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ask-the-four-lords · 7 months ago
Donna are you one of those girl kissers?
Donna Beneviento: No... m-maybe.
Alcina Dimitrescu, in the background: *Moving her fists up and down repeatedly* One of us, one of us, one of us, one of us.
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ask-the-four-lords · 5 months ago
Don't know if this has been ask if so ignore this lol.
To all the lords, dimitrescu sisters and mother miranda what is your type?
(I'm going to have them all answer honestly because if we're being realistic they'd all lie either a little or about basically the entire question)
Alcina Dimitrescu: Adorable, tasteful, intelligent, amusing, talented, strong-willed *seductive tone* yet entirely submissive at the right times.
Donna Beneviento: *Swallows* U-understanding, caring... no... no... I-I just want someone... to-to really love me *sobs*...
Salvatore Moreau: Someone... *barely keeps down some acid* someone whlo is nod afraid uh me... *cries* l-loving... like in muh-muh movies... *fails to keep down acid, it gets all over the floor* (He doesn't say it but also someone who fits the mommy bill)
Karl Heisenberg: Heh, smart, pretty, witty, charmin', and most impordenly, they're a real fighter, don't let any motherfucker hold em down but occasionally ready to be held down. *realizes there are some similarities between his statement and the 'big bitch's', gags. He speaks after in a rare moment of vulnerability* Hones'ly, I just don' wanna be alone anymore... I got no one but Sturm at the momen'. *Grimaces* Speaking of the fucker... YOU STUPID SACK OF SHIT! I BROUGHT YOU INTO THIS SICK FUCKING WORLD AND I'll TAKE YOU OUT OF IT!
Daniela Dimitrescu: *Giggles* I'd like an adorable little maid... romantic and pretty.
(Sorry I didn't do Bela and Cassandra I am really sleep deprived, I'll probably be back to edit and add them in the next two days)
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ask-the-four-lords · 3 months ago
For everyone,
If Mother Miranda was not in the picture, would you choose to leave the village? Would you move to a different part of Romania or leave the country entirely?
Karl Heisenberg: I would fully fucking split! 'Current plan is go out and travel the world once Mirander's in the dirt. See just what exactly I missed.
Donna Beneviento: M-maybe leave the village... but probably stay. They would all know what I am outside... even more... so alone *softly crying*... *attempts to comfort herself* at least here I have all my cute friends.
Salvatore Moreau: They... on the outside... they'd hate me. *He unwillingly gurgles acid in the back of his throat* Of course they would. *Later that night sitting on the docks long after asker is gone* Still... some nights I dlo dream of cleaner water, maybe even of love.
Alcina Dimitrescu: I would stay in the castle with my lovely daughters. Although I imagine I'd go on regular excursions out of the village with them in the warmer season. They've been deprived of the opportunity to see Paris, New York, among so many others. *Forlorn* For that matter so have I. When I return to Manhattan after all those years I have to bring Bela and Daniela to help me raid Bergdorf Goodman for all it's worth (NOBODY tell Alcina about Sephora). Part of me would love to tour again but that much may not be possible.
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ask-the-four-lords · 2 months ago
Question for the Lords, who is the hottest video game character? Who are your favorite disney characters?
Alcina Dimitrescu: I don't play video games but Daniela keeps saying someone called "Power" is attractive. I believe someone from one of her shows.
Donna Beneviento: I l-like The Beast. He... it's just when he gets the Beauty it gives me a little hope.
Karl Heisenberg: Hottest video game character you say?... *He thinks roughly one minute before answering without much doubt in his voice* Johnny Silverhand.
Salvatore Moreau: *Forlorn* My favorid Disney churacter is probably the Hunchbeck of Notre Dame...
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ask-the-four-lords · 2 months ago
*Forces Donna to sit down*
Now. Spread.
(Tis a joke-)
Donna Beneviento: *Lady Beneviento disappears and the dolls start moving.*
(Donna was going to have at least one kneejerk violent reaction to the simping eventually, I'm obsessed with her too, no disrespect)
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ask-the-four-lords · 3 months ago
To Dimitrescu
If it weren't for the plan, would you have kept Rose?
Alcina Dimitrescu: *She responds surprisingly quickly* Yes, I imagine I would've, while my devotion to Mother Miranda is unquestionable I'm confident House Dimitrescu would be a better home for Rose than Miranda's lab. Such a girl is deserving of a childhood with guidance from those sharing similar abilities and a life away from the man-things (In the gayest castle in the world). I may be overestimating what little I know of her but I believe I could risen the poor girl to be a proper Dimitrescu... alas. *She takes a drag and yells for a bottle of wine, remembering what it was like to be experimented on be my Miranda if she's devoted to her* A shame, truly.
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ask-the-four-lords · 3 months ago
Lady Dimitrescu, do you like pancakes? I can make you pancakes if you adopt me 🥺
Alcina Dimitrescu: Pancakes! What do you take me for? A demon?! *Thinks to herself and speaks nonchalantly* Besides, blood crepes are far superior.
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ask-the-four-lords · 2 months ago
Lady Beneviento, I just wanted to tell you that you are really beautiful, beauty that even rivals Aphrodite.
Donna Beneviento: *Donna short circuits completely, not moving, blushing madly underneath her veil, mind in complete disarray. After a minute Angie tugs the side of her dress trying to return her to reality to no avail*
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ask-the-four-lords · 2 months ago
euh.. is it really okay if i have.. some sort of affection towards lady dimitrescu and lady beneviento-?
Alcina Dimitrescu: I'd say it's acceptable, a handful of my staff do, I am the ideal woman. Hold no expectation of courtship, I believe my search for the ideal woman has been unsuccessful as of yet.
Bela Dimitrescu, whispered to you: Don't tell Mother but it's not a handful, like, *does mental math* 80% of them have a crush on her. The others like Uncle Karl of Auntie Donna.
Donna Beneviento: *Sits with hands in lap, after hearing you leans forward* Affection... for me... *almost confused but hanging on it desperately* I know... I know a lot of them like Alcina, but me... really? You're, you're probably making a mistake.
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ask-the-four-lords · 2 months ago
Who wants to have hot sesbian lex with me? *leans against my very expensive bank account with a ton of money*
Alcina Dimitrescu: *Leans against her exponentially larger bank account intimidatingly*
Donna Beneviento: L-l-lesbian sex... hot... *Looks at you through her veil, looks down awkwardly, looks to the left, goes back and forth before deciding it's worth it socially and jumps out the window to the left, Angie in toe*
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ask-the-four-lords · 3 months ago
For Donna…..
…can I eat Angie?
Donna Beneviento: Not if Angie eats you first.
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ask-the-four-lords · 3 months ago
Heisenburg, could your electromagnetic organs light up my Christmas tree please?
Karl Heisenberg: Is that a challenge? Because if so I fucking accept. *Lightning flickers from his hands, think Bioshock Electro Bolt as he lights up the tree, there's a small fire he easily puts out*
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ask-the-four-lords · 3 months ago
Lady Dimitrescu, can you please adopt me? I cook and don't take up space🥺
Alcina Dimitrescu: *Zoned out* I will allow this one a position as a maid.
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ask-the-four-lords · 3 months ago
A basket of handmade chocolates is placed on the ladys desk in her study, atop is a note:
Lady Dimitrescu,
A select few hold special properties that may be said to increase the eaters libido, i hope you enjoy these handmade treats your curious maid has cultivated for you...
(Totally no relation to the previous chocolate ask)
Alcina Dimitrescu: *She pops one of the chocolates in her mouth, and then another, they were excellent although as she ate she couldn't help be concerned for the libido part, she mutters* A strange ingredient or a strange maid it seems...
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ask-the-four-lords · 3 months ago
Dimitrescu family, Merry Christmas! What do you do to celebrate? Do you make cookies infused with maiden's blood? Do you give the maids the gift of not killing them for one day?
Alcina Dimitrescu: We do make the cookies you speak of, they are excellent I might add. Although the maids who serve their purpose are rewarded with something or other.
Bela Dimitrescu: Today of all days the maids mean nothing to me, not my problem.
Cassandra Dimitrescu: Mother assigns me to get the blood for our famous maiden shortbread! *Slightly annoyed* I try to aim for the incompetent...
Daniela Dimitrescu: I like to get the good maids little gifts, they always have such a funny expression when I, the great and powerful Lady Daniela, deign to give them something...
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ask-the-four-lords · 3 months ago
Merry Christmas From The Four Lords
Salvatore Moreau: *Babbling incoherently in a Santa Hat that may be under or oversized, it's hard to tell*
Karl Heisenberg: Murry Christmas... Personally, *with a look of sarcastic pride* I'm celebrating with my dearest friends Jack and Tito, maybe ambush the big bitch at the castle, dunno yet. Last Christmas I woke up in a field with no pant legs and a clear memory of Cassandra lighting my hat on fire so who knows what'll happen.
Donna Beneviento: *Does whatever cute holiday activity you can think of, there's so much adorable Christmas fanart of her I can't choose, I'm sorry. You must understand.*
Alcina Dimitrescu: *Happy and just a tiny bit wine-drunk* Oh how I cannot wait to celebrate with my wonderful daughters, Merry Christmas man-things and maidens.
Blog Author just to say, happy holidays everyone, you guys are great, have fun doing whatever, whether drunk like Karl or celebrating with family like Alcina, or whatever the fuck Moreau is doing.
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