#point in making art if you cannot share it with anyone? I want to show it to people. And it makes me sad when people are just like
marsoid · 1 year
@wip i have a tumblr feature suggestion!!
Right now, Twitter (or whatever it’s called now) is the only social app that allows PRIVATE ACCOUNTS (instagram doesn’t count because you can’t have text posts. You expect me to post an image every time I want to vent? Facebook also doesn’t count because I hate it.)
I know we have the ability currently to make our side blogs private, but here’s the issue with that for me:
1. They can’t be FOLLOWED, you can apparently only add “members” to the blog.
2. I thought I had more points but really it keeps coming back to the fact that they can’t be followed. I don’t want to put in a password every time I want to check in on a friend. The convenience of making your own private blog and following your friends’ private blogs cannot be overstated. It’s the ONE THING that’s keeping me attached to twitter.
What’s so great about having a private blog?
Safety. Toggle your blog to “Private” in Visibility settings if you need a breather from outside attention. Only your followers will be able to see any new posts you make. Old posts will still be visible outside your blog however, similar to when a blog is deactivated I assume.
Friends-only space. Sharing thoughts and art with only a few close friends is more comfortable for a lot of people.
Actual privacy. Even if you have 0 followers, even if you don’t use tags, the tumblr search will still pull up any word used in the post itself, meaning if someone searches the right thing, your posts could still show up to anyone. Setting your blog to private would remove this concern.
Journaling. Private twitters are nice, but a private tumblr? Getting to write out a BIG LENGTHY RANT for only close friends? Hell yea
Keep explicit content away from those who don’t want to see it. Setting a blog to private is a great way to keep certain art and writings out of easily reachable spaces.
Another bridged gap between twitter and tumblr. Ok listen. I’m not necessarily advocating for every twitter user to join tumblr. But I know that’s something the tumblr staff is interested in, so I’m adding it here for that reason. I for one would ditch twitter in a heartbeat if I could have a private blog, and would probably have an easier time convincing some straggling friends to join for a feature like this. Just sayin
I also made some quick and sloppy mockups
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Anyway i guess that’s the gist of it
If anyone has anything to add pls feel free. I really want a private blog LMAO
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love-enby · 3 months
Im going to be honest, I don't believe the grooming accusations against Sean Chiplock.
Why, you may ask, when it's (supposedly) all laid out for everyone to see?
Well, after doing some research, I don't believe Casper (or Rina really) to be credible. Why?
Well, let's start!
Firstly, before looking at any of the screenshots, I want to acknowledge Casper himself states he never thought Sean groomed him. That was something Rina claimed, which is false anyway because Casper literally admits they talked for an hour. You cannot groom someone in an hour. I should know, I'm a literal grooming victim myself. (I would rather not share those but if I have to I will idc at this point)
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I think it would be better to start with Casper's claim of Sean knowing he was a minor. He and his friend both insist that his age was listed in his profiles, which I can't confirm for Skype (or deviantart for that matter, but as far as I'm aware they never had any contact on DA), and that Sean knew this and still continued to "groom" him. He also claims he never did do NSFW commissions, and that his ex supposedly drew any porn on his account and that he colored it.
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Oh? As you guys see here there are numerous claims that he never pretended to be an adult and that he had ages listed in the bio. But you know what? Someone found his Fur Affinity Account, his old Inkbunny account, and a FLIST (for those unaware, this is a PORN SITE.) account linked to his old FA via the Wayback machine. Now, let's look at this, shall we?
So, what about it? Let's look.
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No age mentioned here. I'm not going to show every journal entry, but I did CTRL+F the keywords "14" "15" and "minor". No actual results, the numbers just were dates. I provided the link, you can check for yourself. His journals are just classic journal stuff, but he has no mention of his age, unlike the claim here.
Why would he remove his age from his profiles if it was already listed? Unless... it was never there in the first place.
However, I do want to look at one journal entry, which is his commissions tos journal. Why?
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Huh? But i thought you said you didn't do those? He does claim the account was "sold when he was a teen". but doesn't give an age at all, or any proof of this. If I had to assume, this was probably after this entry below. Which, the TOS was posted of February of that year. Also, if he had sold it before that TOS was made, why does the archive still have his name listed? It had to have been a late teen when it was supposedly was sold.
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Now, let's move onto the Inkbunny thing.
Same username as his old FA, and it has the FA linked.
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As you see, there is the Flist account. What happens if you click on the Flist account?
well the actual answer is if you use the wayback machine it just glitches and won't let you go past the warning, but someone found the actual account on the site, which it also shows when someone was last online and when the account was made.
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hm. The age says right there, *19*. And it was made 10 years ago. I'm aware the accusations were from 11 years ago, but this account was made a year later. I input the "creation" time from today (July 5 2024 for anyone in the future) and it gave me this date
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He was still active on his FA during this time, judging by the journals. I'm sure the date is skewed like a day or so because I'm making this at 2 in the morning, so I have no idea if the FLIST thing was counting today or just yesterday.
So, to summarize: There is no proof that he has listed himself as a minor on any of the medias Sean has contacted him on. Any claims that he has that this "wasn't him", of course, has no proof. Meanwhile, as we see here, the archive isn't lying. This seems to have more evidence against him, as his admitted he used this username before (like I said, he never said *when* it was sold. but it doesn't make sense to me he'd sell it a year after talking to Sean, esp since he had no idea who Sean was at the time. I'm fairly confident this was Casper.)
So? What about those screenshots? Are you saying those are fake too?
No, I'm not going to be one of those "those are fake screenshots!", I'm going to operate that those are real.
Now, Castor, you literally see this weird shit he said to Casper, why the fuck would you side with him?
I feel I should clarify now, I don't think Sean is innocent either. I'm just making this entire thread because everyone is calling Sean a pedo, when all the proof I've seen is a minor invading adult spaces and pretending to be an adult. Genuinely, if you're at a strip club, you're going to assume everyone there is of age, right? Why wouldn't Sean assume the same considering this person was actively in NSFW spaces.
I'm not going to deny, those screenshots are weird. However, I kinda wonder if they weren't intentionally taken out of context. They had both talked previously on FA notes (confirmed by Casper's screenshots), but there is no proof of these notes. We have no idea what was said here. They totally could've had a sexual conversation (not saying they did, just saying it's possible) there, before moving to Skype. I'm not entirely certain of this though. This is just speculation, not trying to argue anything there.
I also feel like Casper's whole argument is lacking a whole bunch of necessary evidence. A bunch of these are just things he claims is true, while having no proof to back these up (minus the screenshots). Literally all the proof he has are those screenshots. Nothing else. I checked.
Meanwhile, the archive literally proves he had to been lying about something, considering the tweets I have shared vs the archive.
This isn't an argument, if this actually happened how it's laid out (x to doubt), but what Rina did also is insanely fucked up. The fact that they decided, without Casper's knowledge or consent, to post all of this "on his behalf" and make these accusations says a lot about them, I feel. This was not Rina's trauma to share. I'm aware he did make a public journal about it, but that was many years ago, and what Rina did was retraumatize and trigger Casper. That's not what a friend does.
I could argue that this whole thing could be intentional, judging by Casper's lack of emotion/anger on this (because I mean let's be real, who the hell wouldn't be mad someone shared your trauma to millions of people and you had to find out by finding the post). I'm aware they did have that little back in forth where Rina was like I MISSED YOU and yadayada, but they easily could've just.. faked that? But that's a whole bunch of hypotheticals without proof, and the whole fucking reason I'm making this post is to post proof against what claims I've seen.
Anyway, I don't really have much else to say, and Idk how to wrap this up tbh.
tldr: i don't believe sean is a pedo like everyone is claiming, i think he was lied to by casper. also, this was a decade ago, and everyone is acting like he can't change from then. i don't think the screenshots are fake and he should be held accountable for those (which he's trying to take some responsibility for but he rightfully doesn't want to say "those are real!" because no one can actually confirm those are real screenshots.)
Also, by all means if more solid evidence comes out against Sean, I will admit I'm wrong. But as of right now, a bunch of screenshots that are out of context, from a now deleted DA account/journal (and Skype) that you can no longer access, does not seem solid at all.
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acesandwords · 2 years
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So you've joined Tumblr with a brand new blank blog! And then you end up getting blocked by everyone you follow, why is that?
Tumblr has a bot problem - blank blogs look like bot accounts and most bots are porn bots that post malicious links and images or videos. I've seen some truly horrendous content because of these kinds of accounts as have most other users here.
How do you show that you're a person and not a bot? Pretty simple - find something you like and reblog it! Something you find funny, a piece of fan art, a nicely made gif set, whatever you want. Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm, you've got to look for content yourself. Upload a pfp and a banner image as well!
This is not tiktok. You should not be censoring yourself if you make your own post, tumblr isn't going to shadowban you for cursing.
Reblogging is not reposting - a reblog is always attached to the original account it was from I promise you are not stealing it. reblogging is the only way a post gets seen! It's similar to a retweet.
You can add to someone's reblog as well, maybe someone made a joke and you think of a pun to go with it. Or maybe they're sharing some cool facts and you happen to know some more related cool facts. Or maybe it's a wholesome post - someone said they're sad and asked to see people's pets, then it'll be a huge reblog chain of cute animals.
Liking posts - does nothing to elevate the post, it's not like Instagram or tiktok or youtube. Think of a like as a bookmark you can come back to later. It's still a kind thing to do, to say "hey this is a good post!" but it's not going to help someone looking to advertise their art or attempting to boost a gofundme.
Tagging - this one is a bit more complex in some ways. But for the basic common courtesy, use tags that relate to the posts' content. let's say it's from a specific fandom, you could tag the show name, the characters, a ship name, and so on. Another example, if you make a piece of artwork that contains depictions of blood/gore it's good to tag "blood tw" and "gore tw" (tw stands for trigger warning). Ultimately though? You can also just reblog without tagging, that's also fine it's up to you!
for a lot of us, it's used as a form of non-permanent commentary. It's kind of like a whisper. and sometimes if that whisper is funny or makes a good point people will screenshot it and add it to a reblog.
This website is a blogging platform that you can use however you want to with the exception of posting explicit content (This is potentially getting changed but we don't know yet). You could curate a blog with one specific thing or you can just reblog whatever the hell you want. Follower count doesn't matter here and cannot be seen by anyone but you so don't feel like you have to meet some weird criteria and maintain an audience.
Have fun and start reblogging!
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indireneedofanap · 3 months
As a literal half Chinese, half white girl I cannot express to y'all just how upsetting it is to see how this fandom treats the fact that Marinette is mixed. Homegirl is not a "whitewashed asian", shes literally half white.
"She can't even speak the Mandarin!" So? I can't speak Cantonese. My father is an immigrant, but I was born and raised in America similar to how Marinette was born and raised in France. Growing up I wasn't taught how to speak Cantonese because the only language my parents shared (and therefore communicated in) was English. That doesn't change the fact that I'm half.
"She looks too white!" No she doesn't? She might be (debatably) white passing, but many wasian people are, myself included. People seem to like to ignore the fact that when a kid is mixed, they may end up looking more or less like either parent. My father has dark tan skin and my mom is white. My older brother is the same skin tone as my father, possibly darker, while the rest of my siblings are more pale than my mom. Genetics just work like that, and Marinette does come off visually as being a mix of her mom and her dad.
"it's impossible for her eyes to be blue!" Not really. I babysit 3 kids, their mom is white with blue eyes and their dad is black with dark eyes. 2 of the 3 kids ended up with lighter eye colors like their mom.
"We don't see her experience her culture!" And what, exactly, is her culture in your eyes? She's mixed with Chinese, but she grew up in France. They never make a point to hide the fact that Marinette is mixed or that her mom is Chinese. There's little traces that really sell the fact that it's a mixed household all over their apartment: my personal favorite being the Chinese wall scroll art they casually have hanging up in their western style apartment, which is practically identical to my sister's house. There's nothing screaming "IM CHINESE LOOK AT HOW CHINESE I AM!", it's just casually shown throughout the show, which is the case for most mixed kids. Marinette's race isn't treated poorly, it's just treated casually, and I love that. You don't need to prove anything to anyone simply because of your race. People claiming that she's "not Chinese enough" are, in my eyes, hypocritical. I'm half Chinese, I'm half white, so what? I'd never deny it, but it also doesn't change the fact that I grew up in the American Suburbs, just like how Marinette's race doesn't change the fact that she grew up in Paris around predominantly French culture. Treating a character as if they need to look or speak a certain way simply because of their racial identity with disregard for their nationality and experience is ignorant in its own right.
You know who else is Teenage, Half Asian Superhero raised in a western society? Mark Grayson from Invincible (the show, not the comic). His Mom, Debbie, is Korean while his father (who's technically a Viltrumite Alien) appears white. His racial identity (in regards to being half Asian) is also never something that's shown to be of any importance to the story, but is also never swept under the rug. It's just there because that's how mixed families are in reality. The same energy applies to Marinette.
Her representation may not be accurate to everyone, but its accurate to me and many of the other half-Chinese people I've encountered :)
Note: I'm not speaking on Miraculous' depiction of Chinese culture via Sabine or her Uncle, just the depiction of a mixed Chinese/white kid via Marinette .
Also want to add that many people feel her character is "whitewashed" because the original concepts of her as a comic character made her appear more obviously Asian, where her on screen 3D counterpart is less so. Im not sure what happened during the creative process and if the decision to make her mixed was added later on, but the discussion above is simply in regards to those that claim her depiction in the show is inaccurate to actual mixed kids and not in relation to how her character changed during conceptualization.
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freyjas-musings · 2 months
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Hey, so you have your comments restricted and you have me blocked on Insta. But the post you are making contains a shit ton of fallacies. I legit didn’t know it was Gwynriel (as seen in the image above). Again, you have me BLOCKED so I don’t see anything on her account. I always use a reverse google search for images before using them. Both of the images, which have been deleted, didn’t show up as anything. I was at work and unable to respond or hop on insta to delete them until about thirty minutes ago.  - I don’t go around calling people dumb as hell.  - I don’t dox people
-I don’t edit images, I found them on Pinterest.
These images are grabbed from Pinterest, again. They have been deleted, because again, didn’t know and wouldn’t knowingly share someone else’s commissioned art. I always try to credit art when I find it. I understand it’s expensive af. The user I was responding to had been harassing me in another post and I responded defensively. Then was busy at work. Deleted them like an hour or two ago, because again. Wasn’t aware. Now I am. They are gone.
but it’s okay, I deleted my posts but the ones where you and your followers are targeting me, berating me, harassing me…that’ll stay up and perpetuate the toxicity in the fandom.
Hey ,
Irrespective of where you found the art , you should be paying due diligence in finding the artist and commissioner if involved before reposting , that's basic ethics.
Someone did inform you that it was my commission. Ship who you want doll but try to stay ethical . If you have made a mistake take responsibility.
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You don't call people dumb , good for you ... whats your point ? I do call dumb things dumb... its my opinion ... not going to apologise for that.
Also , I don't need to adhere to your opinion on what can and cannot be on my commissions please get over your entitlement . The characters belong to Sarah j Maas , unless you are her you get no say on how I choose to portray my commissioned art.
You don't dox people .... Good that's ethical behaviour, neither do I ... now start exercising the same ethical behaviour while reposting art.
I deleted my stories as well as soon as you deleted the post .... like for like 👍....
Who was harassed ? It's my art that was stolen , it's my money that was abused , it's my time that was wasted .... I literally took time off because I was burnt out at work and needed a break for my mental health only to deal with this fandom fuckery .... if anyone has been harassed nd exhausted by this ... its ME !!!
Stop with the Victim blaming please, for once take responsibility for your actions and move on ...
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trisscar368 · 10 months
You absolutely need to realize that real people fiction is absolutely dehumanizing to real life people when you make up headcannons about them and turn them into fictional characters to jerk off to in fanfics. It is absolutely not ok in any way shape or form. and it is, actually, sexual harassment to make someone know "everyone" wants to jerk it to them.
How does RPF differentiate from AI porn art of actors? drawings depicting actors in sexual situations? because its words, its ok? because theyre a celebrity, they're not human and therefore public property to use their humanity however you please?
the complete lack of consideration of the real life person you are turning into a toy is so repulsive. the amount of youtubers alone who have had to come out and say how uncomfortable it makes them should be enough. You should not be acting until told not to; its something you should only do IF they very clearly condone it. but even then, the gall to ask someone "can I write a romance novel about you and who" is absolutely an offputting thing to ask of anyone.
No, not because "sex is taboo" but because forcing unwarranted things like that on absolute strangers, is sexual harassment.
Reading comprehension questions:
Did OP advocate for harassing celebrities in the original post?
No. The entire point of the post was listing out ways that fandom harasses celebrities and telling them to cut that shit out.
Did OP state that people should tell celebrities about their fantasies?
No. That is... quite literally antithetical to the original post. Fascinated how you're agreeing with so much of my post and yet falling so flat at the end.
Did OP say anything about their personal interaction with RPF that might have an impact on how seriously they can take this anonymous message?
Yes. OP mentioned in the post that rpf is a squick that they blacklist. OP is not mushing any celebrities together like toys, either literally or metaphorically. OP is almost wondering if you got them confused with some other cabbage on the internet.
Reading comprehension: 0/10
There is -- and this is the part that truly I cannot let slide without commentary -- an equivalency in your message between people having and talking about fantasies (RPF existing) and the act of harassment. Let's look at the definition of harassment really quick.
Repeated or continuing unconsented contact that would cause a reasonable individual to suffer emotional distress and that actually causes the victim to suffer emotional distress.
Key word there? Contact.
People in a youtube comment section telling the youtuber how sexy they are, or how cute they are with their co-host omg my ship is so squee? Harassment. Contact has been made, the people doing are in that creator's forum space. Do not pass go do not collect $200.
Someone unsolicitedly tagging the cast of a tv show in explicit rpf fic or explicit art on Instagram, xitter, tik-tok, etc? Harassment, that individual is initiating contact with the actor. Same way endless phone calls constitutes harassment.
Sending anything explicit to an actor's family? Waaaay harassment. Possibly stalking as well, depending.
Someone writing a fic on ao3? Not harassment. It's not being sent to the celebrity. There is no contact, the only way they know about it is to go looking themself or have a friend send it to them (and hey, don't be that friend unless you've asked if it's okay).
Explicit fanart posted in fandom spaces? Not harassment.
Fic and art that stays behind the fandom wall? When no contact is made, there is no harassment.
It is not the existence of the fantasy that causes problems, it's the celebrities constantly having to hear about it. That's harassment.
Art existing, fic existing, discussions or fantasies existing do not constitute harassment. Someone writing fanfic and sharing it with their friends is not forcing it onto the celebrity. Someone expressing a sexual desire to a third party is not forcing either the desire or the act on the celebrity.
Thoughts are not actions.
This is a hill I will die on. This is a hill we should all die on, honestly, but as a someone who grew up with OCD, the fact that my intrusive thoughts don't alter reality is really fucking important.
Being out in the sunlight will not kill my friends. Calling the wrong phone number will not result in my family dying over the following few days.
Having a sexual impulse, having desire, does not itself alter reality. Saying those thoughts out loud, admitting that someone is hot, that they have chemistry with a costar? Writing it down to share? Has as little impact on reality as the rituals I had to repeat endlessly as a kid to keep the Bad away.
RPF is not an act of assault. It is not, inherently, harassment.
Is fandom really bad at keeping the fourth wall up? Yeah. There are a lot of people who harass celebrities and think it's fine, because the celebrity is rich and they can just go cry into their money. (To be clear, I think that's bullshit.) But again, constantly, endlessly, it's what people do that matters.
“You’d have done the same,” said Lily. “No,” said Granny. “I’d have thought the same, but I wouldn’t have done it.” “What difference does that make, deep down?” “You mean you don’t know?” said Nanny Ogg.
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halfbakedspuds · 18 days
Thanks to @illarian-rambling for the tag!
OC assumption tag
Share one of your characters' name and a quote from them with zero context and let your followers (or other people who stumble upon your post) make assumptions about said character. You can post about more than one character but only one quote for each one for things to stay out of context.
I'll do this for the little unnamed WIP I've been writing scenes for that probably won't turn into anything.
"See this? This is a master directive disc. Simply put, I slot it into the master computer, flick the switch, et vóila: every Vellassian positronic matrix from here to Nordren gets updated instantly.
Now, you buggers have been a real big thorn in my side for longer than I realistically should've allowed, so I say we do something about that by pushing the following new directives: violence against thy neighbours; violence against thyself; violence against the very gods, art and nature!
Heark! The choir, and let. there. be. war!"
Wayn Vakasa
"Oh it's absolutely your fault, captain 'We cannot stop to hunt while on the run, Wayn'.
Oh look at me! I'm the big, scary man from Earth gods-know-what and I know better than the Kachatanu wild-woman who's survived off the land for seventeen years.
...Yeah, I've had my fun. You were saying?"
James Holden
"Hey. Hey! Look at me! This right here? This is full fucking tilt. If I push 'er any harder then our next stop will be five layers deep into hell, so why don't you take that little rifle of yours and make yourself useful while I focus on stopping the engine from turning into a pile of slag at whatever unholy speed we've achieved.
Come now, chop-chop,"
Mari Demouchet
"Right. Other worlds. Magic. I'm pretty goddamn sure I just saw a robot catcalling a toaster but I could be wrong.
Fuck man, I... I-I need to get some fresh air, 'cause this is either a drug induced psychosis and I'm actually lying in some dingey-ass storage container where some... thing is getting ready to root around in my noggin for whatever makes me different, or this is actually real and at this point I genuinely don't know which is scarier,"
Tagir Aslan
"Just breathe, moy drug, breathe. Crossing over is a massive system shock, I know, but you're not doing yourself or us any favours by working yourself up.
I am serious: adrenaline entering your bloodstream at this moment could actually make your heart explode.
Relax, it is a joke. No seriously, relax, I wasn't joking about stress still being incredibly dangerous to you at this moment."
"Get dressed. Do not step in front of me, and avoid mirrors so that you're not in my line of sight. Do not under any circumstances allow me to see you. You may speak, and ask questions. Do I make myself abundantly clear, child?"
Adair Holden
"Oh, and Eleven? If you see the boy, would you kindly kill him for me? Redundancy must serve a purpose, and he no longer does.
It's a shame though, his mind showed so much promise... but, Kazra deals all hands, and unfortunately he was dealt no spine for what is required of him,"
No pressure tag for @honeybewrites, @thatoneterrariaplayer, @oh-no-another-idea, @orion-lacroix and anyone else who wants in.
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If anyone wants to join MCNN for the looming 5th Life season, hit us up at @minecraftnewsnetwork
In light of recent cryptic Grian-posting, it looks like this series will happen sooner than expected!
We can always use more help with:
Administration and project management
Taking notes
Writing scripts
Recording in-game reports
Downloading clips
Creating art/ visual assets
Editing video
Even if you can only do some of those, or one of those, all help is good help! Our main requests are that you be up front about what you can do, and let us know as soon as possible if your availability changes.
Our account here at @minecraftnewsnetwork is a shared account between Lead Reporters @pixiemage, @the-joju-experience, @fearforthestorm, and @salemoleander. Feel free to send an Ask directly to the main MCNN account for Discord details, or Message any of us on our personal accounts if you have questions.
Please note: We cannot guarantee that we will accept everyone who requests to join - we could get 2 requests or 200, and at some point that's too many cooks in the kitchen. Requests will largely be first-come, first-served, with some exceptions/prioritization made for those with video recording and editing experience.
What the heck is MCNN?
A fan-created, scripted video series that seeks to summarize and report on the events that occurred across every POV in the Life Series that week. We started with Limited Life, and now I guess it's time for our second rodeo. This is our YouTube channel.
Do I have to have experience in [Video Editing]/[Script Writing]/etc to sign up for it?
Not at all! Everyone is welcome to sign up for whatever roles they want to do. We do like to aim for a certain level of quality in what we make, so if you aren't very far along in your creative journey with that medium please make sure you're prepared to receive peer feedback and edit suggestions!
I'm a minor! Can I help?
We do allow people under 18 to help, yes! Limiting who gets to help on a fan project about a ~PG video series seems nonsensical; especially when many of the adults in MCNN got their Minecraft start well before they turned 18, and it sparked a longstanding creative interest. However: School, family, and your overall wellbeing come first. If at any time the project seems to be conflicting with those priorities, you will be asked to step back for the remainder of the season.
What applications/tools do you use?
We use Google Sheets to write timecoded video notes, Google Docs to draft and work together on scripts, a mixture of ReplayMod and OBS to record in-game reports, and DaVinci Resolve to edit video. All of these tools are free to use, and we are able to walk through settings and basics with you if you're unfamiliar with any of these.
Do you make money from this? What do I get from helping?
\We are not monetized, and have no intention of monetizing or turning on ads. This is a fan-created show, made for the love of creation and celebrating a series we like. We are all unpaid interns, here at MCNN. :D That said - this is a 2+ month project involving project management, editing, writing, and other real-world technical & professional skills. If you participate and want help adding this to your resume, or need a letter of recommendation for a job or school organization/event, we are happy to assist with that!
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Well alright, someone said yes, so I’ll post the designs
Warning, these are kind of old and not very good art. Or maybe I’m just being self critical, some of it I think still looks neat
Let’s start with the ones that I made look cool and drew both the Stand Human and Human Stand
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Unfortunately I could never figure out a Stand design for Okuyasu, so he only has his half done
Why does the lettering actually look kind of cool…like it doesn’t look half assed at all like it normally does. Maybe because I was intentionally trying to make it look cool
I made Joseph a scarf because I remember his scarf being a notable part of his design. Also Hermit Purple was vines, so equal treatment
Giorno looks like that because I recall at the time some people saying how Golden Experience looked like young Haruno but GER looked more like current day Giorno, so I kind of took that idea and made him look like Haruno, though maybe I took things too literal. Also that’s why Oro looks like GER. Also Oro is supposed to have a somewhat unsettling stare, since people say GER looks kind of creepy
Also another thing I want to mention about Polnareff, specifically his name, so that’s not an 80s song, that’s from 2014, it’s the name of a song from a French artist I liked. So realistically it probably wouldn’t be used but I thought it sounded cool. And hey, the song itself samples a Michael Jackson song, so eh?
Anyways, so something I should mention about this style, so at the time I was obsessed with this other artist’s, @droolingdemon style, and I tried desperately to recreate it. I think by this point I just tried to integrate it with my current style, but that’s why the art style looks the way it does. I might make another post about the subject on its own though
Anyways, onto the Chibi style Stand humanizations
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I’ll just list some things I remember from their characters
So I did eventually consider turning Purple Haze into a dog, I think specifically a greyhound, but I didn’t know how to draw dogs, so that never happened
Stone Free never takes off those sunglasses and never lets anyone see what she looks like under them. As it turns out, she’s actually blind, and this would be revealed around the snail part in the story (assuming there are still snails), as she’s unaffected, and I believe she’s told to drive a car because of it, but she can’t, and when asked why, she says it’s because she’s blind (and that this was probably a bad time to relay that info)
The three in the last pic are all different characters who end up sharing the same Stand as it gets passed around between them. Whitesnake is part of the prison staff, C-Moon is just an unfortunate young lady who just happens to get stuck with the Stand after something happens to Whitesnake, and Made in Heaven is I think a horse rider who gets the Stand from C-Moon, probably forcibly taking it from her (and she likely dies) as he knows what it is. Also, Whitesnake and Made in Heaven were dating
Oh yeah, also the first Standswap art I did, which was also Chibi style, I just singled it out because of that
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Featuring Star Platinum and The World. Not sure I ever found a definitive design for The World, but maybe I did in my sketchbook
Anyways, so then we have some random headshot ones I did
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Let’s see, in the first one we have GER looking ominous, Purple Haze, the blushing one is Tusk Act 1, and buns is Ball Breaker. Then for the second one we have Whitesnake, Under World, Killer Queen and Scary Monsters
I believe one thing I did for the Part 7 swap storyline was to have Tusk have a journey of slowly transitioning from a woman as Act 1 to a man as Act 4. I know I’ve drawn Act 4 Tusk but I think it was in my sketchbook, so I cannot show it. Also I believe Ball Breaker was trans too, just male to female, and where Tusk got the idea that you can just be your preferred gender if you want. Also note that at the time, I did not actually really understand how transitioning worked. Though to be honest, I think the main thing was that I didn’t know hormones existed, or that transitioning could be more than just making yourself look like your preferred gender
Anyways, on to Scary Monsters. I believe he rode horseback without a saddle. Also, he started out with one Stand (Dr Ferdinand) but then got another (Diego)
Then with Killer Queen, I believe he was a mute cop. But also secretly a serial killer. Also he might have had a cat like face
And yeah, I think that’s about it, hope you liked it
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mk-wizard · 2 months
The Acolyte was NOT a failure. It was failed. Hear me out.
Hello, friends. I want to talk seriously for a moment as a creator myself and a Star Wars fan who did not like the Acolyte. Specifically, I am here to stand up for the Acolyte despite it not being good in my opinion especially after seeing Mr. Pablo Gunner's rage review video where he shared many words of wisdom that Yoda would be proud of. I suggest watching it first.
The Acolyte itself was not a failure. It was failed by mistakes, taking risks that did not pay off and amateur writing. And to be honest, that's not the worst way a show can fail because in spite of its flaws, it doesn't change the fact that the series itself had many great ideas: a murder mystery, the villain's POV, calling out that not all Jedi are good, showing that there are other force users that fall into the gray area and so on. Plus, those fight scenes were worthy of being in the cinema and the characters you did connect with were great. In the end, I was rooting for Osha. In fact, I still am despite what she did in the end.
More importantly, just because the show was not good in my opinion doesn't mean it cannot be good in anyone's opinion. And beyond that, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have the right to be mean about it. In fact, that shames the lore of Star Wars more than all the bad works altogether even the ones that had obvious resentment behind the writing (but that's another discussion). The quality of how you react to art is just as important as the quality of the art itself. Yes, I admit that Hollywood's obsession with DEI, representation and inclusion has gone too far and in fact hurts the very groups they're trying to uplift, but you don't solve one problem by creating another.
Also, the amount of badmouthing and hatemongering isn't just embarrassing anymore. It's mean. An artist doesn't deserve to be hung, crucified, sued, grounded or humiliated just because they made a work of art you didn't like. Heck, I believe that the cartoon Daria even addressed this. Kathleen Kennedy, Amandla Stenberg and all these other folks behind Star Wars are people with feelings and lives. Even if they act silly themselves or make bad decisions, they're people. And for many of these people, the Acolyte was their first ever project. Sadly, not everyone's first big project is a hit, but that's ok. What is not ok is beating people down. Now, I myself have given negative criticism on art pieces, BUT I criticize the art not the people and I try to be fair while removing anger from the equation. And I try not to be spiteful because as an artist myself, I've been there and know how it feels. Putting your art out in public is scary and I can tell you from experience that it doesn't get easier. However, it takes courage to do it in general and that within itself is admirable.
In closing, I want to add that I take absolutely no joy in how the Acolyte was not good. I wanted it to be good. I wanted Amandla Stenberg to do good. I even believed that its good points alone made it deserve a second chance with a season 2. I'm sad that this project didn't work out and I'm more sad for Amandla which is why I want her to still have a second chance in general. She has good ideas.
Please, be kind when media fails because kindness and support when people do wrong can inspire other people to be better. I mean, that was the whole point of Luke's struggle with Darth Vader. When everyone gave up on Vader, Luke still believed in him and fought to pull him out of the darkness with his heart, and he did it. Hence his famous line "I am a Jedi like my father before me." Luke was not talking about what his father used to be. It's what he believed he still was which was not only worth fighting for, but living up to as well hence why he showed mercy and support to Vader.
With that all said, let's all strive to be "Jedis" like your fathers, mothers, siblings and friends before us. Stop the hate and show support even when people fall to the dark side.
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dnangelic · 1 month
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NAME — niwa daisuke / dark mousy
PROFESSION — azumano middleschool student / great phantom thief ( dai-kaitō )
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — azumano schoolgrounds, niwa family mansion grounds, art-rooms, museums, public gardens, never in the same place as dark. / museums, shady alleyways or backstreets, creepy woods, abandoned and solitary spaces, y'know the works. never in the same place as daisuke.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — you want heart points FAST?? get them fruits. get them chocolates, pastries, candies, anything sweet. share with daisuke and/or handfeed dark. otherwise, they'll happily settle for any kind of refreshing drink, from light like something carbonated to thicker, like a milkshake. they suuuuuck at handling spicy. senses are shared, so whatever one eats, if the other's awake, they'll be able to taste it. you can spoil or kill 'em both hehehehehehe
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK — nonalcoholic! if they walk into a bar daisuke's asking for a tough guy glass of milk or ice water from the tender. dark might go for something sparkling and (of course) sweet. daisuke's a good enough kid that being underage is a big concern of his (as well as one that dark respects since his body's always on loan,) but the two of them as phantom thieves never wanting to risk dulling their senses is another part of it. if they get drunk and Something Happens, they're ultra cooked.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — wherever their date wants to go! they're happy quite literally anywhere as long as it's by someone else's side. likewise, since they're both pretty squeezed for time 24/7, it's best to schedule dates with them in advance. they'll always sort things out and swear on their heart(s) to show up for anyone who wants to do anything with them, no matter what it takes. and trust me 'cause they won't say it but sometimes it takes a Lot like at least one or two near death experiences before they show up??--
IDEAL GIFT — dark vc at a time like this, a beautiful smile is all i need ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) <-- unfortunately true, the ideal gift for him and daisuke is genuinely someone else's happiness around him. (but only because they fret that it isn't possible for them to truly make anybody happy.) if you absolutely have to give them something physical, giving things related to daisuke's hobbies (art supplies, gardening supplies,) is a great idea (he'll definitely give you something back at some point!) while for dark, articles of clothing and accessories like earrings, rings, belts, etc, are a good pick. (he'll wear 'em to his heists and all that glam'll get on cam.)
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — WILDCARD!!! depends entirely on the levels of trust, comfort, and whether or not the other person knows the secret of the niwa family's curse/transformation. expect the number of dates on average to be enormous, though. dark will never kiss someone before/without daisuke's proper acceptance; daisuke will never kiss someone for as long as he's afraid of them finding out about his turning into dark. likewise, daisuke Cannot Kiss without turning into dark. could be just five dates could be ten bajillion. kissies could come never for as long as you don't accept the weird monster bf polycule rotation.
tagged by: @foolshoujo THANK U FARLL!!
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ripplestitchskein · 6 months
Brace yourselves Stolitz fans, I think it’s gonna get bumpy. We kind of already knew that but I think it might go longer than we hoped?
So last night I shared my Stolitz pic with my DnD group, I’m doing art for their characters and we have an art space in our game discord and a few of them watch Hazbin and HB. An IRL friend who is also an HB fan asked about the OC in the pic and I shared it was based on the rumor that Stolas is getting a new boyfriend, they could be a parrot potentially voiced by Harvey Guillen but that this was not confirmed or anything. He said “HMMMM that jives with what her assistant told us.”
I’m like “What! Tell me. “
I guess while waiting in line for her to sign for the person in front of them at Mega they were chatting with an assistant and said they loved Look My Way and were interested in where the Stolas and Blitzø story was going. The assistant said they had seen the rest of Season 2 and “You may not love the way it goes if you like the coupling”.
I spiraled immediately, like full on upset. Bitch I cried. I’ve spent hours analyzing this cartoon and that broke me a bit. I’m not necessarily concerned with my ships being “endgame”, I’ve shipped lots of couples that rarely interact just for interesting dynamics. Or couples where one half is literally dead in canon, where they are mortal enemies and not in an enemies to lovers way etc. It just seemed so final and is contradictory to everything the show has setup so far and what I’ve been enjoying about the show and it really fucked me up if I’m honest. I also have a really bad brain though and I know this. I’m not equipped to rationally think about it.
I hesitated to even share what was said because I dislike bumming anyone out but as a speculation and spoiler goblin I’d also like people to share with me so I can prepare myself?
Ive had some time to sit and process and cope a bit “is that information really that different than what we have already?” And the short answer is no, not really. It’s also like their job to tease fans. It was also one sentence I didn’t even actually hear with my own ears lol. My brain just did what it does and took it to the worst place. I took it as “they are killing it completely” and are about to destroy the only reason I enjoy this show so much. Which maaaaay have been an over reaction but I can’t like, help that.
I just honestly cannot fathom how they could so sharply pivot at this point and have it make sense? I can’t fathom why they even would. I don’t even know what role Stolas could possibly have in that scenario. I think that was what upset me the most, Stolas is my favorite and his entire character within the world of the show is completely dependent on his ties to Blitzø to be part of the narrative because he has no ties to IMP outside of it. The idea of him being shelved, even temporarily, is upsetting to me. The show so far is not setup to view characters lives outside of Blitzø and IMP so I can’t see them having Stolas go off and do his own thing without removing him from the narrative completely.
I’m just sad about it and I think I’m putting too much thought into it. Maybe they just meant what we’ve thought all along and that we wouldn’t be happy because of the boyfriend character, and as I’ve said before the split up absolutely has to happen for them to reconcile and come back together. It is actually a good thing story wise for that to happen but the phrasing (though second hand) just depressed the fuck out of me so I wanted to vent a bit and maybe get some outside perspective from people who’s brains work better than mine. It’s possible this is a situation where i know a thing “Stolas is getting a new boyfriend” because I am terminally online and gobble up every like react and ambiguous emoji and assign meaning to it, and the assistant was just talking about that same information assuming my friend didn’t know that (he didn’t) but because I already knew it I’m assigning new meaning to it as if it’s additional different information. That’s a distinct possibility.
Even if it’s the worst case scenario, I’m not a hate watcher, if I don’t like the direction something is going I bitch a bit in mourning and then remove myself completely. So I’ll see how it plays out and see if it makes sense narratively. Maybe I’ll love the direction, who knows. If it what’s we originally speculated based on the narrative setup so far, the boyfriend character is a catalyst to help Blitzø reconcile his feelings and to let Stolas do his own healing and character development but it all that leads to the completion of the story they’ve been telling up to this point that’s perfect. If it leads to less Stolas and a completely different direction than what we’ve spent 1.5 seasons on so far, I don’t know how I would feel about that. I want it clear though I wouldn’t be mad at the creators, it’s their story they can do what they want, and I’m sure others will enjoy whatever they offer up but I personally would just quietly move on to something else.
I’m interested in how others view the response. Just a tease about the boyfriend, and thinking we’ll be unhappy because of that but ultimately it’s going how its been setup? Or should I break out my violin and start up “Nearer, my God, to thee”. I just really need some better brains to give me some perspective,
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hologramcowboy · 2 months
look I’m just trying to understand you here, I’m not trying to start or insult you in anyway but I find it weird that you can accept the mistakes Jared has done and not talk about it or have critical thinking about him but when it comes to Jensen you are critical a lot of the time. Yes you do have some admiration for him and sure you can criticise the mistakes an actor makes but wouldn’t it be fair if you it for both Jensen and Jared?
Anon, you've clearly never read my posts. Why are you even on my blog? Jared has negative aspects too, just like any other human being, me included. I don't talk much about him on my blog because I am Jensen centric. I've had conversations where I very clearly and openly expressed things about Jared's acting.
Aside from this, when it comes to his personal brand he's managed to build a genuine brand. Why would you want me to criticize something that works?
Or are you talking about his drunken arrest? Because I challenge anyone to be that level of drunk and not do out of control things. Besides, I highly suspect Jared was drugged. That his drink was spiked. In the aftermath of all of that he's focused on being healthy and inspiring others to do the same. He's done the same thing with his mental issues, sharing through vulnerability and healing people or giving them a voice to heal. We ALL make mistakes, what shows who we truly are is HOW we handle them, how we make ammends. Jared is growing and learning while being a leader. I respect him deeply.
As for prequelgate, he had every right to react publicly and I condone his smart business choice due to dynamics I cannot share on this blog.
When it comes to doxxing fans, Jared never doxxed anyone, a bunch of fanatics did that. Besides, who are we to stop someone from publicly requesting support when someone is behaving abhorrently in real life? Jared did not dox the waitress, he simply made a social media post discouraging bad treatment. Some fanatics saw his post and doxxed the waitress. So please stop blaming Jared for what this sometimes very sick fandom chooses to do.
As for understanding me why do you even feel the need to do that? My thinking is very different from most people within this fandom because I have a different vantage point.
The reason I "criticize" Jensen is because I want to see him fulfill his fullest potential, something anyone that genuinely loves him (notice I said love not objectifies) should hopefully also want for him. What you perceive as hate is actually critical feedback to an artist and as artists there is always, always something to refine. Without being critical you cannot expand and grow. It's truly sad how people feel the need to turn everything into hate instead of recognizing the value of facing certain truths.
I tag my posts Jensen critical to keep the crazies away but my being critical comes from an art /acting centered perspective and sometimes from my value centered perspective. Hate is not in the equation but I get that people won't choose to see my heart. They'll choose to witch hunt instead because it's easier than facing certain truths.
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discar · 5 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
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Icarus: What IS that awful racket?
Icarus: ...no. It's not.
SilverVixen: Is it pre-Zero Day music? Or did you somehow manage to record something contemporary?
FlameHairSavior: Yellowstone National Park.
SilverVixen: Oh God, you've discovered indie music.
DIVINER: Oh my Ancestors, you're right!
DIVINER: And he's even a music snob like a true indie fan!!
SilverVixen: I'm tempted to show you some of the classics.
DIVINER: Ummm... does that actually WORK? Or does it just make him a bigger snob?
SilverVixen: Point.
Icarus: Why are you even playing it out loud? You can set it to private easily. In fact, that should be the default.
ADMIN [Zo]: It's my fault, really. I asked Varl not to smack him for it.
SilverVixen: Spare the rod, spoil the child.
DIVINER: ...that sounds horrible. I mean, if I have the context right.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Makes perfect sense to me.
FlameHairSavior: I'm not sure I want to hear about Tenakth child-rearing techniques.
DIVINER: You don't actually beat your children, do you??
MARSHAL Kotallo: I don't have any children myself. But no, of course not.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Punishment is an important part of any sort of teaching method. No cook is more careful than the one who has cut his hand. You cannot learn to dodge a blow unless someone tries to hit you.
ADMIN [Zo]: I understand the basic principle, though I disagree with any sort of physical retribution.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Not every problem can be solved by waiting three months. Sometimes more immediate consequences are required.
DIVINER: Okaaay...
DIVINER: Sylens, what kind of music do you listen to?
Icarus: Very little. I found some interesting atmospheric melodies, but I mostly use them as background noise, so nothing with lyrics.
FlameHairSavior: Huh, I almost expected you to say you only listened to some weird math thing.
Icarus: Ha ha. There is no "weird math thing" music.
DIVINER: You haven't found Rush????
SilverVixen: Remind me to show you Rush.
SilverVixen: Oh.
DIVINER: [Squee.gif]
FlameHairSavior: Of COURSE there's some weird math thing that Sylens would like.
DIVINER: There's something for everyone! From Norwegian Death Metal to Pop Rap, the old world was full of music!
SilverVixen: Really, it was. I preferred the classics, of course, but sometimes it seemed like every other kid was inventing a new genre.
FlameHairSavior: What do you do in your spare time, Sylens? You can't be plotting and scheming all the time.
Icarus: I prefer to watch documentaries.
FlameHairSavior: Of course.
DIVINER: Wait wait! What kind of documentaries?? Because I doubt you care about, like, the biography of the first president of the United States or whatever??
Icarus: There is a fascinating series called "How it's Made," which are short videos on what were, at the time, ubiquitous parts of daily life. There is a similar series with higher production on the History Channel, though as the name implies, that focuses more on the people and the history.
DIVINER: Oh I love that series!!
DIVINER: But the Quen weren't able to get much useful from it! So much of the data is corrupted! I don't think we have a single video about advanced technology!
Icarus: Unfortunately, I was not able to find much more that was useful. I did find an interesting video on how to build an electric engine, but I lacked the materials to replicate it. Besides, GAIA's machines are superior, and more readily available.
Icarus: That is true.
FlameHairSavior: Wait, if you couldn't get much technology out of this show, why do you like it so much?
FlameHairSavior: What kind of things did you learn from it?
Icarus: ...
Icarus: Cheese.
FlameHairSavior: I'm sorry, did you just say that you like to watch a show about how to make CHEESE?
Icarus: Yes.
Icarus: I do not see how that is relevant.
MARSHAL Kotallo: It's not all that complicated.
Icarus: The chemistry is quite fascinating, and the old world used a very interesting process to increase efficiency. And they used milk from an entirely different animal, which was never reintroduced into the ecosystem.
SilverVixen: Oh right, you don't have cattle.
SilverVixen: That means none of you will ever have a proper steak au poivre with cognac and frites.
FlameHairSavior: I refuse to believe those are real words.
SilverVixen: It's French.
SilverVixen: So no, they're not real words.
Chapter 38 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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dearweirdme · 6 months
you know I have always been one of the first in lines fighting to defend Tae from that rumor, I'm 100% positive that is mediaplay still but something shifted these days as in yes it was mediaplay but ultimately Tae did choose to take part in that paparazzi walk( albeit he didn't look happy at all I think I have reasons to believe that even if he was somehow coerced he probably was made to feel like he had some negotiation power too) and honestly I guess I felt more adamant to defend him bc i saw how much he tried to fight the tide and separate himself from all of that ( the wv live in the airport, these insta pic changes being the last example etc and seeing ppl disrespecting his agency and his right to state himself his own truth really pissed off me a lot ) but I started to think these last days what's the point in him doing all of that when he agreed to do that walk and he must know what would happen otherwise why did he even agreed, what is he even fighting himself doing little things to separate himself from being associated to this person when he will forever be associated,for the gp and fandom itself and as you said once this will be in the historial of his live forever? By doing all of that it's like he made us, the fans who cared for him and were paying attention to him fr want to defend him too and literally fight air because there is nothing to defend when he did that walk, when the purpose of that walk being met. I'm not saying he did any of that with the purpose of having fans fighting on his name at all, I don't think so but that's what happened, I guess I'm feeling disappointed these days bc i see no need for him to even fight against all of this when this issues reached the levels it did when he chose to do the walk. I'm also disappointed bc i think anything he might do that would have been considered brave and important about his identity before loses weight completely now, him smooching jk's cheek on the party and uploading it, him being bold etc bc no one but a small group of ppl considered delusional by everyone will see this for what it is. He can do a lot now only bc no one it's going to take him/it seriously.
I used to be pissed by Holland behavior that one time but I even kinda can get the frustration now. Tae is safe or at least has reduced the risk at a minimum now to do whatever bc everyone thinks he dates women. And some ppl be crowing him as an LGBT icon when some other idols have actually exposed themselves honestly to a lot more without any security plan to fall back into. And that actually feels like being brave and doing something. Not making everyone who supports you look like a delusional clown and make the thought of you being queer laughable to most ppl. Moonbyul being a pretty good example of someone who has been direct and brave.
Im sorry I really needed to vent, I have loved Tae for a lot of time ( not that i dont love him now but sometimes i cant shake the disappointment and the distaste of not being able to enjoy his content without seeing him being constantly related to ppl I don't like at all) and I'm open to anyone making me feel different about this situation
Hi anon!
Let me give you my perspective on this and maybe that will make you see things differently as well.
Tae is moving within certain boundaries. It is most likely that there are actual clauses in his contract that tell him what he can and cannot share publicly. That goes beyond plain saying that he is queer. That also goes for the level of queerness he can show through art and media. Basically I feel he is able to show queer media and art, but not adress it as such. Going beyond that would probably mean he’d be breaching his contract, which could lead to monetary penalties… and when it goes too far he could be kicked out of BTS (not that I think it would ever go that far). I think it’s possible that with this new contract, things have become more loose though. BH/Hybe doesn’t want to lose Tae, because he is one of the most popular members and losing any member would look bad. So I think there was some leverage there.
In my opinion it should not be underestimated how bad things still are for queer people in SK. Artists loose their careers over it stil. People like Holland are absolutely very brave and I hope within time there will be more and more like him. But you cannot compare one person’s choices with that of another’s. I think Tae possibly discovered his sexuality when he was already under contract with BH.. that would mean he had the choice to either hide, or to break his contract… leave BTS… and be left with a shitload of debt (because you don’t simply leave a contract). He would have no perspective of any career after that.. losing all his dreams and all chances of having any influence at all. It is an impossible choice maybe.. or maybe not.. I don’t know. Has he chosen to leave BH would his life have been easier, better? He would still have had to deal with severe homophobia. So I don’t think Tae had much options but to hide in the first case. It is not something he chose.. it was basically decided for him. Contracts are no fun anon, they basically chain them to the company in many many ways. I don’t think Tae ever had the option to be as open as Holland. And I think that is something he struggled with greatly. So if that walk was something he agreed to just because it would give him some more room to be authentic, I am absolutely not holding that against him. It doesn’t make him bad or whatever, it makes him someone who needs a bit of room to breathe.
In general I don’t feel Tae owes us much. Speaking for myself, I am here completely voluntarily and completely aware of forever being shit on by the rest of fandom. I’m of the opinion that both Tae and Jk aren’t actually fighting to be out and open.. so that probably makes my perspective on this different than yours. I think they’re just trying to live their lives and what we see of them is just stuff we pick up on.. because we pay attention. I always see myself as a bystander and not a participant in this. But.. that’s just me ofcourse.
So how did we end up here; Tae doing a walk with Jennie. Looking at it from a practical side, it was only one walk.. half an hour tops. If we assume he did agree to it and he wasn’t actually forced all the way, for him that was probably doable, and if he traded that for more freedom to be authentic.. to insert more queerness in his work (which is eventually what people will remember him by), then I think the trade probably looked worth it. Ultimately it wasn’t a fair choice ofcourse, because trading anything for freedom to be yourself is insane.. freedom should always be yours. But I do think the company possibly sold it that way.. and being used to having no freedom for years, maybe to Tae it did seem like a chance. It is ofcourse also possible they made him do this, but it’s not something I’m leaning towards personally.
It is not something Tae would’ve done/come up with himself. Tae didn’t go “yeah, I want to do a papwalk with Jennie for fame and attention”… people are right when they say he didn’t need that. He was not enthusiastic. And I think he was very over it all soon after.
The way I see it.. is that possibly Tae gave away a small part of himself to do something he felt is necessary in a broader way. His new mv is so important! To have such graphic display of queerness is so important! Especially from someone as famous as Tae. Imagine all the young queer fans he has seeing that! Tae knows what kind of influence he has. He has probably missed seeing representation like that himself when he was younger. I think this is what matters to him most and personally I just applaud him for that. Taennie will be nothing but a blimp on our radar in a few years, but his songs and mv’s… I think those will have an actual impact on many lives.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Extremely cathartic to hear these whiners get blasted on twitter by the creators of their supposed favourite show. I know for a fact theyre the same weirdos ive seen making statements like “the CR fandom is toxic and bad and theyre going to bring all their toxicity into our fandom, which has no toxicity and everyone is kind and nice to eachother and nothing problematic has ever happened here, unlike bad and evil critical role!!!”
I also believe theyre the same people who:
-misgender ashton when most optically convenient for them (ie he did something they didnt like)
-did the whole “ghelvan is an allegory for queerness” thing or whatever that was
-crying about imogen no glasses
Because the common denominator of these takes (besides being dumb) is that the person making them has to have a lack of empathetic understanding that other people have different experiences from you, in combination with lacking the understanding that actually, its okay if someone doesn’t agree with you. Like, its okay to not be in control of every narrative or microscopic detail around you.
So obviously I'm with you on "these people just hate CR for nebulous reasons which like, they can, but then just skip the season" and "an inability to accept other people have different takes on canon than you do says concerning things about your empathy, especially if all your fanon has characters conveniently matching your exact demographics" but I do want to point out that the people bashing Matt over fanlore are explicitly not CR fans. I think you addressed that too so maybe you're trying to say that it's like, the same broad attitude shared by these two groups of people? Which is true in some cases but not others.
I think that misgendering Ashton is not anger at canon. It's just transphobia; it's people thinking it's appropriate to be transphobic if a character is "bad". They misgender Ashton when he has a conversation with Laudna that fails to strike the appropriate tone of "fawning, yet sufficiently distant."
For glasses...I think a lot of the defense of glasses fell into this category of "no you cannot criticize our fanlore, for it is pure" but for what it's worth, joking aside? I haven't seen anyone complain about the lack of glasses in the new art (though I haven't been in the tag much today). I've seen people continue to draw Imogen with glasses, but like, I want to be clear: it's their right to do it. It's my right to say "I don't like this" but like, they can do it, and I'm only going to break out the mockery when it turns into "no you don't get it we're NORMALIZING wearing glasses, which is why we only ever draw one very specific style of glasses on one specific character".
And for Gelvaan as a metaphor for queerness...I think that one genuinely just came from someone seeing the real parallels of many a personal experience with homophobia (it is a small southern town! People do look at Imogen strangely!) and just either not having a strong enough grasp of the lore or being so quick to project their own experience they forgot to think through the implications to realize "oh wait, people look sideways at Imogen because she nearly killed a couple people; perhaps 'having psychic powers is kind of like being gay' is, as Taliesin's ALA panel speech indicates, a broken metaphor."
But it is true that (aside from Ashton) these do largely share a theme of people not being able to tolerate disagreement with their own interpretations, either from canon or other fans.
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