#potato chips packaging for sale
cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
potato chips packaging machine sale|french fries packing machine|potato chips packaging for sale
Potato chips packaging machine is used for packing granule food easily and quickly. Raw material:all kinds of snacks, potato chips packing machine, french fries packaging machine, puff food packaging machine etc. Capacity:50-500kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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ultronmachine · 1 year
puff food packaging machine for sale|snacks packaging equipment|potato chips packaging machine 
Snacks packaging machine is used for packing food quickly. It adopts high quality SUS304 material. Wechat/whatsapp:+86 13213203466.
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puff food packaging machine for sale|snacks packaging equipment| potato chips packing machine
Snacks packaging machine is used for packing food quickly. It adopts high quality SUS304 material. Wechat/whatsapp:+86 13213203466.
0 notes
copperbadge · 2 years
Current Events Reading Reccs
I had a couple of people asking me about my “current events” reading in general (news aggregators, podcasts, etc) so I figured I’d just list them off here. 
I don’t read any tumblrs that are specifically focused on current events, I just kinda get news from various people I’ve followed, but I’ve found in general it helps to find people for whom the news is a hobby, not a consuming habit. I have communists and anarchists and prison abolitionists on my dash, but they aren’t people who have made that their identity, which removes the “You are insufferable” factor. So I guess find fandom weirdos with strong political views and follow ‘em. 
Also I want to state at the top that part of why I’m on top of shit that I get through Tumblr is that I have a policy of never reblogging or reacting to anything until I have 1. read the article being linked and 2. done my own research. This has saved me a vast deal of embarrassment, because sometimes I’ll save something outrageous to research and before I can even research it, it’s been rebutted. I cannot stress how important the process of reading and research is -- you can’t get your news from headlines and particularly not clickbait you see on Tumblr. 
As far as I know there’s no single tumblr clearinghouse for good high-level current events reporting and analysis (the analysis I think is a vital part) but if folks have resources they use, drop ‘em in the comments or reblogs.  
Anyway, some mailing lists I belong to are:
Quartz Daily Brief: finance and tech, mainly. Back when they were for-pay I paid for them, this newsletter was that entertaining. I believe they’ve now gone fee-free but they sometimes link to paywalls. I get it as an email newsletter, that’s just a link to the web version. 
Breakfast with ARTNews: Obviously a bit niche but I really like keeping up with the art world and they cover art crime too. The link is to the all-newsletters signup page, I only belong to Breakfast. 
The Futurist: This is the most insufferable nonsense masquerading as news ever. The ads are indistinguishable from the content. But it does help me keep a finger hard on the pulse of what irritating tech bros are into. Watch scams unfold in real time! 
I also follow a number of local interests -- community centers and neighborhood organizations primarily -- in Chicago, so those are always good to hunt up. Most major cities have a “citycast” podcast (just search “citycast [your city]” in your podcatcher) that is also good for local news.  
Some websites:
Longreads: Since longform.org went under, the best place to find the current longform pieces that everyone’s talking about.  
Brand Eating: Extremely niche, but I really love reading about “brand” food trends. It covers new food releases and sales and such in the areas of packaged food (potato chips, candy, etc), fast food, and casual dining. It’s also great as a resource for cheap eats. 
I stopped reading Bon Appetit recently (they ran this appallingly sympathetic story about a dickhead hiring manager) but like, honestly, if you want to track food trends, the BA email newsletter is kinda the way to go. If you’d like good food news in podcast form, I recommend The Sporkful (it’s in the podcast list). 
I used to read the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, and Fortune Magazine (which mostly scraped the not-awful stuff from Forbes) but I’ve cut it down to just the Trib; I don’t really need Fortune to keep me current and the NYT has morphed into a creepy proto-fash nightmare. The Trib has pretty good national/international coverage so if you don’t have a decent local paper it’s not bad, but I don’t know how much access you get as a nonpaying reader (I subscribe). 
Quartz has a podcast, Quartz Obsession, which is off-and-on in terms of when episodes come out but very interesting when they do. 
Planet Money is a once-weekly podcast about economics, and has a daily show called “The Indicator” which is daily “small bites” current events coverage. 
The Late Show and the Daily Show both have an “ears edition” podcast that’s just the show audio; I’ve stopped listening for the most part but if you want good cultural commentary, that’s the place to go. 
The Journal by the Wall Street Journal is a weekly podcast focusing on one or two news stories, generally pretty relevant. 
Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me is a panel show but it’s a fun way to get bite-sized news you can look up later in more detail if you want. And it’s taped in Chicago! If you listen you can hear me in the audience laughing. :D (I’m going to another taping in a few weeks!) 
Behind The Bastards is actually a history podcast but if you’re listening current he does a bit of current-events commentary, and also I just really like it as a podcast.
Stuff You Should Know is a trivia podcast but they occasionally do current-events stuff.
The Sporkful is pretty good about current food news, although I run hot and cold on it.
I used to listen to a really good “professional” medical podcast, but it went full paywall when it started to offer certain forms of professional credit, so I found The House Of Pod as a very good free replacement. It’s not really for non-doctors, but as a non-doctor I still find it accessible and informative. (For medical history and curiosity, I do highly recommend Bedside Rounds, but I wouldn’t call it a current events cast.) 
So that’s how I get my news -- it’s not what I would call fully comprehensive but it’s reasonably informative! 
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averysmolbear · 1 year
A/N: This is loosely based on a post for selfshippers about going grocery shopping with your fave. It won’t exactly follow the post but it seemed like it was worth it to mention, also because this will be selfship coded and there's a tiny possibility there was one selfship in particular in my mind as I wrote it but I'll never tell!
CW: This is very much not proofread! It’ll be all fluff. Just a lot of fluff. If you don’t like fluff, avoid this at all costs. This is also featuring an established relationship between the character and reader. No actual character is named in this but they will be referred to as “boyfriend” in this fic. Pet names will be likely used as well (babe, baby, etc.) and I tried to make the reader fairly gender neutral. There really shouldn’t be much else but if I think of anything, I will add that here!
tagging @humanitys-strongest-bamf
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You tossed the cloth reusable bags into the shopping cart. Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you pulled out your phone to find the shopping list you and your boyfriend had made at home. You felt his arms wrap around you from behind and you laughed softly.
"Pretty sure you're going to make it difficult for me to walk around if you stay where you are," you teased with a small smile. You didn't even look over you shoulder to know it was him. You knew you'd recognize the feeling of his arms anywhere.
He pressed a couple of soft kisses to your shoulder with a soft laugh of his own before slowly shifting to stand beside you, an arm around your waist. "Better, angel?"
You looked over at him and nodded before starting to push the cart around the store. It was slow going, each of you checking and double checking the list and taking things off of it whenever something was added to the cart. As you passed the bakery, however, you decided to sneak some cupcakes into the cart, carefully placing them inside so the frosting wouldn't end up all over the package.
You caught the look that you were given and so you offered up your sweetest smile, getting him to give in a lot quicker than you had expected. And it wasn't going to be the first treat that you slipped into the cart, hoping that your boyfriend wouldn't notice.
He expected it at this point. You would see one of the brightly color SALE signs on a shelf and suddenly you're trying to justify to him why you needed to buy several boxes of sugary cereal. And he would inevitably give in after listening to you go on and on about the savings and whatever other argument you made in favor of picking up the extra items. Sometimes he didn't even bother debating you about it. He knew it would end up in the cart one way or another after all.
The list was followed to the letter, however, and you were chipping away at the last of it as the two of you entered the refrigerated area. Somehow, to his surprise, you had passed on grabbing a particular brand of potato chips that happened to be on sale and only got the things on the list (excluding the cupcakes). He thought that maybe, just this once, the two of you would make it out of the store without too many extras.
He had gone to get a dozen of eggs while you were picking out a non-dairy milk alternative when you spotted the flavored milks. They were 2 for $5 for the half gallon size and you slipped a banana milk and a strawberry milk into the cart after looking over your shoulder to see if your boyfriend had noticed.
He came back to the cart and carefully set the carton of eggs in it, starting to reorganize a bit of the things already in the cart. He was frowning as he saw the latest additions.
"Yes, baby?"
The way that you gave him big doe eyes when you spoke was enough to break him already so he sighed and just rearranged a few things instead of even asking. When he saw your triumphant little smile, he decided that it was worth it. Sometimes giving in and letting you have your little indulgences didn't seem so bad when he could see how happy it made you.
Of course the milks were followed by a tube of premade chocolate chip cookie dough and another tube of the sugar cookie dough. Then came the 2 packages of jumbo cinnamon rolls. You were quick to justify the purchases, pointing out that they were on sale and you wanted to bake anyway. This would just be a short cut to a few extra baked goods in the house.
And, of course, he just sighed and made room in the cart for the items. He pointed out that the two of you were going to be over budget if you kept adding things so you promised not to add anything else.
That promise lasted until you both made your way through the ice cream aisle in the freezer sections.
"But they're on sale. And you can get your favorite flavor."
The sweet way you made the proposition, following it up with a quick kiss made him cave in. He grumbled as he looked for a carton of his favorite though before he was, as usual, adjusting the items in the cart to make it easier when you made it to the checkout. He knew that if it was up to you, you would just toss everything into the cart and leave it up to fate when you got ready to checkout.
He always pointed out that it was the reason that it took you twice as long in the store but the truth was that it took you twice as long because you ended up wandering the aisles, coming home with more unnecessary purchases than the necessary ones. He, at least, had the good sense not to bring that up usually.
The closer that you got to the checkout lanes, the more you seemed to be on the lookout for sale items and your boyfriend was starting to feel like he was having to guide you through the store to ensure nothing else made it into the cart.
The checkout process was quick, as usual when you went shopping together, and he insisted on bagging the groceries. That just meant that you tossed a couple of candy bars on to the conveyor belt while he was too busy to notice. You quickly paid before he could make a comment about the total and you smiled warmly as you handed him his favorite candy. You saw him faintly smile as he took it although he outwardly complained about your impulse buy as you made your way to the car.
"Next week I'm going grocery shopping alone," he stated very matter-of-factly as the two of you loaded up the car with the bags.
You gave him your best big doe eyes and slight pout. He sighed and closed the trunk with a shake of his head.
"Fine, we'll go together. But try to stick to the list next week. Please?"
You quickly kissed his cheek before heading for the passenger side of the car. "No promises."
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nonobadcat · 2 years
Afo on valentine with pregnant reader maybe if your ok with requests 🥺
Whoot! Finally had time to sit down and work on this! ❤️
I think the answer of how AFO would be with a pregnant lover depends on which country's Valentines Day we're talking about. In western style countries I'm sure there would be wining and dining but, since BNHA is set in Japan, I decided to go with a Japanese style holiday.
In Japan, women are expected to be the predominate provided of the holiday. This turns around on White Day in March when the men return the favor with gifts. There are several types of chocolate for Valentine's day: Giri (obligation), Honmei (true love: sounds suspiciously like homemade), Tomo (friends), Jibun (I bought for myself), and Fami (family). There are also reports of Gyaku (man to woman gifted) chocolate, but I get the impression most guys just wait for White Day.
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All For One x Pregnant Reader Valentine's Day
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Puffy coat lapels clutched tight to your neck, you dodged past yet another line snaking out from the tidy, pink and red mottled store fronts of the Roppongi Hills shopping center. Banners and LED adverts flashed limited edition everything from gold foiled chocolate truffles to "lovey dovey" rice crackers. Even Kitty Diamond, the slick, luxury pet shop, had swapped their usual clean, white window display for a flood pastels hearts. The mournful amber eyes of the plush Persian kittens for sale looked like a glowing sunset against their coral colored collars.
Squinting against the ferocious February wind, you stuffed the straps of your canvas bag into your armpit and braced the package tight against your chest. Out past the rose garden, you trudged down the sloping sidewalks towards the south entrance of Roppongi Station. As you passed L'Atelier du Pain, the French bakery, the odor of buttery baked goods made your bulging belly flutter. You groaned and patted your stomach.
"I told you at the first store, it's no good. I'm pretty sure that anything that smells that nice isn't on that troll doctor's 'recommended diet' list." You rolled your eyes. "Though I think his obsessing over my nutrient balance is going to give me higher blood pressure than any amount of potato chips."
When you reached the sparkling glass and rosy brass front of the luxury high rise, the doorman nearly tripped over himself to greet you. A nervously mumbled "welcome back" accompanied by averted eyes left you scowling. Clearly, someone had gotten short with the staff for "looking too long", again.
Honestly. You assumed, at first, that being visibly pregnant with his child would make the ever possessive Shigaraki feel more secure. However, even since seeing those two pink lines, your husband seemed more territorial than ever. Seeing the security guard's face almost made you want to extend your outing just to get away from the stifling apartment a little while longer. However, the throb of your swollen feet reminded you what a stupid idea that was.
Knowing that any further contact would make things worse, you strolled past the man and headed straight to the elevator. The sound of your annoyed toe tapping on the glossy, granite was your only companion. The glowing numbers crawled up floor by floor until they halted at the penthouse suite. With the tinny ding, you waddled off the lift and leaned against the creamy canvas wallpaper just beside your sumptuous, high rise flat.
Setting your purchase on polished, glittering tiles, you finished deep into your purse for your key. Your bag caught the edge the limited release vase on the hall table. You gasped. Lunging forward, your grabbed its lip before it could tumble to the floor. Heart pounding, you straightened the fresh flowers. Looking at the hasty arrangement made you purse your lips. No good. Compared to the perfectly crafted ikebana that usually sat outside the door, your efforts were a mess.
"Oh well," you sighed, turning back to the task at hand. "Not like it matters."
After all, one of his followers put a fresh arrangement in it every day.
You pressed your finger to the biometric scanner before turning the tumblers. The door slipped open on smooth hinges. As you balanced the load against your hip, a pink and white tag, decorated with a rolly polly infant, danged from your purse. Just as you leaned for the other bag, a large hand grasped your shoulder.
"I'll get that."
Without looking up, you shook your head at the owner of the smooth baritone and groped for your purchase "You're fussing again."
Shigaraki's pale fingers plucked the bag from the floor, hoisting it high over your head with a grin one tooth too wide to be kind. "You enjoy a little fussing," he teased, letting the goods swing from his pointer.
You reached out, snatching at your purchase. He sneered before raising it five centimeters beyond your finger tips. As you rocked onto the balls of your feet, straining for the handles, he leaned back, letting the bag bounce off his massive shoulder.
"Give it back!"
He chuckled, rocking it back and forth in the hanging air. "Why? It's for me isn't it?"
"For tonight! Not now!" Carefully shuffling sore breasts aside, you crossed your arms and grumbled. "Patience is not your virtue, is it?"
A massive palm engulfed your head, patting it twice before rubbing small circles at the edge of your scalp. "And following instructions is not yours." He nodded to the window at the end of the hall. A gust of wind rattled the pane. "I distinctly recall The Doctor telling you not to strain yourself this late in the pregnancy."
You pried his hand off your head and huffed. "A few block walk is hardly straining myself."
"In the cold and up hill?"
"It's 10C and I'm wearing a down jacket."
Red eyes narrowed. "With the zipper open."
You rolled your eyes. "...and who's fault is it that I've gained 10kgs?"
As a thick tongue darted out to wet his lips, your husband rested his hand on the shelf of your stomach. "It looks good on you."
Embarrassed heat flushed your cheeks. "Pervert," you spat, shouldering past him.
Planting your purse on the wall hook, you peeled off your coat and dropped it along side your bag. Braced one arm against the wall, you curled your finger inside your heel before tugged off your shoes. As you stepped from the gekkan onto the main floor, thick arms shoved themselves under your knees. Wide eyes looked up into a blinding, fanged grin.
"What sweets did my darling Valentine bring me?"
You gulped. "M-malted chocolate whiskey cake."
"Whiskey?" Crimson delight danced below long white lashes as he kicked the front door shut. "Not planning to share with me then?"
You raised an eye brow. "The All For One? Sharing with others?" With a shrug, you laid your head upon his shoulder and prodded his chest. "Seems a bit out of character for you."
Warm breath fanned across your neck. "Then what were you hoping for, my dear?" the devil whispered in your ear.
You faked a pout, but it was tainted by the coy grin tugging at your cheeks. Sultry promise coiling into every word, you loosened the next button from his open oxford. Chiseled pecs drifted into view as your stroked one finger down his sternum. His skin burned like hellfire.
"Have your cake and eat it too?"
Your heart fluttered as a low chuckle reverberated in his chest. You yelped at naughty nip at your ear lobe as his hands slide slowly up your thighs. Long fingers found the hem of your pants, tugging at the button.
"Oh," he groaned, nuzzling your scalp with his tall nose. "I think I can manage that."
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Fun fact: That cake did exist Valentine's day 2023: Bricolage Bread & Co - ¥5,200
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tubetrading · 3 months
Private Labeling:  The Key to Building Your Brand Empire
In the fast-paced and highly competitive modern food industry, establishing a unique and recognizable brand is essential for long-term success.  One effective strategy to achieve this is through private labeling.  This approach allows businesses to create and sell products under their own brand names by partnering with established manufacturers.  For companies in Vadodara, Gujarat, private labeling offers a significant opportunity to build a strong brand presence without the need for extensive manufacturing capabilities.
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What is Private Labeling?
Private labeling is a business practice where a company manufactures products that are then branded and sold by another company.  This allows businesses to focus on marketing, sales, and brand development while leveraging the manufacturing expertise of third-party producers.  For the food industry, this means that businesses can offer a variety of products under their own brand without having to invest in production facilities.
The Food Industry Landscape in Vadodara
Vadodara, a prominent city in Gujarat, boasts a vibrant food industry.  The city is home to numerous food processing companies that produce a wide range of products, from snacks and beverages to dairy and packaged foods.  These companies provide ample opportunities for private labeling, making Vadodara a hub for food entrepreneurs.
List of Food Industries in Vadodara
1.   Balaji Wafers Pvt. Ltd.
Known for its extensive range of potato chips and snack foods.
2.   Amul Dairy
A major player in the dairy industry, producing milk, butter, cheese, and other dairy products.
3.   Vadilal Industries Ltd.
Specializes in ice creams, frozen foods, and ready-to-eat meals.
4.   Haldiram's
Famous for its wide variety of sweets, snacks, and ready-to-eat packaged foods.
These companies are just a few examples of the thriving food processing sector in Vadodara, each offering unique products and capabilities that can be harnessed for private labeling ventures.
Benefits of Private Labeling in Vadodara
Private labeling is a cost-effective way to enter the market or expand product lines.  By partnering with established manufacturers, businesses can avoid the high costs associated with setting up and maintaining production facilities.  This allows for significant savings that can be reinvested into marketing and brand development.
Market Differentiation
In a crowded market, differentiation is key.  Private labeling allows businesses to offer unique products under their own brand names, helping them stand out from competitors.  This is particularly important in the food industry, where brand loyalty can drive repeat purchases and long-term success.
Flexibility and Innovation
Private labeling provides businesses with the flexibility to experiment with new product lines and quickly respond to changing market trends.  Without the constraints of production, companies can innovate and adapt their offerings to meet consumer demands, ensuring they stay relevant in a dynamic market.
Brand Control
When you engage in private labeling, you maintain control over your brand’s image and quality.  You can dictate the design, packaging, and marketing strategies, ensuring they align with your brand values and target audience.  This control is crucial for building and maintaining a strong brand identity.
Finding the Right Private Label Partner
Choosing the right food product company in Gujarat, especially in Vadodara, is crucial for a successful private labeling venture.  Here are some key factors to consider:
Manufacturing Capabilities
Ensure the manufacturer has the necessary infrastructure and expertise to produce your desired products at the required scale.  This includes checking their production capacity, technology, and quality assurance processes.
Quality Standards
Quality is paramount in the food industry.  Partner with companies that adhere to stringent quality control measures and industry standards.  This will help maintain consistency and ensure your products meet consumer expectations.
Flexibility and Customization
Look for manufacturers that offer flexibility in terms of product customization.  This includes the ability to adjust recipes, packaging designs, and production quantities to meet your specific needs.
Case Study:  Modern Food Products
Modern Food Products, a burgeoning food brand in Vadodara, successfully utilized private labeling to expand its product range and establish a strong market presence.  Initially focused on a small selection of snacks, the company partnered with Balaji Wafers Pvt. Ltd. to introduce a new line of gourmet potato chips under the Modern Food Products brand.
By leveraging Balaji Wafers' advanced manufacturing capabilities and expertise in snack production, Modern Food Products was able to quickly bring their new line to market.  The private label partnership allowed them to focus on branding and marketing, resulting in a successful product launch that significantly boosted their market share.
Navigating the Food Industry in Gujarat
Gujarat, and Vadodara in particular, offers a fertile ground for private labeling due to its diverse and well-established food processing industry.  The state is home to numerous companies specializing in different food segments, providing ample opportunities for businesses looking to enter the market or expand their product lines.
List of Food Processing Companies in Gujarat
1.   Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF)
The organization behind the renowned Amul brand, offering a wide range of dairy products.
2.   Parag Milk Foods Ltd.
A leading dairy product manufacturer known for its Gowardhan and Pride of Cows brands.
3.   Adani Wilmar Ltd.
A major player in the edible oil market, producing the popular Fortune brand of cooking oils.
4.   Britannia Industries Ltd.
Known for its bakery products, dairy items, and snacks.
These companies represent the diverse and dynamic food processing industry in Gujarat, providing numerous opportunities for private labeling partnerships.
Private labeling is a powerful strategy for building a strong and recognizable brand in the competitive food industry.  By partnering with established food processing companies in Vadodara and Gujarat, businesses can leverage manufacturing expertise to offer high-quality products under their own brand names.  This approach not only enhances brand visibility and differentiation but also provides the flexibility to innovate and adapt to market trends.
For businesses looking to establish a foothold or expand their presence in the food industry, private labeling in Vadodara offers a cost-effective and efficient pathway to success.  By focusing on branding, marketing, and customer engagement, companies can build a robust brand empire that stands out in the crowded marketplace.  Whether you are a startup or an established business, private labeling holds the key to unlocking your brand's full potential and achieving long-term growth in the dynamic world of food products.
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glutenfreejio · 2 years
Read Gluten-Free Labels Before Buying Food Products
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Have you ever been to a store for buying groceries or food items and checked the food labels? Reading food labels is very important to check before buying food products especially if you are celiac, gluten intolerant, or sensitive to gluten. Most of the time people only give importance to the expiry dates and overlook gluten-free labels.
Importance of Labelling of Gluten-Free Food
It is no surprise that the production, sale, and consumption of pre-packaged foods have increased exponentially over the years.
The role of food labeling in food safety is indispensable.  In addition to helping consumers make informed choices about the products they buy, these labels also guide them in safely using the food products.
Largely considered to be a direct source of product information between the buyer and the seller, food labels help consumers make mindful, informed, and healthy food choices.
While proper food labels benefit everyone, people with food allergies rely especially heavily on the clear and accurate labeling of their food products.
Many studies have been conducted to assess the current status of health in India, and the root causes of these issues as they pertain to diet and lifestyle choices.
What is Gluten?
The first question that comes to mind after being diagnosed with celiac is what gluten-free means and how it affects celiac people.
gluten is the main storage protein that is naturally located in specific grains like barley, wheat, and rye. 
In the food industry gluten provide elasticity and stretches which allow the bread to rise and soak moisture.
Due to its frequent properties and gluten is widely used in the food process industry to provide instant texture and enhance moisture retention.
Gluten has been known by different names and terms. Some gluten-free items are listed under various names or scientific terms.
Following are the scientific terms that are used for wheat, barley, and rye. If you see any ingredient on the packaging you can have the idea that a particular product contains gluten.
Secale cereale: Rye
Triticum spelta: Type of wheat
Triticale: Cross between wheat and rye
Triticum Vulgare: Wheat
Hordeum vulgare: Barley
How can you tell if something is gluten-free?
Alternative Names for Gluten
→Gluten-Free Label: If you see the gluten-free sign on the product then it is more likely safe to eat and gluten-free.
However, you should always check the ingredients list on the package to make sure that the product is gluten-free and safe to eat. It is also important to keep in mind that some products are written as “wheat-free” which does not necessarily mean that are “gluten-free”.
→Check the Allergen Listing: Check the Ingredients on the package: Some products’ ingredient lists contain allergens including soy, wheat, egg, nuts, and milk which necessarily does not mean that it is gluten-free.
→ Check Gluten Obvious Ingredients on the Package: Following are the gluten ingredients you need to check before purchasing packages of food:
Oats (unless labeled as gluten-free)
If you see the gluten-free sign on the product always check the ingredient on the package and read the ingredient list thoroughly if there is any hidden ingredient available there is a possibility that it has contained gluten.
Ingredients That Always Contain Gluten
Following are the foods which mostly contain gluten and you should avoid:
Bread and Pastries
Flour Tortillas
Sauces and Gravies
Brewer yeast
Malt vinegar
Wheat flour
Baked goods
Cereals and granola
pancakes, waffles, french toast, crepes, and biscuits.
Ingredients That May Contain Gluten
Cheesecake fillings
Brown rice syrup
Soy sauce
Self-basting poultry
Energy bar or Granola bar
Potato Chips
Candy and candy bars
Processed lunch meats
Salad dressings and marinades
Egg served at restaurants
Pre-seasoned meats 
Multigrain chips or tortillas
French fries
Communion Waters
Play Dough
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Tips for Gluten-Free Label Reading
If you are someone who has been diagnosed with a food allergy, reading labels might seem incredibly daunting. Spending some time learning about your specific sensitivity and the many ways in which they may be listed on food products goes a long way.
When reading food labels in India, pay attention to the following:
→Check the third-party certification
If a product has third-party certification like Gluten-Free Certification Organisation (GFCO) it is more likely to be safe for celiac patients and gluten-free.
→Check the gluten-free label on products
Whenever you go to a store or buy a packaged food product always check the gluten-free label on that product. If a  product has a gluten-free label it is more likely safe to eat. However, make sure that you check the ingredients on the packaging as well.
→Serving Size
Always make to check the serving size to know how much you are consuming relative to the suggested quantity, as we often tend to consume more than one serving size.
→Nutritive Value
The nutritive value of a product includes metrics, such as calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins, as well as the presence of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, calcium, sodium, etc. Consume a product only if it suits your dietary requirements.
→Important Details
If you have a history of being allergic to a particular ingredient, look for its presence on the ingredients list so that you do not develop an allergic reaction upon consumption. Other important details such as the expiry date should not be ignored either.
→Colors and Preservatives
Don’t forget to check the label for any kind of preservatives, such as artificial food coloring, since they could trigger an allergic reaction in highly sensitive individuals.
Some other facts you should know:
Calories are mentioned in terms of energy.
Check the micronutrients section for the presence of vitamins and minerals in the food product.
Nutrients such as carbs, proteins, and fats are listed in descending order on the food label.
Ingredients are also listed in descending order. This is where you are likely to find all the information regarding an allergen or additives as well.
FDA’s Regulation of “Gluten-Free” Claims
A Disease Burden Study report, “India: Health of the Nation’s States” conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research revealed some shocking statistics. 
The report stated that “death due to non-communicable disease (NCD) has proportionally increased from 37.09% in 1990 to 61.8% in 2016”.
According to another National Family, Health Survey conducted in the year 2015-2016, “11% of women (1 in 10) and 15% of men (1 in 7) age 15-49 are hypertensive, and about 60.4% of people screened have never had their blood pressure measured”.
One of the most noteworthy measures introduced to mitigate these bleak trends is the Eat Right Movement, initiated on July 10th, 2018, focusing on spreading awareness among businesses and consumers and creating a “new food culture” that promoted the inclusion of healthy foods in our daily meals.
This data indicates that one of India’s most significant risk factors for poor health in 2016 was the result of dietary choices, specifically, the consumption of a diet low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and one high in salt, sugar, and fat.
Evidently, well-illustrated food labels grew in importance and began to help consumers choose healthier alternatives.
Food labeling is of crucial importance in India, yet several small manufacturers leverage the lack of strict FSSAI regulations to mislead their consumers.
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Hence, we must understand the extent to which accidental consumption of even a small number of allergens by an individual with a food allergy can pose life-threatening risks to their health.
Current FSSAI regulations require all product manufacturers and brands to follow a not-so-comprehensive set of guidelines that impose the following twelve primary labeling regulations for food packaging:
Name of the food
The list of ingredients
Nutritional information
Declaration if the food product is vegetarian or not
Declaration of the food additives used
Name and complete address of the manufacturer
Customer care details
Retail sale price
FSSAI logo and license number
Batch identification number, the date of marketing, country of origin
Instructions for use
Most consumers with food allergies suffer due to the lack of information about potential allergens in food items.
Finally responding to the advocacy of informed consumers, several brands in India are working on making their product labels inclusive of nutrients, allergen warnings, and more.
Products Covered by the Gluten-Free Regulation
Thanks to people who have voiced their concerns regarding current manufacturer practices, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has finally decided to come up with labeling of allergens as well as gluten-free products.
An amendment of the FSSAI Regulations, released in 2016, incorrectly defined gluten-free food as food that “consists of oAn amendment of the FSSAI Regulations, released in 2016, incorrectly defined gluten-free food as food that “consists of or is made of one or more ingredients containing millets, pulses, ragi, rice, or legumes”.
Further, for any food item to be qualified and labeled as gluten-free, the gluten levels in the product needed to be less than 20 mg per kg.
Individuals with celiac disease must avoid gluten entirely, for even the slightest ingestion of gluten can elicit allergic symptoms. Thus, better labeling practices are of pressing urgency to prevent even more suffering in the Indian gluten-free community.
 FDA rules and regulations are applied to all Food and beverages including Processed food, packaged food, dietary supplements, fruits, and vegetables. 
→ There are some the exceptions like poultry, meat, and certain foods.
→ Alcohol beverages are regulated by Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)
Individuals with celiac disease must avoid gluten entirely, for even the slightest ingestion of gluten can elicit allergic symptoms. Thus, better labeling practices are of pressing urgency to prevent even more suffering in the Indian gluten-free community.
It is always recommended for celiac or gluten intolerant patients to check the label on food packaging to make sure that food is gluten-free and safe to eat.
Source: The blog is originally published here
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Guide to Make not Gold but Potato Chips
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One of the most popular ready-to-eat snack foods in India is potato chips. And with a minimal initial financial outlay, any individual can launch a small manufacturing project. We will provide you with information in this article that will help you launch your own home-based potato chip manufacturing business. Complete project reports, cost estimates, and other processes are included in the article. Everyone's most popular snack is potato chips. You may start a small-scale potato chip manufacturing project at home with just a minimal initial investment. Even in the early stages, you may just need to invest a modest amount of money and you can still anticipate real profits. Potato chips are in high demand right now. Chip demand is rising as the number of people relying on fast food rises. The demand for homemade potato chips in the Indian market is anticipated to rise by about 4% annually over the next few years.
Homemade potato chips are becoming more and more popular and in demand due to their accessibility and affordability. It is also becoming a part of our constantly evolving way of life. Chips are seen as a low-fat, healthful alternative to wholesome foods. This indicates that the market demand will continue to rise in the foreseeable future.
Raw Material: The potato is a key raw ingredient that is needed. However, you must be careful while buying potatoes. You must gather potatoes with huge, oval shapes that are free of illness and fully ripe. Additionally, it needs to have the fewest possible eyeballs in order to trim losses. Generally speaking, the amount of raw material needed will depend on the flavours you plan to produce and sell. You can require several components that can be used to flavour the chips.
Profitability: Manufacturing commercial potato chips is a thriving industry. The company guarantees a healthy margin. However, the number of internal and external factors will determine how much profit you make. Therefore, you might consider lowering the cost price if you wish to raise the profit margin. Also, if you can boost sales volume, this type of merchandise ensures a larger margin. Increasing sales volume guarantees lower costs for transportation, infrastructure, and labor.
Market Size: “Potato chips are the most popular salted snack item globally. Additionally, the demand is increasing day by day. The global potato chips market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.3%, during the period 2017-2022, to reach a market value of USD 40.3 billion by 2022.” The potato chips business is expanding quickly for a number of reasons, both directly and indirectly. Increasing young people, rising disposable incomes, easy access, and changing lifestyles are a few of the causes. The development of this industry is also aided by the advent of healthier substitutes, such as low-fat and low-sodium chips, in growing regions. The most popular potato chip packaging on the market is in pouch packages. Additionally, the primary institutional purchasers of this item are hotels, restaurants, and caterers. The product also has excellent export potential. The most well-known brands of potato chips include Lay's, Pringles, Uncle Chipps, Haldiram's, Ruffles, Bingo, Tastilo, and many more.
Potato Washing Peeling Machine
Potato Slicing Machine 
Belt Conveyor potato blanching machine 
Automatic Potato Chips continues frying machine
Potato Chips Dehydrator and deoiling machine 
Rotary drum chips flavoring machine 
Chips packaging machine 
Licenses and Approvals:
You will need to apply for many government permits and registrations before you can begin your business. You must first register the business with ROC. However, a proprietorship firm may also be established as a small plant. Register for MSME Udyog Aadhaar and a trade license. You must also obtain FSSAI approval. 
Know more about profitable business of Rose Water Extraction .
Get into the profitable business of potato chips.
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ace-vending · 9 days
Vending Machine Product Ideas: What Sells Best?
Choosing the right products for your vending machine is crucial to maximizing profits. Different locations, customer demographics, and trends will impact what sells best. Whether you're operating a snack machine in an office, a healthy vending machine in a gym, or a beverage machine in a school, selecting the right mix of items is key. Here are some of the top-selling products to consider:
1. Snacks
Snacks are a staple of vending machines, and offering a variety ensures you cater to different tastes. Top-selling snacks include:
Chips: Popular brands like Lay’s, Doritos, and Pringles are crowd-pleasers.
Candy: Chocolate bars, gummies, and hard candies such as Snickers, M&Ms, and Skittles are consistent favorites.
Granola Bars: Healthy or energy-boosting options like Nature Valley and KIND bars are growing in popularity, especially in health-conscious environments.
Cookies & Crackers: Packaged cookies like Oreos or graham crackers appeal to customers craving a sweet snack.
2. Beverages
Drinks often bring the highest volume of sales in vending machines, especially in busy locations. Popular beverage options include:
Soda: Brands like Coca-Cola and Pepsi remain some of the most popular vending machine items.
Bottled Water: Water is essential, especially in fitness centers, schools, and outdoor locations. Brands like Dasani and Aquafina are common choices.
Energy Drinks: Products like Red Bull and Monster are hot sellers in locations with young professionals or students seeking a quick energy boost.
Juices & Iced Teas: For those who prefer something other than soda, brands like Snapple and Minute Maid are great alternatives.
3. Healthy Products
As consumer preferences shift toward healthier lifestyles, stocking vending machines with healthy options is becoming increasingly important:
Protein Bars: High-protein, low-sugar bars are ideal for gyms, offices, or schools.
Dried Fruit & Nuts: Portable, healthy, and nutritious, these options cater to health-conscious individuals.
Veggie Chips: Offering alternatives to traditional chips, like kale or sweet potato chips, appeals to health-focused customers.
4. Specialty Items
Depending on your location, you may want to offer more niche products:
Gum & Mints: These impulse-buy items are popular in high-traffic areas.
Personal Care Items: Vending machines in airports, gyms, or hotels may benefit from selling items like hand sanitizers, masks, or travel-size toiletries.
By selecting a product mix tailored to your specific location and audience, you can ensure that your vending machine meets customer needs and maximizes sales.
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crunchyfoodfze · 2 months
A Guide to Market Expansion: Cashing in on Potato Pellets
Sourcing potato pellets from a reliable manufacturer is the first step towards a profitable venture. But how do you convert these raw materials into a thriving business? Let’s explore various avenues to sell your potato pellets.
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Understanding your target market
Before diving into sales strategies, it is crucial to identify your target market. This will shape your marketing efforts and product development. Potential customers include:
Retailers:Online websites, grocery markets, and convenience stores.
Food processing industries: Manufacturers of potato chips, frozen fries, mashed potatoes, and other potato-based products.
Food service industry: Catering services, hotels, and restaurants.
Diverse sales channels
Direct sales to food processorsBuild and maintain long-term relations with food processing firms.Offer customized products based on their specific requirements.Emphasize consistent quality and timely deliveries.
Value-added product developmentCreate retail-ready products such as instant mashed products, potato flour, or seasoned potato flakes.Explore opportunities in the organic or specialty food market.Keep making efforts to innovate your existing products.
Wholesale distributionPartner with food distributors to reach a wider customer base.Offer competitive pricing and consistent supply.Maintaingood relations with distributors to ensure product availability, especially during emergency requirements.
E-commerceSell directly to consumers through your online marketplaces or online brand-specific store.Offer convenient packaging and shipping options.Build a strong online presence through SEO and social media marketing.
Food service industryTarget restaurants, hotels, and catering services with bulk sales.Highlight the cost-effectiveness and convenience of using potato pellets.Offer solutions to meet the specific needs of the industry.
Build strong customer relationships
It is essential to build a rapport with your target customers by making sure to do the following:
Customer service: Provide excellent customer support to address inquiries and resolve issues at the earliest for the customer.
Quality assurance:Make sure products are high in quality.
Market research: Stay updated on market trends and customer preferences.
Pricing strategy: Develop a competitive pricing strategy while maintaining profitability.
It is also necessary to make other arrangements including:
Obtain certifications like gluten-free, non-GMO, organic, or other necessary certifications to ensure to expand your market.
You must create a strong brand identity to differentiate your product.
Invest in attractive and functional packaging to enhance product appeal.
Utilize various marketing channels to create awareness and generate demand.
By carefully considering your target market, leveraging multiple sales channels, and building strong customer relationships, you can successfully build a thriving business around potato pellets.
Catalogue reference:
1. What are the advantages of doing e-commerce for potato pellets?
By doing e-commerce for potato pellets, you can build a loyal customer base and gather valuable feedback. You can access customers worldwide without geographical limitations. You do not have to rely much on physical stores which can save you money, and you can also track customer behavior and preferences to make informed decisions.
2. What are the potential e-commerce platforms I can use for selling potato pellets?
You can build your own branded website, and utilize platforms like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay to reach a wide audience. You can also sell potato pellets on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
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cnyazhongmachinery · 2 years
snacks packaging machine for sale|potato chips packing machine|fench fries packaging machine
Raw material: Snacks, candy, nuts, potato chips, french fries etc. Capacity:50kg/h-500kg/h https://www.cnyazhong.com/products/Snacks-packaging-machine.html Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466 #automatic  dry fruits packing machine #automatic seed packing machine #automatic dal packing machine #automatic vegetable packing machine #automatic snacks packing machine #food packing machine automatic #automatic food packaging machine #automatic candy wrapping machine #automatic popcorn packing machine
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ultronmachine · 1 year
potato chips packing machine price|potato chips packaging equipment sale
Potato chips packaging machine is used for packing granule food easily and quickly. Raw material:all kinds of snacks, potato chips packing machine, french fries packaging machine, puff food packaging machine etc. Capacity:50-500kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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potato chips production line|automatic potato chips making machine|potato chips machine for sale
Fully automatic potato chips production line is used for making potato chips quickly with high quality. Capacity:50-2000kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:+8613213203466
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ramshacklefey · 2 months
Hey I saw your latest post and I wanted to ask if you have any resources about eating vegan! (recipes, getting started, etc.) I'm honestly so tired of the "vegans are annoying and obnoxious" stereotype too
The first thing to know is that you'll want to ease into it. This is a big change to your diet, and that can affect you in lots of different ways while you're adjusting. One good idea is to adopt a vegetarian diet first, and then switch to vegan once you're used to that.
The only supplements you definitely want to make sure you're getting are Vitamin D and a Vitamin B complex (just make sure it has B12 in it specifically).
Everything after this comes with the caveat that I don't know your particular living situation, dietary habits, or overall health, so this advice is pretty general. Take or leave it as it works for you.
(Long post under cut)
General Tips
Focus on seeking out ways to eat more plants, not on avoiding things. Focusing on the positive side of things makes the whole situation a lot easier, because you won't be thinking about stuff you're missing out on. If you're deliberately filling your pantry with plant-based foods that you enjoy, you'll find that you don't miss the things you used to eat so much. After a while, you'll stop craving things like meat and dairy.
Cutting cheese out of your diet is the hardest part. Turns out that cheese contains a protein called casein which, when you digest it, breaks down into chemicals that have a similar effect on your brain to microdosing cocaine. Be prepared to go through a week or two of bizarrely strong cheese craving when you stop eating it.
You don't have to be a fancy cook to be vegan. Obviously, there's a lot of fresh fruit and veg that you can just eat raw. But there's a lot of other stuff that's super easy that requires almost no prep. I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to my food, and I have no problems. Some of my go-to meals include: spaghetti (I use cheap jarred sauce most of the time), simple curries, rice and beans (plus whatever the fuck spices I feel like), potatoes in every form imaginable, peanut butter and jelly, chips and salsa, chips and bean dip, and oatmeal.
You don't have to pay exorbitant prices to get vegan snacks. There are a lot of companies nowadays producing vegan versions of common snack foods, and they are fucking expensive. However, lots of favorite, cheap snacks are already vegan! Off the top of my head: Oreos and many other cheap packaged cookies, most flavors of Pop-Tarts, almost any candy that isn't chocolate, a lot of chips, dark chocolate (70% cacao or higher), french fries, and popcorn are all good ones.
Fruits and veggies will get tastier the more you eat them. At this point, I'm as happy sitting and eating grapes, cherries, fresh green-beans, or frozen peas as I ever was eating candy. And I don't feel wretched afterwards.
Learn what produce is seasonal in your area. Fresh produce is absurdly expensive, but if you know what's in season at any time, you can take advantage of sales. This has the added benefit of putting some variety in your diet throughout the year.
Preserved produce is just as good as fresh. Frozen, dried, or canned fruit and vegetables are all delicious, often cheaper than fresh, and don't have any nutritional deficiency to speak of. If you're eating canned things, don't throw out the juice though! A lot of the good stuffs in the plants end up in the juice (basically it gets steeped out), so it's best to use that in your dish. Pickled foods are not only tasty, but they have great probiotics in them, and they're a lifesaver in hot weather if you're having trouble staying hydrated.
Add oil and salt! People get a lot of oil and salts from animal products, and if you don't replace those somehow, you may find yourself feeling hungry all the time. Also, adding oil and salt to veggies makes it easier for your body to digest them efficiently.
Roast those veggies! Pretty much any fresh vegetable can be roasted with oil and seasonings to turn it into a delicious meal. If you have an air-fryer, that's also a fucking excellent option.
Legumes are life. Beans and lentils are top notch friends for the vegan, and they can be added to almost any dish.
Peanut butter. If you can eat peanut butter, it's got soooo much fucking good stuff in it.
Tofu is bullshit most of the time. Ok, it's not, but I usually find it to be more of a pain in the ass than it's worth.
Fake meat is overrated. Some of it's definitely tasty, and if you're still feeling very emotionally attached to certain meat-based dishes, it's really helpful. But it's also not necessary. And honestly, it's been long enough since I ate meat that I find the stuff that really tries to mimic meat deeply unsettling and kinda gross. Speaking of which:
You'll start being grossed out by meat and dairy after a while. It's not a performative moral thing, your body just starts being grossed out by it.
Once you stop eating animal products, you will eventually stop being able to digest them. At this point, I am incredibly lactose intolerant, and even tiny amounts of meat or animal fat in my food will make me sick as fuck. Turns out, a significant amount of your digestion is actually done by your gut flora, and there are specific species of microbes in your guts that help you digest different foods. If you go long enough without animal products, the microbes you need to digest those will all die, and you can't actually digest them at all any more.
Things to keep on hand:
Spice blends! Try out a bunch of different ones and then just keep a few bottles of your favs around the house. They can be sprinkled on veggies, tossed into pasta dishes or soups, added to stir-fries, etc. They're especially great if you don't generally cook much and don't have a huge knowledge base for what spices go well together.
Nutritional yeast. This can be a bit expensive, but it's so worth it if you can swing it. It's a kind of yeast that's been dried into flakes, and it's great for putting on some things in place of cheese. I mostly use it for spaghetti and popcorn. It's got a very nice savory flavor.
(Personal) Plant milk. You don't need this by any stretch, but I like having it for oatmeal, smoothies, and baking. Almond milk is usually the cheapest, which I'm not super happy about. Oat milk is my favorite, but for some reason it's way more expensive (making your own oat milk is actually super easy, but I wouldn't expect most people to go to that much trouble).
Like I said earlier, you really don't have to be a fancy cook to eat vegan. However, learning a few recipes that you can pull out as stock meals will make life way easier. If there's a specific dish you want to learn how to make vegan, the easiest thing is to just go online and search for "vegan [dish] recipe."
One thing I cannot recommend highly enough is the cookbook Supermarket Vegan by Donna Klein. It's a simple, affordable cookbook that's focused on recipes that can be made of ordinary ingredients. It has a huge variety of different sorts of dishes from all around the world. They range from super easy snacks to main dishes that you could use as the centerpiece for a fancy meal. And the instructions are clear and concise, easy for even a beginner cook to follow. If you get a copy of this book and start basing your meals off the recipes here, it'll probably be a lot easier to make the switch, because you'll have a plethora of tasty foods to make!
Honestly, the most difficult adjustment to cooking vegan is baking. Most things can be adapted, but it takes a bit more know-how and understanding of what roles various ingredients are playing in a dish. And by various ingredients I mostly mean eggs.
Eating Out
This is generally the biggest pain in the ass for vegans. For one thing, it's amazing how many people just. Don't get what being vegan means. Be prepared for some awkward family dinners or parties where there's not a lot available to you.
When it comes to actual restaurants, your best bets are generally going to be Indian, Eastern Mediterranean, Ethiopian, Thai, and higher-end Central/South American. These places are the most likely to serve a variety of dishes that don't have any animal products in them by default.
If you like coffee drinks, ask for soy or oat milk when you order. They steam better than almond milk, which tends to curdle because of the acidity of the coffee.
Lastly, and this is definitely localized to where I live, Taco Bell is my absolute go-to for fast food. Almost none of their default items are vegan, but they're good about customizing things. My usual order is: Cheesy bean and rice burrito, no cheese sauce, no creamy jalapeño sauce, add black beans, add potatoes, add red sauce, and grilled.
Last Thoughts
Despite what a lot of people think, being vegan is easy once you adapt to it. It's suitable to any food budget, allows for a wide variety of different foods, and is just as healthy as any other decent diet. You might go through a couple months at the beginning that feel a bit rough, but dietary changes are a big deal and always take some adjustment. If you stick with it, you're likely to discover that you actually start feeling a lot better and more energetic than you did before.
Most importantly, be yourself and have fun! It's not a contest, and any benefit you want to see from adopting a vegan diet is still going to happen if you only manage to partly change how you eat.
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thxnews · 4 months
PepsiCo's Global Expansion: A Promising Growth Strategy
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Imagine a world where your favorite snacks and beverages not only taste great but also make a positive impact on the planet and its people. That's the world PepsiCo is striving to create through its global expansion strategy. From humble beginnings in the United States to a presence in over 200 countries, PepsiCo has been on a remarkable journey of growth and innovation. But what sets this food and beverage giant apart from the rest? Let's take a closer look.  
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Caleb Bradham, Founder of PepsiCo. Photo by Faces of the World. Flickr.   The Power of Iconic Brands PepsiCo's success story is built on a foundation of iconic brands that have become household names around the world. Think of the satisfying crunch of Lay's potato chips, the refreshing taste of Pepsi, or the wholesome goodness of Quaker Oats. These brands have not only stood the test of time but have also evolved to meet the changing preferences of consumers. 🤔 Fun Fact: Did you know that Pepsi was first introduced as "Brad's Drink" in 1893 by pharmacist Caleb Bradham?  
Resilience and Strategic Acquisitions
The outbreak of World War I posed challenges for the company as sugar became scarce and expensive. Bradham attempted to overcome the sugar shortage by introducing new flavors like strawberry and grape, but sales remained stagnant. By the end of the war, the company's stocks had declined to a fraction of their original value, leading Bradham to declare bankruptcy in 1923. He later sold the Pepsi-Cola Company to Craven Holding Corporation for $30,000.   Change of Ownership Under new ownership, Pepsi began to regain its footing. The newly appointed CEO, Walter Mack, a marketing genius, introduced the "Pepsi Generation" campaign in the 1960s, targeting the younger generation of consumers. PepsiCo made several strategic acquisitions, including Frito-Lay in 1965 and Tropicana in 1998, diversifying its product portfolio and solidifying its position as a global food and beverage conglomerate.  
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PepsiCo's global expansion in terms of popular brands. Photo by Jeff Bedford. Flickr.  
A Diverse Product Portfolio
One of the key strengths of PepsiCo is its diverse product portfolio, which caters to a wide range of consumer preferences. From savory snacks like Doritos and Cheetos to healthier options like Sabra hummus and Naked Juice, PepsiCo has something for everyone. The company's global presence allows it to tailor its offerings to local tastes and preferences, ensuring that consumers around the world can enjoy their favorite PepsiCo products.  
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Pepsi variations in products and designs. Photo by THX News. AI generated.  
🌿 Spotlight on Innovation
PepsiCo's Sustainable Packaging Solutions  PepsiCo is actively tackling plastic waste through various sustainable packaging initiatives. They aim to reduce virgin plastic by 20% by 2030 and eliminate it entirely, focusing on chips and snacks first. They're also increasing recycled content in packaging, currently at 7% globally, and transitioning brands to 100% recycled PET bottles. Additionally, they strive for 100% recyclable or reusable packaging by 2025 and use sustainably sourced fiber. While challenges remain, PepsiCo is committed to a circular economy for packaging through innovation, collaboration, and consumer education.  
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PepsiCo Foundation & The Recycling Partnership. Photo by PepsiCo.  
🌍 Sustainability at the Core
In a world grappling with environmental challenges, PepsiCo has made sustainability a key pillar of its global expansion strategy. The company has set ambitious goals to reduce its environmental footprint, such as: Reducing absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2030 Replenishing 100% of the water it consumes in high-risk areas by 2025 Achieving net-zero emissions by 2040 The company's efforts extend beyond its own operations, as it works closely with suppliers and partners to promote sustainable practices across its value chain. By sourcing ingredients responsibly, reducing waste, and embracing circular economy principles, PepsiCo is leading the way in creating a more sustainable future for the food and beverage industry.  
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PepsiCo global expansion. A local selling sweet potato outside That Luang in Laos. Photo by Shankar S. Flickr.  
Making a Difference, One Community at a Time
PepsiCo's global expansion is not just about business growth; it's also about making a positive impact on the communities it serves. The company's "Performance with Purpose" vision has guided its efforts to create shared value for all stakeholders. From providing access to clean water to supporting sustainable agriculture practices, PepsiCo is using its global scale to drive meaningful change.   🙌 Real-Life Example PepsiCo and the PepsiCo Foundation made significant investments in 2020 to support global COVID-19 relief efforts: - They committed $50 million to bring food and other vital resources to communities impacted by the pandemic across more than 40 countries. - This included providing over 50 million nutritious meals to at-risk populations globally through partnerships with food banks and other organizations. - In North America specifically, they provided 20 million meals to communities in need through the PepsiCo Foundation's Food for Good program. - They donated $3 million to Team Rubicon to assist food delivery for Feeding America and Meals on Wheels. - Globally, they committed $7 million to charitable organizations and food banks responding to COVID-19 in countries like Egypt, Belgium, South Africa, Thailand, and Italy. - They invested $2 million in the UN Foundation's "One World: Together At Home" campaign to support healthcare workers. - Additional funds went towards providing protective gear for healthcare workers, testing/screening services, and supporting restaurant workers who lost jobs due to the pandemic. In total, PepsiCo and its foundation invested over $71 million globally in 2020 focused on increasing access to nutrition, supporting healthcare efforts, and providing relief for vulnerable communities impacted by COVID-19   Empowering Women and Youth PepsiCo recognizes the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in driving innovation and growth. The company has made significant strides in empowering women and youth through various initiatives, such as: The PepsiCo Foundation's "She Feeds the World" program, which supports women in agriculture The "PepsiCo University" program, which provides training and development opportunities for young talent Partnerships with organizations like the World Food Programme to provide education and nutrition to children in need By investing in the next generation of leaders and promoting gender equality, PepsiCo is creating a more inclusive and prosperous world.  
The Road Ahead
As PepsiCo continues its global expansion journey, the company remains focused on innovation, sustainability, and social impact. With a diversified product portfolio, a commitment to responsible growth, and a purpose-driven approach, PepsiCo is well-positioned to create value for its stakeholders while making a positive difference in the world.    
PepsiCo Global Expansion
- PepsiCo operates worldwide, with key markets in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. - By 2025, the company plans to expand its global footprint to 100 more territories, targeting emerging markets in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. - To achieve this, PepsiCo is launching new products tailored to local tastes, including snacks, beverages, and other consumer goods. - PepsiCo's diversified revenue stream allows it to adapt to local conditions and meet the growing demand for healthier options worldwide. - The company aims to become net zero on greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, making significant strides in reducing its environmental impact. - PepsiCo has invested in technology and digital platforms to support its global expansion, reaching consumers through its e-commerce platform available in over 30 markets. - The company also is known to explore partnerships with local companies to foster business growth in new and established markets.  
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Pepsi Zero Sugar. Photo by PepsiCo.  
Positive Impact
PepsiCo is committed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The company aims to reduce its carbon footprint by 20% by 2030 as part of its Performance with Purpose vision. Efforts to reduce waste, conserve water, and support sustainable agriculture have made a significant impact on the environment.   Sources: THX News & PepsiCo. Read the full article
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