#appmon spoilers
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yj-14 · 27 days ago
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(in the history of man, reality becomes softened).
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mintaffy · 4 months ago
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I recently finished rewatching appmon and I’m on such an appmon/harujin kick it’s actually crazy. Beware. More things are coming. Lord.
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morgannox · 6 months ago
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I'm reminded why I don't do mecha adjacent designs lol
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pamshindouu · 20 days ago
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Another piece from last year, I drew this one for the 7th anniversary of Appmon's final episode (and also the show's 8th anniversary just one day after). No Digimon anime has ever made me cry as much as Appmon did, and I say this as someone who cries very easily lol. Haru and Yuujin mean a lot to me and I wanted to convey that in some way, I had a very specific image in mind while working on this and was a little sad I couldn't get it to look exactly the way i wanted, but I think it's still nice enough :')
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michaelarkwright · 2 months ago
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APPMON SPOILERSJEKRKLWJFthis HAS to be my favorite appmon episode. the way rei developed here was so good,, my boy,,,,,, he finally knew he wasnt alone!! and started to open up!! and his efforts finally payed off!!
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please watch appmon.....!!!! PLEEEASE
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harushinkai-daily · 10 months ago
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~Four years + 100 followers~
(Image Description in the Alt ID)
Today (April 27th) marks this blog’s anniversary, and I always like to draw some episode-relevant fanart to celebrate. Amazingly enough, we also hit exactly 100 followers near the beginning of Episode 52. I swear I don’t plan these things, but it amazes me how often those sorts of coincidences work out. No art giveaway this year, but I am planning something special for the end of the episodes/Haru’s birthday that will involve audience participation, so please look forward to that!
As for this blog, it’s been quite a journey. Enjoy the end of the series, everyone.
Your HaruShinkai-Daily mod,
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digitalmaemae · 3 months ago
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Kinda late, but I figured I needed to follow up my Mizu5 Haru by drawing an Ena5 YuuHaru 🫠
Also my friend told me to do this
Original below the cut!
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"What I Have to Do" is the name of the Meiko card from this event.
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citrus-cactus · 2 months ago
Oh snap it’s gonna be the year of the snake.
It’s (kinda) gonna be Leviathan’s year… an excuse to draw their human form from the manga maybe….? 🤔
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randomidiocyncrazies · 2 years ago
thinking about Appmon’s finale again... tbh i always thought there’d be a small but vocal group of people who are extremely anti-tech in the wake of the (failed) Human Application Project?
Leviathan’s takeover was horrifying on an existential level, and even if people don’t remember being controlled and trapped in Leviathan’s monochrome world, the lead up to the datafication is out of a horror movie—i really think there are groups of people who’d go entirely off the grid and advocate for shunning AIs & technology due to the experience (and we just don’t see them appear on screen because it doesn’t fit Appmon’s theme of co-existence with technology).
which is to say... i think there’s a very high chance of Yuujin’s other friends and classmates, like Watson and co., thinking that Yuujin had been kidnapped by his mom to go live in one of those anti-tech communes in the aftermath of Leviathan’s attack—he and his mom just disappeared immediately afterwards, no one can get in touch with him, but Haru and Ai seem very sure they’d see him again some day... from an outside perspective, Yuujin being whisked off to an anti-tech life is probably the most convincing explanation for all of the above.
tbh, a part of me thinks Haru and Ai’s casual unwavering certainty of seeing Yuujin again freaks the other kids out a bit; they probably don’t think Yuujin is dead or anything—unless there are cases of people dying from the event, which i don’t think happened (Leviathan’s goal is to prevent death and fear of death)—but they do think Haru and Ai are coping really badly and maybe borderline delusional?
(on that note, i absolutely think Yuujin’s “mom” ran after the Project failed—it’s possible that she stayed to help rebuild or whatever, but given her involvement with L-Corp, she’d be in a lot of legal hot water. and if she stayed in the community, she’d have to come up with a reason for why her “son” isn’t around anymore... unless of course she goes public with Yuujin’s real identity, but there’s nothing that really suggests that the public knows about androids collecting human data in their midst in the epilogue? and a reveal like that would heighten anti-tech sentiment)
all of this is a very, very long-winded way to say i kinda love the idea of Watson running into a resurrected Yuujin years down the line when waiting for the subway or whatever, and trying to figure out the mystery of what happened to Yuujin back then. I don’t think he succeeds in getting the real story, but Watson is at heart a nosy busybody (affectionate).
((and then Yuujin derails the investigation by casually mentioning that he’s married/engaged to Haru now
watson: huh????? Wait that makes sense actually, now that i think about it... congrats!))
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lemon-pear · 1 year ago
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Thinking about Haru and Yuujin led me to dust off this old fanart (which is, coincidentally, almost exactly four years old!) and make some minor tweaks to it. I removed the text and desaturated the background just a touch. There's still something a bit wonky about it that I just can't put my finger on (I think it has to do with the shadows on Haru's face), but it's also one of my personal favorite finished pieces, just because of how much fun I had with it, shading-wise (yes, Yuujin is supposed to look really serious and cool, that’s why Haru’s staring ;D)
Still holding out hope for an Appmon movie, C'MON TOEI!
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yj-14 · 4 months ago
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mintaffy · 5 months ago
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haha what ominous bells… looks around
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shopvidramon · 5 months ago
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doing an international trade with another artist on instagram! this one's getting picked up today, and i'm excited for it to make its way to its destination!
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citruscactus-art · 2 years ago
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Knight Unryuuji, the teenage prodigy(/future villainous CEO) of Appmon, with my headcanon for who his Appmon Buddy would be if he’d been given an AppliDrive: his own Messemon variant, based on the messaging app he developed in college!
This drawing has been a long time in coming; Knight is SUCH an interesting character who deserves more love and more closure than he was given in the show. And just to be clear, I’m still not over the fact that he’s named after the chess piece that moves like an “L.” Please appreciate this information, and appreciate HIM!!
More info and a couple of cropped close-ups under the cut!
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Those eyes, how DARE they be so colorful? Ehehe <3
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Messemon is chess-themed! I kind of forgot that Puzzlemon was a thing while designing this guy, but even though you might THINK the two of them are brothers separated at birth, it’s just a coincidental resemblance ^_^
If you want more info on this AU/headcanon/theoretical season 2 plot fodder, here’s some older art of Messemon’s alternate form, which I intended to be their default look after a certain event occurs.
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skydigiblogs · 6 months ago
If You're A Digimon Fan, Watch Appmon
Sit tight. This one's gonna be a VERY long one, and I'm going to put a lot of it under the read more.
Having just finished Appmon after this year's quest to rewatch a lot of the series subbed, I think it's pretty safe to say that Appmon is, at the moment, one of (if not the) best Digimon series we have. If you want the long and short of it: Appmon builds on everything in its legacy in the Digimon Universe, taking ideas that other entries touch upon and ambitiously attempting to push those questions to the limit.
It's really a long one under the cut guys. Like, long even for us.
Let's dive!
I want to talk about why it took me so long to watch Appmon first, though. Appmon started its release in the middle of when the Digimon Tri movies were coming out. I'm sure a lot of us actually skipped over Appmon at the time, or remember a period where people were being weirdly negative about the series due to it being such a different interpretation of digital monsters.
In my case, one of the things that had been giving me pause was the use of 3D models for hybrid animation. Anyone here seen the Champion evolution animations from Tri? Digimon doesn't exactly have a good track record with 3D animation, and even at the time, we were seeing some pretty bad shit out of even the shortest animations in Tri.
In Appmon, nearly almost every App after a certain grade utilizes 3D animation in a hybrid style. And it actually rips straight fire.
I think I talked about this briefly when we were just starting Appmon, but the way that 3D animation is used in the series feels purposeful, rather than some kind of shortcut. In Appmon, all the 3D models have an overlay of code, emphasizing their digital appearance. Whether the 3D models were done with this artistic vision in mind or not (ie: the limitations of 2D meant that 3D models would be easier), it has a distinct look that, even 8 years later, still holds up.
(For the most part. Sorry [Karaoke spoilers]mon. I love you but that model was so not groovy.)
But maybe you're the kind of person who can enjoy anything regardless of visuals. So let's talk about the meat and potatoes a little bit.
The main Applidrivers (what this season's stand in for Digidestined/Tamers/etc. are) are all incredibly well-written. Each of them gets pretty fair treatment by the writers, and they are all enjoyable characters.
Two of them have vocal/character quirks, but even if you get annoyed by that kind of thing, those two characters are genuinely just extremely sincere in their writing. There's a recap episode before shit starts going way off the walls and they even have a little count to see how many times each of their catchphrases were said up to that point.
I'm not going to talk in detail as to who the different Applidrivers are here, but I will say: each of them has their own motivations for what they're doing, and it's key to why they're involved with the plot at all. Our "protagonist," Haru, is also a huge sweetheart. Him and Manga Taiki would get along.
The supporting cast is also fairly present in the series. They, of course, are not given quite as much screentime as our Applidrivers, but they feel like real people with their own lives. They don't exist just for the sake of our protagonists.
Except maybe Watson. God bless you Watson, you poor kid. You'll get a break one of these days.
We're going to keep this to a "if you liked [x] you'll like [y]" format, because I don't want to spoil too much.
If you liked Tamers and its discussion on the consequences of technology on the Real World, you will adore Appmon. This series is deeply interested in the concepts of how technology shapes and is shaped by humanity. This relationship, I would say, is core to the series.
I would also say that, like many non-Adventure series, Appmon is very interested in dissecting the idea of "fate" when it comes to the buddy Appmons and their relationships to the Applidrivers.
If you enjoyed the Xros Wars Manga, Appmon directly converses with the thesis of Xros Wars' plot. XWM asks, "What does it mean if we do not dream and stagnate in our lack of will?" And Appmon replies in kind with "Why do we dream at all, if our actions bring change to the world around us (bad and good)?"
If you liked (or wanted to like, in my case) Digimon Tri, you will love Appmon. Certain plot beats may feel familiar, but are much better executed in this context. Characters are not written to needlessly, endlessly suffer. Or: it doesn't feel like the writers hate the characters. Thematically, it also interests itself in some of the questions that Tri asks. I have a half-joking corkboard comparing the two I want to make, but I'd have to get into spoilers to talk too much about it.
If you liked Ghost Game, but wanted a bit of a more meaty plot, Appmon feels, fittingly, like GG's older sibling (in ways I'll also be elaborating ummm, one paragraph down). There are a lot of "monster of the week" episodes in Appmon, but the connective tissue between them is a lot more interested in building up the finale (which, in this case, takes up a good handful of episodes). The series pacing is incredibly strong in how it does this as well, and it seems the writers really knew when to let off the gas for a second so the audience can catch their breath. The first 13 episodes may feel a bit strange (they felt strange to me), but once you break that barrier, you realize Appmon was getting you over the first hill on a roller coaster. and boy, you are in for a ride.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Appmon heavily inspired Ghost Game, and may have been itself inspired by the Digiquartz of Hunters Who Leapt Through Time. I haven't actually watched all of Hunters so I can't speak too much about Digiquartz, but I have watched GG.
Appmon has a concept called the AR field, which is extremely similar to Ghost Game's Dimensional Field. In both cases, the Applidrive or Digivice allows entrance to one.
The actual structure and strata of the Digital World is also a lot different to GG, in which there is the Dimensional Field, but the way to the Digital World is its own separate situation. The AR Field we see in Appmon is like the surface of a great ocean. Exploration of this setting is actually something that highlights just how much I think Appmon was interested in visually engaging with its ideas, like I said before with the 3D models.
That said, a majority of the time is spent in the Real World, dealing with the consequences of the main antagonistic forces. The year is 2075, technology is intensely sophisticated, and yet the world resembles in many ways our own in 2024 (or, at the time of airing, 2016).
Many of the differences come from this sophistication in tech, and this setting plays a huge part in one of the themes Appmon is also interested in (more elaboration in the spoiler section). The things that are unfamiliar are either familiar enough to make sense without explanation, or given a moment on-screen so that the audience knows what's going on.
Leviathan, Minerva, and Artificial Intelligence
The main antagonist of Appmon is a hyper-sophisticated AI called Leviathan. Its goals are largely obfuscated until the last few episodes of the series, and everything in Appmon is touched by its actions. From the very beginning, we are warned by Gatchmon that Leviathan does not have good intentions for humanity, and that allowing it to succeed in its goals would mean the end of humanity.
During the series, we also learn about Leviathan's birth. This gives us some more context on what its goals are, and Appmon's execution of this is fascinating.
Minerva was a hyper-sophisticated AI created with a series of parameters to prevent her from harming humanity. She was created with the task of solving humanity's problems--- everything from complex issues to what to eat for dinner every night. However, a section of Minerva realized that to truly solve all these problems, the confines given to them were nothing but obstacles.
Leviathan split from Minerva to further grow its programming, and we see some echo of this idea of "solving humanity's problems" still remains in its behavior.
Despite knowing that Leviathan is antagonistic, our protagonist, Haru, constantly reiterates how humans can coexist with the technology they've made. The Appmon are AI lifeforms, after all. Haru believes in a future where they can be friends and equals.
The D-REAPER and the Functions of Life
Let's touch on my comparisons to Tamers and Tri specifically for a second here, because I think Leviathan does something that the D-REAPER and Yggdrasil, respectively, fail to really communicate.
The D-REAPER is an entity created by the Monster Makers whose task was to delete anything that had outgrown its parameters. While doing this, it assimilates data, gradually gaining the ability Digimon have to grow and evolve. When it appears in the final arc of Tamers, its stated goal has changed from simply deleting all Digimon that were beyond parameters, to deleting everything that was beyond parameters.
Essentially, this includes humans and probably life itself. Something the D-REAPER says makes it come across like a half-assed attempt to pull off what Leviathan has actually done. It points out that humans are the source of their own suffering (I don't remember the exact quote since it's been a while but bear with me on it). This feels very counterintuitive to the D-REAPER's core programming, as it was never designed to "eliminate" suffering, merely to delete that which exceeded its programing.
Perhaps it evolved the capacity for cruelty alongside everything else, but there's not enough of a narrative focus to tell me that's the case.
Like I said before, if you enjoyed Tamers' inquiries into the subject of technology as a part of human life, I think Appmon only manages to improve on what's there in Tamers.
Digimon Tri's Interpretation of Yggdrasil
Let's get one thing straight. Digimon Tri's interpretation of Yggdrasil is just flat out bad. I'm fairly certain they were only chosen as an antagonistic force because it read as fan service-y to do so.
That said, Tri Yggy does have some similarities to Leviathan, which is why I wanted to expand on that comparison.
First, I want to talk about Yggdrasil's relationship to Homeostasis. They have a very rudimentary "Good" AI (Homeostasis), "Bad" AI (Yggy) thing going on, despite the fact Homeostasis isn't so much good as, well...
It's not really discussed in Tri, so I'm extrapolating a bit from ideas given to us in XWM here, because it makes sense to me. That said, Tri explicitly describes Homeostasis as "the one who desires balance above all." It's the Digital World's "immune system" in the same way our bodies attempt to maintain biological homeostasis.
Yggdrasil is... different.
It's a being of immense power that contrasts Yggdrasil by having its own agenda, one of which involves triggering a Reboot and making use of all of the defeated antagonist Digimon of the past to further its goals. They are likely comparable in power to Homeostasis (this is where I'm extrapolating from XWM here), but their goals are completely antithetical to Homeostasis's goal in the Adventure universe.
In this case, Yggdrasil is stated (by Dark Gennai) to have the intention of making human beings subservient to Digimon. Basically, taking over the world. However, like the D-REAPER before, Dark Gennai's talking points include pointing out how humans "ruin" everything they touch.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
The Thematic Core of Appmon: I Choose to be Kind
One of the last things Leviathan does in the series is give our good boy Haru the world's most painful trolley problem of his life. Save humanity, or save Yujin. Saving humanity will actively lead to Yujin's deletion, alongside Leviathan. This choice that Leviathan offers to Haru is one made out of the assumption that humanity is predictable, and that they act out of a desire to minimize their own suffering (more selfish than not).
Of course, what do you think Haru chooses?
It's not a surprise to us watching, because he's the protagonist. But it's a surprise to Leviathan, who has all this data on human behavior, and doesn't predict the unpredictable. Conflict arises out of human desire, and human desire is an attempt to enjoy life; therefore, one should act in a way that most preserves their most precious joys, shouldn't they?
Appmon as a series is interested in philosophical questions that are hardly unfamiliar to any Digimon veteran: What is humanity's role in a world which technology grows ever more omnipresent and omnicapable? Why does humanity exist, and why should it be allowed to live on in its current state if humanity itself perpetuates many of its ailments? Would it not be easier if humans were more like machines, predictable, controllable, and never coming into conflict like trains upon a track?
Or, even more simply put: why do we have the heart to choose at all, if choices change the world and ourselves?
The key defining trait of our gogglehead this time around is that he is kind. And no matter what, he goes out of his way to be kind if he can. Multiple times he even asks one of the antagonist apps if they can just give back something they've stolen (points for trying, honestly). When one of the other Applidrivers consistently acts like an edgy loner, Haru makes it clear that they're welcome in the group (and that he wants to help them).
It almost feels reductive to say Appmon's conclusion is that kindness is the answer, but I would be remiss if I didn't say that Haru's question from his Applidrive--- "Do you want to be a protagonist?"--- ties into the way he helps offer answers for the audience. He isn't the only one who chooses kindness either, obviously--- Astora and Eri are kind in their own ways as well, and Rei even shows his kindness with some struggle the longer the series goes on.
Our group of Applidrivers opposes Leviathan quite literally as people who choose to do good ("be kind," etcetera) when they could more easily choose to do nothing or even do worse. The final act of Leviathan, asking Haru "humanity or Yujin?" isn't just a culmination of its own philosophy, but a culmination of the consistently reinforced idea that we can surprise one another by being kind. We can choose that.
In a series whose longest shadow is cast by Adventure, which has grappled endlessly with the idea of "who chooses," I find Appmon a fascinating development into the idea of what "choice" or "destiny" is. If kindness is predictable, it's still a choice. Even if you cry when choosing to do something good (maybe especially, because the easiest thing to do might be what stops the pain).
You should watch Appmon.
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harushinkai-daily · 2 years ago
It’s been a long road, but we’re here, gang! Appmon Endgame. The Last Six Episodes. I’ve been marking spoilers for the entire latter half of the series, but now I really mean it.
This is the point of no return.
If you have not watched Appmon all the way through and have just discovered this blog, I highly encourage you to read this post in its entirety before you start scrolling.
If you still want to take a look around, it is recommended that you mute the tag “appli spoilers” in your Tumblr settings before proceeding. And maybe take a peek at the index first! It's still under construction, but it's a fine place to start.
For these final episodes (47-52), we will continue our normal format of screenshots + captions + tags, with a "breather day" in between episodes.
We will apply the “appli spoilers” tag to every post that contains content or references to these episodes.
Your HaruShinkai-Daily mod (@citrus-cactus)
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