#prince of scales
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eaharchive · 1 year ago
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Dragon Games: Baby Dragons (2015)
Herowing, Nevermore, and Prince of Scales
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zaphand · 12 days ago
then, she laid before me her scales,
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her sword,
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and her blindfold
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and told me to choose.
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lumonyix · 6 days ago
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a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority
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starting a series of drawings portraying dragon ball characters as the 7 deadly sins; this one is pretty self-explanatory. wish me luck in following through with it!
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drawn 2/2/25
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im-not-buying-it-ether · 2 months ago
Freddy being a power nerd
Freddy: Could you outrun Wonder Woman in a footrace? Captain Marvel: Wai- What? Wonder Woman: We would tie, would we not? We both possess speed granted to us by Hermes Freddy: But if the power of Zeus works as a booster for our other powers on top of the magical lightning, then doesn't that mean you can outrun her? CM: I- huh, I guess so. Freddy: Could I outrun Wonder Woman? CM: Junior, you have a bad leg, you would have to have a flight race against her. Freddy: Hrm. No- wait wait, we split our strength when we're both transformed! I'm only half as fast as I could be! CM: Haha, yeah we— Freddy: Gimmie your powers! CM: Junior, I swear to Solomon, we aren’t power-scaling. Wonder Woman: I’m not opposed to a friendly race Freddy: See! I call power dibs! CM: I- you- ugh, I’m going home. You’ll have my half in about five minutes, okay? Freddy: HELL YEAH! JL: Are we just going to ignore that he is only half as strong as he normally is most the time?
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radiance1 · 1 year ago
A castle mysteriously appears in Gotham one night.
Nobody who noticed it knows where it came from, nor how it got there as it seemingly appeared overnight. It wasn't anything big, as far as castle's were concerned, it seemed to be on the smaller side of things.
However, no one could truly estimate it's actual size. For there seemed to be an ever-present fog that never seemed to stray past the castle's gates.
Just like the fog, you always seemed to hear the cawing of crows and the flapping of bats whenever you step close enough. Yet their visibility was kept hidden in the fog.
Appearances aside, there did seem to be something... off, about the castle and not just because it appeared from thin air, no. It seemed to have a distinct aura of something... other.
No one knew how to explain it, but they could tell there was nothing natural about it. There was something fundamentally wrong with the castle, it wasn't the way it appeared out of nowhere, nor it's appearance.
When Sam finally became an adult, she didn't have to think twice about moving out. It was a bit difficult, with her parents not wanting to let her go just yet, but her grandmother managed to persuade them, thankfully.
When she was younger, Sam had always dreamed of owning a castle. Though its appearance did change in her mind when she grew older, from pretty and pink to one of darker colors and crows, which is why she never got one when she was younger, she realized.
But now that she was an adult, what was stopping her?
Nothing, that's what.
So, Sam buys one that matches her tastes and moves in. There was a lot of space, far more than she really ever thought about and now had to find a use for.
Was something that enthralled Sam ever since she was young, that and the occult as a whole. So, for a few months after moving did she try and get her hands on things like magical tomes, items, scripts and learn it.
Surprisingly, she was strongly successful in her attempts of learning magic. It was surprising to be sure, but now that she compares it to the portal to the afterlife, having a half dead friend and having hunted down ghosts, she realizes that magic wouldn't be that much farfetched in the equation.
A fair bit of her time now was spent covering her castle in wards, sigils, and runes, ones that would strengthen themselves over time, various protection wards and multiple others that she found useful. Most of them were ones that she found through text, though others were ones she personally made.
After she finished the entirety of the castle, she studied thoroughly to gain more knowledge and power for herself, she even made a few spells of her own along with various potions. Unfortunately, she was interrupted in her studies by various other witches, because apparently having such a powerful fledgling witch on her lonesome was too tempting of an offer to pass up for the nearby covens.
So she had to... move, before they tried to force her to join them. As for how, well, she moved her entire castle! What better way to refuse, really?
Unfortunately, it was her first time using such large-scale teleportation magic and she messed it up. Not that her calculations on where the castle was supposed to be were wrong, but while in the midst of moving through space she was... thrown off kilter.
She didn't even know how or what caused her to mess up. But her castle both was and wasn't where she wanted it to be. Her original destination was coordinates near Amity Park, and while they were on said coordinates.
This wasn't Amity Park.
To say she worried was an understatement. She scrambled to find something about where she ended up, and realized not only was she thrown off kilter, but she was also thrown off so badly that she ended up in an entirely different dimension. Luckily, she managed to make the philosopher's stone.
To say making it was easy would be wrong, for even she didn't know how she created it. It was by accident and for a while she didn't even know she had made it, when she had and tried to do something with it the stone had, uh, well.
It fused into her skin.
It had placed itself right over her face, on her chest, and it granted her immortality it seemed. Though that wasn't the effect she was currently thankful for no, the effect of making gold would be valuable to her, she wouldn't have the Manson wealth, but she could at the very least sustain herself.
For now, though, she did have her studies to get back to.
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sunfire-shield · 1 month ago
You know how in season 1 Soren says to Callum “even if you were wearing the rarest legendary armour forged by sunfire elves”, which is something we haven’t really seen yet (lots of sunforge weapons, but not a lot of armour), wouldn’t it be cool if at some point in Arc 3 they found, or Callum was gifted, Sunforge Armour as a counterpart for Claudia’s dragon scale armour if and when he confronts her again?
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discardead · 8 days ago
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Disclaimer: Religious theme below + Long post ahead!
Vampire & Angel Prince themed NPT ···· Requested by @princefrail
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Bat. Bats. Batsy. Batty. Battie. Battimpire. Battympira. Battimpyra. Battypire. Battius. Batisse. Chiroptera. Chiero. Chiroptire. Chiropett. Chiropette. Chiropyre. Chyropire. Vambite. Vampier. Vampiresth. Vampierre. Vampeia. Vamprius. Vampior. Vamprina. Vampriess. Vampith. Vampriel. Vampred. Vamprise. Vampriest. Fang. Fangs. Fangyr. Fangsire. Fangire. Sanguine. Sanguneia. Sangiene. Sangius. Sangsel. Sangrione. Sangriel. Bloodyse. Bloodise. Bloodire. Bloodyre. Bloodesth. Bloodith. Bloodithe. Bloodesse. Bloodirse. Bloodius. Bloodime. Hemoin. Hemoine. Hemoisth. Hemoius. Hemoie. Hemolisth. Imortal. Imortell. Imorthel. Imortisse. Immortice. Imorthius. Imorthor. Imorthar. Sanquette. Sanquett. Sanquesth. Halo. Haelo. Haloisse. Halyre. Haloine. Haloina. Halious. Halomie. Halyure. Haloette. Haloetta. Haloesth. Haloisthe. Etheralo. Puryne. Purithy. Purityse. Saint. Serafine. Sainthly. Saintrel. Angelette. Angelisth. Angiesth. Angelie. Angelyn. Angelisse. Angeluett. Angeluise. Angelie. Angellise. Angeiré. Royalisth. Royalisse. Luxurine. Luxira. Vareign. Chivareign. Alistovar. Chivalryse. Honorie. Echo. Lucius. Lucian. Lucien. Victor. Viktor. Vincent. Vince. Thorn. Thorne. Damien. Damian. Mikael. Noir. Silas. Gabriel. Alucard. Dorian. Rook. Asher. Marcus. Augustus. Maximus. Remus. Cassius. Thorne. Raven. Vesper. Lestat. Andrei. Angela. Angelina. Angeline. Angie. Angelo. Angelou. Angelos. Angelus. Constantin. Michael. Evangeline. Engel. Sol. Lucifer. Aurelius. Caelum. Evander. Ethel. Zachary. Holden. Lionel. Alexander. Baxter. Charles. Julian. Rainer. Rainus. Reinier. Friedrich. Ludwig. Heinrich. Wilhelm. Leopold. Maximilian. Otto. Albrecht. Lorenz.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ roy/royal. royal/royalty. pri/pris. pri/prince. prin/prince. prin/prinz. hei/heir. hei/heim. shei/heir. theiy/theim. crow/crown. re/reign. ti/tiara. co/cor/coronet. high/highness. hon/honor. honor/honorable. cou/court. line/lineage. coron/coronation. coro/coron. coro/coronation. pal/palace. nob/noble. aristo/aristocratic. imper/imperial. cre/crest. lavi/lavish. la/lavish. lav/lavish. chiva/chivalrous. digni/dignified. comm/command. carri/carriage. reg/regal. rega/regal. maje/majesty. wea/wealth. sh👑/h👑r. h👑/h👑m. th👑y/th👑m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ va/vamp. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vamp/vampy. vampy/vampys. vamp/vampire. vamp/vampiric. pi/pire. pir/pirism. va/vam. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vae/vaer. vae/vaem. vei/veir. vei/veim. vie/vier. vie/viem. vey/vem. ve/ver. vi/vir. ve/vem. vi/vim. viy/vim. blo/blood. bloo/blood. blood/bloody. blood/bloodlust. he/hem. hem/hemo. red/reds. re/red. crim/crimson. crims/crimson. sang/sanguine. sa/sar. sae/saem. sae/saer. sey/sem. vei/vein. vein/veins. bi/bite. bite/mark. fan/fang. fang/fangs. fe/fer. fie/fier. his/hiss. hiss/hisses. dev/devour. devo/devour. devou/devour. consu/consume. pier/pierce. fea/feast. su/suck. suc/suck. thi/thirst. que/quench. drai/drain. drain/drains. quen/quench. si/sip. sip/sips. li/lick. lic/lick. dri/drip. drip/drips. ba/bat. bat/bats. chi/chiro. chiro/chiroptera. ec/echo. e/echo. ec/echo. ech/echo. echo/echoes. ni/night. ny/nyr. ny/nym. nie/niem. nei/neir. noc/nocturnal. noctu/nocturnal. mo/moon. moo/moon. moon/moons. cof/coffin. coff/coffin. coe/coffin. co/cofs. cof/coffs. drac/dracu. dracu/Dracula. gor/gore. go/gore. gore/gorey. ki/kill. kill/kills. kir/kirs. ki/kir. carn/carnage. carna/carnage. imm/immortal. imor/immortal. unde/undead. undea/undead. und/undead. h♰/h♰m. sh♰/h♰r. th♰y/th♰m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ hy/hyr. hy/hym. hea/heaven. heav/heaven. hav/haven. haven/havens. holy/holys. hol/holy. sky/skys. abov/above. above/aboves. asce/ascend. ascen/ascend. desce/descend. descen/descend. eth/ether. ether/ethereal. eth/ethyr. wi/wing. win/wing. wing/wings. wie/wier. wie/wiem. halo/halos. hae/halo. ha/halo. ae/haer. hae/haem. aur/aura. go/gold. gol/gold, gold/golds. gold/golden. li/light. div/divine. divi/divine. divi/divinity. bless/blessing. bles/bless. bless/blesses. hop/hope. choi/choir. cho/choir. pu/pure. pure/purity. puri/purity. shi/shine. pray/prays. pray/prayer. ae/aer. ae/aem. ang/angel. ae/angel. doe/dove. dove/doves. sai/saint. sain/saint. saint/saints. che/cher. cher/cherub. cherub/cherubic. se/ser. sera/seraph. ser/seraph. seraph/seraphim. thro/throne. throe/throne. opha/ophanim. domi/dominion. domin/dominion. vir/virtue. virt/virtue. virtu/virtue. pow/power. power/powers. princi/principality. principal/principality. arch/archangel, archae/archangel. arch/archs. arch/archas. archa/archas. arch/arches. mess/messenger. messen/messenger. sae/sacred. sacre/sacred. fai/faith. chali/chalice. cha/chalice. h✦/h✦m. sh✦/h✦r. th✦y/th✦m. hie/hier. hie/hiem. sie/siem. sie/sier.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ The Angelic one / [noun]. Prn* angelism. The Revered Angel. Prn* who's revered (by the people / [noun]). Prn* who comes from Above. The Descension of this Angel. The Descension of [noun / name]. Prn* who hails from Heaven / Above. The God's Messenger. This Sacred being. Prn* who remains Sacred. Prn* who was Blessed. The [noun] of Blessing. Prn* holy message. The Angel in the Choir. The Greatest among the Angels. Prn* who's born blessed. Prn* by the Choir. Prn* who brings Blessing. The Light of your Days. Prn* purity. The Purified being / [noun]. The Chosen one by God. Prn* who answers Prayers. The Angel's Holy Light. Prn* holiness. Prn* who remains Untainted. Prn* Golden Halo. Prn* [color] Halo. Prn* who clears Worries. Prn* Wings (of Comfort). Prn* Vampirism. The [noun] at Night. This Nocturnal [noun] / being. The Fanged One. Prn* Fangs. Prn* bloodthirst. The Bloodthirsty [noun]. Prn* unquenchable Thirst. Prn* who seeks Blood. Prn* who yearns to Feast. Prn* Bitten marks. The Vampire on the Hunt. Prn* Bat form. The Vampire out for a Feast. Prn* who wants to Devour. Prn* who laps up Blood. The Vampire in need for Blood. Prn* who feeds on Blood. The Bloodsucking Angel. The Angel turned Vampire. The Angel of Vampirism. The Vampire as an Angel. The Angelic Vampirism. The Angel who feasts on Blood. The Blood-hungry Angel. The Angel's / Vampire's / Prince's Court. The Court of this Prince. The Court of [noun]. Prn* in the Palace. Prn* who's treated as Royalty. The [noun] hailed from the Palace. Prn* with Royal Blood. The Crowned [noun]. The Prince's Throne. Prn* who's next in Line. The Next Ruler. The Heir to the Throne. The Prince among the Angels / Vampires. The Prince who feeds on Blood. The Princely Vampire. The Prince at Night. The Prince who ascends from Heaven. Prn* who was born a Royal. The Blessed Prince. The Prince with vampirism.
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ididntknowwhattocallthis · 16 days ago
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I did more Ethari art!
He's supposed to be making the shoulder decoration stuff he has in s7 but I did not feel like detailing it
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sapphire-or-smth · 1 year ago
She's a 10 but she ingests poison daily to become immune so obviously she's an 11
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dailyfigures · 5 months ago
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Ittoki Otoya ; Uta no Prince-sama ☆ Alter
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 1 month ago
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2x05 + 1x04
Lady Justice: Kids Version
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raayllum · 6 months ago
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lycorisalbiflora · 10 months ago
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bleachposting · 2 months ago
I can't believe cute sweet little cuddle monkey stella literally DECAPITATED a dragon
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elvesdragonsanddarkmagic · 10 months ago
Crowlord's Tower
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cylove · 4 months ago
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concept art for a knight au !!!!!! i’ve wanted to do this forever, like cmon he’s the sword for his king? the aus just write themselves. i went with the first one because i wanted that traditional knight in shining armor look mixed in with thai armor. i plan to steal the helmet from the far right and give it to the left design. BTW id love to hear ways to improve this design, ik it’s not the most time accurate, but i’m more so going for a fantastical look. i don’t delve into character design a lot, so i’m still learning
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