#poor little eugenics baby
lilliryth · 8 months
thinking about wesker referring to his meeting with chris/ the revealing of jill in re5 as a “family reunion” both serving as an incredible and memorable main villain quote but also subtextually alluding to the fact that s.t.a.r.s. was once the closest thing he had to a family and he viewed it as such before the collapse of umbrella forced him to betray them and he’s pretended to be happy with that decision for years but the truth keeps slipping out and not even he himself is aware of the deep soul-rending loneliness that punctuates everything he says but it’s so fucking obvious that he misses his true family but and is convinced that it’s too late to change that all there is now is to see this plan through and become what umbrella trained him to be regardless and in spite of what he wants or who he really is but no matter what he does he can’t run from the fact that he is human and therefore loves and mourns and regrets so fucking much
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lovelyd0gg · 2 months
BoB hc!!
Here are some of my headcanons of how the BoB boys would treat you on your period<33
Warnings: normal body function of a woman, fluff<3
Some extra: I'm only gonna use Bull Randleman, Eugene Roe, George Luz, Bill Guarnere, Lewis Nixon and Ronald Speirs for this post. If you want more HCs please lemme know, and let's get into this.♡♡
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Bull Randleman.
•This man literally does not care.
•He'll literally get you anything you want because he will want to put you on the couch, cover you in like 3 blankets and then run to the store to get you pads, tampons, etc.
•He WILL buy you snacks whether you like it or not.
•"Babe I'm fi--" "LET ME SPOIL YOU, DAMMIT"
•Oh-ho-ho boy, if he catches you're little ass away from the couch, he will scoop you up and lay you back down with a little head pat *pat pat* then tuck you back in.
•He counts as a teddy bear and a heater.
•10/10 snuggles when you want it.
•If you bleed on the sheets, he doesn't care 1 bit. He'll just clean it up no matter how much you tell him it's gross of you doing that.
•"Do ya really think ya can control the damn bleedin'? I ain't mad, hun."
•overall, he's the sweetest when you get you're period. Let him spoil you baby girl.
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Eugene Roe.
•Girlie, you are so damn lucky, he's a medic.
•So ofc he's gonna know what to get you when your on your period.
•"Baby, my cramps are hurting." "Take this painkiller and drink water."
•whenever you have cramps and they hurt like hell, he's gonna place his hand on your stomach and just leave it there, since he knows it helps you with the pain.
•He knows you'll bleed out of nowhere, so what does he do?
•Well OF COURSE he's not gonna freak out in front of you.
•He will change the sheets and immediately put it in the washer.
•He will comfort you in telling you that it's alright to bleed and he won't judge you for bleeding out when you can't control it.
•He also knows that whenever you stand up from sitting down for a long time, it feels like a waterfall down there.
•So when you stand up and feel it rushing down, you just stay there straight and cross your legs together so it doesn't feel like it bleeds through your pad although it definitely won't.
•"Bae?" "Yeah?" "Can you get me a pad?" "On it."
•Overall, he's there for you girl. He's supportive and will cuddle you when you demand it<3
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George Luz.
•As soon as he sees the bed sheet has heavy and dark red spots on it, he immediately knows this isn't a joke and is on a mission to be the quote unquote "BEST PERIOD CARER KNOWN TO MAN!!"
•Surprisingly he is so calm whenever you are on your period.
•He'll shower you with kisses whenever you get cramps or just demand it to him.
•You'd text him if he could buy you more pads or tampons and he would respond with.
•"I don't care if people stare at me weirdly. I'm buying you those damn pads/tampons."
•He has no shame in buying you pads/tampons at all. Nuh-uh, 0%.
•if he gets weird stares from people, he either flips them off or asks why they are staring at him.
•He doubles as a mood booster as soon as you get mood swings.
•kissing your pretty lips as he tells you that your enough and you aren't gross.
•He'll crack up a joke or two here and there but you on your period isn't really a joking time.
•He's really sweet so if you suddenly get showered in kisses by him, you deserve it♡♡
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Bill Guarnere.
•Honest to god, he doesn't trust himself when you get your period.
•Poor dude doesn't understand that you bleed once a month (lord save him😭)
•He won't freak out when you bleed but when your in the bathroom changing your tampon/pad, he'll walk to the door knocking on it and asking if your okay like 5 times.
•He stays silent for a minute when he sees you clutching your lower belly in pain since he feels so bad that he doesn't know how to help you.
•He'll go to the store and buy you tons of snacks and come home to see you under a blanket.
•But despite his concern, he knows how to be brutally honest💀
•He'll put the snacks on your bed and the tampons/pads with a note saying.
•"I forgot your pussy size, sorry."
•He will cuddle you though. And surprisingly won't get scared or worried if you bleed on the sheets.
•Though he will sometimes hide behind the couch when you get a mood swing and act like a demon.
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Lewis Nixon.
•This guy is so sweet and adorable.
•He won't get mad at you 1 bit if you bleed on the sheets.
•Yeah I know, very surprising for an alcoholic like him.
•He'll kiss all over your face whenever your cramping hard.
•"You can't get away from the kisses my love, c'mere~"
•You don't even need to text him if he could get you more pads/tampons since he'll spawn out of nowhere with them in a bag already 💀
•He puts a timer as soon as you put a pad on. (For my pad girlies like me<3)
•you got a 12 hour lasting pad on? He's putting a 12 hour timer on his phone just because he's scared you might get an Infection if you leave it on longer.
•As soon as you ask for cuddles, he's there holding you already!
•This man is prepared for anything.
•The sad mood swings, he gets you the starter pack of: tissues, kisses, cuddles and absolutely anything you want.
•The angry mood swings, he gives you THE MOST ADORABLE SMILE and kisses you for a second. Making you melt and apologize for acting like a monster, which he always accepts the apology<3
•Absolute sweetheart frfr.
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Ronald Speirs.
•This man (just like Bull) doesn't care at all.
•However, whenever you get mood swings and act like a monster, he'll scuff you and say.
•"No need to yell, honey."
•on the first day of having your period, he'll text you what type of pad/tampons you use then won't ever ask again since he has good memory.
•sometimes, he'll snap at you if you keep whining and being a "prick" to him, but as soon as he sees you hugging your knees because of him in your shared room, he'll immediately feel guilty and apologize 100 times.
•He gets you your favorite snacks and makes you your favorite food. He is "Chef Speirs".
•He gets angry at himself whenever he makes a minor mistake, if he guys you olives with the pits, he'll literally curse at himself even though you said it's ok.
•He really cares about you so don't take his snapping seriously.
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ithinkabouttzu · 7 months
Hello :)
I was wondering if you could do some BoB headcanons where the reader brings back a raccoon to the barracks. Feel free to skip this if you don’t like it
Easy co. reacts to you bringing a raccoon into the barracks!
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genre: Romance; fluff
warnings: reader is referred to as prince/princess and man/woman!
description: The easy company men’s reaction to (their s/o or close friend) bringing an animal into the barracks.
a/n: Thank you for your request! For writing purposes we’re gonna imagine that every one of them were in basic at the same time, including replacements!
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Dick Winters: He’s shocked but also surprised you were able to catch it?? But he’s also worried because what if the raccoon has diseases or something like that or bit/hurt you. “Where’d you find that guy?” He’d get close to you and ask you to please take it outside before the other guys found it, but he thinks it’s cute that you brought the little critter in 😂
Lewis Nixon: He tells you to back away almost immediately. He thought it was a puppy at first but when he got closer he realized it was a raccoon, that was also hissing at him and freaked out. “Why do you have that thing in here? He’s gonna give us all rabies!” Literally gets as far as possible from you as he can. He respects your fearlessness tho.
Carwood Lipton: He would give you the cutest smile when he saw what you brought in. He wouldn’t be scared or anything but would just be worried that the poor thing was hurt or something. “Why don’t we go try finding this little guys family, huh? Maybe he got lost.” You two would make sure to carry him around the forest until you find a safe space to put him. (I could definitely see the little thing coming back to his human friends every once in a while for food and water.)!
Joe Toye: You bringing in an actual raccoon just proves how much of a disney princess/prince you are to him. He’d walk up to you and ask if he could pet it, wouldn’t really be scared but kinda timid at first 😭 He would finally get you to leave the raccoon back into it’s natural habitat (after some major convincing) but he thinks you’re precious for it either way.
Joe Liebgott: He gets a little scared, just because it’s a literal raccoon in the barracks. He wants to tell you to get it out immediately but he doesn’t have the guts to tell you because of how cute you look with the critter in your hands. His heart would melt when you asked him if you and him could keep it. It pains him to say no but he knows that the rest of the guys would die if they found a raccoon in their room. He makes sure you guys leave him somewhere safe though.
Bill Guarnere: You’d come inside in the middle of a rainstorm soaking wet. With a blanket wrapped around your hands, covering something. At first he genuinely thought you found a baby someplace outside and brought it in from the storm. But when he gets closer he sees it and has to find a way to calmly tell you to take it outside 🤣 “but it’s raining out there, he’ll get wet” “Those things don’t mind the rain! That’s what they’re made for!”
George Luz: He starts laughing so hard when you bring it in because what actually made you bring in a whole raccoon?! Like how do you even do something like that 😭 it’s even better because you’re acting all innocent and sweet about it like nothing is wrong with bringing a wild animal in the barracks, but he thinks it’s so cute how you’re trying to help the small thing from being out in the cold. He thinks you’re too precious for this world.
Eugene Roe: “What is.. that?” He looks up at you with this exact face: 😳 he’s pretty sure it’s a raccoon but he’s trying to wrap his mind around the fact that you actually found one, picked it up, and brought back to the barracks. “It’s my raccoon I found, I named her junie! Do you want to pet her?” When you tell him that he’d soften up just because it’s so cute how you brought the thing in, but he’s also a lil scared himself. “You are one fearless (woman/man)”
Bull Randleman: “How’d you catch that little guy?” As a southern boy who’s seen lots and lots of those, he’s not fazed in the slightest, but he is a little worried about the thing jumping out of your hands and getting onto the beds, so he’d help you take it outside. “You know you can’t keep him, right?” He hates having to break that news to you but eventually you guys come to an agreement to leave food and treats out for him whenever there’s a chance.
Floyd Talbert: “y/n, is that a raccoon in your hands?” he honestly doesn’t know what to say, he’s proud of you for catching it (bc we all know how hard that could be) but he’s also a little scared of you for catching it cause you need some real determination for that tbh. “That thing’s gonna give us rabies, get it out before the others see it!” You get an A+ for trying but there’s no way he’s letting you keep it 😭
Skip Muck: “Nuh-uh! No way you brought that thing in here!” He is genuinely surprised that you brought a raccoon into the rooms but he also finds it so hilarious that you’d do such a thing. “He’s my pet, and i’m keeping him!” He can’t believe you’re serious but it’s adorable of you to want to keep the raccoon. “Can I pet him?” Once he realizes how cute the sucker is you guys become his unofficial human parents for sure.
Don Malarkey :He’s not scared but he’s more curious to see the little fella. “It’s okay, don’t be scared” He says to the critter in your arms as he pets him. He laughs to himself at the thought of little you picking up a huge raccoon and running off with it to show him, it’s so precious and funny of you and it makes his heart melt at the thought. “You wanna go show the other guys?” You and him have a fun evening terrifying the others with your new pet raccoon 😂
Shifty Powers: You’re actually his disney princess/prince come true, similar to Joe, but instead of getting scared of the creature, he finds it so adorable that you would bring the little thing out from the cold. It’s one of your best traits, being so kind to all animals and people, it makes his heart flutter for you 10x more. “So what are we naming it?” You and him would finally come up with a cute name and plan to visit your little friend out in the woods whenever there’s a chance.
Babe Heffron: He keeps his respectful distance because he’s positive that thing must have some disease. “Wow, how on earth did you even catch a raccoon that big?” He’s honestly impressed but genuinely concerned on how you actually got him. He lets you get away with it because you’re so cute with the raccoon in your hands but don’t push your luck bc if you get too close he’s running out screaming.
Frank Perconte: He immediately jumps onto his bed and hides away from you, no questions asked. “y/n, what are ya’ doin’ with a rodent in here! Ugh it stinks too!” We already know how dramatic this man is. You would think that the world’s ending by the way he’s acting at the moment, it would take him at least an hour to calm down once you put the raccoon outside. He won’t leave for the rest of the day just in case it’s still out there LOLOL
Ronald Speirs: He’s very unfazed by it but he is impressed that you managed to bring the little thing in. “Where was he when you found him?” He doesn’t really know what to say other than that. He won’t bother touching it or anything but he’ll probably ask you to leave the guy outside so the others don’t flip out. He’s pretty chill about it overall.
Johnny Martin: “y/n take that thing back outside!” You’re actually going to give this poor man a heart attack bringing in a raccoon so casually. He goes all dad-mode on you and gives you long talk about why you shouldn’t bring wild animals inside afterwards 😭 He would never actually admit this to you but he genuinely thought it was cute seeing you protest on keeping the raccoon outside.
Skinny Sisk: He was surprised to see the size of the raccoon that you brought in, but not really surprised that you brought one in if that makes sense, he could totally see sweet ole’ you bringing in some helpless animal from the woods, he only gets a little scared when the little thing jumps from out of your arms and runs around on the floor until he has catch him.
Chuck Grant: You look so cute to him honestly. He probably couldn’t care less that you brought in a wild animal, it’s just the sweet smile on your face that makes him so happy. All he asks is that you guys take it outside just in case he poops all over the floor, but he thinks the little guy is pretty cute too tbh. “Honey, if having these raccoons around makes you happy, I’ll catch a million of them for you”
David Webster: He freaks out, seeing you with huge raccoon in your hands was definitely something he wasn’t expecting to see on a regular Saturday morning. He tries to be nice about it but it scares him 🤣 “He’s a wild animal y/n, he could have so many different parasites and diseases” He calms down when he sees how cute the animal is.
Buck Compton: “Leave it to y/n to bring a wild raccoon into our room.” He’s not shocked at all, he was honestly anticipating you to do something like this. “You sure know how to pick ‘em. That thing is huge!” He’ll help you find somewhere to keep him outside and will go back with you to visit the little guy when you guys ever get the chance.
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Thank you for your request again! I hope you all enjoy! If you liked this, please like or reblog, I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s day! 💗
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tangledbea · 6 months
My Tangled/Bridgerton AU ideas that no one asked for
Rapunzel and Madame Gothel
The daughter of an extremely successful merchant (yes, she's getting a downgrade, can't just have princesses running around everywhere), Rapunzel's mother died in childbirth, and her father died of a broken heart shortly thereafter. Fortunately, the woman who was hired to be her nanny and governess was there to step in immediately, caring for the girl like she was her own.
Rapunzel is raised by Madame Gothel, who she calls Mamá, and is hidden from society for the majority of her life and carefully cultivated to be the Diamond of society upon her debut, which will raise her own status on the ton when they all see how flawless her “daughter” is. Rapunzel is beautiful, demure, regal, elegant, talented… everything a man could want as a prize. Now, if only Gothel could wed her off to royalty and secure her own status forever…
Before her debut, Rapunzel was rarely seen in public, though she could often be glimpsed in her window on the top floor of her house. When she was allowed out in public, she was made to wear wide-brimmed hats, keep her head down, and carry a parasol. Gothel wanted to prove she had a daughter while cultivating mystery about her, so that her debut would be a big reveal to the ton and the world. Because of this, Rapunzel was raised alone, without friends, though she spent a lot of her time in the window watching the people below. When they weren’t in London, they were at their country estate, Der Sonne Manor, with sprawling grounds and little staff, who were under severe threat to never speak of the girl when they happened to catch sight of her.
Though Rapunzel is barely interested in most of the men whose eye she catches, she knows her job is to catch a husband. Against Gothel’s desires, she wishes to find someone interested in her, and not just her beauty and status. She hates suppressing her entire personality and hiding her quirkier interests, but she does what she’s told, lest she risk her mother’s wrath.
Unbeknownst to Rapunzel, Gothel murdered her father when she was an infant after securing that she would have access to Rapunzel's inheritance in order to raise her properly. She took advantage of his broken heart, manipulating him to sign legal documentation before killing him. Though the exact cause of his death is not confirmed, there are those who speculate that Gothel had something to do with it.
Eugene Fitzherbert and King Edmund of Umbra
There was treachery afoot in Umbra when Eugene (Prince Horace) was but a baby. King Edmund sent his only child away for his own protection, but the trusted maid he sent him with was killed en route to a safe location. Suspecting she was being tracked down, she left the baby on a stoop. The people who lived there were unable to care for him, and so took him to the local orphanage, where he grew up under the name Eugene Fitzherbert, and never knowing his lineage.
Growing up poor, Eugene longed for a life of wealth and adventure, envious of the nobles who dallied in the richer parts of town. Knowing that there was little to no future for an orphan, he took to stealing and conning to give himself even a fraction of the life he wanted.
He became jaded over time, convinced that the world was hard and cruel, and that he'd never know anything else. And yet, when he was 25, he was abruptly rediscovered by his birth father, who announced his lineage and brought him back home to be the Crown Prince.
Eugene (who refuses to go by Horace) is at something of a loss. This is the life he has always wanted, and yet he has no idea how to actually live it.
Lance Strongbow
Lance grew up in the orphanage with Eugene, and they were best friends, learning to steal and con together. However, their paths diverged in their late teens, and while Lance didn't know what became of his friend, he set his own sights on being such a convincing conman that even the nobles wouldn't know the difference.
He slowly and gradually worked his way up in subtle ways, until he hatched his major plan. The Baron of Vardaros is a man who has not made a public appearance for decades. The last Lance heard, he'd made his way to America and was never coming back. And so, Lance took his name and title, and has begun passing himself off as the current Baron of Vardaros.
He is a rake, spending his time at the club with other men and enjoying the marriage season because he gets much attention from fawning young ladies who are hoping to catch a rich, titled husband. In truth, he gets a huge thrill out of knowing that he is a fraud, and that no one around him is any the wiser.
Little does he know, the true Baron of Vardaros is soon to catch wind of his identity theft, and will want his revenge.
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antiquepearlss · 3 months
If and when Varian starts dating, who in New Dream do you think is more likely to give his partner the “don’t break his heart” talk?
Absolutely Eugene. He’s a very protective individual who isn’t the most trusting, and makes his opinions known. Whereas Rapunzel is very supportive and loving and gets along with just about anyone.
Under the cut because it’s kinda long but I just love talking about my boy and Team Awesome.
I can see Eugene giving Varian’s partner a serious shovel talk and giving them a hard time whilst Rapunzel is baking his s/o cookies and planning the wedding.
Not to say that I don’t think Raps can be protective, but I really don’t see her as a “hurt my little brother and they’ll never find your body” type of person. At least, when she first meets them. (If they actually do hurt Varian she will unleash threats even Eugene couldn’t begin to imagine.)
Rapunzel is a sweetheart who gives everyone a chance and is just happy Varian has found someone and is looking forward to making a new friend, Eugene is overprotective and passionate. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he let someone hurt his baby brother. He’s the protector. He has a family now and he’s not going to lose it or let them get hurt. Not after everything they’ve been through. He’s failed Varian once he’s not doing it again. He regularly uses his body as a human shield and has a history of self-sacrifice; he would absolutely try to prevent his siblings heartbreak.
 So, shovel talk, and maybe not treating the partner in question with a lot of hospitality.
I don’t think he would even be that malicious, he would just be kinda cold and mistrustful, and then he would just give a very unsettling shovel talk. Then he’s super chill and vibey whilst also being just a touch antagonistic. Think how Cass treated him in season one. Not super malicious but still not very nicely lmao. He acts fun around them whilst also being a bit rude; but at the same time he’s sizing them up, calculating whether or not they’re a threat to Varian. He acts like this for awhile until he trusts them. I think this would really frustrate Varian but I think after a heart to heart they would come to an understanding.
Honestly I think he would be like this if Kiera, Catalina, or Lance ever got a partner. Hell, I think he’d even be protective of Cass if she got a girlfriend. So it’s not just a “poor baby Varian TwT” I don’t think he sees Var as incompetent, he’s just very protective. Of everyone. Sorry Var you’re not special /j
I do think, if you’re thinking of Varigo, that Eugene would be far more overprotective and distrustful but I think Hugo gives him every reason to feel that way. He’s an ex thief who acts like Flynn Rider who betrayed Varian and has an attitude. Not to mention that I think Hugo would act like Eugene in season 1 and would just constantly give him a hard time.
(This is not based in canon at all but I love the idea of Arianna being a sort of mother figure to Varian and she’s the one his future s/o has to worry to impress, and Quirin is just like “oh nice, some hands to help out with the farm.”)
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canichangemyblogname · 3 months
Breaking my hiatus briefly to say this:
It’s really unfortunate how the “kill men” and “sterilize men” and “imprison men” discourse got turned into “men are oppressed for being men” by— well— white people, predominantly men. Because there should have been a mainstream conversation about how this rhetoric is most frequently leveraged at racially marginalized men by white men and women.
It is so, so, so transparent what these phrases really mean when they’re added to posts calling marginalized racial or ethnic groups “genetic trash.” And I’ve seen black and brown women point this out, only to be called “sex traitors” or be told they hate women and have internalized misogyny for “siding with the oppressor.” Black and brown women can’t point out “hey, arguing that men should be forcibly sterilized is eugenics and that scares me as someone who comes from a community that has been victimized by eugenics” without people coming out of the woodwork to tell them that they’re setting back feminism.
“Men should be lined up against a wall and shot.” And you think the person who’ll be targeted is your creepy uncle? Not black drag queens or Jewish doctors or immigrants? Who’s pulling the trigger? White men? Likely. They’re already trigger happy.
“Men should all be in prison as a precaution.” And you think that the prison industrial complex will target predators, who are predominately cis het white men in positions of authority— a group it notoriously fails to “hold accountable”— instead of the poor black men it currently targets? We have done little to dismantle a system that is designed to imprison black men and women for their labor.
“Men should be forced to get sterilized as a precaution against unwanted pregnancy.” And you think that the men who will be forcibly targeted are— who?— Republican politicians? Not the men who have faced forced sterilization for the furtherance of white supremacy? You think such a campaign won’t disproportionately— or even exclusively— target black and brown men? You think they won’t be targeting gay men? You think that black women agree with you? You think their biggest fear is an unwanted pregnancy rather than the fact they don’t have the privilege of safely and healthily giving birth to their wanted babies because the medical system kills black mothers?
None of y’all people treat white men in positions of authority with the same rancid energy as black and brown women who disagree with you. I see y’all out here retweeting Matt Walsh or quoting Jordan Peterson with quotes like, “thank you 🙏. so refreshing to see men who understand real women’s issues and the differences between men and women!” But the moment a black feminist breathes in criticism of a pro-ethnic cleansing post, you perfectly demonstrate why white people should not be involved in “slur reclamation” discourse.
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 442 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made. The sole purpose of this is to provide summaries/reviews for each chapter so if you don’t want to see the rest of it, then just keep scrolling. It’s your choice.)
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Time to cry all of our hearts out. 😫
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Nuuuuuuuuuu poor babies 😭
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Ugh, this is making me feel touched and all. Everyone gathered in one place because they really respected him. Bruh, Imma cry again 😭😭😭 I hope Taesoo Ma, Gongseop Ji, and the rest of the First Generation would somehow investigate his death and avenge Jichang. 🙏🏽
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Oh shit... 5th Affiliate. 💀 Did I mention that I don't like this phase of Eli? I mean, sure. You're doing this all for your family in Hostel, but there's another way to settle this and provide for them, no? I mean, you got friends bro. You don't have to shoulder the burden on your own. Learn how to depend and rely on those who you hold dear too.
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King, it's ok. Just undrown yourself and stop siding with Workers.. 😀
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I stg, this twink of a crew leader is afraid of Daniel Park. Little did he know, Daniel and James Lee are actually a team lol. I swear, it's like Eugene blames Daniel for everything now that Daniel tried to interfere with his plans. Mf would now blame him for everything and anything that doesn't work out.
Mandeok: *suddenly walks into Eugene's office* Eugene, the coffee maker isn't working anymo-
Eugene: IT'S HIS FAULT! IT'S ALL DANIEL PARK'S FAULT!!! HE ERADICATED SOME OF MY AFFILIATES, AND NOW HE'S AFTER MY COFFEE MACHINE?! Yuseong: *starts to rock back and forth in his chair, cradling himself while afraid of his brother's psycho outburst*
Come on stink, get it together. You're going coo coo now. I don't know why I thought of Eugene in this scenario. It was funny in my head.
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Oh great. NOW, THEY'RE THERE. 🙄
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WHO'S GOING 100 MPH ON THE MAIN STREET BRUH??? Also, who tf are YOU mf? 🤨
Also, omg. PTJ, do you always ctrl + c and ctrl + v on your characters' hairstyles or something? Because Warren doesn't look like Zack anymore, but now he looks like-
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Like ok, I get it. You're addicted to the copy + paste hairstyles, but I don't wanna have to do this, but... Imma hand over the scissors to Eli and have him end the ctrl + c, ctrl + v era. 😭 Bc, wth is this shit? But they look good tho, ngl.
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If he took, "I need a big boy" to heart, then I don't want it. 💀💀💀
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Nah, it must be all that coke protein powder. Goo gave him a whole bucket of protein powder and Logan would be sniffing and eating it all.
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Well, obviously "No." Logan. Also, HOT DOC IS BACK!!! Ofc he is. He's the main star of the First Affiliate.
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What did he mean by "I'm not sure though?" 😀 Also, the way Logan said, "How cute is this bastard... Should I give you a kiss?" and Warren replying with, "I'm taken, so no thanks." MAN, WHAT IF YOU WEREN'T TAKEN? THEN WHAT? 🤨 ALSO, THE WAY HE SAID HE'S "taken" NOW BC HE HAS SALLYAHSIDFHSDFIUSHDFIUW. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT GOT ME SCREAMING.
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AWWWWWW MAAAAAAAAN, I wOnDeR wHo CoUlD tHaT bE ??? Definitely, not Daniel Park.
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"Will Logan Lee face off with Daniel Park soon? Will they ever find Jinyoung Park now? Who will be the next to arrive at the First Affiliate??? Tune in, next time ONNNN-"
Yeah man, F this.
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xhannahbananax03 · 2 years
Play House Part 1
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader, Negan x Reader?
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Words: 4.7k
Warnings: Some angst
A/N: This is loosely based on S6E16 of TWD
The cold, damp dirt dug into her legs as bright lights blinded her from the group surrounding hers. The rips in her constantly worn jeans allowed bits of gravel to scrape at her skin.
She looked around her at her family, a man screaming at her when one of her hands slid into her jacket to rest on her bump as she stared out nervously at Daryl who's eyes were flicking back and forth between her and a man stood not far from him, "Hands where I can see 'em!".
She shakily pulled her hand away from her hidden stomach as she replaced it on her thigh. She wasn't entirely sure what was going on. She knew that there was some kind of conflict going on with another group, but Daryl told her that everything was fine, she just needed to stay out of it and focus on keeping herself and the baby safe. Which she surprisingly agreed with.
Then, suddenly, she was helping rush a sickly looking Maggie into the camper and sitting with her on the bed in the back, patting her forehead with a damp rag, telling her that everything would be ok.
She looked over at Eugene, he's face was bloody and battered and she knew that something was immediately up with him. Something about this whole thing was off.
"Now that we've got the whole gang!" The man who seemed to be second in command clapped his hands together, looking over her group, "Let's meet the man," He grinned before knocking on the door of a camper that was situated in front of everyone, blocking their path.
It only took a moment before a man walked out and waited in the dark, just beyond her sight, but she could immediately tell he was a larger man. She wrapped her arm around Maggie's, doing her best to hold the poor woman up as her legs shook beneath her, "Pissing our pants yet?" The man then walked towards the group and into the light, allowing everyone to finally put a face to the man who had been terrorizing anyone alive this side of the Mississippi.
"Boy, do I have a feeling we're gettin' close," He nodded, looking over each of them, licking his lips with a wolfish smile. His gaze slowed on her for moment longer, smirking, before he continued on with his 'bad guy speech', "Yep... It's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon," He smiled wider.
A bat, wrapped in bobbed wire, was balanced on his leather clad shoulder as he paced back and forth in front of the group. His eyes always connected to someone else's, "Which one of you pricks is the leader?" His smile dropped a little as a man spoke up behind the group, pointing to Rick.
The man in charge, moved to stand directly in front of Rick, looking down over him, "Hi. You're Rick right? I'm Negan," He finally introduced himself, "And I do not appreciate you killing my men," Somehow, even with his smile completely gone, his dimples pressed firm into his cheeks giving him an erie sense of innocence.
"Also, when I sent my people to kill your people, for killing my people... You killed more of my people. Not cool," He said smoothly, shaking his head like a disapproving parent, "Not cool. You have no idea how not cool that shit is," Negan continued to speak to Rick in a soft tone, which freaked Y/n out more than it would if the man was just out front violent.
"But I think you're gonna be up to speed shortly," He said in a menacing tone as Rick finally looked up at him. The entire time that Y/n had known Rick, she had never seen him as scared as he looked in this moment and it only made her anxiety worse.
She looked back over to Daryl, waiting for him to look at her, and when he finally did she uttered the words, "I love you," to him, having a gut feeling that something really bad was about to happen.
"What was that, sweetheart?" Negan asked Y/n, squatting down in front of her, "Got somethin' you'd like to say?" He grabbed her face and at that moment Daryl lunged at him, grabbing onto his shoulders and throwing him back onto his ass, but before Daryl had the chance to do anything further, he was being pulled back by two large men, one pulled out a gun and pointed it at his head.
"No!" She screamed out, letting go of Maggie and going to stand to rush forward but Rick grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her back down, shaking his head at her.
Negan looked between the couple, rubbing at his face before he stood with a shake of his head, "Put him back in the truck," He told the men holding him to drag a fighting Daryl away, "And don't kill him, got special plans for that asshole," The leader chuckled, watching them drag away the fearless man.
Negan's words simultaneously calmed and stressed Y/n out, "So is that your man or somethin?" He asked her, standing back to his full height and staring down at her, "He's a fighter, I'll give him that. But he will be payin' for that one sweetheart," He winked at her, sending chills down her spine.
"So here's how this is gonna go," Negan continued, looking over everyone, "Y'all give me your shit... Or I will kill you," He said in a serious tone and she knew that in this world, that was a very real threat. "Today was career day," He said with a big, toothy grin, "We invested a lot so you would know who I am and what I can do," He began his slow pacing once more, "You work for me now," He said, pointing his bat out at Rick, "You have shit, you give it to me. That's your job," He said looking straight at Rick.
"Now... I know that is a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow," He said, sounding almost empathetic, "But swallow it, you most certainly will," He told the group firmly, his eyes scanning each one of them to be sure he was being heard before going back to stand in front of Rick, "You ruled the roost. You built something. You thought you were safe," She could hear the humor in his tone and scowled deeply while watching the truck that held Daryl, "But you're not. Not even close. In fact you are pegged. More pegged if you don't do what I want and what I want, is half your shit. And if that's too much, you can make, find or steal more, and it'll even out sooner or later," He confirmed, turning and moving out towards the center of the group.
"This," He spread his arms out, "Is your way of life now," That's when Y/n started to block him out. Thinking of anyway she could get back to Daryl before Negan came to stand in front of Maggie, drawing her attention to them.
"Jesus," He huffed out, looking over Maggie with a look of disgust, "You look horrible... I should just put you out of your misery right now," He nodded raising his bat above his head as Maggie stared up at him, mustering a brave face as Y/n's eyes grew wide.
"No! No!" Glenn yelled out, hopping up and pulling a hidden knife from his boot, running at Negan before a man tackled him to the ground and started landing blows to his face.
"Stop it!" Maggie cried out weakly, falling forward and reaching for Glenn as tears ran down her face. His eyes quickly becoming swollen and purple as blood poured out of him, "Please!" She cried out, Y/n and Abraham holding onto her as best they could.
"Nope," Negan shook his head, an angered expression taking over his face, "Nope, get him back in line. The man beating Glenn stood off of him and dragging him back to his spot, Glenn mumbling out incoherently as he looked for Maggie who was sobbing as she reached out for him.
Y/n could faintly make out begging, "Don't... Please don't..." As he was being held up by a man before he was dropped back into the dirt.
Negan just chuckled and shook his head, "Alright listen. I'm pretty much over gettin' attacked tonight so... The next one of ya to try is gonna get Lucille to the head," Lucille? Did he name his bat? "Sucks, don't it? The moment you realize you don't know shit," He said, looking right at Rick who's head was hanging low. At this point everyone had tears streaming down their faces.
Negan looked between Rick and Carl for a moment before a smile took over his face and he pointed his bat at the younger man, "This is your kid right? This is definitely your kid," He chuckled, using the tip of his bat to lift the edge of Carl's hat.
"Just stop this!" Rick screamed out, finding some kind of courage when Negan began to mess with his son.
"Hey!" Negan hollered back, whipping around to look at Rick, "Don't make me kill the little future serial killer," He frowned, his bat staying pointed at Carl and Rick immediately shut up, "Don't make it easy on me," Negan grinned once again, dropping his bat once he saw Rick backing down, "I gotta pick somebody. Everybody's at the table waitin' for me to order," He threw his bat back onto his shoulder and went back to pacing and staring everyone down, whistling a tune that Y/n swore she was familiar with.
"I simply cannot decide," He shook his head, stopping in the middle of the group once more, "I got an idea," He chuckled, a devilish smile covering his face.
"Eenie... Meenie..." Y/n knew then what he was doing as he hovered his bat above each person's head, "Ya know what..." He paused, biting into his lip as his bat hovered over her head, "This just don't feel right without the whole gang," He grinned and Y/n's face paled, "Bring the big man back out,"
"No, no please," Y/n pleaded reaching out to grab onto Negan's pant leg and he raised his hand to stop his man from grabbing Daryl, "Please. You can't kill him," Y/n knew she'd never make it in this world without him, and therefore neither would their baby.
"And why not?" He humored her, finding her desperation appealing, "You're seriously gonna try and tell me what to do?" He chuckled out, looking at a few of the men behind the group that chuckled along.
"I'm pregnant," She told him, pulling back her jacket to expose her round stomach, hoping that somehow it would appeal to his human side. If he even had one, "Daryl's the father. I-We need him," She pleaded, praying that it would work in her favor.
"You gotta be shittin' me," Negan grinned rubbing at his chin before kneeling in front of her, "How far along?".
"I'm due in about a month," She told him honestly.
He grinned wider before grabbing her arm and lifting her from her knees as he stood, receiving a worried look from the rest of the group, "Forget Daryl, load her up, take her home and make sure she has everything she needs," Negan told the second in command, passing her off as Rick watched the interaction closely, his heart pounding.
Y/n looked over her shoulders, tripping over her feet as she tried to catch a final glimpse of what was going on before she was put in a large truck and the door was slammed on her face.
Another man hopped in silently and started the truck as Y/n stared out the sideview mirror at her group, "Where are you taking me?" She asked nervously once her family was out of sight.
She received no response, "Please tell me where you're taking me," She tried again, but to no avail.
The rest of the ride was spent in silence. She desperately tried to stay awake, hoping she could at some point escape and find her way back home, but unfortunately she found herself drifting off, and when she opened her eyes she was in a dim room on a large bed.
She looked around, frightened, "Hello?" She called out, wondering if anyone else was with her but she never got an answer so she assumed she was alone.
Creeping out of the bed, she immediately went for the door, but when she tried to open it, it was locked. She turned and went for the window instead but noticed that there was metal bars trapping her in.
She began to pound on the door, screaming for help, for someone to let her out or at least tell her what was going on, but she only got someone pounding back and telling her to shut the hell up.
She sat back on the bed, looking at her hands as she thought of what to do when her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten since yesterday and it was only a small meal of an apple and a piece of toast. She looked at the nightstand next to her bed and licked her lips, seeing a plate of breakfast sat their for her.
Eggs, toast, and something she hadn't seen in a very long time, bacon. Her mouth watered, but she refrained, her fear of being poisoned to strong.
She looked behind her and noticed another door. How had she not noticed this before? Quickly standing, she moved over to it and swung it open. To her disappointment, it opened up to a bathroom, she sighed and moved into the room, knowing that it had been a good few hours since she had gone to the bathroom so hopefully their plumbing worked.
Finishing up, she moved to the sink in the room, turning on the water and looking at herself on the mirror. She was a mess. Dirty, tear streaks on her face, mousy hair, clothes covered in dirt and blood.
She washed her hands and moved back into the main room, going to the dresser, hoping that there was at least some clean clothes waiting there for her. To her surprise, their were some clean shirts and a few pairs of women's underwear along with some boxers.
So grabbed and shirt and a pair of boxer shorts before moving back to the bathroom and locking herself in. After a long, hot shower, she felt slightly better. At least she wasn't dirty anymore.
She dried off and dressed in the clothes that were offered to her before walking back into the main room, "Damn you look good all cleaned up," A deep voice spoke making her jump as she looked to the owner who was sat on the couch in the room.
"Negan..." She growled out, "Where the hell are we?" She demanded, keeping her distance from him.
"We're at the Sanctuary," He chuckled with a smile, gesturing around, "Obviously,".
"The Sanctuary?" She asked, having no clue what that even was, "Where's Daryl?" She immediately asked, knowing Negan had plans to bring him here aswell.
"Don't worry about it, sweetheart. He's safe, promise," He smiled and she for some reason, didn't believe him at all, "You however... I have a job for you," He told her, standing and moving closer, making her take a step back.
"Easy gorgeous," He put a hand out towards her, his other hand reaching for the door, "I will be right back. You just wait here," He told her before leaving the room and stepping out into the hallway and out of her sight.
Y/n quickly pulled her dirty pants back on, looking for a weapon or anything she could use to attack Negan once he reentered, but she had no time as he stepped back into the room, his back to her.
With Y/n backed up against the window, her eyes wide and confused Negan tucked the small bundle closer to himself, staying wary of how she might react. She had been through a lot today and after the show he had put on earlier, he was sure that she was freaked out.
Nonetheless, he turned away and saw her expression soften slightly when she saw what was is in his arms, "What's that..?" She mumbled out quietly, keeping her distance from him but he could see the curiosity in her eyes and it made him smile.
"This," Negan pulled back the edge of the blanket to reveal the sleeping face of a baby, "Is your new job," He explained, moving closer to her to hand off the baby to her carefully.
She quickly took the baby, not wanting to refuse it and leave it in Negan's arms to do whatever he pleased with it, "Her name is Amy and you will be taking care of her from now on," Negan told her, taking a step back to give them their space as he watched Y/n look over the baby closely.
"Where's her mother?" Y/n immediately asked, hoping this wasn't some kind of sick plot just to trap her here. She didn't know Negan, but he definitely seemed like the kind of man to steal a baby.
"Well, she didn't make it," Negan said solemnly, taking a seat on the couch and watching Y/n hold the practically newborn baby in her arms, "She was a friend of mine and she didn't survive the birth," He explained in honesty.
Y/n stared out at him for a moment, "Isn't there another woman here that can take care of her?" She asked him confused, surely he hadn't kidnapped her just so she could babysit, "What about the father?".
"When the mother showed up here she was already pregnant. No sign of dad," Negan told her, which was also the truth, he saw no point in lying to the woman considering she wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon regardless of the baby.
He stepped out into the hallway for a moment before coming back into the room with a baby bag and tossing it on the bed next to Y/n, "That is all the formula we have. Should last about a month," He told her, hoping she'd catch onto what that meant but she simply raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed deeply, "When that runs out we're gonna need something to feed Amy with,".
Y/n's eyes widened when she caught onto what he meant by that and she scoffed, "So I'm supposed to be some kind of cow?" She asked and Negan chuckled slightly but she didn't find it funny at all, staring out at the leader with a nasty glare.
"No, sweetheart, you're supposed to be some kind of mother," He told her, "Listen, I won't force you to do this or stay here. But I'm not gonna help you leave either," He told her honestly and he knew that she'd never be able to get out of this place without his help.
Y/n thought for a long moment, looking over Amy. She knew that she'd never be able to turn away a child in need, but she needed to know her options, "And if I don't take her?" She asked, looking back up at Negan.
"Well you have two options," Negan nodded, grabbing his bat which made her incredibly nervous, "One; you become a Savior and work for your place here like everyone else. Or... Two; you become one of my wives and live a life of luxury, sharing a room with the rest of my wives," Negan grinned at her at the mention of her second option, not entirely hating the idea of it.
Y/n scowled in disgust before looking back at Amy and she knew what she was going to choose, "I'll take care of Amy," She told Negan, not looking over at him and he stood and clapped his hands together, "On a few conditions," She flicked her eyes up to his finally and he looked at her with a quirked brow, "Amy and I get our own room, you tell me where Daryl is and you leave Rick and everyone else alone,".
Negan nodded his head for a moment while sucking on his cheeks, "Well the first two I have no problem doin' for ya," He smiled at her, "But the third one? No can do. Rick and that group are a good alliance. It's a contractual agreement," He explained to her watching her face contort into anger for a moment before she looked away from him.
Negan could tell looking at her that she had no part in anything that went on last night and he hated that she had to bare witness to it. She was just a young woman who had gotten wrapped up with the wrong group. Negan would've loved to have found her before Rick did, but oh well. He has her now.
"Anyways," Negan announced, letting her take in his words, "I'm off to go get all your shit rounded up," He told her, grabbing his jacket in his free hand as she watched him carefully, "You wait here and I'll be back in no time," He promised before heading out of the room and locking the door behind him.
Y/n let out a long uneven breath that she had been holding for quite some time as she looked down at the fussing bundle in her arms, she stood and tried to shush Amy but to no avail.
She laid her down and checked her diaper, seeing it was clean as the newborn began to scream her head off. Making sure Amy was secure on the bed, she dug through the baby bag, grabbing out a bottle and a can of formula, dumping some of the powder into the bottle before pouring in some warm water from the sink in the bathroom because there was no microwave in the room.
Y/n tested it on her wrist and when she deemed it a good temperature, she scooped up Amy in her arms and bounced her gently, resting the nipple of the bottle on her lips, waiting for her to latch on and once she did, her whining came to a slow stop before her eyes fluttered shut and she nursed away, "What am I gonna do?" Y/n wondered aloud, sitting down on the couch with the small baby in her arms.
It was several hours before Negan stepped back into the room, seeing Y/n laying back on the couch, Amy fast asleep on her chest and he smiled at the sight, "Everything's ready for ya," He told her and watched her slowly stand up so she didn't disturb the sleeping baby, "You could still stay in here with me, ya know?" Negan spoke up, watching her grab the baby bag and her eyes shot to his with a dark glare.
He wasn't sure what it was but he was definitely drawn to Y/n, she somehow reminded him of his Lucille. Plus he had always wanted a baby and with her, he could have two, "Go to hell," She hissed at him, moving past him towards the door and he scowled deeply before turing around and opening the door roughly, placing a hand on her back and gently shoving her out of his room.
"Simon," Negan called out to the man, standing next to his door, grabbing his full attention, "Take Y/n and Amy to their room," Negan demanded and when Simon's eyes fell on her, she felt and awful shiver run up her spine, something was seriously off with that guy and she nearly found herself asking Negan to take her instead, but before she could say anything, the leader was off in another direction and Simon was smiling down at her.
"Follow me," He said before walking past her and down a long corridor with doors covering each side of the hall. "You seem to have caught the bosses attention," Simon threw over his shoulder at her as she looked around, thinking about making a run for it, but then she noticed the pistol strapped to Simon's hip.
"I'm a good resource," Y/n shrugged quietly, adjusted Amy in her arms as she studied all the sounds coming for the rooms that she could make out, hoping that maybe she'd hear Daryl.
Simon scoffed as he stopped in front of a door, pulling a piece of wire with keys on it from his pocket, "Yeah right," He said as he unlocked the door and opened it, standing beside it as he waited for her to step inside and she did while keeping a close eye on the strange man.
"That door there is the bathroom," He pointed to the only other door in the room before moving towards the fridge that was there, "And Negan put this and a microwave in here so you can keep whatever you need close by. That dresser has some clothes for you and the baby in it and the closet has extra towels and blankets," He finished as he stared at her with expectant eyes, yet all she did was stare back for a long moment, waiting for him to leave.
Finally he huffed and rolled his eyes, making his way to the door before mumbling under his breath, "Ungrateful bitch," And stepping out into the hallway, closing the door behind himself.
Y/n quickly stood and locked the door, knowing that he could easily come back in if he wanted to but it still gave her some kind of reassurance. She looked around and noticed the crib and rocking chair in the same place that the couch was in Negan's room. Walking over to the crib, she laid Amy down in it and looked at the desk nearby that had a box of diapers under it and a thing of wipes on top of it, a thin, pink blanket laying over the wood and she assumed it was a makeshift changing table.
Y/n quickly organized the contents of the baby bag into the desk before sitting down it the rocking chair, taking a deep breath before grabbing fistfuls of her hair and yanking on it, a few tears slipping down her face as she thought about the past 24 hours.
Everything had spiraled downwards so quickly and she found herself feeling ridiculously sick. She prayed that her family was ok, prayed that Daryl was ok. She missed him desperately. Since she had met up with the group back at the prison, she hadn't separated from Daryl. They became fast friends and she instantly trusted him because he had saved her. It didn't take long for their friendship to progress into something more.
Thinking about it made her give a teary eyed smile to herself. She looked over at Amy, trying to convince herself that this would somehow all be ok and that's when a knock came to her door, startling her.
She made her way over to it and slowly unlocked it and opened it, coming face to face with a man she'd never seen before and she quickly went to shut the door once again, "Wait!" He called out quietly, pushing back on the door to keep it open, "I just have a letter for you from, Daryl," He told her and she quickly stopped what she was doing to crack the door back open and look over the man.
He had longish, blonde hair and what seemed to be a giant burn mark over half his face. His hand reached out and a small piece of paper was held between his fingers, "If you want him to stay in one piece, I was never here," He told her ominously before handing her the note and swiftly walking away.
She watched him for a moment before looking at the paper in her hand and suddenly nothing mattered. She shut the door and locked it before moving to sit on the edge of the bed and open the messily folded paper.
'I love you. Im ok. I will find you. -Daryl'
Was all that was written there, but she knew it was his handwriting and tears sprung to her eyes as she reread it over and over again.
She knew Daryl was a man of his word and no matter how long it took, he would find her.
Tag List:
Team Daryl/Norman: @ynreaderlol
Team Jeffery/Negan/John: @naughtyneganjdm
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dangara2610 · 10 months
Hard to do Crossover
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Time to time, watching the lots of crossovers fans do about Varian with anything, I thought about one of the fandom I liked and spend lots of years in it
Does any of you knew about the Hetalia fandom ?
Humanized countries anime, before the creation of Countryballs and Country humans but after the old newspaper cartoons about each one nation spirit like "Uncle Sam" for the USA and "John Bull"for the UK?
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(My mind playing easy and silly after a whole day playing difficult xD)
Varian and Hugo cosplaying France and England because I can't decide which one fits better 🫠😎🤓
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Super silly draw ~ hahahhahahahah
(My mind playing difficult before that fanart)
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I tried to find who in the Hetalia cast would be fitting for a role swap with the Vat7k characters, but they are so different from each other , even the similar things between them have to be pushed xD
Long time ago, my favorite fanfics and fancomics were "Historical accurrate" focused, but most the content was about romance , so I endup becoming a big fan of:
FrUK : France x United Kingdom
USUK : United States x United Kingdom
Usually along with "FACE family" Dynamic, France and England as parents , Canada and America as adoptive sons
Then , I got a more deep liking for England , so I would get any England x (any other country) material
As well for USA x (any other country)
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Varian: From a germanic country, so we have some to pick between the very Germany, or Prussia, Austria, Switzerland, Lietchestein, Bravaria or Kugel Mugel, but most of them have a serious stoic attitude
Except Prussia, who likes to play funny, is clean and disciplinated , writing a lot for his journal so everyone can know about his amazing adventures and goals, high self esteem, able to play teacher/mother/father/older brother role to any who wants to take lessons from him or who needs him, during the manga pages (and anime chapters) about Industrial revolution, he and his lil bro showed great engineering skills and enthusiasm.
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Hey, when we think about Rapunzel, we were taught about her Germanic origins, then on the Tangled making, there was a mention about how the team wanted Germany as main influence and a few of Spain influence , and maybe not lots of you saw it, but there was a fanart about Prussia and Hungary cosplaying Eugene and Rapunzel that got re-posted on most old Facebook accounts about Hetalia
So feels like Prussia role was already taken at the Tangled cast, as well, Hungary on her cannon scenes, used a frying pan as weapon too.
Next pick for a fitting role for Varian, it may be , America? I don't know xD , joyful, friendly, strong, innovative, but doesn't knows how to measure his skills or social contact so he endups pushing everyone boundaries or ignoring safety codes, loves heroic tales and wants to be the hero of the situation at sigh, too bad he makes exaggerated bad takes due to his inexperience.
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England, either for Hugo or Varian
A tsundere who suffered social exclusion during his early existence, who fought all the way to stop being poor, forgotten and put aside to reach riches, glory and power, not losing contact with his magical paranormal friends, yet, having difficult times to accept friendship or love from others, facing betrayings as well, a little bit of low self esteem, trying to compensate with other things (as with aggression and search for more power), for innovation, he tried engineering but his ideas were too eccentric so he would end up laughed at for his impractical machines, yet, searching ways to improve.
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I need to make this shorter so I'll skip talking about France
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As well about China or any other asian country for Yong
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Sadly for Nuru , there are very few African or Oceanic based characters, most of them on a sole official videogame of the series with not enough screen time on the show, yet, nice to search around the fanbase
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Any way, find something for an "accurrate " role swap is difficult, maybe cosplaying would be the only thing I would fantasy about xDdDDDDdD
The only "legit" version for a Crossover of Hetalia and Tangled would be creating brand new OCs of each one of the locations in the map of this world, specially about the 7 kingdoms
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Bayangor looks kin to any country from Southeast Asia , so I would pick Indonesia (the series got a femenine character sketch, but then, changed it for a male one, either way, just for the manga and not the anime)
Galcrest and Nesdernia would certainly be about native american communities, sadly, most of them are drawn as OCs for the fandom, no actual cannon characters
Pittsford and Corona looks germanic enough, hehe, we could pick similarities with other European countries
The Dark Kingdom gave hints about Scotland , so it's easier
Ingvarr, according to some post, was supposed to be Persian/ Arabic influence, as well for Koto, African influence, but is vague, and both of them, reversing the role of colonization, looking like ... O dear, I have to go.
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And that's all, I have to go 🥭⛅🥭🌟🌳🌟🫧⛅🫧⛅🌳🌟🌀🌀🌻 thanks for reading 🪷🌠🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️
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broken-everlark · 7 months
Welp my dumbass decided to make Wednesday pokemon trainer cards instead of updating my WIPs. Which I'm going to do after I post this🤣
I'm not fully happy about Tyler, eugene, and the xaviers teams. Those may change.
Almost everyone always gets a legendary/mythical.
I know literally no one will read this or care. But I figured I could post it anyway.
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I gave her Skorupi because of Nero, so he's her partner.
Gliscor because he's just a beast of a mon and reminds me of a scorpion/bat that fits Wednesday's dark theme. Tyler had given this to her as a present. On their first anniversary, it immediately became a favorite.
Corviknight because Wednesday is referred to as the Raven, and he just seems like the most raven mon (even though he's a crow). Wednesday found this pokemon back when it was a Rookiedee. It had fallen out of its nest. Instead of feeding it to her mother's Pyroar, she kept it.
Hydreigon because he's just a dark dragon, and I feel like he fits Wednesday's style. Wednesday had found him as a deino, the poor blind Dino had injured himself. She decided to take him in and raise him to become a terrifying dragon.
Dusknoir because he's a big scary ghost that eats souls in his chest. Out of all the ghost types, i feel like this one fits Wednesday the most. This mon snuck up on Wednesday and followed her throughout a haunted graveyard, not giving up until she caught him.
It was between Giratina (the underworld/antimatter legend) or Yveltal. Her legend I chose is Yveltal, He's the legendary of Death, basically destroying everything in sight.
(I feel bad for doing this to Tyler)
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His partner - Cubone - because they both lost their moms. Cubone wears his mothers dead skull on his head. Tyler's mother had given this to him just before she passed.
(Might replace.) Bewear - literally because Tyler is sweet & adorable on the outside, but on the inside, he's hiding a dangerous monster, just like bewear.
Mimikyu - because the creature inside the suit just wants to be loved, just like Tyler. So he hides behind a suit made up of a beloved pokemon. But everytime it's trainer looks underneath the suit, they die.
Scovillian - because it's a funny play on Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Two faces, two different personalities.
Garchomp - Because this mon is anger filled and very hard to tame also very powerful. Kinda reminds me of the hyde.
His legend is Mewtwo. A legend made by humans and hates humanity. Reminds me of Tyler's tragic past, hating others who don't understand what he's been through.
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Her partner is a shiny Spheal - Honestly, I just feel like Enid would love every single pokemon that's adorable.
Shiny) Politoad because he's just a very happy frog, and I feel like it matches. It Enids a very bubbly personality.
Arcanine - i feel like even though it's a big scary dog, she loves it because it's Fluffy and loyal. Just like Enid.
Lycanroc (Day form) just a little nod to her wolf form.
Dragonair - Honestly, it's just a beautiful mid evo that I feel like Enid would love
And her legend is Mew. It's just a cute, sweet cat that has all the DNA of each pokemon. Something I think Enid would take care of and love.
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So Ajax's starter is Ivysaur - because the bulbasaur line is famous for smoking grass
Ekans because of Ajax being a Gorgon and his little snakes poke their heads out sometimes.
Slowbro because it seems like a good pokemon to get high with.
Hisuian Typhlosion because he just looks like a depressed cool boy like my baby Ajax.
Noivern - because I just see Ajax being the chill guy at parties and noiverns ears remind me of speakers.
His legend is a shiny Rayquaza just because he's a giant space snek noodle🤣
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Eugene's starter is a shiny caterpie, figured he'd just be a bug type trainee.
Beedrill - because of his powers to control bees.
Heracross- same as the caterpie. Just figured he'd have a bug army.
Dewpider because he's just an adorable bean like Eugene.
Appletun because I just feel like he'd love chunky pokemon. Because chunky pokemon are the best.
wobbuffet because its a psychic pokemon and it's insane ability to use counter and I feel like Eugene would need a happy mon to keep him company.
Yes Eugene doesn't get a legend. Just couldn't find one that fit.
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Her partner being Primarina - has to do with her being a siren outcast. Her partner looks like a mermaid and sings like sirens and mermaids are known for.
Being the popular girl at school, I'd imagine she'd have tons of beautiful pokemon. A florges. Being a bouquet of flowers fits that perfectly
Again, Hatterene fits the popular girl status perfectly. Another beautiful fairy type to add to Bianca's team
Bianca would also have a shiny Altaria, it being her pride since it's a rare golden color.
Beautifly - a rare evolution of Wurmple, being very beautiful & every time it flaps its wings, sparkly pollen falls with each flap.
I chose Meloetta fighting form for her mythical pokemon. It has unique singing abilities, and being strong but beautiful would fit Bianca perfectly.
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Xavier surprisingly got a card. I didn't want to download a picture of him into my phone so he gets no picture.
He gets a shiny muk as his partner. Because he looks like throw up. Just like how I feel about Xaviers character.
He gets an Exeggutor because it's derpy in a stupid way🤣
Grafaiai because he's an artist.
Garbordor - because it's a pokemon made of trash.
Xavier does get a legend. But it's the worst one. He gets regice because it's a trash legend.🤣
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lovelyd0gg · 2 months
Some more Hcs!
What would be the BoB boys reactions to you having a mental breakdown?
Warnings: Fluffy<3, mild-angst.
Extra: The setting is while you and the boys are in war. But at a bar or smth.
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Bull Randleman.
•He first noticed your heavy breathing and how you were breathing faster than usual. He asked you if something was going on but you hid it and said everything was fine.
•He immediately knew everything wasn't fine when your breathing started to get faster and you started to whimper.
•He looked over at you and asked you if you were okay and you didn't say anything.
•He then hugged you and comforted you. Saying things like, "I got ya." Or "it's alright, cry it out."
•He was giving you time and patting your back as you cried in his chest.
•He then asked you what caused the break down to happen but you didn't answer it immediately.
•And he was completely fine with it.
•Once you were able to actually breathe properly and actually talk, you told him you were having a mental breakdown due to the stress you're getting from the war and everything.
•He completely understood you, he also felt stressed at times, he just didn't show it.
•He comforted you and told you that you and him were gonna get through this together and you both will stay alive.
•After you calmed down, you just hung around next to him. And he was protecting you from other people.
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Eugene Roe.
•He noticed that you weren't okay when you were just breathing heavily, your hands started to shake too and he knew you were having a mental breakdown.
•It wasn't the first time he noticed you had a mental breakdown either.
•He comforted you, said some words in French affectionately to calm you down, anything that would help you really.
•He had you in his arms and just kept you there as you cried in his chest.
•Tears going on his uniform, making it damp, but he didn't care or mind. The only mission he had, to make you feel better.
•After you calmed down he asked you if you were okay. You said you were feeling better.
•He kissed your head affectionately and said some quiet words in French, some words of endearment.
•Like "Je t'aime chéri." (I love you, darling.) Or "Tu es magnifique bébé." (You're gorgeous, baby."
•His voice soothed you and you felt at ease.
•It didn't take that long for you to calm down either. He's the master of being calm.
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George Luz.
•Let's be real, he's not very good at comforting people.
•He blanks out, he tries to make jokes but they don't help or work.
•So when he saw you having a mental breakdown, he spaced out with wide eyes and didn't know what to do.
•At first he tried to comfort you by putting his hand on your shoulder, but that didn't seem to work.
•So he switched to plan B.
•"You want some water...?"
•He didn't even ask if you wanted tissues, poor boy😭
•He eventually had to switch to plan C, which was just sit there doing absolutely nothing.
•He felt awkward, he felt guilty that he couldn't comfort or help you in any way and that's what made it even worse.
•Eventually, you calmed down and he immediately hugged you.
•He kept apologizing because he couldn't comfort you.
•You chuckled a little and said that it was okay. And that you understand.
•He still doesn't know how to comfort you when you have mental breakdowns at times but he asks Winters or someone responsible to give him tips.
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Bill Guarnere.
•Two words, "oh shit."
•He freaks out and panics, he doesn't know how to comfort you either like Luz.
•But he doesn't blank out. He is very much aware and he sees you right in front of him, crying.
•He didn't know what to do and he felt ashamed.
•He put some tissues in front of you silently and letting you cry it out.
•After some time, he glanced at you and noticed you calmed down and were doing better.
•He asked you multiple questions, if you were okay, what happened, and some more.
•He was listening to you and made sure to at least try and comfort you after you answered his questions.
•He handed you a beer and smiled at you, saying it was gonna be okay.
•Phew, that was a close on.
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Lewis Nixon.
•He put down everything he had in his hand and walked to your side.
•He was concerned, worried, anxious, you name it.
•He asked you if you were okay. And he knew you weren't but he wanted to make sure.
•You didn't answer his questions at first and he pulled you into a light embrace.
•Holding you tightly, making sure to stroke your hair at times, and saying it's okay.
•He knew how to comfort you, and he was quite good at it too.
•But then again, he's done it so many times now that none of this new.
•He kept comforting you and rubbing your back, shushing you quietly, hoping you'd calm down.
•Once your cries stopped and it was silent, he said, "You done with the waterworks?"
•Obviously it was light-hearted teasing and he didn't want to make it seem like a rude comment.
•Especially when you were in a fragile state.
•Most of the time, you were chatting with him while he held your hand.
•He did all of this, while being calm (somewhat)
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Ronald Speirs.
•He looked at you with an unfazed expression, but deep down, he was freaking out and wanted to comfort you immediately.
•But it would ruin his reputation, the stern and strict Lieutenant comforting a woman? Sure, doesn't sound so bad but to him it's a big deal.
•But his heart got the best of him and he walked to you, comforting you and planting soft little kisses on your head.
•All while staying silent. He never talked much, but this was because he was silently panicking, hoping you were okay.
•After a little while of him just holding you, you calmed down and told him how grateful and thankful you were that he came to comfort you.
•He nodded silently and patted your back.
•"You okay now?"
•He would ask when you finished talking.
•When you nodded, he felt at ease and felt a pang of relief.
•Nobody was making fun of him either, except maybe Guarnere and Perconte, due to him being a strict and serious man.
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Joseph Liebgott.
•As soon as he saw you panicking and breathing faster, he knew something was up.
•He looked you up and down checking for any more signs of a mental breakdown.
•You seemed to check off most of the signs and he knew he had to spring to action.
•He put his hand on your shoulder and started talking to you.
•"It's alright, you're alright, calm down."
•He usually said that, and he walked you through the steps to breathing properly.
•You did this for a good 5 minutes and when you both stopped and you calmed down, you felt your breathing get better and the tears stopped rushing down your eyes.
•You were feeling a lot better thanks to him, and you were very grateful that he helped you.
•You told him thank you so many times and he just waved his hand and would just say "my pleasure."
•On the outside, it seemed that he was laid back and chill, but on the inside, he felt anxious that if he didn't come to help, it would've gotten worse.
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loveofmyknife · 10 months
Live Blogging the Burrow’s end finale but it’s all in one post because I can’t be bothered to reblog the same post 10 times. So like… pre-recorded blogging I guess
Spoilers. Obviously.
- loving the finale outfits! Especially the caution tape accessories!
- hey girl hey! Poor Teedles is taking all of this very well and we love them for it. I too would rather face possible death than have to babysit my boss’s children
- someone really should go check on Simon
- love how Tula is advocating for a nonviolent solution and ends it with “and we should definitely track down and murder Phoebe”. It’s nonviolent except for one specific person (being?)
- Lucas is just doing his best as a congested little boy. Somebody get him some mint! (Bint)
- “oh, mommy has so much bloodlust!” is an excellent line
- again, Brennan is unhinged, and also maybe wearing pink lipstick, which I think adds to the vibe
- Thorn being concerned for Dr Steel is so indicative of his character. He just wants to protect his people, and even though they’ve only known this human for a few hours, she is one of his people
- love a good title drop, but this plan seems very hastily put together. I am concerned
- persuasion- “-OR ELSE!” … ok intimidation
- gasoline lasts for however long is narratively relevant
- how many stoats does it take to drive a truck? Apparently at least 5
- I mean as far at Nat 1s go operating a gear shift as a rodent makes sense
- viola is holding this group together by sheer force of will
-oh fuck human magic!
- new map! New map!
- Oh fuck “human” NECROMANCY!
-kinda sad that Carlos isn’t playing Wennabocker on the board in some way but it obviously makes sense from a practical standpoint
- the minis!!! So cool!
-“grandma casts sounding” oh no…
- box of doom strikes again
- 40 points of damage is insane
- Lucas no! I love his little hat but no!
- hate when the BBEG rolls a Nat 20
- 69 hp…nice
- not Lucas!!
- oh Tula is never going to forgive herself for this and I have Thoughts about it
- Phoebe really is just a situation at this point
- That is exactly what a 12 year old would say when beating up an eldritch horror
- yeah I’d say hitting the ground really hard is a reckless attack, Ava
-109 damage! Jesus fucking Christ
- oh it’s some eugenics shit, okay
- Dr Steel coming to the rescue!
- I love using a bunch of skills and mechanics to get the desired outcome. Casting a spell, moving out of range of counterspell, and disengaging an opportunity attack all at the same time just to be able to fireball this meat suit
- I also would not recommend hitting a nuclear reactor with fire
- “no that’s okay” was such a power move
- “I DEBONE THAT MOTHERFUCKER” yes you do, and somehow that invents cooking! I love it
- Nat 20! “THATS! MY! WIFE!!!” Viola has taken out 4 giants in a single round. She is a badass. She is a warrior. She is my hero.
- oh yeah, Dr Steel was just standing there for all that
- We may be experiencing a tragedy but at least they’ve also invented ice cream
- ok yeah i might be sobbing a little, what of it?
- I like that Ava can have a little magic as a treat
- I personally welcome our new stoat overlords
- babies!
-Get it, Tula! But seriously I like that she really got to process life without being just a widow and a mother before moving on
-baby’s first word: viscera. This is cannon
-Ava’s doing great, and her life is in her own hands. She’s completely overhauling the local law enforcement and creating triple A
- Dr Lila! She’s a nuclear physicist now!
- Did not expect Jaysohn to go for an Airbud plot line but I’m not mad at it
Closing thoughts: I loved it! I think the ending was pretty abrupt but taking out the BBEG in like 2 rounds will do that so I can’t fault them for it. I would have loved for at least one of the party to take over Education, and I think Tula was kind of set up for it but I’m glad she gets to just enjoy life now instead. I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s Adventuring Party and I’m super excited about next season!
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augment-techs · 4 months
Summer soomerki (stoner!Tommy, rodeo rider!David, indie rocker!Stan alternate rangers AU, part 3)
For wip Wednesday
Oh. Oh THIS child.
Not gonna lie, I loved picking out the rangers in this AU in the beginning, they all work very well in this little fun piece that was supposed to not actually go anywhere and play with the timeline of both the comics and fucking around with the live action.
But now I am in the interesting place that feels like a tiny speck of an island surrounded by miles and miles of open sea--where I have to replace Hailey with either Tommy or Kat, with the caveat that Kat is absolutely NOT going to be Pink if I pick her, but Tommy will HAVE to be Pink if I pick him.
Also I'm waffling on whether or not to make Tommy a super stoner in response to some trauma he suffered that ALLOWED him to stay with David as a baby instead of being separated in the foster system and THAT'S why the two brothers know Stan...which leads them to the Skullovitch house.
At least I know Hailey has to leave Rangering because she cannot STAND Zordon now that he has his own body and still doesn't understand that humans and Eltarians are NOT the same thing and that a lot of the stuff he does is really unethical.
The locked on headcanon for this is that both Stan and David are the Caretakers that call out Zordon a LOT.
Once upon a time, Stan Skullovitch had a habit of not being in the house his parents bought and converted into a dodgy motor car repair unless he had to be there--and when he was, he had a double habit of leaving the doors open a crack. It kept the silence from invading his bones and making him feel something not completely unlike a rabbit in a cage or seasick. 
When Eugene was around at the same time, he still left the doors open, but closed the one to his own room and locked the deadbolt he'd installed himself when his brother was twelve in the hospital and nobody had any idea where their worthless father was with the gang that had left his little brother's blood in the living room and kitchen. It wasn't that he was trying to lock the skinny, sad little thing out; more like he wanted to lock himself away and cool down from the general discontent that being in Angel Grove left him with. The gnashing of teeth and the way his fists closed tight until his knuckles paled like a shock a clear and present danger for anyone if he found himself in a poor mood.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 5 months
helena! my love! we've seen your ocs as boygenius songs... dare i ask what song you'd give them from phoebe bridgers' discography?
bluuuuuu this is the BEST yes yes yes
My OCs as Phoebe Bridgers Songs
Frankie Bevan - Friday I'm In Love
Monday, you can fall apart / Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart / Oh, Thursday doesn't even start / It's Friday, I'm in love /
Valerie Harmon - Graceland Too
So we spent what was left of our serotonin / To chew on our cheeks and stare at the moon / Said she knows she lived through it to get to this moment / Ate a sleeve of saltines on my floor and I knew then / I will do anything you want me to /
Susie Lamb - Scott Street
I asked you, "How is your sister? / I heard she got her degree" / And I said, "That makes me feel old" / You said, "What does that make me?" /
Anna March - Funeral
And last night, I blacked out in my car / And I woke up in my childhood bed / Wishing I was someone else, feeling sorry for myself / When I remembered someone's kid is dead /
Diana Fayed - Dominos
I scrape my eye when I touch the sky / And lose a little vision for the man / I can call it in my mind / I don't want to hold nobody's hand / I can toss in the morning light / I'll play dead when I'm buried in the sand /
Gwen Dastrup - Silk Chiffon
Life's so fun, life's so fun / Don't need to worry about no one / She said that I got her if I want / She's so soft like silk chiffon /
Faye Warren - Garden Song
The doctor put her hands over my liver / She told me my resentment's getting smaller / No, I'm not afraid of hard work / I get everything I want /
George Aarons - Chinese Satellite
Sometimes, when I can't sleep / It's just a matter of time before I'm hearing things / Swore I could feel you through the walls / But that's impossible /
Frankie and Rosie - Sidelines
Watched the world from the sidelines / Had nothing to prove / 'Til you came into my life / Gave me something to lose /
Val and Ron - Killer
Can the killer in me / Tame the fire in you? / Or is there nothin' left to do for us? / I am sick of the chase / But I'm hungry for blood / And there's nothin' I can do /
Susie and DeMarco - ICU
But I feel something when I see you now / I feel something when I see you / If you're a work of art / I'm standing too close / I can see the brush strokes /
Anna and Eugene - Moon Song
And if I could give you the moon / I would give you the moon / You are sick and you're married and you might be dying / But you're holding me like water in your hands /
Diana and Reg - Chelsea
And you spit the blood back, spit the blood back, baby / I'm amazed that you're alright / Oh, so long, prison boy / I won't be home with you tonight /
Gwen and Brady - Waiting Room
I want to make you drive all night just because I said maybe you should come over / I want to make you fall in love as hard as my poor parents' teenage daughter / She'll be the best you ever had if you let her /
Faye and Shifty - Punisher
What if I told you / I feel like I know you? / But we never met / And here, everyone knows you're the way to my heart / Hear so many stories of you at the bar/
George and Curt - Georgia
Georgia, Georgia, I love your son / And when he gets older, he might be the one / He might be the one / Georgia, Georgia, he has beautiful bones / And he never lies or picks up his phone /
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goldenfreddys · 23 days
september '04, cont.— a little identity never hurt nobody!
Jeremy’s cellphone was ringing in his pocket— a sort of tense, shrill melody he chose from a long menu of ringtone options because ‘tense’ and ‘shrill’ is how calls felt when they weren’t from his mom. It just felt right.
It was daytime, but the pizzeria was oddly empty. The band was lined up neat and still on the show stage.
He pressed the answer button and mumbled out a ‘hello?’
For a moment, there was nothing. In the static, Jeremy heard what could’ve been a sniffle. The rustle of fabric, a quiet whimper.
Finally, a small boy on the other end of the line asked, “... Is- is Mike there?”
“I don’t… think so. Whats wrong, bud?”
“I’m scared. It’s dark a-and I wanna go home, now.”
“Where are you? Do- um, do you know where you are?”
The kid let out a muffled sob. Jeremy started walking towards the office, glancing in the party rooms as he went. The walls were covered in construction paper portraits of a pale, round head with wide eyes and thick bars of faded blue tears streaming off to the bottom of the page.
“I guess not. That’s okay… Can you tell me who you are, big guy?”
The child’s voice wobbled, “My- my name…”
Suddenly, the call dropped. Quick, rhythmic beeps erupted from the speaker to reassure him it had been disconnected.
In the office, the old landline’s handset had been left hanging off the edge of the desk. It swung like a body from the gallows.
Sometimes, Jeremy would fight to escape the spider’s web of sleep. He’d think, I really need to get up, now and then sooner or later it would happen. Today, he didn’t feel any particular urge to wake up. He spent a long time edging in and out of consciousness- someone was humming and frying up bacon across the room. He nestled further into the couch to escape the growing light and pulled his thin blanket higher around his shoulders.
“Morning, babydoll. I made coffee.”
Jeremy opened his eyes cautiously. That wasn’t right. He was nobody’s baby, let alone someone’s babydoll.
He heard two people kissing some distance away and untensed. They seemed to be really going at it.
“And breakfast.”
The other person responded in a deep, warm voice, “Now that’s just suspicious. What did you do?”
The first man let out a prolonged, flabbergasted series of sounds expressing disbelief, shock and offence.
“Do I need to I re-open the nightguard posting?”
“No, no- believe it or not, he’s alive! Hey, just look and see for yourself!”
It was Mike, he realized. Jeremy remained perfectly still, even holding his breath for a moment.
“You brought this poor baby angel’s dead body into our beautiful house-”
“He’s sleeping.”
“See, you said that about Elizabeth's hamster, too.”
Mike leaned closer, “You’re sleeping, right?”
“Fuck off,” Jeremy responded.
The gig was up. Now he had to figure out what Mike wanted, and why he felt it was important enough to warrant kidnapping his coworker. Jeremy sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“I just need to figure out what’s going on, okay? What’s your relationship to ‘Dave Miller’?” Mike made exaggerated air-quotes around the name.
“... Who? The- the doctor?”
Jeremy looked around the living room. He was still in his work clothes, and his shoes were on the floor by the couch. Faintly remembering the night before, he realized he didn’t have his wallet, keys or cellphone. Shit.
“Mikey, he’s obviously not in cahoots. Look at him.” The other person–Eugene, he recalled–crossed his arms doubtfully.
Again, the two started bickering like he wasn’t there. Jeremy raised his hand, as though flagging the attention of a teacher halfway through class.
“What is it, sweetie?”
“Can I use the bathroom?”
Eugene motioned to the hall, “Last door on the right.”
As Jeremy washed his hands, he studied the space around the bathroom sink. At one edge of the counter, some various amenities were neatly organized in a bin- shaving cream, toothpaste, styling combs and cologne. At the other, there was a can of aerosolized body spray titled Tropical Breeze with some crusty build up around the nozzle.
He dried his hands. The room was tastefully decorated, though currently disheveled— an interior designer had clearly been involved. He glanced at the closed door. 
Nadia had a bad habit of idly snooping through drawers and cupboards; she liked knowing where things were, she said, “like, what if there was an emergency and we needed a flathead screwdriver, but didn't know where to find one?” spoken with unfettered confidence that an emergency that required a flathead screwdriver was tangible and imminent.
Jeremy nodded in agreement with the recollection of his best friend he pictured in his mind, then opened a cabinet above the sink. It had pills, gauze and various medical instruments. He leaned in to get a closer look. There were a couple over-the-counter painkillers, viagra, pepto bismol and petroleum jelly. Wrapped in a clear cellophane package labeled STERILE was what looked to be a thin, threaded hook. His brow furrowed a bit as he mulled over the intended application of the hook. Clearly not fishing, because the curve was too slight– and with fishing out of the equation, his relevant wisdom had run dry.
It was either medical or sexual, he figured. Maybe both.
Satisfied with his findings, Jeremy closed the cabinet and wandered back to the living room.
“Then who died?!” Mike asked in a tone that was either pissed off or distraught.
“Secret triplet?” Eugene offered.
“It's not more unlikely.”
Jeremy grimaced, “Can y'all take this from the top for me?”
Mike sat down at the table and buried his face in his hands. Jeremy looked to Eugene, then back at Mike as he waited for a response.
After a pause long enough to make one doubt if he would continue at all, Mike said, “You're Sammy Emily.”
“Sammy Fitzgerald.” He corrected, pointedly, “... But I haven't gone by that since I was little.”
“Sammy died.”
“Sammy moved to Vermont, actually. Similar, sure, but not totally the same. Again, you're thinking of my sister.”
“Well, clearly not-”
“Unless there's another one!” Eugene interjected, triumphantly.
Jeremy pressed his lips together and stared at the floor. The topic sort of stung on a good day, and that morning had been shaping up to be the worst day in months. Frustration buzzed through him, nerve endings like frayed livewires in a damp, mildew filled supply closet. It was a miserable anger with nowhere to go.
“Are you good, hon?”
“I want my fucking mom. Or to go home and sleep… I want Nads to key your stupid mustang, too. And a smoke,” he mumbled.
“That's completely fair! Mike, fetch him a siga.” Eugene snapped his fingers for emphasis, “That's Yoruban for fag, which is British for…”
Mike groaned and waved him off before digging around in the pockets of a leather jacket hanging by the door.
He held out a battered carton of cigarettes to Jeremy, then jerked them out of reach with a stern glare, “... But if you touch my car, I'm gonna end up on the news.”
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chibifox2002 · 8 months
Hey, did galacta have a sibling? Cause I noticed that he's holding a baby in one of your drawings
He had a little brother named Eugene!
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Poor guy's got narcolepsy 😔😴
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