#police officer arrested
#MOTORCYCLECLUB #OUTLAWMOTORCYCLECLUBS #POLICE A former Detroit Police officer who extorted bribes from a towing contractor before being caught in an FBI sting was sentenced to more than two years in federal prison Tuesday, the stiffest punishment to date for someone convicted in an ongoing public corruption scandal.. 00:00 POLICE CORRUPTION 00:25 I bang my head against the wall 02:05…
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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gumisgirl · 9 months
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ig: lxzemathena
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briwates · 4 months
The scene where Gaon welcomes Sunah for dinner and she looks at him up and down, with his smile and soft cardigan and casual hairstyle and probably some slippers on, directing her to the kitchen. As the viewers we get used to this sight of Gaon in Yohan's house, but from anyone else's POV ? Just insane. Chief Judge and associate who are seemingly professional in their workplace and in public, are living in the same house, eating the same food, staying up late together in comfy clothes, setting up the table for dinner as a family.
Any 3rd party besides Elijah or Ms Ji would take one look at that situation and think yeah. Something very LGBT is going on
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okay. i caved
(individual versions under the cut!)
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i had SO much fun rendering their skin tbh
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doll-elvis · 1 year
when I say I like Elvis in leather I’m not talking about the comeback special 😩
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photos taken on October 4, 1976 at a gas station
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pumpkinmetaphor · 3 months
tamaki and haruhi’s wedding gets interrupted by kyoya getting arrested for tax evasion so they all decide they can’t have a wedding without kyoya so they all have to get arrested too and each commit a bunch of crimes to get arrested, all of various ranging seriousness, but once they’re all in jail except haruhi it’s revealed kyoya’s already paid his bail. idk where i was going with this now
Turns out it was all a dreadful misunderstanding. See, Kyoya is actually above the law. What a dreadfully embarrassing mistake for these local rube police officers to make. Oh well, Kyoya has been assured that they've been dealt with so such a mistake will never happen again.
He doesn't post anyone else's bail.
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can-i-get-a-yippee · 5 months
There’s an alternate universe where the 911 writers didn’t murder Shannon, and she, Buck, and Eddie get to have a similar dynamic to Micheal, Bobby, and Athena
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 9 months
Is there any Fanfiction where kurt or blaine are arrested? Either by innocent or guilty people? Maybe they met in prison, or maybe they are already together and one of them is arrested, even if innocent. (Not mafia style or toxic relationship stories)
#glee #klaine #kurthummel #blaineanderson
Don't forget out policeman!Blaine or Policeman!Kurt tags! ~Jen
Here are some:
You Stole My Breath Away by teilo 
Blaine is an FBI agent assigned to the Art Crime Team. He is investigating a rash of valuable works of art that have been stolen and at one point belonged to Jewish families during World War II.
Catch Me If You Can Verse by  afterthenovels
In the end, catching Kurt Hummel is definitely not what Blaine expected.
Special Agent Blaine Anderson catches con-man and art thief extraordinaire Kurt Hummel twice, and on the second time they strike a deal. They’re supposed to just solve white collar crimes together, but they might even end up solving each other in the process.
A White Collar AU.
Perfectly imperfect by @catcat-85
Golden Globe winning actor, Blaine Anderson went to prison for a murder he did not commit. After 5 long years, he has escaped from prison, and in a desperate need to get to a safe house before he can leave the country; he kidnaps Kurt, and forced him to drive him to a secluded cabin nestled in between the snowy mountains in Vermont. For Blaine, it’s his last chance for freedom. Falling in love is the last thing on Blaine’s mind. It’s not part of the plan. And for Kurt, it’s a terrifying situation that disrupts the impeccably perfect life he has created for himself. He’s outraged and angry at Blaine, and yet; he can’t help but believe Blaine is innocent.
Will the truth finally come out and Blaine be exonerated? Will the FBI catch him and put him back in prison? Will he and Kurt fall in love even in the most hopeless situation? Will love truly prevail all at the end?
Based on the novel, Perfect, by Judith McNaught. This is a story about two men who are complete opposites from one another; and yet, they complete each other in a perfectly imperfect way.
Incapacitated by Love by musiclovingbitch
AU. Police Officer!Blaine
“I’m your ex, you are a cop, and I just got arrested for being drunk and disorderly”
Cell conversation by accio_chris
Basically, they got arrested for disturbing the peace. Well, Blaine got. Kurt was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Refuge by whatstheproblembaby
anons prompted: Kurt witnesses a crime and is wrongfully accused of it and so he has to hide to escape being arrested/jail. Cue running-from-the-law!Kurt who is very paranoid that he will get caught, he is alone and terrified. Blaine finds him sleeping behind his shed on morning: meeting, fluff, falling in love etc etc
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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shirtandties · 5 months
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HANDS UP BOND! - you are under arrest
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inmate-24601-911 · 11 months
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Spread your fucking legs, you asshole!
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
All I can think of is Sunday Brunch with Andy the morning after he arrested you
He can’t help it, the amusing laugh that falls from his lips when you glower at him and cross your arms over your chest. You don’t seem particularly fond of seeing him in the same brunch cafe you are, but given a second look, Andy sees a flicker of a grin on your face.
“Are you following me? Stalking is a crime you know. Wouldn’t look good for a cop.” You quip, eyebrows furrowed.
You’re not alone, you have two friends with you, and Andy waves at them when they watch you two together. Your friends are curious and then he sees recognition cross their faces, clearly you told them about him.
“Meg’s is the best place to get brunch here,” Andy skips over your comment, taking a moment to study you with admiration of the skater dress you wore and how it looked on you. “I was here first, jailbird.”
“You were not!” You deny his claim, the small banter between the two of you stealing your friends attention.
Andy glances at the other girls your with, taking stock in their overindulgent amusement, and even admiration of the connection between you two. It was heady, the sparks that flew between you and Andy, genuine chemistry that was as natural as it was easy.
“Sure about that?” Andy quips with a half-smirk on his face. “Are you staying out of trouble?”
“As long as that asshole doesn’t come near me.” Your disparaging comment about your ex had stirred another soft laugh, another beat of connectivity from you to him.
“I told you I didn’t want to put you in handcuffs again-“
“At least not like that!” One of your friends snorted, nudging you with a wicked laugh.
“Shut up,” you hissed and elbowed her back, “I didn’t slash any tires, or take a tire iron to his vehicle-“
“Good, glad you’re behaving yourself.” Andy nodded his head before he glanced at one of the free tables near the back. “I should let you spend time with your friends-“
“We forgot that we have exams to study for, we’re gonna go.” Your friends made an excuse, anything to get you two alone. “Y/N has been craving cheesecake stuffed waffles. I’m sure Andy could keep you company.”
“As long as you promise to be a good girl.” The spark in your eyes when he spoke, when he mentioned you being a good girl piqued his interest, and his eyes flashed with wonder.
“She promises!” Your friend spoke for you, stepping by you to head to the exit. “Or not, she likes being in cuffs.”
“Thanks for the heads up.” Andy’s eyes burned into yours, holding your gaze while your friends left. “Wanna grab a table, Mrs. Barber?”
“Fine,” you turned and began walking away from him, muttering under your breath, “stalker.”
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its-stimsca · 1 year
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Police slime (acab btw)
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aworsening · 2 months
Crazy fuckin day
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