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pointlesscandies · 1 day ago
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In true Faifa and Wine fashion, he skipped asking him out and went straight for a proposal
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tiistirtipii · 2 months ago
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The Heart Killers textpost memes part 1/?
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pointlesscandies · 24 days ago
“Look at you: you want to reunite the group but only went to see Thame? I feel left out”
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Why subs fail me like this??? What did Jun say??? 😭😭😭
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dramalove247 · 2 months ago
Favorite Things: See Your Love
Shows should not be allowed to have this much cute and fluffy. They set the bar way too high, even for fiction! The focus on being seen, embraced, and loved unconditionally tells a really beautiful and touching story and we love it more than is healthy.
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This show made us laugh and cry. Below are some of our favorite moments and posts we found on tumblr (spoilers ahead):
Going to start with the ending because we CAN NOT with this scene. This show had so many devastatingly beautiful and romantic moments that we are overly obsessed with. And then they gave us this. The way they see each other and love each other completely and unconditionally is everything. I don't love you in spite of who you are, I love you because it's who you are. FJHHSOIYOIHWKNW!!! Too many feelings!
We love translation posts and this one by @thisonelikesaliens compared the translations of this one phrase on different platforms. We agree that Gaga won on this one! Too funny!
This scene made us choke! Thanks for the GIFS @pointlesscandies
This edit post by @theside-b was so HILARIOUS!!! 🤣 It lives rent free in our brain now.
This scene. Their faces. We were completely destroyed. Had to share these GIFS from @tokkistuff
It's what makes you YOU 😭😭😭 I'm not crying, you're crying! Thanks for the GIFS @taeminie
First @theside-b made us laugh with their hilarious edit, and then made us cry with these beautiful GIFS. This entire conversation was everything. Love this show so much.
This scene was 🥰. But this post by @hughungrybear made us 😂
Some of us have to do mental/emotional gymnastics when dubcon is part of a story. We're not sure being intentionally mislead is much better, but it was definitely a surprise and we'll admit, the scene was a little funny and @pointlesscandies post made me laugh!
Did you love it as much as we did? What were your favorite things?
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watchthisqqq · 17 days ago
Post 9 Gifs of Your Favorite Characters and Let People Guess Your Type
I was tagged by @avorbl (thanks for the tag!)
I like them and I don’t remember anyone’s name sorry I still love you:
Love for Love’s sake- Tae Myung Ha
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Blueming- Cha Si Won
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Cherry magic- Karan Wongkarun
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The On1y One- Sheng Wang
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Unknown-Wei Qian
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Love in the big city- Ko Yeong
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Our Youth/Miseinen-Minase Jin
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Kiseki: Dear to Me-Ai Di
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Old Fashion Cupcake- Togawa
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Tagging @craziestfangirl98 @incandescentflower @dimplesandfierceeyes @imogenegomi @benkaben @pointlesscandies @lurkingshan @waitmyturtles if you want to join
Also shout out to this tutorial
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nthngtoseehere-blog · 2 months ago
15 Day BL Challenge part 3
Original post
#36: Favorite BL parents/parental figures?
How about one favorite per category?
Actual parents
See Your Love - Shaopeng's parents
They're 100% on Shaopeng's side. As soon as Shaopeng claimed Zixiang, he became theirs too, particularly when Zixiang's dad implied he wouldn't support his son.
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Gifs by @pointlesscandies & @theside-b
AiLongNhai - Ai's dads
When Ai's mom dipped, they raised him and loved him, even when he went through his angry unappreciative teenager phase.
The Sign - the grandmas
Tharn's grandma raised her troubled grandson after his parents died, and always supported him, even if she couldn't keep him safe from Chalothorn.
I don't know if Phaya's grandma raised him and his sister, but as of the time of the show the parents aren't in the picture or even mentioned. And she has her hands full with him, even though she's a little too overprotective.
Neither grandma is perfect, but they love and do their best by their grandsons and their grandsons' lovers. And roast the boys as soon as they meet each other, which was a hoot.
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Gif by @troubledmind
Jack & Joker - Jack's grandma
Raised Jack, protected her business from thieves with her amazingly accurate throwing arm, adopted Joke as soon as she met him, and was their biggest, cutest cheerleader.
Wandee Goodday - Oyei
They weren't young when their mom died and their dad ditched, but Oyei took his new place as head of the household incredibly seriously. He tried so hard to be supportive and keep Yak safe from the hard things no matter how he struggled dealing with them alone. He did so well as Yak's surrogate dad.
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Gif by @nanihirunkits
Long Time No See - Gitae's sister
She raised Gitae, accepted him, and supported him in everything, including his choice of lover. The family picture at the end with her in the middle was perfect. She would have won this category if she had been more present in the story.
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queenbeedarling · 3 months ago
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(Gif: @pointlesscandies )
Question I've had since I saw this scene-
Literally WHERE is Sun?
I'm guessing he's supposed to be to the left of Jodd, but I can't see even a hair of his. Why can't i see him? Is he just full-on panther running next to the car?
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milkwaydreams · 2 months ago
Tagged by @itcalledfood
Rules: Without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favourite films, then tag ten people to do the same!
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This was harder than I thought, and also no particular order, just random movies that I really like and, if you ask me the same question tomorrow, I'd probably change a few.
Tags randomly: @pointlesscandies @lyknest @superfandomlife @sherlockholmeson @karo
Sowy, I don't know who else to tag🥺🥺
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petrichoraline · 4 months ago
had to go to the blog cause anon links with no explanation are not smth id click but I found the post right away hahah, thank you so much 💓💖💞
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moutheyes · 3 months ago
Woke up thinking about it again, about how Thame spent the time Po was sleep looking up/learning the chords to Po's favorite song, and how maybe this means some of the other details they mentioned on The Phone Call Of All Time might come back later in the show as well. For anyone else who might want to track those:
Thame likes dark chocolate
Thame isn't close to either of his parents, who are rarely home and only show up for media events, so he's closest to his dog
Po's parents are divorced and overly involved in his life (according to him), both remarried and the two couples are very close, and also very competitive over Po's affection (PLEASE I need to see this chaotic group interaction—and I think we will, since we got some earlier threads in the show when Po was on the phone with his mom)
Thame reeeaaally wants to be invited over to Po's house, he'll even pay (with songs) for the privilege
Po's favorite song is "Good Time" but Thame hasn't learned the chords to it yet
(It's a Bright W OST for 2022 GMMTV omnibus Good Old Days, which is also what they end up watching—I'm not sure if there's a crew connection to this show)
Po likes watching movies that portray people's lives, and Thame surmises that's why Po likes making documentaries)
Thame is more into reading books, especially poetry and classics, and Po surmises that's why Thame can compose songs
(Po eventually falls asleep to Thame reading a snippet of Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse, h/t @pointlesscandies)
Aside from all the character-building details here—I really loved the way both of them connected their interests in media to aspects of their work—this scene was also just a wonderful way to show two people really taking the time to get to know each other and make each other feel special. It makes the mutual attraction, the yearning and the wanting, feel so much more palpable. Po waking up to Thame having learned the chords to "Good Time" for him, having stayed on the line all night for him, and not being able to contain his giddiness—that's what romance is all about.
the insane whiplash going from watching that rap battle from between my fingers to grinning like a loon over the world's longest and most romantic phone call, po's smitten little face made me want to smother myself with my pillow!!! I SEE YOU BUD
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pointlesscandies · 1 day ago
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It’s the way he’s waiting for her to correct him. And the look on his face when she doesn’t.
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dramalove247 · 3 months ago
Favorite Things: Caged Again
A show about a penguin and a black panther that become humans and fall in love? Why not? This show was wildly cute. Yes, there were lots of loose ends and weak points, but there was so much to love about this seriously unserious show.
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Here's some of our favorite posts (spoilers ahead)
A post for our favorite penguin boy...
We enjoyed this text thread @iguessitsjustme shared and now we have mom goals to be known as "Mom the Wise"!
This scene posted by @pointlesscandies cracked us up. We love Mina!
Love this response by @silverraes when Sun tells Junior about having to suppress his instincts around him... hilarious.
@queenbeedarling, we were waiting for this very thing the entire show and it was definitely a missed opportunity.
👇 And this post we made when episode 8 had us laughing out loud and doing instant replays.
The subtitles for episode 8 were a bit wild. Junior and Sun is this episode made us see <3<3<3 too @poetry-protest-pornography
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pointlesscandies · 1 day ago
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He nailed it
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projectjasper · 1 month ago
(tags from my post for, potentially, more context)
#i also think the same way lmao #like what g4 and phuwin said was sweet and also true for sure but i'm there with pond going: *puts hands together* specifics #and the specifics in question are cps and the way thai actors present themselves and the characters #this is 110% the reason for all the 'ppw only' stuff which. again. what i thought #vindication 💪
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@pointlesscandies well since you've asked so nicely 🫶
i am referring to this interview, where - among other things - pond, phuwin, gemini, and fourth were asked why they think thai bls are such a success.
there is absolutely a lot of truth to the answers given by the latter three: gemini talking about the queer audience and the way bls normalise queer relationships, which then leads to people watching series about them more, fourth and phuwin mentioning the appeal of thai culture, its open-mindedness, the diversity, all of that. but, as much as i love those answers, they kind of half the question a little bit, because the answer that has to do with the queer side of things can be applied to any queer content and doesn't really answer the question of why thai bls receive such a special amount of attention, while the answers that have to do with thai culture don't necessarily answer the question of why thai bls are so popular, when straight thai series mostly fly under the radar. (if you combine all those answers, there is more of a whole answer there, but i digress).
now, fourth also mentions the fact that thai bl actors usually have a lot of fanmeets in many countries, which is a very good point, especially in conjunction with what pond says. and what pond says is basically: the cps and the way the actors approach their characters. which are both really solid points.
chemistry between actors is a huge selling point for any romance-focused content and the fact that thai bls have the cp model, where they find two actors who have great chemistry and then just play off of that for years, absolutely contributes to thai bls' success. it basically doesn't mess with the chemistry formula plus guarantees that people, who enjoyed the formula, don't need much convincing to at least try to watch the next bl (which is pretty big for any content - just getting people to start watching is super important).
the way the actors embody their characters is also very appealing to a lot of people. they always treat any fancons and stage performances as an opportunity to get back in character and many actors will readily talk about the series or even slip into the characters at events that are largely unrelated to the series in question. they will tweet about them and change their handles to their names and do all sort of tiny things that kind of go "hey! i'm sorta basically that fictional guy you have brainrot about!" it's not just the filming of the series when they embody the character, the entire period between the announcement of one series to another is the time to "become" the character, talk about the character (occasionally the period is even larger, if there are still more fancons or one series is announced before the other or what have you).
and no one quite embodies both of these points as much as pond naravit.
when it comes to the cp side of things, this is absolutely why he is such a staunch pondphuwin protector. he is on record many times talking about how, in terms of acting, he largely feels like a part of the pondphuwin unit and fully believes he would never get to where he is without phuwin/ppw. he clearly doesn't mind shipping at large, as he was out there shipping skynani and saying how cute they are while gmmtv was putting a dash between their names, but he also famously does not like ghostships - not just with him or phuwin, but with anyone else either. because they are essentially a distraction from that central point of their success and popularity. pondphuwin, exactly in that order and preferably with a hashtag in front of it, is pond naravit's bread and butter, which he is very well aware of and very happy about (shout out to him saying the first point in his three year plan is to still have phuwin as his partner). the same thing can be said about joongdunk and perthsanta and geminifourth and all the other ships that pond jumps on the sword for, saying "hey, these are your approved ships, please run with them only".
similarly, his willingness to immediately embody his own characters is ever-present. he is out here mentioning thee at unrelated events, cosplaying him at his versace BA celebration, and tweeting from his pov at valentine's day, despite the fact that he's in the middle of filming an entirely different (pointedly, non-ql) series, which will come out first, and the fact that 'me and thee' is only set to start filming closer to the end of 2025, so more than half a year away at best.
and while different actors might be a little more lax about cps or obsess a little less about their bl characters, this all definitely works and - a little more importantly to me - confirms that this is where pond's head is at, which i have long thought was the case based on small things he's said over the years. and, to be clear, this isn't to say that there is no authenticity to his focus on ppw or his characters - i think he'd be doing a little too much for a guy who doesn't actually care, but understanding what effect being in a cp and having public brainrot over your own character actually has on the success and popularity of the series definitely contributes. which is fine. good for him 🙂‍↕️
i looooove that the esquire interview really confirmed what i've been thinking all along, we love being right 🙂‍↕️
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pointlesscandies · 5 hours ago
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They make me insane
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pointlesscandies · 1 day ago
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Faifa is gone. We've completely lost him
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