marsinthecorner · 2 years
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Been a hot minute with some pre-Cadou Moreau😘. And of course some Mars too💕
Of course it has to be sensored, or tumblr will have a fit🙄😖
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scattered-winter · 1 year
day u are so so correct and so so sexy for everything u just sent into my inbox. kissa u.
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year
The Din Grogu thing is perplexing because we do have another named foundling to draw comparisons to. Ragnar Vizsla isn't named like that. And we know thanks to our history with clan Vizsla that Vizsla is absoluteley a family name and not a first name. Ragnar was given his adopted fathers family name. (Unless his name is actually Paz Ragnar and they just never call him that. Lol) So it feels like following precadent there's no reason it shouldn't be Grogu Djarin, even if Grogu has no family name of his own. I'm kind of thinking putting Din's name in front of Grogu's might not be meant to be a permanent name and more of a title given to him to declare to the covert that this is specifically Din's foundling and once Grogu graduates to apprentice he'll either be given Din's family name or the oppurtunity to choose his own name. 🤔
Very good and valid thoughts here!
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alephskoteinos · 2 years
Somebody talked about how we need more horror media that has religious people actually meet their gods and discovering that they are nothing like how their own religion presents them (a concept I endorse wholeheartedly!). I suggested that one go into the seven-eyed ram-headed Jesus from Altered States, or have a story where God reveals his "true image" to a lucky individual and it turns out to be basically indistinguishable from the image of Baphomet, and I think it's that idea that has me getting hints of how far Satanism can go, how deep it can be, in order to really go beyond the humanism that is presented under its name. It's next to impossible at this point to sketch out what that amounts to, but something tells me that Zizek's secret ("God who created the world is evil. The devil.") may be a major part of that. Something like that isn't exactly without precadent in Satanism, and I believe one sees some aspect of this in Stanisław Przybyszewski's discussion of Satanism, wherein he expressly locates Satan and some attendant principle of evil as the inescapable source of creation. He explicitly refers to Satan as both the source of suffering and the creator of the world, and then the patron of magicians, the sexual principle, and, in a way, the sponsor of rebellion against the authority of the church and champion of the vengeance of the underclasses; the father both of the pains and agonies of life and also every wonder you can experience in life, including love. Of course where does that leave "God", and the rejection of it. I suppose from that standpoint one may always claim that he's falsely claiming himself to be the supreme principle of the universe, though in a way we're kind of dealing with a version of the premise of the many "Gnostic" sects of Christianity, perhaps even (in a sense) an inversion of the Sethian premise. Still, it would all make some sense from the idea that one comes to know reality by its other side, to know the truth a rebours, the location of inversion. It's all mere speculation anyway.
Also, I kind of like the idea of some "freaky" looking deities as almost the "gnostic forms" of various gods, a bit like the deities you see on gnostic talismans or amulets (the images of beings such as Chnoubis or Abraxas, which may or may not adapt their namesake from Egyptian gods), or like the "esoteric forms" of Indian gods as found in esoteric Buddhism or perhaps Tantric Hinduism, and I could do with more of that.
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valleynix · 1 year
In the post about scars you mentioned Bela going into fights precadou. Is my girl throwing hands at people 😭😭
i was kind of basing that off of TPtM’s Bela and her background 😭 iirc some Stuff happened and she wasn’t well-liked around the village for a little while, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the poor girl WAS throwing hands LMFAO
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 year
i think i'm a hilarious person because i heartily dislike J*di S******r's Cap Stainpiss for the exact same reasons that i... absolutely adore D*n Dj*rin.
D*n is a very private person; he's very contained and his morality is very insular, untouchable, almost pure. He's a gorgeous personality because he's a dickhead who'll do his own thing, and he's got the grit and gore to back it up too, S1 and S2 Dink Djaling was never portrayed as a character with a hive for a brain, he was always self driven.
But Cap Testtits always had a hive full of bees for a brain. He was a constellation of voices, his own becoming one true resonance by the end of F*llen O*der. He was open and receptive and responsive, for better or worse. That was his most distinct quality, he took people in, a close range fighter at all times; there's a reason F*llen O***r Cat doesn't do blasters– he's an upclose and personal fighter, always having one foot in the doorframe, he's involved with the characters emotionally, mentally, physically. That's how he wins.
The way they made him in S*rv*vor is not bad persay, but it's highly incongruent with what he was in FO. It's a good look on any other character that starts as an insular and internally conflicted, private character that are in a battle with themselves first and foremost, but Cat Dentist was never alone in his fights, his story literally starts with him reaching out to someone else and endangering both of them because of it. JS Cat would've been a fun character if he wasn't precaded by FO Cat, he would've been mildly entertaining, if a bit bland to work with. But he's an insincere, trendy grimdark reconstruction of one of the most heartfelt and sincere and true stair warts characters in recent years so the way i remember him is not with fondness, it's with deep disdain of people who'll shit on every good and hopeful story just to sell it to 21th century comfortably constipated nihilists who think it's "human nature" to grow apathetic and disinterested. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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precadmedya · 2 years
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Demir Eğitim Kurumlari (@demir.egitim1 )için ♥️ ile tasarlandı. ———————- Wordpress Kurumsal Grafik Tasarım Web Tasarım Dijital Reklam Logo Tasarım ———————— > 🚀 www.demiregitimkurumlari.com.tr Sizin ihtiyaçlarınız içinde bir web sitesi oluşturmaya başlayalım. Hemen iletişime geçin. #FarkıHisset #PrecadMedya #webtasarım #wordpress #webtasarim #domain #hosting #sosyalmedya #grafiktasarim #eticaret #kurumsal #website #yeni #akademi #serfitika #egitim #belge #guvenlik #koruma #demiregitim (Precad Medya ve Tasarım Ajansı) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAhZRmMNok/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hey man just gotta request something,
Thank you
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marsinthecorner · 1 year
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It's been so long since I've posted art on here!😭😭😭😭😭
Here, have some sl***y precadou Moreau to make up for it!😜😘
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radioactivetirade · 3 years
can we just talk for a sec about the fatphobia that exists in the job market ?
I am fat. not curvy, not just "more to love," fat. Im okay with that and I love myself, im just one shape on a sliding scale of potential shapes and sizes that exist. i am by no means the biggest or smallestvon that scale, just fat. But i wasnt always the size i am now, i used to be skinny, almost to an unhealthy degree at one point.
since gaining weight it has become harder and harder to find good jobs. employers do not want me in the publics eye due to my size, and its usually obvious. I have 8 years of customer service experience across nearly every industry and demographic.
Ill apply for a service position that i am blatantly overqualified for, for example restaurant hostess positions or food counter service rep. ill have interviews where i say all the right things, the things that would have gotten me hired a few sizes ago. then i dont get the job and i see a skinnier girl with a bad attitude working where i applied weeks later. sometimes ill call and ask whybi didnt get the positions or how i could improve my interview skills, and pretty much every time ill get "you just werent the right fit for us" or even better, "we werent the right fit for you." this is industry code for "you dont look like what we think the public wants to see." the jobs i have managed to get in the last 2 years have been chat and call center positions where no one can see me, even though i do my best work in a face to face customer service environment.
I have (skinnier, conventionally prettier) friends who have years less experience than me who will get good positions where I wont, and we all know why.
While more generalized forms of discrimination like sexism, racism, and homophobia seem more rampant in hiring, fatphobia is extremely prevalent as well, particularly in the service industry but really in any position where you have the potential to be in the publics eye.
I am at the point where i am in tears frustrated over having to work a job I hate because I cant find a position within my area of expertise, almost certainly at least partly due to my size. I am not cocky, but I know my skills and worth and it is not being reflected in the job offers (or lack thereof) that i get. I had someone tell me moxies was hiring and i should apply and i literally burst out laughing bc i have never seen a woman above size 6 working there in my city.
Lets make this more of a conversation! right now employers are not scared or ashamed to filter the fat people out of their applicant list because 1) they think the public only want to see skinny pretty long haired white women and 2) because there is largely no legal precadent against discrimination due to weight since it is not covered in the canadian Charter so they are at no real risk for this form of discrimination.
if we create a larger conversation around fatphobia both in the workplace and in the hiring process itself, there is a much higher chance of having it addressed potentially not only in individual companies hiring and workplace discrimination policies, but on the legal level as well !
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cornwallcambridge · 6 years
I just want to get my Sussex Baby name predictions in early
For a girl: Ever since Charlotte was born, I’ve thought Harry would have a daughter named Frances. My crack theory name for them is Prudence, but I don’t think they’ll use that. Another name I could see them using is Dorothy for Doria.
Frances Mary Alice
For a boy: I think they’ll use Frederick... I don’t know why, but that’s what I think. I could see Harry naming a son Albert, but I feel like Meghan wouldn’t go for it. Philip is most definitely an option.
Frederick Charles David
Length: The Cambridges took the precadent down to three names, which I actually like (I know that other royals only have three names, but just stick with me). Nevertheless, I could see them taking it down to just two names or moving up to four names. 
Style: Definitely royal. Their child will be at least seventh in line, which means they’ll not be monarch but still have to look the part. Especially since they have a dukedom. Maybe a fun middle name or an out of the box royal name, but I wouldn’t be worried about them naming their kid Rainbow or even Jackson.
Title: I’ve found myself slightly confused about the title... I know that there are limited prince and princess titles and they changed the rules for Charlotte & Louis’s titles. So H&M’s kid could be Lady ____ Mountbatten-Windsor or a Viscount like Louise & John, but Harry was given a dukedom and Beatrice & Eugenie are princesses so I’m not entirely sure. 
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More on the twitter mum hypocrisy that is AD
On The Sha'tar and in other RP servers on other games, the community just had a much needed stigma on problem players without using it to weaponise the community forums. If you were/are an ERP'er, you were maybe put on a guild blacklist and avoided, but there would not be a huge witch hunt scandal or doxxing like what is seen on AD. Same situation in other MMOs too. AD is the only RP community where this type of thing often takes precadence over actual RP or community building/shaping that I am aware of. Some examples I can think of revolve around a certain dwarf with a fist of iron. Not sure if he still plays on AD but he was a, many would agree, stalking degenerate that harassed people and threatened to kill them if they didn't ERP with him or send nudes. He and his alts have been in a number of AD guilds and none of dear leader's cronies have ever batted a lid. Another scandal I remember is that a dk by the name of 'Jack' or something or other got caught ERP'ing about a few weeks after moving to AD. On any other RP realm, he'd have been laughed at and black listed. On AD, he was stalked, doxxed, forced off the realm and had his livelihood threatened. Not sure where this 'think of the children' fallacy came from either. Can guarantee most of the sweatbeards in the RP community are not kiddos and that kiddo interest in WoW is at an all time low. Pretty sure certain communities on AD used the whole ERP scandal as a banner to rally behind to garner support and provide a smoke screen for their own heinous activities. "Well, we're bad sometimes but hey at least we don't ERP and therefore fuck children" We all know ERP is weird but maybe touch grass and realise that the majority of people just want to RP and ignore the weirdos instead of spending our free time on bizarre hate campaigns against those who are better left forgotten. Most of the forum posting community are just sadistic sickos who like having an easy target.
Keti's actions/behavior are weird but questioning their parenting skills and encouraging a full on realm harassment campaign against them is several steps overboard. Again, these people need to touch grass.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Asian, Community, and Music: GIRL: OMG BILLIE EILISH MAKES THE BEST MUSIC EVER! SHE DOESN'T GIRL: YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT REAL MUSIC IS ME: NO ME AN INTELLECTUAL: Notinne in Tek omidions C u ngin Ac Tak FadFdt View history Search Wikipeda WIKIPEDIA The Fe ykpalia This November is Wikipedia Asian month. Join the contest and win a postcard from Asia D aricrat Main paq National anthem of Russia Contets Featured content Fom Wikied, ths r ycl Currertevent Random aticle The "State Anthem of the Russian Federation (Russian: TocyaapcTeeHHb H Poccaicso Degepaun, Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossyskoy Fodarats, PA: [gasudarstvtn gimn resijskaj thdnats |) the name of the cmcal nabonal antham ot Russia. It uses Conale to Wkceda Государственный гимн Россййской Федерации Wpean oe the same melody as the "State Anthem of the Soviet Union, composed by Aleander Alexandrow, and new yrics by Sergey Mikhakow, imaracion Engish State Anthem of the Russian who had colaborated wth Gabrel El-Hegstan cn the crignal anthem.From 1944, that eariest version replaced I he Intermatonaic mSvil-ci d ssi-ceniric Saviet ahem Thw mely, bul wilh lyris mentining the deounced Stali by name, was used after 1956. Asecond version of the yrics was writtcn by Mkhalkov in 1970 and adopted in 1977, placing icss amphass on World War II and mara an the victary of cmmunism Fadeahan Нар Gesudarstvernyy Gimn Hassiyskoy rwi Acour Wikiced a Community pora Recert changes aeaa aali nad Contact page The ui SSR ws the anly constituent repubic of the Sovi Unian without its oun regional anthem The lyric-fre "Patrioticheskaya Pesnya, composed by Mkhail Ginka, was otficialy adopted in 1990 by the Supreme Soviet of Russia and canfimad in 1953 after the dasaluion of the Sovist Unian, by the President of the Russian Federation, Bors Yeltsn This anthem mara m uts WhatInks here e proved to be unpopular with the Russian public and with many polticians and public figures, because of its tune and ack of hyrics, and Relaled changes cansaquenty ts inability to inspre Fussian athlates during intemational compatnens. rics for the unpopular anthem, but none of the entries were adopted The gavammant sponsored contests to create Upload tle Secsl pas Thя ofcial япитдити at Rusian Pennk Ginka's anthem was replaced soon after Yetsin's successor, Vadimir Putin, frst took office on 7 May 2000. The federal legislature national anthem, comp eted in 2001 Page innaion stablshed and approved the music of the National Anthem of the Soviet Union, with newy wrten yrcs, n Decemboer 2000, and it Wkidaa lem National amthem of Russia becam the secand anthem used by Russis sfler the dissoution ol the Soviet Unim. The governmerl ssred cantest to find Che ths page Lyrics Sergey Mikhalkoy, 2000 yrics, cventualy sctting upcn a new composition by Mihakov; according to the government, the lyrics werc sclectod to cvcke and in other projects Nexander Aexardrov, 1939 Huoiz the histary and Irdiions of sisYellin riczed Pulin for sapperting the reintroducticn of ihe Soviel- national anthem Music Wkimedia Commons Adopted December 25, 2000 musc even though oprion pols showed that many Russians favored this decision, Weiscurc December 30, 2000 yaf Publc pcrception of the anthem is mixed among Russians. A2009 poll showed that 50% cf respondents tet proud when hearing the Precaded by Patriotchesiaya Peanya mgfip.cdm nainal anhem and that 25 % lked it AucoEamnl For the Motherland
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valleynix · 1 year
Omg i need to draw precadou Bela being an absolute menace to society
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ac-liveblogs · 7 years
Re: Karma Houdini: Not just Zeref, Ankhseram as well.
Ankhseram is just. The weirdest. We know nothing about him, his motivations, history, whatever. It’s so bizarre. Why does he exist. It’s so... 
I mean yeah to curse Zeref, but why? Is there a precadent for this or something? Goddamn....
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valleynix · 1 year
This song makes me think of precadou Bela 😔
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