#praise cats!
Omg I love drawing cats. Even when I draw them incorrectly(which is most of the time lol) it fills me with joy. Woo! Blessed be thy cats!!
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solargeist · 4 months
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Watchers' game !
my rough Evo timeline ....
"Evo as normal (-Life is normal. -Watchers are a background noise)
-> First contact (-The Watchers start talking to Grian. -Life is still normal. -Taurtis notices Grian talks to himself often.)
~~> Praising (The Watchers praise Grian on his building, his skill, everything. "you're so smart, so talented, you could be one of us.")
~-v Isolation ("what happened to your little friend ?" he just hasn't been around.)
-> Isolation (its fine.)
-> Isolation
~~> Acceptance
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ohnoshiv · 1 year
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I think it’s very important for you to look at my cats rn
Their names are Davy and Jones and they are siblings, scoundrels, and darlings
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jjkyaoi · 7 months
i love alastor because he’s so used to people being impressed by him that it gets under his skin SOOOO badly when they aren’t. he’s always like yeahhh lol btw i was missing for seven years and then came back with no explanation OOOHHH wonder what that’s about !! and the one time carmilla was like. actually that isn’t any of my business and idgaf 🤷‍♂️ his entire mood was Killed. he already had smth against lucifer for whatever reason but when the king of hell didn’t know and didn’t care about his infamous radio show that he garnered his feared reputation from he immediately was like Oh I’m Going To Squash Him Like a Bug. like ok. you can just say you want people to think you’re cool dude there’s no need for all this
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catsofyore · 9 months
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I would join this club and/or cult. 1949. Source.
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emimii · 6 months
lightning poweeeerrssszz
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the aftermath:
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“Jeremy finds Jean’s accent hot” “Jeremy finds Jean’s nose hot” “Jeremy finds Jean’s attitude hot”
yes yes yes BUT I RAISE YOU:
Jeremy find’s Jean’s expressions of happiness hot
Jean celebrating a win with a sharp grin and a fist pump, Jean failing to repress a chuckle at Cat and Laila getting in a pillow fight, Jean looking calmer and more relaxed after a good run, Jean smiling into Jeremy’s kiss. Jeremy is cooked.
Do you see the vision???
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Are you Catholic(religious something bout a dude on a cross, rip homie) or Catholic(cat addiction aka a religion that worships cats)
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saprozoicworm · 9 months
idk if you been told this but the way you draw kyle kinda makes him look like a cat :))
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this is an excuse to draw him with that ushanka w/ cat ears
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heartxloves · 4 months
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𓏵 Cat Autistic …
A flag for autistic individuals who have a connection to cats, or whose autism is directly related to or influenced by cats. Alternatively, a flag for autistic beings who are also cats.
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Made By : 望愛, 🐰.
Requested By : Anon.
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yappstappen · 2 months
Hello f1 tumblr! I come bearing a gift in the form of 163381 as cat drivers :3
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robosylveon · 2 years
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kitty kitty kitty and kitty
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catsofyore · 7 months
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Tabby worship in 1925. Source.
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
[10 May 2022] Does Ren have any specific kinks?
Hoo boy 👀 his main ones are: ♡ Breeding kink ♡ Edging/Orgasm control ♡ Praise kink (giving and receiving) ♡ Biting/Marking((?) He loves seeing the aftermath) ♡ .......Roleplay AKJASFFSF we all saw this one coming
But in saying that, he's down to try out any of your kinks — so long as it's safe, consensual, and explicitly discussed beforehand ^^
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thelovelywriteress · 3 months
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It's been a while since you and Sakura started to date each other. Though you both were still awkward with each other. Most romantic gesture you exchanged was handshaking. You know this all was WAY too new for Sakura but still sometimes you wished your relationship to be more daring, atleast more than handshake.
You were walking with your hand in your arm. You were in your own lands of wondered, you didn't notice the Bofurin was on their daily patrol, especially not Sakura though he did. He always managed to find you even when you DON'T, he always DID.
"Isn't that (Name)-san?" Neirei catch where Sakura was glancing, on hearing his name Sakura almost hissed like a cat. He was fine silently staring at you when you were in your own thoughts, he find that cute but no wait, point is he didn't want his companion to point it out.
He just fasten his pace, acting like he wasn't interested in your presence but Suo wasn't having his ignorance,"Sakura-kun shouldn't you go and say hi to her?" He offered with his usual smile as Sakura let out a embarrassed reaction to his suggestion. Sakura was about to give some excuse but Suo already throw his attack,"(Name) noticed your presence, how sad she will when she will realised you don't even care enough to─" And before he could complete his sentence, Sakura already dashed pass the Suo towards your direction.
Guess boy take no chances when it comes to you.
You still didn't notice the boy approaching you but your cat sure did as she jumped out of your arm,"Hey─" You stopped when you realised she stopped in front of your dual hair boyfriend. Sakura looked down at the cat who seems to be excited upon seeing him. He picked it up and come closer to you.
"H-Hey Sakura!" Damn why you have to stutter and say it loudly. You probably looked like you didn't notice him coming. He return your greeting AND your cat back to you,"You should hold her tightly." He suggest while you give a small laugh,"Yeah. She almost made me drown yesterday." You intended to share your experience as joke but Sakura was concerned by your words and ask you to explain it further,"Well she keep running around and I keep chasing her like crazy, at same point she reached the bridge and almost made herself and me fall." You laughed at the memory but Sakura didn't,"B-BUT I am f-fine now." You exclaimed nervously while Sakura didn't looked convinced, he just ask you to see your surroundings better.
"I will go now." He said as he put out his hand, you know what was he expecting and return his gesture. Oh how you wished instead of hand meeting hand, it was lips meeting lips. Even though you wanted to experience it, mere thought of it made steam coming out of your eyes.
"It's embarrassing but I still want to experience it already one." You pouted a bit as your gaze fall on your cat in your arms. You hold her in front of her and demand her help,"I take care of you so goodly, shouldn't you return favour by using your cat power and made me and Sakura kiss?" What were you expecting a legit yes from her? Well too bad it didn't happened. You soon realised too how much crazy you sound and put her back in your arms but suddenly she jumped out again and started to run,"Hey wait!"
Sakura was getting fed up now. Neirei keep him asking about how things between you and him work while Suo just keep him teasing.
"Shut up!" "Meow."
"Sakura-kun see your yell got us getting us complained by cat." Suo state as Neirei giggled in back, Sakura was about to yell again but cat meowed again. Sakura turn towards it and remember this familiar cat,"You are (Name)'s cat!" Sakura exclaimed while other two sweatdrop at him. Why was he sound like he just find out her identity as some suspect. Cat just meow again and started to walk away,"Where are you going?" Sakura walked behind the cat, followed by his other two companions.
Suddenly cat increased her speed and so does Sakura. It keep going on until it become official─"Sakura chasing a running cat." Sakura called the cat to come back, he imagined how worried you must be. Your worried face boost his speed. Cat started to jump on bulidings and walls but Sakura still keep with it untill at one corner he lost her sight but even though he keep looking for her.
"Come back I promise I will expensive food this time." You said, hoping for it to work,"Meow." Guess it did. You saw your cat at a corner and run towards it. Though when you reached she was already out of sight, you followed the sound of her meows.
"There you are!" Sakura also noticed her and run towards it to chased while cat quickly run on your side and after making sure you saw her she started to climb tree,"No don't go there." Last time she climbed a tree, you had to use ladder to bring her down. You climbed behind her and when you thought you finally catch her she jumped on other tree,"AND NOW YOU'RE NOT SCARED?" She keep jumping while meowing as you followed her behind, Sakura was also coming near by following soud of meow.
Cat quickly jumped down and landed in front of Sakura who quickly launched towards him but at same moment you jumped in front of and you both collide with Sakura falling over you. You both feel pain through you body but that quickly vanished when you realised the approximately between each other.
When you were collide, Sakura knew he couldn't prevent the falling so he instinctly wrapped his hands around you to protect you. That was quick reflex of movement but now when it's stable you guys started to blush like crazy. When if he wanted to pull his hands, he can't since they were beneath you.
"Don't move!"
Your eyes turn spiral as you tried to wake against Sakura's comment which end up you putting hand on your shoulder and forcing him downwards, towards you and that's where whole scene take unexpected turn.
If this whole situation wasn't messed, the fact you made Sakura's lips crashed on you sure was.
Both of yours eyes widened. It wasn't romantic kiss like on dates. It wasn't hot kiss that make you forgot your surroundings. It wasn't quick kiss you give out of love. It was were merely his lips meeting yours for mere seconds but still it was the FIRST KISS you shared with each other. You both stare at each other as Sakura pulled back his face while your cat meowed. You both brought your gaze towards the cat as she meowed again, with a hint of delight.
And now some reason you both separate from each other without any accidentally kissing, just to yell at the innocent cat with red hues rising on your face. Such ungrateful beings humans are.
You both accidentally catch the each other's gaze as yell of flusteration left your mouths.
Neirei and Suo soon catch up and Suo quickly grabbed the cat. He check the collar and found you were the owner, no wonder why Sakura was chasing it like crazy.
"Hey where is your owner and her boyfriend?" Suo said with his usual playful tone while Neirei laugh at his tactics before walking further on the way.
"SAKURA-SAN! (NAME)-SAN!" And there Neirei find the two familiar unmoving bodies laying at opposite sides. Neirei check the Sakura he seems to be black out with his face being red as tomato while Suo check the owner of cat who's eyes seems to spin like spiral.
"What the hell did we miss?"
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whatudottu · 27 days
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Something something cerebrocrustacean headcanons, yada yada Dr Psychobos is not immune to the in-group bias
He's doing the one thing Azmuth did not do, viewing Malware as a son with special needs Dr Psychobos is fully willing to support :P
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