#prevent radicalization
terrorismvictimsday · 5 months
Building resilience of communities to prevent radicalization to terrorism.
Member States have the primary responsibility for countering terrorist acts, including in building resilience of communities against radicalization to terrorism. The Security Council recognizes that acts of terrorism are most effectively prevented and countered through a comprehensive approach that includes actors from all sectors of society.
The objective of the open meeting is to convene a broad range of experts to discuss experiences, identify the latest trends, and share best practices on building community resilience to prevent and counter radicalization to terrorism. The open meeting will also provide an opportunity to strengthen collaboration with all relevant United Nations bodies and stakeholders in line with Council resolution 2617 (2021).
In addition, the open meeting will help to foster understanding of the issues and challenges posed by the use of use of new and emerging technologies, including AI, for terrorist purposes, as well as explore ways to build resilience to terrorism through the use of these technologies.
Watch the Open meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee - Building resilience of communities to prevent radicalization to terrorism.
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edonee · 3 months
some advice especially for women who have male acquaintances (but it's just general)
i kinda hate to say this because i don't like to think that people have bad intentions most of the time, but imo if anyone has any kind of sensitive information about you, you should always have something on them too. just for good measure yk. an old friend i had an argument with (coincidentally the same TIM from my last post) threatened to spill something about me, so i gathered some old screenshots of him talking in depth about his mommy kink and just ominously sent them to him alongside a picture of his mom's Facebook. bro went real quiet after that 💀
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destielmemenews · 1 year
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Boy, 12, is referred to counter-extremist Prevent officers by his own school after declaring there 'are only two genders' and 'I'm gay not queer'
By: Alex Ward
Published: Jun 29, 2024
Boy also made a video in which he stated 'there's no such thing as non-binary'
School made referral to Prevent amid fears he could be radicalised by far-Right 
He was accused of unhealthy interest in weapons as he owns a toy crossbow
A 12-year-old schoolboy has been investigated by counter-extremism officers after he declared there 'are only two genders'.
The child made a video, posted online, in which he also stated: 'There's no such thing as non-binary'.
And in response to school bullies who mistakenly believed he supported transgender ideology, he said: '[I'm] gay not queer.'
Originally a homophobic slur, trans activists claim the word 'queer' now describes people who don't adhere to ideas of sex or gender.
But the school told the boy's mother they would refer him to Prevent, the Home Office programme that attempts to stop people becoming terrorists, amid fears he could be at risk of being radicalised by the far-right.
The Mail is aware of the boy's identity but has agreed not to disclose it, and has also viewed the social media posts.
The boy's mother was visited by Prevent and Northumbria Police officers this week, in a meeting she described as 'an interrogation'.
Officers listed a string of allegations to illustrate the boy was at risk of radicalisation.
The boy's mother said: 'We think that he was targeted as the children believe gay people agree with trans ideology.
'He made a video which I uploaded to YouTube where he said there 'are only two genders' and 'I'm gay not queer'.
'The school phoned up and were incensed by it. They said that they would refer him to Prevent for that video.
'They said that he was at risk of radicalisation - not that he had been, but was a risk when he gets to 13 and is entitled to his own social media accounts.
'There was a risk he would fall in with Far Right groups.'
She said counter terror officers - who visited the family home - raised concerns over the fact that her son, who is Jewish, harboured extremist views on account of his response when asked if there were any groups that shouldn't exist. 
She said her son responded that 'Hamas (the Gaza-based terror group) should be wiped out'.
Further fears were raised over comments he made to school bullies, stating he wanted to 'exterminate' them. 
He is said to have made the remark in relation to appalling racist slurs from classmates.
In a letter to the school in South Tyneside - seen by the Mail - his mother detailed how he was subjected to vile verbal abuse and Nazi salutes.
Prevent officers also suggested the boy had an unhealthy interest in weapons on account of another online video - again uploaded by his mother - which showed him demonstrating a toy crossbow bought from English Heritage, she said.
English Heritage describes the 'best seller' item as 'completely harmless but lots of fun'.
The mother said the school and Prevent officers were guilty of double standards, claiming anti-Semitic incidents at the school were not dealt with in the same way.
She said: 'We sat down with the Prevent officers and there was an interrogation - they had an attitude of 'we'll ask the questions'.
'We were asked if we monitored his social media and what songs he listens to.
'They said there was a whole series of things he had been accused of.'
The police response was criticised by free speech campaigners who rebuked officers for 'wilfully missing the target'.
Harry Miller, chief exec of Fair Cop, said: 'His views on gender are as far away from terrorism that it's possible to be. 
'They are views that are held by the majority of people in Britain and don't even get into the foothills of terrorism.
'You couldn't call it criminality, let alone terrorism. There is a difference between bad behaviour and terrorism.
'This is another instance of the police wilfully missing the target because hunting down school children is easier than confronting actual terrorists.
'Fair Cop will continue to stand between these idiots and the public until they stop behaving like the woke, cowardly Stasi they have become.
'The Home Office needs to get a grip. Sack every complicit Chief Constable.'
Kate Barker, chief exec of LGB Alliance, said: 'If it's a sign of radicalisation to say you don't like being called 'queer' then according to our research, 94 per cent of LGB people can expect a knock on the door from counter-terrorism officers.
'We applaud this young boy for standing up for his beliefs, and we condemn the teachers and police who think it's wrong to abhor this horrible slur.'
The Prevent strategy was introduced by the Government in 2011 as part of a bid to tackle terrorism through early intervention.
According to the latest Home Office data there were 6,817 referrals to Prevent in the year ending 31 March, 2023 - the figure was up 6.4 per cent on the previous year.
A joint statement from Northumbria Police and Counter Terrorism Policing North East read: 'We are unable to discuss individual cases, or identify anyone who may or may not be the subject of a Prevent referral.
'All referrals are treated in the strictest confidence and will always prioritise the safety and welfare of those concerned.
'Prevent is a multi-agency approach to safeguarding and supporting those most at risk of radicalisation through early intervention. 
'It seeks to protect young and vulnerable people against all forms of extremist activity, regardless of ideology.'
South Tyneside Council declined to comment.
Apparently, there's so few burglaries and murders that police have nothing better to do than harass children expressing completely true, mainstream and reasonable positions, and treat them as extremists deserving of counter-terrorism intervention.
Nineteen Eighty-Four was not supposed to be an instruction manual.
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lilithism1848 · 20 days
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the-catboy-minyan · 2 months
idk I'm literally on the verge of blocking everyone who's cheering for death in my feed. yes he was a terrorist, why tf are you cheering for death.
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
What is this comparison? Of course a centuries old dude is going to be more detached from his humanity than teenagers? I don't even mind people calling him evil or whatever but what is this argument 'he is older than them, he should be softer than them' bro it's the opposite. If Nikolai or Alina live on for centuries they would also be crueler.
According to these kind of people, you need to be pure and kind all the time otherwise you're not worthy of sympathy (+ the narrative also needs to excuse your actions so that the readers can feel better about defending you to others *side eyeing Nikolai and Kaz*).
*sigh* I wish you were right about him, antis. Really. Instead we have a traumatized man that created a home for his fellow Grisha, is unable to control his feelings after he met Alina, usurped a rapist and willingly goes through excruciating pain to create soldiers that will minimize the casualties of his army.
(and after he got resurrected he still thought about his people and about what would happen with the upcoming war against Fjerda)
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yugiohz · 10 months
i also think it's ooc for all might to keep a neutral stance when it comes to endeavor it doesn't make sense but then again it absolutely does make sense for one supercop to pretend he doesn't see another supercop be a domestic abuser
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queerism1969 · 2 years
Your safety is more important than someone else’s feelings. If you ever get a bad vibe from someone, do what you can to distance yourself from them. It’s better to be wrong than to be a victim.
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torgawl · 11 months
i'm so in love with wrio. that man is the embodiment of mercy and compassion. he is so... human. despite the deep disdain for atrocious acts that hurt others, especially acts that remind him of his own pain and traumas, he is able to keep himself in check and hold on to his values. despite being so proactive in fixing the wrongdoings of people that actively harm those under his care and assuring that everyone is supported in the best way possible; despite knowing he could have not controlled other people's hearts once they were in too deep in their own sins, he still feels helpless and incompetent. he recognises he cannot fully empathise with those who have been hurt for he has not experienced what they have and he understands that some wounds might not be able to heal even with all the attention and efforts, or at least not that easily. and it pains him. his whole life he's been trying to protect others. all his hard work during his time at the fortress and taking over it's administration has granted him the power and resources to actually change lives in a more restorative way, with a bigger amplitude than just the people who he's close to. yet he's only human. and not everyone wishes to be saved. and he doesn't hold back from breaking his own rules if means he is guaranteeing the best outcome for the greater good, for the well being of all of those he's sworn to protect. and although he earned himself a respectable title and even got used to being referred to in that way, he doesn't see people at the fortress as innmates but as equals. he never stopped being the little boy that was sentenced to live over a decade of his life there. and he is so good at what he does and he is so successful at restoring people's hopes in life, at giving them a second chance to become who they want to be, that there's people who actually want to stay there. he is the literal personification of turning your own pain into goodness, into love. love for community and love for others. he found meaning in making the world a better place and i just think that's really fucking beautiful.
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jennifersbod · 6 months
i don’t have the gene mutation i was really scared of! 🥰
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tostonera · 1 year
This is obvious but just in case, women should always always trust their gut when it comes to men. I don’t care if he’s your family or someone you completely trust, even if the gut feeling is so small you have to speak up or at least keep an eye out. Similarly if a woman came up to you because of her gut feeling and you weren’t entirely convinced, be sure to let her know when she was right. I don’t care if it happened years ago, she deserves to have that extra reassurance that she can trust herself and that her gut feeling was right. I take this very seriously and it’s very important because sometimes simply just listening to yourself is what ends up protecting you, don’t take that away from other women.
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automatisma · 8 months
Yesterday a friend of mine was working at a liberalism conference and within the first ten minutes of it (titled "Are we... too many for this world 🥺?") he indeed concluded that we are at least one conference of liberals too many.
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chillwithnea · 1 year
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☁️ http://instagram.com/gardenofnea ☁️
measuring our worth on numbers, productivity and physical appearance is a wonderful game that some of us are playing, isn't it? 😛
your desires, hopes and dreams are already alive within you. action flows from your state/energy/being. i'm writing this bc i'm fed up with trying, seeking, and forcing. let's practice together and see what will happen 🌊
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gay men be like what? are you joking. i do not have male privilege nor do i suport the patriarchy. what the hell are you saying you dumb fucking cunt. i hope you get raped like you deserve you whore
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plinkcat-gif · 8 months
this textbook for my illustration class is funny as hell. not sure if this was the point but i am actually never going to fucking touch the illustration industry if this is what it’s like
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