#prepared to get hate and or unfollowed
gaykey · 1 year
ok OK - this could be real controversial opinion
not to gatekeep, and not at all to say that newer fans opinions are not valid
it kinda rubs me the wrong way when i see shawols that discovered shinee 2018 and onwards talk about hard and how 'this isn't shinee'
because yes, you might have totally consumed every single piece of their music from their debut until present but
you weren't there for the fan recations
we've had this before
people thought 'why so serious?' didn't sound like shinee - too much rock, so noisy, too weird
people thought 'everybody' didn't sound like shinee - edm? electronic? too noisy, doesn't fit their image
'tell me what to do' was a bit of a controversial title track - too slow, how can they dance to this?, anti climactic
all this is par for the course with shinee
and i'm not saying it means you have to like hard, or any of these tracks, but, in my opinion, it is very much shinee. not necessarily in genre, but in intent.
it's what they do
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kisses4suna · 2 years
can you please give me some really soft suna bf headcannons !!!! i love ur works btw ur my fav suna writerr ahh
☆ featuring. suna rintarou
☆ a/n. OMFG. anon im so sorry this took me so fkn long to answer. im slowly starting to finish requests people have sent in months ago. i love this idea sm tho!! im so sorry again; i literally deleted tumblr and finally got it backk ill be finishing more requests soon and posting drafts, then during the summer ill post WAY MORE FREQUENTLY. (so be prepared for sm more suna content guys ;))
ps. i might make a p2 for post timeskip suna too so lmk if you’d want that !!
- suna mfing rintarou will raise your standards to heaven bro. even if he’s only in highschool
- his face will be so deadpanned and neutral but the minute he sees you he grows that small smile that he hopes nobody sees
- he talks about you like crazy to his sister but doesn’t even realize it
- “did you see her new insta post? shes so pretty bro how tf did i pull her”
- “i miss my gf rn”
- “hey do you think y/n would want something like this?”
- his sister loves you, but is so tired of her brother constantly talking about you
- he would choose you over anybody, and anything. even over his airpods. which says a lot for suna
- will literally do anything to spend time with you. he will drop as much as he could on his schedule for you. he just genuinely wants you to be with him all the time. (he’s so clingy its cute but he hates admitting how attached he is to you hes like a lil koala bear hanging onto his branch)
- without you even knowing he signed you up to be a manager for his volleyball team just so you could spend time with him at his practice
- this mf so obsessed with you he got hit in the face with a volleyball because he was too busy looking at you instead of paying attention to the actual practice
- he will ‘go to the bathroom’ during practice just to sneak off underneath the bleachers to give you a quick kiss and talk to you.
- suna isn’t dumb he’s actually really smart just very lazy, so if you were in advanced classes he would literally get his grade up, request a transfer to your advanced classes, just so he could spend more time with you there
- plus he loves seeing you seem so smart and focused he thinks you look so cute like that ^^
- he unfollowed every girl on his socials besides you and his sister
- he has a whole instagram highlight dedicated for you and its filled with over 20 stories of you and him together or sometimes just pictures of how beautiful you are.
- his insta bio has your initial with a heart, and says “i love my gf” just for fan girls to back off
- his photo album is way worse. he organized his whole camera roll and has a full album of you which takes up half his storage, but who cares, he doesn’t mind having to delete games he downloaded cause he was bored ( especially if its for you )
- in his notes app he has every little detail about you written down, not in a creepy way, just to remember important stuff about you. like what you hate in people, your fav stuff, etc.
- he dedicates every long song to you.
- also hes like very touchy in private, i mean in public he is too, BUT IN PRIVATE. oh my. he is not afraid to cling onto you.. you will literally have to claw him off you if you have to use the bathroom while your cuddling
- he’s only like that because he loves you so much and he’s so attached to you, he just wants to stay with you forever because he cant imagine losing you
- he asks his mom if he can sleep over at your house as much as he could, the days he can’t, you either go to him, or he facetimes you and you both end up falling asleep on the phone.
- everytime he goes to the mall with his friends or something, he will ask them every 3 seconds “do you think y/n would want this ?” he really just wants to spoil you to show you how much he loves and appreciates you
- sometimes he sleeps late at night rewatching his volleyball games and analyzing his plays, so he bought you a sleeing mask and earplugs so you could fall asleep without the sound or light of the tv bothering your slumber
- he loves being in between your thighs, your fingers tangled in his hair while you both watch tv.
- but at night he loves burrying his face in the crook of your neck with one armed wrapped around your waist and the other placed diagonally on your back while his hand covers the back of your head, almost looking like hes protecting it.
- you’ve genuinely helped him become a better version of himself, when he’s with you he’s at his best, which is probably why he loves you so much. because when he’s with you it feels like he’s just at peace, he just falls in love with you even more everyday.
- he hates thinking your love is puppy love and it wouldn’t last, and some nights when he’s not with you, he’ll overthink like crazy, really just wondering why someone as perfect as you hasn’t left him yet, or why are you even with him in the first place ?
- little does he know, he means as much as you mean to him, and you don’t plan on leaving him anytime soon.
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
could make like the reader confess to kylian,he reject her coldly and then the reader end up with someone and kylian immidiately regrets
thank u if ur doing luv ur writings
this 😩
kylian mbappe x reader
tw : just a lot of angst, kylian being mean and a bit toxic
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Stone cold
“Kylian…please say something” you told him as you stared at him with teary eyes. You just confessed to Kylian, your best friend, that you were in love with him. You knew it wasn’t going to end well but you couldn’t handle seeing him with a new girl every weekend again, it pained you too much knowing you just probably ruined everything you and Kylian built in these past years but you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore. He needed to know. What you didn’t expect was to seeing him there, standing in front of you completely speechless, almost if you just dropped a bomb.
“What-what do you want me to say?” he asked you softly.
“Something. Anything. Kylian…” you almost begged.
“Y/n…you know I care for you…” you let a few tears fall, preparing yourself for what was about to come.
“But?” you asked him, this time avoiding his look.
“But…but I don’t love you…I’ll never love you un the way you want me to…” ouch, that broke you “…I’m so sorry y/n…I really am” he looked down.
“No-no it’s fine…you don’t have to love me, I just wanted you to know what I feel for you, you had to know…I’m sorry if I ruined everything, our friendship…” you whispered.
“It’s going to be a little different now…but I care for you…I really do y/n and I think you should know that” he took your hand and gently placed a kiss on it “you’re my best friend and I can’t imagine living in a world where we are not friends…” he laughed a bit.
“Well…that’s good…you know what? Just forget everything I said, I don’t want anything to ruin our friendship, you mean too much for me Kyky” you laughed too.
“Don’t worry…what happened would never change what we have, I promise you” he said and even if you were hurting, you were a bit relieved that he didn’t hate you.
“I promise you” my ass, you thought.
From the day you confessed to him, he became more distant, most of the times leaving you on read or replying with “I’m busy”. You knew it was because of what you told him but from going to completely avoiding you?
He missed your movie nights three times in a row, coincidence?
He wouldn’t answer your calls and he was debating if he was supposed to unfollow you or not.
So that’s what you get once you’re true to your feelings?
You got tired of waiting for him to write you or call you back so you started ignoring him too. You started avoiding your common friends and you missed his last games too, his family was surprised when they didn’t see you there. You were the one to unfollow him first ;
if he didn’t want anything to go with you why would you keep following him and seeing everything he posted?
You got to a point where you didn’t even care. Of course you were still heart broken and you knew it would take time to heal completely but if he didn’t want you in his life then you wouldn’t care about him too.
Everything changed when you decided to get your first tattoo. It was a simple and little butterfly but it was like a point of start for you. You met the tattoo artist and somehow you felt attracted to him. Matt, it was his name. As you got to know more each other and became friends you felt like you could really live without Kylian.
Matt was handsome, tall and covered in tattoos. His hair dark black and a few piercings covering his face, nothing too excessive tho. He was the complete opposite of Kylian, he didn’t even like football and honestly you were great for it. He was the one to make the first move, asking you out on a date and even if you promised yourself that you wouldn’t fall in love again you couldn’t help it. That man was kind and patient with you, deciding not to rush anything when you told him how Kylian treated you and he swore that if he ever saw Kylian he would punch him in the face.
One night you and Matt were taking a walk around Paris as you just got out of one of the nicest restaurants here in Paris when you heard his voice calling your name.
“Y/n?” it was Kylian calling you from behind.
“Do you want me to punch him?” Matt whispered to you as you laughed.
You both turned around and watched as Kylian approached you.
“Hey Kylian…” you whispered while Matt held you closer to his body.
“Is it a bad moment?” he asked a bit embarrassed.
“Yes” Matt answered sarcastically.
“No…do you need anything?” you asked him this time.
“Can we talk for a minute?” he asked you.
“I’ll go get the car” Matt told you before kissing your cheek and leaving.
“So…how have you been?” Kylian asked you.
“I’ve been better” you said “but I’m good now” you said again.
“Great…can I ask you why-why did you stop coming at the games?” he asked this time.
Was he serious?
“Why did you stop answering my calls? Why did you stop talking to me?” you asked this time.
“Y/n…I-“ he tried to explain “I needed time to think” he said.
“Think what?”
“About that night, about what you told me…” he said.
“No Kylian…you said it wouldn’t ruin our friendship…you promised me!” you screamed, at this point you didn’t care if people were going to listen “You said you couldn’t live without me being in your life! said that our friendship was important, and that you cared about me! But you were the one to ignore me first, you were the one that stopped texting me or answering my calls!” you were letting all out “You are the one who didn’t want me in his life anymore Kylian!” you felt your heart pounding in your chest so fast you thought it was going to explode.
“Y/n…please calm down…” he tried to touch you but you shoved him away.
“You left me completely broken…and not because you didn’t love him but because with your actions you made it very clear you didn’t want me in your life anymore…Kylian you have no idea how much you made me suffer…” your breathing got more accelerated and you felt you were on the verge of a panic attack.
“I just want you to know how sorry I am…I never meant to hurt you, believe me please” he let a few tears fall “…I needed time to think because I never realised how important you were to me, how much I love you…you have to believe me” he begged.
“No Kylian, don’t! Don’t play with my feelings again…you broke me once, you won’t do it twice…” you said crying.
“I know…I know and I’ll never forgive myself”
“It’s been three months and you couldn’t find a way to tell me you loved me? Am I joke to you?” you asked him.
“No no no no please y/n, I never meant to play with your feelings, I know I made you suffer…but please, forgive me, give me one chance…” he was crying too.
“A chance for what? It’s been three months and now that I’m finally happy with someone you came and expect me to tell you ‘Oh Kylian, thank you, I love you so much’ - that’s not how the real world works…you lost me Kylian… you lost me the day you promised me that nothing will ever change between us and when the next day you stopped caring about me…I’m not a toy…so now, I have someone who really cares for me and who’s waiting for me…” you said turning your back to Kylian as you kept sobbing.
That night you and Kylian both cried, the only difference was that you had someone who was there for you, someone who was ready to show you what real love was while Kylian spent the night crying all alone, because when he realised he lost the lost important person was too late.
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halucynator · 1 year
When are you going to post your next fanfic? I have been waiting ages. If you don't want to you can just say so so I can request other people. You aren't letting me request other people while taking your sweet time to write fanfics. Get your life together and start writing or be brave and say you won't write it. It won't kill you to lose a few followers. I know you aren't entitled to but if you don't want to write it just say so. I don't want to wait so long and not be able to request other people. I thought you'd be one of the people who would be consistent with your writing. Guess not. You were one of my faves but honestly now I don't like you anymore. Unfollowing you. Be consistent. Get your life together. Grow tf up. I'm requesting other people.
I never thought I'd have to be serious on this platform but I guess I do.
When I first got this "ask", I thought about ignoring it. Everyone gets hate. But I realise sometimes spreading awareness is more important.
It has come to my attention that people such as the anon above think writers are machines. They seem to think that they are entitled to the writers time and consideration. That is simply not true.
Writers have lives outside of Tumblr and I feel like these people seem to forget that. My uni starts in a couple of days which is the reason for my inconsistency. I need to get stuff prepared to leave my home. It's a very personal and important moment for me and my life. This might be the last time I see my friends and to me writing is just not a priority at the moment because writing takes time and consideration and a lot of thought is put into it so the reading experience is enjoyable for people.
Writing is a hobby for me. I do it for myself. Not other people. I do it when I want to. It's my time. My writing. My blog. It's my hobby. And I love getting requests, I really do! And I love everyone who likes my reading!
When I was young I never thought I'd actually be able to have a fanbase however small that might be. I never thought I'd actually have people that enjoy my writing. I'm grateful for Tumblr to be able to express myself. Writing and expressing yourself to the world is incredibly difficult for some people such as myself so building up the courage to go out into the world well aware of criticism and stuff is tough. And comments like these can easily break it down. Also, I don't know if the person who wrote this is aware but I have ADHD. So I end up making things take wayyyy more time than it should.
Now back to the "ask". I do understand what the anon is trying to say and I'm sure a few people might agree with it and it's fine. But I have three problems with it:
1) I did mention on my pinned posts that requests were closed until further notice and that if they do want to send requests I can't guarantee how long it will take me to write them down.
2) There are nicer ways to say it. If the anon really wanted me to write their request they could've been nicer about it. Messaged me about it or anything else. Because us writers have feelings and we get hurt as well. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate anyone talking to you like this.
3) I have a life separate to Tumblr and you have no idea what I could be going through. I apologize for not mentioning that I will be off writing for a while. If you want, you can request other Tumblr accounts but I would appreciate it if you mention that you already send a similar request to said Tumblr. I hope you realise this is verbal abuse.
I was trying to figure out who wrote this post (naturally so I could block them and not tend to their request for being so rude as I have self respect) but I only found one Tumblr that unfollowed me on the day this post was written (quite recently actually) since the post mentions it and I only found one Tumblr that I used to be mutes with that unfollowed me (I will not reveal who it is). I refuse to believe that Tumblr wrote this post. Their Tumblr is amazing and I absolutely do not think they are capable of writing such disrespectful things to another Tumblr that always has tended to their request and tried to be as nice to them as possible (another Tumblr such as myself).
If it is that Tumblr who wrote this, I hope you know who you are. I'm terribly disappointed in you. I don't know the reason for that Tumblr unfollowing me anyway (maybe it was an accident or BC I'm inconsistent, either way idrc).
Thank you for reading this and thanks to all of my amazing mutes ❤️
Thanks to Tumblr for letting me have the opportunity to express myself, (usually) without any hate.
Please disregard any hate you get xx I love you 💖 have a good day!!
@psychedeliccc BC they wanted context 💕
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please tag major character death fics with sad endings that don't have content warnings
hey moots
when reblogging fics that feature major character death with a sad ending and have no content warnings at the top can you please tag those as either
gerry don't look
sad ending
this is literally only if there are no content warnings at the top of the fic
especially if the fic starts out really cute
like i really hate that i'm such a baby about this but sad endings i'm not prepared for are genuinely distressing to me and can fuck up a whole day if they catch me at a low point and i am, unfortunately, really low at the moment
any of my moots who write sad ending stuff: please, please, PLEASE consider putting content warnings at the start of your fics, or at the very least tag your fic as sad ending if it ends sad
like i get not wanting to "spoil" your fic, but i will have to start unfollowing if this keeps happening and i really don't wanna do that 😭
i don't want to filter for just "angst" because i actually really like angst!! as long as it doesn't end completely sad. i don't want to just stop reading angsty fics entirely, so please try to tag specifically for sad endings?
i wanna be super, duper, extra CRYSTAL CLEAR:
i absolutely adore the creativity of this fandom and i am so impressed by the skill people demonstrate with writing things with sad endings, i truly absolutely do and i really wish i was able to engage with that content!!!
i am just asking for content warnings for specifically sad endings, and if those are not provided, i'm asking my moots to tag for it so my filters actually work
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
I am not following certain blogs for my own sanity and mental peace, however whenever I have nothing imp left to do I sometimes checks out these blogs and I have to tell you certain conspiracy theories, discussion about wedding, timelines etc..are just felt out of this world,its even more confusing then multiverse, the logic behind all of these given were like 😳 or may be am i too stupid to get that high level of knowledge?
I don’t follow a lot of people anymore. It’s been a long time since some people ever discussed Chris. Just Chris. His career. His movies. His upcoming projects, etc. could it be they only want to hate because they’re non longer the lead role?
The amount of people that claim to hate him, and yet have tracked his likes and have placed this impossible timeline on something has me scratching my head. Also…look at this free publicity little nobodies have. All day. Every day. Talk about them.
That’s not the fandom I’m in. So I have to unfollow too many. Hey, I guess whatever brings them traffic, huh?
Also! I hope you guys are prepared 😏
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queerfables · 1 year
Hi okay SO. I have been putting off making an introduction post because I'd mostly prefer people to just look at my blog and decide if they want to hang out based on that, rather than making some big definitive statement about Who I Am.
But I'm currently accumulating followers at a truly alarming rate and - look, I don't want to give the impression I'm ungrateful, I am genuinely SO TOUCHED by every single one of you who's interested in what I have to say!! The feeling is 100% mutual, and I am having a blast sharing everyone's thoughts and enthusiasm. It's just that my goal with this blog is to have fun and do my own thing. I don't hate attention but I'm also not looking for it.
On balance, then, I think it's probably a good idea to give people a general sense of what I'm about so that if it doesn't appeal to you, we can opt out of each other's social circle before anyone steps on anyone else's toes.
My general philosophy:
I am here to have fun. I might occasionally have a little kvetch about some fandom trend or another but ultimately, even if your favourite trope drives me up the wall, I'm genuinely so happy that it is out there bringing you joy. I try very very hard to treat everyone with kindness and to avoid getting caught up in drama.
This isn't a clique it's a community. Please leave commentary on my posts or drop me a message if you wanna chat!
I follow and unfollow pretty liberally and never mean anything personal by it. I might consider you a friend but still unfollow if your current hyperfocus isn't jiving with mine. In turn, I will never take offence to anyone doing the same with me. Regardless of our following status, I'm always up to chat.
I don't do DNIs. Interact if you want to, don't if you don't. Good faith questions and comments are always welcome. Malicious behaviour will be blocked.
Primary Fandoms
Good Omens - I have loved this fandom for years and years, since before the TV show as it exists today was even a twinkle in Neil's eye. I ship Crowley and Aziraphale SO HARD and I am completely blown away by everything that we've gotten since the first season came out in 2019. Fifteen year old me could not even have imagined!!!
Supernatural - Literal opposite energy. I resisted this show for its entire run, after watching the pilot when it aired and thinking "if I watch this, I will end up shipping the brothers, and I am just not prepared for shipping the brothers." Fifteen years later destiel came in swinging with the steel chair and I grumbled and decided I'd better watch it to find out what all the fuss was about. And do you guys know what? I was right all along. I came away from that show obsessed with it as a gothic horror story and shipping the brothers hard. So wincest is my otp, but I'm a multishipper and I have a soft spot for wincestiel, destiel and sastiel too. As a darkfic enjoyer, I also dabble in John/Dean/Sam and variants. I'm not, like, opposed to less-dark takes on this, they just don't do much for me. I'm pretty careful to tag ships in this fandom consistently, so if you don't want to see something, you can blacklist it.
Side Fandoms
You might see these occasionally or for short stretches but they aren't currently taking over my brain the same way Good Omens and Supernatural are.
Ace Attorney (Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth. Queerplatonic Phoenix Wright/Maya Fey. Enthusiastic dabbler in background ships and rarepairs.)
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild+ (Link/Sidon. Link/Gannon. Bemused Link/Zelda ally [I don't ship it but I'm happy for all of you and enjoy the gender bending fanart].)
Ted Lasso (Roy/Keeley/Jamie. Queerplatonic Ted/Rebecca. Rebecca/Sam enjoyer. Pro-finale loyalist. Every single character is my best friend and also my daughter.)
Hannibal (Will/Hannibal. Margot/Alana enjoyer.)
I mostly tag for fandoms and ships (although I'm not currently tagging for Crowley/Aziraphale beyond the parent "good omens" tag. That may change if I settle on a tag I like). I wish that I could tag for triggers requested by people who want to follow me, but realistically, that isn't something I can guarantee and trying just wipes me out. If trigger tags are something you need, we may have to admire one another from afar.
At some point I will add a list of useful organisational tags here but for now you can always just browse back through my archives if you're interested.
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talisidekick · 10 months
Hello my friends, siblings, and colleagues!
And a special "I hope your next three one hour long 'IMPORTANT! Attendance Mandatory' meetings could have been a text/slack message 2 sentences long" sentimental greeting to my enemies. This is a heads up message:
The bigots have rediscovered my blog again.
I've gotten an insulting ask that associates me arbitrarily and falsely with being a sexual predator and pedophilia, plus a few reblogs with false information in the tags, and a couple buzzword posts using the typical terf and gender critical dog-whistles over the past few days. This, from experience, is the start of a bigotry "ramp up" period on this blog. Prepare to fill out your block lists.
Sorry to those that need less bigotry in their lives. If you're following me, you know that this usually can last a few months. Please feel free to unfollow if it gets too much, and come back later just to keep the gender critical and terf posts out of your explore or 'for you' pages. Alternatively, block their tags, but both works. Your mental health matters, don't go risking throwing yourself in a spiral on my account.
We all know the less you engage with bigots the faster they move on. Engagement is what they thrive on ... so please engage with them only if you have the mental bandwidth and only with education, and provide sources where possible. I'm asking you to do as I normally do if you choose to interact and post exclusively to educate the baby gays, baby trans, and baby queers as well as the still closeted, newly outs, cracking eggs, and our delightful new allies. Don't post to engage directly; being irresponsible with their words, conjecture statements, and accusations is how these bigots 'play'. They don't want reasonable debate, so don't debate them. Educate and move on. Use them as a stepping stone to promote education over ignorance.
To directly address the bigots: bring it. But keep it within Tumblr Terms of Service. I've already had to report one of you and I can't use your posts to educate the masses if reblogging or answering an ask would make me break Tumblrs rules. Read the hate speech and promoting violence and self harm sections. I will report you without hesitation for any violations.
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visionkept · 11 months
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SERIOUS TALK. I'm heavily considering moving this account to a new one. This one is getting really cluttered between the awful tumblr changes not remembering my tags, not being able to find headcanons, old asks & threads accumulating, in general is a mess. Not only that but things as general graphics and aesthetics feel very outdated. Being pretty honest, Tomoya was supposed to be a "TEMPORARY BLOG" while I took a break from my previous main muse. That's why I didn't even bother to make pretty fancy tags, pages or really elaborated graphics. I didn't expect to get attached to them, surprised myself with the bonds they have created too ! Plus, I think I have grasped by now the direction of this muse, builded up a story I still have to talk about and AUs set that I sure do love exploring. So as soon as this semester is over, I'll start preparing a new blog to move this one and have a fresh start. Here comes a to do list for myself on what I should prepare before moving this account though. Will be done in the shadows as I continue using this one for the time being.
Look for a new URL ! If possible one that matches the spring aesthetic I want to give off. If not, one about fate / destiny or lighting / thunderstorms will do.
Make a new rules page and be more precise in the unfollowing / following section as well as some things I want to prevent while plotting and shipping with others.
Use a new formatting that uses purples and reds ! C'mon Berry, use to your advantage the new formatting options.
Make that mains / bonds page. But make it extra special by adding drawn chibis of Tomo's bonds: Chihiro, Tem, Satoru, Kaeya ( aka. I gotta start doodling them ).
GRAPHICS with a new aesthetic ! Mobile header, dash icon, not doing a theme this time tho, a header for asks and threads even. But especially a new icon border cause I hate the current one so much.
Draw. yourself. new. Tomo. chibis. berry.
Remake Tomo's dish.
New tags, with quotes this time.
BERRY, DROP THE TOMO LORE ALREADY. Glad it's all in your silly little brain but damn girl, get it together cause that new blog gotta have an ABOUT PAGE with Tomo's CHARACTER STORIES.
Also gotta work in an AU PAGE explaining the most important points about the following AUS ( besides those I have in that page already ) : modern, knight, star rail ( the two versions ), archon, stardew valley, spiderverse.
Yes, as you see I got A LOT to do but I'll take my time. Will be striking the things i manage to do in the shadows these weeks. Meanwhile this blog is still running like always ( aka. spotty activity but somehow here ❤ ).
NOTE: plot important asks as well as threads will be continued and answered in the new blog in case I don't answer those by the time the new account is ready.
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blacksun4ever · 3 months
Yo! My name is Stefan and I’m the face behind Ichigo! Well one of many, I'm sure.
(Ichigo Kurosaki is a character from Bleach by Tite Kubo and I do not own him or any other character!).
Please be aware of some basic rules:
Please have general respect towards me and my character.
Anon hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted.
I am 21+ , so NSFW is possible.
Rape, anything non consensual, self mutilation, bestial, or pedophile is not allowed. I will not do NSFW with any mun or character under 18.  This is nonnegotiable.
This blog is multiship, cross over, and OC friendly.
If your character is an OC or AU and you send asks before discussing an AU option with me, my character will react accordingly (disbelief, annoyance, anger, etc.). This doesn’t mean Ichigo dislikes your character—he may act differently in a pre-discussed AU verse. I don’t mind asks without prior info, but be prepared for his response.
The main verse I write Ichigo in is canon divergent. Currently, I am writing Ichigo in events post FULLBRINGER arc but before TYBW.
Asks and memes are ALWAYS welcome! - I enjoy getting asks and all types of interactions, whether it’s headcanon questions for developing my character, casual chats between characters, or short threads. It's a fantastic way to start a conversation!
Personal blogs are welcome to follow! While I welcome personal blogs to follow me and send in asks, memes (when appropriate), questions, etc. and to like any posts I share or make; I do need to affirm some boundaries. Do not reblog roleplays. This is a common rule among roleplay blogs. It messes with our notifications and can make me miss my partner’s response.
Reply speed sometimes means waiting a bit! - If I have a problem with you as an RP partner, I'll tell you 100% of the time. I can assure you, I'm very busy in real life mostly due to work or IRL errands. So if I reply slowly, please forgive me.
Starters are welcome! - I love writing starters or being tagged in starters ( just message me first so I know who you are and let me know if it’s an AU).
All my threads are in their own universe so there is no issue interacting with multiples of the same character.  
Selectivity- I’m not really super picky. I’m not a fan of drama or hate so if I see that, I will unfollow or block depending on the situation.
Ships -I exclusively ship OTP - IchiRuki, and if you do not like/respect that, I understand. However I feel very strong about this, so for me there are no compromises.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
i wanted to click the ask button and i accidentally unfollowed you. easily one of the most webbed sites i've ever! ANYWAY i have yet to catch up w/ your 2022 yi city whumptobers;;, but what kind of torment is the most fun/interesting to inflict on each of the yi city squad member? lol this sounds bad but i mean, for xy it's obviously delicious to bite into his issues w/ his body, its weaknesses and the way it's not just 'what makes a xue yang' but also, if not primarily, a tool/weapon. but there's definitely more! and then there's xxc and sl, and a-qing...? i feel they're a very diverse buffet lol
this is a tasty tasty one and I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it ahhhh
going to take this one person at a time!!! for organizational reasons. I love thinking about this kind of thing because for me a lot of it is like. "what would this character hate most, on a level of 'what experience would most undermine their sense of self/emphasize their specific neuroses" and that's a fun way of exploring character.
whump! it's not just about the satisfaction of beating up characters, it's also about the flaying away of emotional shields to reveal the squishy internal bits of your faves. or something like that.
xue yang: you've definitely hit on a big one in your ask, which is, yeah...physical incapacitation that he can't in some way power through, that somehow does render his body...not in his own power, not usable, not capable of what he wants it to do. it's supposed to! it should do whatever he tells it to do! it's not supposed to fail him!
I've talked a lot about the way xue yang sees his body as, in some ways, his enemy, in a way I don't think he's wholly aware of. his body is a problem because his body can take damage, can hurt, and those are things that xue yang would really, really like to avoid happening to him, ever (again), and while yeah, that happening is the fault of the person who hurts him, on some level he feels betrayed by his own body for allowing it. it's not doing its job.
xiao xingchen: for xiao xingchen it's psychological for sure. he can bear a lot of physical pain, I think! he can take that, it's expected, physical violence is a part of the life he chose when he came down the mountain.
what I think he expected less was the psychic damage he can take, and I don't think he can bear it as well (I mean, we know he doesn't). it hits him harder and he's less prepared.
but also. hurting other people and making sure xiao xingchen knows it's because of him. xue yang hit that one right on the head several times (with song lan, with the fake night hunts, with song lan again), and used it to nail xiao xingchen right into his coffin.
song lan: oooh this was an interesting one to think about and made me realize that I have not spent a lot of time making song lan suffer anything but emotional damage, though I have made him suffer a fair amount of emotional damage.
I think with song lan...hmm. I don't know how to articulate this exactly but what gets to him I think is things that undermine his sense of self and his certainty. I think of song lan as someone who doesn't just like stability and routine but in some ways relies on it; it keeps him steady and grounds him. so losing that, or having it yanked out from under him, really throws him off balance.
I'm thinking about how song lan would handle being in a psychological horror narrative and I feel like it would really fuck him up in a way above and beyond anyone else on this list, is kind of what I'm saying? if that makes sense. the...unreliability of his surroundings, and more than that of his own head, his ability to make sense of the world and ground/center himself in some kind of certainty...I think song lan would go downhill fast.
a-qing: I think what it comes down to with a-qing as far as "what's the best way to make her hurt worst" is anything that would render her incapable of defending herself, but more specifically vulnerable in a way that she couldn't even play for sympathy (as is one of her tricks; playing weaker than she is so people underestimate her or even are generous with her).
so like...actually what xue yang does to her on this level is pretty brutal not just on the surface level of, you know, physical agony but also on the level of...by blinding her and removing her ability to speak, and then making her a ghost or...whatever she is in cql, he renders her something that people will perceive as monstrous, and therefore she can't ask for help, can't seek out support, can't communicate what she wants to communicate in order to get what she needs.
what I guess I'm getting at here is the removal of her self-sufficiency. a-qing is someone who is resourceful and clever and very good at getting out of tight spots, and who has had to fend for herself for a lot of her life. removing that in some way, undermining that, is the thing that's most going to get to her - something that makes her for real and inescapably the small, relatively weak girl with nobody to help or protect her that she pretends to be.
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
Every time I saw anyone stanning Feyre and hating on Nesta for the reason that Feyre is a saint (compassionate person) and Nesta is a mean girl/bully…..something felt wrong. I was bullied and targetted by mean girls. And yet, I couldn’t see Nesta as one but I definitely thought something was off about Feyre. Then I realized how every single one of these people, all of them was actually a bully online. Say one thing against their queen Feyre and they’ll bully the hell out of you. All of them were mean, rude and bullies (didn’t personally engage but saw it happen). On the other hands, Nesta stans are rarely mean, sometimes rude but only if somebody is harrassing them and generally gave me an introverted-people-who-love-their-privacy-and-peace kinda vibe. (You being the first one that I found in this fandom❤️).
I also saw somebody’s post and maybe this could be it. Did you ever get that kind of vibe from other Nesta stans/ Feyre stans?
Nesta always reminds me of a cat rather than a mean girl. Leave her alone and she'll come to you when she wants to. Annoy her and the claws come out.
I don't want to make a sweeping assumption about everybody. There are Feyre stans who are rude, there are Feyre stans who are lovely. There are Nesta stans who are rude, there are Nesta stans who are lovely. The most important thing is tailoring your online experience and blocking/unfollowing the sorts of people who rub you up the wrong way.
One of the issues with acotar is that feyre is framed as a saint. Even when she does wrong, it isn't actually wrong or it has no consequence. I know Ianthe was vile but I absolutely despise the scene where feyre makes her smash her hand with the rock. It's horrific and doesn't fit with feyre's character imo. I think it was just done to be bad ass. And there's no consequence for that, for killing the faeries utm, for burning the lady of autumn at the meeting etc. there's no real consequences for all the times she's naive and gets into danger, because somebody always saves her.
p.s. i am definitely an introverted-person-who-loves-their-privacy-and-peace. I have to mentally prepare to leave the house to socialise lmao.
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sillyname30 · 11 months
I don’t think Kevin resents Darren as a person or is jealous of him in particular, but I do think he is envious of his career and what he’s achieved.
That being said, you’ve made an excellent point. And here is the thing - Darren is extremely smart. Not to say Kevin is not, but you gotta give it to Darren. He saw the opportunities and took them and worked insanely hard for them. I think he realized if he didn’t do something immediately post glee (and during) he was risking missing the wave. And to add to that, just as you said - he did things while in Glee that made him stand out to producers and crew. The piano in S4, insisting to sing live at least a couple of songs… his hard work inside the set made it so he had the trust to write two original songs, one of which was Rachel’s last solo. That’s huge. And it came from a mix of Darren’s talent and his pro activity.
The thing with Kevin and even Jennah is that they are a bit hypocritical. They like to be nice to the people who they can benefit from - Jennah just has refollowed Lea on IG after unfollowing her and hoping on the hate train a few years back. Things like that make me be wary of them.
I think Kevin likes Darren, but is a little jealous of his career.
You need a lot of luck to get work as an actor. I guess Darren would love to do more (plays, limited series, movies). But he is doing other stuff instead of sitting at home. I prepared a recap for 2023 (I will post in January) and Darren did a lot of things. Not much as an actor, but galas, events, concerts. It's a surprisingly long list.
I didn't know that Jenna unfollowed Lea and now follows her again.
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caluski · 2 years
I feel like I should say this - if you've decided to re-follow me here, you gotta be like, prepared to see me talk a lot and post my drawings and silly pictures I take, and songs recommendations, all that stuff that I usually do. I wanna cool down with the whole depression posting, but just for myself, to distract myself from my tiny little miseries with things that I actually love - not for anyone who's following me here. So like, just, don't follow me for reblogs. I hated, fucking hated being followed for reblogs on cieplutko/jejciu bc it just sucked, having a four-digit number of followers and yet most of them cared just about stupid memes and ignored my existence completely. Like I don't want that. I don't want to be a fucking... reblogger. I don't wanna be a shitposter or whatever. If you don't care for it, it's cool, just block or unfollow, whatever, even if we're long-time mutuals. I'm just so damn sick and tired of getting anons like "do you ever shut up?" or "you're repeating yourself" or "don't post drawings until you get good at it". This is my space! I want it to be just.. clear. If I change, let it be for myself.
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Get to Know Me
There are various things about me that I mention vaguely in ranting posts, that I know some of my followers don’t know. So I’m writing some stuff here, for people who want to know me better! 😉
I’m PiracyTheorist, for personal reasons I don’t share my real name or selfies publicly here. You can call me Nette.
Current fandoms circulating around here:
- Spy x Family (CURRENT OBSESSION) (I’m up to date with the anime but I don’t read the manga, so please no manga spoilers) (tags are "Spy x Family" and occasionally "sxf")
- Colin O’Donoghue (sporadic but massive posting whenever he graces us with new content)
- Resident Evil Village (there will be horror and graphic content, as well as spoilers for the game and its DLC Shadows of Rose) (tag will mostly be “Resident Evil” and/or “re talk”)
- Digimon Adventure (20 years after watching it as a kid I went back to it and what do you know I still love everything about my very first blorbo, Yamato Ishida, so I’m going off about it here as well) (tag is “Digimon”)
- Occasionally, other random stuff I'm into.
Personal stuff:
I’m in my late 20s, I was born in a small town in Greece. I lived on an island for six years, where I studied music teaching. I now work as a music educator in a public middle and high school.
I support all genders and sexualities and ways people choose to live their own lives.
I’m a white cis woman, an asexual, I’m probably also aromantic but I’m not sure. Due to not being interested in romantic/sexual relationships however, I don’t spend a lot of time wondering about that. I just go with the flow.
I am a certified cat person™. I have one of my own (though she lives in my parents’ house and I only see her when I visit):
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I was born with a cardiomyopathy. I’m on mild medication (by which I mean no side effects and no problems if I miss one dose) and I have some standard medical tests once or twice a year. I cannot do heavy exercise or push any limits (which, due to not being able to exercise my whole life, are low considering my young age). I am able to be independent though I'm eligible for some disability benefits. And yes, that means I’m in a high-risk group for any disease, not just covid or the flu.
I find dogs cute as well, but I prefer cats for myself.
I don’t want to have children. I like working with them as a music educator, but I don’t think I’d ever have the patience to actually be a good parent for life. Plus I have a ton of crappy genes, first and foremost of my own disease, so why spread them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I attend therapy sessions. Sometimes I talk here about my sessions, or about things I want to say in them. I tag those posts as “nette therapy” so you can filter that if you want.
I love travelling. Thanks to being a part of several choirs while studying, I’ve visited various places in Europe, and I hope to be able to visit more.
I try to tag everything, including triggers, so if there’s something you need me to tag (within reason, don’t bring fandom drama into my inbox please), don’t hesitate to ask me. I shitpost from time to time, so prepare for some silliness here and there.
I enjoy whump, that is, seeing fictional characters (mostly male - for me mostly ones played by the aforementioned Colin O’Donoghue) in pain or any kind of peril. I tag everything about that as “whump”. I understand triggers and squicks so tagged or not, if that makes you in any way uncomfortable, you can unfollow me. I appreciate people following my blog but I rarely if ever check my followers list.
Sometimes I write fanfics, though my main contributions to fandoms are gifsets and silly memes, occasionally. Killian Jones from the TV show Once Upon a Time is my biggest love, so content about him may appear here sometimes. My fanfics can be found on Tumblr [link] or on AO3 [link]. My gifsets can be found here [link].
I do not tolerate hate that’s aimed at innocent people - and that goes from hate for race, gender, sexuality etc. to hate for what fictional character each other likes. If what the other person is doing is in no negative way affecting someone else, I will not tolerate hate on my blog about them. I used be a person who judged others for what fictional characters/ships they liked, and I know now how miserable I was to act that way, and I’m trying to move on and become better.
That’s it for now :D Welcome to my blog!
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mommypieck · 2 years
TBH, you seem like an attention seeker. You just complain nonstop about receiving hate, about this and that. I’m surprised, you talk about how you’re receiving hate, say you’re going to stop writing for a show because of the hate, which is not even true, because the only thing you get hated is about how bad your grammar can be sometimes. Why say you’re going to stop writing for a show, if you’re going to come back two days later with a story about it? Attention seeker much? If you can’t handle the hate and you’re just going to be crying twenty-four seven, and be complaining, maybe get off. You have better things to do like studying, aren’t you 18? A job maybe? You’re such a good writer honestly, but you’re just starting to get annoying. It doesn’t matter how much support your followers give you, you will still receive hate and that’s something you’re not prepared for. It’s a shame. I wish you the best, but act mature upon these things.
im really sorry if i come off as an attention seeker but i promise i am not.
this is my blog and im allowed to post anything i like (that includes posts where i complain). and the reason i post these things is because i wanna be heard. i don't write it because i want people to pity me, i just need to vent. and what if my grammar is bad? foreign languages are my biggest passion and i love learning new languages, so of course im not going to be completely fluent in english if it's not my first language. and im not going to post every hate dm i get, so i don't think u should comment on why i get hate and why not. and yes, i said that i am gonna stop posting about csm and then did, but it's because i literally schedule my posts. and guess why? yes, because i have school and i have to study. and i know that im too sensitive and i don't act mature, but the hate doesn't affect me as much as you think it does. i just choose to post about it to vent and get over it. i hope this clarifies my behavior and if u still find me annoying in the future, be free to unfollow. also im sorry if i come off as angry, im not and im glad u told me how u feel about me :))
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