#posie is endgame
alegacyofmonsters · 1 year
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thegreatyin · 4 months
question at what point should someone know where parabola is in fallen london?
depends on if you mean lore-wise or gameplay-wise!
lore-wise, i think you can learn about parabola as early as the flit if you pursue the cats and bats plotlines enough. there's also a ton of stuff referencing and relating back to it the more you explore, so you're bound to run into at least one mention of it eventually. it's kind of the neath's worst kept secret. like. to the point where i think we all kinda forget it's a secret in the first place.
gameplay-wise, establishing a parabolan base camp and unlocking the ability to traverse to-and-fro parabola is one of the major milestones to hit in early-midgame and mid-midgame (as odd as that phrase sounds) progression. it's not something you necessarily need to beeline for, but it's definitely something you'll want to put high on your to-do list after becoming A Person Of Some Importance.
the main function of parabola early on is acting as a sort of "advanced skill bootcamp" where you can level your glasswork, APoC, etc, with more functions and goodies unlocking as you upgrade and explore more in-depth with it. you likely won't find yourself heavily relying on it for a good while, but speaking as an endgame player; build your basecamp. upgrade your basecamp. invest in your basecamp. you will thank yourself so much for doing both, Especially the latter. the wounds and nightmares reductions alone are both Super Worth It.
overall though, if you haven't even built your laboratory or gotten a ship yet, Do Both Of Those First. and if you don't even have them as options... parabola is something you shouldn't even be worrying about right now. don't sweat it. play the game at your own pace. it'll still be there when you get there.
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tessellated-sunl1ght · 7 months
One unexpected but fun outcome of me writing Fallen London fanfics is that I can actually trace my in-game progress with what I wrote my character doing.
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arsonists-oatmeal · 1 year
hi fallen london fandom have a sketch of my oc
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Name: The Restless Collector. Age: ???(young-ish) Gender:???????????? -Ambition: Bag a Legend -Has always been a bit off on the human scale (and will become a whole lot more inhuman once I up monstrous anatomy and finish my Ambition (hehe third city veils is going into the brine)) -Actually got put in prison after repeatedly getting into bar fights on the surface -H u n g r y -Based off that one silhouette with the disheveled hair and hat (didn’t bother pulling up image refs so I just kind of visualized a suitable outfit)
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A Jake-Rowan Kissing Scene POSIE Edition 4.0 THE SPICY EXPLOSIVE FINALE.
This was the Longest yet most Explosive one. This is the Finale of the POSIE EOD Team Involvement against Jake and Rowan Ship.
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mssr-crumpled-paper · 4 months
Peeta and Gale: being a character
Consider this post a continuation of this.
So, as I've said, I had a really hard time relating or believing in Peeta as a character when reading THG. This post aims to point out some of the points why I believe Peeta is more a concept than an actual character (and how that's incredibly unfair for Gale).
On Peeta:
The first, and most obvious point, is that the purpose of Peeta's character is to represent Katniss's conscience, but also to be the "better" choice. Idk about everyone else, but it was always glaringly obvious to me that Peeta would be the endgame for Katniss, one way or another. He was made with the explicit intention of being the perfect partner for Katniss, and a perfect person in general. Notice how he has no substantial flaws of his own, is distinctly devout to Katniss even without knowing anything about her personally; and every mistake that he does make can easily be chocked up to his care for Katniss or trauma from forces he can't control.
We know virtually next to nothing about Peeta as well. Please be kind and name me 1 instance where either of Peeta's brothers' names were mentioned anywhere. Like in the books, not on a wiki page. None, no names for his dad, for his mom, for his family. Barely know any of his friends, except for Delly.
We also do not know his relation to District 12 or the Seam. Now, many people will argue that this would be pointless, but I believe not. Peeta, for him to truly be able to exist as a character in his own right, needs to be considered within the context of his community. And since we don't get ANY, it makes all his talks of "people are starving," and "kids in 12 are struggling" seems unconvincing. Like was he poor? Absolutely. He also ate bread regularly, never had to take out tessarae, never had to hunt or kill, and he was a merchant's kid. Half of the people from the district, who are so closely or at least somewhat related to Katniss, we never see him interacting with ever.
In combination, all of these elements make it so that Peeta is basically devoid of an actual character other than "good guy with bread." Readers are free to project whatever image they see fit onto him, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect husband, the perfect brother. He didn't even mention his family twice after losing them, and I won't assume the pain wasn't horrible for him, but he quite literally said "No one needs me." Of course they need you Peeta, they're your family? He felt almost disconnected from the context surrounding him, making it hard for me to truly buy into his character.
On Gale:
The first thing we know about Gale is that he is Katniss's best friend, the person who knows the real her, the one who she can let loose with. Immediately this is a lot of information to work with. Considering the fact that Katniss up until this point didn't seem too fond of people in general, Gale is set up to be a good guy with a sense of love and respect for his friend. And since we meet him in the forest, one can assume that he's struggling as well, or at least rebellious. It's also very obvious within the first chapter that Gale is a flawed character (re: him snapping at Madge, which he acknowledges as a tactic of the Capitol).
This fact is elaborated on right after, when we are told that Gale is also a fatherless hunter running around in the woods. His family is poor, and he's the sole provider for the family. He has three younger siblings, one of which is just a baby, and a mom. Like Katniss, he's put his name in for tessarae for a long time, and provides for a 5 persons household mostly on his own. We know the name of Rory, of Posy, of Hazelle, his mother who does laundry for work, who later works as a house-keeper for Haymitch. We know that Hazelle placed a lot of trust in both Katniss and Gale. We know that Rory has to eventually put his name in more times to get tessarae.
We know Gale's relation to the District. He's generally popular with kids his age at school. He banters and interacts with the people at the Hob. He hunts for game and provides for the district. He holds a hatred for the Capitol that was larger than himself and Katniss. He understood their methods of systemic oppression. He was generally class conscious about his condition, and his thirst for righteous revenge stems largely from the suffering that people of the district and he himself go through. He saved his district to the best of his ability when it was razed to the ground, and he joined the rebellion effort because he genuinely believed that would liberate his people.
There's a lot more I can say about the wider context of Gale as a character, but on a whole he feels real. Very flawed, very angry, and very real. SC makes no pretense about Gale being someone who cares deeply for his district, for Katniss, and for his family. That's a sense of solidarity that I can cling onto. He exists within that general context that he was put in, and therefore makes more sense.
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tinkabelle24 · 3 months
To Build a Home
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Chapter 26: If You Love Her...
A/N: This chapter was gonna be longer, but I'm neck-deep in assignments right now for the very last unit of my degree and really wanted to get this out. Because I doubt I'll be able to update after this for quite a while. I'm about to get myself a big girl job 😁😅
This chapter took inspiration from scenes of a few of my favourite films/TV shows; one from Spider-Man 2, one from S4 of The Vampire Diaries, one from The Corpse Bride and, strangely, I found myself regularly referring to another from Until Dawn.
TW! No trigger warnings.
[I'm not reading this shit. Be a man and pick up the fckn phone]
Leo sat in the van, staring at his brother's text for what felt like hours, struggling to psych himself up enough to oblige. He'd anticipated this - no matter how sincere his written apology may be, Raph would never accept anything less than an in-person one.
Of course, Leo suspected at least part of that reason was so he'd be close enough to strangle...
Still, after everything, Raph deserved something.
With a tremulous breath, Leo finally pressed 'call', putting the shell-cell on speaker before bringing it to his lips.
The second ring barely sounded when the receiving line picked up. The leader braced himself for a barrage of insults and death threats, but none came. Only breathing...
After several long moments of this, Leo finally opened his mouth to speak-
"Why...?" Came Raph's quiet, gravelly voice, striking guilt through the eldest brother's heart – he’d been crying.
Leo failed to answer initially, unsure whether to request clarification – for fear of upsetting Raph further – or just assume the specific situation his brother was referring to. To his relief, he didn't end up having to do either.
"Why'd you do this to me...? How could'ya think this little of me, that I-I'd... I've nevah and will nevah... or-or was villifyin' me the only way you could justify to y'self the shit you've put us through...? What the hell was your endgame, Leo? Huh?? Were'ya seriously hopin' she'd leave me for you?? How fuckin' little do'ya think of her-?!"
Leo winced at that. "R-Raph-"
"Y'know," Raph sniffled. "I'd planned on askin' Val to be my forever-"
A shuddered gasp forced its way past the leader's lips as he buried his face in his hand, the weight of those words settling over him, like a lead blanket...
"I had a ring made and everythin’; got it forged outta my old Sai... This weekend – tonight, actually – I was finally gonna give it to her... But'chu couldn't help y'self, could you? You just had to stick your nose where it didn't belong... and now, because of you, dear brothah... it seems I'll be losin’... e-everything-"
"Y-you broke-"
"We're on a break," Raph corrected, venom dripping from his tongue. "And if you value your life, I suggest you stay right where you are; cuddled up with daddy, like the little bitch you are. Cos, believe it or not, Val's angrier with you right now than I am."
Before Leo could respond, he was met with a deafening silence...
On the other end, Mikey levelled Donnie a resolute look as they discreetly listened in on their eldest brothers' conversation – followed promptly by the shattering of glass and plastic against the brickwork, then quiet, mournful sobbing – beyond Raph's locked bedroom door.
"C'mon," Mikey finally muttered as he proceeded up the hallway, beckoning a puzzled Donnie to follow.
"What??" The purple-banded terrapin hissed, too near to the door to want to risk producing much sound. "Mikey...!"
His littlest brother was already halfway down the staircase, shell-cell to his ear. "We're getting our sister back."
Leo was spoilt for choice that day – the wildflowers at the forest edge were in full bloom.
After gathering a small posy, the leader trudged back to the great oak where he laid them upon Splinter's grave mound; carefully wiping then rinsing away the dirt and moss from the marker, then finally settling onto his knees in prayer.
"Hey, dad..." He murmured, maintaining the submissive gaze as he soothingly rubbed his thighs. "It's been a while since we've visited - I'm sorry about that... and for not having any good news to share, heh... It's been, w-well-"
Shoulders sagging, he gave a quavering sigh; hot tears pricking his eyes.
"I... T-that woman who came to see you, the last time we were here - her name's Valerie. She's wonderful, dad. She's... she's helped make life a-after you good again. It saddens me that you two never met in this life..."
A tear began creeping down his cheek – he swiped it away with a sniffle.
"I've done something hideous, Master, and I don't know how to fix it... You see, u-um... I've... I've fallen in love with this woman-"
A scoff escaped Leo as he shoved off his now damp bandana, banishing another tear in the process. He'd hoped that by finally admitting it, aloud and uninterrupted, his heavy heart would unburden him, if only just a little...
…It made it infinitely worse.
"But she's with Raph... I tried not to let these feelings get in the way of their relationship, or our friendship, or our family, b-but..."
Raph's question harried Leo's mind; a question he never thought to ask himself until Val – having finally been pushed by him to her limit – spurned him...
As badly as he wanted his intentions to be wholly righteous – protecting a victim, the woman he loved, from her abuser – he knew that simply wasn't the case. Not only was he devastatingly off-base, but a hypocrite to boot.
He knew what his endgame was, and it repulsed him...
"I'll never understand why you never told us what was going on..." The tears were flowing now; Leo no longer had the strength to belay them. "If only I'd just... We weren't ready – I wasn't ready. I've no clue who I am without you... I n-need you, dad... I need this pain-"
He thumped his plastron, where his heart ached beneath.
"-to go away. If not the pain of losing you, then please...! Please, help me stop destroying our family..."
As though on queue, the once gentle breeze passing over him picked up, tossing the oak's branches about like they weighed nary a thing. Coincidence or not, Leo took this as a sign, steadying his breathing as best he could as he settled into a meditative stance...
("Twice" - Little Dragon)
"Somebody's suspiciously quiet-"
Eyes fluttering open, Leo found himself gazing down at Val's smiling face – back in the dream he awoke from this morning, and many other mornings of late.
Stealing a glance at the family portrait before them, the leader's blood cooled in his veins at the sudden lack of a smile upon his father's greying face...
"Hey, you okay?"
Val's hand had since abandoned his shoulder, and was caressing his cheek now with it. Her touch - it felt so good. So warm, comforting... Though it pained his heart greatly to do so, he plucked it from his scales. He had no choice – he had to put an end to this delusion.
"We need to talk," Leo murmured after finally, reluctantly releasing her.
He forced himself to watch his friend's face as disconcertion befell it, accompanied by the self-soothing encircling of her hands round her body. He granted her a moment to respond, assuming she were contemplating it. Yet her lips never parted. She simply stared. Watching. Waiting.
A mirage, this woman was; identical to the real Val in every way, save for what he hopelessly wished he could change – her feelings for him.
Without an impartial ear nor effective distraction (extra training, meditation, overtime – any excuse to keep himself out of the common areas or, in more desperate cases, the Lair entirely) to help him navigate this tragic situation, Leo finally turned to his dreams - to her.
She became an enthusiastic vessel upon which he'd unburden all his inhibitions; a mouthpiece for his deepest, darkest thoughts. There was certainly a word for it, but he feared he’d be sick if he entertained the thought any longer…
Desperate not to lose the one thing that brought him solace in his lonely world, he'd managed to convince himself that no actual harm was being committed. That, here, he was free to explore his feelings, understand them, then finally resolve them, without risk of destroying his family…
...How fucking naïve.
"I really wish we could've had this conversation in person but, after what Raph told me, I..." Leo swallowed hard, fighting like hell to keep her from seeing him cry. "Val, I'm... I'm so, incredibly sorry-"
“He’s lying to you, y’know.”
There it was – the hook – the fact-defying, ego-inflating siren call that had lured him in, time and time again. Heart still helplessly clinging to the impossible, Leo felt the temptation to bite… initially. “No, he’s not-”
“I’m not mad,” Val countered; tone suddenly forceful, eyes frantic. Like a wounded animal realising it’s being corralled into a corner. “Yeah, things could’ve ended a little less dramatically between Raph and I, b-but… I’m free, now. I-I… I thought you’d be happy about that-”
“No,” Leo whispered, blinking away a tear as he stiffly shook his head. “I’m not happy about that. I’m not happy about that, at all… Val, I’ve ruined everything-”
“But you haven’t-”
“Please-” The leader retreated from her advance, leaving her blinking in befuddlement. “I beg you- don’t… don’t do that.”
At that, the desperation on Val’s face swiftly devolved into distain. Dropping the outstretched hand to her hip, she scoffed at him.
You’re upset – good.
“I’ve not been a friend to you, nor a brother to Raph, for a long time-”
“Oh, save it!” The woman snapped, voice heavy as she, too, had grown emotional. “You used me… W-what, now that you’re facing some consequences, doing the right thing’s ideal??”
That struck a nerve. Jamming his tongue into the wall of his mouth, Leo swallowed the urge to defend himself. To deny. To lie. Val continued.
“Raph was right about you – you don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself… I knew what you were doing from the very start of this, trying to convince me that I was being abused; never mind your blatant boundary stomping I felt forced to overlook to ‘keep the peace’, nor the disgusting things you were doing to me inside your head – your best f-friend, Leo...! Y'know what, I-"
She abruptly faltered, agonising over whether to make known the thought clearly burning the tip of her tongue. The thought won out.
"I'm glad Splinter isn't here to see how far you've fallen!"
Leo damn near keeled over as all the air was unceremoniously forced from his lungs. To think it was one thing, but to put it out into the world, and have it come from her lips... he almost couldn't bare it.
After taking a moment to recollect himself, the leader managed a resigned, "I-I... agree."
Val blinked at him again, the tears pooling in her eyes finally streaking her cheeks. It took everything in him not to reach out, to wipe them away...
...to feel her skin beneath his fingers, one last time.
"You're right - I have been selfish, especially with you. Please, don't take what I'm about to say as an excuse, because it's not. I just... after dad, I... things got very dark for me. I put up so many walls, I pushed everyone out... But you - you managed to tear them all down; make me feel... whole, again. Alive. The fear of losing that's turned me into someone I don't recognise... I started seeing you not as my best friend, but as a prize to be won, and Raph an obstacle..."
She was fading - he could feel it. That weight on his heart was finally lifting. But instead of relief, it was promptly replaced by another kind of pain; the kind he desperately hoped would never return - the emptiness. The chasm in his soul his father had left behind...
Ironically, it felt right.
"This, between us, should’ve never happened – I’m sorry it did, and I’m sorry it's taken this long for me to see the pain I-I'd... You mean so much more to me t-than... this - so much more. And the thought of losing your friendship forever, I d-don't..."
Shakily lifting his gaze, Leo took in his friend's visage a final time, memorising it, before tearfully whispering:
"Goodbye, Valerie. I pray that, one day, you'll be able to forgive me..."
...And just like that - in a blink, she and the zen room were gone, and he was knelt before the grave once again; the gale having conspicuously settled. All that remained were the tears on his face, and determination in his heart.
Collecting the keys and solitary duffle bag from the van, Leo finally proceeded up the driveway to the farmhouse, to make himself comfortable.
@android-cap-007 @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda @mysticboombox @sketch-mer-6195 @jasminarts01 @obsessedftshit
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some initial scattered thoughts about an Utena AU for HaruJin:
honestly, the idea has devoured my brain ever since it was brought up in passing. idk how to make it actually work quite yet, but the vibes alone are *~impeccable~*
one of the most obvious parallels is the emphasis on the roles that the protagonists admire and want to emulate: Utena has the Prince, while Haru has the Protagonist (or Hero). The protagonists growing into those roles is part of the antagonist’s plan in both shows, as is eventually stripping them of the role and shattering their self-esteem along with it.
However, the difference between Utena and Appmon is that the roles of Prince, Princess, and Witch are inherently limiting in Utena—they are used to enforce the patriarchal system by shoving people (especially young women) into reductive boxes—while the Protagonist role is genuinely helpful in motivating Haru and is a beneficial component of his character development.
[appmon endgame spoilers under the cut]
Aside from the emphasis on roles associated with the protagonists, Anthy and Yuujin are also an obvious parallel without being direct mirrors of each other—they both have their agency restricted and act as vessels or instruments for the antagonists, but whereas Anthy is excruciatingly conscious of her role in Akio’s plans, Yuujin is unaware of his role in Leviathan’s scheme until YJ-14 takes control of him. IMO Appmon made it quite clear that Yuujin and YJ-14 are different individuals with different consciousnesses who happen to share the same body, despite the other AppDrivers calling Yuujin the traitor.
It’s also worth noting that Anthy’s passivity is a mixture of learned helplessness and malice at the world for subjecting her to the suffering and agony she is forced to endure—something that Akio takes advantage of. Anthy conspires with Akio and helps him with his schemes because she’s been conditioned to obey him, and because she couldn’t imagine any other way of living/is scared to do things differently. She was technically able to make choices, though functionally one could argue those choices were made under duress. Yuujin’s willingness to aid Leviathan is simply not part of the equation—Yuujin is essentially possessed by YJ-14 and Leviathan, and YJ-14 helps Leviathan simply because that’s what he was created to do. There isn’t even the illusion of choice.
Another difference is that Anthy is presented as a passive character who actually has more power than initially presented, while Yuujin is initially presented as an active protagonist-like character who has a pretty passive role in the narrative imo. Anthy starts the narrative as someone who must be saved, and ends it by being the person who could shut Akio down by refusing to participate in his delusion; Yuujin starts the story by being the real-life protagonist that Haru looks up to, and spends the last arc essentially being the Big Bad’s vessel/hostage that Haru must save (though he does get to act according to his own will in the end and saves Haru with his final act.)
So, what does this mean for a Utena AU?
Firstly, the role of Hero/Protagonist should probably be sincere within the context of the narrative. I feel like if there’s going to be a critique on roles, in the end it still has to do more good than harm if we want to go with Appmon’s more optimistic tone. Like, being a hero should genuinely motivate Haru, though Leviathan can have sinister reasons for wanting to produce heroes—and depending on the nature of Leviathan, maybe it thinks it’s the Real Hero or something? So the role of Hero/Protagonist still genuinely helps Haru grow as a person, but the antagonists also cling to the role either out of misguidedness or maliciousness.
Secondly, since the nature of Yuujin’s betrayal is involuntary, he can’t knowingly work with the antagonists to manipulate Haru (although YJ-14 certainly can). The tragedy is that Yuujin doesn’t even have the pretense of agency—he was never in a position where he could make informed/meaningful choices regarding the Big Bad, because he was kept in the dark just like the other AppDrivers. He was never supposed to have a will—just a convenient mask to be discarded by YJ-14 once he had fulfilled his function of gaining Haru’s trust.
I also think it wouldn’t quite work for Yuujin to be a straight-up Rose Bride (target of protection), because it’s too passive for the role he performs for Haru. To borrow a line from the Appmon manga, I think it’d be kinda interesting if Yuujin is instead the Hero’s Sword—he’s not entirely aware of what’s going on when he’s in sword mode, but trusts Haru to wield him. I feel like Yuujin being the Sword instead of the Bride would also preserve Haru’s idolization of Yuujin as a protagonist-like figure, and their partnership is initially perceived by Haru (and probably most people) as Yuujin helping Haru to get through the duels. Haru then resolves to become a capable hero worthy of a wonderful sword like Yuujin, before eventually coming to the realization that no matter how strong a sword is, it’s still an object that must be wielded by someone else—and Yuujin should get to decide his own fate (i.e. not be wielded by someone else).
(As for the ‘heart swords’ in the later arcs of Utena... I guess Yuujin being the Sword doesn’t necessarily stop him from drawing out and shaping the form of Haru’s ideals? Though I can see the both of them being initially confused about it, with Yuujin privately suffering a brief identity crisis—is he not a good sword anymore? What does their partnership mean for him if he’s no longer Haru’s sword? After all, moving away from being Haru’s sword to being the one who draws Haru’s sword for him means that he’s no longer Haru’s protector... Anyway, I think that concept could be modified, depending on what the deal is with Leviathan in this AU.)
As for characters outside of Haru and Yuujin, I think the AppDrivers are far more inclined to work together (and on the whole way less fucked up) than the Duelists. Like, I guess Rei could become a more serious rival, and without Hackmon I could see him being far more ruthless in his quest to get Hajime back... I guess Eri and Astra could be the friendly rivals (strong emphasis on friendly) and the competing dynamic between the AppDrivers are a lot healthier than the Duelists??? Ai could be the pal who isn’t directly caught up with the dueling competition stuff I guess—the Wakaba, so to speak.
I’m also not quite sure how to deal with the appmon characters in this AU? they are important so I don’t wanna just cut them out, but I also don’t know what to do with them...
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wetthandss · 2 years
Pathfinder update: Backup characters and Keilo endgame
Today I helped one of my party members make a backup/future characters, a Vishkanyan inventor boy with a big ass steampunk khopesh. Tomorrow I will help another player make a backup as well, a little Ysoki oracle girl who was actually her character I played alongside with in D&D 5e using homebrew conversions, but was so ignored by the shitty DM we had (Will tell that story another time). Can't wait to see her in action again. Considering Kalan's penchant for throwing small creatures such as Stuffy, I can imagine the Ratapult will make a return.
Let me catch you up with Keilo as a character. He is a half elf boy who knows no family, a feral child basically who grew up in an SCP-3898-esque grove where he was infested with a parasitic thorny vine that wraps his body inside and out. It whispers to him, and demands blood sacrifice to be made to it. Whatever it is, it's power hungry and is wanting more and more by the week. Bags full of live meerkats won't sustain it anymore. When the party absorbs their first genius loci in the Daouda desert, the corrupted Khamaseen sealed inside Aleimlaq, Keilo and more specifically the parasitic leshy will feel that surge of power and want MORE. The leshy will practically drag Keilo to find more of that sweet delicious nature spirit juice. The reason why is, the leshy is a genius loci itself, and brought Keilo into the world as a DNA clone. It knows it's dying, so it's sending him on the mission to transport it and feed it blood and eventually consume other genius loci. However, even the corrupted genius loci of the rainforest, savanna and desert will not be enough to satiate it. Once all three are absorbed, the way into the mountains is cleared using Lamashtu's horn and they can confront the corrupted loci of the mountains, the manifestation of the Titans. When they absorb this evil spirit, Keilo's loci will take complete control of Keilo's body, killing the consciousness inside him. Keilo will then be put into a lead antagonistic role and the player (who I will just call Z for his anonymity) will switch to Savish, the Vishkanyan from earlier. Don't worry, this is all with the consent of Z. A bit of spoilers for him, but it's the journey that counts, and he expressed his desire to make Keilo evil far before talks of assimilation with the Loci. There's still a while to go before they get there too, at least 4-5 levels worth using milestones. I give them a lot to do between story beats, making friends and allies and solving problems. Anyways, Savish is an inventor, and left his community in Egel to investigate new technologies outside of Egel and Ram. He came to Aten because he heard the Sawf family in the Aleaza' clan specialised in gizmos and gadgets, and indeed they do. He's looking at stuff there, and would be especially intrigued by the sand diver the party brought back from Lamashtu's trials. It's purely to introduce him early on, and I have permission to use him as an NPC anytime before the switch. Maybe I'll work him into some things to get a more intimate relationship with the party beforehand so the switch won't be jarring.
I don't know how to work Posy (the Ysoki) in yet, we're gonna work on that tomorrow. Will update then. I won't be able to write much more because there are some other projects I need to work on, but once the semester ends for good I'll be doing a lot more. Update over!
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sapphicshaw · 6 years
"I'm not in the mood, Penelope."
"Oh, but JoJo, you were always in the mood. I guess a lack of vitamin me has been taking its toll."
(The one where Josie doesn't need to fall in love with her ex-girlfriend because she never fell out of love.)
Posie fanfic :)
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wonkru37 · 3 years
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“ there are a lot of obstacles that come with being a Gemini witch, the kind that make the people you love leave. “
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alegacyofmonsters · 3 years
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bibridlizzie · 3 years
I just really have never understood the hype around Penelope and I honestly get it less than I did while watching s1.
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jada-blr · 4 years
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This is how Legacies has me feeling right now. Like, the writers legit cannot do anything right it seems 😒.
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When Posie and Browan worked Together to Blow up the Jake-Rowan Kiss in Season 3 and Lukas is now Involved. It becomes more Explosive.
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josette-park · 4 years
hot take but if they want us to ship josie with finch or others maybe dont bring penelope up when josie is bonding with a new love interest???
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