#pre hogwarts
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basiatlu · 11 months ago
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Harry warmup doodle
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hpseeker99 · 9 months ago
Aunt Petunia: We once told Harry a watermelon was gonna grow in his stomach and I kid you not, he looked at us straight in the eyes and said, "Nope, because there's no sunlight so you're wrong and education has failed you." Uncle Vernon: That little freak was five at the time
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hp-fanfic-archive · 4 months ago
Locked Away by lemonchase Pairing: Gen, Harry & Sirius Rating: T Word Count: 3k “You cannot throw a ten-year-old into Azkaban, minister!” “We aren’t throwing him anywhere. Besides, it’s just a temporary-” “You cannot punish a child for their accidental magic!” “How sure are you that it was an accident? For all we know, he could be dangerous. He killed three people and doesn’t show any regret.” “Of course, he doesn’t! Look at him! He’s in shock! I’m not even sure he can hear us.” Harry blinks and closes his eyes. Why do they need to be so loud? Why can’t they just shove him into a cupboard and leave him alone? He’s so tired. The adults keep talking, but Harry doesn’t try to listen to them anymore. Why bother? They will do with him whatever they want, either way. That’s how it will always be.
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shrimpalbuspotter · 8 months ago
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What a peculiar boy
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dramioneasks · 1 year ago
Could you recommend fics where the malfoys are already involved with Hermione or the order in secret something like the an unexpected Malfoy by RiverWriter
Mon Couteau Aiguise (My Sharp Knife) - gillianeliza - E, 99 chapters, Words: 169,542 - “And you understand, I assume, the implications of wearing a piece of jewelry such as the one you have around your wrist?” Professor Snape asked. Hermione looked down at the bracelet in question, remembering the warm and joyful sensation of it first being clasped around her. The words Draco had spoken – will you have me? Will you accept me? “I do, sir,” she answered in her best impersonation of confidence. “But Miss Granger… I must ask – do you understand the cost?” Her brows pulled together. “The cost, sir?” “The Dark Lord will return, girl… When he returns, Lucius – and I for that matter – must resume our places at his side.” Hermione still said nothing, which she could tell surprised her potions professor greatly, so he continued. “What do you think will happen to Draco when his father once again becomes a follower of the Dark Lord?” The sticky dread clawed its way up her throat, as if choking her. Tears welled in the corners of her eyes as she thought of the implications. “So I ask you again, Miss Granger, do you understand the cost?” This work is a dark, Death Eater Hermione AU that begins during third year. Eventual canon divergence. Please read all tags!
Lucius Travels - lexiatel - G, 7 chapters - Lucius’s ghost travels back in time to change the past of a suicidal Draco. This ends as a Dramione. “Ah, the greatest thing about being a spirit of the Afterlife is the ability to appear anywhere we feel the need to.“ Lucius tilted his head, slightly confused about his statement. The  old codger had always confused him. “How will that at all help my son?” Albus scratched his bearded chin with a pause in thought. “Perhaps it’s not a where you would like to travel to, but more specifically, a when.”
The Green Girl By: Colubrina - T, 22 chapters - Hermione is sorted into Slytherin; how will things play out differently when the brains of the Golden Trio has different friends? AU. Darkish Dramione. COMPLETE.
Priceless: Diamonds By: KristieConspiracy - T, 21 chapters - “I want that one.” Draco was only 8 years old when he picked Hermione. He should have known it wouldn’t be that easy. Book 1 of the ‘Priceless’ series, sequel is 'Snakeskin’. AU (marriage law, modern wizarding world c. 1990) but following canon, Dramione.
From Sacred Vials By: BelovedArise - T, 7 chapters - When Cressida Dagworth-Granger falls pregnant during the First War she agrees to go undercover for the Dark Lord, hiding in plain sight. Eleven years later, it’s time for Hermione Granger to attend Hogwarts. She has to pass first year, befriend Harry Potter, keep her friendship with Draco Malfoy a secret, and meet her father for the first time. Hogwarts will never be the same.
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elliemarchetti · 10 months ago
Oh my god, that jily childhood Drabble was so sweet and precious🥺😇
I already thought of a continuation to it(if up for it)…
Jily childhood prompt 2:
Her Eyes:
“Yes, Jamie?”
“Were your eyes always this wonderful?”
*blushes* “you are the first person to say that besides mum & dad”
“Does your sister not like them?”
“No, she thinks they are ugly”
Hi lovely anon 💕 I'm so sorry if the wait has been longer than what I promised, but I wasn't actually that confident in how things turned out for this drabble, so if you wished for something different, maybe with them older or in a more romantic setting, just let me know!
Set a couple years after Training Wheels
Words: 411
James wasn't sure he liked the theme of the play, nor he felt particularly comfortable with the role the teachers had assigned him, but he would’ve been a fool if he had objected to a good excuse to spend even more time with Lily, who played the main character, served on a silver plate, so he shut up, put on the disproportionate tall hat and diligently studied his lines. Petunia, who was in her senior year before starting middle school, hadn’t seem very happy about how the parts had been distributed either, but hers wasn’t a matter of shame or shyness, she was just envious. Ironically, James thought her character suited her personality perfectly, with that innate arrogange and sudden mood swings, but he would've never expressed such bad things out loud. After all, she was his best friend’s sister. Anyway, between bouts of crying, readjustments to the script and costume fittings, the big day had arrived and every parent, older sibling, grandparent and even some neighbours were gathered in the auditorium, sitting on creaking chairs, waiting for the curtain to open and for the Miller Primary School’s end-of-year play to begin. In the chaos behind the scene, James found Lily at the very last moment, a couple minutes before she was pushed toward the stage. He hadn’t seen her in full costume yet, and the blonde wig looked strange on her feature, not to mention the gauzy blue dress on her lanky body, but one thing was still the same.
“Lils?” he called, perhaps too loud.
She seemed tense, probably afraid to mess up when all eyes were on her, but any insecurity vanished when she turned towards him.
“Yes, Jamie?”
“Were your eyes always this beautiful?” he asked, unable to stop himself from uttering such silly words.
A violent red blush spread on her round cheeks, and a timid smile lifted the corners of her mouth.
“You are the first person to say so besides mum and dad,” she admitted.
“Does your sister not like them?” he wondered, perplexed.
Lily shook her head.
“She thinks they’re ugly,” she finally replied, after a brief, embarrassed silence.
“I’m afraid the doctor isn’t going to prescribe her only braces the next time she visits: it seems like she needs glasses too, and strong ones,” he joked, but  the time for parting had come, and before he could wish her good luck, she turned her back and fully immersed in her airheaded character.
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nidamae-approvedhpfanfics · 7 months ago
Whispers in the Castle
While trying to escape from Dudley and his gang, nine-year-old Harry Apparates himself to Hogwarts instead of the roof of his school. Thrilled by his magical surroundings and the lack of vindictive Dursleys, Harry decides to blend in amongst the students so he can stay in the castle forever.
Meanwhile, Severus tries to make sense of a new, tiny first-year whose name he can't quite place.
Language: English Words: 38,925 Chapters: 11/11 Collections: 1 Comments: 91 Kudos: 886 Bookmarks: 180 Hits: 7,823
Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Pre-Hogwarts, Harry is nine, Severus Snape is So Done, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Christmas, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Severitus Big Bang 2024
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dramioneficorg · 12 days ago
Mister Granger's Mission by WickedlyAwesomeMe: G, 17,099 (incomplete, but ends well)
AKA the "Do-Anything-To-Keep-Precious-Hermione-Away-From-Draco-Malfoy" mission. All fathers fear the day when they will meet the person who will steal their daughters away from them. Mister Granger is afraid he already met his match.
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threefandomsinatrenchcoat · 2 years ago
Harry, in a fit of fright during a really bad beating, accidentally apparates for the second time in his life. This time, straight into the cell of Azkaban's only sane inmate.
Or: how drastically would Harry's story be altered if he accidentally apparated to Sirius before he got his Hogwarts letter, due to wishing he was with someone who cared for him or wouldn't hurt him?
Could a trial for Sirius be achieved? Could he have a home? Could he come to Hogwarts just a little more prepared?
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choccy-milky · 6 months ago
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herbology class 🌹🌿 (from chap 2 of my fic!)
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knocks on door
If it's not too rude to bother you--
Trick or treat? :D
Okay so I haven't been paying attention to this ask box game but @elder-millennial-trash tells me I am supposed to post a fic snippet. Also it's not her birthday month yet, so I am allowed to cause immense pain for the next 7 hours.
Here's a lil snippet from an abandoned fic, circa early 2022, where Sirius and Remus raise Harry but aren't romantically involved:
Remus fixes three mugs of hot chocolate. He hands one to Sirius and steers him over to the sofa.
“I’ll be back in a bit,” he says, and carries the other two mugs upstairs, along with a package of biscuits. He knocks gently on Harry’s door and says, “Hazza? It’s Uncle Moony. I’ve got some of Granny Hope’s special hot chocolate. Can I come in?”
There’s a sniffle, and then a quiet, “Yeah.” 
Harry’s room is dark except for the lights on the ceiling that form his favorite constellations, the ones Sirius had charmed soon after Harry had come to live with him. He’s curled up in an armchair, clutching Padfoot the Second to his chest, staring bleakly out of the window at the falling snow. Tears glisten on his face, and Remus has never seen him so dejected.
“Hi, Bambi,” he says softly, coming over to sit in the other armchair. He sets their mugs on the low coffee table and pulls out the package of biscuits. Harry hastily wipes his cheeks and reaches for a biscuit. “I expect you to eat at least three of those. Grandpa Lyall made them for me for the last moon.”
“‘Kay, Moony,” Harry says, and he sets about his task very seriously.
“How about some music?” Remus goes over to Harry’s record player and flips through the albums he has sitting on the shelf nearby. “Queen? ABBA? Bowie?”
“Bowie, please,” Harry says, and Remus selects an album at random and puts it on, keeping the volume low. 
Remus returns to his armchair, where he sips from his mug and watches Harry alternate between his own hot chocolate and nibbling on the biscuits. He’s learned, in the short time that Sirius has had Harry, that it’s best not to probe for answers. Harry will talk about what’s bothering him in his own time. 
Harry eats two biscuits and drinks half the hot chocolate before he sits back in his chair, wrapping both arms around Padfoot the Second again.
“Moony,” he says quietly, “am I bad?”
“No, Harry,” Remus says firmly. “Of course you’re not. You’re the best little boy I know. Who told you you were bad?”
“No one,” Harry mutters, combing his fingers through his stuffie’s fur. Silent tears start to trace their way down his cheeks again. Harry has always been a quiet crier thanks to his time with the Dursleys, and Sirius and Remus haven’t been able to break him of the habit yet. 
“Do you want a hug?” Remus asks softly, opening his arms. Harry quickly scrambles into them. Remus holds him tight, rubbing his back. Ten months of proper meals have made a world of difference, but Harry is still small for his age, and he fits easily onto Remus’s lap. “What’s going on, sweetheart?”
“I called Padfoot dad,” Harry says, his voice muffled by Remus’s cardigan, “and he got mad.” 
“He did?” Remus asks, working hard to keep the surprise out of his voice. Harry nods vigorously.
“He says he’s not my dad, and I couldn’t call him that.” Harry pushes himself up to look at Remus with teary green eyes. “Is he gonna send me back?”
“No,” Remus says, pulling Harry to his chest again. “No, Harry, he is never sending you back to those people, and he isn’t mad at you. Padfoot loves you so much.”
But this only makes Harry cry harder, his thin shoulders shaking. “Then why doesn’t he want me?” 
“Oh, Harry…”
“Everyone else gets to have a dad!” Harry says. “Why doesn’t Padfoot want to be mine?”
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galaxiasgreen · 2 months ago
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It’s the thought that counts… 👩‍🎨😬
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Happiest Aquarius season to @morelikeravenbore and her gorgeous MC Aurbaelie Collins ✨💕 (Sorry Gibby is bad at drawing. Still friends?)
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hp-fanfic-archive · 3 months ago
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes by duplicity (@duplicitywrites) Pairing: Gen, Harry & Tom Riddle Rating: T Word Count: 1k Podfic available here Read by: Straynyx Length: 10-20 minutes Six-year-old Harry Potter accidentally summons the demon Lord Voldemort, who learns that Harry's dearest is wish is to have a best friend. (translation available in Русский)
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callmesel · 2 months ago
Something about Percy always asking for cookies makes my heart go “awww”
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dramioneasks · 1 year ago
Dear Diary - Catmint and Thyme (Languish_Locked_in_L) - E, WIP - At eight years old Draco crashes his broom into Hermione’s treehouse. A dramione story told through diary entries starting at 8 yrs old and spanning the Hogwarts years. About secrets and magic and a devotion that nothing can break.
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wolfwind3 · 2 months ago
Severus jumped when he turned around and saw Harry there. The child was unnervingly silent. More to the point, he was in Severus’ lab, where he was not permitted.
“These are for you.” Harry's head was ducked, so Severus couldn't see his face, but his voice was hesitant, and his posture, holding out a bowl, threw Severus into memory.
“It's for you, Da.” He held out the coins he'd earned. Surely Da would stop being mad now! Even if Severus had magic, he was still a good son!
Then his father slapped his hand away, coins rolling to the far corners of the room. “A thief as well, devil's child? I'm not having that. Take off your shirt."
Severus pulled himself back to the present and took the bowl gently. “Do you know how to identify these?”
Harry shook his head, and Severus made himself smile. “Let's learn, then.
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