#pre project venus
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milliemuus · 5 months ago
Day THREE of toxicchaintober, this one was a little late!
The subject of today was Mask!
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Look at em; happy lil famjam! Not everything seems so bleak since yesterday's story, eh?
Speaking of, why don't we continue where we left off?
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Kieran woke up with a start.
The oxygen that had long since been missing suddenly filled his throat and lungs, causing him to fling himself upward.
Alarmed, he began to survey the area, chest heaving as his eyes flitted around for the smallest sign of familiarity.
Trees. All he could see were trees.
The sky abovehead was a beautiful yellow-blue, birdsong filling his still ringing ears.
"What the....where am I?" He murmured, looking down at his own hands. The tips of his fingers were still pink as he remembered.
"What...happened last night?" He croaked. For some reason, his throat felt sore.
He took his hand, rubbing it over the soft skin of his neck to make sure everything was still intact.
"Everything is okay...maybe I just had some sort of major freakout last night..." The poor boy was severely confused, as if something in the air still lingered but it was beyond his mind's grasp. He grunted as he heaved himself upward, the effects of last night starting to seep deeper into his bones.
"Ughhh...what the...?" He slumped over, another groan erupted from him as the pain rippled through his weak muscles.
"I feel like a herd of Stantler just ran me over—"
As he slowly begun to wake up, it was as of his waking mind suddenly came to a stop. In the back of his mind, a voice from within began to whisper.
"But don't you feel great...?"
Once he heard this he jumped to attention, looking around the area to see if it had been someone nearby.
"Wh-Who was that?"
He blurted aloud, his voice echoing into empty air.
The morning fog of Kitakami began to roll in, swirling aeound his ankles. He tensed.
"Don't worry about who I am..." The voice hissed, only causing his fear to turn into a bit of frustration.
"Soon enough, you'll not even begin to even to acknowledge the voice in your head." It continued. Kieran shook his head, growling softly.
"Okay, this isn't funny. If you're some tourist in the distance trying to scare me, it isn't going to work— eh-?!" Without thinking, it was as if his body carried itself, his legs wobbling over a few feet away from where he had been standing. He felt his heart palpitate—something about this was clearly wrong.
"Do you believe me now?"
The voice echoed in his mind again. Kieran gritted his teeth, immediately trying to ruffle his hair in frustration. He couldn't even comprehend the situation, much less understand what the hell was happening to him.
"Rrrghh...okay! I believe you!" He yelled, his voice slightly echoing into the wood. At the same time, a growling from afar rumbled. He froze.
"Careful, boy. Make enough noise, and you'll awaken something fierce." The voice warned, Kieran still confused but at this point, the boy couldn't do anything but accept his fate. He rubbed his eyes, another groan escaping him.
"Good kid. Better to listen to me rather than against me, huh?" It kept speaking, hardly giving Kieran time to recuperate.
"Wouldn't wantcha gettin eaten by a pokémon as soon as you wak—"
Kieran ruffled his hair again, nails scraping his scalp in vigor.
"Rrrrhhhaaaahhh!!! Get out of my head!!!!" He howled, "This whole situation is starting to freak me out!!!"
Not only did he start to scratch his head, he began tugging at his headband. This only made the disembodied voice frustrated.
"Calm down!" It hissed "Have you never had a conscience before?!"
Kieran immediately stopped
"Conscience? Like...a consciousness?"
"Yes, exactly!" It responded, "The inner, coelescent being within you. Your instincts, your will to survive on this planet. It is your self-awareness interacting and understanding with things in your environment that help you fe—"
For some reason, this "consciousness" in Kieran's head only made his frustration louder, bubbling it up into a magmarizing burst of rage.
"THIS IS EVEN MORE CONFUSING! YOU'RE THROWING TOO MANY WORDS AT ME THAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND!" WIthout thinking, the rage he felt transferred from his mind and into his arm as he swung back, throwing a punch against the tree near him.
It didn't do as much damage, only shaking it slightly. Some bird pokémon chirped in alarm overhead, Kieran whining as the punch had obviously caused him some pain.
"Ow ow owww..." he grunted, withdrawing his arm to hold it against him. Why was he like this in the morning? Sure, he had come to understand that he was a lot more sensitive as soon as he woke up, but something just felt off.
As he rubbed his arm, that annoying voice only came back, as if to taunt him
"..Huh. Not as strong as I thought, but that'll do nicely, I guess."
Kieran sighed deeply in agitation, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Okay, what do you want with me?" He grumbled. He didn't fully believe the whole "consciousness" shtick, but considering he woke up in the middle of the woods and in a fit of sudden rage, he ought to hear this coelescent being out. The being immediately responded
"What wouldn't I want?" It responded "I am simply here to keep you alive. It isn't my fault you ran away in a fit of rage and woke up in the middle of the woods at dawn." As it began insulting Kieran, he growled again. Before he could open his mouth, though, it interrupted him.
"I want you to take a good look around you."
It went silent, Kieran's head turning from side to side. Around him was nothing but trees and moss as far as the eye could see. His eyes darted upward, as if he was talking to something above him.
"It's just trees, trees and trees. Am I in Timeless Woods or something?" He asked mindlessly, as if he had already known the answer that was before him.
"Wow, you're much more perceptive than I thought," the voice responded "But yes. I wouldn't say you're far from home, but it's a good, long walk." Kieran blinked. It began to settle within him that maybe he should not be here, and maybe he should be at home, in his bed asleep. He began to feel a little awkward, looking around again.
"...What am I doing here?" He asked. He wasn't sure if he had asked before or not, but it didn't hurt to sort this situation out to the best of his ability.
"...What are you NOT doing here?" The being replied. Internally it panicked; it didn't want to give itself away. Kieran simply slumoed pver in defeat, head hanging low.
"...Aw man. You're supposed to be my consciousness and you can't even answer my question..." As Kieran sulked, the being within panicked. Was it supposed to be this annoying to inhabit a human body? It made an indescribable noise before responding once more.
"Look, kid. I'm not here to question the psychology behind why I can't help you out. I only know as much as you, and to put it simply you blanked out before I could stop you." It began to explain. It felt as if that would be a good argument.
"Besides, wouldn't the better question be if you can make it home before your grandparents find it oddly suspicious that their poor grandson had an episode and ran off into the night?"
At that question, Kieran's eyes widened in realization.
"Oh goodness, you're right!" He grabbed the sides of his head.
"If I don't get home soon, not only will they question me but so will Carmine!!!" He begun to panic. The being within sighed. This whole "possession" thing was harder than it thought. It was just a mere pokémon—did everything have to be this trivial?!
"Calm down. I'm sure she couldn't do more harm than you." It continued. "Just trust the process! Once we get there I'm sure you'll have a good and proper explanation..."
Kieran shook his head. "You're my consciousness, yet you don't even remember the wrath of my sister-?!" He panicked. It was totally not weird that he was talking to himself in the middle of Timeless Woods.
"Oh, please! What's scarier, the temporary wrath of a young adult who can't keep her feelings in check or a hormonal, teenage boy having an identity crisis that wandered off into the woods at midnight-?!" It challenged, "Get a grip on yourself and get on with it!"
At that thought, Kieran just slumoed over once again
"Aw man...I guess that checks out..." Kieran muttered in deafeat before sitting up again. "But I'm not done with interrogatin' you!"
It took a good while to get back to his grandparents' house. The sun had already rose over the horizon, the familiar, foggy mornings of Kitakami now disappearing in the sunlight. It wasn't often he got to experience mornings like this, always waking up when the sun was slightly over the horizon. If he wasn't in such a hurry, he would be able to stop and enjoy the wilderness.
...Then another realization struck. He hadn't finished those assignments with Millie.
Maybe he could turn over a new leaf with her and his annoying sister would leave them be! The sheer thought excited him, making him nearly forget that he could potentially get in trouble with said sister. Inside, the being couldn't get any less overwhelmed.
Could the kid make up his mind already-?!
A good ten minutes went by before Kieran passed over the bridge, his running becoming more of a jog as he ran into the town. As he stopped by the community center he slowed down, coming to a cantor.
"I wonder if Millie's already awake..." he murmured to himself."I wonder if...oh geez, I gotta get going if that's the case!"
He sped up again. Hypothetically, if Millie was already awake, then she'd have already headed to his house, looking for him!!!
With panic, he made a dash for it, running up the slope that led to his grandparents house.
As he neared the house, he could already hear the grating voice of Carmine. Oh great, so she was awake! That must mean his grandparents were, too! He was nearly out of breath as he ran through the front fence, nearly running into the familiar group of people that stood outside his house.
'Huh?' He thought, 'Why are they here?'
From the looks of it, his grandfather and Millie were standing with Carmine, having some sort of discussion. He slowed down near Millie, the grass that crunched below his shoes having alerted the three of them.
"Oh! Hey, Ki," Millie smiled, turning around to greet him. Kieran stiffened for a moment before greeting her.
"Oh! Uh...morning...!" He waved, before keeling over. He had been so caught up in thought, he had not noticed the burning within his muscles and lungs. He began to take a few breaths before his grandfather, Yukito, looked at him.
"You seem tired, son," he added "Where have you been all morning?"
Carmine also chipped in, "And this better be a really good excuse, Kiki."
As the familial pair looked at their youngest, Kieran began sweating bullets. What do I say...?
I have to come up with something....
"Uhhh..." He began to speak, his mind instantly getting stuck. The being within felt pity upon him.
Now Millie was staring at him with the utmost concern, her brows furrowed. Never had he felt so much pressure that was from his own doing.
Think, think, think!
It was then that he had finally conjured up something in that head of his, his eyes widening.
"I....went on a walk!" He sat up again, putting his hands on his hips. "Yeah, I missed the early mornings and wanted to stretch my muscles, so I got up before dawn and went on a walk!"
He beamed an awkward smile at the pair, all of them looking at each other as if they had been skeptical. His heart was pounding from the anticipation.
Yukito finally nodded, "Alright...but judt be careful next time, okay?"
The two other women nodded, Millie looking more concerned than Carmine, who just glared at him. Once he made eye-contact with Carmine, his hands went from resting on his hips to small fists.
As the four of them stood there awkwardly, Kieran noticed that both his sister and grandfather were especially tense. His eyes wandered over to Millie, who he realized was pretty shitty at hiding her nervousness.
Might as well save her from this awkwardness while I still can...
"Hey, Moonie," He piped up, Millie immediately looking over at him. "Moonie" was a nickname he had given her upon first hanging out with her.
One he hadn't let go of despite her discomfort. (He didn't seem to notice...)
"How about we get started on our assignments? We got like, one signboard left!" He smiled. He was trying to be as smooth as possible, Millie about to walk over to him before Carmine shot her a glare, to which she vaguely returned.
"It could just be me and you for a little while—"
Before he could finish, Carmine immediately interrupted him
"Not today, Kiki. Millie and I have places to be, and I need her help."
Kieran's heart dropped. Was she serious? Millie looked at Carmine, holding her finger up to respond before Carmine shot her down.
"And don't say you can go ahead and do the assignments! What I need you for is more important than some stupid assignment with Kiki!" Millie instantly sighed, to which Kiki coukd see the disappointment in her eyes. He grit his teeth, a flash if anger he had never felt before rose up within him.
"That isn't fair, Carmine!" He bursted "You have a partner of your own, and yet you go and take mine for some stupid errand!" He stomped his foot childishly, Millie shrinking away a little. She herself was all too familiar with this situation, yet she knew she could not get in-between them. Carmine growled, "Oh yeah? Well, your time with Millie isn't as important as mine, so why don't you go buzz off and go pester someone else?!" Her eyes were blazing, Kieran hinself now shrinking in discomfort. As he was trying to come up with a comeback, his consciousness grumbled.
"Geez, that's gotta sting..."
The humiliation he was feeling at the current moment couldn't be any greater. At his consciousness's comment, he growled
"Shut up..." It was supposed to be under his breath, not realizing he had been louder than usual. Carmine, who had thought she won the argument, whipped around immediately, her eyes darkening.
"What was that?" She asked flatly, her dark expression all the more serious. Kieran, realizing he had been louder than usual, looked around for a moment, sweating.
"Uhhhh...I mean—" He had to think of another excuse! "I flubbed! Err..."
All three of them now had his eyes on him. His face turned red. He had to make a quick getaway before the embarrassment killed him.
"Anyway, gotta go! I think I'm just going to go for another walk until you and Moonie are done!" He laughed nervously, turning around and rushing away away from the group.
He rushed over to the corner of the fence, out of their sight. He rested against it, letting out a silent puff of breath.
"What the hell was that-?!" The voice piped up again. Kieran grunted, trying to catch his breath.
"I dunno!" He cried softly, not wanting to cause anymore attention upon himself. "Papaw started talking, then Carmine...! And now Carmine is really taking Millie away from me!" He was making hand gestures as if his consciousness could see them.
"Man...why is it that whenever I'm happy, Carmine instantly swoops in and makes it about her...?" He whimpered, "I mean seriously! Moonie was my only friend and she goes and takes her away from me!"
As Kieran began ranting and gallavanting, there was a lot of things his consciousness could say about the situation. Moonie? Who the hell calls their friend Moonie?
It just kept its mouth shut on criticizing Kieran, appeasing the boy by agreeing with him.
"Yeahhh, your sister seems like a total buzzkill..."
The consciousness was half paying attention, its attention on the pair that was nearby still. Kieran's voice seemed to fade out, being replaced by their conversation:
"So, we found this mask," Carmine spoke, "And we wondered if you knew what it was?"
"My goodness! This is the Ogre's mask!" The raspy voice of Yukito exclaimed. This immediately caught its attention. It immediately tuned back into Kieran's ranting. It had to act fast; this was important.
"Shut it for a second." It snapped with urgency. Kieran was in shock for a moment, immediately taking offense to the command.
"Not you, too!" He whimpered, "Why is everyone hellbent on making me an enemy today—"
"Be quiet!" It's voice was louder in his head, cauaing Kieran to shrink. Before the boy could retort, it continued.
"I need you to zero in on their conversation. Be stealthy about it; I think you'll find out why they've been isolating you this way."
It was a fitting excuse. Kieran successfully met its demands, pressing his back against the wall. Focusing, the two could better hear what the three adults were talking about.
"It is extremely impressive the Ogre had dropped this," Yukito continued "You made the right choice in not telling Kieran."
Carmine frowned "Yeah. I feel really bad...he deserves to know, but like, if he found out the truth...."
The consciousness couldn't hear the rest, Kieran immediately piping up in a whisper.
"They're hiding from me-?! Just great! I mean come on, first you single me out, and now I understand why you're acting like I just killed your pet goldeen an—"
"Just shut it!" It cried desperately "We have to figure out what the hell they're talking about!"
Kieran rolled his eyes. "I dunno why YOU care. I mean come on, you yourself must be getting enjoyment out of my suffering!"
"No, you idiot," it snapped, "If we listen in on the conversation, we can...figure out the intel we need and get back at them! We need to find out the truth!"
Kieran shrugged, humming for a moment. "Ookay, but I don't know how it would help me..."
And so, the pair went back to listening.
Yukito began to explain how Kieran was a wise kid, that his intuition was very exceptional among the two siblings. However, Kieran was still young, and would rub the truth about the Ogre in their faces.
"If word got around that Ogerpon wasn't the villain of this story, not only would people look down upon him, but it would also be breaking a centuries-old tradition."
"Ogerpon isn't the evil one, and that's why I believe Kieran would get too excited at this idea and not be quiet about it." Yukito concluded. At this revalation, both girls gasped.
"You're joking!" Carmine exclaimed "So the Loyal Three aren't heroes?!"
Millie looked down at the mask, frowning. "Man, just when I wanted to tell Kieran about it. I understand, though."
Kieran grunted. "At least SHE thinks about me."
He had expected his consciousness to respond, but it stay quiet. Yukito continued,
"No matter what, you musn't tell Kieran about what we discussed. I can hold onto the mask while the two of you go fetch the crystal meeded to repair it." He explained. Carmine and Millie nodded.
"Alright! That shouldn't be too hard, right?" She looked over at Millie, who looked hesitant, but nodded.
"Uh- yeah- but aren't we supposed to not go to the Crystal Pool?" She asked "You told me outsiders weren't allowed-"
Carmine rolled her eyes.
"This is an exception, Mills! We have an Ogre to save!"
As the pair kept discussing their plans, Kieran felt furious. Why couldn't they trust him?! Sure, he was still younger than them, but that shouldn't be any different! And now, they're roping Millie into it! As he gripped the wall of the fence, he felt a sense of betrayal; why were they using Millie to do something he would have done with no questions asked?
His mind swam with so many thoughts. Befire they could get too deep, his consciousness piped up.
"Bad guys..." it grumbled "We'll show them bad guys."
Kieran noticed the tone shift. "Huh?"
It continued, "You know what, kid? I think you have a chance to prove yourself."
At that, Kieran looked around "I do?"
"Yeah! Just listen to me, and ask questions later!"
And with that, the two began to plot their way to victory. Deep within, his "consciousness" couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to gnab the masks for himself, being the richest person in the universe.
"Mammy and Pappy would be so proud~!"
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sceneloc8 · 8 months ago
Top Restaurant and cafes Location For Shooting in Mumbai
Mumbai, India’s lively city, is not just a great place to eat, it’s also a great place to work on creative projects. SceneLoc8 has compiled a list of the best restaurants and cafes in Mumbai for your pre-wedding shoot, photography session, music video, or vlog. These places have the perfect mix of atmosphere and style to make your vision come true.
Possibilities for creative content:
Pre-Wedding Shoots: To add a touch of class to your pre-wedding photos, take pictures of timeless moments of love and romance in stylish cafes or fancy restaurants.
Photography: Look into the unique interiors and architectural details of Mumbai’s best cafes and restaurants to take pictures that show off both delicious food and artistic skill.
Set the scene for your music video in a trendy café or a cozy bistro. The atmosphere and energy of these busy spots will come through in your images.
Vlogs: Show your viewers your cooking adventures and dining experiences through interesting vlogs shot at Mumbai’s famous restaurants and cafes, giving viewers a taste of the city’s lively food scene.
Filming: To make your scenes seem more real, use famous Mumbai cafes or high-end restaurants. This will immerse viewers in the city’s rich cultural tapestry.
Advice for people who make content:
If you want to shoot in a Mumbai restaurant or cafe, keep these things in mind:
Permission and Cooperation: Make sure you get the right permissions from the business before filming or taking pictures. This will make sure the shoot goes smoothly and without any problems.
Time: Plan your shoot for a time when it’s not busy so that there aren’t too many people around and you can get a good sense of the atmosphere of the place.
Respectful Behavior: When you’re shooting, be aware of other customers and staff and treat them with respect. Stay professional and polite the whole time.
Creative Composition: Use the restaurant or cafe’s unique features and atmosphere to your advantage by experimenting with lighting, angles, and composition to make content that looks stunning.
Showing Off the Experience: In your content, talk about the venue’s atmosphere and tasty treats, giving people a tantalizing look into the dining experience.
Why You Should Write Content in Restaurants and Cafes:
The restaurants and cafes in Mumbai are great for content creators in many ways:
Aesthetic Appeal: These places, from trendy cafes to high-end restaurants, have stylish interiors and interesting decor that make them perfect for posting visually appealing content.
Flexibility: Mumbai’s restaurants and cafes can be used for a variety of creative purposes. They can be used as quiet places for intimate scenes or as busy places for lively visuals.
Cultural Significance: Many famous restaurants and cafes in Mumbai have cultural significance. Showing the city’s culinary history will give your content more depth and authenticity.
Accessibility: These places are in different neighborhoods across the city, so they are easy to get to for your shoot because of logistics and transportation.
Unlock the culinary charm and creative potential of Mumbai’s top restaurants and cafes with SceneLoc8. Whether you’re a photographer, filmmaker, or content creator, these iconic locations offer the perfect setting to bring your vision to life. Explore, create, and capture unforgettable moments amidst the vibrant backdrop of Mumbai’s dining scene.
#RestaurantShoot #CafeLocations #MumbaiPhotography #ContentCreation #SceneLoc8 #PreWeddingShoot #MusicVideos
Follow Our Whatsapp Channel:
@SceneLoc8 India
@SceneLoc8 Mumbai
#Mumbai#India’s lively city#is not just a great place to eat#it’s also a great place to work on creative projects. SceneLoc8 has compiled a list of the best restaurants and cafes in Mumbai for your pr#photography session#music video#or vlog. These places have the perfect mix of atmosphere and style to make your vision come true.#Possibilities for creative content:#Pre-Wedding Shoots: To add a touch of class to your pre-wedding photos#take pictures of timeless moments of love and romance in stylish cafes or fancy restaurants.#Photography: Look into the unique interiors and architectural details of Mumbai’s best cafes and restaurants to take pictures that show off#Set the scene for your music video in a trendy café or a cozy bistro. The atmosphere and energy of these busy spots will come through in yo#Vlogs: Show your viewers your cooking adventures and dining experiences through interesting vlogs shot at Mumbai’s famous restaurants and c#giving viewers a taste of the city’s lively food scene.#Filming: To make your scenes seem more real#use famous Mumbai cafes or high-end restaurants. This will immerse viewers in the city’s rich cultural tapestry.#Advice for people who make content:#If you want to shoot in a Mumbai restaurant or cafe#keep these things in mind:#Permission and Cooperation: Make sure you get the right permissions from the business before filming or taking pictures. This will make sur#Time: Plan your shoot for a time when it’s not busy so that there aren’t too many people around and you can get a good sense of the atmosph#Respectful Behavior: When you’re shooting#be aware of other customers and staff and treat them with respect. Stay professional and polite the whole time.#Creative Composition: Use the restaurant or cafe’s unique features and atmosphere to your advantage by experimenting with lighting#angles#and composition to make content that looks stunning.#Showing Off the Experience: In your content#talk about the venue’s atmosphere and tasty treats#giving people a tantalizing look into the dining experience.#Why You Should Write Content in Restaurants and Cafes:
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trashprinxe · 6 months ago
Let’s have a talk about malleability and TTRPGs
I come from a theatrical background. Did theatre for most of my life, majored in stage management, the works. Plays and the way they function are deeply embedded in my psyche.
So when I design and play games, I come from that theatrical framework.
Now — on the one hand, you have Shakespeare. Fairly universal stories, yeah? You can cut it up, switch things around, put it into a multitude of settings. And it still works! King Lear in space. Romeo & Juliet as pirates. The Scottish Play (old habits die hard) done avant-garde. It’s malleable!
On the other end, you have hyper-specific plays about hyper-specific themes. Angels in America. The Laramie Project. Venus in Furs. Etcetera. You can’t remove the core themes, change the setting, switch scenes around: without erasing the core intent of the work and the story it’s trying to tell.
And in the middle, you have plays that are somewhat malleable. Almost, Maine, for instance. It’s made up of vignettes; you can do only some of them, if you so choose. It’ll still have the same impact.
I believe TTRPGs exist on a similar spectrum.
You have systems that can accommodate many different genres or play styles. People play dnd this way. Pathfinder comes with pre built settings that run the gamut
PbtA games are hyperspecific. Monster of the Week is about, well, monsters of the week. Remove that, and you’re playing a different game.
Call of Cthulhu can be set in any time period, but you still have to be up against Eldritch horrors. If you’re able to fight the monster, that’s a different intent than the game was built for.
Lyric games are akin to 4.48 Psychosis (everyone should read that, by the way, it’s a master work of avant-garde theatre).
And so on and so on.
Nothing is better or worse than any other. It just exists, on a spectrum, in the same vein as playstyle or crunch do. Everyone has their preference.
But with any game, there comes a point where you’re no longer playing that game.
10 Things I Hate About You is not The Taming of the Shrew, though it were based on it. There’s a limit to even the most forgiving game to where you’re no longer playing that game, but something you and your table have created for yourselves.
You can’t take the queerness or religion out of Angels in America. That’s a different play altogether.
It’s a spectrum.
I choose to design in the specific. That’s what resonates with my brain. You may want to play something that’s capable of handling more universal narratives. That’s fine too!
But we can’t ignore the bones of the system, and it’s incorrect to say we’re putting on Hamlet, when we’re actually performing The Lion King.
So: the Theory of Malleability (working title).
I don’t have a great end to this. Just musings. But I hope it makes sense to you too.
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tumbleweed-writes · 10 months ago
Never Lost: Chibs Telford X Reader
18+ Only
President Chibs Telford needs some reassurance from his ol lady as his worries about the future of the club become too much to bear alone.
She knew that no one would ever believe her when she said it but Chibs Telford was by far the gentlest soul she had ever had the privilege of meeting.
She knew that most people would scoff at such a declaration. The entire aura that surrounded Chibs Telford screamed anything but gentle.
The President of the Redwood Original charter of the Sons of Anarchy did not exude any overtone of sweetness.
By Chibs’ appearance alone the outside world perceived him as being brutal and menacing.  
As club Pres Chibs had found that it served him well to carry a certain sense of intimidation to outsiders and anyone who may wish harm upon him or his brothers. 
He had only been wearing the President patch for less than a year upon their first meeting, but in that time he had learned to wear any sense of danger he might emit with a sense of security.
He had always been intimidating to the public of course; given his history with both the MC and the cause in Ireland.
He was well versed in causing alarm to those who lived within the societal norm.
The scars Jimmy O’ had left along his cheeks had helped give off this impression of danger and fear.
Chibs could admit that he’d coped with the injury Jimmy O’ had left him with by using it to his advantage. He’d allowed people to gawk at his scars and allowed their imaginations to run wild taking the evidence of such savagery as a sign Chibs Telford was not to be fucked with.
Chibs had learned not to allow people’s reaction to his appearance to bring him down. He had learned not to care if people were afraid of him. He had learned just how helpful it could be to be perceived as rough and intimidating. He was not ashamed to have the average man recoil upon one intense gaze from him.
Chibs Telford wore his ability to intimidate and frighten like a crown; appropriate for the King of SAMCRO.
Y/N Y/L/N had failed to feel any sense of intimidation upon first meeting the King of SAMCRO.
She felt even less intimidated now that she wore his crow inked over her right shoulderblade.
She sighed exhaustion flooding her body as she exited her car slamming the door shut behind her and locking it.
She made the short trek up the pavement heading towards the storefront that had once been Scoops and Sweets. The shop that had once sold ice cream and other sugary treats now operated as a home for Charming’s local outlaw MC.
As the club recovered and some money had begun to stream in, Chibs and the boys had been able to buy out Jacob Hale for ownership of the property as well as the few other abandoned storefronts beside it.
The space had been turned into a large enough clubhouse perfect to house what remained of SAMCRO.
The boys had remained in the porn business working with Lyla to film projects for Red Woody Productions though Y/N knew money was at times tight. There was a ton of competition in the world of adult entertainment.
The MC was surviving though; they were doing all they could to stay out of the red and keep going.
Y/N was not surprised to be met with a hug as soon as she entered the clubhouse. She chuckled, able to smell a hint of booze on her hugging partner’s breath as he spoke, appearing more like an overeager kid than a grown man. “Hey, Doll. Good to see you.”
“Hello, Tiggy. You doing alright?” She dared to ask, spotting the clear sign of intoxication on his features it was obvious that he was not abstaining from indulging even on a weeknight, though she knew she should not expect less from an outlaw biker.
“I’m alright. You want a shot?” Tig asked releasing her from the hug heading to the bar that had been added to the space upon a pricey remodel of the interior.
She managed to shake her head, her voice soft as she tried not to yawn. “Maybe later. Venus around?”
“Nah, she had a job tonight. Something involving a chastity device, paddles, cherry preserves, and whip cream.” Tig remarked a lovesick grin crossing his features at the mention of his ol lady.
Y/N raised a brow not sure she would ever get accustomed to the odd factors behind the chosen career path of one Venus Van Dam. 
She pushed any questions from her mind about how those items might possibly be used together telling herself it was best not to know. “My old man around?”
Tig nodded off towards the staircase in the far corner of the room. “Upstairs in the chapel, been looking over the books for hours now. He’ll be glad to see you; old bastard needs a break.”
She shook her head, tempted to point out that if Chibs was old then Tig was just as ancient.
She kept the comment in saying nothing as she headed upstairs. She rolled her eyes as Tig called out to her a giggle leaving his lips. “Remember to tell Chibby to wrap it before he taps it.”
She made her way down the hallway passing by closed dorm rooms and walls lined with mugshots knowing the way to the club’s chapel by now even though she was rarely permitted to enter the space.
She did not bother to knock, creaking the door open a soft sigh leaving her lips at the sight of her old man bent over a stack of ledgers tension clear in his body.
He gazed up at her, a tight tired smile crossing his lips as he gazed at her over the frames of his reading glasses. “M’angel ye didn’t have to come up here.”
She shrugged her shoulders, sending him a crooked smile in response. “I have discovered that our bed at home is too big when you aren’t in it. Thought I might give the bed in your dorm room a try tonight.”
He let out a tired chuckle shaking his head as he replied. “Aye, sorry to disappoint ye, Love, but I migh not be makin it to my bed tonight.”
She furrowed her brow making her way towards him, her hand reaching out to press to his shoulder not surprised by the tension she felt radiating off of him. “The books won’t let you sleep?”
He sighed, shaking his head, his voice tight. “Fraid not, got too much to go over..thought we were gonna be more outta the red by this point. We were doin good fer a wee bit. I mean, we had enough to buy out the shops next to us and remodel…shite was doin good with Red Woody, Lyla found some new talent gotta a few new girls signed to do a few videos fer us…and we had a good few months where the money was pourin in…we got fuckin arrogant and spent more than we shoulda though with the clubhouse remodel, shite cost more than it shoulda. We didn’t anticipate things slowin back down. Doesn’t help that rival studios keep tryin to poach our talent. We’re hittin the red again. I’m sure ye know that though given yer role in the business.”
She let out a soft sigh nodding her head knowing that though she worked as an editor for Red Woody Productions, she was well aware of the financial struggles of the business. “Yeah, things have been stressful at the studio lately. The subscription service seems to be picking up, but the videos keep getting leaked to free sites.”
She could admit she had recoiled just the slightest the first time Chibs had shared with her just what kind of business the Sons were tied up in. 
She could admit she had assumed the worst. 
Meeting Lyla had soothed her preconceived notions about just what was involved with Red Woody Productions. 
The offer to work for the porn studio had been a bit of a beggers can’t be choosers situation for Y/N.
She had been out of a job and out of a home when Chibs had come to her rescue. Chibs had insisted that he might be of some service as she’d panicked over what she was going to do without any home nor any money.
She had paled when he’d first mentioned the studio to her. Of course she had wrongly assumed he was suggesting she might want to work in front of the camera…in fact she’d maybe slapped him when he’d first uttered the words “I gotta idea, Love. The club I’m in…we got a production studio that will hire ye, porn.”
She had of course grimaced the second her palm had met his cheek and the anger in her had cooled off. She had been certain that she had made a dumb choice, slapping the outlaw biker who was so kindly offering her help in a desperate situation.
Much to her relief Chibs had not taken her slap personally and had quickly soothed any misunderstanding. “Ye said ye have experience as an editor, Lass. Ye did say that ye did that fer yer old job…I’m not suggesting ye make videos, I’m suggesting ye edit em. Our last editor quit on us, ye might be a good replacement.”
Y/N felt her stomach churn as Chibs let out a soft sigh glaring down at the books dreading her reaction to the words that were about to leave him. “The Irish got in touch with me…there’s interest in rekindlin our relationship at some point. I’m puttin it up fer a vote next week.”
“Filip.” She sighed, unable to say anything more, the information hitting her like a brick to the head.
Her touch to his shoulder tightened, tension of her own building in her body. She felt her stomach drop knowing the business Chibs was discussing returning to was filled with pain and violence. 
She had not known Chibs Telford during the time the Sons of Anarchy had been involved in gun running for the IRA.
The club had been out of the gun business by the time Chibs Telford had come into her life.
She had heard the stories about those days though…she had seen Chibs wake in a cold sweat from nightmares about those dark days and the loss he’d endured from them.
“I know, Love. I know. I’m fraid we migh not have a choice though. If SAMCRO wants to survive, we migh have to get back into that shite. I hate it, but it ain jus my call to make…it ain’t jus my club.” Chibs admitted cringing at the clear fear written across his ol lady’s features.
He reached up, placing a gentle hand over hers as he spoke from the heart. “That was the mistake Jax kept on makin…the mistake Clay always made…the club ain jus the president’s. Choices bout club business need to be made in chapel. The gavel might be in my hand, but I ain the only one callin all the shots. I gotta put it up fer a vote, m’angel. If the lads want back in…I gotta take the Irish up on the offer.”
She let out a heavy sigh shaking her head. “You can’t just not put it up for a vote? I mean…you have to bring up the offer? You can’t just ignore the request from the Irish?”
“Fraid not, ignorin it would be me makin a choice on my own. Guns were club business long before I joined up with the Sons. Jax spent all his time tryin to get us out…he made a lot of choices on his own on the path of gettin us out…I hate gettin us back in, after all his did to…” Chibs started shaking his head, his throat growing tight, emotion building up in him.
She reached down wiping a stray tear that threatened to work its way from the corner of his eye, it so clear that the pain of losing Jax Teller was still fresh for Chibs Telford even years later.
He took a deep breath releasing it a shaky sigh leaving him. He managed to find the words leaning into her touch. “I loved Jackie Boy. I know he pictured somethin more fer the club…a lot of the shite that went down, Love…it was fuckin dysfunctional at best. Jackie Boy was a haunted man at the end. His demons tainted choices he made. Ye already know the whole story, so I won’t bore ye with shite ye already know. I don’t know if I’m a fuckin fool, thinkin I can do anything different from Clay and Jax. The gavel corrupts, that’s what one of my brother’s use to say. I’m tryin so hard not to let it change me. I am so lost, m’angel. I aint felt this lost since the gavel was firs put in my hand.”
Y/N did the only thing she could think to do. She knelt in front of him, gazing up at him, her hand sliding down his cheek caressing his skin. “You aren’t lost, Filip. You are not corrupted by power or fear. You have your brothers. I know it’s got to be so hard…knowing they all look to you for guidance. You just want to make the best choice for everyone. You’re right though…it’s not only your choice to make.”
He let out a shaky breath the words leaving him. “I can’t do this on my own, Lass. I know this shite scares ye. I know ye have heard the stories bout how bad it got…all the loss. I am tryin so hard to make sure shite is different this time, I need ye by my side. I need yer strength to get me through this.”
She let out a soft sigh a voice in the back of her head exclaiming that he was a fool to think she could leave him to face this on his own.
Filip Chibs Telford had been her salvation.
They had met at a highly unstable time in her life.
She could still remember their very first meeting. 
She had left a stable job and friends to follow her then boyfriend Liam’s hairbrained plot to move across the country up to Northern California for some job opportunity he had taken.
She had reluctantly agreed to make the move with him, draining any savings she may have had to put towards the move, because of course her boyfriend was not going to fund it entirely himself. 
Liam was not the world’s most considerate boyfriend. Honestly selfish would be the easiest way to describe Liam. He was more concerned with his wants and his needs. Y/N had grown accustomed to being an afterthought in the relationship.
Liam had chosen to react to their latest argument by shoving Y/N out of the Uhaul and tossing her purse at her before driving off leaving her in his dust.
It was an explosive end to an often explosive relationship.
Once the rage had faded Y/N had realized just how fucked she actually was.
She had been stuck out on some Northern California backroads with very little money to her name and zero cell signal.
She had done the only thing she could think to do; walk down the dusty road hoping she could find some sign of civilization somewhere.
Her sign of civilization had come from the roar of a motorcycle.
The rough looking man riding the Harley had looked just as shocked to see Y/N as she’d been shocked to see him.
Chibs was not sure why he had pulled over his bike. He guessed he’d just been alarmed to spot some pretty young thing walking down the road in a sweet looking yellow cotton sundress appearing so distressed.
She could admit she’d been alarmed by his appearance as he’d stopped beside her pulling over to the side of the road. 
She felt ashamed as her eyes landed on the scars embedded into his cheeks she telling herself that it was so rude to stare.
She had spotted the leather kutte on his back next and the different patches sewn into the thick black leather; Sons of Anarchy, MC, California, Redwood originals, In Memory of Opie, President.
She felt her mind spin having briefly recalled a documentary she’d come across once on a lazy sick day in bed. The documentary had covered outlaw bikers. 
She had scolded herself for recalling the memory, a voice in the back of her head snapping that just because this strange man appeared to be in a motorcycle club that didn’t mean he was some kind of criminal.
She had felt a strange sense of comfort when he’d spoken his accent not at all being what she had anticipated. “Ye alrigh, Love? What are ye doin all the way out here? Is yer car broken down?”
The Scottish brogue was pleasant and rich sounding. It felt like heavy velvet or thick ale across her senses. 
She furrowed her brow at the thought. She had never thought that an accent could be so appealing.
When he’d peered at her over the lenses of the sunglasses he’d been wearing she had suddenly realized that the accent was not the only appealing thing about this man. He had lovely eyes; dark and soulful. His gaze fixed upon her and did not feel as though he was looking upon her with judgment. There was almost a sense of gentle concern behind his gaze.
She had studied him further spotting a pair of plush lips concealed under facial hair that was mostly silver. The hair on top of his head appeared to have been quite dark at some point but it also appeared to be peppered with quite a bit of silver as well. 
She had not imagined she might ever find an older man to be so attractive. 
She had shoved the thought from her mind, deciding to just spill her guts. “I got into a fight with my boyfriend.”
“He ditched ye on the side of the road?” Chibs blurted out a small frown crossing his brow, a sense of disapproval in his voice.
She shrugged her shoulders a soft sigh leaving her trying not to panic about the reality of her situation looming over her. “Something like that.”
“Ye need a lift home?” He offered the sense of panic weighing down on her all the heavier.
She felt the tears fall, ashamed to be falling apart in front of a total stranger. She had felt the words spill from her that sense of shame growing all the more palatable. “We were moving. I have no home to be taken to. I have nothing.”
“Shite, is there anyone ye can call?” Chibs remarked that look of disapproval on his face deepening to something she could not quite place; anger on her behalf?
She shook her head rapidly, her voice growing panicked. “I have no one. I don’t speak to my mother anymore and I don’t really have any friends outside of my old job, none that would care. He was all I had. I don’t know what to do.”
Chibs had taken her by shock as he’d spoken nodding to his bike. “Get on, Love. Let me take ye to get a bite to eat. We can get some food in ye and figure somethin out. I always feel better after a good bite to eat.”
Despite every warning bell going off in the back of her mind telling her not to get on a stranger’s motorcycle, Y/N had realized she had no choice.
She had told herself that perhaps this Scotsman was some kind of odd godsend.
Much to her shock as they’d sat at some greasy little diner not far from where Chibs had picked her up an offer had been made “I know a lass, an ol lady of one of my brother’s, Venus, she’d be happy to let ye stay with her while ye get back on yer feet. Now fer work…ye got any skills? What’d ye do before, ye mentioned a job?”
She had stared at him dumbfounded her mind going a mile a second. “I can’t do that, I appreciate the offer, but I’m sure this uh…ol lady you’re mentioning wouldn’t want some stranger moving in with her.”
“She won’t mind, she has a thing fer wounded wee birds.” Chibs had remarked not missing the grimace on Y/N’s features at the comment.
He was fast to speak again, reassuring her. “We all get wounded from time to time, Lass. Ain’t nothin to be ashamed of. Now, work, what’ye do?”
“Editing. I did some commercial work, some independent movies.” She blurted out her mind still going a mile a second.
Of course that had worked the mention of Red Woody Productions and a slap from Y/N proving she was less of a wounded wee bird than Chibs had proclaimed her to be.
The path from rescued wee bird to ol lady had not been a simple one.
Chibs had hated to admit that he’d been smitten with the distressed young woman he’d found on the outskirts of town.
He had felt guilty for the attraction. He had told himself not to pursue a thing as it would be a massive power imbalance.
Y/N had been just as attracted but just as reluctant to follow attraction telling herself Chibs Telford saw her as a wounded bird; something to help.
A friendship had blossomed; a flirty friendship but a friendship all the same.
Chibs had not been surprised that his brothers had adored Y/N. She had been a hard worker for Red Woody and she had such a sweet demeanor. It was hard not to like her. Venus had adored her; happy to take her in just as Chibs had assumed she would be.
Things had scooted along for months, a friendship forming and a certain romantic tension hanging in the air that neither had been willing to address.
The break in the romantic tension had come by the arrival of Liam to Charming.
He had shown up at the clubhouse of all places having finally tracked his ditched girlfriend down.
He had tried to coax Y/N into coming with him less than politely.
Chibs could still remember the words he’d walked up to his stomach churning spotting the distress on Y/N’s features as she appeared to be arguing with some arrogant looking young man.
“Are you serious, Y/N? What the hell is keeping you here?”
Chibs had felt the words leave him his chest puffing out attempting to give off the most unwelcoming energy he possibly could to the man. “I am. She’s stayin here Laddie, I think ye best go.”
Liam had scoffed at Chibs before glaring back at Y/N, his words harsh. “Who the fuck is this? Are you fucking him?”
Chibs didn’t have a chance to react because Y/N held her head up high, her words proving once again that she was no wounded bird. “Leave, Liam.”
“You can’t be serious? You’re fucking this freak? You always were demented, you know that? I never thought you’d become some kind of biker whore though.” Liam snarked the words cruel Chibs stepping forward ready to throw a punch.
Y/N spoke deciding to make a point even if she was partially lying. “I’m only his whore. He’s twice the man you ever were.”
With that she had put on quite the show turning to face Chibs yanking him down by his kutte her lips sliding along his the kiss deep and sloppy.
Chibs had kissed back once he’d gotten over the shock of the sudden act.
Apparently the kiss was enough to piss Liam off the man proving he was all bark and no bite as he stormed off screaming out expletives in Y/N’s direction.
As soon as he was out of sight Y/N pulled from the kiss apologies spilling from her lips. “I am so sorry, Filip. I know that was so uncalled for. I just know that guys like Liam don’t back off unless they think some other guy has a claim. I promise you I will never do that again.”
Chibs spoke, surprising himself and her by his words. “Please don’t promise that, Love.”
She gazed up at him feeling breathless as he spoke again, deciding to shoot his shot even if it scared the hell out of him. “It wasn’t uncalled fer. I want ye to that again…though I’d prefer ye to kiss me when ye aint tryin to make yer prick ex back off.”
He cleared his throat feeling less like the intimidating confident President of SAMCRO and more like a nervous older man who had not dated in far too long. “What I’m gettin at is…can I take ye on a date sometime, Love? We can try dinner before another kiss.”
He cringed fearing she was about to shoot him down and call him an old fool for thinking he had a shot at anything more than friendship.
His fears had died though as she leaned up her lips sliding along his cheek. “I would like that. Dinner would be nice.”
They had not looked back after that. She had become his beloved ol lady and the queen of SAMCRO.
It was a role she could admit she struggled to sink into. It was a role she was willing to take on for Filip Telford though.
Her mind pulled from the past as she spoke, her voice gentle and adoring. “I am here, Filip. I’m not going anywhere Baby.”
She spoke again, her hand leaving his cheek placing at his thigh sliding along the thick denim as she worked her hands upwards. “Let me take care of you, Baby. Just sit back and relax. Forget the books and let me make you feel good.”
He groaned, his head falling back she so easily knowing his body by this point. 
She slid her hands along his belt unfastening it and working his jeans open as she spoke. “Lift your hips up, Honey. Let me take care of this cock.”
He groaned obediently doing as she said, she worked his jeans and boxers down his hips, he kicking them down to rest around his ankles.
She rested between his parted thighs, her lips pressing to his knees working her way up slowly sliding along his warm skin.
She pressed soft adoring kisses to his skin, her voice low and full of sweetness. “You work so hard, Filip. You take care of everyone but who takes care of you?”
“You do, Love.” He remarked gazing down at her his hand reaching down to stroke her hair as she worked her lips up his thighs.
She gazed up at him as she spat in her hand before reaching forward placing a hand over his waking cock giving it a few lazy strokes working a moan from him. She kept her strokes light and teasing as she spoke. “I love taking care of you, Filip. You deserve it.”
He groaned as she slid a thumb along his sensitive tip smearing a hint of precum leaking from him, her voice soft. “My sweet man, takes good care of me. My angel.”
He groaned at the statement a drowsy giggle leaving him at the last part of her statement. “That’s my line, Love. Trus me, I aint no angel.”
She spoke a playful glint in her eyes as she spoke. “You are a devil sometimes, but a tempting one.”
He did not have a chance to reply as she leaned forward, her tongue sliding along the sensitive glans of his cock. She wrapped her lips around him her plush lips heavenly on his heated member. She kept her gaze locked on him as she eagerly bobbed her head.
He groaned his voice thick with lust as she worked him, taking more and more of him with each bob of her head. “Fuck, Lass. Take it, Love.”
She moaned around him, preening at the low curses that left his lips. He spoke as she took more and more of him down her throat, the heat making his cock throb. “Ye are so perfect, Love. Jus takin my cock like this, fuck. This was jus what I needed, my girl always knows what I need.”
She moaned around his cock relaxing her throat, breathing through her nose as she took him even deeper, he hitting the back of her throat with a cry of her name.
She gagged around him, Chibs placing a hand on the back of her head stroking her hair as she held him there. He grunted, resisting the urge to thrust against her knowing that this moment was meant to be a little gentler. She was focused on taking care of him. This was not a moment for a rough fuck.
She pulled up of him a disappointed groan leaving him. The disappointment did not last she wrapping a hand around his slick cock stroking it, his hand sliding along her cheek caressing it.
She kept her gaze up at him not helping but to find him beautiful in moments like this where he was feeling only pleasure. In her opinion he deserved all the pleasure in the world after he spent so much time worrying and stressing over everything and everyone. 
She was stunned as he pulled back from her his voice thick with desire. “Bend over this table, Love. Pull up this dress.”
She did as he said, pulling the little sundress she’d been wearing up over her hips as she bent over the Reaper table. 
Chibs groaned approvingly as he stared at her spotting the little pink thong she’d worn today.
He was unable to resist reaching forward, giving her backside a swat wanting to make her skin so flushed she matched the pink fabric of her panties.
He spoke the need so evident in his voice. “Need to fuck ye love. Been fillin wound up all day. Need to find some release.”
“Please, Baby. Do it. Want you to feel good.” She replied turning her head struggling to gaze up at him as he shoved the chair he’d been sitting in back managing to stand over her.
He yanked the thong she was wearing down she kicking it across the room. He ran his hands down her thighs, a groan leaving him as he spoke. “Yer so soft.”
He ran his hands along her inner thighs close to her bare center moaning at the hint of wetness that he discovered. “Shite, Love. Yer so soaked ye dripped down here.”
He ran his fingers along her slit, a groan of approval leaving him as he slid one finger between her lips. He added another finger thrusting them and scissoring them wanting to make sure she was ready for him. “Ye feel so good, m’angel. Gonna feel like heaven round this cock.”
She rocked back against his fingers, a low giggle leaving him. “Christ, look at ye. So Desperate fer me that you’ll take my fingers jus to get off. This pussy has been longin fer me aint it?”
“Always longing for you, Baby.” She replied the comment, working a smack to her backside from his free hand.
She whimpered when he pulled his fingers from her he chuckling at the reaction. “Jus wait, Love. Gonna give ye something more than my fingers.”
He brought his fingers up to his lips suckling her wetness from them, a low moan leaving him. “Shite, when I’m less desperate to be in ye, yer sittin on my face.”
She moaned at the suggestion not having long to focus on it as he took himself in hand sliding his hard cock along her center teasingly a groan leaving him.
She whined, her body trembling with anticipation knowing she was so desperate to be filled by him. No one filled her as well as Chibs Telford.
She spoke knowing just what to say. “Fuck me, Please. Give it to me.”
He groaned a hint of amusement clear in his voice. “Greedy, Lass.”
He gave in, thrusting forward his cock stretching her as her heat enveloped him fully to the hilt.
He groaned, his hands resting at her hips giving them both a moment to soak up the initial first thrust it always taking their breaths away.
He’d never imagined that when he came across that panicked woman on the side of the road that she’d one day be bent over the reaper table with his cock buried in her pussy and his crow on her back.
He groaned, pushing her hair aside, giving him a full view of the crow inked into her skin. She moaned knowing exactly what he was doing. He loved seeing the tattoo on her; a reminder that she was his and that she was in this life with him.
She had never anticipated that the odd Scotsman who had come to her rescue that day she’d been abandoned by her ex on the side of the road like trash, would become the love of her life.
She would have never believed she could find comfort in a world that was so dangerous nor with a man who society told her would only cause harm.
Chibs and the world that come with him had given her a sense of comfort though. It was a sense of belonging she had never known. He was her salvation in more ways than one.
She spoke the need she felt for him growing. “Please, Baby. Love me.”
“Always, m’angel.” He groaned, rocking in and out of her his movement starting out slow and gentle wanting to soak up the feel of her.
She did her best to rock back against him but found it difficult the table and his body keeping her sandwiched and helpless to his ministrations. She had a feeling though that this was his intention. 
She soaked up the feel of him rocking in and out of her so lovingly. He moaned from behind her the fact that she could not turn to see his face almost maddening. She adored how deep he managed to get in this position but found it frustrating to be unable to hold him or gaze up at him.
She made a silent promise to ask him to love her in a different position later; one where she could hold him and gaze into his eyes. 
For now though she was happy to bend over the table in chapel and let him work out his anxiety and stress on her body. She was delighted to please him. 
She gasped holding on to the side of the table digging her nails into the wood as she soaked up the feel of him sliding in and out of her, able to feel every vein and every pulse of him.
He was by far the most skillful lover she’d ever had and easily the most passionate.
He groaned, it not taking him long to give into need his thrusts growing more frantic cries of his name leaving her lips.
He spoke his voice thick with lust. “Fuck yes, Take my cock, Love.”
She whined reaching up to place a hand over her lips remembering that Tig was downstairs most likely within ear shot and who knew who else was around the clubhouse able to hear her cries of pleasure.
Chibs reached forward tugging at her hair pulling her head up his voice demanding. “Nah, none of that, Love. Take that hand off yer mouth. Don’t care who hears ye. Let em all know jus how good I fuck my ol lady. Let em hear me fuck my queen.” 
She did as she was told a cry leaving her lips he groaning at the sound praising her. “That’s my girl, fuck.”
He released her hair grasping back down on her hips using them for leverage as his thrusts became a little rougher, more cries of his name leaving her.
She whined knowing if she wasn’t currently bent over this table she would have collapsed to the ground with as good as he was making her feel.
She had long ago figured out that being fucked by Chibs Telford was a full body affair. He had a way of completely overtaking her and fucking her stupid. He could make her cock drunk with very little effort on his part and the arrogant jerk knew it too and used it to his advantage.
He spoke, his voice teeming with adoration and lust. “Needed ye so bad tonigh Love. Fuckin stressed outta my mind. Needed ye to come fuck the stress outta me. My good sweet queen, knew I needed er, aye?”
“Yes, Baby. Wanted to take care of you.” She whined the admission making him moan his grip on her hips tightening.
She whined as he spoke. “Touch yer clit, know it makes it so much better fer ye. Play with yerself Love.”
She did as she was told, reaching between her body and the table finding her clit the action clumsy but so rewarding.
She rubbed circular patterns into the sensitive bud, her knees trembling his name spilling from her lips.
She whined knowing at this rate she was going to cum far too quick. Chibs may have claimed he’d been wound up needing release all day, but she had to believe that she’d been in the same boat.
That was part of what had led her to the clubhouse tonight.
She spoke not caring how loud the volume of her voice was growing “You feel so good Filip.”
“Aye, ye feel like heaven Lass. Hot, wet heaven.” He groaned his hips slamming into hers the sound of his skin meeting hers and moans spilling out filling the room.
She gasped the stimulation to her clit and his cock sliding in and out of her working her so close to the edge. Chibs Telford’s dick had zero right making her feel this good.
She spoke, unable to stop the words from leaving her. “How are you this good at fucking me?”
“Lots of practice, Love.” He remarked not leaving a hint of arrogance from his voice.
The comment was quickly followed up with a low moan as he spoke again. “Was practicin fer ye. Jus didn’t know it yet.”
She whined gripping on to the table all the harder her body shuddering as he found that one spot in her that made her practically see stars. She did all she could to thrust back up against him, her fingers not letting up on her clit a cry leaving her. “Please, Filip, I’m so close, so fucking close.”
He groaned at the admission, a low growl leaving him. “Fuck, m’angel. Yeah, ye cum on this cock. Let it go fer me.”
She continued to rub tight little circles into her clit, a coil winding up tight in her belly growing more taunt by the second the sensations almost too much.
“Oh, Fuck, Filip. I’m cumming, I’m. Oh” The words spilled from her dissolving into unintelligible cries as she fell apart underneath him, her body trembling her pussy clenching around him.
He groaned doing all he could to keep rutting against her through her orgasm, the sensation of her falling apart below him always taking his breath away.
He had never thought he’d be worthy of someone so stunning and so gentle and lovely. He had never thought he’d take an ol lady but now that he had found one he knew he would never let her go.
He groaned his words thick with lust “Yer so fuckin gorgeous, m’angel. Jus stunning cummin round my cock. Christ, ye feel so good.”
She pulled her hand from her clit, the stimulation too much. She moaned against the table pathetically, her body limp and overstimulated. 
Chibs groaned not letting up his cock thrusting in and out of her soaked heat, she feeling even more sopping wet now that she’d cum all over him. 
He spoke knowing he would not last much longer now. He groaned uncertain if it was a side effect from the painful fact that he was getting older now in his fifties, or if it was just that the woman who gave him the privilege of fucking her was so good that he couldn’t last as long as he may have in his twenties. “Where do ye want it, Love?”
She whined it hitting her lust worn mind just what he was asking. She spoke, the answer seemed so clear. “In me, Baby.”
“Aye, ye want me to cum in ye, Love? Ye want me to fill this pussy?” He groaned knowing that she was the only woman he’d been with in so long where this was even an option.
The fact that she loved him and adored him enough to even give him the option made him adore her all the more.
“Please, Baby. Do it. Want it.” She barely managed to work out as he felt himself fall over the edge, his thrusts growing sloppy and rough.
He let out a groan as he fell apart, his last few thrusts practically knocking her against the table as he came spilling into her in hot thick spurts.
He groaned the words low and satisfied as they left him. “Fuck yes, take it. Perfect lass. Love ye so much.”
He practically collapsed against her, pressing her down into the table, his body bending to rest over hers, they both hot and damp with sweat.
He groaned as he reluctantly slid out of her the mess they made dripping from her. He groaned as he fell back into his chair, a moan leaving his lips at the sight of his cum dripping out of her well loved center.
He reached forward sliding his fingers across her slit causing her to moan she feeling over sensitive a low chuckle leaving him as he gathered their mixed releases on his fingertips.
He reached forward, his fingers sliding along her lips. She obediently ran her tongue along his fingers cleaning their release from them a groan of approval leaving him.
He spoke a heavy sigh leaving him. “Come here, Love.”
She stood up ignoring the smirk on his lips at how wobbly she was as she stood up his cum dripping down her thighs making her cheeks flush.
He scooted back, opening his arms she happily standing between his parted legs allowing him to wrap his arms around her waist.
He held her against him, she wrapping her arms around him. She ran her hand along the back of his head he burying his face against her stomach as she spoke reassuring him. “I’m not going anywhere Filip. I mean it, No matter how lost you feel…I’ll always find you.”
She paused as he gazed up at her his eyes filled with awe. “I love you Filip Telford.” 
“I love ye too, my queen.” He responded holding her all the tighter any worries he had about the future of the club were too far away to grasp.
He didn't know what the future held for the club, but he knew whatever it was he could manage it as long as he had her by his side.
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elminx · 5 months ago
Energy Update: October 2024
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October is a “9” Universal Month [10 (October) + 8 (2024) = 18 = 1+8=9] in a “8” Universal Year. In numerology, “9” is the number of completions and endings. For some, big projects will finally be coming to fruition. Others of us may be dealing with endings, for good or ill. This aligns with the month’s astrological energy, which includes our last solar eclipse in Libra in this lunar node cycle and some significant planetary shifts.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun and Mercury in Libra, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Gemini, retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will have moved into Scorpio and Venus into Sagittarius. Additionally, Jupiter will have retrograded, and Pluto will station direct. Mars will also have entered its pre-retrograde shadow in Cancer.
The Nitty Gritty
The month begins with a bang with a solar eclipse at 10° Libra on the second. Otherwise, all eyes are on Pluto, who is on its last legs in Capricorn for the next two months, and Mars, who is entering its pre-retrograde shadow. These three events not only set the tone for the month but will ripple through the rest of the year and into the coming one ahead.
Our Lights: The Sun and the Moon
The Sun will spend 3/4 of the month in the cardinal air sign of Libra and the last bit in the fixed water sign of Scorpio. This is our last Libra season before our lunar nodes switch to the Pisces-Aries axis in January of 2025, and we all have one final reckoning to meet around the themes of independence vs. togetherness. We’re coming out of a pandemic that highlighted both ends of this spectrum: on the one hand, we all felt the loneliness and isolation of the quarantine times, but on the other, it took a considerable amount of working together to create and distribute novelle vaccines to the entire world. We all got a deeper glimpse into how big and how small our lives really are. How interconnected, but also how separate.
I don’t mean to downplay this event or the trauma it has caused us all, but instead, to emphasize its complexity. What I have found the most fascinating about these past four years is how differently people experienced and synthesized these moments—sometimes even people who lived in the same house as one another! When somebody we loved could understand our experience with the pandemic, we felt more connected; when they did not, we felt more isolated.
Although this certainly isn’t over, it IS a good analogy for what is happening inside all of us and what is being highlighted by this last Libra eclipse on the Aries-Libra axis. All of us, every human on this planet, have a baseline of where we fall on the individuality to connectedness scale. Some of this comes straight out of our natal birth charts – Aries, often, are quite independent, and Libras are most certainly not. But our backgrounds, experiences, triumphs, and traumas all shape who we are and what we are comfortable with. We have all been forced to look at where we fall on this scale; we have all been weighed, and some of us have been found wanting. I don’t mean to imply a universal right or wrong in this regard, but there may often be for a certain place at a certain time.
Then you have two choices: You can adapt, or you can leave and find a place that is more to your liking.
Because the Aries-Libra axis is one of independence and connectedness, relationships have been on the hot seat for a long two years. Many of us really had to consider whether what we were doing (and with whom we were doing it) was worth the sunk cost. I don’t just mean Big R Romantic relationships here, either. All human interactions are relationships. Some will be worth every effort we put into them. And others were never worth our time.
All of this will come to a head leading into our solar eclipse on 10/02 because Libra is the sign of relationships and togetherness. This is a mixed energy eclipse as it involves the energy of a new moon conjunct to the energy of the South Node, our axis of past-facing fate. Also, our two relationship signs (Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer) will be in a wide grand trine with retrograde Saturn in Pisces. Many people will ask themselves, “Is this really meant to be?” and likely coming up short. Because, after all, is ANYTHING truly meant to be? This astrologer says no, not that way anyway; that’s just not how fate works.
But this isn’t a post about synastry and how we fulfill lessons in each other’s lives. It’s about the cosmic, often overdue, realization that you cannot live for another person – you must live for yourself. That’s the lesson of our North Node in Aries, and we’re almost out of time.
Some relationships will end in and around the solar eclipse, that’s just the way of things. It may be hard, and it may really fucking hurt. But people who can’t agree on what a relationship means, who can’t bend and align to live a life together with interconnectedness rather than codependence, well, they really aren’t meant to be, aren’t they?
I know that there are some Libra types out there who have never learned this lesson and who are very mad at me for writing this. What can I say? I have an Aries moon. That’s my bias. Do you know what yours is?
This new moon is a 5/5 moon.
7 (Libra moon) + 7 (Libra Sun) = 14 – 1+4 = 5. 5 (Libra new moon) + 9 (October 2024) = 14 = 1+4 =5.
5 is a bit of a warning, a conflict number. This aligns with the energy of the eclipse pretty seamlessly. It’s not that what is meant to be is easy, per se, but when you are well aligned, you can get through conflicts easily. Pay attention to that during the eclipse and the days surrounding it.
Otherwise, our Sun squares off with Mars in Cancer on 10/14, which will be a rough-and-tumble fighty sort of day. Be ready to get into it, or step the fuck out of the way. You might be able to channel this cardinal energy into a project if you’ve got a well-aspected Mars in your natal birth chart but don’t push your luck with other people during this time. The Sun’s trine with Jupiter on the 13th may smooth things over, but only if you’re especially lucky. (Jupiter is retrograde and in its exile, after all)
Our full moon on 10/17 falls at 24° Aries and will pull in a lot of energy from our Sun-Mars square and our total solar eclipse last April through the Moon’s conjunction with Chiron. Our solar eclipse was at 19° Aries and was part of a major stellium between the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Chiron. Now slow-moving Chiron is still sitting at 21°, holding that wound.
This is an 8/8 full moon.
1 (Aries Moon) + 7 (Libra Sun) = 8. 8 (Aries Full Moon) + 9 (October 2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8.
8 is the number of the ouroboros and the infinity sign; it is a reminder that what comes around goes around. Everything that goes up must come back down, and vice versa. Expect the highest highs and the lowest lows on an 8 moon, which is a double 8 moon. You can work with the Stength card or the Wheel of Time in the tarot to further this energy.
As the Sun prepares to exit Libra on 10/22, it forms a quick square with Pluto in Capricorn, repeating the theme of endings this month. Pluto is the planet of death and transformation, and he will be in Capricorn for a scant two months more for the next two hundred years! If you couldn’t put it down on the eclipse, do it now.
This energy will shift rapidly as we exit our very last eclipse cycles and enter Scorpio season. Things may get dark and moody, but they will certainly feel less fated as our luminaries pull away from our lunar nodes.
Mars gets near-to-the-top billing this month as it enters its pre-retrograde shadow on 10/04. This retrograde will occur between 06° Leo and 17° Cancer, so the switchover from cardinal to fixed sign will be in the hot seat for the next seven months. You read that right: 7 months from 10/2 when Mars enters its pre-retrograde shadow to 5/2 when it exits its post-retrograde cycle.
I feel like we’re in for a reminder here. All retrogrades happen in three stages as the planet will pass over the same points in the horoscope wheel thrice: first in forward motion (the pre-retrograde shadow), secondly when moving backward in retrograde, and thirdly as it moves forward the final time in its post-retrograde shadow. This is why (how?) retrogrades tend to bring with them our deepest lessons: any aspect that Mars makes with your chart will happen three times in the next seven months.
I will explore this energy more in my Mars retrograde Update, but the transition from cardinal to fixed signs is one of actualization. Cardinal signs are the searching signs and the first signs of the season. Fixed signs are the root signs; they take what the cardinal sign has uncovered and plant it/make it solid. Mars is the planet of action. Retrogrades are a time of re-s: we get to rethink, revise, revisit, renovate.
Mars will be in the pre-retrograde shadow phase for the entire month. During this phase, Mars will be in aspect with all of our personal planets and Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron. Because this astrological event lasts for seven months, we can acknowledge the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus as a part of this story. However, we know they will be across the horoscope and into Taurus season by the time this transit resolves. Our outer planets and Chiron move much slower; they are the meat of this retrograde cycle.
This is looking ahead a lotta bit (but this will go until May 2025 so stay with me here), but this theme of hoovering on the edge between two planets (which Mars will now embody) has been in place all year as Pluto moves back and forth over the line between Capricorn and Aquarius. Now, looking ahead to 2025, Uranus will do so on the line between Taurus and Gemini and Neptune between Pisces and Aries. On top of that, our lunar nodes change signs in January!
Mars can get a little bit off of its game when so much is going on. Mars is also in its fall in Cancer., where it will be all month.
If you don’t know where to turn or what path to take, know you are right on time. It’s frustrating AF, I’m sure, but it is a part of the process. As we transition into this new era, many of us are finding that the ground underneath us has shifted. What made sense before may not make sense now.
You can consider these next seven months our planetary adjustment zone.
Things to remember: Cancer is considered the fall of Mars because the crab doesn’t move in a straight line. The crab is also known for holding on for dear life, so maybe work on loosening that death grip (you know what I mean if that is intended for you).
This will affect everyone because Mars is one of our personal planets. Mars is also the one personal planet that is beyond the Earth, which means that it works a little bit differently from Mercury and Venus. Mars isn’t tied to the Sun, which seems important to note here. These are the people that will be most affected by our Mars retrograde. Note here that you may have more than one and each compounds.
Anyone with Sun, Moon, or Ascendant between 00-06° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) or 17-29° of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) with additional emphasis on Cancer and Leo/conjunctions
Anyone with Mars in those degrees of any sign (but the ones listed above most specifically)
Anyone with Mercury of Venus in those signs/degrees
Any Aries or Scorpio Sun or Moon
Anyone with a Mars dominant chart
Anyone with a luminary or personal planet between 00-06° Aries and Sagittarius or 17-29° Scorpio and Pisces
I’ll get into what this means more as we start working through this transit (I have seven months to write about it, apparently), but it’s time to become aware right now. And to give yourself grace is your work – whatever that means to you – happens more slowly.
Mercury will be in Libra until the 13th when it enters Scorpio. In Libra, it will square off with Mars in Cancer, which may make the days around the 6th challenging and bitey. The next day, it will trine Jupiter in Gemini, so this likely won’t have any lasting effects.
Before it enters Scorpio, it will square Pluto on 10/13. I think this may feel like a bit of a release. This is the last time Mercury will square Pluto while Pluto is still in Capricorn. This day may feel somber, as if the hollows are extra hollow. You can work with that.
Mercury in Scorpio trines retrograde Saturn in Pisces on 10/22, reminding us of where we’ve been and how far we have come in the last four years. This will sit better with some people than with others, and it may be a deeply emotional day for some. At the end of the month, Mercury meets up with Neptune and Uranus as it begins to make moves to switch signs again. This could be intense for some, but it will mostly pass uneventfully.
While Mars is mired in its pre-retrograde shadow all month in Cancer, we look to Venus to see if we will get anywhere at all. Both Venus and Mars are our two movement planets; their interactions with each other show us how we attract (Venus) and go out and get (Mars) what we want. The world will run a bit smoother when Venus and Mars are better aligned. People will get along better. The two, especially poorly maligned, have indications for war and other human-made calamities.
Venus begins the month in the fixed water sign Scorpio until 10/17, when it enters the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius. As the Morning Star, Venus is at full speed, rushing ahead of the Sun. For as long as the Sun is in Libra, Venus will be our guiding planet, and she will be the intense watery depths of Scorpio. Note here that this is the sign of Venus’s exile as it is the opposite sign of Taurus, its domain.
Venus in Scorpio can be quixotic and demanding. She may not tell you what she really wants but instead, expect the world to read her mind. Monsters are lurking in those depths. She does have magnetism, though, something that Venus LIKES. This may be why Scorpio is the sign of Venus’s exile; Venus loves the power that Scorpio provides her, and that much is clear. The problem comes when the rest of the world doesn’t exactly enjoy how she is yielding that power.
Great responsibility and all that…
Venus in Scorpio trines Mars in Cancer on 10/08, which is generally indicative of lovey-dovey weather. It’s worth noting here that retrograde Saturn is a part of this equation and in a grand trine to them both during this event. Yeah, sure, love might be in the air, but consequences are also on the table. This is echoed twice as Mars has just entered his pre-retrograde shadow. Stay aware of who you cuddle up with during this time; what glitters may not be gold.
If you’ve said yes before and the two of you love getting mushy together, this will be a great day to have a watery date. Real Valentine’s Day energy. But, like with V-Day, it may be better to sit it out of you don’t trust your potential date. And definitely don’t sign any contracts (romantically speaking).
We will still be a bit hung over from our solar eclipse, which was all about the pitfalls of relationships. Don’t do somebody that day just to have somebody to do it, if you catch my drift.
Venus will lighten up some once she enters Sagittarius, but she, too, needs to come clean with Pluto on the way out of Scorpio. Again, some romantic relationships are not meant to make it all the way to November this year. This square with Pluto will be the last time Venus makes a major aspect with Pluto before it exits Capricorn next month.
In Sagittarius, she immediately trines the North Node, again, for the last time before the North Nodes switch signs in January. There are a lot of endings here.
After that, Venus in Sag squares off with retrograde Saturn in Pisces, putting even more tension on the consequences and endings we are experiencing all month.
On 10/09, Jupiter will station retrograde at 21° Gemini. As one of our intermediary planets, Jupiter retrogrades aren’t felt as deeply as those of our personal planets. The days immediately around this retrograde may feel liminal or a bit uneasy, as always happens when a planet stands still in the skies. Jupiter – the planet of expansion – is weaker while it is in retrograde, compounded by the fact that it is in the sign of its exile (Gemini).
On 10/11, Pluto will station direct at 29° Capricorn. This is a big shift as it is the final curtain call on our Pluto-in-Capricorn era. In November, Pluto will move into Aquarius for the last time in this cycle. Outer planetary shifts happen very slowly; Pluto changes signs every 15-30 years. It’s the end of an era. Most people won’t feel this personally as this is our outer most dwarf planet, but the effects of this will ripple forward through 2025 and beyond.
The Details
10/02 – Solar Eclipse 10° Libra 10/04 – Venus in Scorpio trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces, Mars enters its pre-retrograde shadow 17° Cancer 10/06 – Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer 10/08 – Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer 10/09 – Jupiter retrogrades 21° Gemini 10/11 – Pluto stations direct 29° Capricorn 10/12 – Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries 10/13 – Mercury enters Scorpio, Sun in Libra trine retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 10/14 – Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus 10/15 – Venus in Scorpio trine retrograde Neptue in Pisces 10/17 – Full Moon 24° Aries, Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn, Venus enters Sagittarius 10/21 – Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries 10/22 – Sun enters Scorpio, Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury in Scorpio trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces 10/25 – Mars in Cancer sextile retrograde Uranus in Taurus 10/28 – Venus in Sagittarius square retrograde Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces 10/30 – Mercury in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus 10/31 – Mercury in Scorpio trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces
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grateful-for-zayn · 1 month ago
Venue where Zayn will perform in Mexico City.
Zayn will do a show in Mexico City on March 27th at the Palacio de los Deportes. This venue has a capacity of 24,500 approx. A lot of international artists had perform in this place.
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In case you want to see a video of a spontaneous fan project at this venue check this.
Info about the ticket sale:
VIP Key pre-sale (get your key here) January 28th 11 a.m. until the 30th at 11 p.m.
Pre-sale January 30th at 11 a.m.
General sale January 31st at 11 a.m.
Link where the tickets will be sold here. If anyone has a question about the tickets send me an ask.
credit: x x
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sleepyminty · 4 months ago
Dante’s origin theory
Take this as a grain of salt, this one cover Dante’s origin but not his past
This theory was based on a mixture of the divine comedy, the bible and alittle bit of le petit prince. Now, star is the most consistent concept around the story, all start from the little prince himself, Damien. The nature of this guy is unknown aside from the fact that he had the mark of Cain and he seems incorporeal. I wouldnt be surprise if he’s actually a star and what his form really just a projection
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Not counting his relationship with sinclair, one of the most consistent thing of damien is him requesting dante to draw him a sheep (which is no doubt a reference to le petit prince) because in the past, dante promise him, meaning that pre-amnesia dante knew damien.
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The aftercredit of canto 7 fascinate me because what damien saying at the end. ‘The sheep who fell from the skies’ could be referred to past dante, which bring me to this speculation:
In the divine comedy, paradiso was depicted as space consisted of nine spheres of Heaven: Moon, Mecury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Fixed Stars ( there’s an final layer called the Empyrean where god resides but that’s beside the point). What’s interesting here is that in the divine comedy, dante asked is cain here - a subtle nod to god punished cain by walking on the moon and how the crater of the moon was known as the mark of Cain (From that i deduce this is why Damien introduce first in the story). Anyway, what sanson said and damien said in the end of canto 7 suggested that Dante’s origin was among the star, the heaven. Supported by the fact that, Sanson acted as the lamplighter in le petit prince.
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So what’s Sanson trying to do here is he will try to guide Dante away from the City, to the Ruins (where Stephanette and her companion ventured and wished upon a star, turning her comapnion into an eyeball singularity) or perhaps guiding him to the stars. Additionally, at the end of Paradiso, Dante lost all his memories upon seeing the face of god whereas in limbus Dante lost all his memories at the start of his journey ( in the divine comedy his journey started in the dark forest as well). So i think from the narrative perspective, the seems to looked like Dante was fallen from heaven and landed on the mortal plane figuratively speaking. Project Moon loves to use Jesus and his 12 disciples so Dante symbolised the role of Jesus isnt something new to the fandom. But that remain inconsistent since from the dialogue from the beginning of the story and little hints of how Dante was a big wig suggesting that they are a resident of the City, how can be reside on heaven if the cantos heavily suggesting that he was perchance someone important to the company?
Well this post covered their origin but not of their past but i speculate this: Dante was a star descend down onto earth, ‘the sheep who fell from the skies’ to live as such-just like how god make jesus come down onto earth to redeem humanity idk i havent read the bible yet. But somewhere along the lines, shits happened and past Dante become jaded and nihilistic, the city itself are unforgiving and uncaring so even they cant escape the gear of the city. And because their importance stand or perhaps their bad luck, Dante was chased down to the forest and in the process lost their memories, so the heaven, in pity of their star, want to usher them back to his home, just like in the divine comedy, "God tends the garden of Eden to be just as it was before the fall just in case humanity abandons their sins and want to come home"( this could ast as a parallel of how after Christ crucifiction, Jesus was welcome back to heaven but that seems a little too far-fetched, Dante hasnt gotten to his ‘cruxifiction’ yet)
Which brings us to Damien’s group: while N corp group act as the antagonistic force against limbus, Damien’s group goal was to bring Dante back home.
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venusvity · 5 months ago
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🍒✧˚.⋆ UR MY BABY! HELLO, I'M BAEBI!
cw: sexualization + controlling company
  JUNG YOONAH took on the stage name BAEBI in 2018 upon her debut with VENUS and the world was never the same.
Baebi would take the world by storm with her solo debut the same year Venus would debut, sparking much discussion among fans over favoritism, a debate that still rages today. But who cares about favoritism when the music is good? Bubble Pop! Would take the Kpop world by storm, becoming the song of the summer.
It peaked at number two on South Korea's Gaon Album Chart and charted atop the US Billboard World Albums. As of 2023, it has sold 560,000 copies in South Korea. 
Bubble Pop! 's commercial success was the main contributor to Angelico Entertainment's leading music sales. The song peaked at number one in South Korea, where it has sold over 2.5 million digital units. To accompany her solo release, Baebi held a series of small concerts called Baebi's Summer Splash. She was awarded Best Female Artist at the 2018 Mnet Asian Music Awards and at the 2019 Golden Disk Awards.
Chart data is boring. Let's talk about something else.
Returning just a few months later with the mini album "Tell Me More" and a title track of the same name, fans grew slightly more concerned over Yoonah's concept as a soloist. According to her most dedicated fans, her sound and look were very mature, very sensual, and bordering on sexual, which didn't really match Yoonah's character.
No one would be shocked at the music and content Baebi would be releasing when looking at her creative team:
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The Son Brothers, Jinhwa and Roan, would be the proud creative directors behind all of Baebi's solo work. Bubble Pop! would be Son Roan's, later turned CEO of Angelico after his brother departed from the label to become CEO of Mydol, Angelico's now parent company, first project in the Kpop realm.
"I like working with Baebi because she's something different than what you're used to seeing from the other idols out there. You can do things with Baebi you can't normally do with other idols and I find that very exciting." – Son Roan when asked about the Baebi brand in 2020.
2020 Baebi hit a career-high with her mini album "Glassdoor" and the lead single, Gashina. This song was everywhere, but even more to an extent, no Angelico artist had ever seen. Baebi was an international sensation. She'd go on a mini world tour as a soloist, the first and only Venus member to do so, promoting internationally, being the first soloist under Angelico to do so internationally.
A point of contention in Baebi's career is the botched release of her first full album, "Hello Baebi!" with the poorly promoted single, Hello. When Baebi was coming back, you knew about it, your friends knew about it, your mama knew about it, hell, even your grandma knew about it. For Hello Baebi? Not a peep. Even Baebi fans were confused when Ktown4u posted a pre-order poster for the album before Angelico even posted teasers. Which, mind you, she only got four photo teasers and a single video trailer for a full album.
When the comeback happened, promotions only lasted for two weeks, something unheard of for Baebi and the outfits? Fresh off the Forever21 rack. The stages? Bare. Nothing. The MV? Budget cut in half. Something wasn't right...Then when you looked at the album credits, neither of the Son brothers were anywhere to be seen. The entire album was made by Baebi herself, something she shared often on her Instagram or during the few interviews she did during this era.
Either way, Hello Baebi, her one cute era completely controlled by her, was deemed a flop and the Son brothers used that to their advantage, taking full creative control over Baebi's image again.
Which is where Touch came in.
Touch was noted for its overtly sexual music video, on-the-nose sexual lyrics, and latex outfits Baebi would promote in. The single, which was, of course, promoted ions better than Hello Baebi!, was phenomenally on the charts and in sales, "proving" that the mature concept is what people wanted from Baebi. At least, that's Jinhwa's belief.
Baebi's release after Touch would be a mini album titled "Stupid B—" with the promoted track TWIT. Fans that worried for Baebi would be soothed by this less sexual yet mature concept and the actual look of enjoyment on Yoonah's face when performing the song, something that seemed to be lacking when she was performing Touch.
After a year break from solo activities, Baebi would come back swinging in 2024 with her second full album, "Choke On It," and the title track LIPLOCKER, which was a hit, of course. Though the concept was leaning more toward sexual than mature, Baebi seemed more comfortable performing and actually had fun during this promotional period. She'd go on to say that LIPLOCKER was her favorite comeback since Hello Baebi!, which fans are hesitant to believe, but whatever makes her happy!
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ms-m-astrologer · 22 days ago
The Week Ahead: February 10-16, 2025
Executive summary: heavy, as we used to say back in the 1960s. Take care of yourself and your beloveds.
Lunar Phases
Wednesday, February 12, 13:53 UTC - Full Moon, 24°06’ Leo
The key phrases for the Full lunar phase are “culminate, fulfill, illumine, manifest;” and “pour all our energy and effort into our intentions.” This one is difficult - I get the feeling of sudden exposure &/or collapse of things that should have collapsed a long time ago. People are done with this shit, done with cruelty and coldness and complacency.
Sunday, February 16, 14:09 UTC - Disseminatng Moon, 13°09’ Libra
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.” Time for healing and balance. Maybe some further repercussions from the explosive Full Moon energy.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, February 10, 13:49 UTC (Cancer) - 17:01 UTC (Leo)
Wednesday, February 12, 19:12 UTC (Leo) - Thursday, February 13, 01:07 UTC (Virgo)
Saturday, February 15, 08:36 UTC (Virgo) - 11:45 UTC (Libra)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Venus/Aries, Juno/Scorpio, Vesta/Scorpio
Retrograde: Mars/Cancer
Post-retrograde shadow: Jupiter/Gemini, Saturn/Pisces
Friday, February 14, 12:06 UTC - transiting Mercury enters Pisces
Not, traditionally, Mercury’s favorite place to be. This can be wonderful time for creativity, though, especially with words. Mercury will enter its pre-retrograde shadow (March 1) before it exits Pisces, so we should focus on listening to our “right” brains to prepare.
Sunday, February 16, 19:24 UTC - transiting Pallas enters Aquarius
Weirdly enough, Pallas also is entering a sign she isn’t totally down with - and also will enter her pre-retrograde shadow (March 8). The focus is on the future, on revolution (not necessarily from the left, Reagan was an Aquarius), and on technlogy “helping.”
Et Cetera
There are two Opportunity Periods bracketing this week:
Sunday, February 9, 19:57 UTC - Monday, February 10, 17:01 UTC. “The waxing Moon favors growth, and this OP is good for starting projects that involve home and gardening or anything that interests you.”
Sunday, February 16, 22:37 UTC - Monday, February 17, 22:24 UTC. “An excellent time for establishing connections and reaching out to others.”
Not an easy week. But we’ve had tough weeks before, and we got each other through them - we’ll have tough weeks in the future, and we can help each other through that, too. Remember your sense of humor, and make time to do the things that bring you joy.
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katakaluptastrophy · 11 months ago
Thinking about which Houses are on which planets, and particularly the question of whether the Third or the Fourth is on Saturn.
Mythologically, it could be both: the infant Zeus, son of Saturn, was raised on Mount Ida and Ops (the birthplace of Jeannemary) shares a name with the Roman equivalent of Rhea, the wife of Saturn.
But House order might shed some light on this. We know the House numbers are in order of foundation. The Second, on Mars, was established first. Mars is near earth, but it also had some significant infrastructure present pre res:
What about the Mars installation, what about the fusion batteries? We’ve still only got room for five million tops up there, guys, and we haven’t worked out how to feed them either.
As long as the early Second kept the numbers down, they were probably pretty good to go.
So what might the Third have grown out from? What other major infrastructure gets mentioned in NTN?
Even when they were constructing the other ships we got told straight-up that it was nothing, they were being sent off to the Kuiper installation to be on point for the full-population evac...
The Kuiper installation is mentioned alongside Mars as rejected possiblities for evacuating large numbers of people from Earth.
So where was the Kuiper installation? Probably near Neptune.
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The other pre-res installation that gets mentioned is a "shell" being build at Uranus, presumably incomplete at the time of the Resurrection. If fan theories that the Eighth are Uranus are correct, they may be living somewhere very sci fi indeed. Perhaps by the time the last 'proper' House was founded, they had the time and tech to complete it.
If the Third are Neptune, originally the Kuiper installation, then by process of elimination that would put the Fourth on Saturn. There's no mention of any infrastructure near Saturn predating the Resurrection, but perhaps there was some kind of mining on its moons?
I actually have a theory about the Fifth. Why is the Koniortos Court an installation in the atmosphere of Jupiter? A cryo project for 10 billion would need a lot of helium 3. That's not hugely plentiful on earth. But it is in the atmosphere of Jupiter.
The Sixth seems to have been built ex novo. The Seventh on Venus I fear might be evidence that John is perfectly capable of fixing global warming when he so chooses.
And the Ninth? A drillshaft sounds rather like mining again.
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milliemuus · 4 months ago
Day 6: Memories
I FORGOT TO STYLE MILLIE'S HAIR 😭 IM SORRY YALL! I kinda had to rush this doodle, but I hope it still looks okay!
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arkanis-englishupdates · 2 months ago
DAY 108 — 20/12/2024
The last morning in Valigma begins calmly, with the overwhelming tension of what is to come.
Guhzera visits Choke's house to have a sentimental conversation with her. Guhzera tells Choke that she was an amazing girl and it was a pleasure to meet her.
After that, Beatriz also visits Choke and another sentimental conversation begins.
Amora gives gifts to Matt and, the now named, Lady (Bagi).
FunBABE and Malena talk about the "Passage" and the supposed end they will have. The two have doubts about this being the end because of the behavior Leonardo and BunFABE (the humanityless part of FunBABE) acted days ago.
NickLink comes to his sister's clinic looking for FunBABE, the two say goodbye to Malena and NickLink takes FunBABE to a place completely decorated with flowers, neon objects and a table with lots of food.
All specialists are present but NickLink asks them to stay away for now.
NickLink then takes FunBABE to the center of the venue, to a book placed under a podium. He reads the book to her and, after the loving declaration read, NickLink asks FunBABE to marry him.
FunBABE accepts the request and the two kiss. Everyone celebrates around.
Tucupi welcomes his new father into the family.
After that, everyone was summoned to the City Hall, where the pre-sale for the first official Arkanis merch was announced!
(Unfortunately, I, admin 🦇, don't know if the partner store [Nerd Universe] delivers outside of Brazil.)
Right after the announcement, Bia Raux (we don't know if it's the Bia we know or the one from another reality/timeline) appears saying she found an "ark" that could save them and take the specialists to a completely white place with a gigantic construction inside Araldo's laboratory, called Hugo's Server.
Bia Raux asks them to go through the door and enter the cube calmly and calmly, stating that it is the only way out as all the entities have left. They pass through the door, arriving at a long, dark hallway with countless other doors.
Bia then asks them to say goodbye to each other because the world they were in before was being destroyed at this very moment. (and that they could not hesitate when entering the door, otherwise they could die).
They say goodbye with great anguish and go through the door indicated by Bia.
When passing through the door, the supposed "Passage" is made and all the specialists, except FunBABE and Moonkase, manage to reach the other side.
..... For now.
[I saved this part at the end to tell everyone how incredible it was to update this amazing project. Sometimes I thought about giving up, but seeing that there are still readers here gave me the determination to continue the updates.
Unfortunately, due to circumstances we couldn't control, the admins 🕯️ and ✨ weren't able to make that many updates, but know that they still love this project and still want to help with the account!
I'm admin 🦇 and I wish you all a merry Christmas and happy New Year. A big hug to you all and see you soon! ✨❤️]
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drearymondays-05 · 7 months ago
Love is in the Hair
Jily Week August Day 1
@kay-elle-cee and @sunshinemarauder , Thanks for the opportunity.
Lily entered the wedding venue fairly early in the morning. There was a lot to be done if they wanted to follow the schedule. She took in the view and all the ongoing preparations and sucked in a nervous breath. This was it. One of the most important moments in her life to date. Her wedding. She repeated the word in her mouth. She had been so swept in with all the needed preparations, Order work and excitement that she had no moment to feel this anxiety. Her past with James flashed in her mind. Their first date, first kiss, first time together, moving in and now this.
The flashback however did not ease her worries down. If anything, it just reminded her that they were awfully young and the circumstances the wizarding world was currently in. They were, after all, just nineteen. Nineteen and fighting a war that did not look like it would end anytime soon. Was that the reason they were getting married so soon? Because they wanted to hold on to that fleeting chance of happiness in this drowning world of desperation. Would they have gotten married if they were a normal couple and not shackled by the restraints of this life? Only because of love and not a ticking time bomb threatening their very existence.
Were these pre-wedding jitters or was she genuinely rethinking her decision now just before the wedding? Just as she as she was lost in her thoughts, she saw two men enter from the other side. Up close she saw James explaining something to Sirius with exaggerated hand gestures and Sirius shaking his head in amusement. In both of them, she saw something she had not seen in months. Genuine joy without a smidge of worry, carefree laughter and a relaxed stance. She knew how rare and precious they were especially now. Somehow James turned exactly at that moment and looked right into Lily’s eyes. Pools of hazel on liquid green. James smiled at her and ran his fingers through his unruly hair distractedly. It was exactly this simple yet familiar action that managed to calm her down. It reminded her of all those times he fiddled with his hair strands. It was just so like her James.
She knew it then and there that she would marry this man despite and whatever situation, world or age they were in. There wasn’t a single thing that could keep her away from him. She had fallen for the boy he was at sixteen and was going to get married to the man she adored and loved at nineteen. And she would not change it for anything. Love filled all the emptied pores in her body as she smiled and rushed towards him.
James was feeling giddy from the moment he woke up. He was never known to have less energy but today he was more lively than usual. He wanted to meet his fifteen-year-old self today and reassure him that he was indeed going to marry the witch of her dreams. From the moment he fantasized about his wedding, he saw Lily Evans as his bride in those daydreams. Love for James was always a sacred concept. As he grew up under its warm shelter, he saw sheer power and impact love could have on people’s lives. Now though for James, the word love was synonymous to Lily. His Lily.
He entered the venue joking around with Sirius as he saw Lily looking at him. Even in the most mundane clothes, she looked like an angel glowing just for him. As she jumped into his arms, he caught her and twirled her around. Happiness was flowing unbridled in both their faces as they kissed each other. They felt their world click into place as their bodies fit against each other. Later in their honeymoon suite, after the wedding and fresh from their lovemaking, Lily would recall her nervousness about the wedding. She would surmise that it was his running his fingers through his hair that broke her anxious spell. The very one habit she had once claimed to hate, then loved secretly and fantasized about doing it herself and then ran her fingers through his hair whenever she could. James would just do that for her again for the sake of it and they would break into delightful laughter and somehow that would lead them back to each other again.
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growwithmeastrology · 1 month ago
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Moon Sextile Venus (4:52 AM EST) Ain't love grand! Affection, love and romance are in the air. Smile, laugh and enjoy!
Moon Sextile Neptune (10:48 AM EST) The Angels are smiling on you. This is a feel good time if you relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life - art, nature, beauty, dreams and spiritual realms.
Moon Void of Course (10:48 AM EST) Moon is void until it enters the next sign. Actions done now may not turn out the way you intend. Take it slow and easy.
Moon enters Aquarius (2:31 PM EST) Hobbies, clubs and groups may demand attention now. It is time to build networks and co-operate. Humanitarian pursuits are highlighted. New Moon energies begin to build.
Moon Conjunct Mercury (4:45 PM EST) Ideas flow freely. You express both your feelings and your thoughts with clarity. An excellent time for co-operative projects.
Moon Conjunct Pluto (5:55 PM EST) Truthful feelings come to the surface. It is up to you how you handle them.
Venus Retrograde Pre-Shadow (5 weeks before retrograde on March 1st) Pay attention to reoccurring themes in your relationships and finances. There may be an undercurrent of unease. These issues will likely surface during retrograde.
Planet positions:
Sun - Aquarius
Mercury - Aquarius
Venus - Pisces
Mars - (r) Leo
Jupiter - (r) Gemini
Saturn - Pisces
Uranus - (r) Taurus
Neptune - Pisces
Pluto - Aquarius
Chiron - Aries
N. Node - Pisces
Want to dig deeper?
Learn more about your energies and how the forecast personally affects you! Comment below or DM me for a consultation or birth chart reading.
Please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 year ago
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 26: Gallifrey at War Part 4
TW: classic Gallifrey at War death, destruction, and violation of autonomy
Cass Fermazzi's ship was crashing only because the Time Lords had indiscriminately opened fire on a group of ships.
The War in Heaven had 920 fronts across space and time.
The Twelfth Doctor assisted the General in the War Room while the first thirteen incarnations of the Doctor were working to freeze Gallifrey in a pocket universe.
The Beyond was a place created by the Last Great Time War where overwritten timelines got remembered. While here, Braxiatel was devoured by one of the Ravenous.
This specific Ravenous had once been Zara, a soldier in the Last Great Time War who was being forced to relive the explosion of a star she had gotten caught up in over and over again.
Lehena had Susan go back to 1963 Earth to collect the Hand of Omega. Unfortunately, she had been a Dalek duplicate, and the Daleks wanted to use the Hand to destroy Gallifrey. The Eighth Doctor recognized Lehena as a duplicate of a Time Lord in the year above him at the Academy that he had had a massive crush on.
The Venue Accords were the only attempt at a peace treaty made during the War in Heaven. Negotiations lasted a single picosecond, and they concluded that peace was impossible.
The Tharils, Porfue, and Krajonnu were all forcibly sterilized by Rassilon during the Last Great Time War to ensure that there would be no other time-traveling races to threaten the might of Gallifrey.
The Clock-People were humanoids with clockfaces instead of human ones. They were the remains of members of the Faction Paradox clinging to life after the War in Heaven. They could manipulate and corrupt others' biodata to insert themselves in their timelines.
During Remembrance of the Daleks before stopping at Harry's cafe, the Seventh Doctor was contacted by the same Time Lord messenger from Genesis of the Daleks (by some accounted named Jelpax, Valyes, Ferrain, etc). The Time Lord warned the Doctor of a counterstrike that was being made by the Daleks - part of the Last Great Time War. The Doctor became concerned for the Hand of Omega and ended up electrocuting a Slyther that the Daleks had been using to obtain it.
During the Last Great Time War, the Doctor and the Master were both hit with a degeneration gun, causing them to uncontrollably flick between all their different faces, including ones they hadn't even had yet.
Once Padrac had become a member of the High Council, he discovered that Gallifrey would be destroyed in the future, possibly by time war, invasion, etc. The only projected future where Gallifrey would survive was the future in which only Gallifrey remained, so Padrac set about to destroy the whole universe and convert their life force into regeneration energy to make the Time Lords immortal.
A tour operator took advantage of Gallifrey's fall after the War in Heaven to organize time tourism. They said that since the Time Lords and the Enemy used time travel to pre-empt each other, the War was continuously getting shorter, its climax getting closer and closer to present day.
The Tenth Doctor became embroiled in the Last Great Time War again when the War Master sent him telepathic summons. During this time, both of them were restrained and telepathically contained by the High Vectors (to be put on trial and probably erased), but the Master managed to escape and erase them before this could happen. The Master then retrieved the Doctor, and they parted ways.
Scarlette - one of the many who had at one point married the Doctor - was a child of the Faction Paradox's remembrance tanks in Pompeii.
Two other time wars that predate the Last Great Time War include the Halldon-Eternal skirmish and the Omnicraven Uprising.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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thatsofic · 6 months ago
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Who had the song of the summer? Meet the seven stunning female artists who are nominated for BEST COMEBACK!
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STARDOLL - SUMMER OF LIFE ! ... SUMMER OF LIFE is the second full album from STARDOLL. It was released by NEWTRO MUSIC on July 7th 2024, and contains thirteen tracks. They performed "#TooSPICY" for three weeks in music shows and received seven music show wins. \\ @stardollism
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HIJINXX - MY WORLD ! ... following the low perception of their debut single, HIJINXX seemed to take the hit personally, returning back to the scene on october 4th with their first mini album MY WORLD. a six track project leading with the title track MAKE YOU CRY, it follows the girls on their journey towards finding the tear in their universe and exploring the newfound xverse, meeting their otherworldly lookalikes. \\ @hjnxx
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VENUS - VENUS VICTRIX ! ... Venus Victrix is the third full album of the fictional South Korean girl group VENUS. The album was released by Angelico Entertainment on December 18th, 2023. Before the release of the highly anticipated album, the girls released two pre-release singles, "DRAMA" and "I AM THE BEST," both getting two weeks of promotions and being met with widespread praise. With a total of twelve songs, VENUS would promote "THE BOYS", "UNTIE", and "BYOB (bring your own bestie)" for three months. \\ @venusvity
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STUPID CUPID - TRUE VALENTINE ! ... STUPID CUPID, a dynamic force in the music industry, made waves with their latest release, the 10th mini album, TRUE VALENTINE (LET'S TALK LOVE!). this captivating collection of seven tracks, launched in may, showcases the group's unique concept and musical style. \\ @stcpidcupid
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BAD GIRLS CLUB - HOT ISSUE ! ... HOT ISSUE is the first extended play released by fictional girl group Bad Girls Club. The EP features 5 songs, two being title tracks, one being a pre-release single, and the final two being side tracks. The EP did well, exploring a new concept for the girls, retro futurism and old Hollywood. The albums contents including the music itself, was criticised due to provocative imagery and sexual innuendos through out it. \\ @badgirlswrld
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VIVID - MIDAS TOUCH ! ...  "Midas Touch" features signature sounds and synthesizers from the 2000s whereas "Nothing" is a medium-tempo R&B song inspired by the same era. "'Midas Touch' sings about love at its very early stages, while 'Nothing' is about the love reaching an end — love that changed and the lack of emotion in relationships" \\ @alwaysvivid
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JUDY - FALL IN LOVE ! ... The extended play features twelve tracks, including the title track FALL IN LOVE (with you). The EP was released on July 12, 2024, containing ten tracks, including the title track. The single debuted atop the South Korean music charts, keeping the number-one spot for nearly two months. \\ @anqelsweep
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