#praying this video does not get taken down i was fighting for my life out here lol
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sampoststuff · 4 months ago
This one I'm a bit anxious to put up, especially since it's going into more of a commentary/rant style but, made a video briefly talking about how much I love Transformers One and how I absolutely hate how the studios marketed the film!
(Go watch Transformers One if you haven't fr it's really good)
EDIT: Had to reupload the video! here's the link to the new one that hopefully doesn't get taken down. I will reblog this post also with the new link and edit!
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dispactke · 3 months ago
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Hanif Abdurraquib - There's Always This Year: On Basketball and Ascension
Loved the hell out of this ― poetic, deep, DEEP dive into the spirituality of ballin' culture: community hoops; high school; neighborhood cement black top. Wistful remembrances of what it's like to grow up in places one fights to "get away from" ― memories of the terror and the glory and all the loveliness of said places. Very moving. Bravo. (And fuck our enemies, who don't KNOW.)
"Yes, my beloveds, it is all this talk of gold and skies that makes me want to jump toward you, even with my sturdy head of hair and my legs not having as much to give as they used to. My god, how I miss you all. My god, how I pray to be buried in whatever decoration will allow me to arrive to your arms, new again. Clean."
"If you are someone who is from a place not everyone made it out of, or if you have been to enough funerals where parents or grandparents weep over the caskets of their babies and grand-babies, if you know forever is a hand dealt by an uncertain dealer, you may wear the signs of your aging like thick, heavy gold, weighing the body down, but still stunning―unavoidable in its shine."
"One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established."
"There was an unspoken (and sometimes loudly spoken) glee when the Fab Five would lose. And this, of course, is where I came to love them more. With an intensity that led me to understand that anyone who did not love this team was my enemy. Anyone who might wish to pull apart their brilliance, to tame or temper their flourish, was my enemy."
"There is a video that breaks my heart that you have perhaps seen. A raccoon, overjoyed with the gift of cotton candy, takes its bounty to the water, to wash the food off before consuming it. The raccoon, of course, does not know what any viewer knows. That the ball of sugar will be overtaken by the entry into the water and dissolve into nothing. When this happens, the raccoon becomes frantic and puzzled, feeling around the puddle of water, seeking what was lost, only to be greeted by its own reflection."
"No, I have no use for innocence beyond the dead. The dead are innocent, departed from the treachery of the world. Even if what comes after this life is an eternal mass of darkness, one the dead don't realize they're wading in, even that affords them an innocence. An escape from what has taken some of us a lifetime to survive."
"I have felt like a champion before, even having won nothing but the desire to be alive in a day I woke up not wanting to be alive in. I deserve something for that, even if it is a parade of my own making. An invention, which is all the spoils of winning are anyway. Breathtaking inventions, to be sure. But inventions, nonetheless."
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inherpower · 6 months ago
Walking with Grace: Putting On the Armor Of God
In a couple of days I will be getting baptized. This is a decision that came quickly after I found my church home. I had been watching the Sunday services online for some months as I was perusing other churches online to see which one I liked. I kept coming back to two churches and then finally one day I said It’s best that I just go and stop playing around. So I got up and made my way to the 9:30am service. I’m glad that I chose the church I did because everything just felt right as soon as I entered the building. That day they happened to be talking about their annual baptizing event called The Big Splash. Hundreds of people sign up to get baptized every year and as I was sitting there listening to the event details and watching the video from the previous year I felt that pull again and knew that this was something that I had to do. So as soon as I got home I signed up.
About a week later I got up in the middle of the night. This had been happening for weeks and I couldn’t understand why. I wouldn’t check the time or get up, I would just lay there and hope that I would eventually fall back asleep. But this particular morning I decided to pray. So I slid out of bed and got on my knees, bowed all the way down to the carpet and prayed. As I was thanking God for His love and grace and telling Him that if this was what he needed me to do then I would pray till I got tired. In the midst of me praying I stopped. It was as if I was in a video game and someone had taken the controller and was controlling my body. I grabbed the small notebook and pen that was sitting next to my bedside table (I always leave notebooks next to my bed to write down dreams, creative ideas or insights form God that may come forward in the middle of the night) and I began to write.
Immediately I could tell that I was taking dictation. The words were not mine and spilled out of me through my hand on to the page. When I was finished and no longer felt my hand being guided I stopped and read what I had just written. It was a contract, a covenant in writing stating that I am committing my life to God and Jesus Christ. I looked at my phone to get the date and time and then I signed my name at the bottom. The document felt official and I was floating on air after writing it. I read it to myself for the next couple of days and would feel my heart open up every time I read it. One of the things that I love about God is that he always does things in a specific time. Time is no accident when it comes to God and I learned that some years ago. I began to notice the synchronicities of things that seemed like a coincidence but I knew that He was divinely orchestrating the timing of certain events in my life. It just so happened that I wrote this contract a week prior to my baptism. Not a coincidence at all.
Two days after writing the covenant I had a very disturbing dream. The dream had three parts, or mini chapters. In each chapter I was encountering something that trying to scare, harm or disrupt me. In the first chapter I was being physically attacked and realized that I had the power to fight back and did. In the second chapter my peace and comfort was disrupted and while the antagonists did nothing to me, the interaction was enough for me to realize that something was off. By the end of the second chapter I began to recite the Lord’s prayer and the prayer of protection out loud in the dream. The third chapter started off by making me think that I had woken up so it gave me a sense of familiarity, only to realize that I was not safe and was being presented with something that was trying to infiltrate my heart and my body. I said the Lord’s prayer and the prayer of protection again and finally woke up. Thirty minutes later my alarm clock went off and it was time to go to work.
As I was driving to work I began to ask God for forgiveness for all sorts of things that I had done that caused me to be removed from his love and his protection. I began to cry an ugly cry, I mean it was bad y’all. fortunately I made it to work safe and sound and by the time I pulled into the parking lot I felt calm and more at ease. But I was curious about this dream and what the symbolism of it meant. Not only was everything so vivid and tangible (I could feel everything that my skin touched in the dream) but each chapter had me in environments that were familiar and comforting at the onset. I was able to be lured into a false sense of comfort where I could let my guard down for a moment.
I shared the dream with my mom who has been my dream interpreter for years. I had also reached out to my cousin who is a retired minister to ask him about being my spiritual mentor. Once he agreed I hit him with the spiritual warfare topic and we talked that night and he shared his thoughts. Ultimately what both my mother and my cousin said is that evil/negativity can only harm you if you allow it. My cousin said that in the story of Job, Satan had to ask permission from God to tempt and torment him. Nothing is above God and nothing is His equal and for that reason, nothing evil/negative can interfere unless we invite it and allow it. Both people reminded me that I was able to fight back and recognize that I had control and was able to protect myself.
And that got me to thinking. I went into prayer and asked God what was the deeper meaning behind the dream. The Holy Spirit settled on me and it said the dream was an opportunity for you to see that you are protected and that you know exactly what to do when evil is trying to come for you. In each chapter though I was experiencing something that frightened me or made me feel unsettled and unsafe, I was able to protect myself. My cousin also shared that the moment I made my commitment to Jesus, the evil spirits would come only to distract me. He said, “All evil can do is distract you and do its best to take you away from being in relationship with God, That’s it, that’s all they can do.” When I heard that I felt some relief. It felt good to know that no matter what, they couldn’t just wreak havoc on my life whenever and wherever they wanted to.
All of this had me begin to look at spiritual warfare very differently. For years I dismissed the idea of spiritual warfare, I didn’t believe in a Devil/Satan and didn’t believe in evil spirits. Which, now that I think about it, didn’t make much sense since I always talked about the universe having balance. If there is light, then there is dark. And if I believed in a good energy and good spirits, then why wouldn’t I believe in negative and harmful ones? I guess it all played into my desire to always see things as good and to never take into account that for every aspect of light, there is darkness.
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ani-shachaf · 1 year ago
I'm just gonna write a vent post of miscellaneous shit I can't say on my main blog without losing all my friends
anyone else annoyed at those posts going around where goyim are like "omg 30,000 people killed..............how can I go on with my life while this is happening....................." when like. there's so many other hugely tragic things going on in the world. why has this conflict in particular set off an existential crisis, hm? the vast majority of y'all don't have any stakes in this, you're just gonna forget about it like you did with Ukraine. stop with the groveling and the Holocaust inversion
look. people in the Israeli government have said truly horrible shit. but if you're gonna accuse Israel of genocide because of what they say, then why the hell isn't that standard being held to Hamas??????
one thing that's really telling to me is people only now being like "oh no, Israel treated the Holocaust survivors who fled there horribly! they're so evil" if you Actually gave a shit about Jews y'all'd've been talking about that ages ago, held huge events to raise money to help, any number of things! but you don't care. you just want to find any excuse to call for Israel's destruction.
and let's be clear - almost everything I've seen has been calling for a 1 Palestinian state solution. but there's never any discussion of how that actually plays out or what to do about "the Jewish question" beyond "oh y'all're all rich whities, go back to Europe"
are these European countries gonna kick out the people living in the houses that Jewish families fled from and give them back to their descendants? do you think Jews want to go back to towns that collaborated with the Nazis?
not to mention there's hundreds of thousands of Jews who left MENA countries. you think countries with at most 100 Jews currently living there would welcome the huge number of descendants that would pour in? you think they'd even be allowed to return?
and where exactly does that leave the Jews who have always been in the Levant? are you really naive enough to think that after nearly 80 years of fighting, the remaining Jews wouldn't actually be genocided??? (for the record, I don't think a one-state solution where Israel absorbed Gaza and the West Bank would work either; plenty of settlers have proven they can't live peacefully with Palestinians, and I don't think anyone wants to see that happen on a larger scale.)
don't talk to me about ~decolonization~ until Jews have full control over our holy sites. Obviously there's no way the compound would be taken down and a third Temple constructed; Arab countries scream bloody murder when Jews so much as pray there. (are they worried we're gonna do the same fucking thing they did??? lmao) but can we at least get the right to do that? that really shouldn't be restricted to one group.
the fact that people deny that Jews are indigenous to the Levant is fucking absurd. Jews have maintained their connection to their homeland for thousands of years. the fucking Dalai Lama asked Jews for advice on how to maintain Tibetan culture while in exile.
it's also like. I see people be like "you Jews don't own Israel just because your sky daddy said so in some old book, it even says you aren't from here because you had to conquer the land!" and ok sure. I personally as a convert with no known Jewish ancestry don't feel like I have more of a right to live in Eretz Yisrael than non-Jews who've lived there for hundreds to thousands of years. do you care about the historical and archaeological evidence that says Jews were Canaanites who eventually split off though or......? also these same people will be like "oh you should respect indigenous people and their religion; their oral tradition preserves facts about their past" while again, dismissing Jewish texts wholesale
I've seen tons of people calling out the soldiers that posted a video of them sniffing panties, and they should! it's deplorable and disgusting behavior! the sexual violence committed on 10/7? either "deserved," denied, or complete silence. it's fucking terrifying that people will justify that kind of thing in the name of decolonization.
I know nobody talks about antisemitism besides Jews, but it really is depressing to see absolutely Nobody talking about the horrific rise in antisemitic violence. It's all "uwu I'm anti-zionist, not antisemitic! it's actually very easy to criticize Israel without being antisemitic!" *does fuck-all to actually help Jewish people*
no one talks about the other countries involved either except to cheer on the Houthis for like a week before I saw maybe 1 (one) post about them being slavers and everybody shut up. didn't even bother reblogging that info to spread awareness or making a post like "whoopsie I didn't take 5 seconds to look up what this group is!"
and I stg if I have to see someone post that Israel sterilized Ethiopian Jews one more time I'm gonna lose it. there was miscommunication about temporary birth control. that shouldn't have happened! but it's a far cry from actually permanently sterilizing thousands of people.
I saw another post by a convert a while back saying something along the lines of "I'm anti-Zionist bc I think Judaism doesn't need a homeland anymore" and firstly like. Judaism is all about Eretz Yisrael; even if you don't like the modern country you can't really separate Judaism from the land it originated from. secondly unless OP was zera Yisrael, I don't really think it's our place as converts to decide whether Jews as a whole don't need a homeland like. yikes 😬
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falloutjay · 4 years ago
Craig x cheery reader please (a little context: team Craig saved her from a bully, reader secretly thinks Craig doesn't actually care about her and Clyde and her are close but like platonically)
I had such a joy writing this, I just hope it still fits the request, as I am unsure if I hit the prompt.
I hope you enjoy it nevertheless! <3
Craig x Cheery!Reader
“Can’t you just leave me alone?” You said annoyed.
Why wouldn’t Francis just leave you alone you wondered. You never said anything mean, more like the opposite. You were just a really friendly classmate that never said anything mean to anyone. So why out of all people Francis decided to pick you to bully was a mystery to you.
“I bet you’re only so friendly because in reality, no one loves you.” You decided that just ignoring him would probably be the best course of action, but once you kept quiet, it agitated Francis only more.
He slammed you against the lockers to your right and kept you trapped there. You actually felt terrified. Before anything could happen, a monotonous and nasal voice to your left demanded your attention.
“Francis, you’re blocking my locker.”
“Fuck off Craig, I’m busy.” Behind Craig was his gang, consisting of Clyde Donovan, Token Black, Tweek Tweak, and Jimmy Valmer.
You never really interacted with them, as they just stayed in their small group. “You’re blocking my locker.” Craig repeated. “And I said I don’t-“ Francis couldn’t get any further before Craig shoved him.
“Fuck off asshole. Get lost before we hurt you.” Craig's expression was bored as always and he flipped Francis the middle finger, his trademark.
“This ain’t over (L/N)!” Francis cursed under his breath before he took off. Nervously you turned to Craig and his friends with a big smile stretched across your face.
“Oh, thank you, Craig!” He just shrugged and carefully pushed you aside to get to his locker, which you just were pinned against. “You can’t get pushed around like that Y/N.” Clyde said with worry in his voice.
“I-Its fine, really.” You laughed nervously. “No, it’s not. Clyde is right, you shouldn’t be pushed around like that. Why don’t you sit at lunch with us?” Token now chirped in too and your eyes widened at the proposition. “I’d love too!” You beamed.
It had been ages since that day, and you still thought about that day ever so often. Francis left you alone after that day since you always hung around Craig and those guys now. You had become great friends with the guys, and you were really close with Clyde.
You rested with him next to you on his bed in just this moment. “Whatcha thinking about, Happy?” Happy was a special nickname given to you by Clyde.
You two were born mood makers and could make anyone smile, even the stoic Craig Tucker. “Nothing important. Just thinking about when you guys invited me to come sit with you.”
“Ahh, that was a great day.” Clyde mumbled. It was a regular thing for you and Clyde to just hang out in one of your bedrooms, chilling on the bed, and talk about all kinds of stuff.
“So, how’s it going with Bebe?” You asked him. “Great, thanks for that restaurant tip. She loved it there.”
“I went there with my parents, and I thought you could impress her with it.” You two high-fived, without getting up. You really couldn’t wish for a better friend than Clyde.
“So, how’s your love life going?” Aaand now you hated him. “Ahh, don’t ask. It’s shit.” Clyde furrowed his eyebrows; not like you could see. “Is it really that bad?”
“But why?”
“Clyde! You can’t just ask people that!” You said in a whiney tone.
“Ah come on Happy, tell me. I’m your best friend. Who are you gonna tell besides me?” He had a point, you thought. You propped yourself up on one elbow and gave him a death glare.
“If you talk, you’re a dead man, Donovan.” Clyde sat up and leaned on the bedframe.
“I won’t say a word.” You took a deep breath and began explaining. “So, you know…I mean I…ehhh…I kinda like someone from our friends’ group.”
“I’m sorry, Happy, but I’m already taken.” Clyde said in a dramatic fashion. You flipped him the bird, something you copied from Craig but you only used it against Clyde, since he never took it personally.
“No. Not you… Its… I like…Craig, even if I don’t think he cares that much about me.” When you said the name, it was barely more than a whisper, but Clyde still heard it. His grin widened and he seemed hyped.
His hands landed on his cheeks with a faint slapping noise.
“Oh my god. My two best friends wanna bang each other.”
“What.” Clyde’s happy expression became a shocked one, once he noticed what he just blurted out. “So, Craig likes me?” You asked confused.
“No! I mean…Yes, but I didn’t say it!” He stressed the “I” in particular. You felt shocked. You always thought Craig didn’t like you all that much, because he was always a little cold to you and he barely interacted with you.
“But I thought he didn’t like me.” Clyde gave himself a facepalm, cursing himself out for having spilled the tea. “Well, since I am already fucked… He does like you and shit. He is just…Bad at showing it. Like, he tries to interact so little with you, because he’s afraid you will notice how you make him blush and shit.”
“I-” You pointed with your finger at yourself. “Make him blush?” You questioned. “Yes, Happy, you do. Didn’t know you’re blind.” He said and you two heard the doorbell. The others had arrived.
You had gone with Clyde immediately after school, while the other wanted to join later for the video game night. Clyde got up from the bed and stopped at his room door.
“I swear, if you snitch on me, I'll kill you. I love you, but I won't hesitate bitch.” He pointed a finger pistol at you and pretended to shoot you. You pretended to get shot and rolled off the bed in a slow and dramatic manner.
You two laughed before Clyde sprinted downstairs to let the others in. You remained on the floor, pretending to be a corpse. When the others came into the room, Token was the one to question what you were doing.
“Clyde shot me.” You explained and pretended to be in severe pain. “Cl-Clyde. Don’t shoot o-our only o-o-other fu-funny friend.” Jimmy mocked him and Clyde pretended to laugh.
“Haha, very funny.” He commented dryly. You got up and sat back down on the bed.
“You can put your sleeping bags down here and then you can help me make your pizza in the kitchen.” Clyde instructed and gave you a wink. You quickly caught onto what he was trying to do and mouthed a big fat “NO.” to him, but he just smiled.
“Ah fuck you, Clyde.” You thought. You loved him to death, but right now he was being an annoying bitch, that tried saving his skin by having you confess so Craig wouldn’t figure out that the brown-haired snitched.
You just kept sitting on the bed, while the guys one by one left the room. Craig was the last one to leave but he stopped once he saw that you stayed on the bed.
“Y/N, don’t you wanna come with us?” He questioned, but you shrugged. “I dunno. Kinda busy thinking about stuff.” You smiled warmly. “Thinking about what?” Craig left the door ajar and stepped back into the room to lean on Clyde’s white Ikea dresser, which was opposite of you.
“I think I wanna ask a guy o-out, but I don’t really know how to do that. Any tips?” You asked in your sweetest and innocent voice. You really prayed that Clyde was correct but why shouldn’t he be.
But there still was this tiny fear in the back of your head that you were gonna make a fool of yourself in a few seconds.
“Well…” Craig seemed to think about it for a second. “Personally, I would just appreciate it if someone would just straight up ask me, you know? This whole playing around shit is stupid if you ask me.” You nodded.
“Hey, Craig?”
“Yeah?” He asked and shifted his gaze from the window to your innocent face.
“Would you maybe go out with me?” You asked and felt like you just lost all ground beneath your feet. For a short second, you felt like you were going to faint.
But once you saw that a faint shade of pink appeared on his face, you felt giddy, the butterflies in your stomach were going wild. Craig cleared his throat, before answering with a red face; “Y-Yeah sure. What about tomorrow? If you want, I’ll walk you home and we can hang out alone.”
You nodded; a big grin spread across your face. “That sounds amazing.” Craig offered you his hand and you stared at it for a second.
“Maybe we should go downstairs. You know…Otherwise, Clyde will choose our pizza toppings.”
“And we don’t want that, do we?” You asked you both laughed. You took Craig's hand and admired how warm it was.
“I’m surprised you like me. I always thought you didn’t care about me.” You whispered. Craig laughed, which caught you by surprise. “I'm just not good at these type of things.” He admitted sheepishly and scratched his neck.
“I guess.” You laughed to make the situation less awkward. Craig started leading you downstairs, not letting go of your hand. In the kitchen you found the others, fighting about their pizza toppings. Clyde was the only one to notice how you both had that light shade of pink lingering on your cheeks and that you held hands.
He smiled brightly and then made space for you two to also make your own pizza. The rest of the night went by peacefully, you guys played video games, snacked food, and talked about stupid stuff. The main entertainment was Jimmy, Clyde and you of course, as you were just the life of every get-together.
Craig watched you and Clyde in glee, as you and Clyde were playing Just Dance together like your life depended on it. He was sooo happy to now have you, someone who could break his stoic façade.
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oriigirii · 4 years ago
💞 MC is a Genshin Simp 💞
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{ AN: Omg! This is my first ask so thank you anon (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)/!! This is such a vibe too haha, I hope you like it! } Warnings: None [Maybe Refs and Chars you wont get if you dont play Genshin Impact] * Probably a bit OOC too *
Reader: Gender-Neutral [Default]
( ⓛ �� ⓛ *)
< Genshin Impact was a game that took the human realm by storm, with its open-world gameplay, its competitive PvE and aesthatic settings, it was truly something that captured you the moment the beta was announced. Although, as with any Gacha games, you weren’t only attracted to the world and its setting.
No no.
The characters were truly the main eye candy of the game. You’d been worried that when you had been sucked into Devildom, you wouldn’t be able to access the game due to, yknow, realm differences, but luckily that wasn’t the case thanks to Levi, and hence why the moment it dropped, you had been spending your life savings simping for characters on every banner.
Yknow theres handsome bois in devildom too... Theyre just kinda waiting for you to put your game down for a moment and kinda notice em ~((Φ◇Φ)‡ >
ฅ⁽͑ ˚̀ ˙̭ ˚́ ⁾̉ฅ Lucifer
He usually doesn’t mind you playing games
Although, He would’ve preferred if you didn’t cause you kinda need to focus on your studies yknow?
But hey he’s not stopping you
Usually you would stay with him as he works, but he can’t seem to focus with you constantly begging beside him
Small little ‘please’ would be heard every now and then, and a sudden look of disappointment would show on your face.
He tried to ignore it, even giving little cues for you to quiet down, like clearing his throat
You didnt seem to pick up the hint though
He was just about to ask you what you were doing in the first place that has you praying beside him (which is hella rude) but your scream of happiness has him a little more irked and kinda taken back
You show him the screen showing your pull results
The character held a giant claymore with bright red hair
Before he can get another word in, you snatch your phone back and just sigh as if youd just had a heavenly (ironic) experience and mumble
“I seriously love him, Im so happy...”
Bro same though, Diluc pls come home
You were truly one of a kind, because youve just managed to break the Avatar of Pride’s... well.... Pride.
Did he just get cucked by a man in a video game?
Truly outrageous.
He seems to scoff and holds back a bit of an eye roll as he tries to focus back on his work
But boy oh boy, his salt is high
“If you are going to be causing a ruckus MC, May i suggest you doing it with Levi instead, I have no time for such games. I dont see why youre so caught up in such a character anyways, he looks quite basic.”
His words were sharp, and that was enough to shake you out of your fangirl/boy mode.
You were literally ready to fight the first born, a literal fucking fallen angel, for dissing Diluc like that
how dare
But then you notice how he seems to avoid your gaze and a small little red tint was on the tip of his ears.
Lucifer wouldve wanted to see you that happy with him, but no, a game character steals that spotlight.
Instead of being intimidated by the sudden coldness, you giggle and finally close your phone and set it aside
You can continue celebrating and bragging about it later, for now, you wrap your arms around his arm and give him a small smooch on the cheek, which definitely makes him blush a tad bit
“Awww Luci dont be like that, Yknow I love you more”
Potential apocalypse has been diverted
But Lucifer does smile the smallest of smiles as he sighs, finding it silly to really get jealous over such a small thing and says
“I love you too, my dear... but you do have to make up for distracting me from my work...”
Well you kinda deserve it, so it wasnt long before both his work and your phone had been ditched
( After a while you do kinda see him quite similar to Diluc and it just makes you smile everytime you think about it, seems you have a thing for the strict cold men huh?)
Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) Mammon
Why you simping for a fictional character when you already have him?!
He’s your first man!
Your homie!
“Yeah well hes my first 5* so can you blame me?”
But for real, this man is just so clingy
He has heard from Levi that you were playing a new game from the human world, and of course, he had wanted to see what it was about by watching you play.
But since it was quite grind-heavy gacha game, he grew a bit bored and asked you to come with him to hang out somewhere else, or even go to the casino and gamble his money away cause he just got goldie back
But no matter what he suggests, you were just so focused on your grinding.
He’d prefer a different kinda grinding right about now with how lonely he is, ya feel me?
But no, you still werent interested.
“Oi! Cmon MC, whats even so important about this?”
“I already told you Mammon, Im grinding for primogems from the event! Theyre gonna be gone soon and I just HAVE to get them! Ugh I swear to Diavolo, if I dont, Imma cry! I didnt get him on their first banner too... ugh!”
Wait no--
Cmon he doesnt want you to cry!
Mammon kinda stays silent for a bit as he watches you struggle to fight the monsters with your low level team, frustration growing on your face.
But as you finish, Mammon seems to snatch your phone
“Hey! whats the big deal Mammon?!”
“Shut up and show me where the store is geez”
Mammon’s demands kinda surprises you and you raise an eyebrow at him, but you do show where it was, and sit back for a while as Mammon just fiddles around with it. You werent sure what he was doing honestly, was he interested? Did you say anything that made him act this way? All you talked about the game was the gacha system so--
“Mammon! Wait you dont have to---”
“There! I got you as much primo things, or whatever theyre called”
He already has tossed you your phone back and he crossed his arms, looking away as the red blush covers most of his cheeks.
You look at your phone and you honestly felt your heart speed up and stop at the same time at the amount of primos on your account, it was enough for a full 180 pull! If you dont get the limited character on the first 50-50, you have another shot!
You felt your own heart speed up and your face burn so hard, but you do mumble him a quick “But... But why though?”
“Cuz! If you start cryin’ Lucifer’s gonna beat my ass! Dont think I did it for you, you human! I just dont want him taking away Goldie again!”
“But I thought this was your gambling money, isnt it?”
“w-well!... I mean... Hmph.. Gachas kinda like gambling right?, I know Lucifers gonna hang me if he catches me in the casino again anyways, so I thought I might as well just do this... with you...or whatever...” Hes dying, help
But so are you!
Hes too fucking cute and you just glomp him and just hug him as tight as you can!!
Flusterred boi 100
But you do spend you afternoon on his lap, both of you rolling the full 180 in excitement, whether you get that boi/gal you simped for on the banner or not, you still were happy to spend some time with Mammon
He doesnt mind losing a bit of cash for you
but you do promise to pay him back (maybe with a few kissy)
But to be honest, Gacha probably will help him with his gambling addiction...
He doesnt go to casinos anymore but he does whale with you now
Lucifer has such a mix feeling with these results.
But he still confiscates Goldie and your card on the end, yall need to chill.
ヽ(。_°)ノ Leviathan
He probably wasn’t even interested on the game at first
He already has enough games to play, and it just looks like another rip off of some other game he saw not too long ago with that elf looking guy
But when you came to him asking for his help to get the game, you bet your ass that he felt a switch click
Suddenly it was incredibly interesting!
You do share your interests to him almost immediately
By interests, of course i mean the peeps you simp for
The sexy ara ara in the library of mondstat, the pirate looking ass of the guards, the pirate looking ass’s brother thats a wine owner and still highkey reminds you of Lucifer, the demon slayer--- You were actually unsure if you should talk about Xiao but hey hes cool
You explain it all!
From their lore to their voice lines and whatever
But honestly what do you expect from the Avatar of Envy?
Of course hes gonna be a bit jealous! He cant compare to any of these characters! Hes not as witty as that eye patch man, hes not as sophisticated as that red head, hes not as flirty as that ara ara either!
As you go on, you notice that Levi was kinda... half listening....
It made you pout, but then, it made you worried
Uh-oh you know that look
its that, ‘im overthinking’ look
So to snap him out of it, you kinda grab his face as gently as you can
“Need Grimm for your thoughts?”
He flushes and he immediately looks away, but you usher him to look at you as you coo and ask him whats wrong
It takes a bit till he kinda explains to you how hes feeling
In your relationship, you both were practicing being more open with each other, hence why you were proud of Levi for saying it
but you did feel kinda sad and frowned as he finishes explaining
“You... feel jealous?”
“Ugh d-dont say it out loud normie....”
He covers his face with his arm and you just cant help but shake your head with a fond smile, but you do need to address this and comfort him.
“Levi... when you fanboy about Ruri chan, did you ever think she was better than me?”
Your question made him frown and look at you in absolute worry
Did you actually think that you were below Ruri chan?
Of course hes an absolute simp for Ruri but.. cmon
Now that he thinks about it, he does talk about her a lot doesnt he? oh no...
“MC O-Of course not! I love Ruri chan yes, but you... I... I Love... you more...” Levi exe do be dying
But you smile at his response and gently kisses his cheek
“I think thats sweet Levi... But thats how I am too... Youre still better than any of these characters, youre real and they arent, youre mine and I am yours~ Youre my personal 5 star!” You wink at him and Levi just dips
his heart couldnt handle the cuteness and he died, ladies and gentlemen
but for real he did pass out
Must be from all the blood on his head from the blush
But ah, he does get it, and after being showered with love from you, He kinda slowly got over his jealousy
its not immediate but with simple reassurances, you can manage to reel him in and have fun with you
He does end up enjoying the game cause he gets to spend time with you, and he gets to show off when events happen 
He also goes out of his way to memorize locations for materials for you, and when youre sick or busy, he pilots your account
true gamer
But ironically enough hed probably start simping for a character too and of course, you both start bonding over that, which just makes Levi absolutely happy
I wonder if hed simp for Barbara, she is an idol afterall like Ruri chan
Probably lowkey for now
Afterall she looks like a minor so-----
( I dunno i searched shes 16-18 lol )
But regardless, I can imagine you both just cosplaying each others fav characters too
Its a wack looking ship cosplay but yall just simp for each other cause of it, its pretty fun but the rest of the brothers just finds it hella weird
I only have energy for these 3 as always, Im sorry! But i promise Ill do the rest!! I hope you guys do enjoy, and Id love some feedback on the characters personalities cause I know they can be a bit Ooc, But feel free to send me an ask! Im pretty open lol 〜( ̄△ ̄〜)
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fific7 · 4 years ago
Unexpected - Part 2
King Caspian x Reader
Summary: What happens if you push the respectful and well-behaved King Caspian a little too far? You’re about to find out.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with some lemon zest 🍋 Friends to Lovers AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including debatable consent at first, mutual adolescent exploration of bodies, loss of virginity and oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My video edit)
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
For the next few days after your reunion, you noticed that Caspian had found various excuses to visit you in the smaller study next to Cornelius’ study, where you were busy trying to bring some order into the chaos that reigned in that equally small space.
He never stayed for too long, but instead just seemed to want to talk about your days as childhood friends and you were happy to indulge him. Cornelius had put his head round your door on a couple of occasions to see what all the noise was about, and withdrew smiling to himself. You got the impression that he was happy you were here and talking and laughing with Caspian.
You also couldn’t help but notice the lingering looks Caspian was lavishing on you. Not sure in your mind if he was just pleased to see a friendly face from the past or…. could he be interested in you? Was that even a possibility?
How could you even try to find out? You couldn’t exactly ask him, could you. “Oh good morning, your Majesty - pray tell me, are you attracted to me?” You shook your head at your fanciful thoughts, put them out of your head! Turning back to the pile of books and manuscripts which you had to catalogue, you let out a long sigh.
“Are you becoming overwhelmed, my lady?” said Cornelius’ voice, and you looked up in surprise to see his kind and smiling face opposite you. How did he do that? Just appear out of nowhere. You smiled back at him, “Oh no, Professor - I just have one or two things on my mind.” He nodded, “The King?” smiling even more broadly. You felt your face burning with a blush and you hastened to say, “No! Not the King. I was just thinking about.. about what I shall wear tomorrow. It is a daily dilemma for ladies.”
Cornelius gave you a mischievous grin, “Ah, I see. Pardon my confusion, my lady. Yes, I can see how that would present problems. Men have it so much easier.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Continuing to think about your actual dilemma once Cornelius had left, you eventually came up with a plan. Unsure how good a plan it was, but you’d try it out for a little while and see if you got a reaction from Caspian. Any reaction.
You’d made a couple of acquaintances amongst the other ladies of the court since you arrived, but you certainly didn’t know them well enough to discuss your plan with them. And besides, in one way or another, all the young ladies at court were trying to win Caspian’s attention so that was another reason you couldn’t confide in them.
Deciding to put this plan of yours into action the next time you were alone with Caspian, you squared your shoulders and delved back into your world of cataloguing.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian was also sighing out loud in his chambers. He put aside the intricate document he was supposed to be reading. He couldn’t concentrate properly, not when all he could think about was her. Wondering if she’d noticed his numerous and reasonless visits to her chamber, interrupting her work to talk about… well, nothing really. Silly things they’d done while they were children. He hadn’t talked to her about one thing though, which had always been at the forefront of his mind. Did she remember it too?
═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°══ ══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°══
In his mind’s eye he was back in the orchard with her, the sun beginning to dip in the sky, dusk fast gathering around them. They hadn’t seen each other for several months. At the time, Caspian had not long turned 14 and she was just about to. He’d gone through puberty the year before and he knew she’d noticed the wispy moustache on his top lip and the fact that he now had a deep voice. She’d asked him about it more than once and his face had burned, he hadn’t known what to say.
That day, they’d both collapsed under one of the pear trees, having exhausted themselves as usual rushing around between the trees like maniacs. They lay on their backs, looking up at the beautiful colours the sky was beginning to turn. She turned her head to him, “Caspian?” He looked over at her, smiling, still getting his breath back, “Yes?” “When you got your moustache, was that you becoming a man?” He felt his face redden as it did whenever she brought up this topic. He looked away but decided to respond to her for once, “Yes, I am a man now.” “As of eight months ago, I became a woman,” she said proudly, before sitting up and pulling down her loose embroidered top, “Look!” Caspian shot up into a sitting position, unashamedly staring at her newly rounded breasts, bared for his eyes only. His mouth dropped open and he felt a distinct stirring in his breeches.
She leant even closer to him, whispering, “I think you should touch them, Caspian! And I want to see yours,” she nodded her head towards his groin. He could hear himself beginning to pant slightly and his hands - seemingly of their own accord - reached out and massaged her breasts. He loved the feeling of their softness and the buds of her nipples against his palms. Then she moved back from him, “C’mon Caspian, it’s your turn!” she demanded, curiosity burning in her eyes. Shyly, Caspian sat up on his knees, unlacing his breeches and pushing them and his underwear halfway down his thighs. His manhood was revealed in all its erect glory.
Staring at it, she squealed, “Oooh! It looks like a big sausage! With a fur cape round its neck!” He snorted in embarrassment, saying “It’s just my dick,” and beginning to pull his breeches back up, but she stopped him by taking hold of his manhood in both hands and examining it closely. “Your dick?” His eyes were closed in pleasure, he couldn’t believe how good it felt to have her hands on him. “That’s what all the men call it,” he managed to say, opening his eyes and looking down to where she held him in a firm grip.
”Oh, okay, I’ll call it that too then.” She squeezed it, then ran her hand up its length before placing her fingers in a ring just under the head. She was staring at the reactions on his face and listening eagerly to the soft low moans he was making as she touched him. “Oh, your dick is so hard!” she exclaimed, “…but the skin feels velvety soft.” “It’s not always hard,” he whispered. “Why’s it hard now, then?” she questioned. He shrugged. “Don’t know,” he lied, just as she slid a hand between his legs and took hold of his balls. She roughly pulled them towards her for a closer look and he yelped in pain, so she loosened her grip on them slightly. “Sorry, Caspian! What are these?” she asked, rolling them in her palm. “My balls,” he muttered. “Well named!” she laughed then suddenly let go of him, leaning back a little. She lifted her skirts and pulled her French knickers down, “This is what mine looks like.” Caspian’s eyes widened once more.
They were both up on their knees again, facing each other. She had quickly taken hold of his dick again, liking the feel of it in her hand. Once again, his eyes closed and he groaned, much to her pleasure. Then he’d reached out and hesitatingly placed two fingers between her legs, starting to explore, and when he found what felt like an opening, his curiosity sparked and he began pushing one of his fingers inside. She jumped back, scolding him, “Caspian! That’s naughty. I think you’re meant to put this…” she tugged on his length, “…inside there, not your finger!”
She shuffled closer to him until their knees were touching, and she pulled his manhood nearer her opening. They gazed at each other, “Shall we try it?” she asked. Caspian really wanted to but…. the decision was made for him as she tried her best to push his dick inside her, eventually managing to get the head and just a little of his shaft inside. She continued unsuccessfully to try and push more of it inside and Caspian was whimpering by now. “Oh! That feels…” she started to say but Caspian suddenly sat back, pulling out of her. “I’m scared we get caught!” he confessed. She shrugged, “You’re a big scaredy-cat!” and instead began firmly rubbing her hand up and down his dick to see what would happen. A little liquid began to leak from his tip and she stared at Caspian’s flushed face and screwed-up eyes with fascination. His own hand joined hers for a few moments, and he encouraged more speed and a firmer grip out of her before his hand fell away. A few short moments later, she found out what the result was.
Caspian gave a loud groan and grasped her arms, then she felt more wetness on her hand. She watched, mesmerised, as thick pearly white liquid shot out of his dick in several spurts, landing on her skin, glistening in the dusk light. She shocked him by leaning down to smell and taste it. Musky, salty. How strange, she thought. Caspian hurriedly wiped himself with his underwear and tucked himself back into his breeches, quickly doing up the laces, while she cleaned her hand on the fabric of her skirt and rearranged the rest of her clothing too.
They looked at each other guiltily.
“We must never speak of this,” whispered Caspian, to which she nodded. “Never, it’s our secret. Swear on it.” “I swear,” he answered, “now hurry, it’s almost dark - they’ll be looking for us soon if we’re not careful.”
He’d taken her hand and they’d run through the apple and pear trees until they reached the castle, sneaking back in, thankfully unnoticed.
═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°══ ══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°══
Caspian jolted out of his daydream. That was the only remotely sexual experience he’d had in his young life, what with having to run for his life and then fight a war. He’d never ever forget it. Nor the girl he’d shared it with.
Sighing again, he tried to ignore the erection he now had and picked up the document again, beginning to read although he couldn’t even remember where he’d got to originally.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You had purposely chosen a dress with a scooped - but not too scooped - neckline. It was all part of your plan. Caspian was almost guaranteed to visit you, he usually appeared in your study at some point every day.
There was a light tap at the door and Caspian came in, smiling at you and wishing you a good morning. Returning the greeting, you got up and went to the small table in the corner to pour some freshly-made lemonade for the two of you. Caspian was perching on the edge of your large and heavy desk which took up most of the room, his long legs apart. You carried the two glasses over to him and walked right between his legs as you offered him his.
You saw his eyes widen and immediately you moved backwards, smiling wide-eyed and innocently at him. “Did you sleep well, Caspian?” He blushed and you hid a smile. Still the same shy boy, you thought. “Uhh… no, not really. I was bothered by dreams which I couldn’t escape. So no, a restless night.”
You gave him a concerned look, “Ohh… I will have to come up with something to help you sleep well, Caspian.” His face became even redder, “I… uhhh… I… well, that would be good. What do you suggest, my lady?” You leaned forward, ostensibly to gaze into his eyes, and those eyes immediately went to your cleavage as you’d intended. Leaning back, your innocent smile in place, you pronounced, “I shall prepare some lavender extract for you, which you should sprinkle on your pillow. It will ease your mind and help you to sleep.”
Caspian took a huge gulp of his lemonade and you couldn’t help but notice how tight a certain part of his trousers had suddenly become. “That sounds most pleasant,” he choked out, “…and now I’d better go! I believe there’s a meeting I must attend.” You pouted, “Oh, such a shame. We’ve barely spoken, Caspian.” He stood up, “Yes, a great shame. We shall talk later!”
And with that, he rushed out of your study.
Sipping your lemonade, a little smile made it onto your lips. That had been… interesting.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Caspian sank down onto his knees in his private bathroom, having had to almost run there after he’d left her study. He’d ripped the lacing on his trousers open and taken himself in hand as soon as the door had closed behind him and now he groaned, looking down at the mess he’d just made.
Wearily, he got to his feet and found a linen cloth, cleaning himself up before going back into the main chamber to find fresh underwear to put on, he’d leaked into the ones he’d had on.
He gazed out of his window, thinking that he’d have to show a lot more self-control in front of her in future. He was supposed to be a King, after all. Not a horny teenage boy. But by Aslan, that’s exactly what he felt like.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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iphoenixrising · 4 years ago
DickTimWeek2021 Day 2
** Day 2: Time Loop | Jealousy | Stray AU
Welp. Time to break some hearts.
They’re laughing like assholes as they climb through Timmy’s penthouse windows. 
“Did you see that thug punch himself in the face?”
“That’s the right way to get out of an ass beating by the Batman.”
Tim, still in Red Robin, doesn’t even bother, just lets his knees buckle so he can slide down to the floor and laugh until tears are rolling down the dominio still plastered on his face.
He’s riding the concussion train with 
Josephine and she’s not as bad as some of them are. 
Dick at least tosses the gloves and gauntlets before hauling Timmy’s bruised ass up off the floor, throwing the arm around his shoulders.
“C’mon, you butt. Really Timmy, just laying here in your suit? Alfred would be appalled.”
“S’why I don’t go to the Manor much anymore.”
“Ooh, I’m telling. You’re going to be in so much trouble,” as he gets Tim down the hallway to the bathroom.
“Y-You can’t! You’re the oldest! Dami’s supposed to be the tattle-tale!”
“Nu-uh. As the oldest, I can do whatever the hell I want.”
And does he tell on Timmy? You bet your ass he does.
It’s nice when Alfred can look at someone else in the family with extreme disappointment.
Tim comes by the Manor the day Alfred video chats him, shuffles down to the Cave behind the butler and absolutely sticks his tongue out at Dick’s smarmy grin.
His apartment is a literal mess and Dick can’t be bothered to do much more than flop on the overstuffed couch with a groan. 
Still in his uni from the day shift, he’s too bruised and battered and tired to even think of suiting up for the night. He’s been running himself ragged for two months, the day and night shifts blending together along with the usual bullshit of daily human life, and he desperately needs a night of terrible television, junk food, and snuggles.
Like he’d been reading the room, Timmy walks out of his bathroom, towel around his shoulder and hair just this side of damp.
“Hey, you made it home in one piece.” Tim’s long fingers in his hair literally pulls a noise out of Dick he can’t ever remember making.
“Yeah, I drove down because you looked like death warmed over when we talked last weekend. Luckily for you I went grocery shopping, did a few loads of your laundry, and cleaned up a little so you don’t have to worry about housework.”
“I love you. Have I told you that recently? Like, so, so much–” is muffled by the couch cushions, but he thinks Tim can probably still make it all out.
“Mmhm, I know,” and the gentle scratching against his scalp doesn’t stop, and Dick goes a little boneless with it. “I even brought my Roku so we can binge watch terrible television while you eat something more substantial than cereal. Alfred is going to be so proud of you.”
A pat to his head and Timmy is off, slinging his towel on the rack, turning on the shower again to make sure it’s nice and hot for all those bruises and contusions.
He’s no-nonsense about picking up his previous mentor and best friend, literally stripping him down and manhandling him in the shower after a low whistle at the span of blue/black across Dick’s chest and ribs, the scrapes across his back and shoulders. 
The first aid kit tackle box makes an appearance because Tim plans for literally everything ever, and Dick finds himself sitting on his sink wearily while his injuries are meticulously treated.
He knows he eats something super tasty with meat and vegetables, his belly full, before Tim pulls him down on the couch and lets Dick lay against his chest, between his legs to sleepily float while watching God-awful B-movies.
It’s the most relaxing weekend he’s had in a while.
Dami sneers at Tim, arms crossed over his chest, the expression on his face begging Tim to try to deny it.
The third Robin however, is looking over at Dick with horror that the big secret is finally out in the open.
“Th-that isn’t– it’s not–” Tim fumbles desperately, “he’s been my big brother forever, that’s it!”
“Tt. Grayson may be painfully oblivious, Drake, but the rest of us are detectives. Even Todd knows of your feelings and he rarely even comes to the Manor!”
Tim’s soul literally leaves his body.
Dick blinks, completely taken back, mouth open without anything coming out.
Damian raises his eyes skyward and prays for patients dealing with these two. “What I am saying,” he tries, he really is trying here, “is that you two must cease and desist this pointless–” vague hand wave– “pining for one another. It is getting to the point of absurdity. I demand you two either discuss your need for one another or take this ridiculous mooning elsewhere. The rooftops of Gotham is no place for this,” another hand wave, “utter nonsense.”
Tim’s mouth goes dry, subtly backing away to be closer to the Ducati’s waiting for tonight’s ride. He’s pretty sure he has enough energy left in his shaky knees to hop on one and be the fuck out of the Cave before his face literally bursts into flames.
But, well. Dick was Batman.
His strategic retreat is stomped into the ground by acrobatic leaps and a very well done joint lock to keep him from immediately taking off.
Dami scoffs at them on his way up the winding staircase. He stops Pennyworth on the way and turns the butler to return back into the Manor proper, citing those two needed time to figure themselves out.
After several weeks under deep cover, Nightwing wearily hacks into Titan’s Tower and makes his way through the maze of hallways until he hits a hidden panel. 
Tim is sleeping on his desk, only one empty coffee mug at his workstation. Even dead in his boots, Nightwing can take a second just to look, just to sigh, just to enjoy how much every inch of this boy is his.
He journeys down the hall, flips the bed covers up, carries his sleeping partner in and tucks the blankets around him, a quickly there kiss to the top of messy, too-long hair. A shower in Tim’s perch literally makes everything in life a little less awful and exhausting, not enough for him to do much more than crawl in bed against Tim’s warm body and snuggle up close.
He gets breakfast in bed and blue-violet eyes looking at him with fondness rather than awe, gets coffee flavored kisses and a slow-paced back rub that continues down to his thighs and calves and feet. Later, he gets a date night in a nice restaurant and a sweet San Fran club scene for dessert. He gets to let loose and hold Tim’s body against him, to play them both until the gazes are intense and the low key UST between them makes other people on the dance floor give them space.
Witty banter is a primary weapon against megalomaniacal bad guys of any flavor. For some former Robins, it’s an art form.
Over the years, they’ve cultivated their dip and distraction to bounce off one another like a well-oiled vigilante machine. 
It should have been a standard take-down because it’s not one of their more dangerous, deadly villains. It’s not one of the Rogue Gallery baddies. It’s not one of the mobster families, not one of the super powered groups come to call. It’s not someone with hordes of thugs and deadly science waiting to take them down.
It’s a simple B&E, just Nightwing talking it up to draw gunfire while Red Robin is creeping up from behind to get the last laugh.
It’s one of a thousand times they’ve done this. 
It’s a guaranteed win.
It’s the last hour of patrol before they get to go back to Red’s penthouse and snuggle together, eat and show, probably have some fantastic sex before passing out.
The .45 shell, however, cuts through the suit, between armored plates. 
Going after the running baddies is automatic, taking them down, zip ties, and viola. They’re ready for GCPD to pick-up, all kinds of gift-wrapped.
When N finally realizes Red isn’t with him, isn’t answering comms, isn’t waiting for him on the roof, he goes back inside. He hits up B for a ride in the big car in case he missed –
– anything.
The pool of blood around Red Robin is more than he can afford to lose, and Nightwing has been in the vigilante life for over twenty years, has been official with Red Robin for a little over two, has personal experience on how his Baby Bird can take a mostly-fatal beating and still keep moving. He’s seen Tim come close with the Clench, with horrifying injuries, with any of the many bad guys they fight holding him hostage.
Nightwing has seen him perform literal miracles.
And tells him so the entire time he’s got Red Robin up in his arms, carrying him through Gotham’s skyline to the waiting car, falling in with Red on his lap when the familiar hatch slides back, the tourniquet already applied before he even shot a grapple. The struggling pulse is enough of a concern to get it together.
And even if they all gather to strip off the suit, and now it’s on to get vitals back to an acceptable range. Even if the Bats cry overhead, even if the equipment is top notch in the Cave, even if Dick is still talking the whole time, and Alfred is keeping a cool head and Bruce is gripping a hand and Damian is standing at the ready to hand implements and Cass is biting her thumbnail while she hovers and Steph is moving from empty space to empty space around the gurney –
The consistent beep of the flatline cuts through it all.
The Titans make it for the service. 
Each of them make a point to hug Dick for as long as possible, holding on tightly.
Bruce is silent and stoic, a little boy again when he has to watch someone else he loves being lowered into the cold, unforgiving ground. Another Robin taking a piece of his heart to the afterlife. 
Steph is red-eyed, a ghost moving around to individual circles, listening to stories she might not have known. 
Cass grips the coffin with bruised knuckles, her whole body wound tight as a string ready to snap. She doesn’t move the entire service, is already convinced leaving him to his own devices caused this whole thing. She doesn’t blame the thugs or Dick or Bruce. She blames the boy that never understood how much it all means.
Duke Thomas is back in Gotham, taking leave from the Outsiders to be here for the family that took him in after the Joker drove his parents insane. He hovers in the doorway to welcome mourners, direct them toward the book to sign-in, talks about Tim Drake with regular humans and other metas in disguise, accepts condolences with his throat tight and his eyes watery. He makes sure Dick has a bottle of water after the first hour, pats Damian’s shoulder, grips Bruce’s arm, weaves an arm around Cassandra’s back to give her a squeeze, obediently looks at the old pictures of Tim on Steph’s photo roll when she’s overcome and has to see that smile again.
In the back, Jason Todd wears dark shades and a clean black suit. Roy Harper is beside him, a hand on the broad back to keep him grounded, to keep the Pit rage at bay. If anyone knows how far Tim and Jason had come over the years, it’s the former Red Arrow. If anyone knows how much agony Jason is in at this moment, at another fallen brother, another Robin gone, if anyone had held the Red Hood while he screamed and cried and broke the utter fuck down, it’s Roy Harper.
Damian Wayne hovers right by Grayson’s side, silently supporting his first Batman, his first brother. Whenever Dick’s eyes start going hazy, glazing over, Damian gently grips a wrist to bring him back, allows fingers to lace through his own and tolerates the tight squeeze that obviously assists in grounding the oldest Robin. 
(Later when the night is crowding grief-stricken Wayne Manor, Damian will be the one to open Grayson’s bedroom door, lift the covers to crawl in behind him, to wind both arms tightly. He will be the one to take the onslaught of grief, to be soaked in tears and snot, to listen to the broken, hoarse voice, to make soothing hums that ultimately mean nothing.)
Alfred Pennyworth quietly talks with the funeral director about the arrangements. Of course Master Timothy would want to be laid to rest with his parents, and the family appreciates all the support and ease of process as the deceased was an important part of the Wayne family. 
When he gets a phone call, he firmly verifies the name on the tombstone is Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne Grayson.
Exactly four days after the service, the Flash is staring at him helplessly, gripping Nightwing’s arm tight, “please, please, Dick, don’t do this. You can’t think this is the answer!”
He can barely hear Wally with the absolute destruction going on around them, the machine they’d inadvertently stumbled upon (which is a lie, Nightwing had been looking for it and the Flash basically caught him red handed). 
“You know you aren’t going to be able to stop me.” Standing between the glowing portal and Wally, debris from overhead crashing down on them at intervals, Nightwing is at his peak stubborn, “no matter how fast you are.”
“You don’t understand what’s going to happen,” Wally yells desperately as the vacuum starts pulling at Nightwing’s other arm, pulling him into–
–the Speed Force.
“You don’t have the lightning, Dick, you won’t be able to get yourself out, and I won’t have any way of tracking you!”
The small smirk as the machine’s panel starts going haywire, lights blinking and readings off the charts, makes Wally’s heart clench hard in his chest, makes him try to dig in his heels, makes his stomach tremble.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve already done this, Wally. And I’ll do it as many times as it takes until I change everything.”
The pellet Nightwing palmed before the Flash grabbed his hand goes off the same time the machine hits the highest ratings and a low boom is followed up with an intense swirling suction, pulling the heroes closer to the portal’s surface.
The light grenade goes off without a hitch and the Flash has no choice but to let Nightwing go.
They’re laughing like assholes as they climb through Timmy’s penthouse windows. 
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eternalstann · 4 years ago
Still The One
Tumblr media
Tom Holland x Reader
Request: Congrats on your 2,000 followers!!You deserve it! ❤️ Could I please request a Tom imagine? Maybe an angsty one where they break off their relationship of a few years after a few bad fights. So months go by and Tom is still a mess, his family still misses you so he decides to win you back but unbeknownst to him you have been seeing someone for the past couple of weeks. Who will Y/N choose?? It would mean so much but no worries if you have trouble writing this request, I would still be looking forward to your other writing. But major thanks in advance 😊😊
In the moment, Tom thought he’d done the right thing.
He loved you, and he knew you loved him but things weren’t like they were when you first met. You’d been arguing more and more often..it just felt like you weren’t on the same page.
Finally, both of you had just had enough.
“You know what, Y/N this isn’t working any more” Tom’s voice was quieter now; different from the screaming match the two of you were having just moments before. He feels the lump in his throat the second the words leave his mouth and he almost wants to take them back. But part of him knows neither of you could go on like this.
“I was thinking the same thing” you reply coldly, eyes staring back at him with zero emotion. You were numb, a piece of you breaking when his words washed over you. You turn your back to him, feeling the tears well.
Tom watched you in silence, as you grabbed your purse, walking out the door. And out of his life.
And that was it. Now here Tom was, almost five months later. Completely sure that losing you was the biggest mistake of his life. He lay in his bed, scrolling through pictures of the two you he couldn’t bring himself to delete. Watching videos and listening to your laugh. His heart ached in his chest, looking at the sparkle in his eyes that only you could bring. He just wanted to feel the same happiness he had with you again. He wanted you.
And it wasn’t enough for him to feel shitty about your break up, his friends and family refused to let you go. Or let him live it down.
You were the daughter Nikki never had, and Tom had been terrified to tell her. He remembers the look of shock and disappointment when she found out, not even from him. She’d texted you to meet for lunch and nearly dropped her phone when you politely told her you didn’t think it was appropriate since you and Tom had split up.
Tom remembers him and Harry almost getting into a literal fist fight when Harry called him an idiot for leaving you.
Even Zendaya and Jacob were pissed at him, refusing to choose between the two of you.
You had been a part of every single aspect of his life and now he felt an emptiness that he knew was from the loss of you.
Tom finally peeled himself from his bed, getting dressed to visit his parents and siblings for dinner.
Seeing them was a temporary distraction and he was happy he’d decided to come until about halfway through the meal.
“Hey Tom, can you take me to the mall tomorrow?” Paddy asks cheerfully and Tom takes another bite of his food before telling him no.
“Y/N would’ve taken me” Paddy grumbles and Sam kicks him under the table.
“Ouch! Well she would’ve! She was always nicer than you. I don’t know why she ever agreed to be your girlfriend in the first place” he exclaims, getting up from the table.
The rest of his family is stunned into silence at Paddy’s outburst.
“Well, in his defense...she probably would’ve taken him to the mall” Harry adds and Dom hushes the redhead.
“Tom, honey I’m so sorry. I don’t know where that came from. I’ll make him apologize” Nikki tried to console him but Tom assures her it’s fine. Because he knows where it came from.
You had become a part of the family. You’d helped Paddy with homework and made TikToks with him. You cooked with Sam. You laughed at his dads jokes. Hell you and Harry were pretty much best friends and he was positive the two of you still talked, much to his annoyance.
But he couldn’t be mad at his family, when he was already too mad at himself. This was his doing, and he needed to fix it. He still loved you, and this was his sign to get you back.
He mustered up all his courage and set his pride aside to text you; after begging Harry to give him your new number.
“Hey Y/N. It’s Tom. I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from and you don’t owe me anything. But it would mean the world to me if we could just meet and talk some time. I hope you’re doing well. Xoxo”
He sends the text with an exhale, tossing his phone onto his bed. He doesn’t know why he thought you’d answer right away. It takes 3 days for him to get the message that you weren’t going to respond. And he couldn’t blame you. He’d been a dick the last few weeks of your relationship. But he couldn’t stop trying.
He prayed you lived in the same apartment. Buying your favorite flowers and meal, he was going to turn up at your door. Give you the gifts, and beg you to hear him out. If you didn’t, then he swore to himself he’d leave you alone forever.
Before he knew it he found himself standing outside your place.
You were sitting on the couch, laughing with Justin - your sort of friend but maybe more. The two of you had been enjoying a movie together; making ridiculous comments throughout.
You snort when he throws a piece of popcorn at your face and you attempt to catch it in your mouth, failing horribly.
“Nice try babe” he says sarcastically, tossing a piece into his own mouth. He stares at you, and you stare back.
“You look beautiful tonight, you always do” he compliments and your stomach flutters with butterflies.
“Thank you...” you whisper, scooting closer to him and he does the same. Your lips are only centimeters apart when you hear a knock on your door. You roll your eyes, of course.
“One second” you pat Justins leg before standing up to see who could possibly be at your door. You pull down the hoodie you were wearing and straighten out your hair a bit before yanking open your door.
You nearly pass out when you see who it is.
“Tom?!” you ask incredulously, absolutely not expecting to see him. You glance to Justin on your couch, then back to Tom in your doorway. Justin gave you butterflies. But Tom? He gave you the whole fucking zoo.
Your eyes scan over him, to someone who didn’t know him he looked good. Amazing even. He was even more built than the last time you’d seen him, and his hair had grown out. But you knew him. You noticed the bags under his eyes, and how oily his hair was. The slouch in his posture. You even noticed how chewed up his nails were. And then the flowers he held, and the take out bag of food from your favorite restaurant.
You try to ignore the way your heart throbs in your chest, and your brain is dreading where this was going.
It had taken you almost 3 months to be even remotely okay after you and Tom broke up. Finally going to the bar after your friends dragged you out. That’s when you met Justin, and had been seeing him ever since.
Now here Tom was, standing in front of you. And all you want to do is jump into his arms. But you hold it together, refusing to throw away all the time you spent trying to forget him. All the effort you’d put in with Justin. You couldn’t go back.
“Y/N...you look even more gorgeous than I remember” he says breathlessly and you shift awkwardly on your feet. “Thank you, you look nice too” you answer cooly.
Tom can’t take his eyes off you, studying every detail all over again. The way your hair fell around your pretty face, the way the hood of the sweater you were wearing sat perfectly on your neck....and then it hit him. You were wearing his pink hoodie.
“Is that my hoodie?” He asks dumbly and you didn’t even realize it either until he said it. You stammer for the right words to say when suddenly you feel an arm wrap around your waist.
“Everything okay babe?” Justin’s voice sounds, startling you from your Tom induced daze.
Tom stands up straighter at the sight of Justin next to you.
“Y/N can we please talk?” Tom asks and your eyes dart between the two men.
“Justin; can you give me a little bit? I’m so sorry I promise we’ll do something soon” you grab his hand and he gives you a small smile.
“No problem babe, I won’t be far. Call me if you need me” Justin answers sweetly pecking you on your lips before brushing past Tom.
You feel your whole body heat up, kissing another man in front of Tom... the person who a few short months ago you swore you’d marry and be with forever; it just felt wrong.
“Um, come in Tom” you gesture for him to enter, shutting the door behind him.
You feel tingly all over being alone with him and you wonder if not just slamming the door in his face was a mistake.
“What was that all about?” Tom asks and you know he’s talking about Justin. You roll your eyes, and just like that the shock of Tom being there is gone. You feel just like you did five months ago. On the verge of another argument with the brunette.
“He’s just a friend” you answer, sitting down on your couch. And Tom squints, “you kiss your friends on the lips now?”
You raise your eyebrows.
“Why are you here Tom?” You ask with a sigh and Tom takes a deep breath.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry. I was just jealous” he admits and you cross your arms.
“You have no right to be jealous Tom. I’m single” you spit, remembering the worst night of your life and hearing him say those fateful words.
“I know; and that’s why I’m here” he responds, sitting next to you. “I brought these for you..” he raises the gifts in his hands before setting them on the coffee table.
“Thank you” you thank him curtly.
“I texted you...” Tom says slowly and you nod- “I saw”
When he texted you, you hoped he’d take the hint when you didn’t respond. Clearly you were wrong.
Tom sighs again before he starts talking.
“Y/N. Words cannot explain how sorry I am for how things ended between us. I’ve been up almost every night just wishing they were different. Wishing you were still mine....”
You stop him there.
You you already feel yourself ready to cry. Half of you had been dreaming about this moment, praying for it to happen. But the other half of you is stubborn.
“Tom you can’t do this. You broke up with me...and now you come back months later with some speech thinking I’m just going to take you back? You broke my heart. You wrecked me. I didn’t get out of bed for weeks after you. I cried until I ran out of tears. And you bring me flowers like that’s some sort of consolation for the pain you put me through?” You finish, voice wobbly by the time you make it to the end.
“Darling, I know no material thing could make up for the pain. Because trust me I felt it to. I still feel it. That’s why I’m here. But Y/N you’re my soulmate, I know that. I know that with every fiber of my being.” He pleads and you can’t stop the tears from falling now.
You’re so overwhelmed you don’t know what to do.
“I can’t do this Tom. I can’t, I’m sorry” you say, standing to walk away but he grabs you hand.
Tom holds your hand so tightly it almost hurts and your heart breaks when you see that he’s crying too. He drops to his knees in front of you.
“Baby if you don’t want to be with me, why’d you keep the pink hoodie? And I know about your secret brunch dates with my mum. Y/N part of you still wants this. Please, all I’m asking for is another chance” he begs and you throw your head back, a million thoughts running through your mind at once.
You know deep down that Tom is still the one. The love of your life. And you know that you’d NEVER forgive yourself if you didn’t try again with him.
You pull him to his feet, staring into his watery eyes.
“It can’t be like last time....” you whisper and Tom pulls you into a hug, squeezing you so tightly you can’t breathe.
“It won’t be darling, I promise” he whispers into your hair before pulling back to look at you again.
“I love you, Y/N” he mumbles, hands holding the sides of your face and you smile gently.
“I love you too, Tommy” you hum, and then he’s kissing you through your tears.
Like you were made for each other. And you were.
Ugh I almost feel like this isn’t angst enough but I tried, thank you so much for requesting!! I love you ❤️❤️❤️ THE 2K SLEEPOVER CELEBRATION IS STILL GOING ON!!
((Also does anyone know how to do the read more link from mobile pls and thanks😭))
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saturnsummer · 4 years ago
baby, be with me so happily
based off that video that drove me nuts and that photo. anyways, a small excerpt i guess that i might want to include in a future bokseul fic? hm... still brewing...
enjoy as always, grammar and other mistakes by me!
summary: after bokgi witnesses something, his suspicions are confirmed when he sees it again in person. 
word count: 3181 words
excerpt title: protect.
trigger warning: abuse, slight mention of blood, minor cursing. 
"Yah, Bokgi! Are you listening?" Yebeom nudged his friend as Bokgi stirred his metal tray of rice.
“What?" Bokgi raises his head, to find his friends staring in concern. Bokgi, confused, leans back as he spoons another mouthful of rice into his mouth. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he chewed anyway. He knew if he didn’t eat, he would end up dozing off in class. And it didn’t help that he was already blacklisted for talking back to the teachers often.
"You okay? You seem pretty distracted." The older Sol asks. Bokgi shakes his head, avoiding eye contact with his noona. But he knows that amongst the six of them, he’s the worst liar. Setting his utensils down, he leans forward and darts his eyes and head around. The group gets his cue as they lean down to the table further, huddling together.
"You know Jeon Yeseul-ssi?" Bokgi asked. Yebeom cocked his eyebrow.
"What, the eye candy in my batch?" The younger Sol turns her head, staring in a cold piercing stare and swats his arm. Jiho clicks his tongue as Joon Hwi sighs.
"Yeah, she's the new transfer right? Just got in about a week ago?" Joon Hwi asks, ignoring the mutters of complaints from Yebeom.
"What's up? You like her?" The older Sol asks, a hopeful grin on her face. Bokgi swears his face flushed red, but this wasn't the time. He needed to be truthful on what he saw.
"I saw her this morning arguing with an older guy today. Some college dude. He looks kind of familiar, I just can’t remember.” Bokgi admits uncertainty in his voice as he chews on a piece of meat.
"It might just be her boyfriend, and they got into a fight." Jiho quips.
"It didn't look like it. The way he shouted and the way she shrunk back was...different. I can't put my finger on it, but it felt weird." Bokgi sighs. "Maybe I'm thinking too much about it."
The group is mostly silent as they finish their meals. Bokgi, still deep in his thoughts, can't shake the image from this morning. The way Yeseul's eyes were so full of fear and hurt when she looked up at the older guy, the way when her eyes met Bokgi's that screamed helplessness, but she only gave a small smile when Bokgi asked if she was okay. Most of the time, Bokgi would have blushed as usual whenever he caught her eyes, but that moment, he felt uncertainty and sadness.
"Bokgi, she has club activities with me today. I'll ask her about it carefully. Maybe ask if she has a boyfriend or whatever first. After all, she did create quite a buzz when she arrived." Sol says. Bokgi hides a blush and darts his eyes away to anywhere but his friends. God, Sol-noona is never gonna let me get away with my embarrassment.
"Thanks, noona."
"Oh, wait. Sejun from class 5 just sent me some gossip." Yebeom said, scrolling on his phone. "He says that some girls have asked Yeseul and confirmed she has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend is popular politician's son, Ko Yeongchang."
"Ah! The guy that went viral for all his videos online and good looks?" Joon Hwi asks as Bokgi researches his name and confirms it when a bunch of his photos pop up over his browser. Yes, this was the man that Bokgi saw with Yeseul this morning. But why does he feel like he knows Yeongchang from somewhere else too?
“We’re going to be late. Let’s go.” Jiho says, picking up his tray and the rest follow suit as they head out to clear it. They split to their respective classes, agreeing to meet after school at the entrance.
Bokgi shoves his hands in his blazer pockets as he walks back to his classroom, taking his seat at the back. He slumps his head on the table, replaying the way that Yeseul shrunk back when Yeongchang raised his voice. The way that Yeseul formed a shaky smile when Bokgi came over to ask if she was okay, and she only nodded. How he noticed the small bruise on her arm, hidden by her blazer, but said no word.
There was something more, and Bokgi was ready to find out.
Yeseul sits on the toilet seat cover of the school’s bathroom as she takes off her blazer and rolls the sleeve of her blouse up. She sighs looking at the bruise that is slightly red, a hint of purple just underneath. She's glad for the blazer now, as much as she hates the rough material and the ugly colour. At least it hides away the bruises blossoming on her arms under the white shirt.
Taking an ointment from her pouch, she dabs carefully, rubbing in with care and bites her lips from hissing when it's too painful. Yeseul sighs when she rolls back her sleeves and runs a hand through her long locks. When she shuts her eyes, she can only replay the way Yeongchang's hand digging into her arm over her fresh bruise from the day before, and her foolish mistake for angering him more when she forced her arm away and shouted back. She knew better than to shout back, especially when they were in front of her school in the early morning.
"I should have never said anything about school..." Yeseul mumbles to herself as she puts her blazer back on. She opens the cubicle door, sighting a few female students reapplying their lip tints and she forces a friendly smile before heading to the last sink to wash her hands. The girls give an equally excited smile back before they rush out in hushed whispers. She catches a girl whispering about how Yeseul looks so elegant, like a sculpture brought to life.
If only they knew, Yeseul thought, as she dried her hands and stared at her lifeless eyes. She fixes a smile on her face before walking out of the washroom. Once she was out, she noticed the back of a familiar curly haired student from afar walking along the hallway alone, hands in his blazer. When he turns to walk into the classroom, Yeseul's eyes soften as she's reminded of what happened just a few hours ago.
Bokgi was someone Yeseul always noticed, even though she had been in school for just a week. She would find him hiding behind a wall and he would run away or just smile in a silly fashion before making a lame excuse to run off, no, sprint away. Yeseul also noted how Bokgi's voice could be heard from the other end of the hallway, arguing with his teacher on the reasons on why he strongly agrees with the point of having all citizens exercise their own right to express their views. Shortly after, when she ended class, he was sitting outside on the floor sulking, kicked out from class. Yeseul stifled a laugh, because for some reason, his sulking made him seem like a cute five year old that didn't manage to convince his parents that he wanted that piece of candy.
When he approached him this morning, his tie loose around his collar and asked in a soft voice if she was okay, Yeseul had wanted to say that it wasn't. Yeseul wanted to admit to him that the bruises on her arms hurt, that she was boiling with anger. But she held her tongue back. No, she wasn't angry, Yeongchang was just going through a phase and his emotions got the best of himself. No, her bruises didn't hurt. Yeongchang doesn't mean any of it, he never means to hurt her.
Yeseul takes a deep breath in as she walks back to her classroom and takes her seat. She flips through the photos she's taken with Yeongchang. A mirror selfie with his arms around her waist in his room. Them in matching outfits sharing a sweet kiss. Her in a body hugging satin ruched dress and him in a suit as they celebrated Valentines. She smiles at the sweet memories, remembering his loving touch and sweet words.
No, she doesn't regret being with Yeongchang. He doesn't mean it.
No, she loves Yeongchang, and he loves her.
Yeseul is okay.
Yeseul is not a victim.
Bokgi unwraps the hand wraps around his knuckles as he pants heavily. Leaning against the locker door, he picks up his phone and replays the video. Screening through, he sighs as he notices the break in his form when he punches the punching bag and how unsteady his footwork is. He needs more practice, if he wants to improve from where he is now.
He wipes the sweat off his forehead, thankful for the hair tie that the older Sol lent him to tie his hair back for training. He grabs a fresh change of clothes before heading to the shower room, stripping off his sweaty clothes and taking a quick shower, erasing all traces of sweat. His boxing training ends the earliest, but he takes the longest to shower with the mount of curled locks he has.
When he's changed into comfortable, clean clothes, he dries his curled locks as best as he can, but he still doesn't know how to not make it look so wet. He wishes the younger Sol was here to help him with his hair, but she's probably still in debate, arguing with Jiho. (Silently, Bokgi prays that they are on the same team so that he wouldn't have to witness another cold war between the two.)
Muttering his curses, he throws the towel in his duffel and picks up his school bag and heads out the gym after waving goodbye to his coaches and club mates. He goes to the vending machine, purchasing a carton of banana milk and sits by the steps of the school's entrance, sipping on his drink.
From the corner, he notices Yeseul walking from the side and Bokgi does his best to not choke on his milk. He scrambles from the steps and runs away to the corner, behind a wall, peeking over to see Yeseul with a small smile as she walks with a few students. But her smile drops when they bump into a familiar man, hands in the pocket of his jeans, a smug smirk on his face.
Ko Yeongchang was back.
The students next to her gaped, for the first time seeing this ulzzang in person. Bokgi can't make out their words, but Yeongchang throws his head back, mouth wide open and eyes crinkled. From the way the students are looking, Bokgi suspects that he must have told them Yeseul is his girlfriend. Yeseul's face plasters a shy smile, but her eyes speak otherwise. Her eyes bore uncertainty, the same way that Bokgi remembers from this morning.
Yeongchang's arm slipped around Yeseul's back, his hand grabbing onto her arm. For a split second, Yeseul's eyes flashed pain, but it was quickly covered with her usual sparkle and light as she gave a light laugh. Bokgi's stomach churned. Something was obviously wrong, and it was enough to make him feel almost slightly nauseous.
The other students giggled as they walked away, waving to Yeseul as they scurried back to school. As soon as they were out of sight, Yeseul rips her way out of Yeongchang's arms and takes a step back, her hand instinctively going up to grab her other arm. It was enough for Bokgi to infer what was probably going on. Bokgi's anger bubbled inside as he felt the puzzle pieces falling together.
"This bastard..." Bokgi cursed through his gritted teeth. It didn't take a genius to know that Yeseul was being abused by Yeongchang. The way that she shrunk back when his hand reached up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear this morning. The way her eyes darted when Yeongchang held her arm in a tight fashion.
Yeseul shouts something inaudible to Yeongchang, and they exchange a few shouts. Yeseul is turning around to leave when Yeongchang grabs her bag and spins her around, hand gripping her wrist. She forcefully pulls away, but Yeongchang grabs her arm. The moment he raises his hand up is when Bokgi crushes his carton of milk and shouts. No, he can't see this. Not again.
"Yah! What do you think you are doing?" He shouts in a voice so loud and full of anger, he can't recognise it as his own. He storms over, sticky sugary milk dripping between his left hand as he clutches his carton. He reaches and Yeseul is almost surprised to see him. If Yeseul wasn't there, Bokgi would have said nothing and pummel him back.
"Bokgi-ssi..." Yeseul whispered, almost in surprise.
"Noona, are you okay?" Bokgi turns to ask Yeseul.
"Noona? What, does he know you? When did you know other guys?" Yeongchang asked, voice raised and slightly aggressive.
"That's none of your business. And what were you about to do? Hit her?" Bokgi spat back in anger. His eyes burned with fury as he challenged the taller man.
"Why are you meddling in our business? She's my girlfriend, I get to do what I want." Yeongchang scoffs back, hand grabbing back to Yeseul's arm as he pulls. This time, Yeseul is caught off guard as she hisses in pain.
"Stop!" Bokgi shouts in fury before pulling Yeongchang's hand away. Swiftly, he pushes Yeseul's hand away from the both of them.
"Why are you so concerned? What, you like her?" Yeongchang's eyes are dark and challenging as he stares down at Bokgi.
"Noona doesn't deserve to be treated by a bastard like you." Bokgi seethes with gritted teeth as his fists are balled tightly.
"What? What did you say?" Yeongchang's face contorts to one of so much fury, as he grabs onto the collar of Bokgi's shirt.
"You heard me, bastard."
And that was all it took for Yeongchang's fist to come flying across his face, knocking him to the concrete ground. Bokgi shook his head to centre himself, a hand reaching up to his face knowing a bruise will form.
"Bokgi-ssi!" Yeseul shouts in concern as she bends down, trying to help Bokgi up. But Bokgi only shrugs her concerns off.
"You know, for someone that beats people, you're kinda weak." Bokgi says, a taunting smile on his face. Yeongchang's face grows in even more fury as Bokgi stands up, dusting the dirt of his clothes.
"You—" Another punch comes, but Bokgi has enough playing victim, and he dodges the blow effortlessly. Yeongchang tries throwing an uppercut, but Bokgi is quick to block his arm and land one across his jaw. He doesn't hit hard enough for a bruise, but hard enough to hurt. Yeongchang stumbles back, almost surprised at the power of this high school rebel, but Bokgi stands tall.
Another punch comes, but Bokgi is faster to land one before Yeongchang could land his. Bokgi manages to catch Yeongchang off guard as he turns his arm backwards and pins it against his back. With every tug, Yeongchang is cursing in pain.
"One more word from you and I'll sprain your wrist. Or should I maybe crack your ribs?" Bokgi threatens. "You sick freak, beating up your girlfriend? And you have so many people looking up to you as an influencer?"
"Let go of me!" Yeongchang shouts in anger.
"You know, we have security cameras here, right? And they clearly saw you this morning and just now, raising your hand. They also caught you punching me first." Bokgi brings his lips closer to his ears. "How will that look, hm? A politician's son, on the news of beating his girlfriend?"
Yeongchang is lost, but still squirming. Bokgi slides his foot between his legs, letting him fall to the ground on his knees as Bokgi holds him in a kneeling position. From the corner of his eye, he spots Yeseul with the older Sol rubbing her back and Joon Hwi next to her with the rest of his friends.
"What-What do you want?"
"Promise you won't ever, ever touch noona like that again. If I find out on my own that she's hurt by you..." Bokgi tightens his grip on his wrist as Yeongchang grunts in pain. "Your wrist isn't the only thing that is going to be broken."
Bokgi finally lets go and steps away from Yeongchang, Joon Hwi joining Bokgi by his side.
"Get out. Now." Joon Hwi sternly barks as Yeongchang, still seething with anger, dust the dirt from his pants. He sets his eyes on Bokgi as he stares straight into the brown orbs.
"You...watch out. You'll pay." He says before turning on his heels and walking away, hands running in his hair with frustration. The group joins from behind, as Sol and Yeseul walk over to join. All of sudden, it occurred to Bokgi that Yeseul had to watch this, and he wished a deep pit swallowed him alive in that instant.
"Ah, Yeseul-noona... I'm sorry you had to watch that... I...I'm sorry." Bokgi mutters his apologies. Yeseul shakes her head slowly.
"Thank you for standing up for me. I'm sorry you had to get hurt." Yeseul says softly as Bokgi brings a hand up to his face. It's sore, and he finally tastes the slightest bit of metallic blood from the burst corner of his lips.
"Ah? This is nothing. I have it a lot worse in training." Bokgi shrugs it off. The older Sol hits him on the head lightly as Bokgi yelps.
"A lot worse in training? Do you want us to kill you before you get beaten to pulp? Take care of yourself, Min Bokgi!" Sol scolds. Yebeom passes him a wet wipe to wipe his sticky hand from the banana milk.
"You should get ice on the bruise." Yeseul says as she digs into her pockets for a small container and takes Bokgi's calloused hands before pressing it in.
"It's some ointment for bruises that I, you know..." She trails off. The older Sol just carefully places an arm around her.
"Are you going to break up with him?" Jiho asks, his head nodding in the direction of where Yeongchang left. Yeseul stayed silent as her lost eyes darted, her hand sweeping her hair away. Bokgi doesn't know where he gained the courage from, but he gently places a hand on her shoulder, careful to just let it rest.
"I'll protect you, okay?"
Yeseul looks into Bokgi's soft eyes as Bokgi gives a small smile. Even with a red bruised jaw, a burst lip, this man could still smile at her like an innocent child. Yeseul just nods, drawing a small smile out of her, as she suddenly feels a faith arise in her.
Bokgi might not have been able to protect her from the bruises then. But he will protect her heart and from the bruises now. Even if it means being beaten down countless times, he would protect her, each time.
She was worth protecting, even if she didn't feel the same.
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onomonopetabread · 4 years ago
Declawing the Cat- Chapter 2
“ Can you believe that nerve of that jerk?”
Marinette was absolutely furious. Tikki watched her from the bed as she paced from wall to wall. It was really getting concerning; she’s been ranting for the past three hours. School ended about five hours ago, but Marinette’s little encounter with Felix never left her mind.
“What, did he think that a few thoughtless compliments would get me to trust him? Who does he think he is, the MaYOR?”
That last part was a particularly loud shriek, and if Tikki had eardrums, they would be completely shattered by now. It was time to stop this madness.
“Mari, I know that you’re upset, and trust me, I am too. But… don’t you think that you should calm down? You’ve been at this for a really long time.”
Marinette hardly heard her. “I really tried. I tried to just leave it alone. But nooo, he just had to go and rock the boat! Can’t the guy take a hint? I mean, if someone didn’t talk to ME after giving the third fakest apology given ever, I would know that they hated MY guts.”
“Why should we trust anything he has to say? He hasn’t exactly given us any reason to like him.”
“Yeah, how can you expect us to just become friends with us after what he did? He’s a liar!”
The group gathered around Felix. He’d just been introduced to the class by Adrien, and it didn’t seem as though they were very happy to see him. They were making so much noise that no one had noticed the lack of a certain blue-eyed class president. Unbeknownst to them, Marinette was crouched behind a pillar near the courtyard, watching and listening to the entire thing.
She had been uncharacteristically early to school and was chatting with Tikki in the locker room when she heard Adrien’s voice outside. Naturally, she'd begun to walk outside to greet him. The fact that she had decided to try to get over him out of respect for Kagami doesn’t make it illegal for her to talk to him; he is her friend.
When Marinette first stepped out of the room, her first thought was that there were somehow two Adriens. Then she realized that one Adrien looked like...Adrien, and the other looked like a sad old man somehow ended up in a teen’s body. In about 0.2 seconds, she was absolutely seething. What was he doing here? Why wasn’t he at his comfortable home in the ninth circle of hell?
“Guys, this is my cousin Felix. He’s going to be attending school with us for now on. I know you guys will take him in with open arms.”
Open arms? This clown? Marinette scoffed. She’d sooner swallow a cup of tacks than let that prick into her life. Her classmates however, aren’t as strong-minded as she was. It’d probably be better if she stayed silent and invisible for this and let them make up their own minds about this, just to see what they would do.
“Why should we trust anything he has to say? He hasn’t exactly given us any reason to like him.”
“Yeah, how can you expect us to just become friends with us after what he did? He’s a liar!”
Okay, so far so good. Maybe this time around, she wouldn’t be (almost) the only person that didn’t trust a liar. Oh, how great it will be to openly loathe for once! One by one, more and more voices were protesting letting the rat into their friend group. The entirety of the class was hanging Formally-Dressed Draco to dry, and Marinette was in ecstasy.
‘Yes,’ she thought. ‘Tear him to pieces!’
Just when things were really starting to escalate, the sound of someone clearing their throats cut through the noise.
“Hello, everyone. As Adrien just told you, my name is Felix Graham de Vanily. To answer your question, Mr. Le Chein, yes, I’m the cousin of Adrien’s that impersonated him and sent you a cruel response to your heartfelt videos. For that, I am deeply sorry. I have no excuse for wha-”
What. In. The. World. If Marinette was furious before, she was positively incandescent now. He really was another Lila! Not to mention the fact that he didn’t even have the decency to make the apology seem even slightly convincing. Anyone with an EQ of 3 could see that those puppy-eyes were rehearsed and don’t even get Mari STARTED on that pout. There was no way that her class would buy this, but by the looks on their faces…
“If you’re really sorry...”
…Of course. Of-freaking-course they would believe him. Marinette sighed and walked into the classroom. Once again, she was left to hold the class’ single brain cell, by herself this time since there was no chance in Adrien distrusting his own cousin. Now how was she going to go about this was the question. If he really is Lila 2.0, then her initial plan to outright hate him will boomerang her right in the eye. No, it’s better to just avoid him at all costs; you can’t hate what you never come into contact with.
“Are you really sure that’s going to work, Marinette?” Tikki asked once they were safe inside the room. “You can’t stay away from him forever, you know. He may be a nuthead, but he’s smart enough to notice when you aren’t fawning over him like the others.”
“I know Tikki, but I think I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. For now, I’m going to go above and beyond to make sure our paths never cross.”
“That’s a relief. I thought for a moment there that you were going to do the rational thing for once.”
“Really, Tikki? Sarcasm? That’s beneath you.”
“If you’re looking for a finger to point, blame Plagg. You pick it up after being with him for a few thousand years.”
Marinette stayed true to her word and made it her mission to never be in the same room as the Great Disturbance unless it was class time. Even then, she kept a compact with her so that she could see if he was coming up behind her. Whenever someone began to bring him up into a conversation, she would quickly but subtly change the subject.
After a few days of this, she seemed to really be getting the hang of it. Avoiding him was becoming second nature to Mari. It actually would have been way easier for her if the demon hadn’t kept trying to collect her soul. Like always, Tikki had been right. The little son-of-a caught on to her really quickly and didn’t hesitate to try to reach out to her. In fact, the other classmates would often tell her that he had been looking for her, and she’d had to act as though she didn’t have a clue what they were talking about. That part hadn’t been so easy.
“So, what are you going to make for the big competition, Mari? A dress maybe?” asked Alya.
“Actually, I was thinking about sewing up a pair of suits. I’m not sure what they’ll look like yet, but I really want to try something new this time.”
“Well, I know whatever you’ll make will blow their socks off, girl. Speaking of designers, Felix told me to ask you to meet him after school . He said he wants to talk to you.”
“Is that so?” Marinette asked, feigning surprise (see bane-of-existence, you’re not the only person who can act here).
“Yeah, he really seemed to have taken an interest in you. All he ever asks us is what you're up to. It’s almost an obsession. Do I sense a little romance here? Another blond-haired green-eyed love interest?”
“Not very likely, Alya. Anyways, I guess I’ll have to talk to him later. So, are you going to tell me about your new reporting piece or what?”
What? Don’t give me that face, it’s technically not a lie; Mari did end up talking to him later, didn’t she? Though, to be fair, she wasn’t planning on actually interacting with him until they both passed. No, not passing class. The other pass.
One thing that she had learned about the knock-off Five Hargreeves was that she had greatly overestimated him. For the love, the kid wasn’t fit to kiss Lila’s feet. At least her schemes were clever and thought-through; this amaetur just existed and everything was handed to him on a silver platter. The rest of the class has spoiled him into thinking that it would be easy to capture her attention with a tense grimace of a smile and two ounces of ‘charm’. Unfortunately for him, Marinette Dupain-Cheng wasn’t so easily bought.
So, that’s the way it went for a few weeks; a classic game of cat and mouse. He would try to catch her, and she would slip out of reach at the last minute. If she had to admit it, it was very fun, especially sneaking peeks at the frustrated faces the devil makes when he thinks no one is looking; the coward can’t be emotionally vulnerable for a second.
That’s why she felt so sure that he wouldn’t follow her to the park; the place was way too open for a stand-offish guy like him. She was very safe in the great outdoors with nothing but her sketchpad, a sharpened pencil, and a sleeping Tikki in her purse. She had been working on that design that she was talking about with Alya. Marinette really needed this design to be perfect. Perhaps a double-breasted suit would work? How many buttons would she have to buy? If she was any deeper into her work, she might not have noticed the distinct smell of leather and the tears of the innocents approaching her. She just barely retained her composure.
‘What is he doing here? Whatever, perhaps if I just stay completely still, he’ll go away.”
“Ah, Ms. Dupain-Cheng! How lovely it is to see you. We never seem to talk, do we? It is quite a shame really.”
‘It would also be a shame if you were to get punched where the sun doesn’t shine, Mr. Pied Piper’, Marinette thought. Alas, no matter how much she wanted to move her hand like so, she couldn’t let him win this fight. No, just silent-treatment it out and pray he either leaves or gets struck with a lightning bolt.
“I must say, that is a lovely suit you’re designing there. I love the use of gold thread on the pants. If I may make a few suggestions-”
Him? Give fashion advice? Marinette would rather NOT learn how to dress like an off-brand Crowly, thank you very much. Good grief, he really wasn’t going to stop trying, was he? Alright, no more Nice Marinette.
That’s when she finally snapped and, well, you know how that went. Had it been ANYbody else, she probably would feel guilty for talking to someone so blatantly, but it turns out that she left that situation with zero regrets. If she didn’t put a stop to this whole ordeal, she’ll probably have to carry around a tiny halberd with her for the rest of her life, and as much as she would like to use it, he really wasn’t worth the trouble. Ugh, he makes her absolutely Sick. He’s so slimy, terrible, arrogant, deceitful-
Marinette was so startled she tripped over her chaise and fell onto her bed.
“Geez, Tikki! Couldn’t give a girl a warning before you scream like that?”
“You’re one to talk, Ms. The Mayor. And for the record, I did give you a warning; I’ve been calling your name since for the past hour. Are you really going to get all worked up over this, Mari? You said it yourself, he’s just another Lila.”
“I know Tikki, and I’m sorry I’ve been rambling on for so long. It’s just- yeah, he’s a liar, a fake, and way too stoic to be real, but he’s different from Lila. I don't know what it is about him, but I can’t help but wholeheartedly loathe him. Just the thought of him makes a shiver run down my spine.”
“Loathing. Right. That’s it, totally. Is that why you haven’t said his name this entire time.”
“As a matter of fact, yes. I’m very happy you noticed, Tikki. I spent a lot of time thinking up all of those insult names.”
“I’m sure you did, Marinette,” Tikki sighed. “You really don’t like this kid, do you?”
“No, I definitely do not, and not a fiber of my being will ever so much as be happy in his presence for as long as I live.”
@ceres-zephyr here u go!
Chapter 3’s up!
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toukenramblings · 4 years ago
Child Saniwa: Azuki Nagamitsu, Ichigo Hitofuri, Horikawa Kunihiro
Ah shit y’all, back at it again with the memes. Thank you for requestin, love~!
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Azuki Nagamitsu
“I am pleased to meet you, my name is Azuki Nagamitsu...”
Azuki takes one goddamn look at this baby saniwa and is immediately claiming it as his child. Yes he’ll fight the entire citadel to stake his claim, he’s signing the adoption papers right now. No you cannot stop him. He can and will hold all of these children. He has big enough and strong enough arms.
“Pray tell, little one, do you like sweet things?”
Oh Azuki is a bit of an enabler. He does cook and bake a lot so expect him to sneak a lot of sweets and stuff to the lil kid. He already does it with the little ones around the citadel but even more so if he has a close relationship with the child saniwa. Yes he will ensure that they eat healthy and go to bed on time and maybe he’ll bribe them with sweets to finish their chores on time and all but hey, he does care for them a lot!
Azuki always calls them adorable, cute, and so on and so forth. He adores kids and maybe he has a photo album of adorable pictures of the lil saniwa and the rest of the kids around the citadel just napping together and sleeping together and holding hands and being cute, no he’s not crying.
HIs favorite thing to do with the kid is to go shopping with them! Holding their hand as they walk through whatever aisles they are looking at. Yes maybe he’ll sneak some of their favorite treats into the shopping cart, and maybe he’ll have to curb the child’s habit of snacking on everything but he caves in the end. He’s weak to their puppy eyes. Please help him, he might not be strong enough.
Is that one parent at a recital or something of their child’s with a video camera, crying, and screaming: “YOU’RE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE”
Azuki isn’t much of a fighter, it doesn’t mean he won’t fucking throw down with the government though. Watch him invite them over for a spot of tea and if they even make a damn negative comment about his master he’ll probably drop some poison in there. No he won’t he’ll just hug the kid closer to him and be that one meme of protecting Kevin Hart.
Azuki is already giving out head pats to all of the kids in the citadel, but to the Saniwa he’s rather physically affectionate. If they want a hug, they can get one. If they wanna hold hands? Hell yeah! Forehead kisses? Damn right he will. Loves giving them head pats and calling them a good kid the most.
Yes he will read them a bedtime story and of course it’s always ones filled with good morals and life lessons!
Azuki is also damn good with sewing. He will make little scarves, and patch up the clothing for the saniwa and even make some clothing for them! He loves it when they are warm and comfy in whatever clothing they like!
Yes Azuki spoils them rotten but he knows his limits. He is the typical overly proud dad who is happy whenever his kid is happy!
Ichigo Hitofuri
"I am Ichigo Hitofuri, the only tachi crafted by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu-”
The minute Ichi-nii sees this lil kid is his master, he is already bending down to their level and asking where the fuck are their parents. He’s a bit shocked to see someone so young to be his master but he won’t mind. He does have a LOT of little brothers after all! He can take care of them, adding another lil sibling into the bunch won’t hurt anyone!
Adoption papers? Signed? Awataguchi? Accepting of their new sibling. Government? uNFORTUNATELY STILL ALIVE. He knows what it’s like to have trauma and some of his lil bros do have quite a bit of it. Honebami, Yagen to name a few, and pushing such a duty on to such a young person like this...Ichigo won’t lie and say that he isn’t angry at the government for doing this. They don’t deserve this, why can’t they live their life out as a normal kid????
Oh Ichigo has experience in taking care of children and his brothers will also pitch in to make sure that the Saniwa is loved for and taken cared of! They have an army of tantous, two wakizashis, and a tachi at their beck and call now. No one is going to hurt them ever again.
Like Azuki, Ichigo adores children and this little saniwa is no different. Yes he’s rather stern at times and he doesn’t like raising his voice at them but he does need to be a guiding hand at times. He would never hurt them, and he just wants the best for them. He may get angry at them and scold them but he is doing it gently.
Yes the little saniwa is going to get roped into AWT48. Ichigo will personally help them sing and dance as well! If they have stage fright, no worries! He’s happy to still perform for them none the less.
Cuddles. Oh man this little saniwa is never going to be without physical affection. From Ichigo’s cuddles and head pats to the rest of the Toushirous just loving on the kid and random hugs outta nowhere, this kid is going to be so loved. 
Ichigo can kinda cook? Not as good as like Kasen or Azuki or anything but he’ll at least make something edible. Probably some instant stuff from a box, more like it. He can decorate it super good though!
If the kid has nightmares, Ichigo is the first to wake up and comfort them. His bros have nightmares a lot and he’s a light sleeper anyway, so he can relate to that - and is always there for them!
Bedtime stories with morals and lessons? Of course! Duh! It’s a group storytime! All day every day!
Ichigo is the big brother everyone wants. The caring big bro who will take a bullet for you, and will probably have some choice words for the government. He cares for you as a parent would, and is just always there!
Horikawa Kunihiro
“Excuse me, has-”
“....Ah, a second child to take care of.”
Horikawa already has a child on his hands kane-san and he’s already pretty motherly so adopting a kid like this isn’t too out of his range. He’s a lot gentler with them than he is with Kane-san, but no less strict.
No he cannot trust Kane-san around this child. ONe time he left them alone and the kid was stuck in a tree and Kane-san had a broken leg trying to save the damn kid. He will only let them interact under his or another sword’s supervision. Can and will fight Kane-san just to protect this kid.
As Horikawa is good at cleaning, he always tends to the kid’s room and helps them wake up on time. He will most likely be the hawk mum, watching over them with every change he can get to ensure that they are doing their work on time.
He won’t spoil them as much as Ichigo or Azuki would, but he would praise them and reward them in his own way! Mostly with praise and a head pat and a forehead kiss if they’ve been extra good! Yes he’ll cook for them and give them treats but nothing super duper big.
The minute the saniwa calls him Hori-nii or something he will cry. Hell he’ll take being called mom. He doesn’t mind! He’s just happy that he can be there for them!
Oh dude Horikawa will spoil them not with food but with lil things! A flower from the forest, a lil trinket from the store as he passed by, so on and so forth! He knows his limits though.
Yes Horikawa will not hesitate to storm the government building and demand to see whoever the fuck is in charge. He wants to know who the fuck was responsible for this. This is a literal CHILD, where are their PARENTS. Who aLLOWED THIS? Horikawa is now this child’s mom.
He’s like that mom that panics whenever the kid goes missing for like one second. There’s a lot of dangerous things the kid could get into (see the tree incident) and if they get hurt, expect Horikawa to be at their side quicker than Hasebe. Hell he can beat Hasebe in speed and in over-protectiveness, dO NOT TEST THIS YOUNG MAN.
Is also that one mom that is at the kid’s recital, crying joyous tears of pride as they perform. Always has a camera on him to capture such a beautiful moment.
Yes Horikawa is the mom friend and he will not hesitate to become the mom to this saniwa. He will ensure that they go to bed on time and keep them healthy. Will wake them up on time and just be that one parent who is always a presence in their life, knowing when to back away but keeping in touch. Like having ya mum as ya best friend!!!
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sleepingcrisis · 4 years ago
Haha remember when I said age swap AU?
Anyway got excited lol-
“Hey old man why are you watching us?” Kaoru snapped over in the direction of some light blue haired man who had been standing around for the past half hour and seemed to be watching the three younger men. These three being Kaoru, Ainosuke, and Kojiro. They were at the skate park and currently Kaoru and Kojiro had paused their bickering when Ainosuke had pointed him out. Prior to that they were seeing who could do a longer rail slide and couldn’t seem to come up with a winner. 
“Me?” The blue haired man asked and pointed to himself as he tilted his head. 
“Yeah you, who do you think I’m talking about!” Kaoru shouted and Kojiro grabbed his arm with an eye roll to keep Kaoru from going and starting a fight with some stranger who was probably just genuinely curious. Perhaps they had impressed him so much that he would go and get a board of his own? The thought was short lived when the blue haired man made his way over on his own skateboard. It was quite a bit longer then anything the three younger males had and something looked <i>weird</i> about the wheels. 
“I was just thinking about something, don’t mind me. If you don’t mind me watching please continue your competition? Oh and could you join in?” he asked. He kicked his board up and held it as he watched the three. 
“Seriously? I have to-” 
“Just humour me?” the light-blue haired male requested of his darker haired counterpart. 
“Fine.” Ainosuke rolled his eyes. 
The three did their nose grinds again. Ainosuke went the farthest with Kaoru not far behind and Kojiro stumbled off which made Kaoru laugh and declare himself the winner and Ainosuke rolled his eyes with a small grin. The pink haired and green haired male dissolved into bickering once more since Kojiro wanted to try again. The three had nearly forgotten about the adult that had joined them until they heard him stifle a laugh. 
“You are still here?” Kaoru asked. 
“I’m sorry- it is just nice to see new talent. I’m La- Snow. People call me snow. Would you three like to try your hands at competitive skating?” Snow asked. 
“We are fine, we do well enough out here,” Ainosuke started. 
“How about this. If I can do a trick that neither of you three can land then you three accept my invitation?” Snow suggested. The three were curious, they had been since they had noticed something weird about the way this man's wheels had been attached to his board. 
“Fine.” Kaoru grumbled and rolled his eyes. Of course it wasn’t like they couldn’t just take it back after or not show up to whatever this was. But then it happened. The three were left speechless when the older male use the half pipe to do some full body flip that they had only seen done in videos and even then it was very rarely done in skateboarding. 
“Frontside rodeo,” Kaoru muttered. 
“Good eye,” Snow hummed and gave a smile. “So which one of you is going first? I was snowboarding when I first started but the cement seems like an equally nice landing wouldn’t you three agree?” Snow suggested and chuckled softly. He already knew none of them would except it though- or at least he thought. 
“I’ll give it a try,” the dark blue haired boy said and shrugged. 
“Yeah and then we will accompany you to the hospital,” Kojiro grumbled but noticed that Kaoru looked like he was about to attempt it. “Idiots.” Kojiro whispered. 
Their attempt didn’t last long, for when Ainosuke tried and had to be basically caught by Snow, that was the end of Kaoru’s confidence. 
“Thanks,” Ainosuke whispered and felt his face warm a bit before pushing himself away from the other to go and retrieve his skateboard. 
“No problem, but this does mean I win our bet unless either of you two would like to try?” Snow suggested and glanced at the other two who shook their heads. They definitely did not want to try. “Well you three will need these to get in at the gate and the address is written on the back. Don’t leave those laying around,” He said and offered the boys each a fabric sticker that had a large C and S on with the aesthetics of a sunrise and sunset on them. “I’m excited to see you three there,” Snow said and just like that he was gone.
“Are we going to go?” Kojiro asked as they each looked at their stickers. 
“If it means learning to do something like that then hell yes we should,” Ainosuke muttered and grinned. 
Kaoru and Kojiro looked to Adam before looking back to one another and managed to grin at each other. The three met for a fist bump and that sealed the deal. They would be going to Clear Skies. 
Hiromi fell with a yelp and sighed softly. He recalled the words that those older teens boys had said at the skatepark. The pink haired male had told him to stop wasting space, the blue haired male told him that if he was going to spend his time falling about then he needed to at least move out of the way fast enough so he didn’t get hit. Meanwhile the green haired male had apologized for his friends when Hiromi finally decided to leave. Assholes. He decided that he would go back when he could finally land a rail slide. He didn’t have rails to practice on so instead he had taken some wax to a curb and prayed that no one would slip off. Lately he hadn’t seen the older three at the skate park as much but it didn’t matter. He wanted to prove himself before he came back. Wanted to prove that he could be just as good if not better. Currently he never landed even a 50-50 twice in a row. He figured that he definitely needed to at least do that and maybe even a nose grind before he could head back. Then those three would be impressed for sure. 
When he was able to get his 50-50 a few times in a row he grinned and began to head home since it was a lot later then he normally stayed out. He would love to stay out longer but then he risked the chance of his parents noticing. Despite his tough exterior of all black and wild hair (with far too much hair gel), he didn’t want to worry his parents. In his hurry to get home he didn’t even notice the sound of another skateboard and when turning a corner he smacked right into someone. 
Hiromi hit the ground and groaned. 
“H-hey what gives man-” Hiromi started but trailed off when he got a look at the man who had knocked into him. He was very red? Yeah. He had red hair that was slicked back in a spiky fashion and a toothpick between his lips.The man was also wearing aviator style sunglasses that kept the colour of his eyes a mystery. He possessed a stubble and a dark red leather jacket that was unzipped with no shirt underneath and black jeans. 
“Sorry kiddo, I was in a hurry,” came the man's voice. He offered Hiromi a hand and soon was pulling him up. 
“No problem,” Hiromi muttered and went to go get his board. 
“How long have you been skating for?” The man asked. Now Hiromi was fully aware that his parents would not be impressed with him talking to an older man, but Hiromi was of the mindset that skating was a community activity and that people within the community simply understood one another. Hiromi just wasn’t sure if he was a part of that community. 
“Around a year,” Hiromi said and shrugged. 
“Nice. Show me what you got,” the red haired man seemed… excited? Hiromi didn’t think anyone had been excited to see him skate. Hiromi suddenly felt the pressure of not messing up- that pressure didn’t do him good. Instead of landing a sick ollie the board slipped out from under him and he fell. The red haired man laughed but went and grabbed Hiromi’s board for him. 
“Hey, it is hard to get better all by yourself. You should come to Clear Skies,” the red haired man said and shrugged. 
“Clear Skies?” Hiromi asked and took his board back and was soon offered a sticker. 
“The address is on the back, it is a skating community. You would be one of the younger ones there but we would be happy to have you, I go by Phoenix by the way,” the red haired male said. 
“O-okay,” Hiromi whispered and carefully took the sticker. 
“See you there!” Phoenix hummed and with that he was off and Hiromi was left in the dark. 
Tadashi sometimes needed a night out. He sometimes couldn’t handle the fact that he would spend his entire life serving the Shindo family. He used to not mind so much. He used to enjoy spending his time with Ainosuke because at one point they had been friends. Tadashi was going to be graduating soon, but once they had gotten into highschool they had been growing apart. Ainosuke was being given more responsibilities by his family and he had told Tadashi that when he went out he wanted to be away from it all, not have Tadashi around to remind him of what waited for him at home. So instead he made friends with Mr. Sakurayashiki and Mr. Nanjo. Tadashi was left behind. 
So tonight, while Ainosuke was in trouble for some school paper he hadn’t done well on, Tadashi had opted to leave. He had grabbed his skateboard and left. Needing space. Tadashi used to love skateboarding. It was an escape from everything. Then he had taught Mr. Ainosuke how to skateboard and it became all that much better. Then Ainosuke had left him behind and Tadashi had this bitter pit in his stomach everytime he skated. He just wanted to skate with Ainosuke again and yet he couldn’t. 
He ended up at the skatepark- one with a bowl- and just allowing himself to cruise around it. His movement was fluid and when he managed to get a decent amount of air he felt like he was dropping down a roller coaster when he came back down. It was exciting. Despite how it was fading, he still loved it. How could he not? 
He heard a low whistle which caused him to fall as he glanced over with a yelp. 
“Not again-” he heard one say. There were three older men who made their way over. Each in wildly different… costumes? Was there a festival he didn’t know about? One was a red haired male in a leather jacket and sunglasses and- why wasn’t he wearing a shirt? Another was dressed in… okay it was basically a male version of Elsa from Frozen. He had long light blue hair. The third- the third wore a mismatch of colours. Neon green hoodie with cat ears and gloves that went far past the edge of his hoodie and a tail. He also had his ears decorated in piercings as well as one on his nose. He had long black hair that fell along his shoulders.
“What do you mean again?” the black haired male asked and scoffed. 
“He had a run in with junior,” the blue haired one mentioned. 
“You don’t get to make fun of me for not knowing his name when you didn’t catch a single name while watching those three bicker for forever!” The red haired male shot back which made them laugh. 
“Hey you okay?” the black haired male asked and crossed his arms. Tadashi realized he had been staring and began to pick himself up. 
“Thanks for your concern but I’m fine-” 
‘Well that’s good. So you won’t have a problem accepting our invite?” the male-elsa asked. 
“You are being rude,” the black haired one mentioned. 
“I am?” the blue haired one didn’t even seem to realize. The black haired male rolled his eyes and looked back to Tadashi. 
“We run a skating ring, you should join it. We are always looking for fresh talent,” the black haired male explained and extended a gloved hand to offer a sticker. “Think about it,” was all he said when Tadashi took it and with that he turned to leave on their skateboards. The flashy outfits had distracted Tadashi enough for him to just realize that they had skateboards. 
“That wasn’t very convincing,” the red haired male mentioned. 
“Yeah I think even I did a better job-” 
“He will join if he wants,” the black haired male said which seemed to shut them up as he left. 
“What the hell was that?” Tadashi muttered to himself- allowing himself to swear as he looked at the sticker and flipped it over to see the address. “Okay,” Tadashi whispered. If they met at night he would be able to sneak out and do this. Maybe he could actually have some fun instead of just using this as a distraction too. 
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flarewrites · 5 years ago
ICU In My Dreams
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku︱Rated T ︱Crack, Bad Puns & Pick-up Lines
Sypnosis: High on anesthesia, Katsuki falls for his husband all over again and tries to woo him with extremely bad pick-up lines. 
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Katsuki wakes up in a hospital bed.
Or maybe he wakes up in heaven that just coincidentally looks like a private hospital room, because damn, is that an angel standing next to his bed?
He cranes his neck to get a better look, which is obviously a bad choice, because instantly, a sharp pain shoots up his neck and Katsuki lets out a string of violent curses.
The angel turns around, and Katsuki’s heart swoops.
He’s got the cutest fucking face Katsuki has ever seen - big round green eyes that sparkle and shit, the cutest fucking nose, and damn those plush kissable lips.
Also, bless the gods, are those freckles?!
He reaches out instinctively to touch one, but the angel grabs his hand and gently pushes it back down.
“Kacchan?” Oh damn this is so unfair, he’s even got a nice voice. “Are you okay? Do you know where you are?”
Katsuki frowns. That’s a goddamn stupid question; of course he knows where he is.
“This is heaven,” He tells Izuku confidently. “Are you the angel assigned to me?”
Izuku blinks at him.
Across the room, someone bursts into laughter.
“Oh man, this is great.” The person says, coming into Katsuki’s view. “Dude, I am so filming this.”
The newcomer has red spikey hair and is decked in some sort of hero gear, although Katsuki can’t wrap his mind around why anyone would fight shirtless. He’s also got really sharp teeth, but despite appearances he seems pretty harmless, though at this point Katsuki doesn’t give a fuck if he’s good or bad. He’ll fight him either way for interrupting their conversation.
“Fuck off,” He growls, much to the amusement of the other. “Can’t you see we’re busy?”
The man snorts. “My bad, bro. Please continue.”
Katsuki would like to, but the fucking moment is ruined, so he leans back and pouts as Izuku checks on him.
“You’re not in heaven, Kacchan.” The green-haired boy tells him, much to his disappointment. “You’re alive, and you’re currently in the hospital fresh out from surgery. I’m the nurse assigned to you.”
Huh. That sucks.
“I want to borrow your phone,” He says instead. “I need to call God because i think i found one of his missing angels.”
Eijiro chokes on his water.
Katsuki promptly ignores him, gazing up expectantly at the not-angel whose face has turned an alarming shade of red.
“You’re high on anaesthetic,” Izuku says, amused. “Kacchan i don’t-”
“Who’s Kacchan?” He demands, annoyed that Izuku hasn’t once used his name. “My name is Bakugo Katsuki. Call me Katsuki.”
“Okay, Katsuki,” The smile on Izuku’s face is fond, but it's obvious that he’s trying not to laugh. “Katsuki, are you hungry?”
“Depends,” Katsuki says, eyeing a particular area of Izuku’s body. “Do you have a footlong?”
At this point, Eijiro isn’t even trying anymore. He laughs so hard he wheezes, and Izuku has to shove another cup of water in his hands before the man dies of oxygen deprivation.
“Man you are so going to hate yourself later,” Eijiro tells Katsuki when he finally stops laughing. “I can’t watch any further and since I have enough blackmail material already, I'll leave you two to it.”
He gives them both a little wave, then turns his heel and promptly exits the room.
Katsuki has never been more glad to see him leave.
“Is he someone i know?” He asks Izuku when it's just the two of them. “Why is he here?”
“He’s one of your best friends,” The other replies. “You two were on patrol when some villains attacked the area, so you went in to help, but they caught you off-guard and you were...impaled.”
Izuku’s voice breaks at the end, and Katsuki’s heart clenches painfully. For some reason he doesn’ t understand, it hurts to hear Izuku’s voice in distraught.
“Did I win?” Katsuki demands in an attempt to distract the other. “Did i kill those stupid villain extras?”
“Hmm?” Izuku looks up at him, and then he nods. “Oh, yes you did.”
Well, that’s great news. So why does the green-haired male look so crest-fallen?
“Listen, angel,” He says, reaching forward to grab the other’s hand. “Keep your evening free, I want to take you on a date.”
Izuku stares at him. “I already have plans tonight.”
“What about tomorrow?” Katsuki suggests. “Or the day after tomorrow.”
“I’m not quite sure my husband will appreciate it,” Izuku says, the corner of his mouth lifting a little. “You see, he can be quite the possessive type.”
Katsuki tries not to feel so dejected. Of fucking course this beautifiul man is already taken.
“I don’t see a wedding ring,” He mentions, carefully examining the others’ left hand. “Your husband doesn’t have to know. It can be our dirty little secret.”
Alright, in his defense, Katsuki is not in his right mind, and definitely a little love drunk. He’s a lot of things, but certainly not a homewrecker because fuck you, he does have morals.
“I take my ring off for work because I don't want to lose it,” Izuku says patiently, watching in amusement as Katsuki scowls at the additional information. “Even so, I'm not going to cheat on him with you.”
Katsuki pouts. “But I'm a catch.”
“So is he,” Izuku replies, giggling.
Katsuki is getting very annoyed at this nurse’s “husband”, but he’s been known to fight for what he wants, so he isn’t going to give up so easily.
“I can be better than him,” He declares. “I’ll win him in a fight. Call him over now, I'll fight him.”
Izuku stares at him for a while, and then the nurse bursts out laughing.
Katsuki hasn’t been more confused in his life. What part of that sentence was funny?
“You’re my husband, dumbass.” Izuku says, green eyes swimming with mirth. “Also, you’re not fighting anyone. You can barely even walk!”
Wait a minute. He’s his what now?
“I’m your husband?” Katsuki asks, bewildered. “What? How? When?”
“We've been married for a few year,” Izuku is handing him a cup of pills now . “It’s time for your medicine. Eat these and sleep first. We’ll talk when you wake up.”
Katsuki frowns at the small plastic cup. He doesn’t want to sleep, he just wants to talk to his husband. “I don’t need all these. All I need is some Vitamin You.”
Izuku snorts. “Would you like some vitamin D while you’re at it?”
“Can i?”
Izuku winks at him. “If you take these like a good boy.”
Yeah, Katsuki has never scoffed down pills as fast as he did now, so imagine his disappointment when Izuku merely gives him a peck on the cheek before turning to leave.
What the fuck. He’s never felt so betrayed.
“You promised,” Katsuki says petulantly. “At least give me a proper kiss.”
He watches in satisfaction as Izuku turns back to him and sighs.
“You’re such a big baby,” His husband complains, but leans down to press a chaste kiss on Katsuki’s lips. “Sleep, or i won’t be here when you wake up.”
“I’ll divorce your ass,” He grumbles, pouting when Izuku gives him a pointed look. “Fucking fine, i’m sleeping!”
He’s not though. Well, until Izuku steps out of the room, he’s going to be as awake as he can so he can watch that mighty fine ass leave. It really is a great ass, Katsuki thinks, peeking from one slightly opened eye. How-
Fuck, he’s been caught.
Katsuki tries to look less guilty when Izuku strides towards his bedside once more, arms crossed and mouth pinched into a thin line.
“I’m not leaving until you sleep,” He says sharply. “Kacchan, you really need to sleep to get better.”
“I don’t want you to go,” Katsuki says, fighting the sudden urge to close his eyes, because fuck why are his eyelids suddenly so heavy? “I want to talk more.”
“We can talk when you’re better,” Izuku says, and oh no, his voice suddenly sounds so far away. “Sleep, Kacchan.”
“Sleep,” Izuku says again, gently pushing him backwards. His head hits the pillow and then everything goes black.
The last thing he sees are those wide, sparkling green eyes before he lets his consciousness get pulled under.
Eijiro plays the video for Katsuki when he visits him the day after he’s discharged and Katsuki nearly burns the whole apartment down with his second-hand embarrassment.
“I did not just ask if you have a footlong, what the fuck.” Katsuki whispers, horrified. He wants to go back in time and strangle himself. “Fuck you, Shitty hair, delete that.”
“Nah,” The damn bastard leaps out of his reach, and Katsuki is way too comfortable to catch his ass so he flips him off instead. “This shit will go down in history, my man. It's priceless.”
Izuku, his little shit of a husband, is still laughing even after the video ends. Katsuki would know, because the green-haired male is currently curled up next to him, and he can feel his whole body shaking.
“For what it’s worth, I thought it was cute.” Izuku says, wiping the tears away from his eyes. “I was worried sick when you came in all bloodied and unconscious, but it was a relief to see you be your usual self.”
Eijrou stops sipping his tea and stares.
Katsuki has the sudden urge to blast himself to space.
“What,” Eijiro says carefully, setting his cup down. “Did you say?”
Izuku doesn’t seem to catch wind of the situation - or maybe he does, since Katsuki didn’t marry him for his innocence - because he cocks his head to one side, and says, “Kacchan occasionally-mmph!”
Eijiro never gets to hear what Katsuki occasionally does; he’s too busy vacating their apartment like his ass is on fire because knowing his best friend, it might just be if he’s late by a fraction of a second.
He slams the door shut and prays Izuku makes it out alive.
Posted on AO3 too :D
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pazzodiamante · 4 years ago
Oldest, Middle, Or Youngest Child?
Haikyuu edition
Middle child
He just raidiates younger sibling vibes man
But the fact that he handles Bokuto so perfectly makes me think that he HAS to have a younger sibling
He has an older brother who’s away for college and a younger brother who he adores
He’s not that close to his older brother anymore but back when they were, you could always catch them play fighting and laughing till tears came out their eyes
His brother going away for college changed him a lot. He was never the type of person who was exited all the time and and he sure as hell didn’t have a kind smile on his face as often as others, but when his brother was around he often appeared to be in a good mood and much more open. He became more quiet and picked up a resting bitch face that made him look bored all the time a few months after his brother left, he slowly distanced himself from people and kept more quiet to and himself too
He’s really close to his younger brother though, he’s in junior high. They play video games together, ride bikes at the park, watch horror movies together, and a bunch of other stuff. Akaashi always makes time for him, always
If their mom happens to be working late, Akaashi picks up food for the three of them once he heads home so they can eat since she won’t be cooking for them and Akaashi can’t cook for shit. They eat their food in peace in the living room watching tv and enjoying each other’s company
Sometimes if they both happen to be up early in the morning on a weekend with no school and no work to do, they’ll make breakfast, chill on couch, put on some cartoons, and eat whatever they made in a comfortable silence
Middle child
His three older siblings already graduated high school and one passed college too, his two younger siblings are in high school and in elementary school
His oldest sibling is the only boy aside from himself, he’s 25. He doesn’t live with them but he comes home a lot since their house is pretty big and he has a room there. They get along fine, Kyou’s relationship with him is similar to his with Iwa’s but he’s much more closer to his brother and he has more fun with him since they grew up together
The second oldest is his eldest sister who is 23 and in law school. She’s usually very busy with trying to deal with school, work, family, and friends at the same time so they don’t interact that often but when they do it’s peaceful and fun. She’s the most mature of them all so she’s the one that stops the fights and takes responsibility when she has to
The other middle child, or the third oldest, is his older sister who is 19 and in college. She works at a restaurant near his school so sometimes after practice he’ll go there to eat and do his homework. Her girlfriend works there too so Kyoutani and her end up talking a lot and he knows a few other employees thanks to his sister and her girlfriend
His younger sister, who is a first year and one year younger than him, is his resident pain in the ass. He argues with her the most but he would never go as far as to actually hit her, he knows that he’s pretty strong and the only ones who could actually take it are his brother and older sister (19 year old one) since the three of them are the only ones who work out and have played sports before. They’re both pretty similar in a lot of ways so there are times where they get along and have the time of their lives
His youngest sibling and the baby of the family is Rika, she’s 7. She is literally the only sibling Seijou knows the name of, Kyoutani doesn’t talk about his personal life much but she’s the only one he’s actually called by name when talking about her, the rest get names like “My sister”, “Assjack 1”, “Assjack 2”, and “Assjack 3”
He gets along with sister 2 best but sister 3 least. He likes the other two just fine and Rika favors him, something he likes to rub in his brothers face
Fun fact: his eldest siblings actually share different fathers than the rest but the same between each other, none of them actually like him so they never bring him up. That’s also one of the reasons as to why they treat Kyou’s dad like their actual father
I’m working on some Kyoutani headcanons so I’ll write more about them there :)
Oldest child
He has a younger sister who’s not even in junior high yet, she’s babey
She’s also his human alarm clock
Matsukawa absolutely hates waking up early in the morning, he would sleep in until 12 everyday if he had the chance and he does on holidays
So since his actual phone alarms are useless (he just keeps pressing snooze and never actually stops them and get up), Hanamaki and Mattsun’s little sister have taken it up to themselves to wake him up
Hanamaki is up much earlier so by the time Mattsun’s alarms start ringing, Makki is eating breakfast peacefully. When he’s done he’ll just walk 5 minutes to Mattsun’s house, climb a tree that’s right next to Mattsun’s window so he can get in through there without waking anyone else up, and attack him with pillows until he wakes up and starts getting ready
When it’s not Hanamaki waking him up but his little sister instead, she’ll go in his room with two pans and start smashing them together while yelling “GET UP BIGFOOT!!!”. What a way to wake up amiright, instant panic and confusion the moment you process the sounds. She only does that when it’s only them two together though so she doesn’t wake anyone else up and the reason why she’s up so early is because she watches morning cartoons and eats whatever breakfast their mom left them
Mattsun loves tickling her to death, they play around so much you wouldn’t even think it’s actually Mattsun and not some secret twin of his who is much more happy and cheerful than he is
She’s so smol and loves having Mattsun lift her up with one hand and have her be taller than him by lifting his hand straight up, their cealing is pretty tall so he doesn’t have to worry about his arm touching the ceiling or his sister hitting her head while he’s lifting her up
Aside from “Bigfoot”, she likes to call him “Mountain man”, “Uvo’s son” (he’s from hxh and he’s tall as hell bruh), and “Cupcake” for some reason. Mattsun guesses that she calls him that because Makki calls him “My chocolate cupcake” jokingly sometimes and she’s been around a few times when he has
Mattsun would kill a man for her no question about it
Oldest child
He has an 13 year old little sister who he is very protective of
They argue so much though it’s unreal
She often kicks his knees when she’s mad at him since he’s too tall for her to reach his face
She gets most of her roasting material from him and Moniwa prays for the child whenever he remembers (he’s been to his house before so he knows)
Aone once told him “She’s a lot like you” and Futakuchi has never been so offended in his life, he couldn’t even find the right words for that he just made disgusted noises
He’s just like that, acts like a dick a lot but he would do anything for her except wash the damn dishes
She knows this and she’s the same
She’s so sarcastic Kamasaki almost lost his shit the first time he met her and realized that she’s even worse than Futa
“It’s fineeeee my dog won’t bite or anything, cant say the same for my sister though. She’ll have you reevaluating your life” -Futakuchi at Kamasaki
Youngest child
He has an older sister who is 22
They aren’t that close since they’re only related because of their dad and live separately (Kawanishi living with his mom and her living with her own) but they’re pretty chill around each other
She isn’t the energetic type, preferring peace and quiet over anything but she doesn’t mind making conversation either
She sometimes cooks for him when he’s home and not in the dorms, he won’t admit it but he loves it since she’s always cared for him and she has amazing cooking skills
Oldest child
He has two younger siblings, a younger sister who’s about to graduate junior high, and a brother who is 2 years younger than her
They call him “The Capitalist”
Seriously, they have plenty of normal names for him like “Hayahaya”, “Haya”, “Yaya”, “Yato”, and “Hayaaaaaa” if they want something from him, but that other name is the sole weird one and most used name they have for him
The reason behind that name is that he’s a killer in Monopoly and bullies them through it, there’s only two people who can beat him in the game and those two people are two of their cousins but they don’t see each other often
“Sorry I don’t speak broke”, “not my fault I’m filthy rich and you’re living the life of a New York rat”, “sorry can’t see you through all this CASH”, “maybe if you weren’t slow on the brain then you could’ve saved some money and actually stood a chance”, “what are you? My mother? No, pay up kid this ain’t a game” -Hayato Yamagata in Monopoly
Hayato and his sister practice volleyball sometimes since he taught her how to play once while their brother watches when he’s feeling down. Spending time with them just helps
They play all sorts of card games with a big tray of snacks next to them when she’s the one down, and they all binge watch cool series together when their little brother is the one who is down
They like to spend a lot of time together and they overall care a lot about each other
Both of them miss Hayato a lot too since he spent three years living in a high school dorm system and he plans on moving away for college too but they wouldn’t admit it
Hayato misses them too but instead of trying to deny it or anything, he just spends as much time with them as possible. He takes them to the mall, theme parks, restaurants, etc.
His sister also has a crush on Semi and Hayato absolutely does not let her live it down, she knew she was done for the moment Hayato realized
Middle child
He comes from a family of A LOT of siblings and always feels outshined by them, two older ones and three younger ones to be exact
The oldest is a girl who’s 25 and currently lives with her best friend, second oldest is a boy who’s 19 and the one person who can absolutely get under Goshiki’s skin in less than 2 minutes, then there’s Goshiki, after him is his junior high brother who proves to be amazingly intelligent and great at volleyball himself and is only one year younger than him, and after him are “The Terror Twins” which are his two younger brothers that are three years younger than Goshiki
His older brother used to play basketball but stopped once graduated, that’s why he’s taller than Goshiki and a bit stronger. He always uses his height & strength to his advantage and a weapon to make Goshiki’s life a living hell and Goshiki hates him for it. Does anyone know why exactly he’s such a dick to Goshiki? Nope, it’s only a guess that he has some sort of hatred for him due to the fact that Goshiki shares a different mom than the rest of them
He and his younger brother have a complicated relationship too. They don’t physically fight like Goshiki and their older brother do but he constantly acts like he’ll always be better than him and like he’s worthless to him, that messes with Goshiki sometimes and they always end up arguing
There are a few times where those two pain in the asses actually like him and they get along though
The twins aren’t really bad, they just have a lot of energy in them and like causing trouble so Goshiki doesn’t really mind them unless they direct their mischief towards him
He gets along with his older sister the most, she’s really nice to him and often offers to go out with him. The volleyball team has also met her twice and they seem to like her too
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dreamcatcherfication · 5 years ago
Three’s a Crowd
I hope this fic isn’t absolute trash after the short break from writing I took. In the span of three days I completely forgot how to write and it shows.
But anyway, hello everyone! Anon requested Jane getting jealous because of Aragon being maternal towards Kat, and I loved that prompt. I’m not sure I did it justice, but we’re certainly trying. I really hope this fic is in any sense coherent. Sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors, I forgot how to write and my english is not good now. 
And also - I DO NOT CONDONE ANY OF THIS BEHAVIOR! A lot of what happens in this fic includes toxic mindsets and sometimes toxic behavior, and I do not support that in any way. I wanted to do my best to represent how toxic mindsets can affect a person, and how hard it can be to get out of them. That’s why Jane might seem a little OOC, but I did my best to balance everything out.
Writing Masterpost
If you want to send a request or a prompt, my inbox is always open! I publish a story at 8:00 AM PST everyday, so I’m always in need of new ideas. If you want to be tagged in my works, just let me know and I’ll be sure to tag you!
Prompts | More Prompts | The Trifecta of Prompts | Original Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Toxic behavior, toxic mindsets
Jane Seymour didn’t like being busy. Of course she liked to have things to do so she wasn’t wasting time, but being overburdened with work stressed her out far more than she liked. For the past week Jane had been overwhelmed with learning new choreography for the show, and the costume changes, as well as some of her lines being workshopped. It took all of her attention, and Jane started to notice how much less time she was spending with the queens.
There was one particular change in dynamics that Jane was starting to notice. Ever since the queens had grown comfortable with each other, Kat and Jane were almost always by each other’s side. It made sense, with Jane longing for someone to act maternal towards, and Kat lacking any strong maternal figure in her life. The two of them clicked, forming a bond that they both so desperately needed. 
But now, Kat was hardly ever around Jane. She wasn’t avoiding Jane, that much was clear, but the teen always seemed busy with someone else. Namely, Catherine of Aragon. It irked Jane to see the two of them so happy together. Internally, she kept telling herself she held no ill will towards Catherine, but she couldn’t help the small seed of rage that festered in her heart every time she saw the two queens together.
Just yesterday, Jane had asked Kat if she wanted to read together. “Sorry Jane, I’m going to the movies with Aragon. She got us these great seats and it’s one of those new, high tech theatres. She’s so cool,” Kat had gushed on.
Jane had to keep repeating that Aragon wasn’t being mean and was perfectly capable and welcome to spend time with Kat. However, in the back of Jane’s mind, she kept thinking Catherine unfit to spend time with Kat. “It’s a toxic mindset,” Jane kept telling herself, trying to push it away.
She started out small, doing little things to regain Kat’s attention. Late at night, Jane had gone to the store to buy a giant box of guylian’s chocolates, Kat’s favorite. The next morning, she left them on the kitchen counter with the note, For Kat, the ten amongst these threes. From Jane.
When Kat walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, Jane held her breath in anticipation. Kat’s eyes drifted over to the chocolates as she frowned in confusion. She made her way over to the box and read the note. Eyes lighting up, Kat turned to Jane with an open mouth. “For me?” she gasped.
Nodding her head, Jane tried to conceal the smile growing on her lips. “Just for you Kat.”
“Oh thank you so much!” Kat hugged Jane tightly to her chest. “Can I have some now?”
Pretending to look around like she was keeping a secret, Jane put a finger to her lips. “Only if you don’t tell the others.”
Kat laughed and waved Jane off. “As if. These are all mine. Thank you Jane, I love you!”
For the first time in a week, Jane’s heart unclenched and she relaxed. Kat still loved her, that was good. That was very good.
The next day, Jane woke up bright and early so that she could be ready to greet Kat when she came down for breakfast. Behold her surprise when Kat was already up and about, fully dressed and wide awake. “Kat, why are you up so early?” Jane asked, still fighting back slight drowsiness. “It’s only 6:30.”
Pulling on a jacket, Kat shrugged. “Aragon’s taking me to this moving carnival that’s set up downtown. She heard about it through Maria and she wanted to take me.”
Like she heard her name, Aragon appeared from the kitchen. She had paper bags filled with food that she was packing into a travel bag. “That’s right, Kat,” she rubbed the girl’s shoulder. “Maria and the other ladies went yesterday and they loved it, so I thought I’d take Kat out for the day.”
“Oh,” Jane’s heart broke a little bit. “That’s nice.”
Aragon flashed her a grin and led Kat to the door. “We’ll be back for dinner Jane, don’t worry.”
Kat waved as they left the room. “Yeah, we’ll tell you all about it!”
The door shut on Jane, her hand half raised in a pitiful goodbye wave. “Bye,” she whispered, her shoulders slouching. She should’ve known it wouldn’t last. Kat wasn’t bound to her, she had her own relationships. That didn’t mean it hurt any less to see her bounding off with Aragon. Was she being replaced? Jane questioned. Had Kat found someone better when Jane wasn’t around and realized she didn’t want her?
Sensibility told Jane it was only insecurity, but she still couldn’t shake it off. If Kat only wanted to spend time with Aragon, how would Jane cope? Would she lose the bond she so desperately tried to build with Kat in the first place?
Setting her face, Jane vowed that she wouldn’t let Aragon destroy her and Kat’s bond. They had something none of the other queens had, and Jane wasn’t about to let that go. The battle was on.
“Hey, Kat,” Jane approached the girl a couple days later. 
The teen was on her phone, scrolling through pictures she and Aragon had taken at the carnival. “Hmm?” Kat glanced up, her face brightening when she saw Jane. “Hi Jane.” Before Jane could start talking, Kat cut her off and shoved the phone in her face. “Look at this video I took from the carnival. This guy eats fire and then breaths it out. Isn’t it cool,” she explained.
Watching the video silently, Jane wasn’t paying attention to the guy eating fire. She was listening to the faint dialogue between Kat and Aragon from behind the camera. “How does he do that?” she heard Kat ask.
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” Aragon replied lightly, “and it’s more fun to watch and be amazed.”
Judging by Kat’s gasp, she had agreed. “It would be so cool to be able to do that.”
The camera shook slightly as Aragon came into frame, her eyes twinkling. “Don’t go hurting yourself trying to swallow fire, Kitty, this guy’s a professional.”
Kat’s pout was practically visible through her voice. “Do you really think I would hurt myself trying to eat fire?”
Shrugging goodnaturedly, Aragon leaned back out of frame. “I think you listen to your cousin too much sometimes. I’m not saying that I don’t trust you, but I am saying it’s not unlike you and Anne to try and eat fire because it looks cool.”
The video ended along with Jane’s good mood. How could Kat be so enraptured by Aragon? She and Jane had those conversations millions of times, why would she be having it with Aragon now? “Forget about that,” Jane tried to cover her annoyance with giddiness, “Because I’ve got something better planned.”
Raising her eyebrow in interest, Kat leaned forward. “What could be better than someone eating fire?”
“I dunno…” Jane teased Kat, “maybe the private animal shelter will suffice?”
Practically jumping to her feet, Kat dropped her phone, completely forgetting about the video. “No way! But you have to make appointments with them, Anna and I have been trying for months, how -”
Jane cut her off. “I pulled a couple strings, don’t worry about it. I know how much you wanted to see them, so it’s all worth it.”
“When do we get to go?” Kat prodded, bouncing on her feet.
Jane’s heart sped up when she saw the pure happiness in Kat’s eyes. “As soon as you’re ready.”
The animal shelter itself was huge, although there weren’t many people throughout. It was a private shelter and the owners required a considerable ‘donation’ for patrons to be allowed to come play with the animals even if they weren’t interested in buying. It was a lot of money Jane was required to pay, but she would do it a thousand times over in order to keep Kat happy.
Kat was fawning over the dogs as Jane stood behind her. There was a small, fluffy white dog that kept jumping into Kat’s lap and attacking her with its tongue. A bunch of other dogs swarmed her feet, causing Kat to giggle. Restraining herself from sneezing, Jane couldn’t help the swell of accomplishment in her chest. Kat loved it, and that’s what mattered.
 The fur that was gathering around Jane irritated her skin, turning it red, but she ignored her discomfort. Jane didn’t care about her allergy to dogs and to fur, and she would continue to hide it from Kat. The teen was so happy with Jane, she wouldn’t ruin it. “Jane,” Kat called her attention. “Isn’t she so cute,” Kat held up the white dog to Jane, prompting her to pet it. Carefully stroking the dog’s fur, Jane prayed that a sneezing fit wouldn’t overcome her.
“She’s lovely, dear,” Jane agreed, stepping away from the dog as soon as Kat was satisfied.
Setting the dog down, Kat pulled Jane into a hug. Melting into the teen’s embrace, Jane couldn’t help a sigh of relief. This was all she wanted. “Thank you Jane,” Kat murmured. “I love you.”
That’s all Jane needed to hear, once again. The only thing she wanted out of any of this. So Jane contented herself to watch as Kat sat back on the ground and returned her attention to the dogs.
By now, Jane was sure she had won. How could Aragon compete when Jane had taken Kat to an exclusive animal shelter to play with the dogs she loved so much? At this rate, all of Jane’s worries would be for naught and Kat would always love her. All of this would fade into a little bubble in the past and things would be back how they should be.
That was until Jane heard talking coming from Kat’s room. Immediately standing up, Jane went to investigate. Chances were it was only Anne talking with her cousin, but Jane still had to know if there was something she was missing. Opening Kat’s door, Jane carefully peeked in to see what was going on.
In the center of the room stood Aragon, a small crate of stuffed animals in her hands. Kat was standing in front of her, sorting through the stuffed animals with wide eyes. “There’s so many,” Kat glanced up at Aragon, “how much did this cost?”
“Money’s not important. You were telling me about how much you loved the dogs at the shelter Jane took you to, so I knew you’d like these too. Think of it as a way to have them with you all the time.” Aragon spoke softly, her hand carefully brushing some hair away from Kat’s face. 
A pit grew in Jane’s stomach. That was something she did with Kat. Not something Aragon did, something Jane did. It was her special thing, why -
Jane had to cut herself off. She kept berating herself internally for getting so caught up with this. All the queens were close, it wasn’t against any rules for Aragon to care for Kat. Aragon wasn’t a bad person, Jane knew that. But she kept wanting to believe that she was better than Aragon, and that she should be the one giving Kat gifts. This… this wasn’t the status quo.
Tuning back in, Jane watched as Kat took the crate from Aragon’s arms and beamed as wide as her face would allow. “I love them Catherine, I love you.”
And that was the last straw for Jane.
The next day, Jane had a surprise for Kat. If this didn’t win her over for good, she didn’t know what would. Aragon and Kat had gone out together for lunch, and the other queens were off doing who-knows-what. Jane was prepared, and she would wait in front of the door for as long as it took for Kat to show up.
Silently, Jane stared at the door. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this, she knew it was wrong. But knowing you have a problem and being able to fix it are two different things. The only way she knew to get rid of this deep ache in her chest was to win. To win Kat’s affection, to win her attention, and to win her love. This girl was like her daughter, and she wasn’t going to let Aragon take that from her.
The door opened, bringing with it lively conversation. “Nando’s never fails,” Aragon laughed, herding Kat into the room. “But you shouldn’t order so much if you aren’t going to eat it.”
“Oh come on,” Kat rolled her eyes, “how else are we going to get leftovers for days? I’ve picked up on a life hack or two, you know.” Kat stopped speaking when she noticed Jane watching her. “Hey Jane,” she waved. Aragon and Kat stood in confusion at Jane’s still figure.
“Is everything alright?” Aragon was slightly put off by the other queen’s iciness.
“Yes, just fine,” Jane replied. “I have something for you Kat.” 
Warily, Kat approached Jane and sat down next to her. There was something clearly wrong with Jane, and Kat was quite aware of it. “What is it?” she asked.
Reaching under her legs, Jane pulled out a small cage. She opened it, and out popped the small white dog Kat had been playing with at the shelter. Kat and Aragon gasped, both surprised at the furry creature’s appearance. “Jane... I…” Kat was unsure what to say.
“I got her for you, I know how much you loved playing with her,” Jane encouraged Kat to take the dog. Nervously, Kat obliged, picking up the animal.
Aragon frowned and made her way over to Jane. “It’s a sweet gesture and all, but Jane, you know we don’t have any way to support a dog right? We’re going to have to return her.”
“Yeah, and as much as I love her, wasn’t she already adopted by another family?” Kat recalled.
Batting off the concern, Jane inched away from the dog, her skin already turning red. “Nothing a little payment couldn’t fix. Besides, you liked her, so it was worth it.”
Still, Aragon was unconvinced. “Jane, just because Kat likes the dog doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to buy it.”
Standing up, Jane snarled, “Just because Kat likes animals doesn’t mean you have to buy her a crate full of them.” She then recoiled, realizing what her voice sounded like. “I - I.”
“Stop it!” Kat set the dog down and stepped away from Jane and Aragon. “Why are you fighting?”
“We’re not fighting,” Aragon assured Kat, taking a step towards her.
Scoffing, Kat moved away from them. “Maybe it doesn’t seem like it, but I’ve noticed. As soon as one of you does something nice, the other has to one up them. I don’t need all these gifts.”
“But you want them,” Jane added hopefully.
Shaking her head, Kat crossed her arms. “I want to spend time with you. Both of you. Together, if that’s even possible. You two have been at odds for the past week and I’m sick of it. I’ve tried to ignore it and enjoy the good things, but I can’t anymore. Why is it so hard to accept that I want to spend time with both of you?”
“Because I was here first?” Jane offered. “You’ve always wanted to spend time with me, Kat.”
Aragon tried to put herself in front of Jane. “Because I’m here when she isn't. Why keep going back to Jane when I’m always here for you.”
Biting her lip, Kat couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Do you two even listen to yourselves? This is so stupid. I don’t want you fighting over me.” Moving to round the couch and make a clean getaway to the stairs, Kat shot the two of them a disappointed glare. “I can’t spend time with either of you, not like this.”
“Kat!” Jane called her before the girl could disappear. “Aren’t you supposed to say you love me?” It was something she had become so used to hearing Kat say to her at the end of every conversation.
Shaking her head once more, Kat turned away. “I’m not sure I can say that truthfully right now.” Then she was gone, the closing over her bedroom door echoing throughout the house a moment later.
Jane turned to Aragon and they both glared at each other. “You’ve been doing it too, huh,” Jane broached, her voice defensive.
“I’ve only been trying to make sure she knows I care about her,” Aragon argued, crossing her arms.
“No,” Jane accused, “You’ve been using her to satisfy your own need to be a mother.”
“Well you’ve been doing it for longer than I have.”
Clicking her tongue, Jane sat down on the couch next to the dog. “Maybe I have. But I can’t stop. It’s the best feeling in the world, like a - like a -”
“Like a drug,” Aragon filled in. “I know.” She gave up and sat next to Jane. “You know what it’s like when Kat smiles at you better than anyone. And once she started looking at me that way…”
“You couldn’t let it go,” Jane added on. “I know,” she swallowed, “I know you aren’t a bad influence. I’m sorry I’ve been treating you like one. I don’t know how to get used to Kat seeing someone else the same way she sees me. Kat’s like my daughter.”
Aragon nodded, leaving the two queens in silence. “It might be a little weird at first,” Aragon broke the quiet air, “But we could try, maybe, spending time with Kat together? Like she said, it doesn’t have to be one or the other.”
Some defiant part of Jane still wanted to resist. She wanted to be the only one, she wanted things to be the way they were before Aragon entered the picture. But for once, Jane took a step towards fixing her mindset. “Let’s do it. If it’ll make things better, then let’s do it.”
In a moment of awkwardness, the two queens stared at each other, unsure of what to do next. Aragon stuck out her hand, hoping for Jane to seal the deal. Jane took the hand and the two of them shook on their agreement. 
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