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Hal and Spideley's Parable - The Reveal after The Final Nightmare
A little sneak peek of what happens in their Parable, with me experimenting with manga style because of the DRAMA
Context: Hal is the Narrator and Spideley is his Stanley. Their Parable is close to the original game until AFTER Epilogue, where they discover the Dreamscape that lets them travel to places outside of the Parable, and these places are liminal and dreamlike. The more they stay in the Dreamscape, the more their appearance changes.
Spideley somewhat knew that he was not a real person who existed outside of "the game" but then he found out that's half true, he's not real but before the Parable, there were employees and Employee #427 was NOT Spideley. He wanted answers and the person who was supposed to be his friend/rival/lover/companion might be cruel to someone Spideley might have replaced.
However, he didn't expect this.
Also, I will be SUPER busy due to college tomorrow as I'll be going on campus three days a week till December 23rd.
Please do send me anything: Asks, Request, Fanarts, but not Death threats, or spam.
You can also find me on my main - @thinking-outside-the-giftbox18
Hope you all Have A Nice Day, Take Care and Stay Safe
-Mod Giftbox
No Text version under "Keep Reading"
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devils-yui · 1 month ago
Reposting this from a friend bc I think it is VERY important to know of this, and for immigrants, and other possible victims of the ICE Raids happening right now
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Here’s to also a very huge edit, from the list of very helpful people who have been reblogging and providing more info.
I’m not as well informed but I will be relaying the information and tagging each person who added onto this post:
@onthedriftinthetardis -
The phone number in the first photo is ONLY for Orange County, California!
Look up your local ACLU affiliate here
@6feetunderwater -
It always makes me nervous to see a reporting phone number passed around without any links to verify it, so the number in the first pic can be found on the site for the Orange County Rapid Response Network, which is "an interconnected system of non-profit and grassroots organizations, civil rights attorneys, law school clinics, and individuals working together to respond to dehumanizing immigration enforcement activities and policies in Orange County"
@geekerypeekery -
The second warrant is not fake, but is an administrative rather than judicial warrant, and has no constitutional authority to bypass Fourth Amendment protections - in other words, it does not entitle the bearer to enter and search your home. It simply authorizes agents of the issuing department to contact you. Always ask to see the warrant before opening your door!
In addition to the ACLU links, try contacting the National Immigration Law Center https://www.nilc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Warrants-Subpoenas-Facts.pdf
@american-anger -
The phone number listed here is specific to Orange County in California, but you can look up other California counties here:
@beaniebaneenie -
Unpleasant reminder: within 100 miles of the border (which is home to 200 million people and virtually all major cities in the US), ICE does not need a warrant to enter your home, your car, to search anything, or even to arrest you.
You are not automatically safe just because they don't have a real warrant.
The best and safest thing you can do is learn to have escape routes- quick ways to get out of the house or area you're in if you find out ICE or CBP are around. Those of us who do have documentation? Time for us to step the fuck up.
Film any interaction. Every interaction. If you're able, step into the conversation and be a Karen/Kyle- weaponize your privilege for Good. If you get asked about people? Use positive but vague statements so you a) cannot be caught in a lie, and b) do not give any information away.
"I don't know them that well, but I don't tend to socialize much. They seem great to me."
"I can't remember the last time I saw them."
"Maybe they speak another language, I can't remember details. But I picked up Duolingo during the pandemic and tons of other people did too."
"I'm not sure."
"I'm sorry, I can't help you."
Even if you're somewhere the 100-mile Exception doesn't apply and a warrant is in fact needed? I don't expect ICE and CBP to play by the rules for long, if at all. I fully expect this to get ugly, and fast.
Cheeto has already declared an emergency of national security at the border, and is mobilizing the military to have jurisdiction over a huge swath of the country. It's essentially tantamount to martial law. And it's only been four days.
Gear up for a long, hard fight. This is gonna be a marathon, not a sprint.
— I am leaving all of this as an edit because on the off chance someone does find the posts that have these people specifically reblogging, I don’t want it to be too late. So I’m comprising it all here
Here are a few other people’s reblogs I thought were important:
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Thank you @onthedriftinthetardis @6feetunderwater @geekerypeekery @american-anger @beaniebaneenie @bunnychiffon @dubiouslynamed @trisockatops @witchy-disaster for contributing and helping me make this a more well-informed post. Thank you so much
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iri-desky · 1 year ago
(IMPORTANT UPDATE: Kosa will not necessarily pass on the 26th. It only has the support to pass in Senate, and we STILL HAVE TIME. That being said, time is of the essence.)
Reblog this post in every LEGAL way you can under the Tumblr guidelines with the appropriate tags. TELL AND TAG EVERYONE YOU KNOW, then add the tags to see below... and more if you can think of any complying.
Visit badinternetbills.com if you want to find a way to defeat KOSA. It WILL NOT take much of your time. Reblog with any other information or sources, too-- but make sure to reblog if you can.
Reblog if you support lgbtq+ content.
Reblog if you support questioning queer youth and/or abused youth getting the information they need.
Reblog if you support Ao3 and/or other sites that wholeheartedly preserve talentedly made media.
Reblog if you're going to repost this on other sites than Tumblr and spread the word across Twitter, Tik Tok, Pinterest, or elsewhere, alongside the link to badinternetbills.com.
Reblog if you think KOSA is unfair and shouldn't be anyone's problem -- including the adults ALL OVER THE DAMN EARTH forced to face the mass censorship it causes because "think of the American Children!".
Reblog if you support internet activism and Palestine.
Reblog if you hate fascism or censorship, and don't want actually serious and helpful conversations censored on the internet.
Reblog if you value the internet in any way at all whatsoever.
CHECK THIS PETITION, TOO! https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-kosa?recruiter=1331807538&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=sms&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf&recruited_by_id=57368c40-d0fd-11ee-98f7-2175430f819f&share_bandit_exp=initial-36809664-en-US
(Also, please reblog with at least "stop kosa" as a tag and not "kosa". I made the mistake of not adding just "kosa" as a tag...)
We won't let this stand any longer. Let's start a riot and get this trending.
(Update: this is outdated, but we should still talk about it. Get Kosa trending.)
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panstarry · 11 months ago
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heads up: this games charity bundle was finally approved on itch.io! it opens this friday, april 12th, and will run for a week. all proceeds will go to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund.
you can check out the bundle on itch.io and follow @vgforpalestine on twitter for more updates!
EDIT: as of april 20th, 2024 this bundle is now live!!
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givemearmstopraywith · 2 years ago
funds for indigenous communities affected by the canada wildefires *updated*
grassy narrows first nations (ontario) needs funds for an escape route
odawa first nations (quebec-ontario) is raising funds for evacuees
algonquins of barriere (mitchikanibikok inik in alberta) lake mutual aid request 
you can drop donations for the odawa first nations at 815 st laurent blvd in ottawa
you can drop off food donations for mitchikanibikok inik at the ramada plaza in gatineau; you can also email info/@/health.rapidlake.com with mutual aid donations. please note that the maniwaki native friendship center is now closed to donations
if you’re directly affected, the pueblo action alliance has developed a guide for DIY filtration for the smoke
updates (as of 6 june 2023):
donate funds for evacuees from little red river cree nation (via kahkakow)
k'atl'odeeche first nations needs funds to rebuild homes and businesses lost (via aelabee)
i’ll update this as i find more fundraising initiatives and please free to share your own. reblogs with anything than sharing resources/mutual aid requests/fundraising opportunities get blocked. 
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263adder · 2 years ago
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Please share for UK residents!
The public alert will go off on Sunday 23rd April at 3PM (15:00) BST.
The decision to issue the alert was made against the advice of NGOs who warned this could put vulnerable people in danger. Please spread the message.
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aquitainequeen · 2 years ago
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David Slack warning against AMPTP trying to turn the unions against each other, and stating the facts.
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the-anon-scp-confessions · 2 months ago
Awareness reblog.
Please take the time to read this if you're able to as I feel it's too important to be ignored.
I'm very sorry for this, but the scp fandom should know about this. I've heard way too much about this to just not say anything, so I am doing it on a sideblog to both avoid as much harassment towards myself as possible, and so as many people as possible can see it. This is something that has been going on for years now, and other fandom dramas have fed into it getting worse.
Reblogs are appreciated, and I will be answering any questions that I can in my inbox.
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riding-with-the-wild-hunt · 9 months ago
today's vetted campaigns. i know there are lots of posts like this and it's easy to just scroll past, but please continue to share and donate in whatever scope you're able. your contribution can save lives.
june 12th:
Ahmed Abushammala's family of ten (€6,354/€100,000) - @ahmed8311, verified by @/ibtisams
Ahmed Alanqer, his pregnant wife Dina, and their three young children (€9,645/€35,000) - @zinaeleenyamin, verified by @/nabulsi
Ruba Abushaban and family (including her elderly father who needs urgent medical care) (€22,831/€60,000) - @rubashabansblog, verified by @/nabulsi
Mohammed Adly Haboub and his family of four (kr1,990 SEK/kr300,000 SEK) - @mohammedhaboub, verified by @/90-ghost
Mahmoud Abu Hamam and family ($11,354 CAD/$50,000 CAD) - @ma7moudgaza2, verified by @/nabulsi
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Soooooooo....The summaries are still in the making, but there are some planning issues as to how to post them on this blog.
However, when on a three-week trip to India in June, I wanted to try the color wheel challenge. And then for 4 days, I managed to do the sketch and timelapse-ed it to show wherever I can ^^
Here's the pic -
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The full version will be coming soon ^^
-Mod Giftbox
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gothmessi · 27 days ago
urgent help needed!
hi guys, me again, Xan a full time college student from México and also the main caretaker of my disabled grandparents, we just got scammed to the last of our money by a man who told my family they were going to send us medical equipment such as oxygen tanks, a medical beed, a wheelchair etc, all we had was $500 dollars and now we don't, please keep in mind we were desperate to get those things for my grandparents (evidence of their situation) they really needed it, I don't know what else to do and the bank is just telling me "we are sorry but we can't do anything", please donate anything, even one dollar goes a long way since we are from México, so embarrassed to do this but we are desperate and lonely, if you have any questions you can send me a message, forever grateful, p*ypal: gothmessi, also, heres my ko-fi: gothmessi, if you can't use/don't have p*ypal, thank u sm
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felassan · 7 months ago
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SAG AFTRA news update:
"SAG-AFTRA Members Who Work on Video Games Go on Strike July 25th A.I. Protections Remain the Sticking Point SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director & Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, acting under the authority delegated by the SAG-AFTRA National Board, and with the unanimous advice and counsel of the Interactive Media Agreement Negotiating Committee, called a strike of the Interactive Media Agreement, effective July 26 at 12:01 a.m. Today’s vote to strike comes after more than a year and a half of negotiations without a deal. The convenience bargaining group with whom SAG-AFTRA is negotiating includes Activision Productions Inc., Blindlight LLC, Disney Character Voices Inc., Electronic Arts Productions Inc., Formosa Interactive LLC, Insomniac Games Inc., Llama Productions LLC, Take 2 Productions Inc., VoiceWorks Productions Inc., and WB Games Inc. Any game looking to employ SAG-AFTRA talent to perform covered work must sign on to the new Tiered-Budget Independent Interactive Media Agreement, the Interim Interactive Media Agreement or the Interim Interactive Localization Agreement. These agreements offer critical A.I. protections for members. Negotiations began in October 2022 and on Sept. 24, 2023, SAG-AFTRA members approved a video game strike authorization with a 98.32% yes vote. Although agreements have been reached on many issues important to SAG-AFTRA members, the employers refuse to plainly affirm, in clear and enforceable language, that they will protect all performers covered by this contract in their A.I. language. “We’re not going to consent to a contract that allows companies to abuse A.I. to the detriment of our members. Enough is enough. When these companies get serious about offering an agreement our members can live — and work — with, we will be here, ready to negotiate,” stated SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher.   “The video game industry generates billions of dollars in profit annually. The driving force behind that success is the creative people who design and create those games. That includes the SAG-AFTRA members who bring memorable and beloved game characters to life, and they deserve and demand the same fundamental protections as performers in film, television, streaming, and music: fair compensation and the right of informed consent for the A.I. use of their faces, voices, and bodies. Frankly, it’s stunning that these video game studios haven’t learned anything from the lessons of last year - that our members can and will stand up and demand fair and equitable treatment with respect to A.I., and the public supports us in that,” said Crabtree-Ireland. “Eighteen months of negotiations have shown us that our employers are not interested in fair, reasonable A.I. protections, but rather flagrant exploitation. We refuse this paradigm – we will not leave any of our members behind, nor will we wait for sufficient protection any longer. We look forward to collaborating with teams on our Interim and Independent contracts, which provide A.I. transparency, consent and compensation to all performers, and to continuing to negotiate in good faith with this bargaining group when they are ready to join us in the world we all deserve." said Interactive Media Agreement Negotiating Committee Chair Sarah Elmaleh.  For more information and to search whether a video game is struck, please visit sagaftra.org/videogamestrike."
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chokulit · 4 months ago
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Remember that I can draw for you if you donate: x
I will post updates on the campaign when I can.
Currently at:
Still not 1/10 of the total
tags under the cut (dm to remove tag):
@vakarians-babe @sar-soor @plomegranate @nabulsi @sayruq
@palipunk-blog @communistkenobi @queerstudiesnatural  @bluebellsinthedells @rizzyluke
@kordeliiius @self-hating-zionist  @raelyn-dreams @unfortunatelyuncreative @licencetokrill-blog
@jezebelgoldstone @ramelcandy @labutansa @sammywo  @autistwizard
@tortiefrancis @sparklinpixiedust @revcuse @golvio @leftismsideblog
@star-and-space-ace @rainbowywitch @marscodes @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @boyvander the-bastard-king
@ammonitetheseaserpent @girlinafairytale  @timetravellingkitty @appsa @applejupiter
@brutaliakhoa @malcriada @retvolution @deansmultitudes @devilofthepit
@heritageposts @wellwaterhysteria @dykesbat @gorbling  @half-empty-orbitals
@seasnipper @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @fairuzfan @neptunerings
@marnota @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf
@belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @animentality @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish
@violetlyra @the-bastard-king @tamaytka @northgazaupdates2  @skatehan
@awetistic-things @nightowlssleep @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @friendshapedplant
@mangocheesecakes  @commissions4aid-international @rwuffles @mogai-sunflowers 
@a-shade-of-blue @ibtisams @paper-mario-wiki @dlxxv-vetted-donations @writerqueenofjewels
@the-ballerina-battle @khanger @maoistyuri @acepumpkinpatrick @thetownwecallhome
@aria-ashryver  @bat-luun @staretes @yokohama-crackhouse @omiteo777 
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationist @sawasawako
@aristotels @watermotif @stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap
@deepspaceboytoy @kibumkim @socalchops @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli
@swagvo1d  @himejoshikaoru @rooh-tawaka-blog @deathlonging @briarhips
@mahoushojoe @mazzikah @bixlasagna @anetteva @timetravellingkitty
@battleofthegarys @nillabean @fromjannah  @ankle-beez @spindlesx
@squidie-tittie @shiskabubble @oursapphirestars @fitzfunnymoments @jonpertwee 
@buttercuparry @bloglikeanegyptian @visoremi  @olovelymoon-read-pinned-post @pinkhit-s
@purple-splattered-soul @papasmoke @one-time-i-dreamt  @operationladybug @undertastic-dork
@imjustheretotrytohelp @yesterdaysprint @tamarrud @themazziah
@resourcesmasterposts @raccoon-in-a-hoodie @ezrazone @emathyst9 @wolfythewitch
@queerdocumentary-blog @quecksilvereyes @anneemay @angelslough @averagenotnormal
@sleevesareforlosers @sinnamontrash @determinate-negation @dormimi-zzz
@fuckyeahanarchistposters @gerbildine  @generallyjl @good-old-gossip @heydreamchild
@jezior0 @komsomolka  @lesbianmaxevans
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2dmax · 4 months ago
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Abood's Wife Needs Medical Treatment (NEW UPDATE DEC 17th 2024: DONATE VIA PAYPAL BELOW)
Original post text:
@abood-gaza7 needs $135 today for his wife's treatment tomorrow. They also need to buy clothes for the winter, and every day the price of all goods in Gaza increases.
I wanted to make a special little donation drive for Abood and his wife. For TODAY (11/02/2024) only, donate to grow this flower and help Abood's wife get the care she needs. You MUST message me with proof of donation for it to count towards this flower's growth!
Tiers: 🌱🍃🌱🍃🌱🍃
$5 -- a drop of water
$10 -- a cup of water
$15 -- a watering can full of water
$20 -- add a good luck charm (you may describe it!)
$50 -- plant a new seed (you may describe it!)
$135 -- DM me for an original full artwork gift
12/17/2024: Abood has given me an update that his wife’s condition is worsening and more money needs to be raised for her surgery. Please use PayPal to donate to him.
Donate the amounts above to his PayPal, and for any donation made today 12/17/2024 that you inform me of, we can continue to grow this flower! 🌱 🪴
Updates will -not- be live as they happen, but I will honor each donation I am informed of. I am not affiliated with Abood’s campaign, and his campaign and need for donations will continue and be independent of thisnpost.
Can't donate? Share + Crosspost
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Update 00
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comrademango · 2 months ago
Please keep supporting Ahmed's family
I have made a post about Ahmed @ahmedfamily900 and his family back in November. Their campaign has made progress (from €797 to €3,397 raised of the €100,000 goal, only 3% funded), but it remained very slow, sometimes going days with minimal increase.
[verification: gaza-evacuation-funds, gazavetters (#37)]
This family is trying to raise funds for their daily needs of around 20 members and for the treatment of several members who have been injured during the current campaign of genocide by the settler state. Two of those injured are children. Another child has cleft palate which needs prompt surgical correction to prevent speech and feeding difficulties. Ahmed's twin brother had been taken by the IOF and released in September. (Details in the post linked in par. 1)
With the impending truce, Ahmed and his family may be able to return to their home in the north of Gaza, and they would have been happy to return to a even broken down structure with dilapidated rooms, but some of their acquaintances have informed them that there is not even rubble to return to. They still need our support. ETA: Ahmed is also requesting others to sponsor/make their own posts/regularly share his campaign. If you can, please do not hesitate to do so.
Please keep supporting this family. Thank you.
Tagging for reach. Respectfully requesting to boost and tag others s well so it may reach other bigger blogs/get enough exposure/etc. Please reply or reach out in other ways for tag removal. Thank you.
@murderbot @butchmagicalboi @mistress--kanzaki @boobieteriat @lonniemachin
@galactic-mermaid @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @lesbianmaxevans @imjustheretotrytohelp @maester-cressen
@neptunerings @komsomolka @thatsonehellofabird @dirhwangdaseul @guldaastan
@feralparsnip @lordzannis @communist-ojou-sama @jolyne-best-jojo @disinfobot
@oceanmonsters @captainrayzizuniverse @moonrver @thesummersucks @thewingedwolf
@oediex @karlmarxmaybe @acehimbo @error-core-animations @seasonofprophecy
@teethburied @milfstalin @shrinkthisviolet @meshugenist @trans-lunarinjection
@rhubarbspring @riotbard @spaghettioverdose @binglam @noble-kale
@xxx-sparkydemon-xxx @drunkestwizard @is-there-a-filipino-legend-yet @vilecrocodile @batricity
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