Kit⚧️ on/njega // he/him ⚧️ 💗 slovenc // slovenian 💗🏳️🌈 Kvir, ne dam ti mir // Queer, won't stay tranquil 🏳️🌈
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had to show you guys. he looks so unbelievably bad. for context he always gets shit crusted in his fur because he doesn’t maintain it so my mom decided to give him a haircut and wanted to even it out
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kid, when life gets you down you got three choices
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imagine being a Korean person awake at like one in the morning trying to accept that the president of South Korea actually just tried to go full dictatorship by way of an emergency martial law because he was basically having a political temper tantrum and every agency and corporation in the country is all hands on deck, code red mode on everything and the military is being deployed and then the assembly revokes the martial law and then the president is like lol nevermind and now you have to get ready to work at your shitty job on a Wednesday
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the level of censorship around this man is ridiculous, what happened to free speech? It’s just his name.
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every year around christmas me and my grandma play this fun family game called “maybe you want to put jesus in your room instead, sweetie? :)”. now, it’s important to note that the jesus referred to in our game is not actually the real jesus christ, but instead a wooden figure i made in 2011 that has an uncanny resemblance to the lord and savior himself
so what happens is that i place jesus in our living room, and my grandma smiles and asks me if i don’t want to decorate my room with him instead. i ask her in return if she thinks my jesus figure is ugly (which he is), but she reassures me that this is not the case. however, a couple of days later jesus mysteriously disappears from our living room, and appear in my room instead
now, the real jesus christ might have been able to perform a miracle like this, but please remember that the jesus in our story is only a figure made out of wood. he can not move on his own, so i think we can safely say that my grandma is the prime suspect here
the first year i would often confront my grandma about this, but she would always make up an excuse and never straight up tell me she moved him because he’s so ugly it’s an embarrassment to the family
eventually i grew tired of her lies, so now we only move jesus around in silence. one second he’s in the living room, the next he’s back in my room. in a way i think this adds an extra element of excitement to the holiday season, because you never know for sure when jesus is going to be moved again
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hey reminder that connecting humanity is extremely low on esims rn and desperately needs esim donations and also that there are a lot of cool things you can get in exchange for a donation
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I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you with hearts full of hope and hope for your generous support. Due to the difficult circumstances and war we are going through, staying in our homeland has become impossible and dangerous for our lives.
We have lost our homes and loved ones, and we face constant threats to our daily lives. My family and I are in dire need of escaping this war and we are asking for your help in securing travel and asylum to a safe country where we can rebuild our lives.
The cost of travel per person is estimated at approximately $7,000. Any financial support you can provide will go a long way in saving our lives and providing a secure future for our children. You can donate via [fundraising link], or by contacting me directly for more details on how you can help.
We are very grateful for any support you can give us, whether it is financial or by sharing our story with friends and family. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for all your support and well wishes.
With sincere thanks and appreciation,.
@90-ghost @heritageposts @gazavetters @neechees @butchniqabi @fluoresensitivearchived @khanger @autisticmudkip @beserkerjewel @officialspec @xinakwans @batekush @appsa @nerdyqueerr @butchsunsetshimmer @biconicfinn @stopmotionguy @willgrahamscock @strangeauthor @bryoria @shesnake @legallybrunettedotcom @lautakwah @sovietunion @evillesbianvillain @antibioware @akajustmerry @neptunerings @explosionshark @dlxxv-vetted-donations @vague-humanoid @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @sar-soor @northgazaupdates2 @feluka-blog-blog @dirhwangdaseul @jdon @ibtisams @sawasawako @memingursa @schoolhatergirl @toesuckingoctober @ot3 @lapithae @ryo-yamada @opencommunion @anneemay @tamamita@gryficowa
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Slovenski prevod // Slovenian translation
Vem, da sta tme/tma (transmizoginistično izvzeti/transmizoginistično prizadeti) intersekstična in ne v redu izraza in se strinjam. A tudi vidim ljudi, ki pravijo, da transmaski, ki so lahko clockani kot transfemi, ne doživljajo prave transmizoginije, ker je napačno usmerjena, torej se ne šteje. To mi nekako nikdar ni bilo smiselno? Sem interseks, torej nekako ne sodim nikamor med tme/tma, doživljam transmizoginijo in transandrofobijo.
Moje glavno vprašanje je, ali lahko (periseks) transmaski doživljajo transmizoginijo, a to ni stvar, ker je napačno usmerjena?
To je fantastično vprašanje in me veseli, da ste si vzeli čas in vprašali!
Stvar je: kvirfob, ki naslavlja transmaska na transmizoginistični način ne ve, da ta oseba ni trans ženska. Ne ve in jih ne briga kako se ta oseba identificira. Sploh. S to osebo ravnajo na transmizoginističen način zato, ker mislijo, da so v interakciji s trans žensko. Kvirfobi nimajo, tko, čarobni laserski vid, s katerim lahko vidijo tvojo resnično identiteto. V bistvu jim je popolnoma vseeno, kaj je tvoja resnična identiteta. To, kako te dojemajo, jim je najpomembnejša stvar v tistem trenutku.
To ne pomeni, da to nenadoma ni transmizoginija. Femme cis gej moški so tudi prizadeti s transmizoginijo, ne razumem zakaj ljudje hočejo to pozabiti. Mislim. Obstajajo ves čas femme cis gej moški, kateri kvirfobi mislijo, da so trans ženske, in jim mečejo enake žaljivke in grožnje. Mislim. Transmizoginija prizadene ljudi, katere kvirfobi MISLIJO, da so trans ženske. Nima NIČ veze s tem, kako se ta oseba identificira.
Trans moški so klicani dyke, ker storilec misli, da je ta oseba butch lezbijka. Storilcu ni mar, da tisti trans moški ni butch lezbijka- je butch lezbijka kvirfobu, in to je vse, kar jih briga. Ljudje iz nekega razloga mislijo, da je kvirfobu nekako mar o tvoji identiteti, ali da lahko vidijo razliko med trans moški in trans ženskam.
Ne morejo.
Povprečna nekvir oseba sploh ne ve, kaj je trans moški. Ljudje izven kvir skupnosti NE razumejo, da ljudje prostovoljno delajo tranzicijo v moškost. Tvoja povprečna oseba le razume transnost v okviru moški-v-žensko trans žensko. Vem, da nekdo, ki ni trans moški, tega ne bo doživel, a sem imelo v resničnem življenju več izkušenj, kjer sem nekomu razložilo, da sem v tranziciji, da postanem moški, da jemljem testosteron, da se takrat primarno identificiram kot moški, in so mi še vedno pravili "Aaaaaa. Torej si ženska. A imaš še zmeraj svoj penis?"
Moram dobesedno rutinsko razložiti koncept trans moškosti večini nekvir ljudi, ki jih spoznam, ker mislijo, da so edina vrsta trans ljudi trans ženske.
To pomeni, da transmizoginija prizadene zelo širok razpon trans in kvir ljudi, ker je to nekdo, ki kvirfob misli, da napadajo. To ni ""napačno usmerjeno"" - kvirfob misli, da si trans ženska, in te napada zato, ker mislijo, da si trans ženska. So prepričani, da so zadeli tarčo. Trans moški je še zmeraj prizadet. Četudi trans moški ni trans ženska, jih bo še zmeraj prizadelo. Še zmeraj jih boli, če z njimi ravnajo na kvirfobični način. Ne razumem, zakaj tudi ljudi ne briga, da jih bo še zmeraj prizadelo, četudi je "napačno usmerjeno". Še zmer je zanič. Še zmer boli. Še zmer je transfobija.
Tme in tma dobesedno ne obstajata. Ti besedi nimata nobenega smisla v resničnem življenju, in le obstajata, da policeata telesa ljudi. "Tme" pomeni afab (dodeljeni ženske ob rojstvu) in "tma" pomeni amab (dodeljeni moški ob rojstvu) tem ljudem, in to je dobesedno vse, kar pomeni. Sta samo ponovno poustvarjanje spolne binarnosti. Nima nič veze s tem, kako se osebe identificirajo. Če so afab trans moški PRISILJENI se identificirati kot "tme" in so amab trans ženske PRISILJENI se identificirati kot "tma" ste potem zopet dobesedno poustvarili spolno binarnost. Nobena oseba ni osvobojena s tem, da uporablja te izraze.
i know that tme/tma are intersexist and not great terms to use and i agree. but i also see people saying that transmascs who might get clocked as transfems don’t experience real transmisogyny, it’s just misdirected so it doesn’t count. i guess that’s never made sense to me? i’m intersex so i don’t really fit anywhere within tme/tma, i experience transmisogyny and transandrophobia.
my main question is can (perisex) transmascs experience transmisogyny, or is that not a thing since it’s misdirected?
this is a fantastic question and i'm glad you took the time to ask!
the thing is: the queerphobe addressing the transmasc in a transmisogynstic matter doesn't know that person isn't a trans woman. they don't know or care how that person identifies. at all. they are treating that person in a transmisogynstic fashion becase they think they're interacting with a trans woman. queerphobes don't have like, magical laser vision that can see your true identity from the outside. in fact, they could not care less what your real identity is. what they perceive you as is the most important thing to them in that moment.
this doesn't make it suddenly not transmisogyny. femme cis gay men are also affected by transmisogyny, i don't get why people seem to wanna forget that, too. like. there are femme cis gay men that queerphobes think are trans women, all the time, and get the same slurs and threats thrown at them. like. transmisogyny affects with the person perpetuating it THINKS is a trans woman. it has NOTHING to do with how that person identifies
trans men get called dykes because the perpetrator thinks that person is a butch lesbian. the perpetrator doesn't care that that trans man isn't a butch lesbian- they're a butch lesbian to the queerphobe and that's literally all that matters to them. people think for some reason the queerphobe somehow cares about your identity, or that they can tell the difference between trans men and trans women.
they can't.
the average non queer person does not know what a trans man is. people outside of the queer community do NOT understand that people willingly transition into manhood. your average person only understands transness within the frame of a male-to-female trans woman. i know that someone who isn't a trans man won't experience this, but i have had multiple occasions in real life where i explained to someone that i am transitioning into becoming a man, that i am taking testosterone, that i primarily identify as a man now, and they still go "Ahhhhh. so you're a woman. do you still have your penis?"
i have to literally routinely explain the concept of trans manhood to most non queer people i meet because they think the only kinds of trans people are trans women.
this means that transmisogyny affects a very broad range of trans and queer people, because that is who the queerphobe thinks they are attacking. that is not ""misdirection""- the queerphobe thinks you are a trans woman, and is attacking you for being what they think is a trans woman. they are convinced they are hitting their mark. the trans man is still affected by it. even if the trans man isn't a trans woman, it's still going to affect them. it's still going to hurt them to be treated in a queerphobic manner. like i don't get why people also don't care that it's still going to hurt them even if it's "misdirected". it still sucks. it's still painful. it's still transphobia
tme and tma literally don't exist. those terms make no sense in the real world and only exist to police people's bodies. "tme" means afab and "tma" means amab to these people, that's literally all it means. it's just people recreating the sex binary yet again. it has nothing to do with how people identify. if afab trans men are FORCED to identify as "tme" and amab trans women are FORCED to identify as "tma" then you recreated the sex binary literally all over again. nobody is liberated by using these terms
#prevod#translation#slovenian translation#slovenija#slovenia#slovensko#kvir#queer#lgbtq#lgbtqia#trans#transspolnost#nebinarnost#trans moški#trans ženska#transandrofobija#transandrophobia#transmizandrija#transmisandry#transmizoginija#transmisogyny#tme/tma#radinclus#anti-radfem#jebi radfeme#transfobija#transphobia#kvirfobija#queerphobia#interseksizem
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Slovenski prevod // Slovenian translation
Ne spomnem se, če si bilo to že vprašano in funkcija iskanja je nekako zanič:
Ali misliš, da je vredno opraviti kromosomski test, čeprav ne misliš, da si interseks, ali da imaš kakšne druge diagnoze v zvezi s kromosomi?
Mislim, da je to odvisno na kaj iščeš?
Veliko interseks ljudi ne opravi nobenih kromosomskih testov, vsaj ne po svoji volji. Samo nisem nikdar opravilo takšnih vrst testov. Lahko bi bilo vredno, če iščeš za specifične zdravstvene težave, a če ne misliš, da si interseks, potem nekako ne vidim v tem smisla. Na splošno, bi opravili takšen test za potrditev nekakšne domneve, ki jo imate. Torej v tem primeru, mislim, da bi reklo, da se ne splača, razen če imate dobro zavarovanje, ali živite nekje, kjer bi bilo takšno testiranje popolnoma zastonj.
I don't remember if you've been asked before and the search function kinda sucks:
Do you think it's worth it to have a chromosomal test even if you don't think you're intersex or have any other diagnosis related to chromosomes?
i guess that'll depend on what you're looking for?
many intersex people don't get any type of chromosomal testing done, at least not willingly. i've not done that type of testing, myself. it might be worth it if you're looking for certain health problems, but if you don't think you're intersex then i suppose i don't really see the point in it. generally you'd get a test like that to confirm an assumption you may have. so in this case, i'd probably say it's not worth it unless you have very good insurance, or live somewhere where that testing would be completely free
#prevod#translation#slovenian translation#slovenija#slovenia#slovensko#kvir#queer#slavic#lgbtq#lgbtqia#interseks#intersex#chromosomes#testiranje#kromosomi#radinclus
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Slovenski prevod // Slovenian translation
Sovražim kako ljudje govorijo, da je TERF retorika reči, da so trans moški lahko lezbijski. Noben ne govori, da so vsi trans moški, ki imajo radi ženske lezbijski, samo govorimo, da so LAHKO, če se odločijo tako identificirati !!! Nekateri od njih so strejt tipi, nekateri so lezbijski tipi, nekateri so lahko oboje, nekateri so lahko nič od tega...
Je terf retorika, da namiguješ, da so vsi trans moški "zmedene" lezbijke in da ne vedo, kako se v resnici identificirati. Mislim, dejanska terf retorika v tej razpravi je to, da so prepričani, da smo trans moški le zmedeni o naši identiteti in da ne vemo, kdo dejansko smo.
Reči, da so VSI trans moški "zmedene butch lezbijke" je terf retorika. Reči, da so trans moški LAHKO lezbijke/lezbijski ni. Ena je inkluzivna, druga govori drugim, kako mislijo in čutijo. Veselo sem, da razumeš!
I hate how people say it's TERF rhetoric to say trans men can be lesbians. No one is saying all trans men who like women are lesbians, we're saying that they CAN BE if they choose to identify as such !!! Some of them are straight guys, some are lesbians guys, some could be both, some could be neither...
it's terf rhetoric to insinuate that all trans men are "confused" lesbians and don't know how they actually identify. like the actual terf rhetoric in this discussion is that they are convinced that trans men are just confused about our identity and don't know who we really are.
to say that ALL trans men are "confused butch lesbians" is terf rhetoric. saying that trans men CAN be lesbians, is not. one is inclusive, the other is telling other people how they think and feel. i'm glad you get it!
#prevod#slovenian translation#lgbtqia#lgbtq#kvir#slovenia#slovenija#queer#lesboy#trans#transspolnost#trans moški#trans man#transmasc#transmask#nebinarnost#nonbinary#lezfant#lezboj#lezmoški#lesman#radinclus#anti-radfem#transmaskulinost#lezbijstvo#lezbijska oseba#lesbian#butch#translation
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🔴can you help me 🇵🇸🍉
This is my home Which was destroyed by the accursed occupation yesterday I'm not sad about the stones I'm sad about the memories I hope this damned war ends 💔💔😔 🍉🇵🇸
vetted by @90-ghost
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Missiles are imminent. This video was taken tonight (10/12/24) by Abood. You don't understand what it's like to miss out on a basic necessity such as sleep due to the torment of Israeli aggression, night after night. It wears you down to the point where it's hard to function. And yet miraculously, they keep going. Abood once told me he's in love with life - despite everything - and that impossible optimism is what keeps him going through it all. Can you imagine the sheer determination it takes to keep surviving, keep pushing on, under a regime that threatens your life every damn day?
Again, they have no choice but to relocate just to stay alive. It's the middle of winter and they're freezing with nothing to keep them warm. Starving, unsafe, and almost nowhere left to go, the only thing that can help is your donation.
Please help Abood and his wife stay safe tonight.
^ Abood's real PP link - either GFM and PP work to save his and his wife's life.
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Please donate to Eslam family!
“My name is Eslam from Gaza, I’m 29 years old, and I’m a children teacher from Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip. a mother of two daughters, Hanaa 5 years old, and Alma, 10 months old. My husband Rasmi is the director of 3 language and training centers. In this war, our house was completely destroyed and razed to the ground, and my husband’s centers were blown up. He lost his job, and we were completely displaced, and we are now homeless and jobless, My two young daughters constantly suffer from diseases due to malnutrition and water pollution.
Danger and death surround us all day and all night. We have lost everything and depend on donations to survive and, most of all, to have any hope of escaping this genocide and evacuating to safety in Egypt. The cost of daily living continues to rise significantly in Gaza - imagine that we cannot find the type of milk for our daughter because of its high price. There is no kind of detergent and this is the cause of skin diseases for my two little girls. We bought a piece of soap for $30! ، and detergent is 100$"
As of 8:46pm November 11, 2024 (GMT+8) $31,955 raised out of $50,000
vetted: bees and watermelon spreadsheet #175
@eslamfa9 @eslamfa8
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