#human salvatore moreau
marsinthecorner · 1 year
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It's been so long since I've posted art on here!😭😭😭😭😭
Here, have some sl***y precadou Moreau to make up for it!😜😘
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alenseress · 1 year
Haunted estate au — RE8
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cookiekitten91 · 7 months
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RE8 human au, featuring Donna and Moreau getting arrested for stealing cheese.
Also, Alcina goes to the jail but she only bails Donna out.
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heraxic · 5 months
I love monster moreau so much <33 human he ugly but Greek myth he just a big guy :)
beauty is subjective, here’s pre-curse salvatore moreau (Sarantos)
I actually really like moreau aesthetically, sea monsters are epic
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Sarantos was a renowned sailor and fisherman who could navigate the seas with ease in spite of Poseidon’s terrible mood swings. He was the first human who made the mistake of coming to Pallas’ archipelago (the islands were extremely fertile and lush, so this was bound to happen sooner or later), even daring to fish in her disembowelled stomach (now a grand lake). Athena punished him by turning him into a giant fish whose mouth functioned as a whirlpool. In this state he ate the boat he arrived on and his sons who were on board as he forgot everything he was before. This was 2000 yrs before Elias came to the island.
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leorawright · 1 year
The re8 lords finding their soulmate (in this au every one has an identical symbol to their soulmate) but only after its to late.
Alcina: Already been killed to be turned into wine
Donna: Already been torn apart by her dolls
Salvatore: Already been transformed into a Lycan
Karl: Already been transformed into one of his cyborg monsters
Noooo the angst (I had to give one a happy ending so Karl's kinda works out)
Warnings: death, slight mentions of mauling (not detailed)
Lords finding their soulmate when it's too late
Alcina Dimitrescu
She was going over the different barrels of... wine in the cellar when she came across one of the bodies that hadn't yet deteriorated
It had her matching soulmate mark
She was absolutely devastated and sat in the darkness of the cell holding your body and tracing the soulmate mark
When she came out of the cellar, she took your body with her and gave it a proper burial as she thought it was the least she could do
Donna Beneviento
She was slightly panicked when you entered her house, so she hid and let Angie do the work to get rid of the 'invader'
But she noticed the soulmate mark through the rampage of dolls too late
By the time she got to you and the dolls stopped attacking, you were already dead
She was frozen and so mad at herself for hiding
She took you to her gardens and decided to bury you there, in the midst of her plants
Salvatore Moreau
He barely had time to check every single person before he added the cadou so he never noticed your soulmate mark
The next morning he was going over the test subjects when he noticed you, a half transformed lycan with a soulmate mark that matched his
His stomach immediately dropped as he began trying every single remedy to possible turn you back human
Sadly, none of it worked and you were fully transformed to a lycan
Moreau was devastated that he lost the one person who might've been able to actually love him
Karl Heisenberg
He barely spared more than a single thought towards the people he experimented on
So when he was in the middle of adding metallic parts to your body he noticed the mark on your wrist
The mark that matched his
He began cursing to himself as he removed every part of metal that he could while keeping you alive
When you did awake he was so relieved
When he saw that you were scared he revealed his soulmate mark and apologized over and over for not paying closer attention
He's been waiting for his soulmate and he doesn't know if he can lose you
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sapphicrow · 2 months
Re8 Characters as Crane Wives Songs!
Karl Heisenberg- Take Me To War
I think he would be this song because it’s very violent and argumentative, as he is. Also. The man literally is jam packed with the desire for a revolution and his design is heavily influenced by WWII elements. It’s a very simple connection, but suiting.
Donna Beneviento - Unraveling
I think this song reminds me of her not because I imagine her exactly as the serial romantic that the narrator of this tragic tale is, but because of the fact that she has dealt with a lot of loss in her life. Between the death of her family, then anyone she may have had in the village when Miranda ordered them to be massacred, as well as earlier her humanity. The idea of unraveling, or losing it per se, alludes to her characteristic mental illness. Shes off the rails, we love that for her, and so does this song. One of the main lyrics in the song is “But now my love is gone / and I am left unraveling” and I just feel that encompasses how she’s been abandoned to her dolls to wither out of sight. Also the song goes tailor, gardener, then carpenter and she is all of those things which I find to be a rather seemly match.
Salvatore Moreau - Nobody
Now, the artists themselves describe this as a queer tragedy, but I think I can yank it out of context a bit to fit the silly. Now, this song states over and over again how “nobody ever loved me like she tells me she does” and I feel that is a very manipulative statement. Moreau does not have much of a back story, but one of the original concepts for his character was that he was to have the woman he loved melded to his back in a somewhat perverse fashion where she would be forced to stay with him. This idea is encapsulated by the obsessive and toxic nature of the relationship this song portrays. If you really want to have a think about it, you could imagine it was the woman herself trying to justify Moreau’s actions to herself. However, I was thinking more along the route of how Miranda surely had to lead this poor fish on for him to be so devoted. I don’t mean romantically, but she most definitely was more involved to begin. Nobody ever loved him like she told him she does. That doesn’t mean she does, but it does illustrate how she taunted him with the idea of a mom, leading him to create this familial illusion in his twisted mind.
Alcina Dimitrescu- Tongues & Teeth
Now this one was a little tricky, I was torn between this one and The Wolf but I feel this one gives more of that cruel seductiveness we have come to associate with Lady Dimitrescu. This song is very blatant. “And when you come in quick to steal a kiss / my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear” I love to imagine our lady as a woman who relishes in her power, not one who is insecure in it. She will not shy away from her own strength, nor will she temper it for anybody. Tongues & Teeth tells it like it is- should you wish to be hers, you are going to get hurt. End of story. She’s going to hurt you. This is no accident, this is no fluke. She is violent in her very nature. But on the contrary to that, this is a warning. This gives you the courtesy to flee. I think she would want you to at least be willing to be broken by her in some capacity, which is why she would even say anything in the first place. Also. I think the song is a banger and I’d like to bang her.
Cassandra Dimitrescu- Show Your Fangs
Cassie is a huntress, a conclusion made among fans due to her final fight being fought within the Dimitrescu castle’s armory. She is strong and has a fierce playful energy to her, going as far as toying with Ethan with her lil “RAH!”s that admittedly did scare me a few times. I view this song as a sort of feminine war song. “I’m not your highness, a damsel left helpless by fright / I am a lioness, fierce as I walk through the night” Out of the three sisters, she is certainly the most combative. In addition to the obvious associations, I believe that the line stating that she is not your highness is a sort of jab at the title of countess. She wants nothing to do with that power. She is wild and bitey and feral. She is in no way a ‘proper’ lady. She refuses that idea outright and I mclove that for her.
Bela Dimitrescu- Steady, Steady
We all imagine Bela as the perfect, shining golden child of the Dimitrescus. She’s responsible, respectful, and just overall a polite little lady. But I think she’s more wild than that. The duality of this song orchestrates this view wonderfully. Sang in a slow, deep melody; “Steady, steady, you know when you’re ready.” This shows her prim side, I also like to imagine this as her mantra muttered between deep breaths as she goes to present her work to her mom. (She’s always well received, but she over thinks it a lot.)
And then the other side of this song goes in a more frantic, rambunctious tune; “I’m swimming in this dress like a child in her mothers clothes/ This ring around my fingers like a chain around my throat” and while I suppose the original intent was to allude to an unhappy marriage, I think we can point it towards the subtle resentment Bela holds towards her responsibilities and how she feels as though she’s not the right person for the job. Bela deals with a lot of impostor syndrome on this matter. I just think this song gives both sides of our dynamic blondie. (Alternatively for Bela, Hard Sell)
Daniela Dimitrescu- Icarus
Originally, Icarus was a tale of a young fool who got too close to the sun. It is also the tale of a boy who wanted Apollo BAD bad. Daniela feels very youthful and naive to me, she was locked up after all. I think that her mother acknowledged that she was desperate for outside interaction and that this was a threat to her, thus her seclusion in the library. However, in the end, her delusions of romance had her get just a bit too close to Ethan. “My love will fall with grace,” says the song. And so she did. She flew too close to the sun. Plus this song is super spunky and that gives Dani vibes.
Mother Miranda- Never Love An Anchor
Okay so. This song speaks of a shitty shitty relationship, one that’s maternal evidently. I believe this is symbolic of Mother Miranda’s connection with the lords. Heisenberg, who wound up in her control against his own will, shown respect solely for his success as a subject. Donna, demented and alone, was taken under her wing only for her to be defenseless when Ethan attacked. Alcina, mighty and beautiful, but weak and insecure in her own mind, left to yearn for her favor. Moreau, grotesque and ruined by Miranda’s hand, then allowed to spoil further as his desperate need for her love went unfed.
“Do you ever think of me and my two hands? And wonder why they never soothed your fevers? And wonder why they never tied your shoes? And wonder why they never held you gently? And wonder why they never had the chance to lose you?” On a separate note, I think this could be something Miranda thinks to herself as she fights for Eva. If her consciousness is trapped in the megamycete, it stands to reason that she is conscious in there. I wonder if Miranda ever worried if Eva could overhear the carnage she was causing for her. I wonder if she spoke to her, apologizing for not being a good enough mom. I wonder if the guilt would overwhelm her to the point she was crumpled on her lab’s floor, weeping against bare earth and mold, begging her to forgive her. Hm. Food for thought.
Bonus! Mirancina- The Moon Will Sing
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river-of-wine · 4 months
Hello, I know it's been like a year since you last talked about Salvatore Moreau from what I've seen, but could you share some more thoughts about him?
Just thoughts on the fandom in general, and how they mischaracterise him in general? I really enjoyed what you shared on the Lord's in general, and I've been kind of struggling with Moreau as a whole, because he seems to be kind of ignored when it comes to his blatant flaws, and stuff. I know this is a super weird request, but I just went through his tag, and your thoughts were super clear on the Lord's in general!
Sorry if this is weird, but thank you anyways for reading!
Absolutely I can! Resident Evil 8 is one of my favourite games ever, and I will take basically any opportunity to discuss the characters, the four lords especially!
Moreau is in a bit of an odd position as far as the lords go, as while he is in game the one who is presented the most sympathetically, he is by far the least discussed. There is a lot more to Moreau than anyone really tends to give him credit for, especially given the details we have in terms of his work for Mother Miranda. While this connection is not unique to him, Alcina for example only has her daughters because of participation in one of Mother Miranda’s experiments, his is the most detailed, as Moreau creates lycans, the vârcolac being one of his more stand out creations.
His devotion to Mother Miranda is presented the most as a parent-child bond, though it is certainly not a healthy one. Moreau is deeply insecure and based on the interactions we see of him with the other lords and how he is referred to by those around him, his physical mutation and his intelligence have caused the others to hardly judge him. Even Ethan himself does not deem Moreau as a threat, even though Moreau is the most outwardly monstrous in appearance. I think that’s part of what makes Moreau even more tragic to me in his relationship with Mother Miranda, a relationship that is very unique to him. None of the other lords seem to view Mother Miranda as a parental figure, which makes sense. She is first and foremost a cult leader, the title of Mother referring to her position rather than any actual maternal relationship between them, but Moreau appears to view her as his actual mother. While Alcina is similarly desperate for her approval coming from a leader, or perhaps a high ranking equal given Alcina’s distaste for being treated the same as the other lords, Moreau is searching for approval from his mother, not from a religious leader. He is the first of the four lords from what we know, and his mutations have transformed him more than anyone else. He is in pain, unable to fully control when he mutates, constantly cloaked to hide what the cadou has done to him, and yet, the very idea of Mother Miranda turning him away in favour of her “true child” upsets him so profoundly. His direct involvement with Mother Miranda’s experimentation is extremely exploitative, and we know she sees him as nothing more than a failed vessel for her daughter, but in Moreau’s last moments, he calls out for her.
All of that being said, Moreau is still a villain, and he earns his spot as one. Though he is the most sympathetic in terms of his presentation and behaviour, Moreau has an undeniable cruel streak. We can gather that his experiments on humans that transform them into lycans was at least influenced by Mother Miranda, and she most certainly appreciates the opportunity for research, but Moreau does seem to find enjoyment in these mutations, writing in his diary that he requested five people from the village and Mother Miranda brought them to him. This is not something she ordered him to do, at least not from our knowledge, and while in his second entry he expresses his upset at not being able to provide Mother Miranda a strong vessel, he himself says he is looking forward to seeing the cadou grow in his victims, knowing it will likely kill or mutate them. Moreau is also surprisingly tactical with Ethan, talking to him for long enough to close up the available exits from the reservoir when Ethan has grabbed the flask, knowing that Ethan is in a terrain where he has a substantial advantage, especially once he mutates. That’s a side to the lords that I love, the exploited becomes the exploiters. Alcina imprisons women like livestock and forces them to work for her, Donna lures people into her house with visions of their dead relatives after having suffered plenty of losses of her own, Heisenberg is willing to use a six month old baby to try and kill Mother Miranda and has no concerns for the life of her or her father. Moreau is just the same. Moreau, for as incapable as he can seem, is responsible for horrific experiments of his own, both with and without Mother Miranda’s influence.
I think that this side of Moreau’s is either forgotten or ignored by most people discussing him, as he is by far the easiest to water down to his poor innocent baby self that most of the lords end up becoming in the fanbase. It’s easier to ignore Moreau’s violent nature than it is Heisenberg’s, it’s easier to pretend Moreau is more of an innocent bystander than the rest, but he isn’t. He’s still a villain, though his sympathetic side makes his death perhaps the most conflicting. He’s very underrated out of the four lords, and I think that he should be discussed a lot more
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Hi, if you're still taking requests could you please write four lords with s/o who blushes super easily? thought it might be cute lmao
Sure! It is cute❤
The Four Lords with an S/O who Blushes Super Easily
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She doesn’t understand how you can blush so easily. I mean, it’s not like she’s trying to say things that make your face all red. However, when Alcina figures this out, she may take advantage of it just slightly.
-Alcina may be having a sophisticated conversation with you, but when it’s time to part ways, she makes sure it ends on a note that leaves you red in the face.
-Her daughters also take part in making you blush. To them, it’s like a game to see who can make you light up the most. Usually, Alcina would scold them to leave you alone, but she can’t help but find it a bit amusing.
-She may or may not question you as to why it’s so easy to make you blush. Alcina isn’t one to do so, so she doesn’t really understand it. Obviously, you don’t have an answer for her, but her curiosity grants you some mercy from her teasing for the time being.
-She is the only one allowed to make you blush. If the other lords even try it, they feel the wrath of her claws, especially Heisenberg.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-In reality, Donna probably blushes just as easily as you. However, you would never know because of the mask that is permanently residing on her face. At least her understanding of the situation saves you from teasing.
-If anything, she probably makes you blush in innocence. Donna will just say things that she doesn’t fully grasp the understanding of until it’s too late. This leaves you both blushing.
-Angie just makes fun of both of you. Donna is not spared from her teasing. If anything, the porcelain doll takes full advantage of the situation. She finds it fascinating how the human face can get so red.
-She apologizes whenever she makes you blush. Donna always assumes that you’re embarrassed by something she said or did. You have to persuade her that you aren’t.
-Truthfully, you are at the mercy of the other lords. Donna isn’t going to get aggressive if they make you blush. She may get irritated, but she knows this is a trait of yours that is hard to control, so she’s not going to lose her temper.
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Salvatore Moreau
-He is also someone that I can see blushing easily just like you. However, unlike Donna, Moreau tries to use this trait of yours to his advantage. After all, he just wants to feel like he has some confidence in this situation, and he certainly doesn’t mean any ill will.
-Since it’s so easy to make you blush, Moreau doesn’t have to think too hard on what to say or do to you to get your face to light up red. Truthfully, it’s a lot of sweet compliments.
-However, sometimes fire is fought with fire as you counter him with his own words. It becomes a battle of who can make the other blush the most. Truthfully, it usually ends in a stalemate with neither side winning.
-Moreau likes to make you blush, but it’s something he absolutely adores about you. If you think he worships Mother Miranda, you should hear what he says about you when he’s in private. You are truly something special in his life.
-If the other lords try to tease you, he throws a hissy fit. Usually, mostly Heisenberg, don’t take him seriously and keep their antics up. Moreau just ends up pouting.
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Karl Heisenberg
-We all know that Heisenberg would take full advantage of the situation. This is why you try to keep the fact that you blush easily hidden from him for as long as possible. But we all know Heisenberg will find out eventually, and the smirk he has says it all.
-He goes way out of his way to make your face light up, and if you try to counter it by trying to make him blush, it usually doesn’t work, and he ends up making you blush more. 
-Heisenberg is the type to make you blush and then laugh that iconic laugh whenever he achieves it. The problem is that you love hearing his laugh, making you blush more, and thus making him chuckle more. It’s a gruesome cycle for you.
-There’s not much more to say besides the fact that he is relentless when teasing you. But even though he teases you, he loves that you can make him smile and laugh so much without even trying. He doesn’t say it enough, but he’s grateful.
-The other lords don’t even dare try to make you blush because they know well enough that Heisenberg would go feral. Alcina doesn’t have the patience for that, Donna is afraid, and Moreau is just oblivious. He did it once by accident, and now has more trauma than ever.
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ask-the-four-lords · 7 days
This is for everyone, I think all of you are honestly kinda adorable in some ways, and yes, I mean, EVERYONE, that includes you too Donna!! *talks a little quicker for the last part* And Karl and Alcina and Cassandra too!
Alcina Dimitrescu: Thank you, dear, although I never expected to be described as 'adorable' of all things.
Bela Dimitrescu: L-like it said in the sto-stories. *Secretly reads Daniela's romance novels sometimes*
Cassandra Dimitrescu: *Surprised and flustered, tries to dab the blood off her lips with a napkin she inexplicably has*
Daniela Dimitrescu: Awwwh! human! You're adorable too!
Donna Beneviento: *Softly, looking at you with hope in her eye under the veil* You... you really believe that?
Salvatore Moreau: No! No! No, I'm not! I'm a repulsive monster! Go away! *He runs, or at least his version of running, back into his shack* (Moreau is almost as ashamed as Donna about his appearance)
Karl Heisenberg: Wow... I... I uuuuuhhh... didn't expect that... *Blushing, mostly hidden by his glasses/hat*
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idiotwithchalk · 1 year
Salvatore Moreau (re8) is like a really weird 6 year old neice to me that was left unsupervised for 20 seconds and somehow found a human femur with some flesh still on it in a pond and gave it to me out of nowhere as a gift, and now I have to pretend to be very greatful because I don’t want to make her feel like I don’t appreciate it because she will start crying really loudly, but I really should go make some phone calls about this….
No one understands her like I do.
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eletricheart · 2 years
(Mother Miranda x Reader)
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*image creds to owner
ps: the experiments order may not be canon correct, literally just heard the voices in my head
Word count: 625
Mother Miranda is a difficult woman, being a scientist, priestess and a Goddess takes more work than some may think.
She was compassionate once, lively. But after living for so long, one tends to forget their true self, they tend to become less human.
The scientist never forgot why she was still alive, therefore her studies kept moving forward, each more objective than the other.
Salvatore Moreau was the first to get close to success, she was kind to him, waited until he was ready. The mutations were a disappointment but the priestess was closer to the answer than before.
Donna Beneviento was the third. After multiple lycans and the death of Donna's sister, Miranda had less patience than before. The girl's parents didn't want any more trials, so she killed them and took the last survivor. Donna's mutation was frustrating, but less intense than Moreau's, so she didn't declare a total failure.
Alcina Dimitrescu was the fourth. The woman being struck with a blood disease made it easier for Miranda to manipulate her. The scientist didn't have any more time for patience and kindness, instead she chose to constantly remind Alcina of how weak she was and that this was the only way to become perfect like herself. Mother Miranda was furious with the outcome, ignoring the woman completely.
Karl Heisenberg was the fifth, he was just a kid when she found him. The priestess didn't offer words of encouragement, she didn't even acknowledge him. The woman was so deep in her own mind that after experimenting on a child, she simply called it a failure and left.
You were supposed to be her final attempt, you needed no convincing, no manipulation, nothing. When Miranda appeared, you went along with it, you let her run blood samples, even gave a few inputs.
You knew who the woman was, your family used to be terrified of her, but you didn't mind. You were alone when she came to you, so why would you say no, when you could finally have a purpose.
The tests ran smoothly while you both spent a lot of time together. Miranda wanted the Cadou to be flawless, she needed it. You were just waiting for the call of death.
As the time passed by none of you wanted to admit what was happening. The priestess would never reveal that she's been slowing down the exams, purposely losing results and having to retake. You didn't want to know how your days were happier, how you may have wanted to live for her.
It took a reunion and the Lords comments on how long this experiment was taking for Miranda to realize how bad the situation had become. She returned to the lab wanting to finish this project, trying to be cold towards you. But you smiled, not a fake or apprehensive one, a genuine smile.
How could the scientist be cruel to you when all you did was smile at her.
After this she started to treat you more like a person, making it more complicated than before. You would go on dates without ever giving it the proper meaning, you would talk to late hours, you both would slowly truly fall in love.
For you, loving her was incredible, it was as golden as daylight.
For her, it was constantly living with the fear of losing you, of it happening once again. But it was also picturing a complete life with you, turning into her own folklore.
Your relationship certainly had it's hardships, however the daily attempts of cooking, the stargazing, the friday dates, it all made it worth it.
After all, what should define us are not the things that we are afraid of, only the things we love. (Taylor Swift)
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marsinthecorner · 2 years
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Been a hot minute with some pre-Cadou Moreau😘. And of course some Mars too💕
Of course it has to be sensored, or tumblr will have a fit🙄😖
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vivern-of-nosgoth · 2 years
Ughhh Heisenberg's necklaces. What if the pocket balance (hanging scale) was gave him by Moreau, when Salvatore was still a good-natured sailor, or a fisher, or a naval surgeon. Kiddo Karl tested his magneto forces and always did wrong calculate and hit himself with unexpectedly lightweight or too heavy metal stuff, so Moreau tried to prevent this, and presented his old scale, before losing himself completely. Scale to accurately assess his strength and don't involved with something that could directly kill him.
What if he got his compass from Duke, his first purchase. Teenage Karl found some precious metal by himself or hit his first lycan and took the crystal skull, and changed it for lei. Compass. His home, his real home was in North-west, he knew it. Compass to know his direction to freedom and reminder that he can change the path himself, by his powers.
What if he took his army dog tag from a WWII german soldier, who refused to kill people and tried to escape one hell to find his death in another - from earlier wounds or a lycan attack. Young adult Karl managed to ask about war and why did he deserted. Because it was his choice, and he was a human, not a monster, and he denies to give his loyalty to this batshit. Dog tag to make a choice as much as is possible and to stay true to himself.
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in which ethan can't handle a sobbing salvatore moreau
“Well,” Ethan said lamely, as Eva clapped her hands.  “Heeeere we are. It uh….”
Salvatore sat in the mud, looking around wide-eyed.  He was still mumbling, crying.  He touched his own body in disbelief, and then peered into a nearby mudhole to see his very human reflection.  
Ethan cleared his throat.   “It uh, needs some work….but uh…”
“I have hands! I have…my face!  Oh, I’m so…look at meeeee!”  Salvatore’s sobs were loud, wailing racketing sobs, and he drowned out Ethan completely.  “Look at meeeee!”  The thin, wiry man crawled to a standing position and continued to touch his face with hands that were covered in mud. Eva returned his expression of enthusiasm, hopping on the balls of her feet, which caused him to burst into a louder wail.  
Ethan’s eyes widened impossibly, and he pressed his lips shut, giving up on any kind of conversation.  
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full chapter
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averysexyleon · 1 year
So um about the second book 👉👈
For what we'll see Lords aka how they will serve the story, seemingly second book will be about them! If you can explain it without giving spoilers haha
Or just talk about the second book about what you want to talk, I'm giving you the chance to talk about everything you want to talk about it with this ask lol — I'm a writer too and I know that feeling when we want to ramble about our fics but didn't have appropriate chance lol
So ramble about second book as how you wish, for now without spoilers!
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but I very much appreciate the asking!!!
When i realized at some point that I was writing a whole ass NOVEL, I started thinking about the ending that I wanted...and the ending that I want is kinda...not possible. You know the end of the disney beauty and the beast where everything in ruin turns to gold and everybody transforms back into human? that was kind of what I wanted, hence the name....it was supposed to be directly beauty and the beast.
but I don't feel that's the right ending, it was just what my heart wanted, so I started thinking backwards. Why CAN'T that happen, why CAN'T everything just go back to perfect without miranda around? this led me down so many routes thinking about why the mold is the way it is.
So it answered a few questions, which I'll ask here, but not tell the answers to. But these are questions that the story will answer:
Why did the mold respond to Miranda, and how did she come to wield its power and think that it was a God?
What happened to the medieval society with four kings? How did they use the mold, and why did their "utopia" come to an end?
What happens to ALL of the people who died and were catalogued by the mold?
What role if any does the purifying crystal (from shadows of rose) play in these mold powers?
Why is Eva so powerful -- on par with Miranda, and able to evade her while in the mold's consciousness?
The Lords will all have a shot at redemption as well, and I have plans for Karl, Alcina, and Donna. Moreau is still a wild card to me but I figure once I start writing more, I'll figure out his role if he has one. I will give a slight spoiler and say that not everyone gets a SUPER happy ending, because I like angst. Now's the time for any super-fans of Salvatore Moreau to step up and tell me what they want his life to be like HAHA.
What else. I decided I'm not done by Eveline, which was kind of hinted at when her crystal poked Ethan in the last chapter LOL. poor ethan.
OH uh....Karl's family will have a role in this book, as well as the key that he keeps on bothering Ethan by obsessing over. hahaha.
I think that's all I've got for now. This just makes me want to go write :D thanks again for the ask!
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Hi! can I request how four lords would react if their s/o started coming down with a cold?
Sure thing!❤️
The Four Lords if Their S/O was Coming Down with a Cold
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She already has a natural dislike and hatred for sicknesses, being a lady of high standards. So, when you start to come down with a cold, Alcina desperately tries to hide her unpleasant facial features. Sickness is not her forte.
-However, you feeling so down is something she doesn’t like at all. So, while she despises illnesses, seeing you sick is something she is going to fix immediately. 
-Alcina wishes a cold was something she could just cut in half.
-Her daughters really help her out on this, bringing you tea or medicine or anything else you request. She is quite knowledgeable on what to do when one has a cold, Alcina hated to get them after all.
-She would have you placed in front of the fire, but if you start to develop a fever, she would have you moved. You would have the best care in her castle, from what you were eating to the softest bed.
-Also, Alcina can sense an incoming cold a mile away and has everything prepared to tend to you. While she doesn’t like illnesses, preferring to be away from sick people, she has a more open heart to those she cares about.
-If you want her to cuddle with you, you will have to beg. Germs, colds, illness is a big no. But that was a human perspective she used to have on it that stuck when she gained her mutations. You have to repeatedly tell her that she can’t get sick.
-If for some reason after you are all better, she somehow falls ill or something, she won’t let you hear the end of it. Her daughters will avoid her wrath, and you would be the primary caretaker of her.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-While Alcina gives you good care, Donna is the absolute best caretaker because she doesn’t give two shits about herself when you’re ill. She will be there right beside you when you start to come down with a cold.
-Her primary way to make you feel better is tea and aromatherapy. She will also use her extensive library to read up on any other helpful tips that could be a remedy to your illness.
-Angie is absolutely no help at all when it comes to helping Donna with your cold.
-The porcelain is a menace, constantly asking you questions that interest her about your condition, caring not one wit about your state. Why do humans get sick? Is coughing a weird sensation? Can’t you just...get better?
-Donna literally has to throw the doll in a time out. She already knows that you feel like you are living in a bubble, and she doesn’t want nonstop chatter to make your headache any worse. At this point, silence is another one of her remedies.
-She makes you tea that’s nice and hot, full of natural flavors that are said to help you feel better. Also, Donna will have an assortment of flowers like lilacs or something around for you to bathe in the aroma in. It’s calming, but it might also help you get some rest.
-You would be in front of the fire, and she will come to cuddle with you if you so desire. At this point, Donna is like your servant and now your pillow. She will have her hand running through your hair.
-Heaven forbid if Donna ever got sick because she is such a working woman. While she’s obedient in a sense, she always wants to have her hands busy. Just get her something to work on, and she will be a good patient.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Moreau is absolutely clueless when it comes to you falling ill with a cold. Well, almost. The other lords have some basic knowledge, and he does too since he used to be a doctor. However, his means of tending to you are slim.
-The place he lives in is not fit for someone who is ill. He doesn’t have a warm place for you to sit or any means to make you a cup of tea. All he has is maybe one blanket, an old ass tv, cheese, and himself.
-Luckily, you are sick with a cold and not pneumonia. 
-But Moreau is also more knowledgeable than people give him credit for. He’s able to identify natural plants and other herbs growing in the area that you can just eat that would help.
-Also, he sometimes goes to the other lords for help. He doesn’t care if they make fun of him because he’s doing this to help you. You are his number one priority here.
-Alcina might offer him some extra blankets or something, Donna would definitely give him some tea and essence of lavender (or something like that), and Heisenberg would just flat out refuse. However, he would get the means to assist you better.
-Moreau would get you all cuddled up in some blankets while offering the tea that Donna brought. He might even get all excited at the idea that you are his patient, even if it’s just with a cold. Also, movie choice is your choice because you are feeling under the weather.
-If Moreau somehow fell ill, he would be like a little child. But he would also want you around all the time because you make him feel better. He would be a clingy patient for sure.
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Karl Heisenberg
-Heisenberg would be absolutely clueless when it came to tending to you. After all, if he gets sick, he just keeps pushing on. But when it comes to someone who is important to him, he wants them to get the best help.
-But he will still refuse help from the other lords. Heisenberg, even when he doesn’t know what to do, will still try to figure it out himself. In fact, the only people he would ever ask for advice is you and the Duke. 
-However, Heisenberg is still shit as a doctor, getting irritated at little things.
-His irritation is directed at your cold rather than you yourself. He hates that you are feeling so glum, and he is powerless to help. Heisenberg isn’t all tea and roses either. He’s going to spurge money on medicine and so forth.
-Truthfully, he doesn’t want to leave you alone. Even though it’s just a cold, he feels like it would ravage you if he wasn’t around. It may be an illness with no thoughts or actions, but Heisenberg feels like his presence makes you feel better.
-If any of the other lords ask about how you’re doing, even if it’s polite, Heisenberg will blow up. He doesn’t want any of them to know. It may be trust issues or protective issues, but either way, you are under his watch alone.
-He is your source of warmth. Heisenberg doesn’t have many blankets in that factory, so when you fall under the weather, he is your body heat. Heisenberg doesn’t give a shit if he gets sick. You are all that matters to him.
-But if he does get sick, Heisenberg is the worst person imaginable. He pouts, throws fits, and never does as he’s told. You will need to have the patience of a saint in order to deal with him.
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