#political antisemitism
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edenfenixblogs · 3 months ago
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Source: NBC News
It’s like…weird that Jewish voters were singled out here, right?
It’s like “Hey, everyone. It’s important to know whether or not we can blame Jews for Trump winning. Looks like we can’t!”
To be clear: I also voted against Trump and for Harris cuz I’m not a racist idiot.
But like…weird. We are 2% of the American population. We are 0.2% of the global population.
Islam (1.1%) is the third largest religion in America but they as well as Hindus (1%) and Buddhists (1%). 4% of Americans are atheists. There are more atheists than Jews. And as many atheists as Jews, Hindus, Muslims, and Buddhists combined.
Literally why are we Jews singled out as if we are so noteworthy???? And why are other religions NOT counted, if this is a matter of representation???
It’s gross. And I kind of don’t see how it ISN’T a double standard.
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prokopetz · 4 months ago
Since we're getting into "did you know that Santa's eight tiny reindeer are a reference to the eight legs of Odin's steed?" season once again, remember: while there are some elements of Christmas (or Hallowe'en, or Easter, or...) observations that are probably pre-Christian in origin, before one believes any of that this-is-really-100%-just-a-Pagan-holiday-with-the-serial-numbers-filed-off stuff, one must consider all of the following possibilities:
Our earliest known records of the cited pre-Christian practices were written down by some random Christian monk centuries after the fact, and we genuinely have no idea how accurate this account is, to what extent the apparent similarities with Christian practice are due to the author deliberately or unwittingly putting a Christian spin on it, or indeed, whether they were just making shit up.
The similarities between the two sets of practices have been exaggerated or misrepresented by Christian writers who were bent for prefiguration theology (i.e., the idea that the Bible echoes backwards in time and pre-Christian religious practices were unwittingly imitating future Christian practices).
The similarities between the two sets of practices have been exaggerated or misrepresented by Protestant writers who believe that all Pagan deities are Satan in disguise, so they think that if they can prove that Catholic practices are secretly Pagan in origin, that proves that Catholics are secretly Satanists.
The similarities between the two sets of practices have been exaggerated or misrepresented by overzealous mythographers trying to prove that all mythology and religion throughout all of human history is secretly a single unified monomyth; if it's pre-Victorian, expect shades of prefiguration theology, while if it's post-Victorian, expect a lot of stuff about the Collective Unconscious.
A bunch of 19th Century proto-Fascists were trying to construct a pre-Jewish cultural identity (and considered Christianity to be tainted by association), but didn't want to give up any of the fun rituals, so they made some shit up about how it was still okay to do Christmas because something something Odin, or whatever.
A bunch of early 20th Century Pagan reconstructionists filled in the gaps in their understanding of pre-Christian ritual with culturally Christian assumptions, then turned around and pointed at their own accidentally Christianised reconstructions as evidence that Christian practices are derived from them.
A bunch of late 20th Century self-help manual authors tried to break into the occult bookstore market by uncritically repeating any or all of the above.
Someone on the Internet just made it up.
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suchbeloved · 1 month ago
jews have been sounding the alarm about the rise of antisemitism and neo-nazi rhetoric around the world for years now, and have been largely dismissed by all sides of the political spectrum. they’re playing the victim, they’re exaggerating, they’re lying, they’re a distraction from other more important issues, etc etc.
i hope this can be a wakeup call for many. if this is shocking to you, i urge you to find jewish voices and creators to follow. antisemitism is a canary in the coal mine for fascism and jewish people are the ones most equipped to recognize it and oppose it.
we will all need each other more than ever for what’s to come. make sure the coalitions and networks you build include jewish people too.
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Wow, how shocking the far right guy from an actual apartheid state who supports the far right German party and believes Jews foment hatred against whites did a Nazi salute at the inauguration. So shocking. I’m absolutely floored.
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highlyillogicalandroid · 4 months ago
“Jews voted for Trump because he supports Israel it’s their fault he won” is a thing I have heard a lot in the past two days, so have some statistics:
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Source: NBC News
Okay? Now admit that you’re just antisemitic and fuck off.
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apricior · 1 month ago
in light of recent events, i am seeing a lot of posts talking about punching nazis and fighting nazis. and that is good and all, but at the end of the day it is worthless if your activism starts and ends at condemning the nazi salute. antisemitism and nazism are more than sieg heiling and spray painting swastikas on a wall.
if you truly care about nazism, learn about its characteristics. learn what it really means. learn how it has affected and still affects jewish people. learn about antisemitism, about dogwhistles, about stereotypes. learn how to identify it when it's hidden, when it's not coming from right-wing white supremacists who openly hate jews, when it's coming from friends, or relatives, or other left-wing groups. identify what antisemitic beliefs you hold. fight antisemitism even when it is directed at jews you don't like or you disagree with.
and, above everything, support the jewish community. learn about their history, their culture, their customs. love jews more than you hate nazis.
international holocaust remembrance day is next week (january 27th). if you truly want to be an ally to the jewish community, condemning elon musk is not enough.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 1 month ago
Perhaps a controversial take, but I don't think the phrase "make nazis afraid again" actually reflects what often happened in real life both in history and in the current day. I've seen way too many comfortable, celebrated nazis who were and are nothing but unafraid and emboldened.
I feel a more accurate slogan would be "make nazis afraid."
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xclowniex · 1 month ago
Its frustrating that people are going "hey look at all these things which trump is doing which is similar to what Hitler did when he was in power, we are so fucked" and then just not mentioning the rise in antisemitism.
Like antisemitism was a major part in why hitler was elected into power.
Hitler blamed Germanys issues on jews. During his election, he pulled back from spouting antisemitism to make himself look more sane, but all the issues he campaigned on were issues that were blamed on the jews.
He didn't say "jews are ruining the economy but I can fix it", he knew that people were already blaming jews and campaigned on that.
According to the ADL, only 3 months after Oct 7th, antisemitism increased 360%. And it's not like rates of antisemitism has started to go down.
You cannot talk about how facisiam in the US is on the rise, compare it to the rise of hitler and not mention the rise of antisemitism.
Jew hatred was essential to hitlers rise to power and his actions. You cannot talk about jewish history and erase us from the picture.
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newnitz · 6 months ago
I want to add some important context for all the goyim in the notes, and a lot of Jews reading this, though the Russian national a few reblogs back probably knows it:
The scapegoating of Israel for Russia's crimes is intentional. Political antisemitism is the only way the Russo-Iranian axis stands a chance of surviving.
Think about it: at the eve of 7 Oct, Israel and Saudi Arabia were about to officially make peace with one another. From that point on, an alliance against the IRGC would have been both inevitable and quick, as the IRGC is an existential threat to Israel and the opposing regional power to Saudi, who's allies/proxies have been normalizing relations with Israel in advance in perpetration. On the eve of 7 Oct, everyone cared about the war in Ukraine, the West was there in spirit and Europe was financing Ukrainian survival. The IRGC wouldn't have been able to withstand a Middle East United against their proxies, where Saudi proxies could collaborate with Israel to drive the likes of Hezbollah out of the Levant, maybe even tip the balance of the Russian Civil War out of Assad's victory and into a regime more open to be a Saudi proxy and therefore willing to leave Israel alone.
Russia needed a distraction, the IRGC needed a diversion, and Hamas, an IRGC proxy, provided. With a devastating attack that would force Israel to engage in an all-out war, coordinated with Hezbollah bombardment and Houthi(another IRGC proxy) raids.
With the Israeli-Palestinian conflict bloodier and more raw than it's been been since 1949, suddenly the Palestinians become the progressive's sweethearts. Centuries of antisemitism can be harnessed by the same regime that spread the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to retroactively justify the Kishinev Pogroms that drove the ancestors of most American and Argentinian Jews out of Eastern Europe. And those like you prevs who see through it can be shut up with doublethink, doublespeak, emotional blackmail and many other tactics used by the Russian propaganda machine, who showed its power by convincing every other authoritarian, be them Trumpists or Tankies, that Russia's invasion was about removing Nazis from a country who's elected PM is a visible Jew, and not about the same old imperialism they've engaged in since the founding of the Tsardom in the 16th century.
So trust in your gut and use your heads, because their propaganda relies on ensnaring and destroying your hearts.
I'm not Jewish. I was raised a very boring type of protestant, and now I don't really connect to any religion.
I have observed, and been told, and believe, that it is not safe, is scary and dangerous for Jewish people to say out loud such 'controversial' things as Israel is a country that exists and we need to work within that basic reality if we actually hope to make any change or progress.
So I will say it. And more people who have a basic grasp on reality should say it too so it isn't only Jewish people making this very obvious statement.
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edenfenixblogs · 3 months ago
Ive been thinking about that exit poll post of yours and the dangerous hypervisibility that the exit poll contributes to.
At the same time, I've been working on a disability presentation about voting while disabled that begins with discussing how there is no exit poll that includes the disability community, that contributes to hyperinvisibility.
I want to include the point made about the hypervisibility the jewish community gets, contrasted against the hyperinvisibility that the disabled community gets, but I worry
Could this do more harm than good?
I think it is a good idea and will not cause harm.
These two populations are good mirrors of each other in terms of opposing disproportionality.
There are approximately 70 million disabled adults in America. As many as 1 in 4 American adults are disabled according to the CDC.
The lowest number I could find for the number of disabled adults in America was 20 million. I will not link the website I saw 20 million, because I couldn’t verify its reliability. But let’s use it as a hypothetical lower boundary, knowing that the CDC estimates that number to be much higher. The lowest number of disabled adults I could find amounts to 11% of the US population. The highest I could find was 28.7% of the US population.
There are between 15 and 17 million TOTAL Jews in the entire world. Not adults. Not American Jews. All Jews. There are, at a bare minimum, 3 million more disabled adults in America alone than there are Jews in the ENTIRE WORLD.
As for American Jews? There are 7.5 million. Total. 5.8 million of us are adults. There is, at minimum, 14.2 MILLION more disabled adults in the United States than Jewish adults.
The population of disabled adults in the United States is more than double the population of Jewish adults in the United States. At the lowest possible number. There are fewer Jewish adults in the United States than the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust. There are only 1.7 million more Jews in the United States than were killed in the Holocaust.
The CDC estimates that disabled adults in America alone outnumber the total world Jewish population by as much as 53 million and the American Jewish population by 64.2 million. That makes the number of disabled adults in America more than 11 times the number of Jewish adults here and more than thrice the number of Jews in the world.
This is further evidence of both your point and mine. Why are Jews singled out as a politically significant demographic? We voted more strongly in favor of Harris than any other religious group and it did NOTHING to sway the results. If all disabled people voted with as much unity as we did they could control the entire country. (I know there are myriad reasons why disabled people may be unable to vote and this isn’t intended to shame any disabled person).
The point isn’t that Jewish voices don’t matter. Our voices absolutely matter. But shining the spotlight directly on us at a time of a 400% increase in reports of antisemitism is bizarre and dangerous. Especially when that antisemitism is currently festering in political motivations. I truly can’t think of a single valid reason that we would be singled out for polling purposes other than to provide people who hate us with a chance to blame us for political ills, further endangering us.
If we are going to poll Jews (and I believe we SHOULD poll Jews), we should also be polling the other religious groups that are similar to us in number. Otherwise it’s a kind of discriminatory hypervisibility that inexplicably endangers a minority group.
Meanwhile, you would THINK that even ONE party would care about a demographic that comprises as much as 25% of the electorate. It is bizarre and dangerous to ignore the needs and desires of 25% of the electorate. It may serve republicans who pretend that everyone is a cishet able-bodied white Aryan living in the 1950s and earns a living wage, but it doesn’t serve democrats who claim to care about equity, inclusion, and progress.
This is also discriminatory in the hyperinvisibility it thrusts upon disabled Americans. There is no logical reason to exclude such a large demographic from exit polls, other than to send a message that their voices do not matter and their needs as American citizens are not priorities.
I don’t know the exact nature of whatever it is you’re working on. But I think the contrast in the types of harm this causes to both groups is a worthwhile cultural cross-section to highlight. I think that as long as you don’t downplay the harm to the Jewish community in an attempt to explain the plight of disabled voters (and it doesn’t seem like you would do something like that), then it is very worthwhile to highlight these inexplicable and contradictory polling practices.
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hilacopter · 1 month ago
"omg i can't believe muskrat did the salute check in on your jewish friends" really now because you sure didn't check in on us when people were doing it en masse at the fucking olympics
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magical-girl-coral · 4 months ago
I wonder how many people on tumblr who are sharing posts about never killing yourself and suicide hotlines are also the same ones who told Jews to go die in Poland because we asked them not to promote fascist beliefs.
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weemietime · 3 months ago
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For anyone still claiming this Amnesty International shit is accurate.
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unsolicited-opinions · 1 month ago
Please reblog this post? North American Jewish media hasn't started talking about this issue.
The Trump administration is using both Israel and US Jews as a political wedge. Today's examples are about how he's using US Jews.
Y'know how Trump/Hegseth's Department of Defense canceled "identity" (heritage) months?
Going forward, DoD Components and Military Departments will not use official resources, to include man-hours, to host celebrations or events related to cultural awareness months, including National African American/Black History Month, Women's History Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and National American Indian Heritage Month.
Ask yourself why Jewish American Heritage Month was not similarly canceled.
I checked, and the US armed services generally do observe Jewish American Heritage Month. Here's the article from the US Army on that topic from May of 2024.
At the same time the Trump/Hegseth's DOD is delegitimizing all these heritage months, they're leaving Jewish America Heritage month alone. So...why was Jewish American Heritage Month left out of this list?
How do you think this will impact the way Jewish US military service members are viewed by their colleagues whose heritage has been erased as a part of the US military?
Trump is trying to kill all DEI programs, attack LGBTQ+ folks, and end meaningful education about the history of race in the US at the same time he's trying to aggressively punish antisemitism in post-secondary education institutions.
What effect do you think this will have on the perception of what Jews believe about other marginalized groups? What conclusions might members of these groups draw about the political alignment of Jews, regardless of the fact that at least 70% of Jewish voters voted against Trump?
US Jews are being used as a political wedge.
If we're going to mitigate the inevitable backlash against US Jews, we need to:
- Start grasping the danger of what Trump is doing by using US Jews as a political wedge
- Start denouncing it loudly, not just among ourselves, but with US gentiles who will listen.
- Loudly opposing every undemocratic/unconstitutional thing Trump does, especially when he's abusing his power to attack those who attack us.
Abuse of power, even leveraged against those we don't like, endangers us.
Please reblog this. Please write to the liberal Jewish newsrooms you value.
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asynca · 4 months ago
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Erev Rav, a Jewish organisation in Amsterdam, denounces the authorities' handling of the violent Israeli hooligans and sets the record straight against the claim it was 'anti-semitic violence'.
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troythecatfish · 5 days ago
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