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kvirnedamtimir · 1 day ago
Slovenski prevod // Slovenian translation
Sovražim kako ljudje govorijo, da je TERF retorika reči, da so trans moški lahko lezbijski. Noben ne govori, da so vsi trans moški, ki imajo radi ženske lezbijski, samo govorimo, da so LAHKO, če se odločijo tako identificirati !!! Nekateri od njih so strejt tipi, nekateri so lezbijski tipi, nekateri so lahko oboje, nekateri so lahko nič od tega...
Je terf retorika, da namiguješ, da so vsi trans moški "zmedene" lezbijke in da ne vedo, kako se v resnici identificirati. Mislim, dejanska terf retorika v tej razpravi je to, da so prepričani, da smo trans moški le zmedeni o naši identiteti in da ne vemo, kdo dejansko smo.
Reči, da so VSI trans moški "zmedene butch lezbijke" je terf retorika. Reči, da so trans moški LAHKO lezbijke/lezbijski ni. Ena je inkluzivna, druga govori drugim, kako mislijo in čutijo. Veselo sem, da razumeš!
I hate how people say it's TERF rhetoric to say trans men can be lesbians. No one is saying all trans men who like women are lesbians, we're saying that they CAN BE if they choose to identify as such !!! Some of them are straight guys, some are lesbians guys, some could be both, some could be neither...
it's terf rhetoric to insinuate that all trans men are "confused" lesbians and don't know how they actually identify. like the actual terf rhetoric in this discussion is that they are convinced that trans men are just confused about our identity and don't know who we really are.
to say that ALL trans men are "confused butch lesbians" is terf rhetoric. saying that trans men CAN be lesbians, is not. one is inclusive, the other is telling other people how they think and feel. i'm glad you get it!
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torssi · 6 months ago
Le v kup, le v kup
Uboga gmajna
Hejaaa, Hejoo
Pripravljam pa techno verzijo Zdravljice v anglescini, ki bo se korak naprej od #carbonsteel himne. Prevedla sem jo pa takole:
The Toast for Peace
Let all the nations that long for peace Unite
Under the same sky we thrive
Where the sun shines bright
let our hearts unite
against wars around
May our sisters and brothers be free
in peace and happiness
Around our home planet
Called the Earth
France Presern (1847) ?
Freestyle Translation: Alja Knez
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kvirnedamtimir · 1 month ago
Slovenski prevod // Slovenian translation:
Mala punčka, ki ste bili, razume moškega, v katerega ste zrasli.
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besedar · 14 days ago
frazeološka enota dne: z vsemi žavbami/mažami namazan
etimologija žavbe: iz nemščine (salbe)! Oziroma srednjevisoke nemščine, dobro, no. Tudi v pomenu mazilo. Iz iste pragermanske osnove je tudi angleški (:/) salve, če vas slučajno zanima (pa nič hudega, če vas ne).
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uhode · 7 months ago
hate when people go ‘oh you can’t translate this word it’s soooo niche it’s sooo special’ you absolutely can you just can’t figure out a way because your vocabulary in both languages is probably horrendous
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kvirnedamtimir · 1 month ago
Slovenski prevod // Slovenian translation:
Hej, ne joči. Trans moški in trans ženske držijo za roke zavedno, okej?
Hey, don’t cry. Trans men and trans women holding hands forever, okay?
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da-riya · 2 years ago
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citaatii · 4 months ago
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jokeroutsubs · 5 months ago
JokerOutSubs content in different languages
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Did you know that we also translate content from Slovenian to other languages?
Check out our recently translated works and find out in what language they have been translated! 👇
NOW with Croatian subtitles 🇭🇷
Bojan and Nace before Stožice
Hrvatski prijevod: IG marija_rocen, IG mia_djordjevic_ig, @moonlvster
Bojan Cvjetićanin - Breakfast at Andreja's
Hrvatski prijevod i lektura: @moonlvster, IG marija_rocen, IG irenalemajic, IG mia_djordjevic_ig
Nace Jordan interview with JokerOutSubs in Umag
Hrvatski prijevod i lektura: IG mia_djordjevic_ig, @moonlvster, IG marija_rocen
NOW with French subtitles 🇫🇷
Nace Jordan interview with JokerOutSubs in Umag
Traduction française : @yoda-bor, Anastasia, X klámstrákur
Joker Out Interview with Luke Black🦞 - RTS Planeta
Traduction française : X klámstrákur, relecture : @yoda-bor
NOW with Serbian subtitles 🇷🇸
Bojan and Nace before Stožice
Srpski prevod i lektorisanje: IG mia_djordjevic_ig, @moonlvster, IG marija_rocen
Bojan Cvjetićanin - Breakfast at Andreja's
Srpski prevod, korektura i lektorisanje: IG marija_rocen IG irenalemajic IG mia_djordjevic_ig, @moonlvster
Joker Out interview with JokerOutSubs in London
Srpski prevod i titlovi: IG marija_rocen, Lektorisanje: IG mia_djordjevic_ig, IG irenalemajic
Joker Out interview with JokerOutSubs in Padova
Srpski prevod: IG irenalemajic, Lektorisanje: IG mia_djordjevic_ig, IG marija_rocen, Titlovi: IG marija_rocen
Joker Out interview with JokerOutSubs in Poznań
Srpski prevod: IG mia_djordjevic_ig, Lektorisanje: IG marija_rocen, IG irenalemajic, Titlovi: IG marija_rocen
Joker Out interview with JokerOutSubs in Tampere
Srpski prevod i titlovi: IG marija_rocen, Lektorisanje: IG mia_djordjevic_ig, IG irenalemajic
Nace Jordan interview with JokerOutSubs in Umag
Srpski prevod i lektorisanje: IG mia_djordjevic_ig, @moonlvster, IG marija_rocen
NOW with Italian subtitles 🇮🇹
Hitradio Center interview with Nace and Jan
Traduzione italiana: X pastellibianchi, @varianestoroff, IG irenalemajic
Joker Out at Radio 1 - Šou domov
Traduzione italiana: X pastellibianchi, IG irenalemajic
Joker Out at Radio Antena
Traduzione italiana: X pastellibianchi, @varianestoroff
Joker Out Interview with Luke Black🦞 - RTS Planeta
Traduzione italiana: IG irenalemajic, @varianestoroff
Nace Jordan interview with JokerOutSubs in Umag
Traduzione italiana: @varianestoroff, X pastellibianchi, Sottotitoli italiani: X pastellibianchi 
NOW with Dutch subtitles 🇳🇱
Joker Out interview with JokerOutSubs in Tampere
Nederlandse vertaling: @italimix en andere leden van JokerOutSubs
NOW with Hungarian subtitles 🇭🇺
Joker Out interview with JokerOutSubs in Tampere
Magyar fordítás: @ddrflctns, X zozzzzie, X brnbergeron  
NOW with Finnish subtitles 🇫🇮
Joker Out interview with JokerOutSubs in London
Suomenkielinen käännös: @saallotar
There's more! This is only the content that has been translated in the last few weeks. So don't forget to check out our full language playlists!
🌍 Language playlists:
[Cat SUB] Entrevistes a Joker Out
[DAN SUB] Joker Out-interviews
[DE Untertitel] Joker Out - Interviews
[ESP SUB] Entrevistas Joker Out
[FIN SUB] Joker Out Haastattelut
[HRV TITL] Joker Out Intervjui
[LATV SUB] Joker Out intervijas
[Magyar Felirat] Joker Out Interjúk
[MKD SUB] Joker Out Intervjua // Џокер Аут Интервјуа
[NLD SUB] Joker out interviews
[POL SUB] Wywiady z Joker Out
[SRP TITL] Joker Out Intervjui
[SUB ITA] Interviste Joker Out
[SVE] Intervjuer med Joker Out
[TR ALTYAZI] Joker Out Röportajları
[VOSTFR] Interviews de Joker Out
[日本語字幕]ジョーカー・アウト インタビュー
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kvirnedamtimir · 1 month ago
Slovenski prevod // Slovenian translation:
Rad vas imam alterljudje, ki ste radi ljudje. Rado vas imam alterljudje, ki nočejo imeti ničesar v zvezi z ljudmi. Rad vas imam alterljudje, ki imajo zapleten odnos z vašim človeštvom. Rado vas imam alterljudje, ki ste veliko stvari. Rad vas imam alterljudje, ki so ena stvar čez in čez. Rado vas imam alterljudje, ki niste prepričani, kaj ste. Rad vas imam alterljudje, ki ste vedeli, kaj ste, že leta. Rado vas imam alterljudje, ki ste se prav zdaj začeli povezovati s tistim delom vas. Rado vas imam mladi alterljudje, rad vas imam stari alterljudje. Rad vas imam crindži tiktok alterljudje, ki se radi izražate preko geara in kvads. Rado vas imam alterljudje, ki niste zanimani v take stvari ali jih ne morete delati. Rad vas imam kvir alterljudje, rado vas imam invalidni alterljudje, rad vas imam alterljudje marginaliziranih ras. Rado vas imam alterljudje, ki se trenutno borite. Rad vas imam alterljudje, ki se počutite same, zlomljene, potolčene. Vedite, da obstajajo osebe, ki vas imajo radi zaradi vas, človeške ali ne :]
~Opomba: za govorca so bili zaradi he/it zaimkov uporabljene on/ono
I love you alterhumans who love being human. I love you alterhumans who want nothing to do with humans. I love you alterhumans who have complicated relationships with their humanity. I love you alterhumans who are many things. I love you alterhumans who are one thing through and through. I love you alterhumans who aren't sure what they are. I love you alterhumans who have known what they are for years. I love you alterhumans who are just now connecting to that part of you. I love you young alterhumans, I love you young alterhumans. I love you cringy tiktok alterhumans who love expressing themselves through gear and quads. I love you alterhumans who aren't interested in that sort of thing or are unable to do so. I love you queer alterhumans, I love you disabled alterhumans, I love you alterhumans of color. I love you alterhumans who are struggling right now. I love you alterhumans who feel alone, broken, beaten down. Know that there are people who love you for you, human or otherwise :]
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dhr-ao3 · 5 days ago
Tajne i Maske- Prevod od Emerald_slytherin
Tajne i Maske- Prevod od Emerald_slytherin https://ift.tt/KTnj2s4 by shadycat05 Prevod od Secrets and Masks od Emerald_Slytherin   9 godina nakon bitke kod Hogvortsa, rat idalje traje i svi su se mnogo promenili od svojih dana u Hogvortsu. Hermiona je najsmrtonosniji vojnik u Redu, koji svoje dane provodi u spasilačkim misijama kako bi oslobodila zarobljene robove Maglborna i borila se na prvoj liniji fronta. Godinama se u tajnosti sastajala sa špijunom iz Voldemortovih redova kako bi razmenila informacije. Ali kada je uhvaćena i zatvorena u Malfojevom dvoru, od svih mračnih i zlih načina za koje je zamišljala da će je Malfoj mučiti, nikada nije zamišljala nešto ovako užasno. Words: 6938, Chapters: 2/75, Language: Српски Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/2ctTJWg December 22, 2024 at 08:34PM
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rootlessinterloper · 3 months ago
A particularly schizoid piece, thought up in the manic headspace brought on by 30+ degree weather and inspired by two Walter Benjamin essays: 'The Task of the Translator', and 'On Language as Such and the Language of Man'.
I have previously written that there is a liminal sublimity in imperception, wherein I argued that it represents a profound multifaceted seeing rather than some kind of epistemological mistranslation. What is mistranslation? Is language, in all its many forms, not the very fabric of im/perception?
Translation is not a secondary operation to something’s ontological formation; it is an inherent part of a Thing’s – a text, a face – Object-Existence. Traditional views of translation argue that meaning is lost when texts are grafted between written languages. But what is found? It is a nonlinear process performed on behalf of the original Object itself, not its recipients. To receive, and in doing so translate, the gaze of another, for example, is an action performed not for the sake not of the gaze’s beholder or beneficiary but of its very patron. What is found, then, in translation, is a mode of Potentiality emanating from the Object itself. Translation arrives from the future, both binding in fixed time and space and granting an incredible Object-Permanence.
Object-Potential refers to a reflexive self-subsistence inherent to every Thing. The Thing demands of itself to convey its own latent capacity for translation, paraphrasis, dissemination, construction, and deconstruction; a most brilliant affirmation of self-existence. Yes, translation is a real material task performed by silent interlopers, agents of an epistemological process that exists at a scale beyond human-time, but it fundamentally emanates from the Object itself. It is a deliberate act of self-preservation. 
In Walter Benjamin’s native German, the verbs ‘to translate’ and ‘to survive’ are closely related: überleben, übersetzen. In Russian, ‘to translate’ is «переводить or перевести»; perevodit’ or perevesti. The prefix «пере» or pere- denotes a crossing or re-doing action. In the imperfective verb form, the «водить» or vodit’ means ‘to drive’ or ‘to guide’; in the perfective aspect, the «вести» or vesti can mean ‘to lead’, or ‘to conduct’. Translation, as expressed in the Russian language, is the re-conducting of negotiations, re-leading, re-driving – a directional verb of motion and action. The verb is functionally the same in Serbo-Croatian – prevoditi/prevesti – and, to my knowledge, other Slavic languages (off the top of my head I recall that the Slovene word is prevesti also, but I cannot attest to the West-Slavic Czech, Slovak, or Polish, nor others with Proto-Slavic heritage). 
English does not have a consistent grammatical capacity to express reflexivity – people can wash or pleasure or harm themselves, and one can enjoy oneself, but the grammar is awkward. The aforementioned Slavic languages are different. In Russian, the process of translating, as with countless other verbs, is a reflexive and autonomous one; it is not performed by one actor upon a passive Object but rather by the Object itself. Take the phrase  “I like this weather” (ironically prescient as I write this in the midst of a feverish heatwave). I, the Subject, the grammatical focus of the sentence, like, the verb, which moves unidirectionally from myself, Subject, to a docile and dormant Object, this weather. The weather is an unmoving and flat entity, completely decontextualized and irrelevant without I, myself. What epistemological arrogance! I, I, I, me, me, me, my opinion, what I like, myself, my own. 
In Russian the phrase could be «Мне нравится эта погода», ‘mne nravitsya eta pagoda’. Although the word order remains the same (pronoun, verb, Object), the meaning is drastically different. Eta pagoda, ‘this weather’, is in the nominative grammatical case and, as both subject and object, it is performing a reflexive process. The suffix «ся» at the end of a verb means an action performed by a grammatical item’s self, for itself. The ‘I’ in the sentence does not take the nominative form of «я» or ya but rather the dative grammatical case «мне», mne, which is used for the indirect grammatical object. So a more complete and accurate translation would really be ‘this weather pleases itself to me’, or ‘this weather makes itself appealing for me’, or ‘this weather makes itself likeable to me, me, the mere indirect object, recipient of its autonomous process of likeability’. 
To end the semantics and rambling and bring this back to down to earth, I will note that the same principle of reflexive verb format applies to translation. «Этот текст переводится» (Etot tekst perevoditsya) would usually be ‘This text is being translated’ but a more accurate version might be ‘This text is translating itself’, or ‘this text is re-leading itself’, or ‘re-negotiating itself’ or ‘re-self-conveying’. Reflexive verb; autonomous, self-initiated and self-fulfilled process. As writes Benjamin, the act of translation emanates from the Object itself. The same is true in Serbo-Croatian where sebe or simply se functions the same as «ся» or sya. ‘Prevode se knjige Ive Andrića’ – ‘Ivo Andrić’s books are translating themselves’, or, to render literally the Yoda-esque verb-first construction that is common in that language, ‘re-self-conducting are the works of Ivo Andrić’. 
What is this all to say then? The English language lacks the grammatical toolkit to express the act of translation’s true ontology. It self-continues its own lifespan, expands its own Object-Permanence, and immortalizes itself, creating a self-realized trajectory of transcendence. To translate between written languages is to help convey a Thing’s Object-Potential; to be a servant to a text. Of course, language is more than the written word. Faces, eyes, touches, sounds and sights, music and energy, can all too be translated, but the principle is the same: we are simply aiding along an Object’s re-self-preservation, re-self-transcendence. Translation is not a conveying or a copying like using a stencil or grafting skin but rather a most incredible epistemological transformation, one which expresses the fundamentally reciprocal relationship between Language-Being and all Things. 
Language families have taxonomic groupings (as demonstrated by my above tangent) but all languages, from written English to the sound of waves, have suprahistorical harmonies which are expressed only in the reflexive translating act, which takes as its target not one Object but rather the universal entirety of Language-Being itself. The attainment of Object-Permanence through translation is not simply for the Object itself but rather part of a broader, holistic process of Language-Being’s autonomous reproduction; we are grooming a great linguistic super-organism, not through some linear historical march of direct, word-to-word translation but through a fragmented teleology in which we tend to an intricate web of reciprocal de/construction and knowledge dissemination. 
In fact, such word-by-word translations are supremely unfaithful because they inhibit transformation; they obscure intent and make themselves seen rather than the Object. Perhaps an example will accentuate this rather unorthodox point; let me use a previously-stated one. Take the works of Ivo Andrić. His seminal 1945 novel The Bridge on the Drina is about political memory and identity in Ottoman and Habsburg Bosnia across centuries; the historical perspective comes from a silent narrator, the Mehmed Paša Sokolović Bridge in the town of Višegrad. The novel has only been translated into English once, and poorly. The Serbo-Croatian title is Na Drini ćuprija, which can indeed be translated as The Bridge on the Drina; such a translation, however, misses a crucial context. The Serbo-Croatian word for bridge is most – it is a pan-Slavic root word instantly recognizable to any reader from Bohemia to beyond the Urals – but Andrić does not use it, opting instead for the Turkish loan word ćuprija, to represent the region’s multilingual and cosmopolitan cultural landscape, as well as the historical antagonism from the region’s Ottoman occupation. The original text is actually filled with such ‘Turkisms’, and yet all are lost in the simple, one-to-one translation into English (perhaps a better title would be Ćuprija on the Drina or something of the sort; I cannot say). 
Mistranslation, therefore, is a misnomer. There is no such thing as mistranslation. Poor translation – yes, if it fails to capture the intent of Object from which it emanates; de-translation – perhaps; non-translation, anti-translation – yes, when the translating agent makes itself seen rather than its muse. But mistranslation? No, as the transformative process can only produce and create and synthesize, not retract. Meaning and intent can be changed, and the resulting product will become alien indeed, but they cannot be eliminated. A good translator knows this. The translator is a stranger, and translation is his liminal domain. It is in such a space itself that we find the most answers, in the transformative state, the realm between Objects, the place upon the walls where the shadows dance. Of course, rootless interlopers such as I are already here. 
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besedar · 4 months ago
beseda dne: šomošter (učitelj)
etimologija (poskusna): se vam sliši smiselno, če predložim hipotezo, da pride iz nemškega Schulmeister (ravnatelj, učitelj ... (kolikor vem))?
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kvirnedamtimir · 23 hours ago
Slovenski prevod // Slovenian translation
Vem, da sta tme/tma (transmizoginistično izvzeti/transmizoginistično prizadeti) intersekstična in ne v redu izraza in se strinjam. A tudi vidim ljudi, ki pravijo, da transmaski, ki so lahko clockani kot transfemi, ne doživljajo prave transmizoginije, ker je napačno usmerjena, torej se ne šteje. To mi nekako nikdar ni bilo smiselno? Sem interseks, torej nekako ne sodim nikamor med tme/tma, doživljam transmizoginijo in transandrofobijo.
Moje glavno vprašanje je, ali lahko (periseks) transmaski doživljajo transmizoginijo, a to ni stvar, ker je napačno usmerjena?
To je fantastično vprašanje in me veseli, da ste si vzeli čas in vprašali!
Stvar je: kvirfob, ki naslavlja transmaska na transmizoginistični način ne ve, da ta oseba ni trans ženska. Ne ve in jih ne briga kako se ta oseba identificira. Sploh. S to osebo ravnajo na transmizoginističen način zato, ker mislijo, da so v interakciji s trans žensko. Kvirfobi nimajo, tko, čarobni laserski vid, s katerim lahko vidijo tvojo resnično identiteto. V bistvu jim je popolnoma vseeno, kaj je tvoja resnična identiteta. To, kako te dojemajo, jim je najpomembnejša stvar v tistem trenutku.
To ne pomeni, da to nenadoma ni transmizoginija. Femme cis gej moški so tudi prizadeti s transmizoginijo, ne razumem zakaj ljudje hočejo to pozabiti. Mislim. Obstajajo ves čas femme cis gej moški, kateri kvirfobi mislijo, da so trans ženske, in jim mečejo enake žaljivke in grožnje. Mislim. Transmizoginija prizadene ljudi, katere kvirfobi MISLIJO, da so trans ženske. Nima NIČ veze s tem, kako se ta oseba identificira.
Trans moški so klicani dyke, ker storilec misli, da je ta oseba butch lezbijka. Storilcu ni mar, da tisti trans moški ni butch lezbijka- je butch lezbijka kvirfobu, in to je vse, kar jih briga. Ljudje iz nekega razloga mislijo, da je kvirfobu nekako mar o tvoji identiteti, ali da lahko vidijo razliko med trans moški in trans ženskam.
Ne morejo.
Povprečna nekvir oseba sploh ne ve, kaj je trans moški. Ljudje izven kvir skupnosti NE razumejo, da ljudje prostovoljno delajo tranzicijo v moškost. Tvoja povprečna oseba le razume transnost v okviru moški-v-žensko trans žensko. Vem, da nekdo, ki ni trans moški, tega ne bo doživel, a sem imelo v resničnem življenju več izkušenj, kjer sem nekomu razložilo, da sem v tranziciji, da postanem moški, da jemljem testosteron, da se takrat primarno identificiram kot moški, in so mi še vedno pravili "Aaaaaa. Torej si ženska. A imaš še zmeraj svoj penis?"
Moram dobesedno rutinsko razložiti koncept trans moškosti večini nekvir ljudi, ki jih spoznam, ker mislijo, da so edina vrsta trans ljudi trans ženske.
To pomeni, da transmizoginija prizadene zelo širok razpon trans in kvir ljudi, ker je to nekdo, ki kvirfob misli, da napadajo. To ni ""napačno usmerjeno"" - kvirfob misli, da si trans ženska, in te napada zato, ker mislijo, da si trans ženska. So prepričani, da so zadeli tarčo. Trans moški je še zmeraj prizadet. Četudi trans moški ni trans ženska, jih bo še zmeraj prizadelo. Še zmeraj jih boli, če z njimi ravnajo na kvirfobični način. Ne razumem, zakaj tudi ljudi ne briga, da jih bo še zmeraj prizadelo, četudi je "napačno usmerjeno". Še zmer je zanič. Še zmer boli. Še zmer je transfobija.
Tme in tma dobesedno ne obstajata. Ti besedi nimata nobenega smisla v resničnem življenju, in le obstajata, da policeata telesa ljudi. "Tme" pomeni afab (dodeljeni ženske ob rojstvu) in "tma" pomeni amab (dodeljeni moški ob rojstvu) tem ljudem, in to je dobesedno vse, kar pomeni. Sta samo ponovno poustvarjanje spolne binarnosti. Nima nič veze s tem, kako se osebe identificirajo. Če so afab trans moški PRISILJENI se identificirati kot "tme" in so amab trans ženske PRISILJENI se identificirati kot "tma" ste potem zopet dobesedno poustvarili spolno binarnost. Nobena oseba ni osvobojena s tem, da uporablja te izraze.
i know that tme/tma are intersexist and not great terms to use and i agree. but i also see people saying that transmascs who might get clocked as transfems don’t experience real transmisogyny, it’s just misdirected so it doesn’t count. i guess that’s never made sense to me? i’m intersex so i don’t really fit anywhere within tme/tma, i experience transmisogyny and transandrophobia.
my main question is can (perisex) transmascs experience transmisogyny, or is that not a thing since it’s misdirected?
this is a fantastic question and i'm glad you took the time to ask!
the thing is: the queerphobe addressing the transmasc in a transmisogynstic matter doesn't know that person isn't a trans woman. they don't know or care how that person identifies. at all. they are treating that person in a transmisogynstic fashion becase they think they're interacting with a trans woman. queerphobes don't have like, magical laser vision that can see your true identity from the outside. in fact, they could not care less what your real identity is. what they perceive you as is the most important thing to them in that moment.
this doesn't make it suddenly not transmisogyny. femme cis gay men are also affected by transmisogyny, i don't get why people seem to wanna forget that, too. like. there are femme cis gay men that queerphobes think are trans women, all the time, and get the same slurs and threats thrown at them. like. transmisogyny affects with the person perpetuating it THINKS is a trans woman. it has NOTHING to do with how that person identifies
trans men get called dykes because the perpetrator thinks that person is a butch lesbian. the perpetrator doesn't care that that trans man isn't a butch lesbian- they're a butch lesbian to the queerphobe and that's literally all that matters to them. people think for some reason the queerphobe somehow cares about your identity, or that they can tell the difference between trans men and trans women.
they can't.
the average non queer person does not know what a trans man is. people outside of the queer community do NOT understand that people willingly transition into manhood. your average person only understands transness within the frame of a male-to-female trans woman. i know that someone who isn't a trans man won't experience this, but i have had multiple occasions in real life where i explained to someone that i am transitioning into becoming a man, that i am taking testosterone, that i primarily identify as a man now, and they still go "Ahhhhh. so you're a woman. do you still have your penis?"
i have to literally routinely explain the concept of trans manhood to most non queer people i meet because they think the only kinds of trans people are trans women.
this means that transmisogyny affects a very broad range of trans and queer people, because that is who the queerphobe thinks they are attacking. that is not ""misdirection""- the queerphobe thinks you are a trans woman, and is attacking you for being what they think is a trans woman. they are convinced they are hitting their mark. the trans man is still affected by it. even if the trans man isn't a trans woman, it's still going to affect them. it's still going to hurt them to be treated in a queerphobic manner. like i don't get why people also don't care that it's still going to hurt them even if it's "misdirected". it still sucks. it's still painful. it's still transphobia
tme and tma literally don't exist. those terms make no sense in the real world and only exist to police people's bodies. "tme" means afab and "tma" means amab to these people, that's literally all it means. it's just people recreating the sex binary yet again. it has nothing to do with how people identify. if afab trans men are FORCED to identify as "tme" and amab trans women are FORCED to identify as "tma" then you recreated the sex binary literally all over again. nobody is liberated by using these terms
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strictlyfavorites · 7 months ago
Hindi Zahra - Beautiful tango (srpski prevod)
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da-riya · 2 years ago
Sori, iz Bosne sam a taj koncert je bio tokom nove godine ^^;
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