#possibly i won't be able to post Sat either
ellemj · 8 months
Needs & Wants - Sex Pollen Trope Pt. 2
Bucky Barnes x Reader
**If you haven't read Pt. 1 yet, READ IT FIRST.**
Summary: You fight the effects of the chemical compound for as long as you can, until Bucky makes you an offer that your body can't seem to refuse. But, you each have a rule that the other has to follow.
Warnings: this one is a huge fucking tease, I'm so sorry (I won't be sorry when I release part 3 tonight), masturbation, talk of unprotected sex, profanity, use of y/n, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Feel free to comment and let me know if this requires more warnings.
Word Count: 4k (I just couldn't stop the build up)
Author's Note: I cannot believe the overwhelming response on part one of this, I was just in a silly goofy mood and decided to finally use my Tumblr for something other than reading y'alls AMAZING fics every night before bed. I didn't expect anyone to really even see it. My heart is racing as I get ready to post this rn lmao. PLEASEEE tell me what your fav part of this one is, I have to know. Part 3 will be out tonight, I can't make you guys wait too much.
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            Bucky’s resolve has been steadily crumbling for the past hour, and truthfully, he’s barely placing any blame on the chemical compound that’s interacting with the serum coursing through his veins. He’s placing the blame on you and the needy, whimpering noises that you’ve been making for the last forty-five minutes. After the video conference with Bruce and Tony ended, you were quick to lock yourself in one of the bedrooms of the safe house. You didn’t even say another word to Bucky, you just stood up from the couch with one hand clutched over your stomach, and hurried off down the hall. He wanted to say something to you, but what the hell was he supposed to say? I’m sorry that we’re in this situation? That wouldn’t help a damn thing. You’re in it and there’s nothing either one of you can do except pray that you’ll have enough self-control to make it through the night with your doors still locked.
            Bucky sat on the couch for a few minutes after you left, replaying Tony’s last warning to you in his head. You won’t feel relief until your body thinks it has a chance of reproducing, until semen is introduced into your system. It made him feel like shit. He can find relief on his own, he can take care of himself tonight, but you? You’ll suffer for a minimum of eight hours, possibly nearing death, alone behind a locked door. It’s not that he thinks you can’t handle yourself. He’s perfectly aware of how capable you are at handling practically anything. He’s been your partner in the field for two months now and he’s never once had a doubt about your skills, your ability to tolerate pain, or even the split-second decisions you have to make sometimes during missions. You might give each other shit the majority of the time that you’re working together, but when it comes down to it, you trust each other with no reservations. So, why then, does he find himself so fucking worried about you?
            He’s been locked in the bedroom across the hall from yours for the past hour now. He thought maybe things wouldn’t be so bad when he heard you tucking yourself away into bed, when he heard you go still and silent for a few minutes. It was smart of you, trying to sleep as much as you could before the chemical fully set in and began to wreak havoc within your body. But after only fifteen minutes, he heard the faintest sound carrying across the hall. He wasn’t sure what it was at first, thinking maybe you’d gotten up to use the bathroom and it was the creak of a floorboard or maybe a door hinge. It was wishful thinking. The second time he heard it, he was sure. You were whimpering in your sleep. For a few moments, he was able to deceive himself into thinking it was whimpers of pain, maybe from your stomach aching in your sleep. When you grew louder, the sounds of your soft, breathy moans mixing with the sound of the sheets rustling as you tossed and turned restlessly, that’s when his resolve began to break apart piece by piece. He sits on the side of his bed in total darkness. His shirt and tactical pants are strewn across the floor where he previously discarded them when the heat emanating from his body became too much to bear. His hands grip the edge of the mattress with enough force to break through the layers of fabric there, but he fears that if he lets go, the next thing his hands will grip will be either his cock or the two door knobs separating you both. Focusing on your suffering is keeping him from feeling his own pain, but the noises you’re making are making it significantly harder for him to ignore the needs that are bubbling to the surface within him. Shit. How the fuck did he end up in this situation with you?
            You awake suddenly, drenched in sweat, your sweats especially making you feel like damp towels are wrapped around your legs. You waste no time throwing the covers back and ripping your sweats off, tossing them onto the floor and moving your hair to lay it across your pillow so it’s not sticking to your neck. Fuck HYDRA. Fuck Zemo for killing Dr. Nagel. Obviously, you wouldn’t have wanted him running around recreating the super soldier serum either, but if he was still alive maybe you wouldn’t be lying here in this state. You take a deep breath in, counting to three in your head as you breathe it back out. Focusing in on your symptoms, you try to make a mental list. You think that maybe if you can remind yourself of the science behind the symptoms, you won’t become an irrationally horny mess, you can just reason your way out of the most intense arousal you’ve ever felt in your life. Sweating, tachycardia, abdominal cramping, bone pain…you stupidly let your right hand slide down between your legs. Your fingertips briefly grace the exterior fabric of your black boyshort panties, feeling how wet they are adds another symptom to the mental list, not that you needed to feel it to know. Arousal.
            You lean over to the bedside table and feel around blindly for your phone. The screen illuminates and you see that it’s only 10 pm. You’ve only been sleeping for an hour. The chemical compound isn’t even at its peak activity level yet and you’re already beginning to feel a type of desperation that you haven’t felt before. You need relief. Tony’s words swirl around in your mind, making you feel lightheaded and making you want to hunt him down and make him take the words back by force, like that would change the reality of the situation you’re currently in. You won’t feel relief until your body thinks it has a chance of reproducing, until semen is introduced into your system.
            You could try finding relief on your own. Tony isn’t lord over all things scientific. When has he ever dealt with a compound like this before? Never. He doesn’t know shit. You’re trying so hard to convince yourself that he could be wrong. Sitting up in bed, you reach over and flip on the lamp that sits on the bedside table, casting a pale glow across the room. You will yourself to think clearly, to make a plan and implement it. You can fight this. You need something that’ll take down your body temperature, slow your heart rate, and ease some of the pain you’re feeling everywhere. A cold shower.
            Bucky listens intently as you open your door and your feet patter softly down the hall. He listens as you shut and lock the bathroom door behind you and then as you turn on the shower. He mentally curses his heightened sense of hearing when he hears the tussle of your clothes hitting the floor. He’s been ignoring his hardening cock as it grows beneath the black fabric of his boxers. He’s been ignoring it because he feared if he tried to relieve himself, you’d likely hear him across the hall and he’d never let himself live it down. He can’t be the first one to break. But maybe, with you being in the shower, you wouldn’t be able to hear anything coming from his room. Why the hell are you even in the shower? He imagines the pain you’re in would make it hard for you to stand in there for very long, and it’s not like a shower is going to give you much relief at all. He can’t wonder for more than a quick moment, before the chemical begins to really cloud his mind, his clear thoughts becoming hazy behind thoughts of chasing relief. Fuck it. You won’t hear a damn thing.
            Bucky sighs deeply as his lays back on the bed, still in darkness, pushing his boxers down a few inches and freeing his hard length. His flesh hand quickly wraps around it, giving it a slow stroke from base to tip, pre-cum quickly coating his fingers.
            “Oh, fuck.” He groans lowly. It’s never felt like this before. It’s as if every nerve in his body has shifted, has traveled down to embed in his cock. His head falls back into his pillow, his eyes squeezing shut at the sensation of his shaft finally being handled. He works his fist up and down, picking up speed and reveling in the feeling of temporary relief. As he strokes his cock, he feels the pain throughout his body slowly dissipating, easing up but not fully disappearing. Before he can stop himself, he’s picturing exactly what you’d look like right now. Your perfectly toned body standing under a stream of water, your hands running down your smooth skin, your eyes closed as you let the shower wash away your discomfort. He feels guilty. Truly, he does. But it's as if he has no control over his thoughts when his hand is on his cock and his veins are corrupted with a potent chemical from hell. Especially not when you’re naked a mere ten feet down the hall. As Bucky nears his climax, his balls tightening and his cock twitching in his hand, a loud crash resounds throughout the house and he’s brought back to reality. He’s on his feet, his boner tucked reluctantly away in his boxers, and his bedroom door flying open in less than two seconds, fearing the worst. He thinks you must’ve passed out from the effects of the chemical, fallen in the shower, maybe split your head open. When he reaches for the bathroom door knob and finds it locked, he’s giving no second thought to breaking the door down. Hell, he decided he was going to break it down before he ever left his room. He takes one step back, ready to use his leg to kick through it, when he hears the shower water cut off and the curtain pull back.
            “Y/n?” His voice is laced with concern and it takes you by surprise. You’d only been standing in the ice-cold shower for two minutes when you realized it wasn’t going to do shit for you. You aren’t usually one to lose your temper, but feeling so hopeless and helpless, your only plan failing to provide you with any relief, you ended up slamming your fist into the tiled shower wall out of pure frustration. You didn’t do it hard enough to really hurt yourself, but apparently hard enough to alarm Bucky.
            “You’re supposed to be locked in your room.” You call out, your voice coming out a little timid and quieter than you intended. Wrapping a towel around yourself, you step out of the shower and examine yourself in front of the bathroom mirror. Your cheeks are still flushed, your pupils are dilated so much that you’re surprised the lights aren’t hurting your eyes yet, and your rapid pulse is nearly visible in your neck. You let your hair down from the bun you threw it up into for the shower and then pull on the same shirt and damp panties you had on moments earlier.
            “I thought you fell.” Bucky says quietly, barely above a whisper. You can tell he’s standing close to the door. You’ve never heard him speak so softly. You freeze, your hands clutching the edge of the bathroom sink as your body responds to his voice, against your rational mind’s will. You feel a familiar heat gathering between your legs and you squeeze your thighs together. He needs to go back to his room. Now.
            “Bucky, go back to bed.” Your voice is firm, without a single hint of hesitation. Bucky knows that he should heed the warning. He knows he should turn around right now and go back and lock his door. Instead, he stands there in the hallway with his cock straining against the fabric of his boxers and a conflicted expression on his face. You said earlier that your only option was to lock yourselves in your respective rooms and ride it out until morning. Was that really the only option though? He could easily think of a few more options, though admittedly, he might not be thinking with his brain anymore.
            “You have to go back to your room before I come out.” You’re starting to sound like you’re pleading with him. As much as you want to act strong and like you have all of the self-control in the world right now, you’re worried that if you step out into the hall and see him, you won’t be able to stop yourself from reaching out for him. You want to feel his skin beneath your hands as you run your palms from his shoulders, down his chest, straight to the waistband of whatever the hell he’s wearing right now. You want to have him completely bare in front of you, with nothing stopping you from dragging him straight to your bed to find the relief that you both so desperately crave right now. A sharp pang in your lower stomach causes you to let out a soft groan, and the sudden inhale you hear from Bucky through the door doesn’t go unnoticed.
            “Not until I see that you’re okay.” Bucky says, still worried that you fell in the shower or hurt yourself somehow. Not wanting to waste any more time letting the chemical stew in your reproductive system, you flip the bathroom light off so you’re thrown into darkness, before unlocking the bathroom door and pulling it open slowly. You can just barely make out his form in the dark hallway, the curve of his broad shoulders, the glint of the black and gold vibranium making up his left arm, and fuck…the ripples down his abdomen. You’ve always thought he was frustratingly attractive, but now? Just looking at him has you insatiable. You realize quickly that he’s not wearing anything except a pair of black boxers and his dog tags. He’s really not making this easy on you. Your eyes flutter closed and you sigh, telling yourself to suck it up and walk past him. Just walk past him. But now you what he looks like with nearly no clothes on, and he’s so close to you. So. Damn. Close. A foot away from you, to be exact.
            “I’m fine, just go back to bed.” You whisper. You don’t trust yourself to speak any louder, worried that raising your voice might awake something much more primal within yourself.
            “Look at me.” He says, matching your whisper volume. Shit. Shit, shit. Shit. No.
            “Don’t—” You’re cut off by the feel of his cool vibranium fingers wrapping around your right hand, lifting it so he can see it better. You suck in a harsh breath at the contact. It shouldn’t turn you on as much as it does, it’s not even what you need. You need skin. You need him against you. But something about the cool metal contrasting against the warmth of your heated hand feels electrifying.
            “Did you punch the wall?” He questions, examining your reddened knuckles with narrowed eyes. Your eyes remain closed as you nod your head, and he takes the moment to scan his eyes down your body. Your t-shirt skims along the tops of your thighs and he knows if you turned around, it wouldn’t even fully cover the curve of your ass. Fuck, he wants you to turn around. He drops your hand as quickly as he first grabbed it, letting it fall back to your side as he begins running his flesh hand through his disheveled hair.
            “On a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?” Bucky has to know. He knows how high your pain tolerance is, he knows how good you are at putting on a brave face in the worst situations. He has to know how much you’re really suffering right now before he makes an offer that he can’t take back.
            “Four.” You fib, pressing your lips together and daring to open your eyes and look back at him. Your eyes have adjusted to the dark a little more and you can see the sweat glistening across his chest, his quick breaths drawing your attention straight to his pecs.
            “Don’t lie to me.” His gaze hardens. He hates that you’d try to lie to him. Do you really not trust him enough to just be open with him? Jesus, he’s standing in front of you in his fucking boxers with a hard-on that you haven’t even noticed yet and somehow you feel the need to keep things from him, like he isn’t just as vulnerable as you are right now.
            “Seven.” You admit truthfully. The pain in your stomach has intensified, and all you want to do is curl into a ball right there on the floor. You feel like you’ve been doused in gasoline and lit on fire, you feel like someone attempted to extinguish that fire with a gallon of hot sauce, and then ran you over with a semi-truck. You reach out for the door frame with your right hand, using it for balance as your legs begin to feel weaker.
            “Y/n-” Bucky starts, ready to make you an offer, but you don’t let him continue. He knows it’s crossing a line. He’s fully aware that if he offers and you say no, things could just get weird between the two of you. He’s even more aware that if he offers and you say yes, it could effectively end your working relationship. But he can’t stand to see you like this. You might give each other shit more often than you’re civil with each other, but something about you being in pain has always sat wrong with him. He worries more about you in the field than he worries about himself.
            “Don’t say my name, just…” You cut him off, but your voice trails off as your eyes wander down to the front of his boxers, finally noticing the way he’s straining against the fabric, his tip resting just barely under the waistband. “If you keep standing here, if you keep saying things to me, I’m not going to be able to go back to my room. I need you to walk away before I lose the power to let you.” Your warning should be clear as day now. He needs to leave you alone.
            “No.” His refusal hits a nerve, angering you more than you would’ve thought possible. You feel a rush of adrenaline surge through you as you lose control of your actions. You place your hands against his chest, shoving him back, hard. He barely moves, which just further enrages you. “Y/n, we can fix this. I can fix this for you.” His offer is out in the open now. He holds his breath as you freeze in front of him, your hands falling away from his chest and your eyes squeezing shut in contemplation.
            “Do you even realize what you’re offering?” Your question hangs in the air between the two of you, and the tension in the hallway makes it feel as though lightning is about to strike the tiny cobblestone house that you stand in. You wish lightning would strike. When you open your eyes this time, the look in Bucky’s eye has changed. There’s something in place of his usual hard gaze, something that nearly draws you in.
            “Yes.” He’s offering to fuck you. He’s offering to give you the relief that you so badly need, the relief that can only be found when he finishes inside you. You’re hallucinating. That’s what this is. Because there is no fucking way that he’s standing in front of you right now, the six-foot tall super soldier who you can barely get along with outside of mandatory missions, offering to fuck you raw. “I know what I’m offering.” You only take a moment to weigh your options. Go back to your room, lock the door, and suffer for the next 7-10 hours or have sex with him and hope that it doesn’t ruin your entire life. Why would it ruin your life? Because he’s the only partner that you’ve trusted enough to work with since Nat passed, and there’s no way that things can just be fine and normal after you’ve seen each other naked. Things would get awkward, it’d be hard to look at each other, hard to see each other as professionals anymore. And your work, your job, is your life. Outside of this you have nothing. No family, not a single friend that isn't connected to this damn line of work, not a damn thing to turn to when this inevitably goes to shit.
            “Stop overthinking it.” Bucky’s voice breaks you out of your whirlwind of thoughts. Against your better judgement, you make eye contact with him and the way he’s looking at you gives you butterflies. Butterflies? Who the fuck are you right now? “Close your eyes.” His voice is low, making the butterflies in your stomach explode and spread outward until it feels like your skin is tingling. You don’t know why you do as he says, but your eyes close and you stand there with bated breath as the floorboards creak. He’s stepping closer to you, stopping when you feel his breath fanning across your face. He trails his flesh fingertips from the back of your left hand and up your arm slowly, drawing goosebumps to the surface of your overheated skin but leaving some kind of calmness behind. You relish the way your left arm becomes the only part of your body that isn’t in pain, the only part that he’s touching.
            “Okay…” Your voice is raspy as you cave to his touch. “But I have a rule.” He pulls his hand away and you wince as the pain quickly returns to the bones deep within your arm. He raises an eyebrow at you as he waits for you to continue. “You can’t kiss my lips.”
            Bucky hesitates for a second, caught off guard by your insane rule. No kissing? During sex? Do you hate him that much? Fuck, he shouldn’t have offered to do this in the first place. It’s obvious that you really don’t want this, and he won’t be able to get off knowing that.
            “Who’s overthinking now?” You laugh out, brushing past him and heading straight for your bedroom door. You took his hesitation as a rejection of your rule, and if he rejects your rule then you’re not doing this. If he kisses you, you’re scared you’re going to feel something. You can have sex and find absolutely zero meaning in it, that’s not that hard. It’s just a physical act. But kissing? Kissing makes it too intimate, too much of a real connection. You won’t give that away so easily. Just as you’re nearing the door, you feel Bucky’s hand wrap tightly around your wrist and pull you back, spinning you around so you’re facing him. In less than a second, he’s walking you backwards until your ass hits the wall and your hand is pinned above your head, with his body pressed firmly against yours. His nose brushes over the tip of yours and you shudder at the feeling of his skin, his body giving off so much heat that you’re regretting having put your shirt back on earlier.
            “Fine, I won’t kiss you.” He rasps. His vibranium hand is gripping your hip, holding you solidly against the wall as he moves to run his lips along your jawline. He doesn’t kiss your skin, he simply lets his lips ghost over it, making you tilt your head to the side in anticipation. “I have one rule of my own.”
            “What’s that?” Your voice sounds a lot more confident than you expected it to, like you’re not fighting to hold yourself together inside. He nips at your earlobe softly and you feel the tip of his tongue against it so lightly that you’re not sure if you imagined it or not.
            “You’re going to wear these while I fuck you.” He guides your right hand up over the perfect ridges of his abs, across his chest, and straight to the dog tags that hang around his neck.
Next Part
@sarcastickiddo @donttalktosposts @marygoddessofmischief @its-daydreamer23 @lightsonnoonehome @gyokujyn @kandis-mom @millercontracting @alicia-bman @littlemiss-yeehaw @sdddoobydoobydoo @a-rotten-chicken-nugget @browneyedgirl22 @charmedbysarge @i-dont-know-how-to-words @maraaaamartinnnn @hensawweston @traderjoesmints @fictionallyunavailable4ever @black-cat-2 @just-act-natural @phoenixstark1708 @ladyvenera
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thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
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It's been over a month since Hizashi and Shouta kidnapped you and you were going crazy out of boredom and with nothing to do. They assured you that living with them wouldn't be THAT bad since they could take care of your every need and you would never have to work again. 
To top it all, you were also quirkless but having a smart brain didn't exactly help either since hizashi and Shouta made sure to destroy all possible means of escape for you. They rarely ever punished you and most of the times, punishments included leaving you isolated for a few days and having your favorite things take away from you (YES, even the CAT!) but to be honest, life with them wasn't ALL bad... they were nice and caring towards you, in a sickly manner of course that sometimes made you want to barf
You were sitting on the bed that you shared with your captors and you were watching a movie on Netflix on your laptop. You were bored out of your skull and weren't focused on the movie. You missed your old life dearly and you've always wanted to be an author and get your work published. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head and you immediately started typing away on your laptop
After a few days, you finally decided to post your work online on Wattpad since you had a Wattpad account and you were an author there (Lol, I feel like I'm breaking the 4th wall). It had asked you to log in but failed even after you entered your password repeatedly. You decided to check your email to see if there was something wrong and when you entered your email id, you couldn't log into THAT too
''Hizashi, why am I not able to access my email?'' you screeched from the couch that you were sitting on while Aizawa and Mic were making breakfast for you. They came out of the kitchen sat next to you, cuddled you and Aizawa said, ''Now now kitty cat, don't tell me you don't know WHY we disabled your email now do you?'' 
''You. did. what?!'' you asked in a steely calm manner since you knew it would be pointless to waste your voice against them. ''Aww.. come on little songbird, don't be like that. We did it for a very good reason and it's for your safety. Who knows WHAT sort of emails you'll be getting from WHAT sort of people. They could try stealing you away and you would be in GRAVE danger without us and that's why you need ONLY us'' Hizashi chirped like he was explaining why he couldn't play with you 
''But.... I just need it for something. I swear I won't try contacting anyone! You guys can even be next to me if you want'' you pleaded with them as they traded curious and worried looks. ''Kitten, do you have a fever?'' Aizawa asked placing his hand on top of your forehead. ''Leave me alone, I'm fine'' you said grumpily
''What do you even need an email for anyway?'' asked Hizashi all curious like. ''Well, I've written a story and I want to publish it online so people can read it'' you said. Silence. That was NOT a good sign
After a few seconds, you heard Hizashi laugh and say, ''Oh you mean that action story which you wrote? It was quite good and amazing. Shouta and me liked it but tone down the violence all right baby? We don't want our precious little darling getting all violent thoughts now do we'' and started cooing
''Wait.... how did you guys even read it?'' you asked them confused as Aizawa said, ''From your laptop of course. You can't hide anything from us you know kitty cat'' and pet your head 
''So.... is it a yes?'' you asked them slowly. ''NO'' they both said in unison as you looked at them with sadness in your eyes and asked ''WHY NOT!?'' They hated seeing you sad. It broke and shattered their hearts into a million pieces, but they had to be firm with you
''We won't stop you from writing your stories and books. In fact, we'll encourage it but why do you want to share with the other underserving SCUMBAGS and filth who don't deserve to read your beautiful work?'' asked Aizawa. ''That's true and besides the internet is getting to be dangerous place nowadays so I think we'll have to limit your time of use on your laptop. We don't want to affect your health and it's all for your safety of course'' chirped Yamada enthusiastically as you leaned back in Aizawa's touch, silently crying as Hizashi wiped your tears away 
You were 100 percent sure that now they would CERTAINLY change the laptop password or make you use the laptop under their supervision for a limited time or not even LET you use it... but what could you do? You were helpless and powerless against these so-called pro heroes who wanted to save you from all the ''dangers'' in the society and you couldn't do anything but follow their rules and abide their conditions 
''Now come on and have some breakfast'' chirped Yamada and dragged you towards the kitchen as you saw Aizawa eyeing the laptop suspiciously. You knew you weren't going to use it any time soon, that was for SURE......
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just-another-siimp · 1 year
Surface Pressure 141 x Reader HCs
Just a dumb bunch of thoughts about the 141st members reacting to their S/O giving them a massage, i crave fluff so i'm writing it for myself. If you guys like this please reblog! It gives me my daily serotonin boost.
word count: 1.3k Warnings: Unsure, if you find any let me know <3.
Captain John Price
We all know that as Captain, John is under a lot of pressure to not only keep his team alive but to get results.
A lot of the stress that he has is held in his shoulders, it doesn't help that post mission he spent a lot of his time hunched over a desk completing reports.
Massages often helped.
You often bought him coffee in the early hours of the morning, strong and dark the perfect combination to get him through the rest of his reports.
Even with exhaustion hanging over you, you'd stay by his side. Keeping him company until he joined you in bed.
You sat on your phone, idly scrolling through the news trying to catch up on the normal of aspects of life you missed while deployed. In the three months since you'd been away there was another royal scandal, the clicking of keys stopped drawing your attention away from the click bait article you'd been occupying yourself with.
Looking up you noticed how John rubbed his shoulder, sighing as he checked over his work before turning to you. When your eyes met he smiled and you practically melted, rolling the chair closer to his side in order to steal a kiss to the cheek before you lost him to his reports again.
"I'm almost done, love. Won't be long now." Your hand reached out to his, squeezing gently as you stood fingers sliding up his arm and the shoulder he'd been rubbing just moments prior. Wordlessly you added a small amount of pressure, both hands now gently massaging the tension away. John leaned back in his chair, head lulling to the side as his hands reached up to hold yours. In a matter of seconds he'd completely melted in his chair, blue eyes staring lovingly up at you.
"You've been sitting at this desk too long, dear." "Hmm if you keep this up I'll never get the reports done."
"That's the point."
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
Gaz always has an air of 'calm' surrounding him, it's the reason why you'd fallen in love with him. Even under pressure he never seemed to crack, though that didn't change the fact that even he could grow angry and frustrated.
Anger was often a result of exhaustion, nightmares, aching limps keeping him awake or the worst possible thing. Your young neighbours throwing a house party at 2am on a tuesday.
You'd hate to admit it but even you were growing tense with the near constant thudding of bass boosted music. The party did eventually end, only with police intervention. Which was probably for the best, because if either of you had gone next door it would not have been a nice encounter.
Even after the nights drama Gaz couldn't sleep, he'd continued to toss and turn next to you. No amounts of spooning able to quench the frustration he felt.
Gaz had gotten up to get a glass of water from the kitchen, you sat up listening to the sound of footsteps padding back into the room. He gave you an apologetic smile as he placed the glasses down, that's when you realised. He'd bought you water too. This man was far too sweet to be real.
"Sorry to wake you Sweetheart."
"Come 'ere"
Your voice was coated in sleep, soft and sweet as you reached out for him. As he knelt down on the bed he pulled you into a kiss, something soft and sweet hidden within all of his anger and frustration.
"Lay down."
"Is that an order?" He's smirking at you, you're rolling your eyes at him. Despite the sass he still lays down, on his stomach. Fingers tugging lightly at the shirt you wore, it belonged to him once upon a time. Doing your best not to accidentally knee Kyle in the ribs you straddled his back, hands running down his back.
"Don't be a shit, Kyle."
"Yes ma'am."
In a matter of seconds he was putty in your hands, muscles relaxing under your expert hands as they pushed out the knots in his back. Fifteen minutes later he was fast asleep, with you laying on his back like a weighted blanket. Both finally sleeping peacefully.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Ghost isn't the type to enjoy a massage, or any form of TLC really. The feeling of hands on his shoulders send him back to the battlefield, the weight on his back makes him feel like he's suffocating.
Even with you he's not fond of a massage, if you start to rub his shoulders or back he'll guide you into a a hug. Often smothering you in a cuddle, or returning the favour and offering to give you a massage instead.
What he does like however, is his hands being played with.
Simon can't explain it, but the feeling of your fingers gently pinching the pressure point between his thumb and forefinger is relaxing.
The movie had long since been abandoned, yet it still played softly in the background. You and Simon hadn't moved from the couch since dinner, takeout containers sitting empty on floor instead of being disposed of immediately. 'It won't hurt for the floor to be messy for a few hours' Simon had said, his attempt at keeping you on the couch successful. He'd sat with his back against the armrest, you between his legs so he could stop you from leaving. So you wouldn't have been able to say no either way.
Your hands had taken one of his, gently massaging away the ache that had settled in during the cool evening. He told you he was starting to get old, you rolled your eyes and reminded him that you're both the same age.
As the ending title began to play you shifted, releasing his hand as you attempted to get up. The same hand you'd been holding moments early snaking back around your waist and pulling you back to him.
"Where are you going?"
"To pee"
"I'm coming with you." At that comment you smack his hand, standing up.
"Clingy are we?"
Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish
Johnny is very much a head rub kinda guy, he would start world war three if it meant getting a head rub.
that's an exaggeration, he wouldn't.. unless- jk
He likes to sit in front of you on the couch while you play with his mohawk, normally he pulls your leg over his shoulder and will massage your calf or foot.
He doesn't want you to feel left out
but when he's stressed tho? like mega stressed all of the tension in his body goes to his neck. He ends up getting Migraines so bad he sits in a dark until they go away. When on a mission it's worse.
As the sun went down the chill in the safe house grew, huddling closer to the fire you waited for Soap to come out of the shower. He'd been in there for longer than usual, you could only assume that it was as a result of the exhaustion that had overtaken both of you.
If it wasn't for the chill that had set in you'd probably have fallen asleep in bed, but you'd wait for Johnny first. After all snuggling was the best way to achieve warmth, or so he liked to remind you. The door swung open behind you, footsteps skipping right past you as he flopped down on the bed.
It was clear as day and you knew the signs, he had one of those Migraines again.
"mo ghràdh.. I'm so tired."
"Come get into bed properly, love. Then you can sleep."
Once you were both snuggled up under the covers, your hand rested on the back of his neck. Thumb sliding up from his shoulder just to the base of his ear, adding a little pressure before going back to it's starting position.
"Shh, go back to sleep."
"Thank you.."
Within a few minutes you'd both drifted off to sleep.
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munsons-melody · 1 year
hi! i read your 'angeleyes' fic and it was AMAZING i was just wondering.. perhaps, just maybe, a part 2-ish where y/n and eddie actually have that picnic at lovers lake ?? i think that would be so cute and pure 🤭 or it could be a totally separate thing from the fic itself!
eeek i'm so happy you wanted a part 2!! sorry for the late response, i wanted to write the fic as perfect as possible before responding, i hope you love it!! <3
your song (angeleyes part two)
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summary: you and eddie finally get your date at lovers lake
(part two to my fic angeleyes which can be found here)
pairing: eddie x female!henderson!reader
content: pure fluffiness
recommended song: 'your song' by elton john
word count: 4.4k
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
after you and eddie reconciled in the back of the RV, you vowed to yourself that you would let nothing happen to him and he of course already told you that he would keep you safe no matter what
even when that meant reading his mind when returning through the gate. you had watched dustin climb through the rope into normal hawkins, before turning to eddie. he gave you a chaste kiss before helping you up and through the gate, but once through, you looked down to see eddie staring at where the demo bats were attempting to breach through the top of the trailer
"edward james munson, get your ass through this gate right now!" you screamed, knowing he wanted to go out there and keep fighting, be the hero he was destined to be
"coming" he mumbled, snapping out of his thoughts and looking back up through the gate to see you
once you reconvened with everyone back in the real world, you felt some weight fall off your shoulders, assuming vecna was dead, and you felt a sense of normalcy headed your way, however, that was not what happened
eddie was found and arrested within hours of being back in the real hawkins because a couple people spotted movement within his trailer
you sat on the cold hard chair in the waiting room of the hawkins police department. it had been at least an hour since eddie was taken back to the small cell they had in the back of the building. you sat there with your hands buried in your hands with dustin next to you, who was biting on his thumb nail out of pure anxiety.
the news had not gone public but you were scared that at any minute, angry mobs of people would appear, ready to rip him apart for something he didn't do
sheriff powell walked into the room, handing a file over to florence who sat behind her desk. you stood up, looking for some sort of sign that you would be able to go back and see him
"uh we need to ask you a couple of questions as well, if you wouldn't mind," he said, ushering you to follow him
"no, whatever you want to ask, you can ask me right here," you said, crossing your arms
"ugh whatever, uh, did he force either of you two into his murderous plans?" he started, flipping open a small notebook, clicking his pen with a frustrated sigh
it was obvious that since he took on the role of the hawkins sheriff, he never expected to be put in a situation like this and as the arresting officer, he was clearly stressed knowing he had the number one suspect of the murders in the building and only him and florence knew that he was sitting in the holding cell
"what? no! that's crazy, he is innocent!" dustin yelled
"son, you need to remain calm or we won't be able to get to the bottom of this," he said, rubbing his forehead in distress
"calm? you want me to stay calm? you just arrested someone who is more innocent than mother theresa! he was framed!" dustin yelled again, throwing his hands up to dramatize his point
just then, the phone rang.
"hawkins police department, how may i help you?" she said picking up the phone and placing it on her ear. she balanced it between her shoulder as she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, writing something down
she muttered a couple of "uh-huhs" before hanging up the phone and standing up, walking over to the sheriff
"that was officer callahan, he just found some kids at the abandoned creel house, one of them with broken arms and legs like the others, she was taken to the hospital about half an hour ago" florence explained, and you looked at dustin
"is she awake? can she talk?" powell asked and florence shrugged
"they didn't say," she responded and Powell nodded
"i'll be back, you two stay here" powell said firmly, grabbing his sheriff hat and walking out the door
you nodded, and sat down again, tears pricking at your eyes feeling frustrated as ever
"are you guys hungry?" florence asked sweetly and you shook your head, rubbing your forehead
"you sure? cause i can go grab something next door, and while i do so, there's no one here to stop you from seeing mr. munson..." she trailed off
you lifted your head up, picking up on what she was trying to say. she would leave to get food and while she was gone, she was going to let you see eddie
"but what about-" you started and she shook her head
"i'm going to go get you two food, you two look famished" florence said again, grabbing her coat and purse and walking swiftly out of the door leaving you and dustin alone in the building
you would assume that there would be more officers working, but most were out patroling the streets or looking for eddie, unaware that the sherriff already brought him in
you quickly ran down the hall and turned the corner to see eddie sitting on the hard metal bench that was connected to the wall, his head in his hands
"eddie?" you said urgently. he lifted his head up to see you and instantly got up and walked towards the bars that divided the two of you
"y/n, how did you get back here?" he asked, linking his hand with yours that met on one of the bars
"florence let me back but that's not important, how are you?" you asked sympathetically
"oh you know, just peachy, i almost die defeating an evil force just to get thrown in jail for a crime i didn't commit" he said sarcastically. you knew he was using it as a defense mechanism to cover the fact that he wanted to cry and scream and punch a wall for being in the worst situation imaginable
"well i am going to do everything in my power to get you out of here i promise" you told him and he nodded, wiping away a tear
"oh eddie bear don't cry" you said, using his nickname you started to call him when you first started dating
"ew, eddie bear?" dustin said, appearing behind you
"hey at least she is being nice" eddie snapped back and dustin crossed his arms
"i am nice too! i'm here to help get you out," dustin told him and you sorta droned out as the two continued to bicker like brothers with one another
you both stayed with eddie for a couple more minutes before you heard the bell of the front door ring, signaling someone was coming in
"shit, okay, i love you, i'll be back" you said to eddie, disconnecting your hands and following dustin out of the room and down the hall back to where the desks were
florence came back in holding a large brown paper bag, giving you a small smile
"sorry im a few minutes later than i should've been, there was a long line" she said with a wink, handing you the bag
you thanked her as she took out one package of food and headed down the hallway, presumably towards eddie, and left the rest to you and dustin as you dove into the meal
you were almost done, snacking on a couple of leftover fries when both sheriff powell and officer callahan walked into the building and down the hall to eddie
you got up, following them, not caring if you would get reprimanded for doing so. they were both silent as you watched them unlock the cell, eddie standing up and looking at them with confusion
"mr. munson, under new evidence you are no longer under arrest for the murders of chrissy cunningham, fred benson, and patrick mckinney. you are free to go" powell said with a grisly voice
eddie slowly walked out of the cell, staring at the two officers incase they were to have a snap in judgment and throw him back in
"what.. what do you mean?" you asked as he walked to you, giving you a hug
"we cannot disclose much but, we found that there was another accident that occurred when mr. munson here was in this cell, which proves.." callahan started to say
"it proves he didn't do it since we had him detained here so there was no way he was able to get out and do anything" powell finished
you started crying, and your arms wrapped around eddie, pulling him in close
"thank god" you mumbled out, before it hit you
the next day you woke up in your bed, eddie next to you. after all the shit that went down, you were more than happy to be showered and laying in bed next to eddie who was no longer convicted of a crime he didn't commit
the two of you snuck into your room the night before as you were promised as of 12 pm last night, the news would be spread that eddie munson was innocent
you knew that even with the proof of innocence, people would still be cruel towards your boyfriend so you decided the best course of action was to let him sleep all day in a comfy bed, then take him on a picnic to lovers lake. it would be secluded and give you a chance to just be with him
you rolled out of bed quietly and walked out of your room and down the hall to the living room. you saw your mom sitting in her chair with tews sitting on her lap, watching the news
"did you see this?" she asked, motioning to the tv where you saw the headline underneath powell stating the new evidential facts
new evidence found in munson case - suspect found innocent
"yeah uh, i did see that, i actually picked him up from the station last night..." you told her and she gasped
"where is he now? he obviously can't go home" she asked
"now mom, don't get mad but he had to stay over last night-" you tried to explain and she got up, putting tews on the seat behind her
"he's here?" she said with a mix of a shout with a whisper, you gulped with a nod
"well, that poor thing! after everything he's been through! does he need anything?" she asked, and you were shocked
"oh uh, not now? he's sleeping but when he gets up he'll probably need something to eat and then i'm taking him on a picnic tonight," you smiled sheepishly
"oh good, well i do have to head to work soon but please make him feel at home, poor thing has been through enough" she told you and you nodded with an unsure smile
"yeah sure" was all you said as she walked to her room
you stood there, stunned. to be fair she knew you and eddie were dating and how close he and dustin were, but the whole situation of him being accused of something so heinous really freaked her out.
you checked the time and saw it was only about 8 am, your mom would leave in a few minutes and you knew for a fact eddie and dustin, who were both dead asleep, would probably not wake up till hours later
figuring you should do something of use, you decided to wash eddie's clothes, start prepping food for your picnic, and find some other things to busy yourself with
"how's max" you asked nancy. she was at the hospital with mike and lucas, and she called you after wondering where you went. you explained the eddie situation which she was thankful for, and updated the rest of the group for you.
"alive, but her arms and legs are broken and in casts, the doctors don't know when she'll wake up," she said as you heard her sniffles
a few tears started to fall upon hearing the news, and you nodded, thankful she was alive but praying she would wake up and everything would be okay
"how's eddie doing?" she asked just as you heard a door creak open. you looked around the corner to see eddie coming out of your room in just a pair of boxers
"speak of the devil, he just woke up," you told her as eddie wrapped his arms around you, the warmth of his body heating up yours
you continued to talk with nancy for a few more minutes as eddie slowly swayed you side to side. the two of you eventually said goodbye and you hung up, turning your body to face eddie
"hi baby" he said as you put your arms around his shoulders, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck
"how'd you sleep?" you asked
"fucking amazing, such an upgrade from ricks couch," he said, kissing your forehead
you stood like that for a handful of minutes, enjoying the bliss of standing in each others arms.
"you hungry?" you asked. "yeah" he mumbled out. you went to move out of his arms but he wouldn't let you move
"baby i kinda have to go to the kitchen" you laughed, trying to worm your way out of his arms and he gripped tighter
"nope, cant let you go, i love you too much" he laughed as he fake wrestled you to avoid you leaving his arms
eddie and you fumbled to the floor, causing you two to burst into giggles. you hadn't heard his laugh in the longest time and it warmed your heart
"i've missed that" you said, leaning on your side to look at him. he propped himself up on his arm and out the other around your waist
"missed what" he asked, stroking your hip lightly with his thumb
"you, your smile, your laugh, everything" you giggled out
"i missed everything about you too" he said, using his hand on your hip to pull you close. he swiftly moved so he was hovering over you, slowly leaning down to kiss you
just as your lips touched, you heard a few footsteps and then a loud "what the fuck, get off the floor" by an annoyed dustin, who clearly just woke up
"sorry man" eddie mumbled out, and got up, and helped you up from the floor as well
you cooked the two of them breakfast, and munched on a few pieces here and there before dustin got up, putting his plate in the sink
"i'm going to get dressed and then head to the hospital to see max, can you drive me there?" he asked eddie, and he nodded a yes
"uh babe, where are my clothes?" eddie asked
"oh i washed and dried them for you, they should be downstairs, i can go get it" you said, kissing his temple in passing
you quickly got his clothes out of the dryer and brought them back up from the basement, going to your room and setting them on your bed
you went back to the kitchen, and started cleaning the dishes up, noticing dustin left the table
"i put your clothes on my bed" you said to him when he came up behind you and kissed your neck
"or we can make it even and you can lose your clothes" he suggested, kissing up your neck
you smiled, drying your hands on the small towel next to the sink
"oh really?" you smirked, as he kissed up your neck, you pressed back against him causing a small moan to emit from his perfect pink lips
"okay eddie im ready to go!" you heard dustin scream as he walked down the hall
"fucking cock block" eddie mumbled, leaning his forehead against your shoulder causing you to giggle
"go on, i'm gonna work on our surprise date" you said and he kissed your shoulder
"its not really a surprise if you tell me about it" he said, pulling away from you causing the chilly air to nip at your skin
"well i had to tell you cause you're gonna drive us there" you said smiling
"oh really?" he said, pulling you in for another kiss
"really" you said pulling away
"ew gross guys cmon im right here" you heard dustin complain. you giggled as you watched eddie flick dustins temple as he passed him on the way to your room
a few minutes later he came back out wearing his newly cleaned hellfire t shirt and black jeans, slipping on his shoes
"lets go" he said, keys in hand
after eddie got back, you two packed up food, and you honestly didn't care that you knew he knew where you guys were going
you had gotten dressed into a comfy sweater and jeans, knowing it was going to be a bit nippy when the sun set by the lake
eddie helped you push the picnic basket and blankets into the back of his van then helped you up into the passenger seat, shutting your door for you, always refusing for you to get it because to him 'a lady should never get her own door' and always insisted he did it instead
"so i think i know where we're having our surprise date" eddie said with a smirk, hopping into the drivers seat and shutting the door 
he turned on the engine in his van and started the usual drive from your house to lovers lake 
the radio played softly, and you turned your body to admire him, watching him focus on the road, one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting on the clutch.
"what's going through your mind pretty girl?" he asked, noticing you looking 
"nothing, just admiring how pretty you are," you smiled, and he stretched the hand he had on the clutch and moved it to your thigh
you put your hand on top of his, stroking his skin lightly before your hands intertwined. you felt the roughness of his calloused fingers graze over yours along with the metal of his rings that he refused to go anywhere without 
"you think i'm pretty?" he asked, a small smile tugging at his lips as he glanced over at you
"of course, god broke the mold when he made you," you said with a giggle and eddie rolled his eyes, a real smile stretching over his face 
"that's so cheesy" eddie said with a chuckle. the radio continued to play as you sat in comfortable silence
but it wasn't long before the two of you were talking about everything and anything as you usually would end up doing but you secretly loved it, to you it proved you would never run out of things to talk about 
before you knew it, you had arrived at your usual spot in lovers lake. it was a small, quiet area that you hadn't seen too many people in but it was perfect for the two of you. there was enough room for the van to be parked on the side of the road, and your usual spot sat in a clearing of bushes which provided some privacy which was nice. it was also close to the water which gave the right amount of ambience to your dates with eddie. it was a peaceful intermission from life everytime you came here and that's why it soon became your favorite 
of course during the break up, you were very upset you couldn't go there to think, just out of pure fear you were to see eddie here with some other girl. but you didn't know what was worse, running into him on a date with another girl in your spot, or seeing him there all alone and not being able to be with him sitting on the shoreline 
you and eddie took your stuff from his van and walked down to where you normally set the blanket and you had a sense of deja vu wash over you 
"agh i'm getting deja vu" you spoke, setting down the blanket which made eddie chuckle
"i just take it that if it was meant to happen before you're where you're meant to be right now" eddie said setting up the food, and you laughed 
"when did you become so wise?" you asked in surprise and eddie shrugged with a smile 
"somewhere on the walk from the car to here" eddie joked
the sun had set, the food was finished, and the music was playing from one of eddie's transistor radios he had from his van
you were leaning against eddie who was sitting against a tree, giving you the perfect view of the lake while eddie's arms wrapped around you 
the song on the radio changed and suddenly you were listening to the familiar tune of 'your song' by elton john
"ugh i love elton, but this song is so cheesy and overplayed" you complained to eddie
"can i tell you a secret?" he responded causing you confusion on his response 
"yeah?" you told him
"i actually kinda like this song" he said with a sheepish smile 
"what?" you said in surprise and he nodded, shifting his position to get up, offering a hand to help you up from your spot 
you stood up as he gently pulled you in close, your hands were on his chest as his arms snaked around your waist, and he rested his hands on your lower back 
he started to dance with you as the lyrics flowed, and your heart skipped a beat as he started to sing along
'I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do My gift is my song, and this one's for you'
he quickly kissed you between verses before he continued to sing to you, gently swaying you back and forth as you laid your head on his chest, putting your arms around his neck 'And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple, but now that it's done I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world'
you started to tear up a little bit just from the amount of pure love for the man in front of you. he moved his head to get your attention just to sing you your favorite line from the whole song 
'yours are the sweetest eyes i've ever seen'
you smiled and looked away, blushing as he continued to sing along until the song ended and the two of you stood there in each other's arms, the radio switching to some other song while hearing the light waves from the lake splash onto the edge of the ground where you stood
"i guess its not such a cheesy song after all" you muttered, wiping a tear from your cheek
"guess not" eddie agreed, leading to another few minutes of silence of standing there with each other which was pure bliss after the hell you've encountered the past few weeks, before eddie spoke again 
"it's all true though" he said and you responded with an intrigued "hm?"
"the song, it's true for me. you make life the most wonderful thing to experience just because you're here with me, and i can't say it enough but i love you more than life y/n" he said, locking eyes with you
you gently cupped his face, kissing him with such passion you were sure it would break the world record for the amount of love shown through a kiss. he kissed you back, pulling you in close like he would lose you the second he let go. your hands tangled in his hair as your tongues explored each other's mouths like it was new territory. 
when you finally pulled away for air, eddie kept you close, leaning his forehead against yours and rubbing a hand on the back of your neck. he kissed your forehead lightly before pulling away, looking at your fingers entangling with his
he quickly pulled away and turned around before he whipped back around and got down on one knee, holding up the ring he always wore on his right hand. the one he stole from his mom's jewelry box when he was 12 but she ended up letting him keep it, finding it endearing he wanted to wear it
"y/n, this is a promise that no matter how stupid i am, that we always work things out, and we stay that way no matter what. i love you and never want to let you go and as a token of my promise, and my love and appreciation, will you please wear my ring and be mine again?" he asked, looking up at you, the lyrics of having the sweetest eyes you've ever seen coming to fruition with his chocolate brown eyes staring into yours
"eddie i-" you started to feel the tears fall down your cheeks as you stopped yourself, a small giggle coming from your mouth 
"i love you eddie, yes of course" you said as you stretched out your hand to meet his as he slipped the ring onto your ring finger. it fit a little too perfectly, causing your heart to flutter. 
he stood up, picking you up and spinning you around as you let out a laugh squeal combination, before putting you back down on the ground, holding your face as you leaned into his hand, watching his eyes look at you with a look of admiration 
"one day i'll write you my version of your song, and it'll be all for you" he said with a smile 
"will it include cheesy lyrics?" you laughed and he nodded
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sindulgence666 · 1 year
The brothers with an MC that has Dysautonomia (POTS)
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Hi! So… this is kind of a self indulgent post? I just wanted to think about the brothers taking care of MC when they have no spoons or just are having a crisis 🤧 I never have anyone to help when I'm on my worst health days so yeah!
Warnings: mentions of chronic illness, cursing
Characters: Seven demon brothers
Category: Shortfic, bulleted… whatever that thing’s name is
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Humans are complex yet fragile creatures. Their body works in complicated and fascinating ways, almost being too perfect. Yet, illnesses exist. Humanity has always lived with diseases, from things like the common flu to terrible plagues that threatened to wipe out half of a continent. Modern medicine has worked hard to mantain the population's health, treating and curing any disease that installs itself in the host’s body.
That is, unless it’s a chronic illness.
Oh, humans. Such intelligent yet incapable creatures.
When you arrived to Devildom, you didn't even think about how life would be there while dealing with your “problem”, as how you used to refer to it. However, as time passed by it became increasingly obvious to you that the weather and the lack of your medication were making it really difficult for you to continue living and ignoring your symptoms.
The first months were hell (heh) for you, as you weren't as close to the brothers nor the other exchange students to ask for help or to talk to them about your health. As time passed by and your relationships started getting stronger, you started pondering about the possibility of telling them. Would that affect the way they treated you? You weren’t sure you actually would want that.
One day, you had to be practically dragged out of bed by an angry Lucifer; you were running late. A pounding migraine made itself present and made you groan in pain, but surely you could handle it. Lazily, you dressed yourself with the uniform and walked slowly to the dining room; your head felt funny and you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. It definitely was a bad day.
— Hurry up or you won't be able to eat before going to RAD, MC. —Lucifer spoke and you just nodded while you sat down.
Your stomach growled and your nose wrinkled in disgust. You definitely felt like you were going to throw up. Actually, was it cold or was it just you? Lord, you were even trembling.
— I’m sorry… —You tried to excuse yourself— I think I'm not feeling too good…
But you stood up too quickly and your legs gave up on you as your vision went dark for a few seconds just to come back unfocused and blurry.
Lucifer immediately stood up and ran up to you, crouching by your side. He gently cradled you in his arms and was surprised by your corporal temperature. It wasn't normal for a human to be so cold, right? Surely blue lips weren't a good sign either. This situation was something he didn't know how to manage, and that really stressed him.
— MC? —he called out to you as he softly slapped your cheek just to check if you really were conscious. You groaned as your eyes darted all around the room. You could feel a strong body holding you and six distinct voices yelling and panicking.
— Lucifer! What’s wrong with them!?
— Hey, human!!!! Doncha dare die on me!!!!
— MC, please hang in there!!
Even Satan, the smartest one, and Belphie, the one who knew the most about humans, were amiss. What was going on with their human? Were you going to die?
— Legs… —You said, covering your eyes with a trembling hand.— Help me raise my legs…
— What?
— They're telling you to raise your legs! what are you, deaf!?
And finally, after you recovered of your sudden crisis, you were taken to your room so you could rest. At least after arguing with seven worried demons that insisted on rushing you to a human hospital. You knew that wasn't strictly necessary, but certainly having a blood pressure monitor would come in very handy.
Laying down on the matress, an exhausted sigh left your lips; your head was starting to hurt. Lucifer had to make sure his brothers didn't bother you (mainly Mammon and Asmodeus, who nearly had a heart attack when they saw you suddenly collapsing), but Satan wasn't going to just leave you alone after that. The door quietly creaked as it opened and the blond man stepped inside the room.
— How are you feeling? —He gently closed the door behing him and walked up to your bed, sitting on it.
— I’m fine —You answered.— Just a bit tired… —You extended your arms towards him, asking for a hug.
He nodded and scooped closer to you, laying down beside your tired form and softly passing an arm over your shoulders. You closed your eyes and rested your head against him.
— Care to explain what was that about?
— Hmm…
— MC?
— I didn't want to worry you… —neither did you want them to feel sorry for you.— I know I should've told you sooner, but I thought I could manage by myself like before-…
— This has happened before? —The demon inspected you with his gaze
— Yeah, I have dysautonomia
— What?
Right. Human chronic illnesses surely aren't known in the Devildom; why would they need to know them anyway? You sigh and stay quiet for a few seconds before trying to explain to the blond demon your health condition.
— You mean one of the main things that keeps you alive is not working!? —Satan was practically yelling now.
— Okay, Satan, let's calm down, I’m not dying-…
— Well it sounds like you are!
And before you can stop him, he's already sprinting out of your room to tell his brothers.
You have to take him away from his now stunned brothers in order to clearly explain to him that you are, in fact, not dying
It sounds like your body just gave up on keeping you alive, and you know it
But you're okay!
You only need medicine to help your heart regulate itself!
And probably having a blood pressure monitor in the HoL would be nice too
Overall, he is quick to catch on after the initial panic passes
He will now make sure you have all your needs covered
Still freaks out whenever you have a bad day or faint, but overall is very reliable and helpful
Definitely wants to cry
When you come back after Satan he's the first one to throw himself at you
You can't die again!
You really need to try and calm him down before successfully explaining to him that you were going to be okay
He is very upset about you having to deal with something like that for your entire life
Believe it or not, now he sticks to you even more
Panics whenever you start feeling funny and tries to help
It’s the thought that counts
Henry!!! You can't die!!!!
He is one that definitely DOES cry along Asmodeus
Sitting down with them in the living room to explain is the best option
He isn't sure if your explanation made him feel better or more nervous
But you’re not going to die! That's good!!
He will actually offer to buy anything you need from Akuzon
He prefers to help you by buying anything you need rather than tending to you
Don't get him wrong, he loves you
But it will be two unconscious individuals if he gets too overwhelmed
Sit down, Sherlock
It’s actually quite hard to convince him you're gonna be okay
Although calmer, he’ll now proceed to investigate everything he can about it and how it affects you
He definitely will basically become an expert in a very short time
Another one that is very reliable and helpful
Less busy than Lucifer, so he can actually make sure to take care of you until you are back to a 100%
His dear MC can’t be sick! They look so healthy!!!
He, like Levi, is crying
Someone give him tissues please
Baths, massages and everything that can remotely help you feel better will never not be an option with him around
If you thought he pampered too much before, buckle up
He too panicks if you faint, but he doesn't freeze in place
Actually VERY worried
His frown gives it away despite his naturally stoic face
Sits beside Belphie and in front of you while you're explaining them everything
He shakes his head after hearing you, not quite being okay with you being sick
It also takes a lot of reassurance with him to help him be at ease
He will be the first to catch you if you fall! Or to carry you if you need so
You can count on him too
He just wants to protect you
At first thought you just fell asleep (no Belphie, MC isn't you)
Huh? Fainted?
MC's sick!?
He's angry before being sad
Calms down almost at the same time that Beel does
Probably won't be helpful since he’s always asleep
But he definitely will help when sleeping is difficult for you
Probably will carry an extra pillow around to cushion your fall
Please don't expect him to actually catch you if you collapse
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Hey!! Can I ask for a scenario with LOONA's Chuuves (Chuu + Yves), where they are arguing on who you're favorite member LOONA member is and trying to give you gifts (bribe you) to choose them, but then you end up choosing someone else (because you can't choose between your girlfriends/want to mess with them a bit)? 💕
Chuu x Yves x Reader
I like.. Choerry
"Come on Y/N just tell Chuu I'm your favorite, you're just being cruel at this point."
Chuu looked at you angrily waiting for your answer, her cheeks all red because of how she keeps holding her breath out of anger, which to be honest is really cute.
"I won't choose, end of discussion."
You turned your back at them and walked towards the other girls, annoyed by this never ending argument. They followed you and sat on both of your sides, trapping you.
"You don't have to, you already did at some point, it's only natural."
Yves continued, she was unusally persistent today, Chuu probably told her she was your favorite.
You looked at the concerned girl suspisciously.
"You started this didn't you ?"
Your girlfriend looked at you innocently.
"I only said the truth."
"Which would be ?"
"That I'm your favorite out of the twelve of us because I'm the cutest."
The statement was obviously paired with a cute face, everything to make you agree. But you knew better than to get into your girlfriends' arguments.
"I never said that."
You wouldn't give them the possibility to put that on you, if they wanted to fight it'll be between the two of them.
You took your fork and were about to put it in your mouth when Yves cut you off.
"So I'm your favorite ! I knew it !"
You sighed, you weren't going to be able to eat at peace it seems.
"I didn't say that either."
"Oh come on you have to choose !"
You rolled your eyes.
"Okay Choerry is my favorite."
They were about to continue harassing you for an answer but stopped.
"Wait what ?"
"I like Choerry, now can I eat ?"
They both looked at each other while the other girls were laughing at their antics.
"You can't just say Choerry like that."
"Why not ?"
"She ain't cuter than me..." "..and she ain't sexier than me..."
Both were questioning their whole lives.
"Am I not sexy enough ?.." Yves was clearly in the middle of a mental breakdown.
"Olivia Hye I am cute, right ?"
You choke at her response even though it was expected.
Choerry obviously arrived at this moment and received terrifying stares from both of your girlfriends.
"What did I do again ?"
"Are you trying to steal our girlfriend ?"
"What ?! No, why ?"
"Y/N said you're her favourite, tell us your secret."
You took the knife out of Sooyoung's hands and put it down on the table far away from her reach.
"Oh thanks Y/N."
"You're welcome."
You chuckled at how she was blushing well until you felt two pairs of eyes digging holes in both your sides.
"Okay girls, that's enough I love you both very much, I don't have any favorite."
They both crossed their arms.
"Oh you do, we all heard it."
Man you were in deep trouble, you spend the rest of the day trying to make up with your girlfriends.
You knew you shouldn't have answered.
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Hey, finally posting your request. Hope you like it. Have a good day/night 😘 -Ael
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corruptimles · 1 year
What pokemon would your favorites of the mob psycho cast have, in your opinion?
anon I hope you're alright with how long this answers going to get because I sat down and went:
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because I LOVE assigning pokemon to characters
We all know Mob and Espurr are pretty much made for each other but I'm putting a read-more because this answer is embarassingly long
I deleted it earlier because I wasn’t sure if it was the correct idiom, but my friend warns that you've "opened a can of worms" here
A little context/worldbuilding before I get into the lists:
These answers are in the context of a Pokemon/MP100 crossover in which Seasoning City is an existing city in new region, or is expanded into its own region entirely. Other countries are not brought up that often in MP100 so those could be replaced with existing Pokemon regions instead. (I think only America is mentioned, which could be replaced with Unova)
(this is as opposed to, an isekai AU, or if you decided the characters are from Kanto or something)
I won't be creating Seasoning's pokedex by any means, but this means I won't be limiting Pokemon geographically (like I assigned TSV characters with mostly Unovan Pokemon because they're from New York)
There's still the exception of the type of environment/region being very significant to that Pokemon (aka some regionals, legends/mythicals, endangered, etc))
Regarding Psychics/Espers
Psychics or Espers already exist in the Pokemon world, but the actual differences between them and Psychic-type pokemon is not widely explored, nor the fact there are non-psychic types that can technically use psychic-type moves, or abilities associated with psychics (telekinesis, telepathy, whatever it is empaths got going on, clairvoyance, etc)
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There's also an unexplored difference between ghost-types and ghosts
but the point I want to make here is that I don't think psychic pokemon are absolutely necessary for an exorcism business like Spirits & Such, especially when psychic-types are weak to ghost-types in the Pokemon world, and MP100 espers usually have a natural shield against, like, possessions specifically
So we're going with Psychics/Espers being able to be exorcists, mediums, etc, with their wide variety of psychic abilities at their disposal compared to specific Pokemon with specific skillsets.
There's also more apparent leniency with the fact that Psychics post-gen III use both psychic-type and ghost-type pokemon on their teams, and you can debatably include hex maniacs and channelers as psychics or espers to a degree
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A human Esper could possibly perform exorcisms themself or with the aid of a psychic, ghost, maybe even fairy pokemon, or pokemon with those moves
This means that I'm wont be assigning MP100 espers with psychic pokemon just because they're both psychic, but I acknowledge they'd likely be drawn to each other eventually, and it's up to the character if they'd interact with ghost types
There's also if the city/regions's general consensus on ghosts is similar enough to MP100 originally, which mean they're not as normal to see around as other regions for one reason or another
Personal Preferences / Headcanons
It's Very fun to match Pokemon to a character in how similar they are but other times I also like to try avoiding literal matches like that, or ones that are too on the nose
(what pokemon a character would be could be very different to what they would have!)
Often times I don't use the more popular pokemon either (like eeveelutions, sorry) unless it feels like that pokemon really works out for the character
It gives Pokemon ppl might not have thought of nor remembered a chance to shine
I also imagine if a character doesn't seem the type for competitive battling, they wouldn't have a 6-pokemon team, unless maybe they're the type for appearing strong, or under specific circumstances. Like petsitting or gifting. NPCs often have 1-3 pokemon if they're not strong league trainers. People with more would probably have lower maintenance pokemon
What pokemon could they have in their daily lives? What are they willing to take care of? If they do stumble upon a very specific Pokemon, how do I imagine they meet and how this influences their character? (for situations like this MP100 scenario, I like to impact the main storyline or characterization as little as possible if I'm not doing some in-depth canon-divergence or post-canon stories)
"What pokemon would your favorites of the mob psycho cast have, in your opinion?"
These answers may be tossed around or changed in the future but
Lurantis I deleted the post saying why, but trust me on this Helps with the everyday life. Got terrified when it was a Fomantis thinking it was a bug-type but turns out they're both scared of bugs
Nacli whether he found it by accident or actively sought it, he kept it thinking it'd help w the business (it... kinda does? but not really)
Greavard (temporarily) (a la Uu-chan)
Nickit, maybe I prefer this as a pokemon he could be instead of have; it's very on-the-nose so I'm fine either or
I specifically imagine that in this world, like in canon, Reigen didn't know that espers were real, or didn't take them too seriously, especially when Pokemon could be doing all the stuff on TV
Hatterene (temporarily) "gifted" by Toichiro, but returns to Toichiro after Serizawa's fight with Mob (you know why)
Wimpod been with him since his years in isolation, evolves during World Domination Arc (you know why)
After Hatterene is gone, he probably only has Golisopod with him during the adjustment period with S&S but I do think he might take in another Pokemon by the time of the spin-off
(Swadloon -> Leavanny evolution via friendship is very reminiscent to Seri's character development and fight with Mob but idk if it's too much for two Pokemon to evolve back-to-back for him. It could also be what he takes in later on instead. )
Hoothoot I have my reasons
Elgyem her first encounter with the extraterrestrial, sparking her drive to know more about aliens and alien pokemon
looks up stuff like Deoxys and Ultra Beasts stuffs
Espurr evolves after confession arc?
Poliwag, maybe someone helps him evolve to Politoed over the course of the series?
okay I referenced Espurr multiple times so this might be redundant at this point, but I don't actually imagine him with more than maybe two pokemon? He's a middle schooler who might not be up for the responsibility of multiple pokemon, especially with the stress of his own and Espurr's explosions. Maybe he tries training more later in the same way he tried the marathon?
I just looked up the Poliwag line and I love that the lines' shinies do not look that different to the original but shiny Politoed has Mob's aura colours lol
He's not part of the cast but
Herdier, or Watchog
yeah that's it
and they're not my favourites but some others I thought about:
Teru would have a full team, probably half left by his parents, which match his initial personality. He wouldn't be that close to them, but they're strong or rare and that's what's important until he's humbled later and actually learns to talk to them as companions He might not keep all the Pokemon by the end because he doesn't need to keep a reputation like that anymore, but has a select few strong ones that are strong because he actually trained together with them ^ the pokemon he'd have would still be very extravagent/gaudy in appearance though, like a Bruxish
Shou, and maybe Toichirou, may have Pokemon specifically from Unova or other farther regions because of Toichiro's travelling ^ Toichiro returning to Seasoning City is very Giovanni revealing to be the absent gym leader to me ^^Shou and Toichirou's teams could be styled in opposition to each other like Ghetsis and N. Shou spent so long preparing to be the protagonist against his father's plans, so
I firmly believe that Mob and Ritsu's parents would still be blasé about Pokemon like everything else that if either brother did come home with a legendary, they'd still be like "just make sure to clean after it. no battling in the kitchen"
it's not Reigen's, but there's a Fidough in the cafe above the office that he adores
Organizations like Claw, or the Rising Sun Spiritual Union would definitely employ a lot of psychic- and ghost-types for their needs
Dimple is either exactly the same, or the ugliest Gastly you've ever seen. I'd love to make a reference to the LOL cult and Yamask, but a fart cloud is a fart cloud
I have more but this list is too long so ppl can send another ask if they're curious about anything
final words: typing this was a nightmare because of how often I mistyped 'region' and 'reigen'
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griefabyss69 · 7 months
Ample Fire Within
Hello everybody I hurt my feelings about Steve and so I've decided to inflict that on all of you as well <3
[AO3] [ Tip / Commissions post ]
Platonic Stobin - Rated: G - 1.7K
Angst with a happy ending It's short enough the full thing is under the cut!
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"For all of the late night wishing on a star type of bullshit he does, when he's alone in the dark and doesn't even have to properly face himself, let alone anyone else, you'd think he'd be able to handle it when he finally gets what he wants."
You'd think that all of the near-death experiences and injuries and horrible secret knowledge they’d all had would make a group of people like, forthcoming about their feelings.
But when most of those people are hiding deeply under too many layers of irony, insecurity, and maybe an affected teenage distance, feelings come out in stupid little arguments and the decision to be as annoying as possible instead of like.
Talking about it.
The affection is just like that too – drenched in demands - and just like anything, Steve has to assume that being asked for shit means that someone somewhere cares about him.
If they need him, that means they'll think about him, remember him.
It means they won't leave and won't spit his feelings back in his face, drunk off of either expensive wine or spiked punch – he's since forgiven Nancy, and they're good friends, though she could never love him.
Forgiving his mom is something he thinks he'll get around to one day, if she ever gets around to deciding he exists again.
His dad is a lost cause, so he doesn't bother.
Robin's hand is tight around his, her nail polish alternating between a shimmery blue and a stark black. It works on her, makes her look cool in the way only she can be.
He studies the difference in their fingers, his nails are neatly trimmed out of habit, though the skin around them peels like he hasn't been taking care of the skin. Hers are doing pretty well, considering she's once again trying to fully kick the habit of biting them.
Despite how much smaller her hands are, he feels like the one who's protected, a bracing grip that keeps him grounded as some of his neighbors head out of the store, the sour feeling of being degraded by nothing but polite conversation about where he might go to school next year and “What are your parents up to these days?” sitting heavy in his guts.
"You want to pick the movie?" Robin asks, adding her other hand into the mix, squeezing his tightly.
He shakes his head, can't stomach the thought of having an opinion on anything right now, on being some kind of real boy who has to make a decision harder than breathe in – good – now breathe out.
She lets go of him to go wander around the shelves, and he misses the comfort deeply, but doesn't say anything about it because he needs to find a way to earn the next one, this one finished with it’s job even if it’s prematurely. He’ll find the next emotional punch he can take and will hope it makes someone notice he could use a hug or something.
He wants to think he's got people in his life now that notice him at least some of the time, really notice him, not like before when he'd sat concussed through his exams and managed to pass because the teachers didn't want to face down the wrath of Harrington Sr.
He tries not to mope, tries to shake everything off, and goes to poke fun at Robin for whatever movie she picked.
For all of the late night wishing on a star type of bullshit he does, when he's alone in the dark and doesn't even have to properly face himself, let alone anyone else, you'd think he'd be able to handle it when he finally gets what he wants.
But maybe it's the unexpected timing, or just the way he didn't think they'd ever be those people – but when Robin hugs him goodbye one night, the last one out of the house as Nancy waits up outside to take her home, she murmurs a quiet "Love you" into his shoulder and he only manages to hold himself together by a fucking hair until the door is shut behind her.
He wouldn’t have ever imagined that it would make him crumple to the floor beside the neat rack of shoes he never wears, but he finds himself flat on his ass with his forehead on his knees like someone's packing him away in a box.
Ugly tears already brimming and spilling down his face as his throat closes up around what might just be a banshee's wail.
He knows he's supposed to be happy, and he knows there's a part of him that is, but the rest of him is just hurt – there’s an empty hole that had dug through him until it had grown into a deep well of loneliness, and every little offering of care and attention and love drowns in it.
About thirty minutes and a big pounding headache later, his phone rings, and his voice is rough when he picks up.
"Steve," Robin gasps, out of breath like she'd run to the phone. "What's wrong?"
He frowns, wondering if he sounds that bad.
"Nothing, why?"
"Oh, you just sound… And I'd thought – I just had a feeling in the car and then it got worse and I got worried and I'm sorry I'm sure you're so ready to go get your beauty sleep and I know we'll see each other at work tomorrow – but you sound terrible, Steve. Are you really okay?"
Robin's voice is as soothing as much as it picks at him, all the little threads he'd found on the floor to put himself back together get snatched back up by her soulmate premonition feelings or whatever, and he feels his sore eyes start to sting again.
"Rob, everything's fine," he says, heading to the sink, stretching the phone cord so he can get a cold glass of water. "Just took a little nap."
"Oh, that's good," She sighs, clearly relieved. "I guess… I'll let you go?"
Steve's heart feels full of something that aches, but maybe it's not really in a bad way. He can't tell right now, but he blinks and blinks and blinks until his eyes aren't threatening to un-convince Robin of his fine-ness.
"Yeah, I'll see you in the morning," he says, and pauses, digging his toes into the tile floor to brace himself. "Have good dreams, love you."
Robin's voice is warm and thready when she replies, the phone doing a bad job of replicating it but he can still imagine she's speaking into his shoulder again.
"Love you too, goodnight Steve."
He does more crying in the shower, though this time it’s more of a relieved thing.
The little worry in the background of his mind that Robin had said it accidentally earlier is gone – and the larger worry in the front of his mind that he'd somehow ruin their friendship by saying the same thing back at her is gone too.
He's almost excited to get to work tomorrow, though his self esteem hasn't been doing all that great lately, with summer vacation and everyone he went to high school with coming back home from college.
Logically he doesn't care about the judgmental questions and the superior airs they put on, as if surviving another year of schooling could hold a candle to the crazy shit he's survived, but it still like, hurts.
At least the store’s been too busy for them to be scheduled for solo shifts, so he's mostly just working his full day with Robin, and aside from the retail hell of it all, it's been kind of nice just getting to hang out together for hours and hours.
Robin's too good at reading him, and he regrets his excitement to see her so soon after his weird love induced meltdown on the welcome mat.
"Oh my God, you lied!" She hisses as he takes his place behind the counter, leaning beside her. "Clearly something was wrong last night."
He knows his eyes are slightly fucked up still, but he's had nights of bad sleep that had him looking worse, so he's truly confused for a moment, and lets her know that, his perplexed frown out in full force as she sets her hands on his shoulders.
"C'mon, the puppy dog eyes aren't going to work," she says, squeezing and shaking him a little bit. "You let me think I was an over-worrier! That I was thinking too much. Tell me, Steve."
He sighs, closes his eyes, and wishes desperately they weren't at work for this.
"Any chance of letting me talk about it in eight hours?"
Robin scoffs, and digs her fingers into the meat of his shoulders.
It's probably meant to hurt, but it's a pleasant pressure, his muscles feeling a little sore from all of the tension he’s been carrying.
"No, tell me now before we have to flip the sign," she says, the little crack in her voice betraying her whole pissed off act.
"Fine just. Don't laugh," he says, wondering if it's more pathetic to ask her not to or more pathetic to experience it if she does.
She raises her eyebrows, eyes lasered in on his as he opens them, and she just looks sad.
"It hurt, you know, in the car. I just… I knew something wasn't okay but I had no idea what it was, but I was sure it was something to do with you," she says, subdued.
The soulmates thing gets pretty freaky sometimes, but Steve's heard of this happening to like, identical twins. So why not him and Robin, honestly?
"Sorry," he says, swallowing around the lump in his throat. "Just uh, when you. Said you loved me."
Robin winces, loosens her grip on his shoulders.
"Not good?" She asks, and Steve frowns.
"No, it was good," he says quickly, doesn't want her to feel bad for saying it, or worse, take it back. "I'm…"
He thinks about it, the little bright spark in his chest that's been flickering, fighting against all of the heaviness and general stress he's been feeling. It grows a little stronger every time he sees her, and he hopes that one day it can be a proper flame.
"It's just been a while," he whispers, thinks that this isn't fair to even tell her. "Since someone's told me that."
It sounds depressing as hell, and truly, despite whatever his 3AM wallowing would have to say about it, he's been doing fine, has a full enough social calendar with his friends.
"Oh," Robin says, the way it hurts as plain as a clear day on her face. "Well, I love you."
Steve finds himself blinking back tears again, and the smile that sneaks up on him feels like the lightening of a burden, an unpacked suitcase.
"I love you too."
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genshinemblem564 · 1 year
Chapter 2: An Unexpected Reunion
Sorry for the delay on posting this, I was trying to research Askr's environment, to no avail, and I was going to start pulling hair out looking for this information, that I'm convinced does not exist after all that, so I just said " Fuck it, I'll make it up!!" but anyways, please enjoy.
TW: trauma response
A few moments prior to the events of chapter 1.
The goddess and the traveler were standing on the Jade Chamber in Liyue, while Ningguang was busy she had Ganyu tend to their guests, normally one of the other servants would suffice, but things seemed to be much more important this time.
Ganyu: Your grace, may I inquire as to why you are here?
Goddess: The traveler has informed me of something that may be able to reunite me with my sibling, if it works we will need a good view of Teyvat, the only point higher than this is Celestia and I refuse to go there after what I've heard.
Ganyu: T-Their grace will return? Here?
Goddess: Possibly, we don't know anything for certain.
The goddess then turns her attention towards Aether.
Goddess: Now how does this work again?
Aether: Their grace would often complain about it's randomness, but it always gave them what they asked for, a good weapon, a new vessel, they probably just weren't specific enough.
With that, the goddess holds out her hand, which held an intertwined fates wishing star. She brought the star close to her face before whispering her wish.
Goddess: Please let my sibling live a happy life in Teyvat.
Almost instantly, the star shot into the sky, before a blue star fell, turning purple, then gold, then glowing a pure white before landing in the ocean.
Goddess: What does that mean?
Aether: I don't know. One it's never glowed white before, and two it's never landed in the ocean before. It's always either landed next to a vessel or in front of their graces current vessels in the form of weapons, this is outside my realm of knowledge about these things.
The goddess looked rather worried, but before she could express her concerns, the ocean where the star landed erupted with a blinding light, causing everyone near Teyvat's coast to shield their eyes. When the light dissipated an entire island the size of a second continent had appeared. They couldn't believe their eyes.
Aether: I never knew these things held that kind of power, that's incredible.
Goddess: But, why an island? Where is my sibling?
Ganyu: Perhaps their grace is on the island, the traveler did say their grace complained about the randomness of those things.
Suddenly Ningguang burst out of the Jade Chamber's entrance, giving the others quite a scare.
Goddess: Calm down Ningguang, sit and I'll explain. In the meantime, Ganyu could I ask you to retrieve captain Beidou?
Ganyu: At once.
Beidou was looking out from the Jade Chamber, almost refusing to believe her eyes, but everyone else sees it to, so she can't stay disbelief for long
Beidou: So, you want me to explore this new island? Haha, you don't even have to ask, my hearts drawn to adventure, I'd have gone there on my own eventually. Their grace potentially being there however, makes this rather urgent, but...
Everyone sat in silence waiting for the captain to finish her sentence when she suddenly pulled out a collapsible telescope and began studying the island.
Beidou: That's quite a large one, it could take a few months for that endeavor, I'll need to gather enough food and water, not to mention maintenance equipment for our gear and my ship.
Ningguang: Leave that to me.
Beidou(surprised): Seriously?
Ningguang: This is a matter concerning their grace, simply say so and the Qixing shall provide what's needed.
Beidou: Alright, you won't here me complaining. Just one more thing, I'm curious why me your grace? You have the entire millelith at your back, and only send one ship, can't help but ask why?
Goddess: It's that Kazuha boy, with his attunement to the wind he'll recognize my sibling the moment you meet them.
Beidou: I see, well I'm off got to get the crew prepped to set sail.
A few weeks later.
You were on your usual patrol with a few heroes and Askr soldiers when you came upon your destination, a small fishing village on Askr's coast. Due to being only a fishing village it's docks and boats are rather small, the boats holding only two or three people. So why is there a massive ship docked next to it?
You immediately move to investigate, but the closer you got the more you felt like you've seen this ship before. Looking at where the ocean met the land you saw two figures that immediately jogged your memory,Beidou, captain of the Crux crew, and Kaedehara Kazuha, wandering samurai who spends most of his time with said captain. Seeing them, some of your trauma from the imposter hunt begins to reemerge.
Cordelia: Is something the matter summoner? Why have we stopped?
(Y/N): I-It's nothing, just zoned out is all.
Cordelia can feel that your lying, but now's not the time or the place for such a conversation so she simply nods as you continue towards the Alcor. Once you draw close enough, you are noticed by Kazuha, who brings you to Beidou's attention. Once she sees you she's quick to make her way over with Kazuha in tow.
Beidou: Hey there you lot, mind giving us a hand? We're not from here and could use some directions, also if you could tell us this place's name that'd be great to, the villagers here seem rather jumpy around outsiders.
You manage to calm down after hearing such a friendly tone in her voice, so you're able answer her.
(Y/N): You are in the kingdom of Askr on the continent of Zenith, don't mind the villagers, we just got through fighting a war, they don't mean anything personal by it. Speaking of nothing personal, I'll have to ask you two to come with me, don't worry it's nothing serious, just some paperwork and a background check, they've become rather common for all our visitors recently.
Beidou: Alright then, lead the way.
You nod and motion the soldiers to return to base. Once you get there you have the two of them seated at a table with food and drinks.
(Y/N): Apologies, but before we can begin we'll have to wait for the prince and princess to return.
Kazuha: Wait, aren't you supposed to be the one performing this background check?
(Y/N): The problem with me being in charge of that is that I'm an optimist, I like to see the best in people a little too often.
Kazuha (annoyed): I see, very well then.
Despite Kazuha's annoyance, he was grateful for this moment of quiet. Everyone was so loud and boisterous earlier that he could barely concentrate on the wind, not even the Crux crew were that loud, but now that he could concentrate on it, he noticed it felt familiar, but where does he remember it from? That's right, when he met the masked civilian who was unjustly caught up in the imposter hunt.
Later, Sharena and Alfonse return from patrol, you're convinced Anna got distracted trying to sell something, or earn gold in some kind of way. You explained the situation and they performed the necessary procedures.
Alfonse: I'm sorry, but I've never heard of this Teyvat.
(Y/N): Alfonse wait, gimme a second.
You walked to another room and pretended to look something up on your phone.
Beidou: What was that about?
Sharena: Ooh!! Let me explain.
Sharena explained how the Order of Heroes records other worlds and how you explained that your world recorded worlds beyond just the world's of emblems, as you referred to them.
Sharena: So they must have heard something familiar and left to look it up on that device of theirs.
Beidou: device, could you describe it?
Sharena: Well, it's like a small stone box polished smooth with a glass surface that emits light based images, that's the best I can do I'm afraid.
The longer Kazuha stays here the more certain he grows of his hunch, you're the one they're searching for, that was certainly faster than expected if so. You return shortly after their conversation ends.
(Y/N): Right everything they said seems to check out, their titles, occupations, everything matches up.
Sharena (excited): So they're from another world? Does that mean we have a new gateway on the sea? Are we going to meet new heroes!?
(Y/N): Whoa whoa, calm down. Yes they're from another world. We might meet new heroes. I'm fairly certain there's no gate way on the ocean, I'm more convinced this has something to do with that crazy light show the other day.
Alfonse: That's right, we know you came by boat but we never inquired beyond that. Did you pass through a gateway?
Beidou: Nope, never even knew portals to other worlds existed before today. Your summoner was actually spot on, there was this crazy burst of light off the coast and when it cleared there was a new island.
Kazuha has spent a good chunk of time staring at your hand as you forgot to put away your phone. An other worldly device that allows one almost instant access to knowledge, that pretty much seals it for him.
Kazuha: Captain, I think it's time to leave.
Beidou: Huh, but we just got here, why would ...
Kazuha: I believe our business is concluded and we must report back.
Beidou gives an exasperated sigh.
Beidou: Alright, alright. Hey you lot of you ever want to visit Liyue there's a festival next week, the exact date is (your birthday), if you're interested. Anyway, gotta split before Ning grows any grey hairs, see ya.
(Y/N): Hold on, here take this it'll help you if you ever want to visit again. Your paperwork is all done, so no real reason drop by here again unless you feel like saying hi.
You handed Beidou one of your many maps of Askr. She nodded in appreciation, and the two were on their way. Later Anna returns and just as you suspected she begins to vent about her failed money schemes, afterwards the three of you fill her in on what happened.
Alfonse: So about this festival...
Sharena: I think we should go.
(Y/N): Huh?
Anna: I agree, it could be fun, not to mention we have no idea what caused our worlds to fuse like this or if it's permanent, we should take this opportunity to make a good impression and learn about our new neighbors.
Alfonse: I suppose you're right. Summoner are you alright? You look a little pale.
(Y/N): Oh, yeah, I'm fine, well I think I'll turn for today, goodnight.
As you left, everyone had looks of both confusion and concern. You were pacing around your room, your fear from the hunt resurfacing, your ignorance of the state of Teyvat wasn't helping things. Was the hunt over? Did it get even worse? No matter your fear, you're almost certain you'll be dragged along, maybe bringing a few heroes along would help your nerves, if things turn out okay then they'll get the chance to kick back, if things go bad having them around is definitely a good idea.
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come-away-with-me87 · 2 months
Love & Angst Chapter 5
Chapter 4 here
Note: Three chapters three days in a row! That said, it's back to reality tomorrow (stupid work, bleh). Soooo I probably won't be able post again until the end of this upcoming week or next weekend. But I have lots of ideas of how this story will continue. Hope you enjoy, and thank you so much for reading.
The Date
If you thought you were nervous about texting the man, your nerves were all an all-time high now getting ready for your coffee date. You took a deep breath; it was 3:00pm at this point, so you started getting ready by grabbing a quick shower. After your shower, you blow dried your (H/C) hair, and decided to wear it down for the date. You typically wore minimal makeup, but because you seem to always get complimented on your (E/C) eyes, you wore a little extra mascara to make your eyes really pop. Since it was a cat cafe you were going to, you decided to just wear a pair of jeans, a nice peach-colored blouse, and flat shoes. You texted a picture of your outfit to Naomi, and she replied with a thumbs up and heart eyes emojis.
By this point, it was 4:15pm, and you would be getting ready to leave soon. You sat down on your couch next to where your two cats were laying. "Annie, Jareth...I'm nervous" you exclaimed to them like they could understand you. You thought about it for a moment. Your last relationship ended over a year ago; you were with a man named Yuto. He wasn't a bad man, the relationship just fizzled out, and you both realized you were better off as friends. The was last man you had been with romantically and intimately. Not saying that this was where this was going with Shouta tonight, you just met the man. But it's something you'd have to consider, especially depending on how today went.
It was finally time to leave. You look another deep breath, said bye to Annie and Jareth, locked the door behind you, and got into your car. As you drove to the cat cafe, you thought about what you two would talk about. Despite both of your customer-service based jobs, you were actually quite introverted. You had friends, but it was a very tight, small group of people, including Naomi. You didn't have much of a relationship with your family, either, so you relied heavily on your group of friends for support and advice. Additionally, you would rather have a quiet night at home as opposed to going out and partying. You had been like that since you were younger. Alone with just your thoughts, you didn't realize you had arrived to the cat cafe.
You were a few minutes early, and they looked busy. You decided you would go inside and grab a table for the two of you. You texted Shouta, letting him know you were there and of your plans, and put your phone back in your purse. You went inside, and as luck would have it, you spotted an empty table for two. You bowed to and smiled at the barista, and went to the empty table. You looked around at your surroundings; it was a very cute cafe. There were nicely-placed pictures all over the walls of the cats that they had available for adoption, along with descriptions of their personalities. Additionally, they had really nice artwork around the cafe, light-hearted music playing overhead, and flowers in vases on all of the tables. It was very cute.
Several minutes passed by, and you pulled your phone out of your purse and frowned; it was 5:15pm and you never received a text back from Shouta. You hoped everything was okay, but deep down, you were wondering if you were getting stood up. You shook your head and tried to get that idea out of your head. You always assumed the worst possible scenario. He was the one to ask you on this date. That must mean he was interested, right? You teetered back and forth on whether you should text him again but you decided against it. If he didn't show up in another fifteen minutes, you decided that you would just leave.
Just as that last thought ended, you saw the door open and he came in looking very disheveled. He looked around the cafe until he spotted you at the table, where you gave him a small wave. He came over and stood, "Y/N, I am so sorry I'm late. I was on my way here when there was a group of villains attacking civilians. Another pro-hero and I happened to be in the vicinity where we were able to hold them down until the police arrived. I'm so sorry," he said with a frown on his face. You looked right into his eyes, "oh my gosh, Shouta, you have nothing to apologize for! That was much more important to deal with." He looked somewhat relieved as he took a seat at your table. "You've been through quite the ordeal today; how 'bout I go up the barista and order us some coffees? What's your drink of choice?"
He attempted to stop you, claiming he wanted to pay for your drinks. You gently put your hand up, "no worries, this one is on me. You can get next time..." you trailed off, being bold to assume there would already be a next time. He faintly smiled, "thank you. I'll just take a black coffee." You went up the barista, ordered a black coffee and a vanilla latte and paid for your drinks. While you were waiting on the barista to make the drinks, you glanced over at Shouta, and thankfully, he looked like he was doing the same thing as you did when you arrived; taking in his surroundings. You took this opportunity to take a good look at him. He had his ebony hair pulled back into a low ponytail with some loose strands falling out, and he was wearing a black v-neck shirt with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black jeans, and black boots. For lack of a better word, he looked sexy.
The barista handed you your drinks, you thanked her and headed back to your table. "Here you go," you said with a smile as you handed him his black coffee. "Thank you," he replied, "oh, and back to what you said, I do hope there's a next time, too." You smiled at him, but internally, you were squealing again. You've barely talked to this man, yet you were both already hoping there would be a next time. "So, Y/N, tell me about yourself." There it was, the question you were dreading. You loathed talking about yourself. But hey, that's the only way a person is going to get to know you. So you began.
The conversation that ensued flowed a lot more easily than you expected. You two talked about how you were Endeavor's sister, and the reason why you dropped your nephew, Shoto, off at the gala the other night. You told him that you were quirkless, but that you really admired pro-heroes and all of the work they did to protect citizens. You talked about both of your jobs, your home, and your friends, where Naomi inevitably came up. "She was very nice to us," Shouta continued, "and it seemed that she and Present Mic really hit it off." Ohhhhhh, she was definitely going to bring that up to Naomi later. Sly girl. The conversation continued to flow, where you both talked about your love of coffee, music, and cats. He stated that he was sad that he didn't have any, as he looked at the cats walking around the cafe. He was just so busy between teaching and his underground hero work, that it wouldn't be fair to the cat. One particular cat seemed to especially like Shouta, rubbing up against his leg. He smiled as he leaned down to pet her.
You then talked about how you were introverted, especially compared to Naomi, who was the epitome of an extrovert. Then for the first time, that's when you heard him laugh. Not a hearty laugh, but a small chuckle. "That explains why she and Present Mic got along so well." You smiled back at him. "Y/N, I meant to ask you, how do you know All Might? I saw you give him a hug at the gala the other night," Shouta asked. "Oh, Toshinori actually saved my life once, and we've been friends ever since." You went on to explain how it wasn't villains that he saved you from, but from a group of thugs who nearly assaulted you. Shouta frowned at that statement, "I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm glad he was there to protect you." You shrugged, "it was a situation where I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he was in the right place at the right time. I made a good friend out of the ordeal, so in a strange, twisted way, it was meant to be."
The conversation continued to flow so easily, like you two had known each other for years. You were relieved by that time, telling Shouta about how nervous you were for this date. He tilted his head to the side and grinned, "why were you nervous? I'm not that scary, am I?" You laughed in return, "no of course not." Should you tell him? You didn't want to necessarily speak on the tunnel vision you experienced when you first laid eyes on him, that would be too much for a first date. "Well, let's just say I......noticed.....you at the gala the other night. And then you came into the restaurant I work at last night, it was just so coincidental, like we were supposed to meet or something," you said quietly. You can't believe those words just came out of your mouth; you were now blushing so hard. He just smiled in return, looking down at his empty cup of coffee.
Suddenly, the barista announced that the cafe would be closing in fifteen minutes. You hadn't realized how much time had gone by, and the cafe was nearly empty besides one other table. You looked at Shouta, "well, I guess that means it's time to take our leave." He nodded in agreement, and you two proceeded to go outside. Once you were outside, he walked you to your car, and once you were at your car, you turned around to face him. You were rusty at this. What was the protocol to ending a first date? A hug? A kiss? It's like every thought on previous first dates you've been on completely vanished, and you had no clue what to do. To make matters worse, Shouta appeared to have no clue what to do or say either, seemingly just as rusty at this as you are. You finally talked and smiled up at him, "I had a very nice time tonight." He seemed relieved at this, "I did too, Y/N. I know we're both busy with our jobs, but I would like to see you again sometime." You instantly replied, "I would like that, too." You two stood there for a few seconds and stared at one another, still unsure what to do. "Well, you get home safely. I'll hopefully talk to you soon." And with that, he swiftly walked away in the opposite direction. For the second time in two days, you gawked at him as he walked away.
You won't lie, you were hoping for a kiss. You didn't need a full make-out session (although if that happened, there would have been no complaints on your end), but a small kiss would have been nice. You shook that thought out of your head and smiled; he wanted to see you again. That was a good thing! You got into your car, and smiled the entire drive home. You couldn't wait to get on the phone with Naomi when you got home and tell her everything, and also grill her about her apparent flirtation with Present Mic. When you got home, you practically sang hello to your cats; you were on cloud nine. You pulled your phone out of your purse and placed it on your kitchen counter, walking away and missing the text from Shouta:
"I really did have a nice time tonight, Y/N. I look forward to seeing you again."
To be continued!
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fanficonly · 1 year
Wenclair -Mine- - Chapter 7
Day 5 of posting a chapter a day of this fanfic... only 1 minute to spare! But it's not midnight yet so it still counts
Thanks for your interest in this story hope y'all enjoy
Enid took her time cleaning Wednesdays puncture wounds after she had completely stopped the bleeding. She took extreme care making sure to also press the damp cloth across the cuts and grazes along her arms and face.
Wednesday stayed silent the entire time either staring at the wall beside the bed or closing her eyes to block out the thoughts chasing her brain. She only moved when Enid's hand guided her body left or right so she could reach every laceration.
"Are you going to speak at all Enid" Wednesday sighed not moving her eyes away from the wall across from her.
"I thought you would prefer silence." She attempted a half smile and looked down "I mean this is a lot more ..." She struggled to find the right word before settling on "exposure than you're used too" she said quietly.
"It's more than that" Wednesday turned her head to look at her "I would expect you to be babbling on nervously throughout the entire process" she said bluntly
"Why" Enid managed to ask as she grabbed the antiseptic spray, shaking it and removing the lid. She was trying to act surprised or unbothered just anything that didn't reveal her affectionate feeling towards the Seer.
"Well firstly, you are you and secondly you are the only human in my entire life to see me in such an irritatingly vulnerable state" she dispassionately declared "Surely that honour would make anybody tremble with fear. Considering I would not allow that person to live on in this insipidly invasive society that does not value privacy". She lightly threatened unintentionally this time.
Wow there was a lot to unpack there. So she halted her actions letting the spray can rest in her hands.
"Wow should I be scared?" she narrowed her eyes towards Wednesday a wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, trying to divert the discussion to anything other than this.
"Of me? Always" the girl stated abruptly only causing Enid to sigh. She never did get the response she wanted from the fiendish girl.
"And I already told you ... I'm not human" Enid replied, referring back to their earlier conversation.
"Point taken" Wednesday nodded slightly.
"Wednesday I won't tell a soul about this I promise" she half smiled down at her mate, trying to make her feel comfortable.
Wednesday again nodded approvingly, satisfied with the answer but still not content with her bestfriend's quiet demeanor.
"I still don't get why you won't go to a hospital" Enid changed the subject hastily.
"You never asked if I wanted to go to a hospital" Wednesday retorted looking the girl up and down.
"I assumed you would reject me plus it was too far I had to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible or you could have died" the thought made Enid's stomach turn and the guilt inside began to consume her.
"You assumed correctly" Wednesday spoke, overlooking the part about her bleeding out.
"Anyway I would prefer to take care of you" Enid told her, confident in her abilities and not trusting other people to save Wednesday's life. The Addams girl had very recently become her only reason for existing and she wasn't going to let anyone else hold the power to crush her heart in their hands.
Wednesday almost chuckled exhaling from her nose. Upon realising the expression on Enids face she explained "Usually when I say that to someone it's in the context of death" she smirked.
"Nice" Enid responded, deciding now was the time to douse her wounds with the antiseptic spray.
"Fuck! Enid some warning please" Wednesday sat up fast almost knocking heads with Enid. Luckily the wolf's reflexes kicked in and she was able to move fast enough to avoid a brutal new bruise to add to the collection of injuries tonight.
"Please?" Enid had never heard the words leave the darker girl's lips before as she moved forward back to her original position.
"Stop" Wednesday said, a domineering slant to her tone of voice. Enid smirked to herself knowingly but decided to leave it alone. She put pressure on her wounds, after this time looking Wednesday in the eyes for permission. Once receiving a slight nod she finished patching her up with bandages, pressing lightly on the medical tape to make sure they were securely attached to her skin. She let her fingers linger for a moment, enjoying the sensitivity of Wednesday's cold skin countering her own warm-blooded hands.
Enid smiled, mentally giving her self a little job well done in her head whilst examining the bandages. She couldn't help her wandering eyes as they trailed across her body up to her chest and then met Wednesday's questioning her eyes.
"Sorry" Enid muttered quickly averting her eyes.
Wednesday looked up and did something even she herself was shocked by. She grabbed Enid's hand with hers and peered at the side of the blonde girl's face waiting for her to look her in the eyes.
Enid awkwardly side-eyed her, looked away, then looked back nervously, searching Wednesday's face for any kind of hint as to what she was feeling. She just couldn't do it! The anxious feeling stirring up inside her was bad enough and with the sensation of Wednesday's hand touching hers... her mind practically exploded.
"Enid" she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply before continuing "Are we going to talk about it?" She inspected her features diligently while waiting for a response.
Enid couldn't help but let the events of the night play on repeat in her mind. Which part was Wednesday even talking about? The part where she had her first shift? Her insatiable counter to Wednesday's touch by growling "Mine" at the girl possessively? The fact she almost got her killed by forcing her to chase her into the woods? And then ignoring her call? Or the part where she was currently sat looking at the half naked girl infront of her in a not so roommate way?
Enid was definitely going to go for the safe option. The pain she felt from hurting Wednesday was something she definitely needed to get off her chest anyway.
She looked at the girl, squeezing her hand for comfort. "I almost killed you" she reluctantly whispered, tears welling up in her eyes.
Wednesday felt physically ill with the idea that Enid was blaming her own afflictions on herself rather than the actual monster.
"It's nothing I can't handle" she said " And besides I made the decision to follow you into the woods tonight" Wednesday reminded her "It wasn't your fault" she said with force, increasing her grip on Enids hand.
"Wednesday" she squeaked out " If I hadn't ran off into the forest you wouldn't have been out there and the Hyde wouldn't have got you and clawed you and you were bleeding YOU WERE DYING WEDNESDAY!" She yelled standing up now in a full flood of tears, recalling the moment in her head, she paced back and forth not realising she had gone from 0-100 in a matter of milliseconds.
"Enid" Wednesday tried to get her attention.
"What if I didn't hear you! What if I didn't get there! You would be dead and I would be responsible" she erratically exclaimed
"Enid." She repeated herself but the werewolf girl was too caught up in her own self loathing and panic Wednesday's voice became nothing but a muffled background noise.
"It just had to be tonight didn't it, it couldn't be aaaany other night" she complained "and then with my wolf going crazy at the thought of you and-'
"ENID" Wednesday finally raised her voice but still it did nothing. She wasn't sure she wanted to hear this
"you would never! No. this couldn't happen yet here we are and with everything on top of that god Wednesday why you?!" She nearly screamed gesturing towards the girl and Wednesday took this opportunity to make a move.
"ENID" she shouted standing quickly to grab the girl and shake her back to life. But the intensity of standing was too much for her injured body and she fell towards Enid who finally snapped out of it and caught the smaller girl in her arms swiftly. Wednesday gripped Enid's forearms, the fabric of the hoodie scrunched between her fingers as she used Enid to stabilize herself.
She steadied her breathing as Enid realised everything she had just unloaded onto her Friend.
"What is going on with you?" Wednesday gave up exasperated. If what she heard Enid say was true this was a lot of emotions that she wasn't sure she could handle at this present moment.
Enid was flustered, holding Wednesday in her arms she murmured " sorry sorry" continuously as she practically dragged Wednesday back to her bed placing her down once again. The other girl pressed the palm of her hand into her head and scrunched her eyes shut, moaning as she tried to calm her nausea.
Wednesday and Enid were both exhausted.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I saw your post criticizing the Titan ex Machina plot point of TOH, and I thought it was interesting, definitely with a lot worth considering. I actually had a quite a lot of thoughts in response to that, but for the sake of what I write being readable, I'm limiting myself to two points I wanted to just toss out there; specifically, I noted two points where it felt like we were coming at this from very different interpretations, I suppose. I'm not really sure how best to put it, because I don't want this to be solely a counter to your argument, but it is something like that?
My first thought was on the titan's heart as evidence against the titan being regarded as dead, or at least, making it less plausible that the witches of the Boiling Isles would think he was dead. And my challenge to this of sorts is to consider the point of view of any witch who found the heart; would it be logical for them to make the connection between the heart and the being that makes up the ground they walk on? And if so, would the witches who bore witness necessarily be logical enough themselves to put the pieces together? It's also entirely possible that Belos was just the first person to explore that particular area and thus was able to build around it before any other witch could find it. So I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that the witches believed the titan was fully dead, given all the information they had to work with. (I feel like one could also bring into question our view of life and death as a mutually exclusive dichotomy and look deeper into challenging that assertion, but that's a whole other set of ideas I won't go further into here.)
The point where I really felt like we were coming at this from very different angles was the second question posed and the assumption it was based on: that Luz had to earn the Titan's power. I personally think that it was partially earned; Luz has put in work to learn the glyph language and connect with the residents of the Boiling Isles, even if her journey has been less than perfect, as all our journeys tend to be. But what I took away from the conversation with Papa Titan was that the whole point was that the power didn't have to be fully earned. I took is more as embodying the message of "perfect is the enemy of good." Luz has made several mistakes, and even after getting Titan magic bestowed upon her she isn't perfect with how she uses it. She loses control at one point, and struggles to summon the magic at another. But in spite of all of that, she's able to figure out how to use this power well enough to defeat Belos. What really made me think this at first was how Papa Titan phrased his response to Luz questioning whether she was really fit to use this power.
"Are you sure you wanna give this power... to me?"
"Well, you're the one here, and you seem like a good witch."
She's the one who's there. Is she the absolute best choice to take the Titan's powers? Probably not. But she's the one who ended up there, and the Titan is already dying, so he may as well do something with the power he has left.
Sort of side note: I don't see this as being "a higher being literally giving up their life so as to give this solution," because he was already dying. His life would be gone either way. So he might as well make do with what he has left. And that exactly is what I think the message of the scene was. We have to make the most of what we have, even if the circumstances aren't ideal. Nobody's perfect, and if we all sat around waiting until we were perfect to act, we never would.
Anyway. This is barely a fraction of all the thoughts I had and it's already three times longer than I wanted it to be so I'm cutting myself off here. I hope this gets across what I had in my head well enough. Respond, if you want. Disregard this entirely, if you want.
The original blog for those wanting context.
Okay so I see three points here:
That the citizens of the Isles may simply not known about the heart for X, Y and Z reasons.
That Luz earned her powers at all, specifically by her efforts in learning glyphs.
That the point was that it wasn't fully earned. That Luz was just in the right place at the right time and the Titan would have given this power to anyone who showed up in that moment that they had reasonable trust in.
My short version responses to these are: 1. That's not a valid argument. The point was whether the AUDIENCE had a reasonable expectation to think the Titan was alive. Because we are told repeatedly and reinforced only this one lying fuck believed him to be alive, we as an audience have no reason to believe he is alive. I won't be expanding on this because I shouldn't be responding in the first place. The heart is simply the ONLY physiological part of the Titan that is anywhere close to alive and I talked about it to cover my bases when the skull is enough to make an audience reasonably think the Titan was dead. 2. I... I... I mean, I guess technically for the glyph combos the show CLAIMS she worked for them but uh... Yeah, holy shit did she not 'work' to get her glyphs and that's a general problem with the show.
3. ...The point of the trope, as I explained it, as it is literally defined online, is that it comes out of nowhere and isn't reasonably earned. Your final arguments are literally in favor of this being a deux ex machina, if not in favor of Luz being a Mary Sue for that matter by some definitions. Anyways, the long ones to actually get into literary lessons. 2: Did Luz even earn the glyphs in the first place? Now this is actually a rough subject for most stories. After all, the process of studying and experimentation and failure is pretty boring usually. This is why something like Spectacular Spider-man did a montage showing where he got the ideas, equipment, base elements for his webs, experimenting with the web shooters in a way that was funny and then he's simply Spider-Man for the most part. This actually isn't a bad thing even as you need to get your hero up to fighting speed and Spider-man's story isn't about how he became Spider-man, it's about him BEING Spider-man. This is why a lot of shows will introduce a power the same episode it is mostly mastered, though variations may be shown overtime. The problem for TOH is that Luz learning magic was presented at first as a core part of the show. Her desire is to be a witch. Her final fate is to be a witch. So the process of mastery, getting stronger and even obtaining should be a big deal.
As I pointed out in the original blog though... Her glyphs AREN'T earned. I focused on whether it was earned by being close to King but the larger point still stands. She gets the light glyph for her FIRST magic lesson by recording a single spell and watching that recording once where it randomly shows up because... reasons. That's not earning it but with S1's tone it feels right because Luz has shown some basic decency to King, improving their relationship, and this is the reward of the episode for that. Her second is very similar but worse. She fucks EVERYTHING up, is literally put in time out for own safety, looks up at the stars and happens to see the ice glyph. On what is essentially her SECOND lesson about magic. And those are the two glyphs that are well done. The plant glyph is literally just a random ass plant growing and opening its petals to go "Look! A glyph! Now you can do the finale we already planned for this episode" because that's Grom and it's REALLY easy to forget it exists in that episode. The fire glyph is marginally because its effectively witch magic interacting with Titan magic but it's also like ten seconds long and literally has the fire drop right in front of Luz for her to have. NONE of these are earned. Every other advancement of them, including combos, is either not Luz's fault or pure lip service. We have to take the show's word that Luz has been hard at work making these glyphs and... she still the majority of them in a roughly five month period.
Contrast this explicitly with Philip who commented that he took DECADES to figure out glyph combos. Who probably had spent YEARS before Luz met him in the past and he still only had three of the glyphs because Luz gets to teach him the light one. That is real, actual work.
And funny enough, this isn't a TOH specific problem. It's actually pretty common for a villain to be older than the protagonists and have put in WAY more work to get where they are than the heroes. Even Dragonball Z does this explicitly with Gohan who against Cell where he is stronger than his FATHER who has spent literally his entire life training and is well over twice his son's age right now.
It's not even really a flaw. It just has to do with structure and audiences will usually suspend their disbelief for it. Hell, I still stand by that while from a narrative point, the fire and plant glyphs are ass, they do have the payoff of giving Luz a proper arsenal for adventures. They proceed to not really do big adventures with Luz but in theory, it's just the same thing as giving Spider-man a montage so that he can go fight the big bad.
What it does not let you do though is claim that Luz earned her powers.
3. Does the Titan having been ready to give it to anyone make it better?
I actually want to take a swerve with this and talk about a free to play, turn based Gacha that I've been playing: Honkai Star Rail. It's made by the same people who made Genshin Impact. Slight spoilers for the end of the second planet but I would consider them mostly inconsequential because it's effectively a story justification for gameplay shift. So, final boss of the planet has been revealed, powered themselves up, we go to face them and immediately get shot in the chest and yeeted a hundred to our dooms if getting a spike through the heart isn't enough. Due to the main player's creation, we drift into an inbetween space where we see backstory on the villain and the world before convening with the spirits of those who look after the world and who look up upon a god they believe is protecting the world. Their faith is shaken. Our faith is strong. As such, with no other recourse, with the fate of the entire world hanging on this decision, they say "Well, we don't have any better options so we're putting our faith in you." Then a glimpse of their god comes into view and the main character is brought back to life, the spike that killed us now being a flaming spear for us to use against the boss. It is BEAT FOR BEAT exactly what you're describing with Luz... And that's to power up and make more special the PLAYER CHARACTER, who YOU ROLEPLAY AS, in a VIDEO GAME. A free to play, GACHA, video game.
And here's the thing, and I wish I'd admitted it in the original too: IT'S NOT WHOLLY BAD. Deux ex machinas literally date back to some of the most classic stories from greek tales. They help ramp up a situation, fix writing problems and give a far more spectacular climax to something than what would otherwise be available to the story. You bet your ass that when I was lifted back up to the boss, fire spear in hand, I was GIDDY for the fight that was coming. It was giving a flair to the fight was literally impossible to include in a meaningful or interesting way otherwise. That's a good thing! TROPES EXIST AND ARE USED FOR A REASON!
This is why TOH's REFUSAL to admit what it's doing is so frustrating. Not just in this moment but in general. If you embrace the fun of your tropes, you can give your audience exactly what those tropes were made to give in the first place. The original was asking "Is this a Deux ex Machina?" I answered that. And yes, I think the fact that it tries to claim certain aspects for why it's being given hurt it. I think the fact that people calling bullshit on the Titan being ALIVE hurts it. But... I literally just did a tierlist and effectively the spectacle and joy of Titan Luz is WHOLE reason that episode is NOT at the bottom of the list for me because I can absolutely respect a show throwing off its shackles a big, bombastic, fanservice ending, especially when it has no other options for what it can do.
But it doesn't change that what it is doing COULD be better. COULD be more satisfying. COULD feel earned and prepared. TOH didn't do that though and I won't even give them the shortening as an excuse for it. Not when For the Future feels entirely like filler and... I dunno, could have instead spent a little of its time establishing a bond between Luz and the Isles or hinting at the Titan being alive or giving any of the exposition that the Collector ends up having to give in the SERIES FINALE. It didn't though. What it did do was use a deux ex machina.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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megane-sama · 6 months
I want my last tumblr post for the year to be a kind of recap of my year in media. Sort of.
Noone asked but here are my top 3 books and top 3 mangas of 2023.
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1. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao.
This one honestly rewired my brain chemistry in the best ways possible because on God, bloodthirsty, traumatized, polyamourous bisexual revolutionaries is something that can be so personal to me. I can talk from now till tomorrow but I doubt I'll ever be able to fully explain how much I love this book so I won't bother, just know it's amazing. The sequel Heavenly Tyrant will be released in 2024 and y'all know I will be sat. Heavily recommend, read it if you haven't already or I will chew through your walls and devour your immortal soul :>
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2. NOS4A2 by Joe Hill.
AHHHSHDHHNSN THIS BOOK...Had me practically enthralled actually, I didn't even notice the length because of how badly I was hooked, lined and sinkered. I loved how human the characters felt, they felt real so I felt a lot for them in return, also the "you get cool powers for the low low price of your own mindscape being stripped away" was fun. There is so much in here I loved, especially the running theme of love in itself, a flawed family that only keeps standing because it's filled with nothing but love, the love between Vic and Lou and Vic herself as a character too. Its filled with an array of amazing characters (except Charlie Manx and the Gasmask man, fuck them) and it flows so satisfyingly. So yeah I also recommend.
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3. Confessions by Kanae Minato
Now I love a good revenge plot, especially when it chooses not to go down either the "I've done this so now what more do I have to live for" pipeline or even worse for me the "if I go through with this I become just as bad as you" one. Confessions really scratched that itch for me and it's presented in such a simplistic yet really well written manner, watching the web that slowly being spun and revealed as the plot progresses and when it finally comes together at the end and catches the fly, ohhh it's so satisfying. Also even tho the perpetrators in question were teenagers Yuko Moriguchi said fuck them kids and fuck you too and I think she's an icon for that. Also heavily recommend.
Honourable mention to The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky because it came really close to being in my top 3. It took me 8 months to finish and I'm pretty sure I didn't get most of it but I enjoyed it. There's so much in it to be enjoyed no matter what angle you're reading it from. Its not an easy read but honestly if you think you're up for it, go for it.
My worst book of the year however was The Stand by Stephen King. And for a book titled the Stand I really couldn't stand it, which kinda sucked because I'm a Stephen King fan but my God did I dislike a lot about the Stand. I won't say much but maybe I'm not white or Heterosexual enough to enjoy it idk and honestly if someone tells me it's their favourite SK book I'm going to assume they're either white, painfully straight or a liar.
Now for Manga.
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1. Jigokuraku by Yuji Kaku.
Honestly this should come as a surprise to no-one. If you know me, you know I have a terrible case of Jigokuraku brain, like that shit is chronic, literally my fave shounen right next to Haikyuu and JoJo. But yeah I was Jgkrk obsessed yesterday, am Jgkrk obsessed today and I will be Jgkrk obsessed tomorrow.
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2. Rosen Blood by Kachiru Ishizue.
Honestly it was everything I thought Diabolik Lovers would be (don't get me wrong I like DiaL but in a very messy, that's the kinda shit you watch from a distance reality TV way). I would lay down my life for Rosen Blood and all its Characters, especially Gilbert (beloved). It also made me want to read more Shoujo so we'll see how that goes in 2024.
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3. MADK by Ryo Suzuri.
Honestly I have nothing to say about this except I'm sorry, the voices in my head won with this one. If you know, you know.
Honourable mention to Boys Run the Riot by Gaku Keito tho. Gotta be one of my favourite genders.
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blindedguilt · 5 months
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It's been quiet for some time, Leonard had noticed — not unlike the time he spent in the forest. It left him feeling some way he couldn't exactly tell. Was it unease? Possible loneliness? Either one was a feeling he hadn't expected to come back in such a way, but similarly, again, it had dug up a familiar memory of the forest...
Having finished tending to the small bonfire where he sat, Leonard's shoulders dropped and his head leaned back. For the first time since his pact — since meeting Seere — he wished he could be relieved of his blindness if only to confirm he wasn't alone as he thought he was.
The bonfire's warmth kept him comfortable, at least, as did the hope of the momentary thought that echoed throughout his mind: Time would tell.
//So this isn't an easy decision, but after a couple weeks of mulling it over, I've decided to put this blog into semi-permanent hiatus - basically, if things change either with the state of the RPC or my motivation to write I'll be more than eager to return, though it does seem unlikely.
//Things have been quiet lately, and it's of course by no means anyone's fault for being quiet!! (I can't blame them, life and Tumblr bullshit have taken a toll on a large portion of the RPC as a whole lately) But in the end, I think it had more of an effect on my motivation to write than even I expected. I tried for the past year or so to "Get back on my feet", as even now I deeply miss Leonard and being able to write him, but evidentially, I haven't gotten very far QwQ
//That said!! While this could be it for this blog, if anyone wants to discuss plans for plotting or even just chatting over Discord (At the end of the post), lemme know! One of the hardest things about the choice to leave this blog behind is definitely the loss of community that comes with it, there were a lot of people who followed me and that I briefly spoke to these past months who I don't want to cut off a potential friendship with just because of my own personal circumstances!
//And going onto that topic, I won't be shutting down or removing any current drafts or asks in my inbox in the event I ever magically DO get motivation to write again or something changes, and of course, that in turn means the blog itself will be staying as well!! You might have guessed, it goes without saying that this blog and the interactions on it mean a great deal not to just me, but (At least I hope!!) some of you. It's also a bit of why I wanted to "wrap up" the blog with the in-character piece at the top, even given my issues with writing (I may add to it to make it feel more "complete", given I kinda don't like how half-assed it feels currently), it just didn't feel fair to go for what could be forever without letting him speak his final piece. :,)
//I won't spend too long waxing out all the sentimentals, but I've stated over and over how when I first made this blog, I really wasn't expecting it to last much more than a couple weeks before moving onto another character. It's kind of impossible for me to state just how much this blog and all the experiences on it mean to me personally and the impact it's left, both personally, as I mentioned before, but also in my enjoyment and love for Drakengard 1 and 2 and Leonard's character specifically! Being able to dive into his mind and find someone I can put together so easy with such a well-constructed tragedy, it's not much of an overstatement to say that ironically, being able to play and put my own mind and problems away for one I not only cared to look into, but one I could more easily pick apart and explain the actions of while being layered enough and having enough facets to make it interesting. Leonard in a lot of ways was and is a sort of second life for me, but in a way I didn't have to deal with the burden of having a psychical body or firsthand perspective! lmao
//And not to be sounding all overdramatic or anything but as I said, it's letting go of not just what feels sort of like a little hideout or small part of me I like to nurture and keep from falling into rot, but this blog is some of the most fun I've had in a horribly otherwise busy, yes, but very mundane outside life. It's sort of pathetic to admit, but I mean it in the best way I can when I say I haven't really gotten so emotionally engaged with anything in a long time. Just the small interactions and memorable snippets from this blog, both from long-standing partners, people who fell off, or even people I just spoke to once and then never again still play over in my head and definitely spark a lot of joy when I really need it! I'll be honest, there's not one day that goes by where I don't think of at least one interaction I've had here. I remember my pain at being in a different timezone and always falling behind the drama before I went to the US and could finally catch up. To update on that: I'm not doing too well in the US in all honesty, but I'm doing my best to get on my feet and making progress!! One of the first things I always did in difficult situations was, unironically, use this blog to reference some old posts and memes to laugh and think about all the new connections, subplots, and jokes that were going to be shared.
//I guess the final point I'd like to make is a short one, but a major argument I had against shutting down when the thought first entered my mind, and the hardest part of all this is the loss of potentiality. I had a lot planned for Leonard, both things that I actively wanted to do and just general questions of "What kind of people will he meet with next? What will he think of them, and how long will they get to develop with each other?" The thought both of meeting new people and the interactions that could be shared with them, as well as all the different interactions and shenanigans that I thought might be in store when the DOD RPC came back was a major motivator in why I kept trying to fight my writer's block, and why I even kept this blog going for the past year with barely any activity to speak of. Even going on Discord, as you might imagine, can be limiting in its setup compared to just being able to search and see who's out there via tumblr - and joining communities can be quite an issue being a Leonard mun, specifically!!
//But either way, I'll be sure to find my way around it one way or another, and hopefully, by some divine miracle, I'll just end up back at this blog anyways!! Again, the chances are slim, but I'm really holding out here dskhffkdbhdkh
//I think that should be it based off what I wanted to say, Leonard's left nice and comfy at his campfire, and it's getting late so with ALL that said, if we've spoken or never have before (ESPECIALLY if we never have, I like to believe you followed for a reason so I'd love to speak to you so we can get to know each other better, plot, or just chat!!), please consider following me on Discord!! I'm usually on there, and always happy to talk (Unless I'm on Do not Disturb, but that's hardly ever lol):
//My discord is: barnabism
//Anyways, I apologise for the downer announcement, but this has been wracking my brain for the past few days so I'm at least glad just to get the hard part over with. :,)
//Thank you all for over two years of writing!! Please don't be afraid to reach out, and as always, if you have any questions, please ask!! ^^
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zoyalannister · 1 year
Good news, my friend judged the unedited prologue of Endless Sunlight good enough to be posted here as a preview, so I'm doing it to give you an idea of what to expect and how the story changed from the first version and how it's adapted to the events of Chain of Thorns.
One note, this is the only chapter I can publish here without being permabanned because the story is going to be dark. I mean, Stephen King-like dark. So, if you don’t feel like reading it, that’s fine, I have other fanfics on my profile that you can enjoy.
Now after my usual blabbing, I leave you to the prologue.
Endless Sunlight 2.0
"When did you last sleep?"
The question took Grace’s attention away from the notes she’d been studying for the last few days. She met Jesse's concerned face and realized that she didn't have an answer. The last hours had blurred together: she knew she was close to finding the answer she’d been looking for, and every time tiredness threatened to win her over, Grace was quick to draw an Energy rune on her arm to keep herself away and use the bolt of adrenaline to keep going.
She rubbed her eyes.
"Uhm… I don’t know, maybe Tuesday?"
Grace knew being honest had been a mistake when her brother became even more worried.
"Grace, it's Friday."
That explained many things.
Jesse sat down in the chair next to hers and put his hand on her shoulder.
"I know how much this means to you, but your obsession is becoming unhealthy. I'm worried about your well-being."
The first answer, the one that Grace was always able to restrain, was that Jesse couldn’t understand how much this research was important to her. Lucie was alive. They were newlyweds.
He couldn’t possibly understand how she felt and why she couldn’t think about anything else that wasn’t her research.
Even sleep deprived, Grace found herself able not to snap in front of her brother.
But she didn’t reply, either. She had no energy to keep having the same arguments they had for the last two years.
"You should learn to let go, Grace. Even Anna found peace."
If you want to call peace going to live on the other side of the world because she can't stand living in the same city she lived with her brother all her life…
"I can't give up now," she said instead. "I'm close to the solution, I swear."
Jesse took a deep breath.
"Grace, I cannot stand next to you as you slowly destroy yourself. Do you know why Lucie and I anticipated the wedding by three months?"
"I never wondered, Thomas and Alastair changed the date of their wedding four times already–"
"Lucie is expecting," Jesse interrupted her. "We're going to have a child this summer."
That shut Grace’s mouth. She hadn’t expected that.
"Congratulations," she said. "You'll be a great dad."
He smiled for the first time since they started their conversation.
"Thank you. But this means that I won't be able to take care of you if I'm busy with the child."
His green eyes were full of concern.
"Grace, I am scared of leaving you alone with your obsession. I'm afraid of how you will reduce yourself if I'm not there to stop you."
Grace forced herself to smile. 
"Don't worry, Jesse. I will be alright, I promise."
It was so cold Grace had to cover the lower part of her face with the scarf. It was the second winter after the battle of Westminster and many things had changed.
She wore runes now and her knowledge of the Grey Book was much deeper than it had ever been. She trained almost everyday with either Sophie or Cecily Lightwood. She spent all her free time working in the Fairchild's lab, either carrying on experiments she found on the notebooks in the lab or starting her own. She had correspondence every month with Anna, who now lived in the Mumbai Institute, where she asked how her family was doing and told Grace about her new life in India.
One thing had been the same: she’d been tormented by the words that Christopher’s ghost told her.
You're my unfinished business.
Grace had lost her sleep mulling over those words. She never had a closure with Christopher. She craved for the chance of talking to him again, even though she was well aware that it would only be a dream.
That was until she met Merrill.
Her name was actually Mary Ellen, but she told Grace that Merrill sounded more exotic, and she was a warlock who dwelled in experimental magic.
The meeting had changed the course of Grace’s life.
"I believe that there are many dimensions–or alternative universes–where the world is different from ours because some events went differently," Merrill had said.
Grace's interest had immediately sparkled, becoming a full-fledged fire before she realized it.
The idea that somewhere, in one of these universes, Christopher may still be alive had settled in her mind. She could find him. Talk to him.
Have a proper closure with him, and not be an unfinished business anymore. 
Grace had started meeting Merrill everyday for the next two weeks, when the warlock intended to go to the Spiral Labyrinth to pursue her research.
"Never assume that the dimensions are aligned," was one of the first things Merrill told her, while Grace took notes so fast that her left wrist hurt. 
"What do you mean?"
Merrill regarded her with a sympathetic smile.
"I mean that it may not be the same year as here. The man you’re looking for may be a child or an old man."
Grace didn’t wonder how she knew she was looking for a man, she just nodded and wrote down everything.
She hadn’t told anyone beside Jesse about her research of other dimensions. Despite meeting Cecily Lightwood for training at least three times per week and the consistent flow of letters with Anna, Grace thought that telling them that Christopher may be alive in another universe and then crushing their hopes to meet him would be utterly cruel. 
She wouldn’t give the Lightwoods another pain.
As for the Merry Thieves, she didn’t talk to them. They'd never been her friends in the first place, and Grace didn’t blame them if two years after they found out what she’d done to James they didn’t want to talk to her. Only Lucie started talking to her in the last few months, and Grace was ready to bet she was putting effort out of love for Jesse.
Not that she interacted with any human being beside her own brother.
Grace and Jesse had divided the Blackthorn inheritance, and she’d bought a tiny apartment for herself. Now all the walls were covered in papers with notes, speculations and calculations about the other universes and how to reach them.
(Sometimes, when she came back to her apartment and found herself surrounded by all the paper sheets she hung on the walls, Grace understood why Jesse was worried for her.)
But now she was sure she’d found the solution to her dilemma. 
Grace arrived at Hyde Park and sat on a bench, looking at the mundanes strolling around despite the cold winter night.
Grace took a piece of paper from the pocket of her windbreaker and, with her shaking hands, sent a fire message.
She stopped breathing. 
What if it didn’t work?
The fire messages could cross the magic borders of Idris and the Institutes, but what if they couldn’t pass–
"The audacity of Shadowhunters will never cease to amuse me," a voice said. 
Grace turned around. In front of her there was a Seelie male, a tall and handsome knight. 
"I am not making a request out of your goodness, but I am here to bargain."
The male studied her for a while.
"The Queen will decide that."
Grace followed him. She felt, more than saw, the passage in the Seelie realm. It was warm enough for her to unlace her scarf.
The Queen smiled when she saw her, and Grace thought well of bowing.
"My greetings."
"You are polite, at least."
Grace couldn’t understand if she was mocking her or not, but she didn’t let herself be bothered by her words.
She met the Queen's gaze, and found herself on the receiving side of an amused gaze.
"So, why are you here?"
Grace took a deep breath.
"I am sure you know about other dimensions, because if it's not the Spiral Labyrinth then it's your knowledge–"
"You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here?"
She had to tell the truth, Grace understood. 
"I–I lost someone two years ago, in the fight against Belial. I want to meet him again because I must talk to him, and I think he may be alive in another dimension."
The answer seemed to satisfy the Queen. The female looked at her with amusement.
"Are you absolutely sure this is your wish? Meeting the man you lost?"
Grace swallowed and nodded.
"Yes. There is nothing more I wish for than seeing Christopher Lightwood again."
The Queen's grin grew wider.
"Of course, I can grant this if it is what you wish. But what do you offer in exchange?"
Grace’s heart was beating crazy against her ribcage. She could actually meet Christopher again…
"I offer you knowledge," she said.
She quickly explained how to reach her apartment to the Seelie Queen.
"My home is full of annotations and studying about other dimensions, I'm sure that it's a valuable exchange."
The Queen nodded.
"I accept this offer. You will meet Christopher Lightwood again."
Grace for a moment though she could cry in joy. She recalled Christopher's gentle smile when he talked to her, his empathy, he who understood her despite all the horrible things she’d done. 
She was looking forward to seeing him again.
The Queen made her follow through a series of hallways, and Grace found herself in front of a leaf curtain. 
"This dimension is called Thule," the Queen said, making a gesture towards a lesser Faerie. He opened the curtain, showing what looked like the London skyline. "You will find Christopher Lightwood."
Grace faintly thought about a lesson that Jesse taught her long ago, back when she was still a child and they were each other's support in Tatiana’s household. The Faerie's gift always hid a trick.
But her burning desire to meet Christopher two years after his death was too strong to resist, and it crushed all her hesitation and distrust.
Grace jumped in without a second thought.
It was like a Portal, but ten times worse. She hit the ground with force, her head still spinning in a circle and a vague feel of nausea. 
She reached for her stele to draw an iratze on herself and relieve the pain in her side and right leg, but she didn’t find it. It must have fallen away from her.
"Holy fucking shit!"
A familiar–and yet, different–voice reached her. 
A moment later, a man was kneeling before her, and the cold touch of a blade under her chin forced her to raise her head.
She gasped: the man in front of her was an adult, probably in his late twenties, and his face was covered by a beard. He had his long hair tied in a bun, and he was broader than he'd been at seventeen, but Grace had no doubt.
The man in front of her was Christopher Lightwood. 
He wore glasses in this dimension, too, but his violet eyes were empty of all his kindness and carefulness. 
They were looking at her with pure hatred.
"I can't fucking believe it. Grace Blackthorn?"
She couldn’t even nod. Anxiety started to rise in her chest.
Christopher was a gentle and compassionate boy. He couldn’t be this man who was staring at her with contempt while pointing a blade under her chin.
"My only regret is that I couldn’t witness your death, but I guess we can fix that now that you came back."
Grace had a million questions. Did she die? Why did Christopher want her death? Why–
He took away the blade from under her chin.
"I want it to be fun," he said. Grace noticed only then that there were other twenty people, mundanes at a first glance, circling around her. 
"And I also feel generous, since it's almost Christmas."
Grace was too stunned to speak, but he looked at her with even more hatred.
"You have thirty minutes."
Then, the man who looked like Christopher regarded her with a grimace that she would have never been able to imagine on the real Christopher face. 
He was looking at her like a hunter would look at his prey.
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nonbinaryroyalty43 · 2 years
Losleep, Au where roman is all en-compassing and remus is Logan's brother who represents Procrastination
....I'm actually writing for once. What a surprise.
Characters: Logan Sanders, Remy Sanders, C!Thomas (mentioned). Remus Sanders (mentioned), Roman Sanders (mentioned), Virgil Sanders (mentioned).
Pairing: Losleep
Warnings: Bad self care habits, procrastination
Summary: Logan and Remus are at war in Thomas' mind, leading Logan to stress quite a bit. Remy just wants his boyfriend to sleep.
I stared at the paper in front of me, barely able to read my writing through my blurry vision. Everyone else was asleep, including Sleep himself. I glanced over at my bed. Remy was curled up under the covers, his breathing deep and even. I smiled to myself before returning to my work.
The last few days had been difficult for everyone. Remus pushed Thomas to be even more lazy than usual. As a result, Thomas was very behind in his posting schedule and I have to work overtime in order to get things back on track.
The others really didn't help much, either. Roman only wanted Thomas to stay on track as long as Thomas was doing something creative. Virgil went from being anxious about procrastinating to being anxious about screwing something up. As such, I didn't have much help.
I blinked a few times to clear my vision, rubbing at my eyes. I returned my focus to my work. Time passed very quickly and before long I heard the sounds of the other Sides getting up and moving in the hallway. I yawned and stretched, glancing over at Remy. To my surprise, his eyes were open and he was looking over at me.
"Good morning," I said. "You're up early."
"So are you." Remy sat up, running a hand through his hair. "What time did you come to bed last night? I didn't feel you get into bed."
I averted my eyes briefly. "I went to sleep not long after you did. I woke at the same time I usually do." My lie wasn't well thought out so I wasn't surprised when Remy gave me a disapproving look.
"I love you, hun, but I wish you wouldn't lie to me. I can feel when people are asleep, even when I'm also sleeping. I didn't feel you at all last night. Were you still working on that new schedule?"
I sighed. "Yes. Thomas has so much responsibility now, to his fans and to his friends. He's so far behind on everything he's promised. I know his friends and fans are understanding, but at some point they have to reach their limit."
"That's a possibility. However, you really aren't accomplishing much. Remus has managed to get Thomas off track and maintain a decent sleep schedule. If you aren't at your best, you won't be able to overcome his influence on Thomas." Remy stood, walking over to me and offering me his hand. "You should sleep. A few more hours isn't going to do much difference in the long run."
Remy made several good points, but part of me didn't want to stop my work. I knew Remy wouldn't give up, though, so I said, "Alright. But just for a few hours. No one else seems to want Thomas to stay on track. I have to keep Thomas focused."
He nodded. "Okay. Sleep first." He tugged on my hand and I stood. Remy snapped his fingers. My clothes changed in something more comfortable for sleep. He led me over to the bed, laying down with me.
I felt my eyes getting heavier, unsure whether that was due to my own tiredness or Remy's influence. Remy hummed quietly, running a hand through my hair. "Do you want some help sleeping?"
I nodded with no hesitation. Sleeping with Remy's help always made me feel more rested than usual. Remy's hand stilled in my hair and I felt his power sweep through me. Warmth spread through me and, just like that, my eyes closed and I feel asleep.
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