#possessed coffee
e-icreator23 · 8 days
Ok, So this is a post about the Possessed Struggles AU
Yes it is inspired by other games, shows, and the GB (Gaster Blaster AU)
An unknown person had become aware of the multiverse through a vision and wanted power for themselves. Due to this, they looked around to gain control of someone or some people and then found a "small book with a broken crescent moon and sun on it." After reading what was in it, they decided to use it on one of the Guardians. They found loopholes when portals opened into other multiverse and once they saw a pattern, they used it to their advantage. Dream had been walking with Cross and Moon when they used a spell, The Possession. Shortly after, Error, Ink, and Nightmare were sent threatening messages and they met up in a graveyard like the message said. Once they were there, a burst of green light came from underground and the person was there. But the thing that caught them off guard was Dream, Cross, and Moon were there but no longer looked like they used to. They were corrupted, and their clothes were in a darker, more menacing style. They fought shortly after they refused to submit to them. The person lost and The Possession was calmed down in the three, however, that caused it to split itself into unknown amounts and possess random aus.
After the fight, the three passed out and stayed like that for a few days. One of them disappeared, Moon, but a few things of his were left. Ink took Cross, Error went back to the Anti-Void but was now more paranoid, and Nightmare took Dream. After 4 days, they woke up but their appearances did change. They got bigger, something black was constantly leaking from eyes and mouths. Dark bags were under their eye sockets but they were to their main color. Dream is more yellow/gold, Cross is purple, etc. They helped them out during the day but at night, horrible pains would take over around 8:30. 3 days after waking up, the pains came worse and the animals mixed with other animals or things showed and slowly, their bodies contorted to become what the mark was. They realized that the Possession wasn't gone and it won't be gone for a long time. This has its issues because it can happen at random sometimes. Other things relating to the book summoned other things around the multiverse and became enemies.
How the Possession works:
The possessions are usually vengeful entities that want to cause harm but need a main host/leader. Once they have a leader, they listen to them but are more reluctant to people who want to do good unless they like the leader or ones they personally like.
If they don't have a leader or host, they quickly try to look for one, and the ones they are most attracted to are ones with previous trauma or ones that they deem too innocent or kind to corrupt.
Quick note: There are others like I have said before, Nightmare, Ink, and Error are some of the more key players, the possessed one's siblings also try to help out with them but sometimes create conflict with them.
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He was the main target to get possessed/controlled. There are percentages to how possessed someone can be and he is around
Possessed: 80%-89%.
OG Height: 5'5 (167 cm)
Current Height: 5'9 (179 cm)
Peronsality: Still kind, helpful to certain people, more paranoid, can't hide his feelings/lie, less talkitive to random people.
Weapons: Bow and arrow, Double bladed dagges, golden clawed rings, alternate form, magic.
Powers: stronger magic, Speed, light magic/light manipulation
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He happened to be with Dream when he was attacked. After, he was more relutctent to be around Ink for perosnal reasons but bore with it.
Possessed: 75%
OG height: 5'7 (173 cm)
Current Height: 5'11 (180 cm)
Personality: Distant with certain people, active, constant training, only around certain people, caring, a bit absent minded
Weapons: Huge blade, Steel Claws, Double Daggers, small chain whips, Blasters and bones
Powers: Nightvision, Strenght, healing magic improved/slight regeneration
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He was one of the first to be found out to have been possessed. He didnt realize until his brother pointed out his appearance. Nightmare found out about him like this when he became scared of himself
Possessed: 58%
OG Height: 5'3 (161 cm)
Current Height: 5'7 (173 cm)
Personality: Absent minded, chill, slightly paranoid, curious about learning more, slightly lazy
Weapons: Blasters and bones, two daggers, claws
Powers: Floating, telekinesis stronger, far sight, slight speed
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He was found out when he started acting off, like getting even more hungry and the massive height change. Nightmare confronted him and he was honest with it.
Possessed: 84%
OG heightt: 5'8 (176 cm)
Current Height: 6'3 (192 cm)
Personality: Usually calm, massively hungry, stern with strangers, helpful to ones he cares about, angrerd more easily than before, more harsh on criticism
Weapon: Bones and Blasters, Corrupted Axe, claws, bitting, scycles, alternate form
Powers: masssive strength, x-ray vision, retractable claws and teeth, blood control, massive eating/endless eating without gaining anything
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(yes its not like the others)
He was found out when he was wondering around in the city and Killer saw him slighly turing.
Possessed: 86%
OG height: 5'10 (177 cm)
Current Height: 6'7 (207 cm)
Personality: Rude to random people, angered easily, drinks often, smokes often, blunt, slightly helpful
Weapons: Bones and blasters, Claws, bitting, needles and syringes, guns, alternate form, massive corrupted axe
Powers: massive strength, retractable claws, hypnotic eyes, blood boosts, slight shadow manipulation
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He was found later on around the river by Dream. He had been there since he was freaked out but the pains and noticed Dream had the same leaky eyes and mouth.
Possessed: 58%
OG Height: 5'6 (170 cm)
Current Height: 5'10 (177 cm)
Personality: quiet, not trusting, anxious, panics often, stays to himself
Weapons: bones and blasters, fur spikes, throwing knives, flash bombs
Powers: water maniplation, emotional manipulation, water breathing, speed
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His brother got freaked out after he came back home and noticed his eyes right off the bat. He asked around and thats how Nightmare found out
Possessed: 73%
OG Height: 6'4 (195 cm)
Current Height: 6'8 (207 cm)
Personality: Laid back, tired all time, Constant smoking, Figity, suspicious of people easily
Weapons: bones and Blasters, bitting, corrupted scycle
Powers: smoke density, poison smoke, never ending cigarette, retractable fangs
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He woke up seeing something leaking out of his eyes and panicked and told his brother. They bumped into Horror and he noticed it and told them.
Possessed: 80%
OG height: 6'2 (188 cm)
Current Height: 6'6 (201 cm)
Personality: Skittish, quiet, very anxious, scared easily,panics easily, incredibly angry at people who insult his brother
Weapons: bones and blasters, claws, sudden spikes from back, guns, throwing stars
Powers: sonic screams, exploding spikes, infinte storage, invisibility
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He went to Ink after seeing his clothes and vision was different from before. Ink quickly notified the others. So are he is the last one to be know as possessed
Possessed: 83%
OG heights: 6'0 (182 cm)
Current height: 6'5 (198 cm)
Personality: still acts dumb, paranoid, gets quiet randomly, will become threatening randomly
Weapons: bones and blasters, smoke bombs, parsite tentcles, small throwing spikes
Powers: parsite growth, scarf like tentcles, night vision, metal manipulation, illusions
I might add more but when I do, I'll update it so yee
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shibee-inu · 12 days
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Missing Link fandom I am going pspspspspsps. Have some dolls to play with.
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thinking about suguru geto (as one does) and how he literally haunts the narrative of jjk…. how he’s there from the very beginning even though it’s not Him, but also how he basically lives through gojo. how gojo saves a doomed boy with noble ideals and tells him that he likes people like him. how his decision to become a teacher hinges almost entirely on geto leaving. how we meet geto in jjk 0 but none of the students have any idea that the man they’re fighting is the only person their teacher ever bared his heart to. how shoko and gojo are just living their lives with geto’s absence hanging over them but no one knows it. he haunts the narrative figuratively and literally and it’s so heartbreaking and sinister i’m completely normal about him btw
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isadoresmuse · 1 year
Obsidian Desires
Warning: The following fanfiction contains mature content and is intended for readers who are 18 years old or above. Reader discretion is advised.
Reader is only referred to as “you”/ Gender Neutral.
Word Count: 737
Yandere Mafia OC x (Gender Neutral) Reader
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, enveloping the cozy little café in a warm embrace. (Y/N), a talented barista, expertly worked behind the counter, effortlessly crafting the perfect cup of joe. The bustling city of Milan provided a constant hum in the background, the perfect symphony for (Y/N)'s daily routine.
Unbeknownst to them, an enigmatic figure had taken notice. Luca Salvatore, the charismatic and ruthless Italian Mafia boss, concealed his dark allure behind a well-tailored suit. His sapphire eyes were entranced by (Y/N)'s grace and the subtle charm that emanated from every movement.
Day after day, Luca found himself drawn to the café, watching (Y/N) from afar, his desires entwining with his dangerous nature. The flicker of passion ignited within him, transforming his love for them into something sinister—a manic grip on their heart.
On a particularly busy day, (Y/N) caught sight of Luca standing by the café entrance. Their eyes met briefly, an electric spark surging through their veins. Unbeknownst to (Y/N), this fleeting connection would ignite a blaze they were ill-prepared to face.
Luca approached the counter, his voice dripping with a mixture of authority and subtle seduction. "Cappuccino, please," he requested, his voice resonating with an air of dominance.
As (Y/N) prepared the beverage, their hands trembled slightly, sensing the intensity radiating from Luca. The exchange was brief, yet it left an indelible mark on both their hearts.
Days turned into weeks, and Luca's infatuation with (Y/N) grew exponentially. He couldn't bear the thought of another man touching them, let alone stealing their heart away. His mind became a canvas of possessive fantasies, dark and intoxicating.
Luca's sinister nature led him down a path of obsession, his dangerous tendencies entwined with his desires. He began to use his power and influence to ensure (Y/N)'s safety, pulling the strings from the shadows. He dispatched his most loyal underlings to protect the café and ensure that no harm would befall (Y/N).
One evening, as the café closed its doors, (Y/N) found themselves alone, surrounded by the silence of the space. They were unaware of the lingering presence outside, the sound of Luca's footsteps drawing closer.
With a sudden gust of wind, Luca appeared in the doorway, his eyes burning with a mixture of urgency and danger. The air thickened with unspoken desire as he approached (Y/N), a predator closing in on its prey.
"(Y/N)," he whispered huskily, his voice a velvet caress against their ear. "You're mine."
Before (Y/N) could react, Luca's lips captured theirs in a consuming kiss, a passionate union of two souls tethered by fate (or was it something more disturbing that chained their lives together). The taste of coffee mingled with the hint of danger, igniting a fire within them that they couldn't resist.
Luca's world and (Y/N)'s merged in a tempestuous whirlwind of passion and danger. Love, lust, and violence became intertwined, their desires intertwined in a dance that knew no boundaries.
The café became their sanctuary, a place where (Y/N) could embrace Luca's dangerous world while still retaining their independence. Under the guise of serving coffee, (Y/N) discovered the darkest depths of love, reveling in the adrenaline that coursed through their veins each time Luca entered the homely bistro.
Yet, the sun grew hotter the closer they got and eventually started to burn; the whispers of reality grew louder. The fine line between love and possession blurred, leaving (Y/N) torn between their desire for freedom and the allure of Luca's vicious embrace. Icarus plummeted into the unkind waters below.
Luca and (Y/N) existed in a world of secrecy and sin, bound together by an unyielding passion and the ever-present danger of Luca's underworld. Their love, tainted with obsession, proved to be a volatile concoction, threatening to consume them both.
In the depths of the night, as (Y/N) lay tangled in Luca's arms, they couldn't help but wonder if their souls would forever be shackled by the intoxicating grip of their lover shrouded in crime.
And so, their journey continued, a dance of dominance and submission, fueled by their undeniable connection. Only time would reveal if their love could withstand the tempestuous storms that lay ahead, or if it would succumb to the sinister desires that lurked in the shadows of their hearts.
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deoidesign · 8 months
A flip through of my first book! (this is a print proof, the final version will have been slightly edited for better formatting and fixing minor issues)
Pirates, vampires, a treasure hunt... what's not to love! I'm funding this (and 3 other books!) on kickstarter right now ^^
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one of my sillier drawings . so i think
★ original image under cut
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STRANGER THINGS | Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers
inspired by Saul Bass’ poster design for the film The Human Factor
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demcnsinmymind · 6 months
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@kxllerblond gets a new thread, kinda fast forwarded from this one
It's been a couple of weeks now, alright. The move has worked, his mom's somewhere in fucking France. Doesn't exactly know where and has purposely chosen not to ask where. Because as great as it is to know that she's thousands of miles away from them, it's even better to know that they cannot get the answer to the where out of him, not even with torture.
He trusts that Clark has done a good enough job at moving her and covering all tracks, though even now he still knows he probably shouldn't. Then again, doesn't have the funds to pull something like this off, doesn't know the right people either, any people anymore if he's honest. A guy like Clark'll have to do.
Even with her gone though, even with her safe, he feels...restless. Reckless. One of the many reasons why he has chosen to stay behind in Washington while Clark has left to attend to other business. Plenty of that on his plate for sure. For a while now, he's been waiting. Baiting. Back in the old house, his childhood home. Empty now. Waiting for them to turn up even though he shouldn't. But hey, if it's getting the job of finding them done...
Pulling out his phone, he shoots the cambion a text message.
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Any luck with that greed demon and the dirty money trail?
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fallencielo · 15 days
okay regarding the past post i reblogged imagine:
paul and ted drinking after work, chatting and complaining about whatever comes to mind. there's bits of comfortable silence that happen between the conversation and during one of them, ted really stares at paul. he comes to the realization that paul kind of actually has really pretty eyes.
were they always that blue?
paul doesn't notice the long stretch of quiet but he does notice the intense eye contact. it makes him a little nervous - he's never been good with eye contact anyways, much less with something so intense.
when he asks what's up, ted tells him that paul's cuter than the group gives him credit for. his tongue is loose from the drinking, so he doesn't hesitate to let the words slip.
ted is the one who initiates the kiss first. paul initially freezes as he tries to wrap his head around what's happening, before throwing caution to the wind and allowing himself to enjoy the taste of liquor on ted's lips.
one thing leads to another and, while they don't go all the way, it's enough that paul tries to pretend none of it happened. he's never thought of being with another man before and he's certainly not going to now.
so they never talk about it. well, mostly. ted likes to bring it up when he's particularly nostalgic and sad. it makes paul flush each time and he only gives small little acknowledgements to whatever ted says. anything to be done with the conversation as quickly as possible.
they most definitely repeat this "mistake" at some point.
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
actually reminds me. im so fucking sick of tumblr posts lumping in country with the other 'unjustly maligned music genres' NO SHUT UP LISTEN, person who was about to screenshot this for my callout post. I LIKE COUNTRY. i did the whole. hey u know theres other genres in here! I really love some of the darker themes, story telling and crises of faith or identity u can find in here! blusey sounds and croaky singers. women killing their husbands. songs about the devil. blah blah blah.
that was in the year directly preceding beginning to work at the place that subjected me to bro country FM all hours of the work day unless i was working alone and could crank the volume to zero. or if it was christmas (/shudder)
but going. oh actually REAL country is GOOD. only FAKE country is BAD. REAL country is made by poor marginalized ppl of colour and stuff. the rich white dude stupid truck beer women stuff isnt what its really about. 1. Debate Fallacy. 2. GUESS WHAT DILL WEED? thats what they play on the fucking radio. and being inundated with these paltry jingles, and their fucking. not infrequently offensive content! did make want to listen to the country music i DID LIKE. a whole lot less. even if it was a lot more skillful, deep and 'authentic'
and i dont think not liking country cause its so prolifically annoying is the same as not liking the entire genres of jazz or rap or r&b. u cunts.
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eurotrashhimbo · 7 months
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Okayyy so...coffee is coffee, buuut it's not like it's from Bali or anything. I like it though! 🤪☕️🥰
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666bedbugs · 10 months
another day another callus on my hand and another load of house renovation materials sent to the dump.
I’m SO excited I can’t wait for it to be all done so we can move in aHHHh
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found--family · 1 year
they couldn't let cesar and jesse return bc they would've taken one look at dean and cas interacting and known they had it bad for each other
#and sam is just like. oblivious. bc i think that's funnier 😂#meanwhile dean and cas are pining away for each other like the beautiful dumbasses they are..#cesar says to cas all easy and patient and knowing: so how long have you been in love with dean?#and cas is surprised and scared and tries to deny it but overcompensates by saying he loves all of humanity#meanwhile jesse is talking to dean like: what do you mean you're not in love with him dude i have eyes. dean: ??!!#cas @ cesar: i love dean bc i love humanity i love them for all their faults and quirks and beauty.. *thinking about freckles + bowlegs*#dean @ jesse: you don't know what you're talkin bout man! jesse: oh so now you're going to get angry and defensive like that isn't#overcompensating and an obvious tell that i speak the truth. dean: yo-.. shutup!!#cas @ cesar: .. humanity really is quite remarkable and so worthy of love when you think about it. and affection. and praise..#dean @ jesse: --swayze always gets a pass!! jesse: oh so he's on your celebrity exception list? dean: yeh man of course he is.#jesse: mhm. even though he's a guy? dean: ... who HASN'T had gay thoughts!?!#cas @ cesar: humanity should really eat more vegetables and drink less alcohol and sleep more. but this life can be difficult#and habits are hard to change and i will be there to help in any way i can like making coffee just the way humanity secretly likes it..#dean: *frazzled and exhausted as jesse hands him a beer* --i prefer the classics: Say Anything. When Harry Met Sally. Princess Bride..#jesse: *nodding along as they chat about chick fliks* cas @ cesar: i help with humanity's laundry. i once found a pair of jeans#in humanity's room with the legs torn off. i thought something awful had happened during a hunt but humanity wouldn't be able to#regrow his legs without my angelic assistance.. unless humanity met another angel.. *white knuckles the chair in possessive jealousy*#dean: *getting teary as he talks about dory's story* sam: *walking in on cas cracking the chair + dean sobbing into his beer#but taking no notice bc his eyes are on the ipad in his hands* so get this--#destiel#crack#thoughts#😂😂😂😂😂
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thresholdbb · 9 months
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Janeway, baby girl, that is a sugar bowl. You need sustenance!
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hyuuukais · 11 months
me: oh my god i need to drink my jungkook coffee i bought less than a week ago before it goes bad-
the jungkook coffee: best before april 2024
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Spider Freak Behavior Headcanons
Ok so we all know some of my headcanons and thoughts on making the spider people more spidery. So here’s some more, ignoring the obvious ones like eight legs and eyes and spinning webs. While not all of these, or even any of these, will fit all spider people it’s still fun cause you could def apply these to the more freaky spiders, like Miguel O’Hara, Jessica Drew, 6 armed spidey, spider noir, Kaine Parker, *sigh* SpiderHam, etc. If you’re curious as to why I singled out these guys check out here!
So what do I mean by spidery behavior? So glad you asked!
Instinctually/psychologically: Feeling the need to wrap up villains like a spider does with bugs in its web(feeling the need to liquify and drink their insides(these motherfuckers love smoothies)). Loving shiny objects(noir with the rubic cube lol). Spiders do little mating dances and ITS SO CUTE! Spider people should get to do little wiggles to express different emotions! Some spiders also make little chirping sounds to talk to each other or when hunting, so I think spider people should be able to do that. And be able to purr!(more like a cat not just like a spider, cause it’s more versatile and spider people are largely still mammals) Yes that means they like to cuddle. But on the darker side we get aggressiveness and solitude. Like some spiders actively hate any member of their own species, and get territorial. But some do live in colonies(cough cough spider society). I also think many spider people make little web hammocks or little web nests as a comfort/safety thing.
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Physiologically: AMAB spiders being smaller than AFAB spiders. Most female spiders are much larger than their male counterparts, so big buff spider ladies! Sensitive eyesight(Miguel looking at your emo ass) with proficiency in green and ultraviolet lights. So they might need to wear sunglasses. This would also go with a vibration sensitivity, like feeling a fly caught in your web. Some spiders are really hairy, like tarantulas! So it stands to reason some spider people might have a lot of body hair or even dense hair that forms spikes(miguel) and can fling those spikes like tarantulas do. Looking more internally, spiders have blue blood due to oxygen attaching to copper instead of iron like it does in humans! So you could totally have spider people with blue/purple/darker colored blood! Spiders don’t have bones either. They got a hard exoskeleton, but you break that and they just kinda squish. So you could definitely change spider peoples’ bone density and what the bones are made out of. Cartilage would be an interesting one. Or you could go straight for chitin, which is also similar to what fingernails and hair is made out of, and is what some exoskeletons are made out of. Spiders also don’t have eyelids, so that could be fun to play around with. Most of you already know, spiders can’t thermoregulate, but they can hibernate, which is definitely something you could explore and have fun with with angst. Oh! And some female spiders can make pheromones to ‘control’ males.(Jessica) I am also always a sucker for mouth body horror, so split jaws and oral pedipalps are very lovely to me!
Let me know if I missed anything else! Also you should add your own freaky spider things to the post, I love seeing fresh ideas on these sorts of things. But ultimately, feel free to cherry pick through this if you want to use any of these, not all of this will work or make sense for every spider!
Alright, I do have more underneath the cut, but it is officially a minors DNI area. We are getting into some frisky stuff below the cut!
Once again, a lot of this will vary based on the spider and spider person you’re talking about so feel free to squint your way through things and cherry pick if you want to use any of this.
With most spiders the males are smaller and submissive compared to the females. So afab spider people are more likely to be dominant in bed whereas amab spider people are more likely to be submissive. Some spiders even eat their mates after sex, so maybe some afab spider people get a little hungry after sex and enjoy biting their partners. If you wanna get freaky, have one actually try to eat someone.(hey Alexa, play Maneater)Whereas amab spider people might have some sex anxiety due to an instinct of getting eaten after sex. On the flip side maybe they like to get bitten? Some male spiders rlly want to be eaten actually, which could translate to masochism, but I could very much see that turning into anxiety and an impending sense of doom after sex. So like aftercare is probably very important(?). Either way biting would be involved. Some male spiders will even do little dances or give their female partners back rubs before sex(which is so cute and silly), so do with that information what you will. We are ignoring male penis detachment cause that is a lot even for me. But with that said, male spiders, in my opinion and if you know anything about how certain spiders have sex, should be really good at oral. To help this theory, Peter Parker 616 is not only canonically freaky but also fantastic at oral. Another one, purring. Some spiders purr during and before sex to attract a mate(it’s different than cat purring) but because spider people are largerly mammals I think they still purr when content(like a cat) and during sex but it’s two different types of purrs. Finally, back to the pheromones, those are mostly used by female spiders for sexual purposes on males, which could be translated over to spider people in a couple of different ways. But either way you go, feel free to interpret all the spidery behaviors however you see fit!
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