#poor minden
ruddentropptabornok · 5 months
"Varga Mihály pénzügyminiszter egy péntek este közzétett Facebook-videóban értékelte a jó hírt. Azt hangsúlyozta, hogy a Standard and Poor's továbbra is befektetésre ajánlja Magyarországot. A tárcavezető kiemeli: az elemzés szerint, hogy Magyarország továbbra is vonzó célpont a befektetések számára, a munkanélküliségi ráta tovább javulhat, a folyó fizetési mérleg többlete fennmaradhat."
Minden kibaszott szava csúsztatás vagy hazugság.
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koinotfish · 4 months
Excerpt 2 from The Secrets the Sun Keeps:
Hey, you- angsty fantasy reader who enjoys supporting indie authors- come check this out! I post... regularly on AO3 here. Please read, comment, reblog, and do whatever it is you lovely people on Tumblr do. Much love <3
“Hm. With the amount of customers visiting your booth,” He looked around demonstratively, making a show of landing on a competing leather and hides merchant. “I’m sure times are tough for you. I apologize, but I’m on a long journey from out west and the trip is far from over. I cannot afford to give away my valuables to charity. Farewell.” He turned with a flourish of a wave and the woman lashed the backs of his knees with her jagged spined tail. <em>Gotcha,</em> he smirked before morphing his expression to one of bewilderment. 
In lieu of the broken common tongue she grated out earlier, she thrust a poly and… Yep, 50 agars into his palm. He stroked along the sharp grain of the snake’s hide, and its dark gold colored scales in phony contemplation. After thinking her offer over for a tense minute, the heavyset reptilian lady glaring a hole in between his eyes, he returned her coins to her and walked off again.
“You not find better deal than what I give you, stupid stranger!” Fumed Risha. 
“Your prices offend me, miss. This exotic beast is from the west, further beyond Faulk than any in Minden have likely ever been. I owe it to the serpent to find somebody capable of rendering it into workable armor, rather than simply sell it to a higher bidder. Again, have a good evening.” He said all of this from a distance so that he had cause to yell it over the din of the market, and heads turned towards the ensuing argument. The higher quality vendors with finer wares wouldn’t have given an outsider a second glance, but the words ‘out west’ captured their attention. Still, he paid the solicitors no mind as he pretended to peruse other stalls and booths, the poly from his boot in hand to show that he was wealthy enough to deal with. Poor people were paid poor prices even for expensive items, and the rich got richer. Thieves, liars, and con artists were above both.
With time to kill, Erik milled around town and briefly debated on buying a drink at the tavern, but if he reeked of alcohol the group would assume he’d spent <em>their</em> hard earned money. There was a stable in town that looked like a strong wind would send its abused supports to their knees. He decided to scope that out. Although the building was dilapidated, there were three people standing guard- a middle aged man, a younger boy, and a woman around his age. So it was a family business, then. Walking by looking around the streets as if lost, he realized their house was connected by an alleyway to the stables and had windows facing over their business. The second time he walked by, he noted the woman looked up from scooping hay to watch him. Her husband barked something at her and she jolted, averting her gaze and getting back to work. 
She was pretty in figure but had a plain face. It wasn’t clear what type of fae she was, so that meant there was a good chance she was a mutt or halfbreed of some sort. Certainly too low bred to be capable of magic. That husband of hers was a fearsome orc. Maybe even purebred with the length of those tusks. They were a hideous people with a temper to match their brawn, especially the males. A female orc who had a problem with you was no party either, though. How strange to see such a pure blooded male in this puny, filthy town. Had to be an outlaw or something. Or an opportunist seeking to profit off being the only source of a mount in the area. Erik had the feeling it was the former. His opinion of orcs was not favorable, thanks to the slavers that distracted him from the task of recapturing Meredith. 
Erik walked through the barn style door of the stable with his hands in his pockets, stealing glances at the woman when her son and husband weren’t looking. The dark skinned boy, who took after his father more than the mother, announced they’d be with him in a minute. Clearly it wasn’t the woman’s job to handle customers. She looked like she had something to say, so he started the conversation with her anyways. Erik remarked casually on the beauty of the tall, fit black stallion they had. Nervously, she agreed and reached up to place her palm on his nose. The horse had to bend down for her to reach him, but seemed calm with her. Only two horses were kept here in the same double wide stall. Every other spot had weird, lanky otter looking creatures with webbed feet. 
“You’re looking at the dire otters. Small, powerful, and capable of pulling cargo in groups,” The orc said, wiping sweat off his pronounced brow with one hand and pushing his tiny wife behind him with the other. She was all but flung towards the back of the shed and did her best not to squeal in surprise when she nearly tripped forward. “Whatcha in the market for, foreigner? Or did you just stop by to chat?” The last comment was spat at him, but he feigned ignorance and stated that he was only curious what types of animals were for sale here. His excuse only earned a grunt and a snort in response. Their boy was watching him like a hawk as well, but the woman’s eyes were turned down as she continued to sweep the same place on the floor, pushing the dirty hay around in a pile. He’d embarrassed her, and that worked to Erik’s advantage perfectly.
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From the httyd: I’m choosing number 10
you didn't specify who so i'm doing all of them
would i slap their ass?
Hiccup: Absolutely
Astrid: Absolutely not
Snotlout: Without hesitation
Fishlegs: I think he'd get too freaked out if I did
Tuffnut: My hand is swinging already
Ruffnut: Only if she was flirting with me too
Heather: She has a metal skirt. Absolutely not
Dagur: Only if it was RttE Dagur. DoB Dagur is too schmongly
Alvin: I like him but no
Savage: With the sharp end of a shovel, maybe
Stoick: He'd probably get uncomfortable so no
Valka: My palm is coming in swinging
Gobber: Ehhhh no
Gothi: She'd break my fingers absolutely not
Bucket: No
Mulch: Poor guy wouldn't even know how to react if I did that
Spitelout: With the sharp end of an axe, absolutely. Get that thing fucking swinging.
Gustav: Ew no
Sven: Only if it was like Saw Trap levels of required
Mildew: With the sharp end of a longsword, yes
Eret: Only if it was for a dare or something, I'm not into him and wouldn't wanna give him the wrong idea
Drago: With a ballista spear for sure
Krogan: May as well tbh
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Ryker: Definitely
Johann: With a brick yes
Gruffnut: No. Never. Not in a million years.
Mala: Without hesitation
Throk: My gut tells me no but my brain tells me that if I did it might make him reconsider his sexist stances so... maybe?
Atali: I feel like I'd offend her if I did that
Minden: She'd probably call me a slur if I did that tbh
Maeve: Yes uwu she's pretty
Harald: No but I'd kick it. Knocking him off a cliff in the process.
Nikora: Holy moly don't you know it
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nyuszimotor · 7 months
kijött a Poor things - nagyon bejött a film, mint minden Lanthimostól.
Féltem azért, hogy majd csalódni fogok, mint a Zone of interesttel, de szerencsére lekötött és hozta a szokásos kvalitit
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 years
Okay random bragging here (because I am excited I figured this shit out on my own despite not really being a tripping point but you know why not).
Szóval vagy egy hónapja elkezdtem a drága Vodafonenal dolgozni ala remote costumer service (because pénz, bejárás nélküli és tapasztalt) és van egy ilyen policy hogy ne biztassatok az ügyfeleket hogy csekkel fizessenek mert próbálunk minél inkább elektronikusra átállni!!
(except the problem is hogy vannak olyan öregek hogy 1 nincs nekik internet mert you know 80+ why would they, nincs olyan újságárus ahol be lehet fizetni, kiment a bank a városból szóval utalni nem tudja mert 80 éves és nem buszozik and like a postás néha jár a faluban mert felszámoltak egy csomót szóval néha megkapja a számlát néha nem, tedd ehhez hozzá hogy a Vodafone is sok esetben késik a számlával szóval yeey for ördögi kör)
(I usually jokes about Romania ✨just working ✨ but Hungary is another mess fucking hell)
Anyways again
Néninek kéne a csekk sajnos a csekk késik mert tudja a halál baj volt a szállítással szóval my first recommend cucc hogy eh menjen be újságoshoz és fizesse be vagy utalja át
Néni is like okay but she doesn't have kártya or internet. this is Budapest so I thought oké újságos still works de nem because néni szegény mozgássérült which means hogy nem nagyon tud eljárni a lakásból (ahhoz hogy a gondozó befizesse a cuccokat kurva sok papír kell addigra már rég lekesne a számláról 30x. Usually a postás felviszi neki a levelet, elveszi a pénzt és feladja helyette.
Except there is no fucking számla
This happens almost every month.
Szóval nenike telefonál minden egyes hónapban hogy jaj hol van a számla because az egyedüli amit tud csinálni az a Tv nézés and nm hagyhatja hogy az felfüggeszek (which fair and the fucking stress can't be healthy)
So me in a god damned galaxy brain moment thought wait a minute! Én ki tudok küldeni üres (like nincs rajta az összeg amit be kell fizetni) csekket. Like egy egész évi adagot. Sure I shouldn't recommend it because it's company policy hogy ne nagyon szajkózzuk hogy van ilyen hanem várjuk meg ha kérik, but this fucking woman is stressed to hell and has been for months fuck that noise.
Szóval mondom a néninek figyi a csekk meg fog érkezni chill annyi idő alatt nem lesz semmi lekapcsolva, but like ha kiküldok önnek ilyet és ön csak azért kéne betelefonálósat játsszon hogy megkérdezze mennyit kell fizetni az úgy jó?
Poor fucking woman I thought she was going to cry she was so fucking thankful
(anyways azóta mindenkinek akinek mindig késik a számlája küldök bulkba csekket and they are fucking delighted)
Bragging moment over sorry for the fucking novel
úristen, this fucks. you're honestly a god & life-saver for this cause companies are always like "jaj próbálunk elektronikusra átállni :)" and the don't give a shit abt Marika néni from Bivalybasznád aki nem tud elektronikusan fizetni több okból kifolyólag!! szerencsétlen néni, man i'm so glad she had you.
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bagdyernoke · 1 year
One of the fundamental mistakes many ppl make when think about Russia and Russians is that we assume they think like most European societies. This is simply nonsense and has never been the case.
Russia is a totalitarian state not only politically but also socially. And with all due respect to the minority of those “normal-minded” Russians, it's really not just "Putin and the poor Russians under him", but Putin is the image of Russian society…
Orbán is a magyar ugaron lakó népesség többségének ostobasága, gyávasága, minden másság és progresszivítás iránti gyűlölet tartja hatalmon. Ez a silány magyar emberanyag ezt a vezető réteget tudta kitermelni, vér a véréből, tehát megérdemli.
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whumpshaped · 1 year
Shit those signs are crazy in your language! Looks like something straight out of a fantasy movie haha. And well yeah budapest is loud but so is every city! And the architecture there is so beautiful.
Btw hungarian - english google translate does a poor job translating ):
:D !!
iiiiiiiigen- ha működik az agyam holnap visszajövök lefordítani azt a válaszomat :) meg ezt is-
(és amúgy a város ahol én lakok rohadt szép, és nem olyan hangos!! tele egy csomó szép épülettel meg minden. szerintem pest konkrétan a leghangosabb város itt- nyilván, az a főváros- de ja. a többi hely nyugodtabb c: )
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Fishlegs is Waxing Poetic... and Snotlout is NOT Amused by Minlout3Heathlegs3RuffthrokFan
(Season 5, Episode 3, “Something Rotten on Berserker Island”)
Hello, everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve done an edit, so here ya go! Hope you like it. 
This is an extended version of my OTHER edit, which you can check out here.
Just ignore Snotlout. He’s just jealous that he can’t do the same stuff with Minden, since she’s on Wingmaiden Island and all. Poor guy. Don’t worry, pal, you’ll get your chance soon (in a fanfic, at least). XD
Keep Calm and Ship Heathlegs!
Minlout & Heathlegs & Ruffthrok Fan
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Last UPDATED: July 29, 2023
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Sorra maradnak el a nemzetközi és magyarországi mozipremierek a koronavírus miatt, de ez még nem jelenti azt, hogy lőttek a hétvégi mozizásnak. Nézz filmet otthon, és válogass a legnagyobb streaming szolgáltatók ingyenes kínálatából.
Az idei év egyik legjobban várt filmje, a Mission Impossible 7 2023 november a magyarországi mozikban az queniborough.online forgalmazásában.
Élvezze a szabadidőt családjával, barátaival és partnereivel. Itt töltheti ki szabadidejét, ha ellátogat hivatalos filmoldalunkra, amelyhez bármikor és bárhol hozzáférhet. Az Ön számára készített filmoldalon filme Mission Impossible 7 nézhet. Az általad filmeket ingyenesen is elérheted magyarul.
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RENDEZŐ: Michael B. Jordan FORGATÓKÖNYVÍRÓ: Keenan Coogler, Zach Baylin, Ryan Coogler ZENE: Joe Shirley
Industry : Roger Ebert 19864 : Film criticism is the analysis and evaluation of films. In general, these works can be divided into two categories: academic criticism by film scholars and journalistic film criticism that appears regularly in newspapers and other media. Film critics working for newspapers, magazines, and broadcast media mainly review new releases. Normally they only see any given film once and have only a day or two to formulate their opinions. Despite this, critics have an important impact on the audience response and attendance at films, especially those of certain genres. Mass marketed action, horror, and comedy films tend not to be greatly affected by a critics overall judgment of a film. The plot summary and description of a film and the assessment of the directors and screenwriters work that makes up the majority of most film reviews can still have an important impact on whether people decide to see a film. For prestige films such as most dramas and art films, the influence of reviews is important. Poor reviews from leading critics at major papers and magazines will often reduce audience interest and attendance.
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Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) KO-zta a világot, és az most a lába előtt hever. Bajnok lett. Boldogan él. Mindene megvan. De a bunyó olyan, mint az élet: a győztesnek is mindig készülnie kell egy váratlan fordulatra. A bajnok egy régi haverja, Damian kiszabadul a sittről. Tizennyolc évet húzott le odabent, és abból kb. tizenhatot gyúrással tölthetett. Elképesztő formában van, és forr benne a düh. Mindenkit utál, aki kinn volt, amíg ő benn. De a legjobban a bajnokot gyűlöli – és be akarja bizonyítani, hogy neki jár a cím. És odabenn nem sportszerű meccsre készült. A gyerekkori barátoknak meg kell küzdeniük egymással. Adonis csak akkor győzhet, ha mindent kockára tesz: ő nagyon sokat veszíthet, az ellenfele viszont semmit.
Mission Impossible 7 (2023) film - Alkotók es Szereplők : Channing Tatum as Mike Lane Salma Hayek Pinault as Maxandra Mendoza Ayub Khan Din as Victor Jemelia George as Zadie Juliette Motamed as Hannah Vicki Pepperdine as Edna Eaglebauer Gavin Spokes as Matthew Caitlin Gerard as Kim Christopher Bencomo as Kim's husband
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Ez az oldal a legjobb hely nézni teljes film magyarul es HD minőségben online ingyenes.
Sorra maradnak el a nemzetközi és magyarországi mozipremierek a koronavírus miatt, de ez még nem jelenti azt, hogy lőttek a hétvégi mozizásnak. Nézz filmet otthon, és válogass a legnagyobb streaming szolgáltatók ingyenes kínálatából.
Az idei év egyik legjobban várt filmje, a Meg 2.: Az árok 2023 november a magyarországi mozikban az queniborough.online forgalmazásában.
Élvezze a szabadidőt családjával, barátaival és partnereivel. Itt töltheti ki szabadidejét, ha ellátogat hivatalos filmoldalunkra, amelyhez bármikor és bárhol hozzáférhet. Az Ön számára készített filmoldalon filme Meg 2.: Az árok nézhet. Az általad filmeket ingyenesen is elérheted magyarul.
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Industry : Roger Ebert 19864 : Film criticism is the analysis and evaluation of films. In general, these works can be divided into two categories: academic criticism by film scholars and journalistic film criticism that appears regularly in newspapers and other media. Film critics working for newspapers, magazines, and broadcast media mainly review new releases. Normally they only see any given film once and have only a day or two to formulate their opinions. Despite this, critics have an important impact on the audience response and attendance at films, especially those of certain genres. Mass marketed action, horror, and comedy films tend not to be greatly affected by a critics overall judgment of a film. The plot summary and description of a film and the assessment of the directors and screenwriters work that makes up the majority of most film reviews can still have an important impact on whether people decide to see a film. For prestige films such as most dramas and art films, the influence of reviews is important. Poor reviews from leading critics at major papers and magazines will often reduce audience interest and attendance.
Meg 2.: Az árok 2023 Teljes film magyarul - Meg 2.: Az árok 2023 online filmek Videa - mozicsillag, indavideo, filmek, film adatlapok, online sorozatok, online film adatlapok, sorozat adatlapok
Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) KO-zta a világot, és az most a lába előtt hever. Bajnok lett. Boldogan él. Mindene megvan. De a bunyó olyan, mint az élet: a győztesnek is mindig készülnie kell egy váratlan fordulatra. A bajnok egy régi haverja, Damian kiszabadul a sittről. Tizennyolc évet húzott le odabent, és abból kb. tizenhatot gyúrással tölthetett. Elképesztő formában van, és forr benne a düh. Mindenkit utál, aki kinn volt, amíg ő benn. De a legjobban a bajnokot gyűlöli – és be akarja bizonyítani, hogy neki jár a cím. És odabenn nem sportszerű meccsre készült. A gyerekkori barátoknak meg kell küzdeniük egymással. Adonis csak akkor győzhet, ha mindent kockára tesz: ő nagyon sokat veszíthet, az ellenfele viszont semmit.
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Videa-HD! Meg 2.: Az árok Teljes film inGYen Magyarul [1080p]
Hol Nézhetek teljes film magyarul Az Meg 2.: Az árok HD Minőségben?
Ez az oldal a legjobb hely nézni teljes film magyarul es HD minőségben online ingyenes.
Meg 2.: Az árok teljes film online magyar felirattal és ingyen. Nézd meg a teljes filmet online ingyen magyar audió formátumban, felirattal és vágások nélkül HD minőségben │ Teljes HD – 460p – 720p – 1080p – BRRip – DvdRip
🌍📺📱👉 Meg 2.: Az árok Videa Ingyen 🔴
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Sorra maradnak el a nemzetközi és magyarországi mozipremierek a koronavírus miatt, de ez még nem jelenti azt, hogy lőttek a hétvégi mozizásnak. Nézz filmet otthon, és válogass a legnagyobb streaming szolgáltatók ingyenes kínálatából.
Az idei év egyik legjobban várt filmje, a Meg 2.: Az árok 2023 november a magyarországi mozikban az queniborough.online forgalmazásában.
Élvezze a szabadidőt családjával, barátaival és partnereivel. Itt töltheti ki szabadidejét, ha ellátogat hivatalos filmoldalunkra, amelyhez bármikor és bárhol hozzáférhet. Az Ön számára készített filmoldalon filme Meg 2.: Az árok nézhet. Az általad filmeket ingyenesen is elérheted magyarul.
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Industry : Roger Ebert 19864 : Film criticism is the analysis and evaluation of films. In general, these works can be divided into two categories: academic criticism by film scholars and journalistic film criticism that appears regularly in newspapers and other media. Film critics working for newspapers, magazines, and broadcast media mainly review new releases. Normally they only see any given film once and have only a day or two to formulate their opinions. Despite this, critics have an important impact on the audience response and attendance at films, especially those of certain genres. Mass marketed action, horror, and comedy films tend not to be greatly affected by a critics overall judgment of a film. The plot summary and description of a film and the assessment of the directors and screenwriters work that makes up the majority of most film reviews can still have an important impact on whether people decide to see a film. For prestige films such as most dramas and art films, the influence of reviews is important. Poor reviews from leading critics at major papers and magazines will often reduce audience interest and attendance.
Meg 2.: Az árok 2023 Teljes film magyarul - Meg 2.: Az árok 2023 online filmek Videa - mozicsillag, indavideo, filmek, film adatlapok, online sorozatok, online film adatlapok, sorozat adatlapok
Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) KO-zta a világot, és az most a lába előtt hever. Bajnok lett. Boldogan él. Mindene megvan. De a bunyó olyan, mint az élet: a győztesnek is mindig készülnie kell egy váratlan fordulatra. A bajnok egy régi haverja, Damian kiszabadul a sittről. Tizennyolc évet húzott le odabent, és abból kb. tizenhatot gyúrással tölthetett. Elképesztő formában van, és forr benne a düh. Mindenkit utál, aki kinn volt, amíg ő benn. De a legjobban a bajnokot gyűlöli – és be akarja bizonyítani, hogy neki jár a cím. És odabenn nem sportszerű meccsre készült. A gyerekkori barátoknak meg kell küzdeniük egymással. Adonis csak akkor győzhet, ha mindent kockára tesz: ő nagyon sokat veszíthet, az ellenfele viszont semmit.
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davidpwilson2564 · 2 years
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Despite having won so many games this baseball season (101) the Mets lose the wild card game that would have kept them in the running.  No Subway Series this year.  This: Joe Musgrove, the Padres pitcher is checked for a sticky substance.  Believed to be on his ear. (Because it was red?)  His ears were checked.  Nothing sticky.  The Mets fans become quiet.  Hard to believe this great season is over. 
Note: Trump speaks to an eager crowd in Minden, Nevada. (He tosses out those red hats, like he threw the rolls of paper towels to the crowd in Puerto Rico.)  Says, re missing documents, that George H. W. Bush secreted a huge stash in a bowling alley that was also a Chinese restaurant.  Says Barack Hussein Obama stored documents he took with him in “an unsafe part of Chicago.”  It is believed that there are missing documents at Bedminster and at Trump Tower.  Why wouldn’t there be?  It is his insurance plan.  (Just as Rudy said about the “files of documents” he has [really?]...the dirt on Trump. Poor Rudy.)  He wants the documents taken, which he insists are “his”...even the documents he says the FBI planted?
Monday, October 10, 2022
Columbus Day, or Indigenous Peoples Day.  In some parts of the country  (e.g. Philadelphia) statues of Columbus are covered.  Here in New York the Columbus Day Parade (Italian American pride celebration) goes on as scheduled.  The statue at Columbus Circle remains unharmed. 
Trump’s lawyers are getting lawyered up.  All of that donor money...Lawyers getting lawyers.  
I hear from my sister.  Pics of the kids in Disneyland.  A little note from  her saying that the Brer Rabbit and  “Song of the South” theme at Splash Mountain (a ride) is under criticism and  being urged to change its name because it lacks political correctness. Understandable.   The protesters say: keep the ride, change the name.  
Note: Fellow Republicans Rick Scott and Tom Cotton, about as far right as one can get, are in Georgia campaigning for Herschel Walker.  Yes, he paid for abortions despite his strict anti-abortion stance.  But...God forgives...
to be continued
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Minden: I love you
Snotlout: *Staring lovingly at Thor Bonecrusher* hm?
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joecroatian · 6 years
Tumblr media
Ha koffein és cigaretta nélkül el tudod kezdeni a napot, mindig kedves vagy bármelyik tagod fájjon is, és minden nap képes vagy ugyanezt megtenni, megérted hogy szeretteid épp most nem tudnak időt szakítani rád, egy gazdag barátot nem szeretsz jobban egy szegénynél, hazugságok nélkül szembe tudsz nézni a világgal, a feszültséget képes vagy legyőzni orvosi segítség nélkül, el tudsz lazítani pia vagy fű nélkül, őszintén elmondhatod magadról hogy nincs benned előítélet fajta, nem, bőrszín, nemzetiség, politikai hovatartozás iránt, akkor majdnem elérted a fejlődésnek azt a szintjét, ahol a kutyád áll.
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random Thoughts on HTTYD RttE S6 (Ep1-7)
Ep1 - And we start with our favorite toxic family
Was I the only one that thought Krogan and Viggo were gonna kiss for a second there?
Like, Hiccup has so many unprotected friends, I think it'd be quite easy to just, snatch one and trade all his lenses for that person (or dragon). He would do it
Dragon Eye Two is a lazy name, the twins are right
And Astrid is gone again? She's not with the Dagur party, nor the Hiccup party
Twins to the rescue!!
Ruffnut is genuinely so intelligent, what the heck. Both of the twins are, but in different ways. Ruff is more logical, really good at reading people and situations, while Tuff has an insurmountable supply of inventive and ingenuious creativity
I'm with Fishlegs - good for you Dagur
And of course Snotlout would know how a bully works
And of course the twins would suspect each other
Well, that was a fast reveal
Huh. Wow. Nice thinking Hiccup. It's good to know that these little moments did happen, and were thought out - Johann being evil wasn't just thrown in here at random
Aw, really nice of and for Dagur
Astrid's back!
Sooo, this season is gonna be a hunt for all lenses? Let's see
Ep2 - I can understand where Tuff is coming from - he fooled every single person he met. That's some goals
Stoick is so freaking tall compared to Snotlout, geez
You know, random thinking here, but Gobber has been something akin to a second parent to Hiccup all these years right? Imagine having to witness and sometimes be a part of an argument between Hiccup and Stoick? Poor man
Seems like "not listening" and Stoick go hand in hand very very often
"I have no idea what those two are babbling about." To be fair, I think there's a good chance they don't know either
Hiccup and his daddy issues - a never-ending quest for fatherly attention
They got taken over way too easily but okay I'll bite
"Isn't that what Snotlout is for?" Okay, I gotta know now, what is it with dads and Snotlout bashing?
That was a nice little escape scene, I liked it a lot. Tuff distractting the guards while the others cut their ropes was done super smoothly, it was really satisfying
Father&Son bonding time with dragons and extra fire!
Oh yeah and Berk was saved too, that was a thing
I don't want them to leave the Edge :'(
Ep3 - Oh, Wing Ladies that's nice - I had almosy forgotten about you already
Alsooo, cousins episode? Or partially cousins episode anyway. That makes me happy
"Passed over for the skinny blond? Been there." Are we not gonna comment on this?
I'm gonna make yet another prediction, and say that by the time the show ends, Dagur and Mala are either besties or dating
"This, is common ground." I swear, Fishlegs is so competent I love him
Snotlout's blond argument becomes even funnier (to me at least) since every single Dragon rider that isn't him or Hiccup is blond. So Hiccup signing literally anyone else in the group for a task that Snotlout wants is Hiccup "choosing the blond over him"
This might be the actual full joke and I'm here explaining it like I'm super smart, when I'm just painfully oblivious
Also, why did Hiccup want Snotlout to follow Minden lady anyway?
Snotlout showing his character development and Hookfang looking absolutely done with his rider
More showness of character development from Snotlout, how nice. Also, him and Minden are a cute duo
Hiccup kidnapping no. 347 and counting
Nouuu, Hookfang!
Well, damn. That took a turn. I did not expect her to kiss him full on the lips
Yeah it's the dating option. Dagur and Mala are gonna date
Kay, so the lenses are hidden in Wing Maiden Island, check
Guess Snotlout won't be cast aside over the blond anymore - he's just gonna have to fight her for it.
Not sure if that's an improvement actually
Ep4 - I can't see how something like that could doom Fishlegs now, especially since until literally a couple of years ago all their parents killed dragons on the daily, which isn't a whole lot better. Heck, until a couple years ago, they wanted to kill dragons! One would imagine you'd have made peace with all that
But family is family, and that always ends up weighting more
Getting the twins is literally your worst option ever - even Snotlout would've been better
After last episode's blond thing, I'm starting to pay more attention to hair colors, and is it weird that to me it's weird that all these kids are blond? And the two with uncovered eyes also have the same green eye color
Pfff, poor Toothless
Astrid is a good friend. Also, I keep pointing it out, but I really like seeing these two together, they're fun
Again, why did Hookfang and Barf&Belch run away, but Toohtless stay? I don't get this dragon
I really wish Dreamworks had explored on the Night Furies
To be fair, kids are a very different matter from Viggo Grimborn. If you wanted them to use the same method and have the same mentality as they had to fight Viggo, Hiccup my friend, I think you might be closer to evilness than you think
Woho! Down with that statue!
Of course! That's why they're all blond and green eyed, they're Fishlegs' family, duh
Ep4 - Oh Gruffnut's back? Wasn't expecting it but sure
Meatlug's decorations were perfect, the twins just don't appreciate fine art
I find it really cute that Snotlout was just napping on Hookfang's snout
So you're telling me Snotlout had to go against a bear at nine months old? My hate for Spitelout keeps skyrocketing, would you look at that
Once again, the twins being sweet. Also, they're the first pair of twins in the family? Huh
Of course he managed to manipulate them into doing the trials anyway - but they're doing them for each other, that is really really sweet
Hiccup is a constantly-tired older brother to his teammates and I'm here for it
Also, random findings I just made. Ruff and Tuff have different eye colors - Tuff's are a dark grey/black and Ruff's a light blue. And despite being blond, they both have dark haired eyebrows
Ruffnut Haddock, Tuffnut Haddock - they both immediately assumed Hiccup would adopt the other into their family
Barf&Belch pacing and Toothless calming them down was everything. Why don't we get more moments between the dragons?
The hand holding while they exploded?? The familial fluff of that!
Damn, they were reallly lazy with the Thorston family members
Ahhhh, of course it's a freaking lens!
Ep6 - Married?? Wow. I assumed they'd start dating in the last episode!
Fishlegs finally has a marriage to gush over
I can completely understand everyone's ewwness at the situation
Hiccstrid episode? This should be interesting
Omg, poor girl. Toothless you're the only hope for these two, please help them out
Was Dagur supposed to look like he was asking for Hiccup's hand instead. Because out of context, it really looks like it
And, things are heating up nowww
This romantic drama is a lot of fun, ngl
"Not too late to join Team Jorgenson." Snotlout, sweetie, with all due respect, please shut the fuck up now
Nouuuuu, girl don't give that back! That's the kind of issue you talk through, as a couple, not give up on the first issue!
I hope Mala is attacking the dummy just to screw with the twins
Barf&Belch licking the twins' faces was sho cute
Well, that was a super fast recovery, and I hope we actually get a serious discussion about this later, because romantic drama is what I came for this episode
Fiiiiiine, I'll admit it, these two are adorable as hell and I really wanna watch a compilation of their sweetest moments together or something like that. The ending was the cutest
Ep 7 - Wingmaidens, yayy. Are we gonna see Minden again? I liked her voice a lot
The way Hiccup waved his finger at Snotlout when getting him away from Atali - he is the figure of a desperate older brother, I'm telling you
Is this gonna be a Ruffnut appreciation episode? Oh, I am so here for it
That. Did not. Just happen.
Did Tuff just put his mastigated food on Ruff's mouth...?
I'm not sure I'll ever recover from that
Atali gave some nice pep talk
I think I've barely ever seen Hiccup with Ruff, this is cool!
Someone please hug this girl asap or I will!!!
And of course, the usual drill with Krogan - he's really boring now honestly
That ending was sweet af
We're getting some really emotional, fluffy endings this season aren't we?
I am so so close to finishing these series.... I don't wanna see the end :')
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 years
I am once again bothering you with my Vodafone stories.
So I was mindig my own business answering calls, mikor valaki betelefonál hogy hé mikor lesz az internet bekötve nála.
And I was like okay get this man egy új beszerelési időpontot because he sounds annoyed the faster the better
Except apparently mi már augusztus óta szereljük neki. Legit a pasas minden két hétben telefonál hogy hé? Valami? And like no one could do anything because it's a fucking rendszerhiba and the only thing you can do is to tell them to wait until it gets solved.
It sometimes takes like a month and the system unfucks itself with a little help, de like augusztus óta minden két hétben próbálkoztak vele sikertelenül.
And I was like okay I know that this fucking cég is several group chats in a trench coat, but legit we can do fuck all with this besides sending the n-th email to hé solve this!!!
It clearly has not been working.
Anyway fun fact here: we also have a helpline we can use if there is a hard case of just what.
I rarely use it because one of the gc usually knows the answer and are happy to help, there is like 100 of us we usually got this.
This was the perfect time to call the fucking helpline because my good lord nm volt szívem azt mondani hogy sorry still várjon.
Anyway helping picks up immediately (which wow lucky they had a free person yes!) és az illető aki felveszi rohadt rendes és kicsit dühös (I say kicsit but that's an understatement) hogy mi a fasz van itt hogy augusztus óta fasz se.
He looks it up lassan (because for some reasons today the systems decided that slug speed it is) és látja hogy az utolsó hibajegy erre a bullshitre úgy van lezárva hogy nope ez működik.
He is already angry and says something like: Ah yes a perfectly working order, sure let's try to solve it! Oh look at it it doesn't fucking work!
Than asks me in a sing song voice (haláli volt mennyire dühös volt) hogy elmondja mégegyszer az idióta nevét aki ezt lezárta hogy panaszt tehessek rá? (This was like the 13th hibajegy szóval sokat nem értünk volna vele) and I was like man I just want to help this guy get fucking internet i don't have the time for idiots
He was like understandable feladok rá egy újabb hibát.
I'm like sure but what do we do?
Erre jön ő hogy consider this: mi lenne ha ugyan arra a címre ujra megrendelné!
Én erre: uhm egy címen csak egy van?
He is like sure except when there are like divorce problems and az előző lakó nem hajlandó fizetni de neki kéne in those case we can do something like instead of x utca 17 szám we add a 17/1 szám.
I'm like can we do that?
He is like yepp volt hasonló esetei és lebeszélte háttér osztállyal
I'm sure I can't exactly do that but maybe sales kollégák can if they can't shopposok általában tudnak majdnem mindent.
(később kiderült hogy én is tudtam volna but sure as hell no one told me how or what to do. Thank fuck for team meetings where they explain the shit a képzés nem említett)
(anyways a vége az lett hogy elküldtem az ügyfelet ezzel a shopba hogy csináljak ott meg én meg hagytam a shoppos kollégáknak egy teljes disszertációt hogy mi lett egyeztetve)
(poor man was like. I'm the first fucking person in six months who could actually help with something. I'm like sir I barely did anything the fuck)
Anyways ahogy mondtam a Vodafone is several group chats in a trench coat who all try to work around whatever bullshit the fucking system we work in is currently doing)
And you got and entire novel again.
god you are legit the guardian angel of poor vodafone-os betelefonálók, judging from your stories. that poor guy omg 🙏 always sucks when you're stuck on the wrong end of a bureucratic nightmare, de azért jó hogy így el lehet intézni okosba :D
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