#joise saltzman
gulnarsultan · 2 years
Your yandere daughter Hope Mikaelson competes with Lizzie Saltzman, because she thinks her mother is better than Lizzie's mother, Caroline.
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You treat your daughter Hope's friends Lizzie and Josie like your own daughters. Gemini sees you as their second mother. But Hope always argues that you are a better mother than any mother and even Caroline. A fight broke out one afternoon while the girls were playing in the garden.
"My mom is the best."
"Our mother, Caroline, is a good mother."
"Lizzi please stop."
"Shut up Joise."
"My mom is the most perfect mom. Even more perfect than Aunt Caroline."
"Girls, please don't fight."
"But mom. You're the most perfect mom."
"Honey. Everyone's mom is the perfect mom for themselves. Please don't argue about it. Peace please."
The two girls, albeit reluctantly, shook hands and reconciled.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
9 - Mystic Falls Tradition
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Part 10
Family is More than Blood
Raelyn’s pov
Entering the mansion we had dropped our kids back off at school. Yet when Klaus and I sat our bags down in the entrance I halted in my tracks seeing Josie and Lizzie standing at the end of the stairs. “Hey Saltzman, what's going on?” I questioned shifting my gaze between the pair.
“We were thinking that since our mom is busy with recruiting work. We should plan a baby shower or something.” Lizzie said putting her hands together in front of her.
Tucking hair behind my ear I sighed towards the blonde. “Oh Lizzie. That’s sweet but you don’t have to do that. After all this is our fifth kid not our first.”
“Yeah but we feel like we should do something for you and uncle Klaus.” Josie replied.
Klaus tapped me on the shoulder making me glance back at him seeing that there was a guy with a clipboard standing in the doorway. Walking outside with him my husband asked him confused. “What do you need, mate. We didn’t order anything.”
“I have tables, flowers, chairs and a helium tank.” The guy explained holding out the clipboard.
Knitting my brows together in confusion I gasped eyeing my husband knowing he would pick up on what that stuff could be for. “Oh my gosh. Alaric Saltzman forgot about the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant.”
“I’ll fix this.” Klaus stomped forward grabbing the man by his shoulder compelling him since no humans in this town knew what vervain was like they used too. “Follow these two girls and you will find the man who you will require his signature. Go on.”
The man left the mansion where I turned to the twins. “Okay so it looks like we have to pretend to not be supernatural for a day. We’ll meet you at the school in a few minutes.”
“Okay let’s go.” Josie nodded to her twin with her and Lizzie leaving us alone. Klaus and I made our way back to the school seeing that Lizzie already had everyone on tasks of what to do. In that moment it was clear she took after Caroline more than she did her bio mother Jo. It made me happy to think that Josie at least took after my late cousin in some ways.
Lizzie glanced in our direction telling us to follow her inside an office room. Klaus and I entered behind her seeing that Joise, Hope, Missy and Alina were also waiting to see what she had to say when she shut the door with her foot in a huff. “I am withdrawing from Miss Mystic Falls. Effective immediately.”
Hope rolled her eyes. “I thought you had something important to tell us.”
Josie made a confused face at her twin. “Okay, wait, why are you quitting?”
“A personal issue with one of the judges. A direct result of that bittch Dana's sabotage.” Lizzie sighed, sitting down at the desk.
Hope slumped her shoulders. “She's dead, Lizzie.”
“Correction: that dead bitch Dana's sabotage. Costing me the crown from beyond the grave.” The blonde siopon changed her wording, shifting her gaze between my three daughters. “The head judge is her mother. The town pharmacist. There is always next year for me. But that does not mean that we here at the Salvatore School shouldn't bring home the title and stick it to those townies. So, I have studied all of the stats and advanced metrics, and I have chosen a replacement. Hope Mikaelson.”
Alina crossed her arms over her chest scowling at her answer. “Wait a second. What if me or Missy wanted to compete. Are you saying that we would have to go against our own sister?”
“I don’t see a problem with having more than one Mikaelson compete for the crown. It should be fun and plus it would give the Salvatore School a stronger chance of winning for once.” I didn’t see a problem with it turning towards my daughters. “If either of you wants to enter, go right ahead.”
Klaus intertwined his hands together behind his back leaving the room with me following his heels. “You’re mother is right. The Mikaelson family was here long before any of the founding families anyhow. So let’s take it to these townies.”
The door behind us opened and shut with me watching Missy walk past us and go up to Ethan who had just got here. “Hmm I wonder when she’ll introduce us to him?” I mumbled more to myself than to my husband leaving the pair alone to talk.
Leaving Lizzie to do whatever she was going to do with Hope I heard someone call my name running down the stairs grinning at me. “M & M!”
Missy’s pov
“Ethan, what are you doing here?” I chuckled, not expecting to see him here today.
He playfully hit me on the arm. “My mom got the sheriff job so it looks like we’ll see each other more often. So we might be able to have another date after all.”
“Why did you call me M & M? I thought I told you to call me Missy.” I asked, tilting my head slightly.
He sent me a cheeky smile gesturing down the hallway near us. “I just thought it would be a cute superhero name for you. Uh…would you be up to showing me around?”
“Absolutely.” Turning on my heels we started walking down the hallway until I recognized a boy with dirty blonde hair coming towards us. “Roman, why are you here!”
"Dr. Saltzman called me to come help out.." He paused, staring at Ethan knowing I could hear his heartbeat just like he could. "I was hoping I could talk with you and Alina privately for a second."
Clutching my hands into fists I felt the veins beginning to appear underneath my eyes until I managed to shake it off. "Fine…Ethan I'll be right back."
Roman and I made our way away from the human boy knowing that he wouldn't be able to hear what we were saying now. Shoving my hands in the belt loops of my jeans I kept my eyes gaze focused forward letting silence fill the hallways until we were outside searching for the old mill building. "Missy, I just feel like I need to apologize for what happened. I was an idiot to not see what my mother was really trying to do."
"Roman, what do you want from me? Cause if you want me and Alina to forgive you that can't happen." Raising my hands towards the vampire I cut him off.
He shook his head dropping his shoulders heavily. "I know that. I just…I don’t know what I expect from you. I thought you'd be angry and want me dead or something."
"Oh at first, yes. But it's been two years and I have to just adjust with what happened to me…" I sucked in a breath feeling some tears coming up. Covering my ears with my hands I suddenly snapped back at him. "You know why am I fighting this anymore. Do you know what it feels like for me to finally start liking guys only to have to not let him get close because I want to sink my fangs into his neck and possibly kill him!"
"I…I am so sorry even if you won’t accept my apology. I am sorry, Missy. I never would have wished you for you to become a vampire." Roman sheepishly admitted before he lifted his head up hearing some laughter in the distance. "Do you hear that?"
Lifting my hair up from my left ear I recognized my sister and Jackson's voices. "They're this way, let's go." Vamping away from Roman he followed my trail shortly afterwards.
Inside the old mill building Jackson and Alina were practicing the dance outside of the rehearsal room back at the school where everyone else was. Jackson gently pushed his wife away from him, throwing his hands up. "This is ridiculous, Lina. Our wedding dance wasn't this complicated."
"Come on, Jack. I know it seems stupid. But I want to give this a try." She slumped her shoulders putting her hands into the pockets of her dark orange jacket.
He ran a hand through his black curls offering his other hand to her. "Fine. I just think we would have a lot more fun running through the woods in our wolf forms. Since we aren't bound by the full moon anymore."
"I'll make it up to you later…someone’s here." Alina leans forward about to kiss him until she could sense that someone was there watching them which revealed Missy and Roman walking into the room.
Roman barely could get a word out before my sister ran forward shoving the vampire against a wooden post. "Alina, I know you'll be angry with me. But I-"
"You what killer. You've got nothing to say that will ever fix what your mother made me do.!" My twin sister wrapped her hand around his throat holding him up against the pillar.
I took a step towards her with Jackson standing at my side. "Alina, don't kill him."
"He's already dead, sister. But you have nothing to say that will make me forget being forced to kill my own sister…and there's nothing stopping me from tearing your heart from your chest right now!" Alina flashed her werewolf eyes pushing her other hand harshly against his chest but not inside just yet.
Roman couched feeling her fingernails tightening. “Alina…”
For a moment I thought she would kill her but she drew her hands away letting the vampire collapse to the ground. “You’re not worth it. Even after I did kill you it would only feel good for a brief second. Just know that if I see you again you might not be safe from desiccating in a cave for another 900 years!”
“Alina…” Jackson reached to touch her shoulder knowing that she was fiercely angry right now.
She huffed trying to calm herself down walking down toward the school. “Come on, Jack. We need to get ready for the Padgett.” Roman who was catching his breath stayed with me before I vamped off going to find Ethan.
Klaus and I were upstairs getting ready in one of the other bedrooms that no one was using for the time being. Pushing dresses back and forth I couldn’t find one that I liked or that would fit since my stomach had started growing now. “Still looking for a dress, Rae. How about you take one from the past as an option?”
Raelyn’s pov
“Klaus, what are you talking about…you kept that dress. It was strained in blood and torn.” I covered my mouth with my hands recognizing him holding a golden dress in his hands. The dress was the exact one I wore when I first met Mikael but it looked brand new.
Klaus handed it to me while I eyed him up and down seeing he was simply a black suit and white shirt with no tie for tonight. “I had some dress store fix it. It will fit perfectly against your growing stomach too.”
“Thank you, Nik. You always know what I need.” Kissing his cheek he smiled watching me slip the dress back on in front of him. Leaving my hair loose I take his hand sending him a grin placing my hand other on my belly. “We’ll have to start thinking of baby names though at some point.”
“Don’t worry we will find the perfect name for this prince or princess soon enough. Let’s go deal with this dance.” He nodded in agreement, kissing the crown of my head leading me down the hallway until we got downstairs seeing the entire room with our students and the others were the normal humans of the town.
The whole dance had gone pretty well for the most part. Klaus and I intertwined hands together getting close, joining in with the girls that were competing, not caring about the judges watching us. While he spun me around and back into his chest I caught Josie saying something angry at her sister. “What about your sister's feelings?”
“What are they fighting about?” Hope asked Roman who had stepped in after Landon bailed.
The curly haired vampire didn’t answer her. “Who knows? It's always something with those girls.”
She demanded of him while they kept dancing. “I know you can hear them. Tell me.”
Josie raised her voice. “Do you know how good it would feel to actually be competing? In Mom's dress? Did you even consider how Hope would feel wearing it?” Shifting my gaze over to our eldest daughter I noticed that she was wearing a light blue dress that I remember he had given Caroline when she came to the Mikaelson’s ball.
“She looks fantastic. She should feel amazing.” Lizzie was watching Hope just like we were.
Josie scoffed. “Will she still feel amazing when she learns where it came from?”
Roman shook his head eyeing the dress the girl he was dancing with was wearing. “It's silly. Sibling rivalry stuff, about the dress you're wearing.”
Hope asked him. “What about it?”
Klaus finally turned his attention to the siphon twins listening in on the conversation that I was hearing. Lizzie asked his sister, slumping her shoulders. “What do you mean, where it came from? It was a gift from some guy who used to be close with Mom.”
Josie finally left the room shifting her gaze directly at me and Klaus. “From Klaus Mikaelson, Lizzie. Hope's dad.”
Squeezing Klaus’s hand in mine his blue eyes met mine with us both hearing Roman tell Hooe where the dress was actually from. “Your father gave it to her. “
“My dad chose this dress?” Hope chuckled through a gasp grinning brightly at us before a spotlight went on her and the judges had said that she had won the competition.
Focusing my attention back on my husband an idea popped in my head when we needed to think of baby names for our fifth child. He tilted his head to the side knowing I was thinking of something. “What’s running through that head of yours now, Raelyn?”
“What if we named our son or daughter after a Disney character hmm. I don’t know if that sounds odd or not given that you didn’t grow up watching them on tv.” I shrugged my shoulders, giving him some hopeful puppy dog eyes waiting for his answer.
Klaus leans forward gently kissing me not caring who saw us. “I told you that every king needs an heir. You have my heart and you can do whatever you wish. Especially when it comes to naming our children. I’ll love baby number five no matter what. Just as much as I love you, Rae.”
“I love you very much too, Nik.” I responded wrapping my arms around his neck drawing him in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me against his chest enjoying the kiss like we always did with one another.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
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TVD x reader one shots - Wattpad
Ethan Machado - requests open
Secrets Out - Another request from @Babygurle36 on Wattpad. Reader is Hope's younger cousin and is a hybrid (vampire-witch). Her boyfriend Ethan finds out.
Ken - requests opened
Guide to my Heart - Request from @hcwthewestwaswcn Can I have a fluffy request with Ken and Y/N
Unique Affair - request from @alanaangie24 Ken x soon to be goddess reader ( the reader is Poseidon and Rebekah Mikealson) miracle pregnacy and is like a vampire heretic
Unique Affair pt 2 - Rebekah must reunite with her ex and tell her daughter the truth of how they met
Sister's Trade - Request from @secretdreamlandmentality Ken legacies x reader who is the daughter of klaus and a heretic and when he kicked Hope ass, she’s here and he agreed to leave Hope alone if she come with him and she agreed and they fall in love
It's Our Bond - Request from @secretdreamlandmentality Ken legacies x hope fraternal twin sister reader like she found herself chained up like aurora did like Ken kidnap her after beating Lizzie and Hope up cause she’s his mate and he promised to unchained her if she do not run away and accept him
Landon Kirby - requests open
Lizzie Saltzman - requests open (Just friends)
Josie Saltzman - requests open (just friends)
Hope Mikaelson - requests open (just friends or siblings)
Opposite Half - Request from @phoneixgirl23 on Wattpad. Hope x half sister reader. The reader becomes a tribrid before Hope does.
Tag List - just ask to be tagged
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hoomantrxsh · 4 years
Ummm legacies? WTF? SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️ when I asked for hosie angst, this ISN’T what I meant!!! And what the hell happened to Hope’s character??? Literally ruined their main character.
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hayden-acid · 6 years
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Love this so much.
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posiecrack · 6 years
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look how proud of herself she is, she knows exactly how to push Josie’s buttons and it’s adorable
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madebyleftovermuses · 5 years
I’ll Tell You A Story
• Surprise Ryan wants to unlock malivore • Landon finds your honesty refreshing but it also means he’s never helping you • Story time! • Oh shit! Father story • I’ve noticed the CW shows have a lot of good soundtracks • Raf has no idea where he was • Landon needs help not privacy • There is a reason the pages are ripped out • Unholy alliance • A witch, a werewolf and a vampire • Of course Landon would make a joke • Every time I hear the word golem I think of Gollum which is nowhere near the same thing • Because that’s not weird just absorbing the monsters • No you can’t handle what the merge is • Prism talk! • Prism! Landon making jokes • “Even fake you is infuriating” ️️ • Naughty naughty witches no undoing what you did • He wasn’t done! But I love Landon for put the brakes on the story for a second • Did he make a dick for himself? • If only you could have separate lives • Poor Josie is gonna be heart broken when she finds out about the merge and how it works • Surprise!! Ryan is your older brother • Let’s not call Aunt Freya • Maybe not fight in the hallway • Of course Roman breaks it up • Ric got thrown and it has to hurt • Ryan turned against their father • So far away that they are all in America • I still don’t remember when Ric turned human again but then again when I first watched this I hadn’t finish Vampire diaries • Tell them the truth or nah • Ryan sacrificed himself because he didn’t like what Traid was doing • Ric is the one to tell them • Third time is a charm when talking to prism! Landon • Hopes face when she blurted out she loves Landon and prism!Landon’s face • His responds also “the first time you tell me you love me it’s not even the real me!” • But they are the last two of the coven so one will just be alone until she has kids • Emotional moment between father and daughters • Again hope is part vampire part werewolf how does she not have heightened hearing?! • Super squad to the rescue • Witches, werewolves and vampires should be safe if malivore is released since they make up how he was created, right? • Yes they are safe • Where are Malivore’s other children? • Ric trying to get Dorian back • Does Ric only know people who work in bars or hang out in bars? • Fuuuuuuck I forgot what happened to Dorian’s family!! • The twins, MG, Kaleb all part of the super squad • Isn’t that a bit illegal to breakdown the fate of a school without cause?
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apxgossip · 5 years
Top ten most likely to raise a little hell?
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Josie Saltzman
mentioned: @hellunlcashed​, @aregentsruin, @prisonwrld, @battlebcrns, @victorthxdemon, @troubleson, @enflamedxtouch, @sliithered, @bloodytasha
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the-idea-of-stars · 6 years
Ruin my life by Zara Larsson is a posie song and you can’t change my mind
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sapphicshaw · 6 years
"I'm not in the mood, Penelope."
"Oh, but JoJo, you were always in the mood. I guess a lack of vitamin me has been taking its toll."
(The one where Josie doesn't need to fall in love with her ex-girlfriend because she never fell out of love.)
Posie fanfic :)
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xoxo-nikki-xoxo · 4 years
Saw your Valentines blurb post... If you have time would you be able to do a Josie blurb? Thanks :)
Josie Bear
note: Your wish is my command! one josie blurb coming right up!
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Baked goods, that is how you are going to back into her heart. She cant refuse your secret recipe for chocolate lava cake with a side of vanilla. Buttttt she could refuse you if you where the one to bring it to her. So with the great mind you have, you came up with a solution. You are going to cook her favorite desert and Lizzy is going to bring it to her.
“To my Josie bear,
Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For ‘I ne’er saw true beauty till this night
Your poo bear y/n”
You had written on a piece of paper. This was going to be the cherry on the cake she loved Shakespeare or you loved Shakespeare but because you loved it she did. Now I’m second guessing myself… It was not like our fight was huge…
“Ew why do you call my sister Josie bear?” Lizzy said having a gross look on her face.
“Its just our inside joke, besides, you owe me sense you are the reason we are fighting.” You glared handing her the tray of baked goods with the love note on it.
“Not my fault. You were supposed to be all cute and say how much you loved her. I wasn’t the one that made you say you didn’t like her dress. That was all you. I’m just happy my truth spell worked” Lizzy said taking the tray, she sighed looking down at you “She’ll forgive you. And between me and you she didn’t like that dress either, you just embarrassed her” Lizzy told you before walking away heading to her room to deliver your present.
“y/n if that’s you-“Josie started to say
“Woah its me not y/n” Lizzy says walking over to her twin sitting your present on the bed.
“lizz-“Josie began
“Just read it okay. Y/N’s really sorry...” Lizzy says sitting watching her sister as she grabs the fork to take a bite of the cake.
You sat in your room waiting... If she read the letter she would know to meet you in your room... So, you waited with a bouquet of red roses.
*knock* *knock*
You shot right up from your bed rushing to the door opening it
“oh its you” You hummed opening the door to see your girlfriends twin
“So, good news or bad news first?” Lizzy asked standing in the doorway
“What's the point my life's over” You whined “But I guess ill take the good news” You sighed looking at  Lizzy as she smiled.
“She accepted your heart felt lava cake, bad news-“Lizzy says but got interrupted
“Bad news is I’m still slightly mad at you, but good news is I cant really be mad at you for to long..” Josie says moving so she in front of Lizzy.
“I’m just going to give you guys some space” Lizzy says leaving your room.
Josie looked up into your eyes tucking a piece of hair behind her own ear.
“I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest” She says blushing as she quotes the great poet.
“My heart” You say wrapping your arms around her pulling her into a great big hug. “you didn't have to quote him "You smiled though taking in the full embrace
“Like I said I don’t have room in my heart to protest” She giggles squeezing you. which made you giggle.
You spent the rest of that night with her, talking about anything that came to your mind down to nothing at all. Just being in Josie's presents was enough to bring a smile to your face. She deserves the world and much more.
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We Pulled A Barry Allen, Bloody Hell.
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|| Hope's Point of View ||
I shoot up, gasping for breath and immedately looking at my surroundings.
We're in Mystic Falls. The big oak tree to be exact... I remember it from when Lizzie had the Oni in her and was slowly going insane. "Good times". I continue to look around, before realizing how dark it is. Is it night time? School was just happening. What the hell made us pass out? I stand up, embers floating around all three of us.
I walk towards Lizzie and Josie, and see if their awake. At my touch Lizzie startles awake, hand rushing up to her chest as she looks at me.
"Hope! You gave me a damn heart attack!" She is taking deep breaths, calming down, before looking around. "Wait, where are we?"
"We are in the park, in the middle of town Lizzie. Now, stop hitting me and help me wake your sister."
Lizzie reluctanly stood up, and walk over to her sisters sleeping body. We wake Josie up, who was by far less startled. As soon as Josie stands up, we hear a scream.
That was suddenly cut off.
"Fuck..." I whisper, before taking off towards the source of the scream, Lizzie and Josie running right after me.
We slowly approach the source, we found two-probably dead-bodies. One male and One female. One was on top of the hood of the car and the other was a bit further down the road. Both with two teeth marks in their necks.
The teeth marks of a vampire.
"Crap..." Josies says.
"When can I get these mudy clothes off?"
"Lizzie!" Me and Josie shout.
|| 2 hours later ||
We walked to the old mill, figuring that the old mill would be a safe enough place to sleep for a while. I take watch first so I watch as the two sleep. I hear movement in the distance, so with one last look back at the girls, I walk towards the movement to see what it was.
I see a man with raven hair and a blue ring on his finger.
"Who the hell are you?" The raven haired man asks.
"The better question is who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing out here."
"Oh, you know. Just walking around. Looking for a bite to eat. Maybe a place to stay for the night. Where are you staying"
"Tell me your name and then we can talk, Raven Boy."
"If you must know, my name is Damon. Damon Salvatore."
"Like the founding family?"
"Yep. Exactly like them. Your turn girly. Whats your name?"
"What a cliche name. I mean Hope?"
"Quiet, Raven Damon."
"Hey! I give the nicknames!"
"Would you rather me call you "vampire"?"
That makes him stop dead in his tracks. He isn't doing anything but looking straight at me. All the humor drained from his face.
"What... in the hell... did you just say to me?"
"I said that you were a vampire. I mean come on, in all black, walking around at night. The night we- I found two dead bodys with two holes, bite marks, in the necks, drained of blood."
"Who are you? No wait. What, the hell are you?"
He takes a few steps towards me, glaring. I bring my hand up and start to give him an anuerysm. He grips his head in pain.
"Witch Bitch... good to know."
"Now, are you so sure you want to eat me?" Hold up... He said his name was Damon. Damon Salvatore. Meaning the very human, married, with children, Damon. Salvatore.
"What day is it?"
"Sebtember 10th. 2009. Why, don't you know your dates Hopey?"
Think Hope, think. You've read his brother's journels. You should know what's happening now. This was just a little bit before Dad came to town. I've read these journels a million times...
Katherine Pierce.
Damon Salvatore is in love with her. He think she's in the tomb. He's going to try and get her out... I can use that to my advantage.
"Not the point. So are you going to kill me , or would you rather have my help to get the love of your life Katherine out?"
"How the fucking hell do you know about that?"
"Did you forget that I'm a witch, or are you just an idiot?"
"Alright fine. I'll make you a deal. I won't kill you, and you help me find Kathrine. Deal?"
"Only if you don't kill my friends either."
"You have friends. Shocker."
"A least I have more then you. Deal or no deal?"
"Deal Hopey. Are your friends by chance witches, or warlocks I don't descrimiate, too?"
"We need all the help we can get." Oh, so he doesn't believe I could do it myself. Rude.
"Yeah. Their witches."
"Great. Now, where are we sleeping?"
After I look into the back of my head because of how hard I rolled my eyes, I gathered the strength to reply. "Follow me. It's not the best, but it's the best we could do on the sort notice we had."
"What did you just magically apper in town?"
"Something like that."
"Ok. Cryptic girl. Anything else?"
" We are all underage girls. Lay a hand on anyone of us we will kill you ."
"I won't unless they want me to."
"No, you won't at all, because then I will kill you." I warn, giving him a sweet smile.
We just continue to walk in silence. When we get to the mill, I raise my hand and put a finger over my lips. He just rolls his eyes.
What is it about him that makes me want to kick him in the face? Or drop him off a building? Or just kill him?
We quietly walk inside, finding Josie sitting there by her sister, who was still sleeping soundly.
"Hey Jo... This is Damon Salvatore..." I whisper to her.
"What? How did you find him? Why did you bring him here? Why-" To quickly cut her off, I put a hand over her mouth.
"So. You both know who I am now, who are your friends Hopey?"
"Friends." was all I said.
I walk over to wake Lizzie up. Again, she didn't want to wake up. Again, she started attacking me with her eyes closed.
"Lizzie. Up. Please."
She grumbles, slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes to wake up. When she see Damon her eyes widened.
"Quiet" I whisper to her. "I'll explain later."
"What are you two whispering about? You know it isn't polite."
"Shut up."
"Well then, I can see you don't have a house, unless you try and convince me this run down mill is a home. And your minors, I remember you telling me that for a fact Hopey, so shouldn't your asses be in school?"
"Yeah, but we don't have transcripts or anything so we can't go. And we don't have any damn money for a house or apartment." Lizzie states, just staring at Damon in confusion.
"Well ladies, that the beautie of compulsion. I can have you in school and get you a house by the morning. As long, of course, you follow up on your part of the deal."
"Wow. Thanks." I say, rolling my eyes for the fifth time today.
|| The Next Day ||
I slowly open my eyes, feeling comfy and warm in a bed. I really should thank Damon.
But will I?
Nope! But, compulsion is now my new favorite thing. And this bed is so damn soft, I could never leave.
Unfortuantely, I already hear Lizzie and Josie up downstairs so, slowly I get up. I get dress in a new outfit Damon had kindly gotten us as well.
Damon had also kindley gotten us backpack and school supplies, I can already see some humanity left in Damon even he suppositly turn it off. I guess Stefan's journels were right.
I slowly walk downstairs, seeing the girls just eating fruit at the counter. I grab an apple and look at them.
"Well, we should get to school, shouldn't we?" I suggest, eating a few more bites.
"Ladies first." Lizzie says, standing up and walking out the door. I hear Jo laugh as I shake my head, before we follow her outside.
As soon as we got to the school, we saw the Elena Gilbert and The Bonnie Bennett standing in front of the office. I snuck a peack inside and saw The Stefan Salvatore. Then I herad Elena and Bonnie start to talk with my werewolf hearing, me and the girls just standing by a locker..
"Hold up. Who's this?" Bonnie asks.
"All I see is back." Elena responds.
"It's a hot back."
They stand there watching for a minute, then Bonnie decides to speak up.
"I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar."
Elena scoffs. "You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?"
"Pretty much"
"What are they saying?!" Lizzie says, snapping me out of my consentration to listen to them.
"Shut up, I'm trying to listen."
Thats when I spot Jeremey Gilbert heading into the boys bathroom after a kid had told him, "Jermey, good batch man."
"I'll be right back" Elena says and follow Jeremy into the bathroom.
After Elena left Bonnie mumbled "Please be hot." at Stefan.
"What did your mom see in these people?" I ask sarcastrically.
"What happened?!" Lizzie demands.
"Okay, yes, I want to know too--" Josie agrees.
"Well, first Elena and Bonnie made comments about Stefan and how he was hot. Then, Elena went after her brother because someone told him he made good drugs and such."
"Okay, yeah, I agree with you." Lizzie says, Josie laughing beside her.
"Quiet, both of you. We have to get our schedules." Josies says, getting us to focus again.
"Yeah, sorry."
We walk into the office, talking to the lady at the desk to get our schedules. We all only have one class together each. History with the infamous Mr. Tanner. Again, I remember him from Stefan's journels. Yay. This will be so fun. We go about our days until it is finally time for lunch. Then we all sit down at the table together and start to talk about a game plan and what the hell happened.
"So where are we. I mean our mom's like 17 and our dad hasen't even moved to town yet." Josie spoke first, writing things down in a notebook.
"Last night, I asked Damon what date it was, because he is a vampire and we know for a fact that isn't the case because he took the cure to be with Elena, and now have kids. So , you know, I thought about how shitty our lives are and it clicked, so I asked him what the date was. He replied that it was 2009. That means time travel. And we're probably the Barry Allens of this story. But, also, let's not Nora ourselves out of existance."
"And that wasn't even the craziest thing to happen last night."
"What happened Lizze?" Josie asked worry evident in her voice. I look over at Lizzie too, watching her face which only shows horror.
"I got mud on my awesome outfit! I would never do that!"
"What the hell Lizzie! We're in fucking 2009 and all you can think about is the fact that your outfit had mud on it?" I stare at her, debating hurting her, as I grit my teeth. I mean we fucking time traveled and she only cares about her damn outfit! What the hell kinda person is that?
"Yeah, well maybe some of us don't usually have as big of damn problems as you!"
"Alright! Enough! Stop fighting please, and just head to class."
|| A little while later || Mr. Tanner's class ||
We were all heading for the same classroom. I still was determined not to talk to Lizzie so when we bump into each other trying to get through the door, we just glare at each other. Josie walks ahead of us and opens the door, walking in first.
"Ahh, more little devils for this period. And you three are?"
"I'm Josie, and my sister's are Hope and Lizzie." Josie speaks up.
"Would you happen to have a last name, girls?"
"Marshall." I quickly say, cutting off Lizzie who tried to speak before me.
"Marshall. Alright Marshalls, sit down in empty seats."
We all head to three diffrent seats. But knowing my luck, I got put closer to Lizzie then I would like at this time.
"Marshall?" Lizzie whispers over to me, eye still showing anger.
"Yeah, that way, when our familys move to town we won't be asked about our names."
"Isn't it still your mom's name?"
"Yeah, but it's more likely to be a coincidence then if we were Mikaelson's or Saltzman's. It's a more common last name."
After that Stefan Salvatore walks into the class room. He, surprisly didn't get as many questions from Mr. Tanner as we did.  He just walked to his seat without any questions. Lucky.
Then Mr. Tanner started to drone on about the civil war. I would enjoy learning about this, but with everything going on, I'm not so intrested. That and I already learned everything there is to know about this. Thats why it helps to have a 1,000 year old family.
"Once our home state of Virgina joined the Confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amout of tension within the state People in Virginia's northwest region had diffrent ideals than those for the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863--" Time to ignore him and think about my problems instead.
Ha, maybe this won't be as different from the Salvatore school as I thought.
I start to look around the room, trying to find out more. Stefan's journels only had his point of view. This way, I can learn more about... everything. I looked over at the famous Elena Gilbert, who was looking at the other famous Stefan Salavtore. He also looked at her. What a damn 'Love at first sight' story this is.
Thats when Bonnie takes out her phone, and starts to type something into it. Not too long after, Elena's phone goes off. So Bonnie was texting her. How fun. How the hell would you even work one of those phones. I'm guessing that they started to gosip about Stefan Salvatore. I swear, it's like this is a damn TV show version of Twilight. At least for the 'love at first sight' aspect. Vampires, thank god, don't sparkle.
After a lot more of civil war talk, and the bell rings. At that we all get up and head to the next class. And then the rest of the day goes by like any normal school day. Or what would be a normal school day if I didn't have to sit through classes with people that we were taught at school about and was owned and taught us about all of this. Isn't awkward at all.
When the final bell rings, I run out of the room to find Lizzie and Josie who are by their lockers. I grab them and start walking away. Lucky for me, I don't have to stop at my locker so I just start dragging them home. I ignore the fact that Lizzie is complaining the whole way, as I was planning her death in my head instead of paying attention.
When we get there I sit them down on the couch.
"Alright. We need a game plan. We are Fre-emies to Damon. We help him, he helps us. We are going to high school, with your mom and her friends, and that's about it. Now that we recaped, we need to talk about what we have to do."
"How about, we look into ways to time travel, that might actually work and are real, while also looking for monsters that might have the ability to time travel. Maybe find Malivore and see if it is spiting out any monsters now?" Josie suggests.
"That sounds great. We can search the library during our free periods." I say.
"Sounds great. Now I'm going to go anywhere else. Like literally anywhere else." Lizzie says before walking out.
"Lizzie we need more of a plan--"
"And I need a break. Bye-bye!" Lizzie tells me, walking up the stairs of the house and disapearing from view.
I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. "So, Jo, what do you want to do?"
"How about we go to the grill? Get the milkshake you always like. What was it?"
"Peanut-Butter Blast with whip cream on the bottom."
"Yeah! Thats it. Lets go. Lizzie can have some time to herself, and we could get delicious milkshakes."
|| At Mystic Grill ||
Me and Josie were sitting down at a table, just chatting about random things as we wait to order.
Our waitress, as luck would have it, would be Vicki Donovan.
"What would you guys like to drink?"
"We will have two Peant-Butter Blasts with whip cream on the bottom." Josie says.
"Coming right up."
"Was that who I think it was?" Josie whispers over, while watching Vicki who just brought drinks over to Matt, her brother, Donovan and Tyler Woofwood, sorry Lockwood.
"Yeah. The Vicki Donovan. Doesn't she die in a few days?"
"Yeah. Damon kill's her I'm  pretty sure."
"No, it was Stefan to save Elena's life. I remember reading about it in his journal. Stake through the heart. I feel bad for her... Although, Damon does kill her to turn her."
Still watching Vicki we see Jeremy walk over and start talking to her. Not long after that conversation finishes, Caroline and Bonnie walk in. I point them out to Josie, and start listening into their conversation. It helped that they were talking so loud. I mean they are acting ike their on a TV show.
"His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with his uncle at the old Salvatore Boarding house. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family, so they moved around a lot.  He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue."
"You got all that in one day?" Bonnie replies.
"Oh, please, I got that between third and fourth period. We're planning a June Wedding." Hah, they did have a June wedding. To bad, he also died the same day.
At that Caroline walks off, Bonnie following a few minutes later.
Then after that there was just gossip, so we stopped eavesdropping.
"June wedding huh." I say to Josie, laughing a little.
"Shhhhhhh. We don't wanna talk about that."
"But she just predicted what would happen in the future. It's kinda funny."
"No because Stefan dies the same day!"
"You don't think I know that? That wasn't what was funny. Don't worry."
After that we sat there talking and drinking our shakes. Vicki came back a little later and we got some fries. That when I heard Matt Donovan say something that peaked my intrest so I pointed over to them and I started listening in again, using my werewolf hearing.
"How's Elena doing?" Matt asks. Poor love sick teenage boy.
"Her mom and dad died. How do you think?" Bonnie points out to Matt.
"She's putting on a good face but it's only been four months."
"Has she said anything about me?" Poor, poor forever human, Matt Donovan.
"Oh, no. So not getting in the middle. You can pick up the phone and call her."
"I feel weird calling her. She broke up with me."
"Give it more time, Matt."
"What's happening?" Jo asks me.
"Matt Donovan is love sick over Elena and Bonnie isn't getting in the middle of it."
And again, with perfect timing, Elena and Stefan walk into the Grill. I swear they were on a TV show.
Everyone turns around and looks at them when they walk into the Grill.
"More time, huh?" Poor Matt. He never stood a chance with the girl when Stefan moved to town, especially when Stefan's brother followed.
After that Matt stands up and walks away from Bonnie and toward the couple of the hour, Stefan and Elena.
"Hey, I'm Matt, nice to meet you."
"Hi. Stefan." He says while they shake hands.
That wasn't awkward at all. The two of them (Elena and Stefan) walk over to where Caroline and Bonnie were.
"So, you were born in Mystic Falls?" Caroline asks.
"Mm-hmm. And moved when I was still young." If by young you mean before you were over a hundred, then yeah. I'd agree.
"Parents?" Bonnie asked.
"My parents passed away." Didn't he kill his dad? And his mother is alive in a prison world? I mean he thought she was dead, but still. Passed away doesn't even begin to explain it.
"I'm sorry." Elena says. "Any siblings?"
"None that I talk to." I forgot how bad of brothers they were at this point. "I live with my uncle."
"So, Stefan, if you're new you don't know about the party tomorrow." Wow. I can't ever see Headmistress Caroline as a partier.
"It's a back to school thing at The Falls." Bonnie adds.
"Are you going?" Stefan asks Elena. Wow. This really was a 'love at first sight' thing. To much for my liking. What is this, a TV show?
"Of course she is." Bonnie replies for Elena. What a good friend.
Lizzie than walks into the grill and comes to sit at our table.
"There is nothing to do in this town. I miss The Salvatore school."
"Don't we all." Josie responds.
"So, I heard that there was a party. It's a back to school thing-"
At that I cut Lizzie off.
"We know."
"Ok, well great. We're all going. Because it's the only thing to do in this town. And no Hope, your coming too."
I just sigh and 'lay' down in my seat. This was going to be a long night. Scratch that. A long time before we get home.
|| The Next Day, At School, In History||
"The battle of willow creek took place right qat te end of the war in our very own Mystic falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms. Bennett?"
"Um... A lot? I'm not sure. Like a whole lot.
"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett.  Mr. Donovan. Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your rmbrddrd jock stereotype?"
"It's ok, Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it."
"Hmm. Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events?"
"I'm sorry, I-- I don't know."
"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reason, Elena, but the personal excuses ended with summer break." I inhale quickly, trying not to light something on fire.
"Four months isn't enough time for someone to grieve. Get your head out of your ass, and let someone who lost not one, but two people on the same day, deal with it." I glare at him. Four months is definetly not enough time to get better after one lose, let alone two. I should know, I lost three within... a month? Two?
After I went on my little rant I heard a few cheers while Mr. Tanner glares right back at me. Then Stefan speaks up.
"There were 346 casualties, unless you're counting local civilians."
"That's correct. Mister...?"
"Salavtore. Any relation to the original settlers here in Mystic Falls?"
"Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle."
"Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church,believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts. Mr. Tanner."
Before he even finishes the whole class is pretty much chuckling about him showing up the teacher.
All Mr. Tanner could say to that was an "Hmm."
Good for you Stefan.
|| Later at the party ||
All three of us arive at the party, Lizzie the most excited. Everyone was already there, because we arrived a little late, so we just grabed a beer and started our separate ways. I start walking toward a tree stump on the ground by the entrence. We see Stefan start to walk up to the party. He's looking around for someone, probably Elena.
Before he walks away though he notices me.
"Hey, your the girl who stood up for Elena right?"
"Wouldn't exactly call it standing up for her, as I was sitting down, but yeah... My name's Hope."
"Stefan. I just wanted to say that I thought what you did was really cool. You know standin-- sitting for Elena." He smiles, before sitting down next to me.
"Well, I mean she only lost her parents four months ago. He was speaking like it was ten years ago. I know I wasn't over my parents deaths four months later."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. My parents died a while ago too."
"I'm sorry for your loss then."
"You too..." We sit there in a comfortable silence for a little while, Stefan looking around the party. Not too long later, he spots Elena, or probably listens for her, and finds her with Bonnie.
"Go on Lover-Boy. Go get your dream girl."
"I wasn't- I-"
"Go! You don't want to miss her."
With that he looks over at me, smiles, before standing up and walking over to her. Josie comes and sits next to me.
"Was that you talking to him?"
I noded, smiling at her.
"Cool. I only meet him a few times and I don't remember most of them, so you meet a walking Legend. Awesome."
We both look up and see Stefan and Caroline talking.
"You wanna do more eavesdropping?" I suggest.
"No, no, no. We shouldn't." Jo says, but I smirk at her, standing up and walking towards the two, hearing on.
"Hey! You made it!"
"I did."
"Well let's get you a drink."
"Well, I'm--"
"Oh, come on."
After they walk off, I look around and spot Lizzie. I look over at Jo and motion towards her sister, before slowly walking over to her.
"Hey, you ok?"
"Yep." She says before walking off.
"What's up with her?" I mouth to Josie, Josie just shrugging.
|| Josie's POV ||
I walk over toward Lizzie who is sitting down on the ground, her head inbetween her knees. Even over the loud music from the party, you could hear sniffles.
"Hey Liz. You ok?"
"Yup. Just fine."
"Wanna tell me what's wrong?"
"Lizzieeeeeeeeeeeee..." I say walking over to sit down next to her, criss cross apple sauce.
"No Jo. Not now."
"Lizzieeeeeeeeeeeee..." I say again.
"Jo, you can't help me."
"Sometime's talking about it helps."
"No Jo."
"Lizzie, you know you can tell me anything right? I will know how you feel. I've felt it before too."
"Do you know how I feel Jo? What this feeling is like? I feel like I'm going to go screw things up. I saw mom a lot today, and I wanted to go talk with her, but I was so scared that I would do something wrong, and mess up any chances I have to talk to her. And that's the best thing of all the downsides. I could have made it so we were never born!" She says tears streaming down her face.
"I could have made it so you were never born." She whispers.
"Oh, Lizzie..." I hug her from here she sits on the ground. "It's ok. You won't screw things up."
"You don't know that."
"I do. I trust you. And I know you have so much more potential to do good, and that you could go up and talk to mom and become her favorite person, even without her knowing that your her daughter. And that she won't love anyone more when she does."
"Thanks Jo." She sniffles, hugging me tighter.
|| Meanwhile || Hope's POV ||
I was walking around the party, beer in hand, when I hears Caroline, Matt, and Bonnie talking, while they look up on the bridge where Elena and Stefan are. Caroline spots me and runs over to me, grabing my hand to stop me from moving.
"Hey your one of the new girls right?"
"Yeah. That would be me."
"You're Hope, right? I'm Caroline. You seem to be all alone, which is no way to spend a party. Want to hang out with me and my friends?"
"I- um- I wouldn't-" Before I could even finish the sentence, she grabs my arm and brings me over to her friends, and I decide not to complain or anything. Easiest way to easedrop, be around the people. I feel like a spy.
"Hey Matt! Bonnie! This is Hope. She's one of the new girls!" Caroline introduces me, as I just smile at the two.
"Oh! Cool! Your in our History class right?" Bonnie asks.
"Yeah, she is because she gave Tanner that sass comment about Elena. That was awesome by the way. Not a lot of people would stand up for someone like that." Matt says before I could respond to Bonnie.
"Thanks. I just never like when teachers think that they are more important than what  is going on in the kids life. They could be having a really hard time, and not able to do most of the stuff they ask. And four months isn't enough time to grieve."
"Wow. You must be, like, a really good person." Caroline says.
"That is definitely debatable..." I laugh to myself, looking down at my beer.
After that we have just a bunch of chit-chat and small talk until after long Matt walks off, the Caroline. And... I can see she walked over to Stefan.
"That's not going to go well." I mumble
"Definitely not." Bonnie adds.
After a while, Caroline walked back over and immedately started to complain about the interaction with Stefan, saying how guys never go for her, but she gets cut off when Jeremy and Elena come running up from the woods, with Vicki in Jermey's hands. With a bite mark on her kneck.
The bite mark of a vampire.
Stefan quickly rushes a way, before the police show up.
And, eventually, the police show up with an ambulence for Vicki. Matt get's in the back with her, not wanting to leave his sister's side. I look around for Lizzie and Josie and I find them still sitting where Lizzie walked off to before. I look at them and they look at me, all three sharing the knowing look.
I'm heading with Caroline and Bonnie to the grill to get some coffee and wait for news on Vicki, trying to see if us being here changes anything.
Me, Bonnie, and Caroline get to the grill and I use the 'new' phone Damon got me and attempted to text the twins, with a little help from Bonnie who thankfully didn't ask as to why I didn't know how to use the phone.
|| A little while later || At the Grill ||
Me, Bonnie, and Caroline all are still at the grill in silence, sipping on our drinks every now and then, when I see Lizzie and Josie walk in. They grab a table by us and I just stare at the and try to comunicate without words, when Bonnie speaks up, and snaps me out of my consentration.
"Are you sober yet?"
"Keep drinking. I gotta get you home. I gotta get Hope home. I gotta get me home."
"Why didn't he go for me? You know, how come the guys that I want never want me?"
"I'm not touching that." Bonnie says, Caroline looking at me.
"Oh, nope not talking about that." I quickly say, Caroline looking frustrated.
"I'm inappropriate. I always say the wrong thing. And Elena always says the right thing. She doesn't even try! An he just picks her.  And she's always the one that everyone picks, for everything. And I try so hard, and i'm never the one ."
"It's not a competition, Caroline." Bonnie and I say at the same time, both trying to help Caroline.
"Yeah, it is."
At that we all just go back to sitting in silence. A little while later Bonnie had to go, and I gollowed soon after meeting Josie outside.
"Hey Jo. Where's Lizzie?"
"She'll be out in a minute."
|| Lizzie's POV ||
I look over where Mom was sitting. I see her send a small-- Nevermind. A big smile towards Damon Salvatore. Before they could even start talking, I sat down at Mom's table.
"Caroline, just because you don't get all the guys, doesn't mean your a failure. It just means not everything is working out for you. And if a guy turns you down, then he's the one with a problem. Not you. Your one of the best people there is out there. And if they can't see that, screw them. Most guy's are douches anyway." I say before I walk off towards Jo and Hope.
That felt really good. I got to talk to her... A teenage mom. I got to help her, or at least attempt to help her as she has many times before for me a Jo. Let's just hope that, you know, me and Josie are still born...
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Penelope really did love Josie with her entire heart and no one can say otherwise. Everything Pen did for Josie since episode one was to show Josie that she could step out of Lizzie’s shadow and be her own person because she mattered too. She was the ONLY one who saw Josie as more than just Lizzie’s twin and it sucks that it took her leaving for Josie to finally see that.
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bonniebird · 3 years
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Josie Saltzman x Vampire!Reader
Requested by @josiesgemini​
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Halloween Event
Your niece arriving back in New Orleans wasn’t exactly a surprise. The witches had seen it coming and swarmed to you. They were still scared of her. You found it rather amusing. Imagining that Klaus would be proud of it.
Though when Hope finally arrived, a few days later than the witches had predicted, she had in two a set of twins. The scent that radiated off them hung in the air in sweet notes of mouth watering power that hung in the air and soured.
“You’re in time for the Halloween festival. You should leave those two though.” You muttered as you dressed in the costume that Vincent had sent you. Freya normally took charge of the Halloween festival and you lolled around looking bored, not helping, waiting for the feeding frenzy the boon of tourists brought with them. Now, however, you were waiting among the trees at the edge of the Mikaelson property. You were supposed to lead the girls to meet Vincent at the other end of the woods so they could stay with some of the wolves that remind of Hayley’s days in the bayou and some of the witches that didn’t want to be in the Quarter when the vampires fed.
“Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires … How avant-garde!” one of the twins said. You turned and looked her up and down. Josie, Hope had mentioned their names. You hadn’t really cared enough to remember. The girl was leaning casually against a tree. If she had been trying not to look smug at her comment, she was failing, miserably.
“How would someone as sheltered as you know what would count as avant-garde.” you said in a way that made it clear you didn’t want an answer. But from the look on the girl's face, she was going to give you one anyway.
“What is the point of pretending. The dozen vampire attacks that are sure to happen will lure all the attention right here.” Josie said. You turned, rather quickly, and Hope was quick to rush between the two of you.
“What she means is, that she hasn’t been to New Orleans before and she doesn’t know how things work here. It seems unlikely to work in her experience of vampires.” Hope explained quickly. You were satisfied with the way the girl flinched. She pushed off the tree and stepped closer to her sister who was glaring at you.
“We’ve done fine without her opinions. We’ll do fine for many more years.” You answered curtly and started to lead the way through the woods. Joise stared at you, a lot, as you cleared the way through the woods. You had the sense that she wanted to argue with you, question you. After all you’d told them that they had to stay in New Orleans but hadn’t told them why. Freya had mentioned it but if you were honest you hadn’t given it much thought, as the last Mikaelson vampire in town, you were the one to chase the big bads away. At the time you had things far more serious to worry about than little witches.
“Will you be long?” Hope asked. She was nervous. You shrugged and reached out to squeeze her shoulder as Vincent came into view and you paused, midstride. She stopped with you. The twins looked at each other and stopped too.
“I wouldn’t trust anyone. It should be over by morning. Freya should be back then.” You told her. She nodded and Josie cleared her throat. You turned, gave her such a hard glare that you were sure a shiver of nerves shot through her.
“Will Freya help us with the spell, so we can go home?” Josie asked quickly. Her sister muttered and agreed.
“I assume so. I don’t see why else she’d bring you all this way.” You answered. Both twins seemed genuinely pleased at your answer and followed Hope towards the gathered group of witches. Josie and her sister glanced back over their shoulders at you. But you headed in the opposite direction to Vincent.
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lightininglydia · 4 years
You Belong Here - Hope Mikaelson x Josie Saltzman
Pairings: Hope Mikaelson x Josie Saltzman Summary: When Josie doubts herself Hope is there to reassure her  Warnings: Angst, mentions of self doubt, mentions of Landon’s death + Raf being gone.  WC: 1,296
You can also find this plus other hosie AND hizzie stories on my ao3 account which is Ironmans_Rescue! Josie laid quietly in her room, snuggled into her covers.  Lizzie had gone to the party Jed was throwing but Josie hadn't felt up to it. 
She’d been feeling off lately… After coming back to school she felt lonely. She’d brought Ethan with her after she realized he’d triggered his werewolf curse but  he’d been swept up by Jed and the pack. She was happy for him… really she was. He found a family there just like everyone else did but she couldn’t help but miss him… The two of them had become really close. He was like a brother to her and it made her sad that she didn’t spend as much time with him anymore. 
As for everyone else… they were busy. While she was away Lizzie and Hope had practically become attached at the hip, welcoming in Cleo and quickly becoming a tightly knit group that Josie just didn’t seem to fit into. Lizzie had even moved into Hope and Cleo’s room leaving Josie all alone when she came back. Josie was happy for her sister… she was glad she was prioritizing her mental health and becoming a better version of herself.. It just hurt that it was all happening without her.  MG, Jed and Kaleb had all become quite close as well… Josie felt Raf’s absence a lot more than she wanted to… The two were a lot alike in many ways and she missed her friend. 
A knock at the door pulled Josie from her thoughts, she quickly wiped the tears that fell from her eyes before inviting whoever it was to come in.
It was Hope
“ Hey… I didn’t see you down at the party and Lizzie said you were up here so I figured I’d come see how you were doing and maybe convince you to come down “ there was a tone of hopefulness in Hope’s voice that made Josie want to cave and give into whatever she wanted.
“ I don’t know Hope I just- “ Josie paused… she didn’t want to burden Hope with her stupid problems… Hope was dealing with a lot. She’d lost Raf and now Landon… she was finally happy and at peace and Josie couldn’t ruin that.
A look of concern spread across Hope’s face… she knew Josie like the back of her hand so she knew something was wrong. She quickly made her way over to Josie’s bed motioning for her to move over. She took off her shoes and climbed into bed next to Josie, facing the younger girl and snuggling under the covers. 
“ Hope please go- I don’t want to ruin your night “ Josie whispered 
“ Not knowing if you’re okay is what would ruin my night Jo…. we haven’t really been the same since the whole Landon thing but you're important to me and I need you to know that and I need you to know that I’m always going to be here for you… no matter what “ 
Josie sighed as she felt tears fill her eyes. 
“ You don’t have to keep everything bottled up Josie… I’m here “ Hope reassured 
“ I don’t want to be a burden Hope “ 
“ You could never be a burden to me… ever okay? “ 
Josie nodded, letting a few tears slip from her eyes. Hope reached forward, lightly brushing them away before pulling her hand away and placing it on Josie’s arm.
“ I don’t feel like I belong here anymore- I don’t know where I belong anymore…. I came back here and everyone moved on I mean I don’t fit in with any of you but I don’t fit in with them at mystic falls either “ Josie took a deep breath before continuing 
“ I thought leaving would be good for me and for a while it was but now I just feel so lost and I don’t know what to do “ Her voice cracked as more tears fell from her eyes. 
Hope felt her heart break while listening to Josie and her concerns.
“ Josie I’m so sorry I- “ Hope began but Josie was quick to stop her 
“ It’s not your fault Hope I just- I don’t think I belong here anymore “ Josie choked out 
Hope sat up, tears now filling her eyes. She’d lost so much this year and she couldn’t imagine losing Josie too. 
“ Josie what can I do? How can I help you “ Her voice now broke too as she held back the tears threatening to spill 
Josie now sat up as well taking a moment to think about her next words  
“ I don’t know I just miss everyone I- I miss Lizzie and MG… Jed and Kaleb. I miss my friends at Mystic falls and Ethan! I miss Raf and Landon I never even got to say goodbye and I miss you Hope but none of you seem to need me anymore  “ She cried out 
“ Josie of course we need you- I need you! You’re my- “ she paused for a moment 
“ You’re my Josie… and I would do anything for you. You Josette Saltzman are irreplaceable in not only my life but in many others. You belong here Josie… you belong here with your dad and with Lizzie and with our friends… You belong here with me “ Hope whispered the last part
Josie leaned forward and pulled Hope into a hug, The two girls feeling a sense of relief being in one another's arms after so long 
“ I’m sorry I wasn’t here when Landon-” 
“ You needed to take care of yourself Jo plus I had people here to help me… You don’t always have to sacrifice yourself for everyone else. I’m okay now so let me help you be okay “ 
“ Okay “ Josie mumbled as she buried her face into Hope’s neck
“ And don’t leave again… don’t ever leave again please- I hate it when you’re gone “ 
“ Well what do you usually do when I’m away “ 
“ Wait for you to come back “ 
Josie felt a smile creeping onto her face as she let Hope’s words sink in
“ I missed you while I was gone “ she confessed 
Hope pulled back a smile on her face. Her eyes went from Joise’s eyes to her lips suddenly feeling an overwhelming urge to kiss the brunette. Josie noticed this and began to lean in and just when their lips brushed one anothers the door to Josie’s room was flung open. 
“ oh oh damn- My bad I was just coming up here to get you guys “ Kaleb stuttered as the two girls looked over at him
“ I think we’re gonna stay in tonight Kaleb… maybe another time “ Hope mumbled 
“ Alright i’ll let everyone know “ He said as a large smile broke out on his face 
“ See you tomorrow “ Josie exclaimed as the boy made his way out of her room 
Before Josie could say anything Hope leaned forward, placing her lips on Josie’s. 
There was something so magical about it… a feeling Josie had never felt before. It felt like a surge of electricity coursed through her body whale butterflies erupted in her stomach. 
Josie pulled away and took a moment to look at Hope
“ Wow “ She mumbled 
“ I know “ Hope whispered in response- a lovesick giggle fighting it’s way out 
Josie just smiled at the girl before laying back down and pulling Hope with her. Hope’s head rested on Josie’s chest as Josie’s arms snaked around Hope. the two girls snuggling into the covers.
“ We’ll get through this together Jo… We always do “ Hope mumbled 
“ It never went away you know… even when I dated and kissed other people I still had feelings for you. I don’t think they’ll ever go away “ Josie confessed 
“ Good… I don’t ever want them to go away “ 
Josie smiled at the girl before closing her eyes and allowing herself to drift off to sleep.
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seikiro · 5 years
Penelope Park went down on Joise Saltzman
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