicious, especially considering his own unethical practice of implanting memories in people. Ignoring that...Chilton goes home and finds Gideon's body in his guest room.
Hannibal was clearly keeping Gideon alive, and sclicing pieces of him off like a leftover Christmas ham. I just feel the need to clarify that.
Chilton books it, but, Hannibal is already in the house. In his plastic murder suit. On top of this, there are two FBI agents outside, waiting for Chilton. Hannibal proceeds to knock out Chilton and super-murder the two agents. He then dips, leaving Chilton to hang with three dead bodies. Just like a goofy whimsical guy would.
Chilton is taken in for questioning, and Miriam freaks out, Is convinced this is the Ripper right in front of her and shoots him in the face.
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...Oh also, Will tries to kill Hannibal, decides not to do that, but does want to continue seeing Hannibal for his therapy.
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Because these two girls like to play 4D chess. Personally, I started eating the game pieces long ago and probably would have shot the bastard. But who am I to question art.
Side note. There's a moment between Alana and Will, and she's all mad that he tried to murder Hannibal from prison. Will's response is "Girl... ya boyfriend Eats people...please do not talk to me or my dogs ever again." He didn't say it out loud but I saw it in his eyes.
Ep 8
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The fact that this GIF is not edited...and this was a real line from the show.
Now, I'm not a doctor or a veterinarian, but I don't think people go in horses. I am also fairly certain, that to put a person inside a horse would require breaking some bones. Then again, I eat chess pieces, so what do I know. We're gonna circle back to the horse incident first let's talk about Jack and Will
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The episode opens with Jack and Will Ice fishing. Clearly, these too are talking about catching Hannibal. When I'm not busy shoving game pieces down my throat, I can catch on to obvious fishing metaphors. Isn't Jack's wife dying of cancer...could this conversation not happen over a phone call. Priorities Jack. Anyway, they take the fish to Hannibal, and he cooks them dinner. The way this man plates these fish is appalling an octopus is involved. Octopus and trout, how did it take these people so long to realize he's a lunatic.
They sit down to that horror show and have a little chit-chat about how their all friends, and Hannibal and Will are going to put the whole attempted murder behind them.
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We also meet Margot Verger, of the Verger slaughterhouse, which is worth millions. She is justifiably traumatized because her brother Mason has been abusing her their whole lives. Abusing her in ways I won't describe here, but I trust you understand. Also, she is gay, and a woman, So her stupid dead sexist bigot father left everything to her brother because only straight people with penises can slaughter hogs.
Hannibal is her therapist, and she wants to murder her brother. Hannibal is very enthusiastic about that idea.
Also, her brother Mason, steals people's tears? and stirs them into his martinies? It is very silly and was certainly a choice the showrunners made.
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Circling back to the horse thing. We meet Peter. A victim of a traumatic brain injury, who loves animals. Even though getting kicked by a horse was the reason for his injury. If anything bad happens to Peter I will rip this website asunder. DO NOT TOUCH HIM. So he did put a dead woman in a horse, to try and revive her. That is true. His social worker was murdering women and trying to blame Peter for it, but after Peter tells the police this. The social worker kills the horse that hurt Peter, just to be vindictive, before trying to murder Peter.
Anyway, Will and Hannibal show up, and as mentioned before, Peter has put his social worker in the horse. Will takes him aside to console him, and Peter confesses. He did not kill the guy before putting him in the horse...
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This man... put another man. A LIVING GROWN ADULT MAN. Inside a horse. sewing him up inside. That man then bursts out of the horse, still alive, and where was Hannibal when all of this was happening.
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Petting a sheep. In the barn. Just watching this man re-enact Alien. Even Hannibal seems to have a second of "Wow, this is happening" before telling the guy he would be better off in the horse. Will then storms back in and tries to kill the social worker but Hannibal stops him at the last second. Clearly impressed by Will's eagerness to kill.
...Seriously how big is a horse's womb...
On to the next episode
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Ok I defo remember that Wu Zetian x Qin Shi Huang meet up you did... Now I want to see how the others would react on meeting their counterparts? Its your choice on who will react to each other😭😭😭
Hello my darling one! For this request I will only use the characters from Majo Taisen that I know of at the moment and which RoR characters they would have an interesting interaction with. I hope you enjoy!
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-Gozen Tomoe (Heian Period) and Sasaki Kojiro (Azuchi-Momoyama to early Edo Period)
-Both of these warriors hail from the same land of Japan, albeit several hundred years apart and are both extremely hard working and powerful individuals.
-Tomoe is a leader and has a strong sense of justice, fighting for what she sees as right, while Kojiro is history’s ultimate loser, but he never gave up and always kept training.
-I can see these two getting along quite well, drinking and eating while just laughing and having fun. I see Kojiro being a harmless flirt, complimenting Tomoe who knows he’s flirting but doesn’t mind, as she knows he is respectful of her.
-Their first meeting I can see Kojiro’s face lighting up and immediately asking her for a fight, which does throw her off at first but agrees and she easily beats him, but he just laughs it off and asks if she wants to get something to eat.
-I see these two getting along well as friends and would have each other’s backs in a fight.
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-Aphrodite and Cleopatra (biased personal opinion- Cleopatra is way prettier!!! My queen!!!)
-The most beautiful goddess and the most beautiful human in history in one room together- what could go wrong?
-Everything- that’s what!! I think Aphrodite would start the fight, picking at ‘flaws’ she sees on Cleopatra, and the queen won’t stand for the disrespect and would clap back with her own jabs.
-Anyone in their right mind would not get between these two if they didn’t want to get torn to shreds themselves, however, many want to keep them apart to keep them from fighting.
-Savage and competitive with each other, seeing how many men they could seduce in a certain time frame while still sending insults at each other.
-If they were in the same room together, anyone else would be blinded by the radiant beauty before them, which would last for a moment before fireworks would start between the two beautiful women.
-Bitter rivals for life!!
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-Jack the Ripper and Elizabeth Bathory
-Now, there is no way that Jack would fight her, he is a gentleman! However, if she attacked him first, then he would defend himself and show no mercy, especially after seeing how truly wicked Elizabeth is.
-Based off the spin-off series, Jack is more of a vigilante, taking up the mantle of Jack the Ripper after killing the real one, so he never killed those prostitutes, and instead goes after other villains with the hopes of seeing others who might have beautiful colors up on their deaths, usually going after those who are evil.
-These two are both weapon experts, both using a wide array of weapons and having extensive knowledge on how to use said weapons.
-The difference is however, Elizabeth would enjoy drawing deaths out, torturing them, as she enjoys seeing others suffer, while Jack fights to inflict fear and as soon as he gets what he wants, he will end things.
-I can see Jack being respectful of her, because she’s a lady, but once she shows her true colors, he can’t help but fantasizing about what colors she would show upon her death, while Elizabeth would only see him as someone to play with, to string him along with her beauty then torture and kill him.
-Not a good combination and would probably end violently.
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therealvinelle · 1 year
i've seen you answer a few questions about tvd so i thought i might ask, what are your thoughts on the main love triangle? and klaus/stefan?
As a caveat: I did not watch much further than the first few episodes of season 4, in fact I ragequit when one of the writers revealed we wouldn't be seeing Elijah on screen again until 4x20 at which point I thought, "Well I simply won't watch until 4x20 then".
And then 4x20 was a backdoor pilot to the spinoff The Originals and I simply watched that show instead.
All this to say, I was 100% a gung ho Vampire Diaries fan and you can tell by how closely I was following it, sadly the only TVD I know of would be the first three seasons. Same actually goes for The Originals, as I for reasons I don't remember wasn't able to access episodes post-season 3 so I wound up not knowing what happens after Hayley drives off with the entire family hibernating in her truck either.
Another disclaimer: it's been more than ten years since I watched this show and my memory may fail me at times.
With that:
The main love triangle
Having only seen the first three seasons, I think that Damon wishes quite badly he was a different man, and he is unable to take responsibility for his life and relationships being what they are. He would rather blame his failings on Stefan, and, whenever Stefan fails or falls short in some ways, it's immensely validating to Damon because who's the bad brother now?
His love for Katherine is not only about Katherine, but about being chosen by someone over Stefan. Because, as Damon will try to tell himself, just because she was sleeping with both of them and decided to turn them both, doesn't mean she didn't prefer Damon (after all, she had to compell Stefan, while Damon slept with her willingly. Victory for Damon!), and also- look, don't question Damon on this. It's fine and he's a well adjusted man, and once he has rescued his lady love from her tomb she'll tell him how much better he is than Stefan.
Enter Elena, who looks exactly like Katherine, is living in Mystic Falls just the same as Katherine, and who has drawn Stefan's interest.
Damon, eternally pulling Stefan's pigtails and being a goddamn creep, starts creeping on Elena, this does not work. Instead, however, he learns that Katherine faked her entombment, and has in fact been living her best life for the past 150 years. Worse, Damon and Stefan were never more than boytoys to her.
Cut to Elena, who is just as beautiful (in a very literal sense of the term), only she is kind, genuinely loves Stefan, the polar opposite of Katherine in every way.
Damon transfers his emotions from Doppelganger B to Doppelganger C.
Stefan, meanwhile, seems to... fall in with Elena, for lack of a better way to put it. They meet, he is confused about the resemblance to Katherine for long enough to get to know her, by which time he's into it, and Elena sees a very handsome and pleasant man who is easy to fall for.
The trouble with Stefan is I don't really have a grip on his character, he is... there, for three seasons, and he has his character moments and his speeches, I can tell you things about his personality except I can't.
He is one of those people you can know for years but never actually know who, having killed his father and become the Ripper for so many years, seems to be that he is running away from himself. That is the only way I can interpret his strange nothingness, as well as bizarre decisions like coming to live with his nephew Zach and attend high school.
I think Stefan wants to surround himself with people, form relationships with them, and through that find a sense of identity that he can enjoy. Which is where loving Elena comes in, as she is kind, generous, mature, vulnerable, and fun- the type of person you can lose yourself in, and have those simple moments of happiness Florence Welch sings about.
In other words, while my real ship here is Elejah, Stelena trumps Delena any day.
Klaus and Stefan
Klaus is a deeply sad person who is only interested in dating two people, and they are his sister Rebekah and his brother Elijah. At the time he met Stefan Elijah wasn't around, so Stefan became replacement Elijah.
(The proof of the Elijah projection lies in the fact that Klaus was fine with Stefan sleeping with Rebekah. He is historically not fine with outsiders doing this, you have to be family for Klaus to accept these things.)
"Look, Elijah," Klaus would imagine himself saying to Elijah, "I have a new brother now and he is hotter, cooler, and not a total bore like you! Stefan loves me more anyway," and then Elijah would sit and cry and give Klaus so much attention and it would be great.
As for Stefan, I think he just liked partying.
They probably did fuck, but Klaus is too embarrassing for Stefan to ever admit as much.
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Last Time On Total Drama Cruise Control: SURF N' SHART!
CHALLENGE 7: - CABO SAN LUCAS “Welcome to Cabo San Lucas! Oh, I can taste those margaritas…. Anyways, today's challenge is going to be a surfing race! One person from each team will be on the board, and the rest of you will have to follow them on these state-of-the-art Chris McLean Jet Skis! Use the wake your skis make to keep your surfers going. And whoever makes it to shore first wins! I don't feel like listening to you all fight over the board, so I'm picking! Harold, Lightning- you're up!"
LIGHTNING AND HAROLD SET OFF, CATCHING A LARGE WAVE. TEAMS, FOLLOW THEM! > The waves are roaring! The wakes of the jetski feeding it, it goes higher and higher as Lightning and Harold hang on! It looks like both of them are evenly matched! >Um.....Scott.....is that.....a dark shadow following you?.... > Suddenly, Fang leaps out of the water! With a mighty roar he clamps down on Scott's jetski! > Fang thrashed violently around, snapping and tearing about! > With the Tapirs distracted with Fang....Lightning's wave dies down and Harold takes the lead! > Both Courtney and Jo begin attacking Fang! > Brick pulls Scott onto his jet ski! The love square truly looks out for each other. > The Tapirs try to catch up, but it's not enough! Harold is way too far ahead! > Fang leaps up, this time landing on the back of Jo's jetski. The sudden weight change makes it rear up! > In the chaos, Harold loses it- giving Lightning enough time to catch up! It looks like it's a slight Tapir lead! (Harold is mostly burning to death. Because he's a vampire.) > The love square battles with Fang! > HAROLD BARELY NABS THE LEAD! THIS IS A CLOSE CALL! > It's looking like the Tapirs are getting back! Lightning takes the lead! But something lurks behind him... > WITH 204 POINTS FOR THE TAPIRS, AND 228 POINTS FOR THE BEAVERS, FANG CLAMPS DOWN ON LIGHTNING'S SURFBOARD, KNOCKING HIM OFF! HAROLD SAFELY MAKES IT TO SHORE! The Bawling Beavers take the win! > Alejandro, Amy, and Ripper immediately begin kicking sand at Harold the moment they reach shore in celebration! Awesome! > A few of the Tapirs are left with injuries! Ouch! Thank you, Fang!
ELIMINATION: It was Topher who was served the Mocktail of Misery and walked the Plank of Shame. ______________________________________________
A Masquerade in Cabo San Lucas! No one recognizes each other! How fun!
> Brick dances with Alejandro, and they don't recognize each other...at first. Alejandro realizes it's Brick after he's called "sir." The next time they meet in the club, Alejandro takes off his mask and...Brick gets violently ill. All over him. > Trent's sudden friendship with Amy turns into an attachment. Amy later has to break the news to him, that her persona wasn't real. She does this by calling him the fake name he gave her, Jeremy. > Ripper spills feelings to who he thinks is a total stranger. It's Lightning, actually. The same guy he was teasing just a few days before. They no longer appear to dislike each other. > During the party, Raj recognizes Wayne, but Wayne doesn't recognize Raj. Wayne starts talking about his best friend, and Raj thinks he's talking about someone else, and not him. He runs out and panics on the beach, but Wayne is able to locate and comfort him. Raj tells him that someone on the ship (Alejandro) said that his best friend would hurt him on purpose someday. ______________________________________________ > Wayne, Raj and Ripper have a hot tub moment together. Ripper gifts Wayne a bandana that he'd stolen from Harold. Neither of them know it was stolen. Raj scolds Ripper for kicking sand at Harold. The hockey bros make Ripper apologize. > Ripper does not want to apologize to Harold, but he does so anyways. They form an alliance. >Alejandro and Amy promise to share with each other who they spent the night with. Amy reveals it was Trent, and Alejandro doesn't share. He laughs at her. He later reveals it was Brick and he also gets laughed at. > Amy acts as a wingman for Trent and scores him a date at an arcade with Alejandro. Amy and Alejandro spend Trent's money and ignore him the entire time. He leaves and they don't even notice. > Jo and Brick kiss. Win! > Alejandro asks Lightning about his scars. Lightning refuses to answer what caused them and gets huffy, leaving his crush behind, who frankly does not care. > Ripper finally accepts that he has a crush on Wayne. He comes out to Raj first but doesn't tell him it's Wayne.
> Alejandro apologizes for kicking sand at Harold. He offers to do something for Harold. Reluctantly, he accepts, and gets Alejandro to buy him a nurse costume. He planned to wear it when taking blood from people so that he doesn't feel as weird about it. (I have to remind everyone that yes, Harold is a vampire.) Alejandro buys a doctor costume for himself and they both plan on stealing blood from a blood bank together. > Ripper finally breaks and admits to several lies he's told to Raj. Raj, in return, tells him about his fear of birds. He hadn't opened up to anyone about that yet. > Courtney and Jo finally confront Ripper about the miscommunication he had with Brick. Instead of talking it out first, Courtney starts wailing on him. She only stops when she accidentally calls him Duncan. He is left with injuries. ______________________________________________
The Alejandro Bartending Experience!
While Ripper usually ends up doing bar duty as punishment, Alejandro decides to volunteer and receives a matching uniform. > Scott discussed his sexuality. > Wayne discusses what Alejandro told Raj at the beginning, that Wayne would hurt Raj on purpose and that he should step away. Alejandro NEEDS Wayne gone. > Amy talked about a fight she had with Trent in the gift shop regarding the date. She was shoved. They totally hate each other now. And Trent called her "Duncan," just like Courtney did to Ripper. > Jo provides her side of the Ripper beat down. > Raj and Ripper talked about Ripper's crush. They don't say who. > Ripper, Harold, and Alejandro join their alliances together. > Alejandro brings his alliance with Amy and Ripper together. Amy and Alejandro promise to disappear together.
The teams are getting slimmer, and things are heating up! Romance, manipulation, and straight up cruelty. OUCH! Will Harold be able to snatch the blood he needs? Will Trent and Amy resolve their conflict? Will Wayne and Raj survive while Alejandro still peruses the ship? Find out next time on TOTAL! DRAMA! CRUUUIISE CONTROL!
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atomic-insomnia · 2 months
For the potential AU question, how about a Victorian AU, you know with balls, fancy big outfits and all, an 80s AU aaand a post apocalyptic AU. I gave you 3 so that you can choose :3.
i will probably come back for the 80's and post-apocalyptic au's, but i actually drew a victorian au a long time ago but never uploaded it! it was inspired by the sort of dark/gothic/melodrama victoriana like sweeney todd, crimson peak, penny dreadful etc
-this takes place vaguely in "london," not the real place but the grimy, perpetually overcast, singing and dancing jack-the-ripper style place of sweeney todd & the like. everyone has magic powers, often of the sort that has terrible cost to their own health & sanity the more they use it
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like these , with nothing "normal" in between
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Amelia contacts real ghosts through her crystal ball (containing the skull of a mysterious someone...) which act according to her orders, so that it looks to anyone else like she's moving things through telekinesis or learning things about other people's activities through extra-sensory perception; she's started hearing the ghosts all the time even when she's not intentionally calling them up.
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makoto paints pictures which affect the real world, either predicting future events or being able to paint an object and then just reach into the picture and take it out as a real object; she's working on painting life-like animals and people and trying to turn them into real living creatures which is slowly turning her into a sort of doctor frankenstein mad scientist (except, an artist instead of a scientist).
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rolls royceton acts like a rich swell but can transform into a huge monstrous creature like the hulk/jekyll and hyde; he intentionally does it to fight/threaten people so as to build territory for his gang but it's started happening out of his control.
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vinny was supposed to be executed for theft...and it didn't work; he's essentially a zombie that is still thinking and feeling and doesn't understand it at all but is too scared of dying for real to try to "fix" it.
-various murder mysteries happen through magic or strange dramatic circumstances (no one gets shot with a regular gun for normal murder reasons; it's always some rare poisoned dagger or bizarre curse or something), which amelia & co solve (or technically solve, by getting someone to reveal what's happening)
-a lot of the world revolves around the powers people have & what that means for people of different social classes or genders or ethnicities--a wealthy girl who can blow people up with her mind wouldn't do such a rude thing in society, it's unladylike! a street urchin who can heal people with their hands is probably just using that as an excuse to pick pockets, you know how those people are... as a result, a lot of those murder mysteries are something ironic, like a kindly old grandma whose cookies force people to mind their manners or else be poisoned because manners matter more to her than murder. it's the sort of place where if someone jumped off a bridge, everyone else would judge them like an olympic diving competition
-the characters first meet at a masquerade ball all wearing masks and different clothes, where a murderer is hiding by changing costumes. there should be an exploration through the crypts of an ancient cursed church, a mysterious carnival full of actual magic and deadly games, a theater with a ghost directing (and possessing) the living actors to have the Perfect Performance(TM), twisting back alleys where you could find anything (literally anything) for sale or might get murdered or simply disappear; gothic-steampunk-esque vibes...
-this has gotten more grim than the request implied haha, but i think there's an element of a group of selfish, sometimes callous people coming together in a found-family way and realizing that they want to be better than that and eventually either working to be better people or tragically failing because the terrible things they've done in the past have come back to haunt them. like most of the story would be somewhere between horror and dark comedy, but the final act would actually be life or death for the main characters
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Katherine's traveler arc is written opposite the sire bond. And if you pay mind to the way I word this, you'll understand all of it. With the sire bond, Elena's emotions are real but her actions aren't. With the traveler arc, Elena's actions are real but her emotions aren't.
It takes longer for them to figure out Katherine is in Elena's body because her actions are real, Elena would save Jeremy. While her emotions aren't real, Stefan and Caroline believe Elena would treat Damon like crap because they never undertood their relationship in the first place. Yes, the two people who believed Elena was sired to love Damon would believe that Elena would treat Damon like crap.
It's that simple.
The sire bond is written complete opposite. Elena has to fake her emotions the way Katherine has to fake her actions, and Elena simply got tired of faking it. That's why it doesn't take long for Elena to admit her feelings for Damon. That poor girl already spent a full season lying, hiding, and denying her feelings. In season 4, she's struggling with a dual issue. Her vampirism magnified her emotions, and the sire bond falsified her actions. So not only was it harder for Elena to fake it with Stefan while her emotions for Damon were magnified, her sired actions made her feelings for Damon more obvious. This dual struggle made denying her feelings altogether pointless.
It's that simple.
The moment Damon told Stefan about Elena kicking him the stake, it was over for Katherine. Because even though Damon has no idea "when" Elena decided he was worth saving, Stefan does. That would be 1x8. Yes, Lexi is deeply embedded in season 5. Katherine abused Elena's Lexi-power over Damon as the voice of his humanity. To understand how Stefan sees this, you have to understand why Damon ended up a ripper. Lexi was the one that changed Ripper Stefan... "There are good parts of being a vampire and there are bad parts. You're the bad parts. Well... we're going to have to change that."
Katherine urged Stefan to kill Ripper Damon. His own brother. Put yourself back in 1x8 and you see what Stefan sees... "I'm not trying to save him, I'm trying to save you! You have no idea what this will do to you, please, Stefan." That's why Stefan is the one that kills Katherine. He knows what Elena is for Damon... "There are good parts of being a vampire and there are bad parts. You're the bad parts. Well... we're going to have to change that."
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The traveler arc and the sire bond arc have more parallels. Like Damon's intent with Elena in 3x2. He's trying to get her to admit her feelings for him. "Yeah, but that didn't happen because Katherine had a change of heart." For the same reason Elena has a change of heart on Katherine's deathbed, Elena has a change of heart on her birthday. That's why Elena dies in 3x22. Trust me, it's of no coincidence that on Katherine's deathbed, Steferine meeting first. And on Elena's deathbed, Delena meeting first. Everything is fluid. They kept Delena fluid, even through season 6. Absolutely nothing in the show negates what I'm saying. "Matt's taking me home." When you see it, you see it... the single reason Elena doesn't make it back home...
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Damon is her home, and he's not there. He's 100 miles out of town. If Elena wanted Matt to take her home, then he should've kept driving her to Damon, period. Why? Because homes are for the living, and the first rule of truly living... is to do the thing you're most afraid of. Admit that Damon is your home, Elena.
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misschanadlerbong · 2 years
Hi so I was wondering if I could request a stelena one shot where no humanity/ripper Stefan x Elena? Perhaps Stefan being protective towards Elena or something like that? Please and Thank You!
Always and Forever
A/N: This is upon the request of a very special friend who has an undying love for Stelena. Thank you so much for requesting this, I have never written a character x character fiction before and this was so exciting. Hope you like it <3 p.s. sorry for the delay!
Summary: So this fiction is based on the timeline of when the travelers did their spell and made Mystic Falls vampire free and Bonnie and Damon were stuck on the other side. Elena is still a human in this one because it's AU and she was together with Stefan until he turned his humanity off because he could not handle the pain. He leaves Elena which makes the situation worse. One night, Elena is attacked by a newbie vampire, would Stefan be there to save her or would he lose control?
Word Count: 2k
Genre: Elena x Stefan, ripper!stefan, nh!stefan, TVD!AU, angst and ending with fluff.
Warnings: Mentions of blood.
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“Elena? …. Elena?” called out Caroline.
Elena soon zoned in, “Yeah, Caroline I was just thinking about…”
“Stefan?” said Caroline raising an eyebrow at her.
“No, actually I was thinking about what to gift you for your birthday.”
It has been nearly a month since the travelers sacrificed themselves and made mystic falls vampire-free. It was not easy for anyone. Bonnie and Damon could not make it through the other side. Elena and Caroline were missing their best friend and Stefan was missing the only family he had his brother Damon.
Caroline could not spend time with her mother. As Caroline couldn’t cross the Mystic Falls border, they had to meet just outside of Mystic Falls. Elena had it worse of all. She lost her best friend and her boyfriend Stefan. Stefan finally had the hope to get his best friend Lexi back but unfortunately Luke abruptly stopped Liv from doing the spell leaving Bonnie, Damon, and Lexi on the other side.
When Stefan got the news that Lexi and Damon are not coming back, he was devastated. He could not handle that pain and in turn, he flipped his humanity switch. No one could get him to turn his humanity back on. That was the thing with Stefan, he was an escapist he wanted to escape from all the overwhelming emotions and the thought of never seeing his brother ever again. He knew the consequences of turning into a ripper, but the pain of losing his brother overcame the love he had for his girl. He could not bear the loss and somehow felt that it was all his fault.
His ripper side worried everyone. He got admission into Whitmore college and started recklessly feeding off the students with no remorse.
Elena with help of her friends tried it all, the sweet talk of love, trying to show him hope, trying to tell him that their love is worth holding on to. When the talks failed, they adopted ‘The Lexi Method’. In some way, Enzo deceived Stefan and injected him with vervain. They locked him up, tortured him, and starved him. Nothing seemed to work, he was acting extremely stubborn this time. One day when Enzo went in to check on Stefan, he was surprised to see him gone. He had escaped and was nowhere to be found.
Elena lost all hope to get the love of her life back. She was not a vampire who could just turn her emotions off, she was a human and had no way to escape the feelings. She felt hollow and did want to have that spark of hope anymore. She soon realized that she had to keep herself together, she had to go through her life, and she had to keep moving. Maybe the love she was holding onto was not worth it and if their love was real Stefan would find a way back to her.
To distract herself she decided to throw Caroline a birthday party. To Elena it does not matter if her world was falling apart, she always wanted the best for her friends and she wanted everyone to make a fresh start, therefore she planned a surprise party for Caroline at the McKinley diner near their college since they could not go to the Grill. Back to the present, there she was sitting lifeless at the table “pretending” to enjoy the party.
“Oh, come on Elena, snap out of!” said Caroline as she knew Elena was lying to her about forgetting about Stefan. She knew her best friend more than anyone in the world.
“You need to get over that selfish man who could not even hold onto the love you had for him. Look around so many cute and hot guys are here at the party, and Liam hasn’t taken his eyes off of you the whole night, you should go talk to him aren’t you guys in the same class?”
“Yes, Caroline we are. But I am not in the mood for talking to guys and stuff,” said Elena.
Caroline pouted at the response “No I am not listening to you, it’s my birthday and you have to do as the birthday girl says,” she demanded.
Caroline was not wrong. Elena was a beautiful girl, and she wore a black laced V-neck dress exposing her cleavage but in a cute way. Elena could date any guy she wanted to, but she still missed Stefan, he was her soulmate after all.
But as Caroline insisted further, she walked up to Liam and talked to him. He was sweet, respectful, and hot. For a while Elena felt good, she had a smile on her face that was missing for the past month, and after a long time, she was happy.
She decided to leave for the dormitory early as she wanted to spend some time alone with herself and reflect on her thoughts.
“Hey, could I walk you to your room?” asked Liam politely.
“Um, thank you so much for asking Liam, but you should enjoy the party, it's still early. I'll be fine.”
“Yeah, yeah sure! So, see you in class?”
“Yeah, see you!” Elena smiled and proceeded towards the college.
The night was cold as it was October. Elena forgot to bring her coat and wanted to reach her room as fast as possible. Elena looked up and the sight of the night sky was alluring. The stars were shining brightly, and the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw. She sighed and grinned at the sight in front of her eyes.
As she was walking towards the college, Stefan appeared in front of her out of nowhere and started walking with her. But she did not care, she was hurt enough and did not want to let her guard down again. She ignored him and started walking on her path.
“So, you are ignoring me now?” asked Stefan.
“What do you want Stefan?”
“Nothing, I just thought you could use some company as you are alone. Is it safe for you to be all alone at this hour of the night?” questioned Stefan.
“Why do you even care? Huh? You left me remember?”
“Oh no, I do not care at all. I don’t care if you are bitten by a vampire or get attacked by some drunk asshole. I just wanted to have some company because I was getting bored and look you are in a need of company too.”
Elena scoffed, “Well the vampire who was rashly feeding ran away so I guess I am safe," said Elena savagely.
Before Stefan could say anything, Elena continued, “you don’t get to do this Stefan. There was a man who loved me, who would do anything to protect me, but he left me and with him, all my feelings for him left too. He could not care less about the connection we had, about the memories we had. He left me. You don’t get to show up anytime you want to and pretend like you did not do anything like you didn’t hurt anyone. Just leave me alone, okay? I do not want you here no one does.”
Elena was on the verge of crying, but she did not want to show Stefan that she cared. She was strong enough to tell him that he made a mistake. Stefan stood there speechless as Elena walked away from him. Doesn't matter how hard she tried, the memories flooded back to her, she started thinking about the time when they were together and how he would do anything to save her. But unfortunately, that Stefan was far gone, and this thought made her sob and tears started streaming down her face as she continued walking.
She stopped abruptly as she saw a tall man standing in front of her, she was terrified and for a moment lost all her senses. Her heart was racing inside her chest as the man started walking closer to her, she reached for the pepper spray in her bag and sprayed it all over his face. This gave her a little head start and she ran as fast as she could, but that man was faster and as she turned she saw him standing right in front of her with the speed of light. She realized that he was a vampire. She gasped and decided to run again but before she could take any action, the vampire sunk his fangs into Elena’s neck.
Elena drowned in a terrifying blankness, the pain was hot and sharp. She could not scream, and tears started flowing down her eyes as she started losing consciousness. Before the vampire could suck more blood, he was thrown away from her and Elena fell to the ground. She was not strong enough to stand but she could see everything that was happening. Stefan came to her rescue. Stefan was infuriated by the incident and had no control over his anger, he walked up to the vampire in rage and ripped his heart out.
Stefan soon realized that Elena was hurt and needed help. He saw Elena and froze at the sight. Elena’s blood was rushing out of her body frantically and Stefan started losing control. He could smell her blood, he could hear the veins pumping inside her body, his face turned blue-black and his eyes red. He felt helpless and uneasy.
“Stefan, please don’t,” Elena whined. “Stefan, please don’t hurt me. You can control it, Stefan, just breathe.”
Stefan shut his eyes and took a deep breath. The veins started disappearing from his face and his eyes came back to normal. He rushed towards Elena and knelt on her body. He took her into his arms and bit one of his wrists to feed her some of his blood to save her life as she was losing consciousness. Elena started feeling better and glared into Stefan’s beautiful green eyes, the eyes she missed staring into.
“You flipped your switch?” Elena whimpered.
“Yes, I did. I am so sorry Elena. I should not have done that. I should not have left you alone, I should have understood that you were going through the same thing. You lost your best friend too. I am so sorry to abandon you like that and to turn my back on you. I promise that I am here with you. We will go through this together. I love you so much and I never want to leave you ever again. I committed a terrible mistake, Elena, please forgive me.”
Tears were streaming down Stefan’s eyes as he could see that just because of him Elena was hurt and that she could have died tonight. He was hurt because of the pain that Elena had to go through because of him and he was apologetic about it. He wanted to make everything okay. He was trapped under a pile of guilt and felt terrible.
“It’s okay Stefan. I forgive you. There is nothing more than okay to know that you are here with me and that you turned your humanity back on. I love you too Stefan, more than anything. I am so glad that you were here to save me, I could have died,” said Elena wiping tears off Stefan’s face while sobbing.
Stefan cut her off and said, “Hey, don’t say that. And I feel terrible that you had to nearly die to get my humanity back.  I am here for you always and remember you are Elena Gilbert, you always survive.” Elena lightly chucked and said, “I love you, Stefan, we are in this together.”
Stefan held her tight like he was never going to let her go ever again. He loved her and she loved him. The connection between them was impenetrable. They were soulmates and no matter what the circumstances were, they always found a way back to each other.
 Stefan kissed her forehead, and whispered in her ears while he engulfed her in a hug, “I love you more, always and forever.”
A/N: This is the kinda love I crave, aren't they adorable? and tysm for requesting this Mae, I enjoyed writing this a lot. It's nice to go unconventional and do something you have never done before, anyways...
Shower your love by liking and commenting on the post. Refrain from copying, plagiarism, or posting on any other platform.
P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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For the writer’s commentary-
I know you don’t really work on it anymore, but can I ask about Come Now Little One?😁
Hi, thank you!!! 😊
Come Now, Little One! Oh, I love this one so much! It's been almost a year since I updated it, oh my gosh. (I assure you, I am still working on it, albeit slowly!)
Director's commentary....(this will probably just be a ramble)
I'm not really sure what made me crossover the story in the way I did, to be honest. I just heard a song and ran with it back to my fandoms.
I really like the idea of dark!Helen, and Sam being connected to the Sanctuary, but also determined to go her own way and eventually end up at the SGC anyway.
One of my favorite parts of the story is exploring Sam's relationship with the other characters. How she feels growing up with this version of Helen as her mother, her relationships with James, Biggie, and Barney, who do try to shield her from Helen's darker tendencies, but feel like they failed her anyway. The cruelness of them realizing that they did fail her, so they try even harder with Henry and Ashley and succeed far better. We'll also have later scenes where Sam meets Jacob and he becomes another parental figure to her, leaving Sam to reflect that while she's had plenty of people fill the gap of her father, she's only ever had Helen as her mother. Declan is also going to be an important character to Sam through the story, her childhood comrade, her first love(r), and the other person who also leaves the Sanctuary Network for the military, only to rejoin it years down the road.
Also, Sam knowing from a young age that her father is the Ripper, so she feels she came from two very messed up parents and is secretly worried she'll end up like them, especially since Helen murdered a man in front of her.
Her reprieve in London (in chapter three) is rather bittersweet, because she needed the time, she wanted the time away from Helen, but she does have to go home eventually, to a mother whose 'doing what's best for her daughter' doesn't always align with Sam's real needs.
I have multiple scenes that take place further down the line, when Sam is struggling to be her own person and with the guilt of realizing that if she does take the leap, she's leaving behind two younger siblings.
Through the years, she and Helen do attempt to repair their relationship, and Helen's pregnancy with Ashley (when Sam is fifteen/sixteen) and Ashley's birth bring them together for a while, because this is a person they both love and have been waiting a very long time to meet.
My plans are to, admittedly, skim over Sam's SG-1 days (for fear I'd just be monotonously repeating episodes) until the story joins Sanctuary's canon timeline, where she has to make the choice to go back to what she tried to leave behind and whether or not she tells her team (now scattered) her full backstory.
When Sam joins the Sanctuary gang, as a more understanding (but no less wary) adult, she doesn't always change things for the better, despite her best efforts.
Basically, over the planned course of the story, Sam experiences quite a bit of growth, going from a child fighting hard against her jaded, world-weary, hard-ass mother, to a woman coming to her own understanding and choosing who she wants to be.
(oh my gosh, I just realized I can have time-traveling Helen meet time-traveling Sam in 1969!!!!!!! *screams*)
Okay, so I didn't talk much about the published chapters, but this ramble was long enough without them. XD
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ferocioustrout · 10 months
Deimos lore 17?:
Surely most of them will be more gruesome than the original IOTS
And because surely they all will find a way to mafaking kill chase and ripper (I mean, in MY slaughter au Chase will also mafaking die but NOT RIPPER)
So yeah, um
Vote Deimos Breakfrost para presidente do Brasil 2023 aí o voto ô 8008135
Also... Here's the start of the IOTS fan fic that I am doing
chapter 1: Deadmans Party
???: "Hey, did you know that there's a new Reality show that will premiere?"
?!?: "Really? What's the name of the reality show??"
???: "well... Ah... Total Drama Island. As I can remember, It's been like... 15 or 16 year's since there's no new season."
?!?: "For real, For real??"
???: "yeaaaah."
???: "And there's like, 14 places available, just 2 places are unavailable and their owners are... Uh, Julia and Caleb."
?!?: "Julia? Aren't she that one 'vegan, love n' peace' girl from Instagram?"
???: "uh huh"
?!?: "pfff, i NEED to see that girl from closer. Ain't no way that she acts in the same way that she acts in Instagram in real life. Okay that's it, I'll be on Total Drama Island, do you promise to be in there to?"
???: "yeah, man. I promise."
?!?: "GOOD. see you in summer"
That was the WORSE mistake of my life, worse than meeting THAT FUCKED UP GIRL.
What happened in the Summer 2023?
- Something Horrible, it was pratically from a slasher horror film, or worse.
But I should explain what happened, right? So I'll explain.
"Island of the Slaughter accident"
-It really supposed to be a Great the Day, it was the Premiere of The Total Drama Island, after 15-16 years. Everyone that should be in the show was there;
Caleb, Axel, Nichelle, Lauren, Damien, MK, Wayne, Raj, Ripper, Zee, Chase, Emma, me (Millie), Bowie and Priya.
And the challenge, well, my team won. But after the challenge I noticed that Caleb was... Unquiet?
Chase: "So, Ripper Right?"
Ripper: "Yeah, what do you want, Mr Beast Wannabe"
Chase: "Ah, Nothing, It's nothing. I just wanted to know if you wanted to chat a little bit about the things that happened today... Specially when your sh-"
Ripper: "Ah Shut up! Is not my fault that I am... Uh, that I am-
Chase: "thick?"
Ripper: "WHAT?!"
Chase: "Pff, calm down man! It's just a joke i am just saying that cuz... Is that Caleb?"
Ripper: "AH DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO CHANGE THE SUBJE... Why does he look... 'scared'?"
Chase: "actually, Millie said that he was like that during the entire challenge so--- I'll just talk with him"
Ripper: "What?! He's from the other team! You can't just talk with him becau-"
Chase: "ENOUGH, RIPPER. Yo, Caleb! What's wrong man? Why are you like that?"
Caleb: "huh? What do you and 'Ripped Pants' Want from me?"
Chase: "calm down. We're just asking a question, what's wrong with tha-"
Ripper: "A... Premonition?"
Chase: "that's... Uh. W-what was you premonition...?"
Caleb: "as far I can remember, IT WILL HAPPEN SOMETHING HORRIBLE Tonight, something horrible like someone disappearing"
Ripper: "uh... Just that? I trough it would be worse"
Caleb: "what's wrong? You don't think that a teenager like you, me and you friend disappearing in a reality show is horrible?"
Ripper: "No, I-"
Chase: "okay that's ENOUGH" *grabs Ripper by the arm*
Ripper: "Huh?!"
Chase: "okay it was just that, really. Sorry about the way that My LITTLE BUDDY here acted Infront of you, that's it. Bye Caleb!"
Caleb: "huh... Goodbye then, SEE YOU TWO TONIGHT"
Ripper: "urg..."
Chase: "why did you acted like that?"
Ripper: "I panicked for one second because of the 'premonition' of Caleb, and because that Asshole didn't waited to me explain why was I... You get it right? Huh?"
*Chase holds Ripper's Hand*
Chase: "ah... Don't worry Buddy, it happens sometimes. But what do you think it will Happens tonight?"
Ripper: "ah... AH, ME? well I think it will happen a...
Millie: *writing* "so that's how Ripper acts when he's 'panicking'? Interesting, I guess. But what about the 'premonition'...? I hope Nothing bad happens..."
"I've had a Premonition?" Ah, such a 'intelectual' sentence to come from a guy like Caleb. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT WILL HIT HIM
-and after the "premonition" thingy, I just waited till Night. During the entire day I honestly did nothing THAT interesting, I just chated a little with Ripper and then I started Walking around with Priya... Ah Priya... But let me get back to the incident subject.
Night finally came, and that was the worst night that someone could ever see.
Zee: *sip*
Axel: "Ripper was right, where the heck does you take this sodas from?"
Zee: "urg... I don't know... *Sip* also, aren't the elimination cerimony happening right now...?"
Axel: "of course, you idiot"
Zee: "haha... That's coo-
Ripper: "HEY, FUCKS!"
Axel: "Ah Damn, here he comes"
Ripper: "Chris said that they can't do the 'loser' cerimony without Caleb, he's missing and is somewhere"
Zee: "But where?"
Ripper: "That's the question, we don't know where the fuck he is... Was because of that premonition shit that he said? Or is he just playing around?"
Axel: "did you at least searched in the frogs of death cabin?"
Ripper: "WHAH? HELL NO! I will not get into the the other teams cabin! And because Bowie said that he will get into ther-
I still didn't ended the first chapter aha-
(spoiler: Ripper and Axel obviously won't die)
wait wait this goes hard actually….
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angomay · 1 year
susato and/or penny (from bigtop burger) 27 and 30!
27.) If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
don’t know if it technically counts (?) but her and apollo would vibe really well i think. also i would love to see her and mizuki okiura interact, their weird little girl isms and sisterly bonding would be so powerful
30.) The funniest scene they had?
the scene where her and half the courtroom pressure ryu into buying firecrackers will always be one of my favorites. but honestly all of her out of pocket lines are golden, like when she explained how she would kick jack the ripper’s ass if she were in his victims’ shoes <333 literally the girl of all time
27.) If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
:0 OOH that’s hard… i’m gonna say sholmes just because he gives off some of the same erratic vibes that steve does. also that would mean she probably gets to interact with iris too and that would just be really sweet
30.) The funniest scene they had?
NOOO i could never choose 😭 what scene in this show isn’t funny… though i will say i quote “you know… despite it all?” all. the goddamn time in real life and i’m pretty sure it’s because of her so i’m going to give that one an honorary mention
[ask game]
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independent-variables · 6 months
Fox and Riyo Bodice Ripper? I need to know more
LOL, this one actually takes place in the PwaTE universe, i know i have talked about it before but i can't find the post, so i might be repeating myself, but yeah.
this is not like. bodice ripper bodice ripper, but does play with some of the concepts. basic premise: takes place like seven or eight years post primroses. cody and mos have started a full out war with the outer rim slave trade. fox, being fox, does a lot of the undercover work. so he's undercover with one of larger pirate groups, he's been there for like a year and more or less earned the trust of the captain. and then in the course of pirates doing pirate things senator riyo chuchi's ship is taken and the senator herself is captured.
captain wants to ransom her, ends up putting her in fox's care because he both trusts fox not to kill her and thinks fox will hurt her. fox is pissed because the ransom detour is new to him and is going to fuck up his plans to murder the captain in his sleep. riyo is pissed because she is missing an important election.
after a couple of days of fox not hurting her but trying very hard to make it look to the captain as if he is hurting her, she starts to realize there is more going on here than meets the eye. so she confronts him about it and basically tries to make a deal for her freedom. like. hey. i'll play along as the damsel in distress if, when you kill the captain, you free me. and fox does not explain who he is or what he is doing but he is impressed she picked up on the mutiny vibes, and agrees. so now this is a game they're playing, betting their lives against the captain and crew, and they are having an absolute blast.
hiding a snippet because groping and violent fantasies <3
“Hey Ten, catch!” And then she is shoved directly into the broad chest of the man with the dead eyes. She tries to throw herself backwards but he moves faster than she can follow, catching her bound wrists and twisting them up at the small of her back, pinning her flush against him, chest to chest. He is just short enough her chin is pressed uncomfortably against his shoulder. Even through thick spacers leathers she feels muscle shift as he tightens his hold. “What am I supposed to do with this?” he asks, and his voice is just as empty as his eyes. The captain laughs. “Whatever you want, as long as you don’t kill her.” Her ear brushes his jaw. If they hadn’t fucking gagged her she would turn her head and rip his throat out with her teeth. She can still taste the blood from the captain’s filthy hand, hot and metallic like forge-warmed gold. “Do I have to share?” he asks, with the barest hint of curiosity. The captain laughs harder. Riyo runs her tongue over the back of her teeth. The man-- Ten, the captain called him, and with those eyes no wonder he didn’t have a real name-- adjusts his grip, holding her wrists with one hand. The increased pressure at the small of her back forces her to arch, forces her up on her toes. His hand slides from her waist to her rear but doesn’t squeeze. Just rests there, proprietary. She sinks her teeth into her tongue and thinks about the wet snap of breaking bones.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
The doctor and the Monster (suspect)
"By all means, you shouldn´t be here" Scott toned in a more paternal way than it should be "be as it may be, you are the best in your occupation and any help is welcome, but this is your last case, got, James Pryde"
A "man" nods sagely with an obviously fake moustache (Scott have to take out it was too obvious) heavy clothes, a scarf and a hat.
"As long I´m not Mrs Darkholme I can still work here and I want to catch the culprit" her mind goes to tiny Clarice Fong "I want to catch this guy, I made a promise"
Scott nods as now the older man starts to explain the situation. With hesitation. That Kitty really picks up.
"First things first, what you hear here stays here," Scott said a bit dramatically than usual " a police officer found a dead woman in the same pattern of our, let´s say, ripper, and this time we have a witness to tell more about the situation, but, most are shady at best and telling different stories that have no connection, however, we found one ....and you need to be strong for this one"
Kitty didn´t have time to fully understand the words as Scott opens the door and reveals Doctor Kurt Michael Darkholme sitting as by the look of an old Scotland Yard´s member, the blue man was having the time of his life by terrorizing the other man(that has a real moustache)
"Ah, are you the help they were referring to?" Darkholme asked amused, a kitty can´t talk, her voice is far too feminine(and a feminine man is not treated well by his peers) so using a sketchbook the ''man'' starts to write the questions.
Scott explains that James Pryde ( Darkholme was mildly confused as the Summers didn´t mention the other man very much or maybe they did and he was paying more attention to Kitty) is mute, so, he will communicate by his writing.
Odd, is the only word that Kurt Darkholme can think, people with such problem can´t really work in such a position. Is this guy really that good?
'' what happens?''
"I was in the rouge when I meet a woman" James Pryde is not really happy with this line of speech " she was badly beaten up and feeling intense pain, many wounds and loss of blood, there´s no way to save her even if I have my equipment"
''mercy killing?''
" Yes, the woman didn´t deserve to die in such a way, no one does" Kurt Darkholme stated and there´s sincerity in his words.
''what were you doing in a whorehouse?''
"Picking up a friend of mine, he likes to be in whorehouses, his name is Wade, don´t look at me like that, I´m an almost married man I can´t enter in such places for another purpose"
Kitty still narrows her eyes at him.
'' what else did you saw?''
"I was focused on the body in front of me, the blood, but I can say the guy didn´t steal any jewellery and it was far too precise the wounds"
'' a doctor like you could have done? is what are you implying?''
"No, what I´m implying is that is a very well thought attack as well cruel, the person does have knowledge of what he was doing and a hate for women. Uhm now that I think about the Queen´s doctor is famous for hating women but the Queen"
''So let me get this correct, you went into a whorehouse to get your friend, found a dead body in agonising and commit a mercy kill all in one night?''
"And is not even Friday" Kurt stated amused.
'' show me your hands ''
Kurt complies and Kitty examines his hands looking for blood and for the skin of the women(a prostitute named Priscila James, she has several wounds and a few defensives cuts on her arms, probably trying to protect her face ) his hands are clean.
As much the story seems too fantastic, there´s no signal that Kurt is lying, at least not about the murder.
''you don´t have the habit to go to a whorehouse to search for ...friends, right?''
"No, of course not, I´m a man that is engaged...with your cousin, why I would waste my time on a whorehouse?"
''can you describe the people in the place?''
Kurt did describe all the gentleman in his mind as he explains that he was busier to look at the other´s face, the others were too terrified of blood to do anything.
Kitty then looks at his lips. If a gentleman really did go to a whorehouse there are certain indications that he doesn´t hide, Kitty is not prone to subtle as she looks at his lips then at the collar of his shirt. So far, is all clean, maybe his story, as much is fantastic, is really true.
But something is not right here.
''who do you think it would be done such thing? The rogue was the only whorehouse that was...unharmed''
"Aside from the creepy doctor? Well, my friend mentioned that a priest often goes to that place to preach who we all going to hell, could this be a religious nutcase"
''it wouldn´t be the first time, now, Heer Darkholme, I´ll give you an advice, in the future, don´t go to whorehouses to pick friends, it can be highly misrepresented''
Kurt promised to do just that. As Scott free him, a good look on the victim body and on Kurt´s own hands is proof enough that he couldn´t have murder, well, be the real murder, of this poor woman.
The man who did that has a real cruelty inside of him. Kitty is sure that the victim is a victim of occasion...but then it is not, the woman while fitting the pattern received more violence than the others.
Is this an attack on the victim or a message to the rouge?
Once Kurt Darkholme is free. A police member was designated(forced) to escorted the man back to his house safely.
"Scott, not going to ask if you ever enter in the rouge, but"
"No, I never enter in a whorehouse," Scott said vehemently. Bobby was back and listen to this exchange.
"Scott, in a whorehouse? NEVER, Mrs Summer would go all firebird on London" Bobby jokes and then Kitty writes on her sketchbook if he knows a whorehouse named rogue.
"Ah, yes, is a really different place, it hides well that you are in a whorehouse and everyone looks healthy, they have pretty women there" the word women is added too quickly.
''who is the owner?''
"Oh, someone called Rogue, I know what I´ll say seems dumb, but no one knows the real owner, it has representatives and all, but, the real boss? I have no idea and I don´t think the others are either"
Well, Kitty is interested. The attacks of the ripple have started for 4 months and all the other victims were from different whorehouses that belong to the White Queen(a woman who brought her ticket to the high society) but this Rogue is not associated to the White Queen.
Two scenarios:
Or the ripper is messed with the police and there´s no patter.
Or the ripper has a copycat.
Both are a bad news to everyone.
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