#previously posted on my now deleted twitter
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pink-linoleum · 1 day ago
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what if fairy kept growing clifford the big red dog style
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ponett · 14 days ago
I went digging and couldn't turn up anything, substantial or otherwise, about Matt Moylan. I need to know how low to place my expectations for my second favorite mega men, because it sounds like "pretty damn low"
Matt Moylan is the Director of Publishing over at Udon. He's been there for ages. He's also a total reactionary.
To give full context, this is gonna get a little long.
Moylan is perhaps best known for the Transformers fancomic Lil Formers, which was popular in the '00s. This isn't super important here, but allow me to go on a tangent because it's where a lot of people know the guy from, and it's mildly more entertaining than just screencapping his tweets. The comic was basically just an excuse for him to draw a bunch of chibi Transformers that people would then use in forum signatures and whatnot. Sometimes he would attach his cranky old geewunner opinions and complain about art style changes or new female characters in the dialogue, if he wasn't just making a generic joke about Wheelie being annoying or Seaspray having a silly voice or whatever.
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Comedy gold, I know.
Lil Formers was well known within the fandom. Geewunners and kids who didn't know any better and just liked the chibi Transformers (guilty) loved it. Other fans grew more annoyed by Moylan's schtick. As far back as 2009 TFWiki contributor David Willis mocked it in a strip from his own webcomic, Shortpacked:
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His wiki page on TFWiki also recounts a bizarre old bit of fandom drama. Moylan had previously worked for the defunct comic publisher Dreamwave, who published the Transformers comics in the early '00s, and in 2006 he went on popular Transformers forum TFW2005 to make several claims about behind the scenes conflicts and unfulfilled story plans. Most bizarre was a claim that Autobot Sunstreaker was supposed to be gay in the Dreamwave comics, which was written off as a childish attempt to rile up the fandom. His claims were all vehemently disputed by the Dreamwave writers he was shit talking, who would also accuse Moylan of anonymously slandering them and sending them threatening emails. Swell guy!
Anyway, hopefully this isn't surprising to literally anyone who's been on a forum in the last decade, but this nerd who won't shut up about the Good Ol' Days of the '80s is now a reactionary conservative who complains about how they're making everything "woke." And unfortunately he's no longer just some guy drawing dumb little one-panel comics about Transformers, he's now overseeing all of the output at Capcom's go-to comic and art book publisher in North America.
Here's some of his tweets to illustrate what he's like these days.
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Yes, that's a reply to Mark "Grummz" Kern. He's also chatted up accounts like Libs of Tiktok and Comicsgate ringleader Ethan Van Sciver. Also note the reply in which he tries to tell Greg Weisman himself that Gargoyles had "not an ounce of woke." This guy's brain is fucking cooked.
Here's a take he posted about The Boys, too, just because it's really fucking funny to me:
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After I and several other people posted about his behavior over on Bluesky and expressed disinterest in buying anything from Udon (such as the new Mega Man comics), he deleted his Twitter for like a week. He's since restored it, the tweets in question now long gone. Clearly it wasn't a good look for him to be making statements about his employer's values like this, sometimes in the same breath as announcements about new comics. That being said, he's issued no actual apology for his statements, and Udon hasn't acknowledged it at all. There's no reason to believe he's had a change of heart. They're just gonna pretend he never said any of this. And as of a few days ago, he's been announced as the writer for the one-shot Mega Man ZX comic that Udon is putting out later this year. Yaaaayyyy
I know there are a lot of cool people working on stuff for Udon, but Moylan being in a position of power there means I have zero interest in giving that company money. When your Director of Publishing is over on Twitter trying to court an audience of reactionary nerds and proudly proclaiming that Udon is "anti-woke, anti-DEI," and then you go to their website and the first image you see is this...
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...Look, I love huge boobs as much as the next bisexual furry pervert, but this particular image in conjunction with his tweets paints a pretty clear picture of what sort of values Moylan is pushing at Udon. He wants to cater to nerds who will buy softcore Street Fighter hentai thinking it'll own the libs.
So hey, if he doesn't want my dirty woke money, fine by me. I'm not touching anything Udon publishes as long as Matt Moylan still works there.
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months ago
Earlier this year, a new blog was started here on Tumblr with the aim and intention of harassing a group of fans in the GO fandom. I previously made a post addressing this, as I was the initial target of this blog (whose original handle was a dupe of my own Tumblr handle).
I had hoped not to have a reason to revisit this particular subject, but given recent disturbing comments made by both this blog and its followers, and a post written by @nightgoodomens describing the situation from their perspective, I feel compelled to make a post of my own, to talk about what I have experienced and continue to experience at the hands of these individuals.
By now, some of you may be familiar with the blog in question. In my prior post, I did not mention this blog's name publicly, and I have no intention of doing so at this time, either. Yet I think it's important to be clear about what this blog's specific intentions were, which were made evident by its original creator on Twitter at the end of May:
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It was only a few days after writing this tweet that the author did exactly this, and created this main blog. I feel that this has somehow become obscured over time, as given the negative response that this blog's initial posts engendered, the original creator apparently retired from the blog and gave the reins to someone else, and the blog's focus soon pivoted to defending Georgia and Anna. Prior to this, however, the blog began publishing Anons attacking me, including one that seemed to be threatening to doxx me:
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What particularly perplexed me was seeing a gradual distortion of my own words and writing here on Tumblr, as well as people buying into it so readily. I also noticed one particular blog that became friendly with this main blog--they've changed handles a number of times, but at the time they were known as michaelsheendaily (then michaelsheensource, then thesheenantbergs). For months prior, they talked specifically about how awful the things I/others were saying about Georgia and Anna, and then seemingly joined forces with this main blog.
…Yet one year ago this very month, that same person (michaelsheendaily/thesheenantbergs) felt similarly to many of us and had sent me an Ask wanting to know if I thought Anna was being abusive to Michael. This Ask was sent from their (at the time, now deleted) main blog, but they helpfully DMed me from michaelsheendaily to make sure I had seen their question:
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I answered this question (as I try to do with every Ask/Anon I get) straightforwardly and honestly, and firmly said "No" in response, as well as how serious it is to accuse someone of abuse, and that it is not up to any of us to try and break up a relationship, as Michael has people he can turn to if he needs to do so. I have also previously defended Georgia on my blog (and provided rationales and examples for why my perspective has gradually shifted over time), but it seems that the people harassing me have conveniently chosen to ignore all of this/have never looked at my blog beyond a cursory glance.
As this main blog continued its posting, and despite having Anons turned off, I began to receive a number of hateful Asks, which culminated with another blog suddenly coming into being about a month after these initial incidents. This blog claimed to be Michael Sheen (using a handle of his from Facebook), and published this despicably homophobic and noticeably un-Michael-like post:
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The aforementioned main blog immediately drew attention to this post, and claimed that they had "proof" of this being the real Michael:
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It soon became apparent that this blog was a fake, and despite its prior insistence that it could possibly be him, the main blog backtracked quickly as more people pointed out how obviously this was not Michael. Yet even the notion that someone would think this was acceptable--to pretend to be Michael, to (poorly) attempt an approximation of his writing style, all for the sake of attacking one person, and despite the fact that we know Michael already has a Tumblr that he hasn’t posted on in years--is just absurd beyond words.
But clearly this ill-conceived post inspired others, as only a week after this post appeared (and subsequently disappeared, along with the blog itself), I received an Ask from yet another recently-created blog of someone claiming to know Michael personally, saying that he would "destroy" me:
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Which brings me to the present day, and how these themes have presented themselves yet again, in an even more unpleasant fashion.
Over the last four months, this main blog and its followers have continued to obsessively read my blog (despite how very easy it would be to simply block me) and screenshotted my posts in order to add their own vile commentary. I have not wanted to draw attention to any of this, but one particular instance has now made me change my mind.
I've recently talked on my blog about my upcoming trip to London, where I will be seeing David in Macbeth. A few days ago, it was brought to my attention that the main blog screenshotted one of my posts--which was a reblog of a video of David with Jodie Whittaker--along with my tags talking about the way David was sitting. One of the blog's followers commented this in response, and subsequently received a reply from the OP:
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The "daggers" commenter currently runs several blogs dedicated to worshiping/defending Georgia and Anna (at least one of which is run in tandem with the original creator of the main blog). Numerous accusations have been levied at me and others from these blogs, one of the most outrageous of which is homophobia...yet this is their response to me simply saying David might not be 100% straight, and which eerily echoes the tone of the post from "Michael" three months ago. And while there are a lot of things about the last few months that have rankled me, nothing does so more than the hypocrisy I have witnessed, such as this.
The thing is, though, that when I saw these comments, all I could honestly think of was how sad I felt.
Because here I am, just days away from going on my trip--a trip I have been so anxiously awaiting, that is my first non-work trip in a very, very long time--and now the thought of, "Could someone try to attack me?" has crossed my mind. Yet my sadness is less for myself and more for the person who thinks it is acceptable to wish or even encourage violence against another human being. My sadness is that this person feels so unsafe or discontent in their own life--a feeling I know all too well--that their chosen course of action is to make someone else feel unsafe. To assuage their own sense of powerlessness by going after someone they perceive as having power.
My sadness is at these people being so sure that the celebrities they are a fan of would agree with them, yet needing/wanting those people to act in a way that aligns with who they want Michael and David to be, rather than who they actually are. I know that the Michael and David I became a fan of are two of the kindest, most intelligent, warmest men you could imagine, and that there is no part of me that wants or needs them to scream at or dislike the same people I do for the sake of my own self-serving purposes.
To that end, I have also been distressed by the apparent frenzy that was recently generated in the form of a "rallying cry" against myself and others in this group of fans facing ongoing harassment. But what I've tended to see as a response to said frenzy is some variation of, "People are saying these terrible things. I haven't actually seen any of these posts/comments, but it must be terrible, so I'll block this person/people." I am no stranger to fandom chatter/gossip, but every time I hear something, my first impulse is always to find the receipts. To learn more information what is being claimed so that I can make up my own mind. And that is the very same ethos I have espoused on my blog for years, because I would much rather people think for themselves than "fall in line" because they are being told to do so/threatened with being "cancelled" if they don't.
So if you want to find out something about my opinions or takes, it is all here on my blog. Everything going back five years since I joined the GO fandom, tagged and catalogued. I have not privated anything or deleted anything, nor do I have multiple blogs or side blogs--just this one. And if after reading what I actually have to say you still want to block me, you are certainly welcome to do so. I would just much rather you block me because of the truth, not because of someone else's personal vendetta and agenda.
To say that dealing with all of this for months on end has been surreal and stressful is a profound understatement. Especially because I have never once engaged with this blog, never replied to any posts of theirs, nor sent them an Anon or made threats of any kind (despite receiving numerous threats myself). Nor have I replied to the multiple incendiary Asks and DMs I have repeatedly received from the blog's original creator.
Again, I have not wanted to draw any further attention to these people, but the staggering awfulness of the most recent comments finally made me feel that enough is enough. I truly shudder to think what the response would be if someone made a similarly threatening comment toward these individuals...yet it's somehow completely fine to say these things about me. To make me and others into the "villain" that you need us to be to justify saying these heinous things in the first place. And while these individuals and anyone else are free to dislike me and to express their dislike in a public forum to their heart's content, that freedom of expression ends where my right to not feel that my personal safety is in jeopardy begins. A line that should never have been crossed has been crossed, and we as a fandom and as human beings are much the worse off for it.
No one should ever have to feel this way. Not even these people. And by talking about all of this and bringing these incidents into the light, my hope is that no one else ever will.
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simpjaes · 7 months ago
now that I have had the time to actually think and write out my feelings, here's what i stated earlier except worded better because every time i read my original post about the situation, it doesn't get my message across.
Despite me only having one (now deleted) work dedicated to that piece of undeserving shit, Moon Taeil, I will no longer be writing for nct, period. [ referring to ao3 and ncteez]
One reason being that as much as I enjoyed writing for NCT and as much as I adore(d) the members, I cannot realistically know who was or was not aware of what Taeil was doing. I am not saying that they were well aware and swept it under the rug, I am simply stating that as much as I hope they didn't know, I am no longer comfortable as a fan because it is unlikely that we will ever be able to do anything more than speculate. My second reason being that I have grown a lot as a person and have drifted from NCT in the past half year. The news we all came online to today was something that ultimately made me stop clinging. 
Additionally, i want to remind you all that I will never judge you for continuing to support NCT, but I will judge you if you continue to support Taeil.
I sincerely hope the victims who were hurt by him are not only finding joy in his downfall, but healing. It's not easy to heal from such a thing, as so many of us have experienced it ourselves, but I do hope that seeing justice will make those wounds a little easier to handle. And if you're a fan, or biased Taeil previously, remember that you should not feel guilty or bad for loving him before this. It was his job to be lovable and to be seen in his best light. He manipulated many people but let's hope that he can no longer do that.
fuck moon taeil. 
and just to add, i see people on twitter saying "i heard from somewhere blah blah blah" and "my friend said she saw taeil do this" etc. do not take these things random fans are saying and treat them as truth. we are well aware that taeil has done something awful but I want to make it very clear that with each new allegation that ends up being false, people may begin to question and downplay the whole situation. I'm talking "well this was proved false so clearly he's innocent with the other things too!" etc. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING IF THEY DO NOT POST SOURCES FROM LEGITAMATE PLACES. I know we are all angry and hurt, but get your information from trusted sources, not the person with a haechan pfp on twitter trying to express their anger by spreading information that could, ultimately, take awareness away from the real victims and/or make people second guess the investigation as a whole.
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m4dm4yhem · 2 years ago
“ compare me to gwen one more time and ima whoop you into next week in front of all of new york ..” you had threatened.. just days prior to this event; it wasn’t even miles saying it to your face, you would find journal entries, tweets, instagram story posts of just the dumbest shit you could ever muster.. miles always finding some sort of way to compare you to gwen. you thought you had made yourself clear; yes, the threat was unnecessary but sometimes it’s the only way to tell these thick skulled guys not to do something.
a sigh escaped your lips as you were scrolling on twitter; mindlessly until you saw it.
‘ sometimes I’m surprised how quick my girl can solve math problems..but gwen could do it quicker’
your jaw dropped; and you looked at the comments; seeing ganke telling miles to take this down because of your threat, multiple comments from who you knew was miles’ best friend.. advising him that if he didn’t want to be so purple people thought he was barney..to take that tweet down; you sucked your teeth as you tapped on his profile; and scrolled down; seeing the tweet was now deleted and replaced with a picture of you with
‘ I love my girlfriend!’ you liked the tweet; and commented under it; ‘ I love my boyfriend! :3’ just to throw him off; as you slammed your phone down on the bed; grumbling curse words to yourself as you pulled on a hoodie; and some jeans with a belt around your waist ; you slid your feet into some slides and made your way to miles’ home. while you never wanted to hurt the boy you loved; this had to be borderline cheating.. right? comparing you to a girl he used to love.. were you gonna take that disrespect? hell no.
his mother had made you a key.. seeing how serious the relationship between you two was; while you weren’t gonna use it.. because you were gonna wait for him to come outside or see you.. if it took too long you sure were gonna use it.. but you found there stood another spider person.. standing right below miles’ room; talking to him? you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion; as you called out to him;
“ miles?” now.. you had seen gwen before, but the two of them kept you in the dark enough for you not to know that she was spider-woman and he was spider-man. his head turned to you and he gasped; “ [name]! oh..uh what are you doing here?” his words were full of panic and his face looked the same way his words felt; you nodded you head; as you shrugged; “ here to see my boyfriend.” your tone was deadpan as you stared up at him.
that’s when the spiderwoman that was standing right below miles’ room window began to freak; “ w-what? miles you have a girlfriend? you didn’t say that! why were you drawing me if you had a girlfriend!” “ gwen-“ once miles let the name slip he knew he messed up; he bit his lip and shut his eyes as he knew you heard him; but when he opened his eyes you weren’t down on the ground like you were moments previously; “ where did she..?” his eyes searched for you around where his eyes could see;
�� did you see where she went?” he yelled down to gwen; who looked around as well; and even swung around nearby buildings; when she swung herself back into miles’ room; she shook her head; taking her mask off. “ no..” gwen couldn’t even look at miles. “ why…why do you have a girlfriend if you aren’t-“ she started before you kicked the door open; belt in hand.
“ i warned you! you better act like you got some damn sense next fucking time!” that’s when the belt first made contact with his skin; and he let out a yelp; and the burning pain kept coming; anger in your eyes; yells of pain and pleas for you to stop coming out his mouth; you did; only having hit him with the belt a smooth five or six times; gwen stood there in shock; she couldn’t believe you had just did that; her first instinct was to go to his side to ask if he was okay; but she stayed in the place she was; an awkward look on her face
“ bet you won’t say gwen can solve a math problem quicker than me now.. bet you won’t say I could never pull off gwen’s hairstyle now.. bet you will never.. say some slick shit out your mouth again!” you kept yelling at him; as you threw the belt to the ground; as it was his in the first place; that you had stolen in order to wear his jeans when you had spelled soda on your own at a barbecue months prior.. the words you threw at him were only the most minor things he had said to you over the months.
and then you kneeled down next to him; as he was groaning, he was bruised a bit here and there but nothing he couldn’t walk off; “ you good?” you asked as you helped him to his feet after that; miles gave a weak nod as he winced; a hand on his lower back, and an embarrassed look on his face as he knew gwen had witnessed that; “ yes..yes..” he mumbled out; you nodded and looked him up and down; “ next time I see something about you comparing me to gwen.. you not only getting your ass whooped worse than what I did today.. but you gon be single too.” you warned; honestly..gwen was surprised you didn’t break up with him then; but the girl felt out of place.
“ uhm…miles.. im.. gonna..” she gestured towards the window; “ yeah..” and then she left; you raised an eyebrow as you watched her leave; and rolled your eyes, “ hope I didn’t..hurt you too bad.. you know I still love you.” you spoke softly; turning your attention back to miles.
he gave a soft nod; “ yeah.. I know..” the beating wasn’t anything he hadn’t already endured; but it was just a shock coming from his girlfriend; “ …im really sorry for doing that [name]… comparing you to gwen and all..” his guilt was there in his voice and you nodded; “ okay.” was all you said as you forced him to sit down on his bed. “..okay?” he repeated back to you, confusion in his tone. “ yeah..okay..you don’t expect me to forgive you do you? im gonna make sure you good.. and then I’m dipping.. the fuck..? you still my man and all.. but we not gon be on cool terms for a minute because of what you did. I need space.” you spoke; checking over miles once more, before you honored your words.. and left.
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putschki1969 · 6 months ago
Let's address THAT blog
Many of you might have noticed a few blog posts being shared on social media relating to the most recent Kalafina reunion drama. I've had a lot of people send links to me asking for my opinion on the matter so I thought I'd briefly talk about the whole thing myself. For those who don't know, a few days ago, following the release of the Nikkan Sports article and the subsequent official announcements about the upcoming Kalafina Anniversary Live, a Livedoor blog popped up out of nowhere titled "FictionJunction & Kalafina Behind the Scenes". Currently, there are three main blog posts available discussing a variety of topics, namely
① The truth behind Kajiura Yuki's departure from the agency ② The truth behind Kalafina's split and hiatus ③ The activities of the members and Kajiura after Kalafina's hiatus ④ The circumstances that led to Kalafina's reunion and the truth behind Kajiura's anger ⑤ Rights related to Kalafina
The contents of ① and ② are discussed in the first blog post, the second blog post is focusing on the contents of ③ and ④, and the details of ⑤ are presented in the third blog post.
UPDATE: As of October 8, the blog seems to have been deleted so the above links no longer work. If you ask me, this is even more proof that the author cannot be trusted. Thankfully, there are internet archives so nothing has been lost. Archived Post 1 Archived Post 2 Archived Post 3
I am not planning to dissect every little detail of this very long essay but I would like to provide some important context that will surely put things into perspective for many readers. Without further ado, let's get to it〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
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The person who runs the aforementioned blog is the same person behind the sketchy FJS YouTube Channel that uploaded the supposedly unreleased "sprinter" audio. I talked extensively about the matter in THIS as well as THIS post and together with some fellow fans, we were able to debunk that account's claim of authenticity. In an ASK from a couple of days ago, someone actually told me that they had seen weird statements in that account's YouTube Community referring to an extensive plan to summarise all the behind the scenes info of the Yuki Kajiura/Kalafina debacle. Looks like that plan has come to fruition in the past few days because we now have those three ultra-long blog posts floating around all across Twitter.
I'm gonna reiterate what I said in my response to the ASK above. This person is without a doubt a knowledgeable fan. I reckon that they are much more obsessed than a majority of fandom (including little old me) so they've surely memorised/internalised every word written or said on social media platforms, every pamphlet and FC bulletin interview, every tabloid news article, and every other notable statement that has ever been uttered by the involved parties. When it comes to information that has been shared publicly, I doubt there are many casual or even long-term fans who can claim to have such a thorough understanding of all the "facts" as this person does, especially considering that most of the relevant events have taken place over the course of several years. Thanks to the huge amounts of accumulated knowledge, this person is able to make a solid case for themselves, at face value, everything they write sounds legit and professional.
But here is the big issue. They are first and foremost an imposter aiming for attention and clout. How do I know this? Let me explain! Not only did they initially claim to be an "Official FJS" account on YouTube, they also pretended (and are still pretending) to have access to previously restricted content, such as live audio from Sony. None of those things are true of course. The "official" label was removed from the account name and handle rather quickly once people paid closer attention and started questioning the legitimacy of the account and everything it claimed to offer. As mentioned above, the seemingly exclusive "sprinter" recording turned out to be totally fake (although this person is still pretending it is legit).
With their brand new Livedoor blog, this person is going even further. They are claiming to be an "industry insider", someone who has "formerly been affiliated" with Yuki Kajiura and Kalafina. I call bullshit! Based on what we know from their YouTube activities, we have absolutely no reason to believe this person is telling the truth in this matter. That short, little intro in every single blog post is proof enough that everything that follows cannot and should not be taken too seriously. By starting out your essay with a phrase like "whether you believe it or not is up to you" you are basically diminishing the credibility of your work. The author is simply covering their back with the inclusion of this clause because they are very much aware that they are lying and masquerading as someone else. In this first paragraph, there is also talk of "nothing but facts" being included in the essay. Hardly! While I do actually believe that the basic framework is made up of "facts" that have been gathered through a lot of research referring mostly to primary sources (i.e. statements made by the involved people themselves via different media outlets), there is also a frighteningly heavy reliance on information that has only ever been published in tabloid articles so in my opinion, it is not fully trustworthy (particularly true for some of the things discussed in part ① of the essay relating to the management drama that caused YK's departure). Also, this person has the unfortunate tendency to embellish specific situations with their own little headcanons, resulting in an overly dramatic portrayal of things. This not only serves to victimise/infantalises certain involved parties (especially in the case of Keiko), it also leads to a subtle vilification of other involved parties (particularly affecting Wakana). Needless to say, this is not something I approve of because it only creates more confusion and drama among fans.
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All right, this is pretty much the gist of the context I wanted to provide for you. I'm not telling you to not read those three blog posts, quite the contrary actually, go ahead and read them, put them through Google Translate if you have to, you should be fine with that. You will get a more or less solid overview of everything that has happened in the past few years (and if you've followed my blog diligently, you'll find that a lot of the things stated in the essay will align with what I've shared). The facts and timeline mostly check out so you can rest assured that you are not being fed straight-up lies (with the exception of the author's background of course). But please, do me a favour and take everything you read in there with a huge grain of salt! This person isn't an insider and they are not privy to any "exclusive" information. They are solely relying on information that is readily available online or in various publications. Also, be aware that the author is actively trying to deceive us by pretending to be someone they are most definitely not. This alone should be cause for suspicion.
I'm not sure what is prompting this person to make such claims. They could just as well admit to being an obsessed fan who has dedicated their whole life to knowing every single detail about their idol and who would even go as far as to create/come up with "new" content/information to appeal to fellow fans. By simply acknowledging that fact, this person would instantly appear to be more authentic. I mean, I know what I am talking about because I myself am very open about those things. I am aware that I am much more invested in Kalafina than your run-of-the-mill casual fan, hence, I have amassed a lot more knowledge than most other people in this fandom. But even if you are this level of hyperfixated and obsessed, it still doesn't give you the right to play pretend. Once fans start to claim that they've some sort of affiliation to their idols which gives them access to insider information, you'll know that in 99,9% of cases, they've become delusional. They get off on being seen as "special" and they know that most casual fans will not fact-check anything they say so they can just continue to expand their little fantasy. This way, they will gain the attention and validation they so desperately seek.
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akwardtractor · 11 months ago
Hi Kylux friends! Everyone should know that the tumblr user previously known as namelesslegion (now @yaoshipsd) and the late Twitter user schwarzlegion deleted their twitter after posting fanart they made of Hitler and then being called out as a Nazi. They claimed to have made this art to weed out the kinky people following them — this makes no sense, as they make nsfw artwork. This obviously makes so sense. I don’t have a screenshot of the artwork, as they deleted their twitter before I could, but I did get a screenshot of my comment I made to them and part of what they had to say.
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Be safe out there kyluxers! And say fuck you to Nazis :)
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mariacallous · 4 months ago
At around 5 pm on a Thursday in December 2022, a privacy- and information-freedom-focused programmer named Micah Lee learned, to his shock, that he had just been banned from Twitter. His crime: posting a link to @Elonjets, an account on the competing social media service Mastodon that tracked the location of the private jet of Twitter’s new billionaire owner, Elon Musk—a link that Musk would later claim amounted to “doxing” despite the jet’s location info being publicly available.
For a moment, Lee grieved the loss of an account he'd spent years building, with more than 50,000 followers. Then, almost immediately, that feeling was replaced with relief to have escaped a platform he felt was already in precipitous moral decline. Since Musk had taken it over two months earlier, Twitter's new owner had already allowed previously banned far-right and even neo-Nazi figures back onto the service in the name of free speech—while simultaneously axing the accounts of leftists. Perhaps getting banned for offending the mercurial mogul behind those partisan decisions was “a good way to go,” Lee decided.
He hasn't looked back. Twitter eventually told Lee he could return to the service if he deleted his @Elonjets tweet. Instead, he stayed off the platform for eight months before finally deleting that post, but only so that he could log in and delete his entire history on the platform. A few months later, after Twitter had become X, he wrote a few messages promoting a book he'd written—all now deleted, too—and says he has barely touch the service otherwise. “Honestly, my mental health is much better since then,” he adds.
Now, Lee wants to help you achieve that same cleansing release. Today, he launched Cyd—an acronym for “Claw back Your Data”—a desktop application designed to give users more control over their X history: archiving it, trimming it to their preferences, or destroying it altogether. In the free version of Cyd, the program allows anyone to download their X posts—Cyd can save up to 2,000 of your most recent posts itself, or you can use X's built-in feature that allows you to download your entire archive—and then automatically delete them. For $36 a year, users can access Cyd's premium features, like erasing the contents of their account with more fine-grained filters based on variables like date, number of likes or retweets, or keywords, un-retweeting or removing likes from posts en masse, and unfollowing all X users.
While Cyd for now is designed specifically for managing—or emptying out—your X account, Lee says he hopes to eventually add other features for carrying out the same archiving and deletion functions on services like Facebook and Reddit. “A handful of billionaires like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos control all the platforms that we use all the time and where we have all our data,” Lee says. “I want to basically make it so that the users of these platforms—everybody else who isn't one of these really rich tech billionaires—has a bit more power.”
Lee is launching Cyd in the midst of a mass X exodus: Millions of users have fled the service in the wake of the election of Donald Trump, many turned off by Elon Musk's support for Trump in the form of both campaign contributions and in his own nonstop political posts, as well as the increasingly conservative bent of X's remaining user base. The social media Bluesky, in particular, appears to have gained most of those X refugees, adding at least 8 million users in the weeks after the election.
“I think it's incredibly timely for people to delete as much as they can, as much as they want to, off of X, and just stop using the platform,” Lee says, “and try to take some of its influence away and move it to better platforms like Bluesky or Mastodon.”
Cyd is only one of several apps like TweetDeleter and Redact.dev that offer to archive and prune your X account. But unlike TweetDeleter, Cyd allows mass deletion of posts in its free version. While Redact.dev offers more free deletion features than Cyd, Cyd's $36 paid version is about half the price of Redact's $6 a month premium plan. It also offers some features that Redact doesn't, like deleting posts based on number of likes or retweets, so that users can, for instance, scrub all but their most viral posts.
Despite Cyd's timeliness, Lee says he's been working on a social media archiving and deletion tool for years, even before Musk acquired Twitter. In 2019, he released Semiphemeral, an earlier app with social media management features similar to Cyd, partially in response to his own experience of becoming the target of harassment and antisemitic tweets in the previous years. To perform its social media archiving and curation, Semiphemeral tapped into Twitter's API, an interface to its backend data provided to developers.
A few months after Musk acquired Twitter, however—and after the site summarily banned Lee and a handful of other journalists for linking to @Elonjets—Twitter ended free access to that API, killing Semiphemeral. A year later, however, Lee was laid off from his job as the director of information security at the news outlet the Intercept, along with about a third of the newsroom, and started looking for projects to work on. He soon figured out that he could revive Semiphemeral by designing it to automatically view and scrape X pages from a web browser instead of using X's API. “Everything it does is actually something you can do yourself in a web browser,” Lee says. “It would just take you a lot more time.” He also rebranded the app to Cyd in an attempt to make its name easier to remember and spell, and created a cute blue bird in a pirate mask (also named Cyd) to serve as its animated logo.
Though it's cheaper than some other options, Cyd's annual cost of $36 for its premium features will no doubt still be too steep for many users. Lee says he plans to work with organizations that represent at-risk groups to offer the tool for free to those who need it. He also points out, perhaps only half-jokingly, that $36 is less than half the annual cost of a Twitter blue account.
More to the point, he says that he hopes that unlike some of his previous software projects—the secure and anonymous file-sharing tool Onionshare and the safe-download protection app Dangerzone—he hopes this one will have a business model that gives him time to work on it and expand its feature set to include other social media platforms. “I would love to make it so that it can pay for itself,” Lee says, “so that I can make it bigger.”
Despite those big ambitions, Lee says that he hadn't quite intended to launch Cyd just as Bluesky experiences a user explosion at X's expense—and as more users than ever consider the motives and power of the tech billionaires who control the platforms they use.
“I knew that X was going down the drain, and I knew that people would be pissed off about it. I didn't really quite realize that people would be quitting en masse like they are now," says Lee. “It just happens to be perfect timing.”
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cat-vase · 1 year ago
Hi. I've made a post about this before, but I have more information now (and hopefully I can organize it better).
Ghoul is a n//zi. Only censoring because I tried to make this post already and it didn't show up.
Here is a list of all the social media accounts I could find that he uses so you can block/avoid him.
There is a possible tumblr sideblog I might be unaware of (edit: this has been found!). Click the read more for more details/evidence.
Twitter: xGOREGHOULx
Tumblr: previously d34d-d06-404, now gunk2d34th (warning for bright/eyestrain theme on desktop)
(Edit) Tumblr sideblog: fourexforevrrr
(Edit) Another Tumblr sideblog: dreamobjectshow
Discord server: OBJECTZSPACE
Discord username: gir4life
Pinterest: deranged_number4 + xX4_1STH3B35T1NT3G3RXx
Youtube: xGOREGUNK2009x + xGOREGHOULx
Pronouns.page: xGOREKIDx
Rentry: DERANGEDFOURNER (warning for bright/eyestrain/flashing gifs)
(Edit) Strawpage: gunksite (warning for flashing gifs/eyestrain)
Carrd: goreghoulquest (warning for moving/spinning/rotating background image. i'm dizzy/have a headache from it. it's a first person video game perspective of somebody spinning in circles in a brick maze.)
On October 21 2023, Ghoul posted these to his pinterest. I looked at the website page data in order to get that date, because I don't think pinterest has a clear way of showing when things were posted (and if it does, I don't know about it).
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That's the n//zi salute from Kratcy (CFMOT) and n//zi uniform from Yoshka (CFMOT), complete with a red n//zi armband.
In the last one of Kratcy, the caption is HEIL, MEIN FÜHRER!!! In English, this means HAIL, MY LEADER!!! Führer is the title Hitler gave to himself when he came into power.
On October 22 2023, Ghoul posted this to his twitter.
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Three drawings of Four (BFDI/BFB) wearing a n//zi armband. It's censored out in two of them, but Ghoul forgot to censor out the first one. This is an indication that he knew it was bad to draw/post, but did so anyway.
Later that day, he posted this.
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Another drawing of Four wearing a n//zi armband, with a caption to spell it out for you.
On October 23 2023, he posted to his twitter again.
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Another one.
On December 20 2023 (two months after all those posts), somebody on twitter pointed out the armband in Ghoul's post. The callout post got a little traction, some of the other art was found, and Ghoul was asked why he drew n//zi art. This was his "apology." I included the second screenshot so you know I'm not intentionally cutting anything out with the first screenshot.
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Mania does not suddenly make you antisemetic. Mania does not suddenly compel you to draw n//zi imagery. Ghoul tried censoring two out of the three images, trying to hide it. He clearly knew it was a bad thing to do. He is using mental health issues to excuse his actions.
On December 21 2023, he answered this ask on his tumblr.
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And then left this in the replies of the ask post.
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Again, using mental health issues as an excuse. If you felt bad for it, wouldn't you have deleted it as soon as you got into a clear headspace? Would you not have addressed it sooner instead of waiting for people to call you out on it first? If you were truly trying to ruin your reputation, why did you try to censor some of it? It isn't "old art", either. It's from three months ago.
I'm including this screenshot so people know what the discord server looks like. I am not in this server, I only clicked the link to get the screenshot. I do not know if anybody is co-running this server along with Ghoul, or if it is only Ghoul himself running it.
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I'm including this poll because I don't know if he ever made that sideblog or not. If he did, I don't know the url. If anybody does know it, please tell me. I'll leave your name out of it. I just want people to be able to block it if it exists.
(Edit) This sideblog has been found! It's @/fourexforevrrr
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As of writing this post, it is January 7 2024. Ghoul has not said anything about this since and continues to post art like normal. I don't want this to be swept underneath the rug. I'm not allowing a n//zi to exist in the object show community. I don't care that he's a minor (16). This is vile.
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pink-linoleum · 7 days ago
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hands jiang cheng a doggy, hands jiang cheng a doggy, h-
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rose-tinting · 2 years ago
the amount of misinformation that has been circling outside of neopets circles I swear
I see a new rumor every time
“They’re free from nft bros” Nope. Owned by one!
“The original team rebought them” God fucking no and you should not want them to, Adam Powells little meltdown over neopets users criticizing his new crypto venture is reason enough lol.
“The company was sold to Neopets Internal Teams” They sold it to the guy who used to head the former NFT project and are promising this means TNT has more freedom “under new leadership“ with “no current plans for crypto/NFTs” (This is not a promise not to make them)
One of the “brand ambassadors” who is supposed to help TNT with the knowing and understanding the userbase is some celebrity who’s wife is also a celebrity who I’ve seen people CLAIM used to be a Neopets mod. Does that sound like a neopets user who can tell the neopets team what the average user wants? No call for users who aren’t celebrities to become brand ambassadors has been made afaik.
Current Neopets mods are silencing trans people for mentioning HRT as well as top surgery and ignoring cis people talking about pregnancy, death, and surgery. (Have seen these boards go on for several hours and never get deleted even after a heated debate on one one about abortion) 
There’s items and backstory on the site that are racist. Neopets users have asked these be addressed. Do you think this “brand ambassador” will address any of that? Why does the ambassador need to be a celebrity? Unless the actual intent is to have “ambassadors” who sell neopets as a brand to the potential new userbase and isn’t about ��listening to the users” at all.
god can one person with a huge following please for once just reblog and acknowledge the TRUTH. (doesn’t have to be from me I’d just like the actual info to be spread!) Awareness will help us keep the worst from happening! Pretending everything is fine until it isn’t is NOT the way!
If you want the actual info on the site Neopets has a fansite dedicated to reporting Neopets news including everything TNT tries to sweep under the rug
A direct quote from their article on this
“ New CEO of Neopets is Dominic Law, who previously headed the Neopets Metaverse and brokered a "management buyout deal" “
Please if you’re reading this
stop spreading misinformation
spread the real information
make your own post even
this could go either way right now
this is not a “neopets renaissance”
this is a crossroads and we don’t know where we’re going yet. It could be great, or it could be the end of the site.
(Editing my reblog in so it can hopefully get seen too, I was provided with more accurate info on the brand ambassador.)
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@pirakeet Thanks! Was actually hoping someone COULD correct this :3 Cause I was REALLY HOPING it wasn’t what it seemed since all I could find was a twitter post with an attached video where he accepts it (I immediately fled twitter may be why)
[Image Text ID]  Posted by tumblr user pirakeet: I’m not correcting anything, but just letting you know the “brand  ambassador” program has been made available - just presumably not in  the ‘john legend’ sense:  https://portal.neopets.com/brand-ambassador-program  and for clarity, i’ve been popping off about the difference, this isn’t a  “gotcha moment”.   There’s more info when you click “apply” and it takes you to a google  doc [End Id]
As I said I’m more interested in the truth being spread so I hope this can be seen!
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ratrrriot · 2 years ago
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Dear anon: i fucked up and instead of saving this ask to my drafts, i accidentally posted it halfway through writing my answer and then impulsively deleted it. So now i'll have to answer to this screenshot and ask you to pretend its the real thing ,ok? Thank you for the ask and sorry!!! i'm really hoping you'll see this long ass answer🙏
I actually talked about this idea once on twitter but YES, I do think Shadow would certainly have a reaction when seeing Sonic act all brother-ly towards Tails. Especially because i like to think seeing them could trigger some real -not previously manipulated by Gerald- memories of him and Maria. However,rather than jealousy,i believe he would be emotionally confused and have mixed feelings about this.
Note: This is complete headcanon talk, so don't take this as an analysis of who Shadow,sonic,tails and Maria are in canon! Its fanon interpretation
Don't get me wrong. Do i think he was bitter at first,knowing they had what was taken from him? yes, absolutely,but do i think that could fuel his hostility towards Sonic? not really ,Because i don't think that Sonic & Tails reminded him of his own sibling when they first met, mainly because i don't think Shadow remembered Maria was a sister-figure to him until he started recovering his real memories (cuz i doubt Gerald knew they tought of eachother as siblings when he put the fake memories in him),Plus i don't think he noticed how truly brother-ly the bond between those two was until he got to meet them better,which i believe must have happened after a few games anyways. I believe that S & T's relationship reminds him of his and Maria's now.
I think that more than the angry, hurt person he used to be,he is now just a really broken one who's trying to somewhat fix his relationship with the world and his own existence. So while i agree he must have been bitter about this issue at the beggining,i don't think it was the most prevalent feeling this situation caused him.
I believe that in the present -emphasis on present time cuz we all know he hated him with a passion at the beggining- He's mean to Sonic because their egos clash and he doesn't like his attitude (they kinda make the worst side of eachother come out lol) ,but its clear he actually respects him when it comes to their shared values. Their competitivity seems to be a consequence of his superiority complex and more of a source of entertainment to him than anything else. So I think that when Shadow sees how good of a brother Sonic is to Tails,he can't really hate him for it or say that "he doesn't know what he has",cause he knows he is seeing someone who actually knows exactly how precious the bond they have is. Someone who wouldn't hesitate to give his life to protect his little brother, someone who feels inspired by the support and presence of their sibling. Someone like Maria. (At least the Maria from my headcanons;;). The reminder of Maria's absence is always painful and enfuriating ,sure,but more importantly, i think seeing Sonic like that would make him uncomfortable,because the fact that his rival,someone who he used to hate and has fought so many times, can suddenly have SO MUCH in common with the one person who mattered the most to him,is incredibly confusing. Even weirder is the fact that in this situation,the one who's taking his place is Tails. TAILS of all people!!
And that brings A LOT of questions!!! Especially because these could be clues to what kind of people Maria and Shadow used to be,something very important to him and that he has lots of trouble remembering. Like,when Shad was a younger brother too ,was he anything like Tails? and if Tails wasn't born by Sonic's side and instead was found by him...Could Shadow maybe find someone like Maria out there and form a familiar bond again? Did Maria treat him just as Sonic treats Tails? Could Maria have even more things in common with Sonic and Shadow just doesn't remember???
My guy is NOT ready to answer any of these questions (he might be recovering the missing pieces of his broken memory and healing a bit but he still has a long way to go before he can be anything close to emotionally stable) and i'm not sure if he'd like the answers anyways. Plus,at least in my headcanons,his real memories of Maria might bring him joy and nostalgia but also tons of frustration,not just because he can't remember her at will,but also cause he gets the impression that Maria was hiding a lot of sadness and he doesn't remember why.(I imagine she tried to not bother Shad with the weight of her emotions),nor if he could help her in any way.
At the end of the day,Shadow's backstory and the reasons for his creation are the source of his trauma ,And wether he likes it or not,Maria is one of the main parts of all of that. So sometimes he doesn't know if he wants to move on from her or keep dwelling on the past,which is why i believe being reminded of her always brings him comfort ,but also emotional exhaustion ...
And In this case,he is too exhausted to be jealous of Sonic and Tails for having what he has lost.
ANYWAYS. That's just my opinion on the matter,If you think seeing Sonic and Tail's brotherhood would fuel Shadow's hatred,i think that's valid, especially cause at the end of the day it depends on how you'd think Shadow deals with his baggage,and there can be many interpretations for that.
Again,Thanks for the ask!
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tauqeer-khan · 1 year ago
Social media is trying to completely suppress the voices being raised against Israel.
Even if the whole world or all the technology goes towards Israel, humanity will still be with Palestine today and always....
My Twitter account has previously been deleted for posting in support of Palestine. Now warning has been received on this account also and I have received warning on my Instagram accounts also. The voices of people rising in favor of Palestine are being suppressed from all sides.
Those who are putting posts or videos in support of Palestine, their posts and videos are being deleted, their accounts are being closed. There are many people on social media who are not posting videos in favor of Palestine due to fear of their accounts being closed.
Today I want to say one thing no matter how much the whole world tries. But there were people with Palestine before, there are there now and there will always be people.
I don't care about social media, all my accounts should be deleted but I was and will always be with the innocent people of Palestine.
Before 1948, there was no country named Israel in the whole world. The name Israel had no existence before 1948 but now the Jews want to forcefully occupy Palestine and name it Israel. They want to change the name of Palestine and create a new country of their own whose name will be Israel. But it is hoped that he will not succeed in his dirty purpose.
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magicalgirlsandcerulean · 1 year ago
A somewhat overdue update
Under the cut because this story might get long...
I started to boycott Twitter (now X) in mid-September 2023 because of the potential paywall I heard about around then. To this end, I deleted my original Twitter account some time around then (either end of September or November, I can't recall). This boycott obviously impacted my ability to be "Boueibu reporter", as I used to call it.
Somehow, the Japanese-language anime fandom has held on after that and I had to create a burner account after a certain point, since I'm still in the Hypnosis Mic fandom (and still regularly following/translating tweets for the mobile game in particular - see here for those).
I went back to the Boueibu Twitter account to see if I needed to turn notifications on for said burner account...Surprisingly, I did need to. The account had carried on without me, albeit with far less activity than it used to have - it's mostly merch and cake tweets now.
It's been almost 10 years since Boueibu's heyday (the first Boueibu update I can recall dates to late November 2014). I've changed, Twitter's changed, Tumblr's changed and most of the Boueibu fandom has scattered to other fandoms.
In early 2024, I'm making it as a professional translator, but feedback I've gotten is proving, once again, I'm extremely imperfect as one. You could argue it's time for me to move on.
On the other hand, I failed the JLPT in 2022 and attempted it again in 2023, but results for this latest attempt aren't out for at least a week. I also don't have enough confidence to throw a bunch of money - several times the JLPT amount - to attempt a national translation qualification test.
Basically, I've come to a crossroads: continue translating Boueibu tweets, or not? Out of nostalgia and a continual need to improve, I say "I'll continue". However, out of a commitment to translation ethics (which I learnt about in the almost-decade since starting mg&c) and a final optimal product, I'll be more thorough this time. (e.g. I intend to provide links to original texts out of transparency.)
(I'm not going to tell you my burner account's handle in case it goes down.)
Also, the Fairy Ranmaru blog posts. I still intend to work on those (I'm still on Balletta's first post...it's been years since episode 3 first aired, so I might have to edit it thoroughly before I post it to make it match my current level of translation skill), but they're a very low priority and, as previously announced, are on a different blog. TL;DR:
There are tweets missing from mg&c from Sep. 2023 - Jan. 2024 due to changes on Twitter. I intend to translate these missing tweets in a slightly revamped way to what I used to do previously, so expect them soon. After that, I'll keep looking out for Boueibu tweets, but they will become a lower priority.
Fairy Ranmaru blog posts are still going ahead on the Animanga Spellbook.
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coochiequeens · 1 year ago
Critically-acclaimed transgender horror author hails Osama bin Laden's 'principled' destruction of Twin Towers - months after sharing her desire to slit JK Rowling's throat
Gretchen Felker-Martin, a well-known transgender horror author and journalist, tweeted on Thursday that she admired bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks
Felker-Martin, who in February declared that she wanted to slit JK Rowling's throat, later deleted the tweet and apologized
Bin Laden has returned to public consciousness this week thanks to TikTok users suddenly 'discovering' his 2002 'Letter to America' justifying 9/11 
PUBLISHED: 22:56 EST, 17 November 2023 | UPDATED: 23:32 EST, 17 November 2023
A transgender horror author who sparked outrage earlier this year by threatening to slit JK Rowling's throat has hailed Osama bin Laden's destruction of the Twin Towers.
Gretchen Felker-Martin on Thursday joined in the chorus of admiration for the al-Qaeda leader, sparked by TikTokers suddenly 'discovering' his rational for 9/11.
The Massachusetts-based author wrote on X, where she has 30,000 followers: 'Can pretty safely state that bin Laden and I did not, uh, agree on much, but blowing up the World Trade Center is probably the most principled and defensible thing he did.'
Bin Laden's 2002 'Letter to America' has been circulating widely this week, in the midst of the Israel-Hamas war.
TikTok users say that bin Laden opened their eyes to American foreign policy and taught them valuable lessons about global geopolitics. The revival in interest, and ignorance of bin Laden's ideas, have caused shock and anger.
Felker-Martin on Friday deleted the tweet, and apologized. She previously shared her desire to cut JK Rowling's throat over the Harry Potter author's stance on transgender issues.
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Gretchen Felker-Martin posted, then deleted, a tweet praising Osama bin Laden
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The other day in a moment of distress I talked out my ass to play devil's advocate in a tasteless, needless way,' she tweeted. 
'I sincerely regret it, and I apologize to anyone hurt or offended by my thoughtless words.'
But one X user pointed out that she had praised bin Laden in the past.
He cited Felker-Martin's August 2020 tweet, justifying the September 11 attacks.
'The huge crime of 9/11 is that the s*** we do every day overseas gets done to us exactly once,' she said. 
The revival of the 2002 document has bemused and enraged many. 
The White House expressed dismay at the resurgence of interest in the letter.
'There is never a justification for spreading the repugnant, evil, and antisemitic lies that the leader of al Qaeda issued just after committing the worst terrorist attack in American history – highlighting them as his direct motivation for murdering 2,977 innocent Americans,' said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for the White House.
'And no one should ever insult the 2,977 American families still mourning loved ones by associating themselves with the vile words of Osama bin Laden.
'Particularly now, at a time of rising antisemitic violence in the world, and just after Hamas terrorists carried out the worst slaughter of the Jewish people since the Holocaust in the name of the same conspiracy theories.
'Like President Biden said this year in remembrance of the Americans who lost their lives because of Osama bin Laden, 'it's more important now than ever that we come together' against a 'rising tide of hatred and extremism.''
TikTok said they will be removing all content invoking the letter. 
'Content promoting this letter clearly violates our rules on supporting any form of terrorism,' TikTokPolicy wrote in a post to X, formerly Twitter.
'We are proactively and aggressively removing this content and investigating how it got onto our platform.'
The video-sharing platform claims the number of videos on TikTok is 'small' and 'reports of it trending [on the] platform is inaccurate.'  
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'This is not unique to TikTok and has appeared across multiple platforms and the media,' the post added.
Videos with the hashtag 'LettertoAmerica' have been viewed 7.3 million times. 
Extraordinarily the majority are claiming support for bin Laden's reasoning - without a thought for the freedoms he criticizes.
The letter began to gain traction online after UK newspaper The Guardian linked to a 2002 article, which translated it in full, in a piece about the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. 
It was subsequently deleted, with the outlet explaining to DailyMail.com that it was being shared 'without its original context.' 
The letter continued to spread on X but was prevented from spreading on Reddit. 
The Guardian did not explain further as to how the link was made between the current conflict in the Middle East and a verbatim letter from bin Laden that was more than 20 years old. 
The link to the letter spread, with hundreds of TikTokers posting videos in response to reading it, in which they appear to confuse the hateful diatribe for an intellectual think piece. 
The letter was originally posted with an article explaining that the original version was in Arabic in a website used by al-Qaeda to 'disseminate messages and 'was sent to hundreds of subscribers to an email list run by Mohammed al-Massari, the UK-based Saudi Arabian dissident.' 
The message added that the US government was included on the list.  
The various trending videos about the letter include no context around bin Laden's life as a jihadist. 
In other sections of his correspondence, bin Laden blames the US government for spreading AIDS throughout the world, described homosexuality as 'immoral' and sought to turn America into an oppressive religious state similar to Afghanistan.
The trend appears to have started with TikToker Lynette Adkins who posted a video on November 14. 
'I need everyone to stop what they're doing right now and go read - it's literally two pages - go read 'A Letter to America,'' she said.
In his infamous letter, Bin Laden ranted that the treatment of Palestinian people had to be 'revenged' and expressed justifications for the killing of civilians in the name of jihad. 
Bin Laden was killed by US Navy SEALs in a raid on his compound in Pakistan in May 2011. 
'The American people are the ones who pay the taxes which fund the planes that bomb us in Afghanistan, the tanks that strike and destroy our homes in Palestine, the armies which occupy our lands in the Arabian Gulf, and the fleets which ensure the blockade of Iraq,' bin Laden wrote. 
For this reason, the Saudi Arabian terrorist wrote, all Americans and Jewish people were culpable for 'the crimes committed by the Americans and Jews against [Muslims].'
Bin Laden wrote that AIDS was a 'Satanic American Invention' and repeatedly made anti-Semitic remarks including suggesting that American society was infiltrated by Jewish people who 'control your policies, media and economy.' 
Felker-Martin is no stranger to courting controversy.  
Earlier this year, named a series of writers she accused of transphobia - including Rowling - in a tweet sent on February 12. 
She added: 'If they all had one throat, man.'
She had earlier decried the murder of British transgender teenager Brianna Ghey 16, and suggested Rowling and her ilk had stoked violence which led to the killing.
Another writer she railed against, journalist Jesse Singal, condemned Felker-Martin for making the death threat, and said she has a long history of making threats of violence. 
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In Felker-Martin's debut novel, Manhunt, published in February 2022, Rowling is murdered by being burned alive. 
The book is promoted as 'an explosive post-apocalyptic novel that follows trans women and trans men on a grotesque journey of survival.' It has been lauded as 'visceral' 'gripping' and 'brilliant' by NPR and the New Yorker. 
Felker-Martin's tweet - which she has now deleted - came shortly before she joined 180 activists in signing a letter to The New York Times attacking their coverage of transgender issues, which has seen the paper examine whether young children should be given puberty blockers, or gender reassignment surgery.
Rowling has shared similar views, and also questioned whether trans women should be allowed access to some female-only spaces such as prisons, domestic abuse shelters, or sporting contests.  
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heebiebeebies · 4 months ago
A little update of sorts
I removed Twitter and IG from my bio here as I am not really using those anymore, save when I want to share other people’s art.
In any case, my account on the birdless site is locked at the moment. I’m not deleting it simply because I don’t want some blue checkmark taking that name.
Anyways, I’ve been on Bluesky for over a year now and I’m yet to upload everything I made during 2023. Not going to post there every single thing since 2022 because I don’t have the energy for that.
Also, this is a sideblog for my art. My personal stuff is not going here. It’s likely that some thoughts I had previously shared on my art twt will be going to my main account some day.
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