#post tpg
missingn000 · 1 year
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if you want something done right….. DON"T TRUST GEGE….. !!!!!
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deadbaguette · 1 year
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Oh boy who cries wolf, no one will answer
Part 4 of my art series of for @missingn000 and their fic ‘The Phantom Guardian’
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
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pollyna · 2 years
But like both Ice & Mav secretly (not so secretly) loves physical affection and tickles in particular. Not that they’re ever going to admit it out loud to each other, Goose, or any of the others lol
I have a feeling that both Mav & Ice purposely grow out their facial hair to attack Tom’s/Pete’s tummy and neck with (and vice versa since Mav loves it too)
Mav especially doing it while Tom’s under going chemo. Like just burying his hairy face in Tom’s neck or tummy and rubbing it all over just to make Ice giggle/laugh and see the love of his life smile
I melted a little expecially reading the last part,,
It starts during a long boring post deployment, it takes Mav five days to be back home and by then he wants to shave so bad it itches to have any kind of blade in his hands. But when he finally arrives home and gets to bed, Ice's sleeping soundly, and his face touches Ice's chest his not-quiet-boyfriend-yet giggles in his sleep, once, twice and then a third time. Mav can't help but laughing with a now half asleep Tom, snuggling between the pillow, Ice's chest and the blankets. It's the first time Mav thinks I'm in love with this ridiculous man.
Cancer is- a lot, to put it mildly. Cancer means visiting the hospital more time they're both comfortable with, means pain, meds, family coming around whenever they can, the appointment every Wednesday with a psychologist and a grief counseler on Friday while Tom is doing is round of chemio. Cancer means Ice making adjustments and projects about things Mav doesn't want to hear about (his will, the house and the hangar, his fucking funeral).
But it means too Maverick founding, rediscovering, old tricks to make Ice laughs out loud or just to alleviate the pain he knows his husband feels constantly. He beard is already almost there when the idea comes to him, and all he has to do is make it soft, so to not hurt Ice. It requires a little more products and routine that he would have expected, but two weeks later, it's Friday, and the chemo is done, and they are waiting to go home. Ice's skin has always been a little more sensitive around the neck, so when he rubs his cheeks (softly), just there, Ice starts laughing immediately. It's a breathless laugh, but it ignites something in his eyes that makes Mav immediately happier. Mav does it again and Ice asks, signs, if Mav really wants go down that road. Pete rubs his cheek against his husband's chest this time and then he stays, his face above Ice's heart and he let himself enjoying the way Tom's heart beats a little faster and the sound of his laugh.
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jjunieworld · 23 days
got that 4k oneshot completely edited and even edited the amount i have written so far for the salt under the sea today!! didn’t really write that much today, but i got more of the outline written!
please take it from me and don’t write the outline and the fic for said outline at the same time😭😭 i’m like seven scenes ahead in the outline of where i’m currently at in the actual fic right now so it’s not so bad… but i have to keep stopping to figure out more of the outline and then go back to writing and then back to the outline and so on and so forth LMAOO
it’s worth it bc i want to get the salt under the sea out as fast as i can but it’s really annoying and frustrating having to keep bouncing back and forth but ʅ(‾◡◝)ʃ about to write more for it though and i’ll finally be over 10k words!!!
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penname-artist · 2 years
So the funny thing about having your own original story, after years of fanfic material, is that every time you go to do some work on it, this happens:
“Okay, in my headcanon- wait...there is no headcanon. This is just canon...
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michaelmellz · 2 months
one of my fav things about broadway bmc is the part in tpg after michael says “but soon we’ll be together where they dooo” theres a little trumpet “du du du du du duu” it. makes me so happy. i was listening to two river version and it wasnt there i got so sad i had to make this appreciation post for it
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brickcentral · 5 months
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It's story time at Brickcentral and we are proposing a new collab, with a new format. We formed a group of photographers who had to choose sets from a selection belonging to a specific theme and build three distinct stories, each with something in common that could connect them in some way.
The theme chosen was the brand new City Space, and after a call for action on our Discord server, we invited @jbarchietto and TPG Macro, along with a moderator, which in this case was me. After all, a new format needed to be tested firsthand. Here's the first story by TPG Macro, but stay tuned for the other 2:
"On a far off asteroid, brave adventurers make a thrilling discovery but… they’re not alone!
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With the discovery of these precious crystals they bring out their mighty command rover to excavate this mineral-rich landscape.
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After running tests at their mobile lab it's clear that these gems aren’t just for looks but they’re also a great source for energy!
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Mining is a breeze with help from their handy robot companion.
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Alien plants and energy crystals galore! The rest of the team will never believe this! Better snap a few pictures.
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Hopping from asteroid to asteroid a little green watcher is never too far behind.
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With their spaceships charged up and ready to fly it's time to report back to home base and tell the others about their amazing discovery.
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3, 2, 1, and we have liftoff!
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With its main thrusters engaged the interstellar cruiser zips through the vast nebula.
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And with a stowaway on board the adventure has only begun…"
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If you want to read the complete story and go behind the scenes visit the blog post And also please do check out their profiles where you'll find more excellent photography by each of them! But stay tuned because the story does not concludes here!
@theaphol, Community Outreach Manager
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thesquirrelqueer · 2 years
BMC Archival Footage Notes
This is gonna be a long post so I’m gonna put it under the cut, like it says these are notes from me watching the Be More Chill Broadway archival footage at the New York Public Library, it’s mostly small things I noticed that I hadn’t before or things specific to this performance of the show or just random thoughts I had while watching it 
The footage is from August 8, 2019
I watched it on a CRT tv
There were multiple camera angles
It was high quality
There were credits in the beginning
Jason Tam was not listed with the main cast in the credits he was listed after the swings for some reason? There were no swings on so idk why it was like that
Act 1
I thought it had been cut but “girls! boys!” still exists
Mr. Reyes is in the theatre when Jeremy walks in before ILPR
Rich chases Jenna and tries to pull her hair when they enter after ILPR
Mr. Reyes: We are going to take a 5 minute break so that I can eat a hot pocket!      Jake, pointing: sick!
Jake to Rich as he leaves rehearsal: Yeah, see ya dude (it’s very quiet dialogue that I’d just never noticed)
Christine leans on the podium to try to look cool while she’s talking to Jake
Jake gives Christine a peace sign when he walks out at the end of that scene
Rich: he was so lonely SHHHHH the poor guy
Rich gets in Jeremy’s personal space and whispers in his ear on “speaks to you directly” and Jeremy does not like it
Michael is reading a magazine when the bed slides in for TPG
MITB plays under some of the dialogue in TPG
Scary Stockboy makes a lot of weird ass noises 
The SQUIP shoebox has a tiny bit of fog coming out of it
The SQUIP pill itself actually glows 
Jeremy kept drinking his Mountain Dew after Michael left as if he was hoping the SQUIP would activate if he drank more
Jake hides behind Christine when Jeremy’s SQUIP is activating 
The SQUIP voice was different than I’d ever heard it? It was weirdly deeper than usual and it threw me off
SQUIP: everything about you is so ✨tewwabowle✨
Jeremy has like a panic attack after the SQUIP says “everything about you makes me wanna die” (”oh god oh no oh no oh god”)
“this” when the SQUIP sang “she had a shirt just like this” was a lower than normal note
There’s a moon and sunrise projection in the background when Jeremy goes to sleep
Jake and Rich have a similar handshake to Michael and Jeremy
Jeremy does finger guns to Brooke on their “let’s sync up” 
Chloe kicked Christine’s backpack too far and it went off stage (not into the audience but the backstage area)
Jenna was very obviously filming Rich doing something weird with his belly button when the curtain opened 
Jeremy yeeted his script off stage when the SQUIP started controlling him for his Puck monologue 
Jenna got out her phone before Jeremy started his monologue because she was gonna film him failing and then he didn’t fail
Jenna fans Jeremy with her script after his monologue 
Me watching Christine give birth to the bowling ball: this woman is an Oscar nominee 
the SQUIP inspects the bowling ball baby when Jeremy is holding it
Jeremy sniffs his armpits when the SQUIP tells him “I’ve been activating your pheromones”
Christine had one had in her sweater sleeve during most of GTIKBI
They didn't show Jenna on the bleachers
Jake does a lot of small riffs during Upgrade
Usually spoken parts were sung very softly during LGW
After “optic nerve blocking on” Michael can been seen for a brief moment in the screens around the stage
Act 2
They play the SQUIP tango at the end of intermission
Mini dance battle dialogue I could make out Rich: Come on Jake!      Brooke: What?!
Jake: The keg’s right over there! Yo Chloe!
Chloe wipes her tears with her skirt during DYWH
Jake tells Brooke to hold him back when they find Chloe and Jeremy
Jenna bounces her leg when telling Michael to hurry up
Brooke walks by in the the background at the beginning of the GTIKBI (reprise) scene, sees Jeremy, then storms off
Whose bra is on the lamp in this scene???
Jeremy just screamed for his “say what's on your mind”
Christine looked happy and excited when Jeremy asked her out, like she was gonna say yes but then decided it wasn’t the right time
When the SQUIP comes back, a piece of the curtain got statically stuck to his costume
Jenna happy stims when Chloe says “Spit it out! Spit it out!”
Cheerleading choreography 
Mr. Heere: do you love him? *record scratch sound*
Chloe to Jake: you had it coming!       Jake, sadly: okay :(
Chloe doesn’t even say “come on” when she calls Brooke, she just slaps her leg and gesture for Brooke to go with her
The prop beaker flew too far and ended up backstage, Jeremy had to actually go off stage to retrieve it
there are 3 audible snaps after the line “when you improve the lives of all your peers”
Jenna looked so sad when she said “I would do anything to feel like I belong”
Scrolling text of green code on the screens around the stage near the end of TPC
“everything about you is going to be wonderful” instrumental plays under Jeremy trying to convince Christine to take a SQUIP
Mr. Reyes: I suppose you’ll be wanting your costume back *starts to cry as he runs off stage*
The SQUIP being lowered onto the stage during The Play seemed oddly fast
Michael mimics Jeremy’s weird position when he says “it’s a gesture, gesture matter!”
Michael does a little dance on “I just know it’s never gonna happen”
Jake just wanders around in the background holding the empty bottle of Mountain Dew Red
Christine: You’re the guy I am so kinda into      Jeremy: I am?
LGW plays as Jeremy breaks free from the SQUIP and gives Christine the Mountain Dew Red 
Michael’s jaw drops when he hears Rich say “totally bi now”
Rich does the 👉👌 hand gesture after “tell her that she excites you sexually”
Jake dabs and Jeremy dabs back at him
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workersolidarity · 9 months
🇵🇸⚔️🇮🇱 🚀 🚨
📹 After 80 days of total war in the Gaza Strip, and an Israeli invasion of the north and central areas, the Palestinian Resistance is alive and well, still capable of ambushing Israeli soldiers in the streets, in their forward posts, in their armored vehicles, and is even capable, as seen here, of launching heavy rocket salvos towards Tel Aviv. Israel is NOT achieving its goals, only wonton slaughter of innocent civilians in a genocide unprecedented in scale in modern times.
The al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas political and military resistance movement, announced in a statement Monday that its resistance fighters have succeeded in destroying or disabling 35 Israeli military vehicles.
The Brigades further confirmed killing 48 Occupation soldiers, and the wounding of dozens of soldiers to varying degrees of severity.
The Resistance fighters also executed 24 military operations targeting Israeli Occupation Forces using both shells and fortified explosives, and engaging with enemy forces at close range while targeting rescue crews attempting to evacuate the dead and wounded.
The Al-Qassam statement also mentions that fighters with the Brigades blew-up two boobytrapped tunnels, killing soldiers of the Israeli Combat Engineering Corps units, known as Yahalom, as well as detonating landmines among occupation forces and military vehicles.
Al-Qassam Brigades also claimed responsibility for the execution of six sniper operations targeting Israeli Occupation Forces in various parts of Gaza. Also adding that Resistance Forces bombarded the headquarters, command rooms and military concentrations of Occupation Forces using short-range rockets across all axis of the front.
The Brigades added that its snipers shot three Occupation soldiers, one of whom held the rank of Major, in the al-Kasasib neighborhood of the Jabalia Refugee Camp in northern Gaza.
Resistance Fighters with the Brigades also successfully targeted an Israeli Special Forces unit of 10 soldiers inside a fortified building in the Juhr al-Dik area of central Gaza using an anti-fortification TPG shell, resulting in the deaths and injuries of a number of Occupation Forces invading the area.
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(OOC)[ooc = out of character] Hi this is a post where I introduce you to all the characters in this blog aka my regretevator ocs I'll start by introducing you to the fanmade floors I made because they may be mentioned in the blog and some of the characters description
flower infection: in this floor you're in a random place where a lot of pink flowers are growing and if you touch them you get the flowers growing on you and it takes off 4 hp and to stop the flowers when the floor starts you get a temporary item to cut the flowers but you have to cut only a random amount of red flowers not pink red and then after you cut all the red flowers one of the npcs that were hiding behind a corner Lili or Emma will enter the elevator
Appleville: Splitville reskin or something that's like splitville
Planet Gars: In this floor you're in Gnarpy's planet called Gars and you have to survive the gnarpians because they're following you and attacking you with lares guns if you survive there's a 20% chance that Gnarpy Will enter the elevator and a 50% chance Ximmy will enter the elevator or a 10% Zenith the elevator
Gradient land: in this floor you are in Gradient land gradient land is a place full of gradient creatures in this floor there's a little shop where you can buy the gradient potions that will turn your avatar into a random gradient and there's a 50% that Lunar gradient or Epic gradient will enter the elevator if you buy something from their shop
Ice cream world floor: in this floor you're in a place that's completely made of ice cream that somehow doesn't melt and players can take random ice cream they find in that floor and get it as an item that gives them 5 hp and in this floor Crem would be able to enter the elevator
1) Tea pot guy(tpg)
He's a pretty chill guy and also even if he has no mouth and no eyes he can still see and talk somehow he's friends with Jeremy and Mozelle and they where also friends with Melanie before she died yea that's all the info about tpg
2) Ximmy
There's not much information I have about him except that he's a nice gnarpian and doesn't really wanna attack others
3) Zenith
There's not much information I have about him but he's basically Gnarpy but more evil and also he's the leader of the gnarpians
4) Lili
Lili was the first mannequin to have legs but since her creators tought she looked bad they left her at the flower infection floor and before being left at the flower infection floor she was friends with mannequin Mark
Peel a cat fruit-taur(Split's species) you must be wondering how is she a cat if fruit-taurs can only be dogs? well that's because she was born with a genetic mutation that made her a cat and not a dog she's not the only one with this mutation
7) Epic gradient
There's not much information about her but she's unpleasant's sister yea she's epic
8) Lunar gradient
Lunar is from the moon she decided to go to earth cause she thought it would've been cool and was bored of staying on the moon all day also yes this means she's an alien gradient
9) Krystal
Krystal is Infected's sister so she's kinda like him and stuff yea
10) anti-party/ap/Jack
Jack hates parties he hates party noob and he's friends with Pest
11) Emma
Emma's body was made in the same factory where Lampert's body was made but they stopped working on what became Emma's body to focus on what became Lampert's body and decided to never finish it and left it at the flower infection floor Emma decided to take it because she thought it was cool and pretty and also Lampert and Emma see eachother as siblings because they were made at the same place and are similar to eachother oh and Emma is friends with Lili
that's it for the ocs and fanmade floors oh and also you can ask questions to MY VERSIONS NOT canon versions of the canon regretevator characters because my ocs are canon to the AU related to my versions of regretevator characters but you ask them questions only if the questions are related to an oc that is included in this blog
also for the questions you can ask anything but NO NSFW,NO PROSHITTING and NO WEIRD THINGS and also you can also send random things that aren't questions and I'm cool with roleplay
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missingn000 · 11 months
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dkaufmandevelopment · 1 month
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Unlocking New York City’s Potential: The Rise of Office-to-Residential Conversions
Post-pandemic, the great hope for office-to-residential conversions in New York City was that they would address two critical challenges facing commercial real estate: the surplus of office space due to hybrid/work-from-home norms and the affordable housing crisis across the five boroughs.
A Shift in Perspective
Initially, this hope seemed to fall short due to several factors, including the physical limitations of older office buildings—windows and floor plates not conducive to residential use—and zoning complexities. However, over the past year, a positive shift has occurred. Government initiatives, such as New York City’s Office Conversion Accelerator Program (launched last year), the new 467-meter state tax exemption for conversions (with benefits tied to timing and geography), and Mayor Eric Adams’s proposed City of Yes zoning overhaul, are instilling optimism among developers. They now see a path to profitable and productive conversions that contribute to housing solutions.
A Promising Surge
To gauge the growth of office-to-residential conversions, consider this: between 2010 and 2020, New York City witnessed 34 such transformations, according to the Department of City Planning. However, in just one year since the Accelerator program’s announcement, 69 building owners have expressed interest in potential conversions. This surge could mark a pivotal moment in addressing the city’s dual challenges.
Streamlining the Process
The Office Conversion Accelerator Program plays a crucial role. It provides owners undertaking conversions of at least 50 residential units with a central contact within city government. This streamlined approach eliminates the need for separate communication with various departments—City Planning, Buildings, Housing Preservation & Development, Standards and Appeals, and the Landmarks Preservation Commission—to ensure compliance with codes and zoning regulations.
Momentum Building
Recent industry news reflects this momentum. GFP Real Estate and TPG Real Estate recently submitted a Buildings Department application to convert 222 Broadway—a 31-story, 750,000-square-foot office building—into 798 apartments. The estimated cost of this transformation stands at $43.6 million. The project, purchased from DWS in June for $150 million, lists CetraRuddy as the architect.
In summary, New York City’s office-to-residential conversions are gaining traction, offering a glimmer of hope for both the real estate market and affordable housing. As the logjam loosens, developers and city officials collaborate to create a more vibrant and inclusive urban landscape.
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pollyna · 2 years
Six months of deployment, even when he isn't the one flying but giving directions and instructions, leave Maverick more tired than any other tour before. He can almost feel it in his bones why Sunny is stepping down the moment he's going to turn sixty.
All he wants to do is sleep for the next seven years and lay on his bed until he can't anymore. But he promised to his class and to the Daggers to go out for a drink, and seriously, how could he say no when Halo looked at him with shiny, pleading eyes?
"Just one drink and then I'm gone." He says it out loud and he doesn't know if he's trying to convince himself or Javy, even if the other pilot is looking at him like he knows it's all a ruse and Mav is going to stay until the end of the night. But no, no, it's not going to happen; he needs t- oh. Oh.
"Penny, I'm looking good, right?" he asks to the woman behind the counter.
"Yeah?" she answers, but she doesn't seem sure of why he should ask her that question until her eyes follow what, who, is in Mav's line and "oh Maverick" she says laughing softly. "You look handsome, he won't be able to resist you."
Someone snouts behind his back, and Bradley, behind Neil, almost screams, "Seriously, dad?! Oh my god. Penny, I'll need a beer, I can't stand to watch this all over again."
What a dramatic child he helped raise, but Pete is on a mission and fuck being tired. He's going to take the man in front of him home at the end of the night, or he's not going to go home at all.
The man is looking at him from across the room when he starts moving his first steps, and he bites his lip so he doesn't start smiling like an idiot or worse, let his cheeks go red. They meet in the middle of the room, and jesus Maverick is really going to hit the jackpot this time around.
"Hi stranger"
"Hello to you" he answers, and God, why does he feel like twenty-four all over again, stumbling on his feet to get the attention of a particular person?
"I heard you're a pilot. Your friends back there couldn't stop talking about how good you are behind the cockpit." They're going to write, here rests Pete Mitchell, died because a too handsome man killed him simply by talking.
"I'm the best." He smirks and what a dumb way to answer, but it should be consider a miracle he isn't answering monosyllabic.
"Are you sure of that, sweetheart?" He whispers against his ear and Mav's hands close around his shirt.
He's going to answer, he swears, but when he looks in the man's eyes, they're so close, so fucking close, he just has to tilt his head to kiss him. And so he does, until he can feel his lungs running out of oxygen, but even then he doesn't move far, just enough to look at him in the eyes.
"Welcome back home, love" Ice whispers before kissing him again.
(It takes Rooster pleading for mercy, Penny asking and Slider removing Mav from Ice to make them stop and promise to not kiss anymore until after they'll be alone. The promises last two hours before they're both tipsy and handsy all over again.
On the back of the cab, Mav's hand are around Ice's face all over again. "I missed you so much" he whispers.
"I missed you too, babe" Ice answers, hugging him against his chest "I'm glad you're back."
Mav hums in response and yeah, maybe he is still a little tired but he's going home with the man; he said he was going home too, so sleep can wait for another couple, or maybe four, hours.)
Val Klimer application post.
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jjunieworld · 3 months
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girl lemme get started on the salt under the sea
- the player’s game series
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simpleimple · 7 months
I need to actually post about Termina Fantasia Tactics and like rubber duck using the anonymity of the invisible people inside the glowing rectangle that my cat doesn’t like my to pet.
I’ve been considering revamping the action economy. Eliminate action points, instead use an open action system where you get an opportunity to use X number of action types a turn and actions all have one or more kind of them each. Debating whether to make it hard like one attack, one support, one move, one maneuver or to make it so that you can repeat them but failing in a repeat ends your turn. I think one special kind will be Finisher which is just you get bonuses for giving up your extra actions. Then knacks, previously resourceless special actions, get a more prominent place and the way you reset them becomes using a universal finisher. Open up turn format so players are always thinking about what to do. I might switch reactions to being like they are re in Tactics Ogre where you only do them in response to an action being taken instead of kind of DnD AoOs
I want it to feel like an analog 90s strategy tpg and having minimal confounding factors in very open to use turns feels appropriate. You always get your move, an attack, in some instances an item or a special. You get a lot to do in many of them often to degrees that few exist for ttrpgs let you do but you also don’t want to overwhelm the player with options.
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thephantomguardian · 5 months
Hii I hope this doesn’t sound demanding but are you planning to continue tpg? I absolutely love your writing 😭💗
hi! don't worry, you don't sound demanding at all! i do plan to continue it, and have an explanation of my hiatus in this post <3 thank you for your patience with me!
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