#poetry and creative adventure
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prisilasweetheart · 1 month ago
yall one of my characters has the saddest lore, i hate it sm i just wanna hug him😭😭😭 (me acting like i didn’t give him the sad lore in question)
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literaryvein-reblogs · 7 months ago
character word list request: Josuke
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Albatross - something that causes persistent deep concern or anxiety
Amity - friendship
Anchor - to secure firmly; fix
Assuagement - lessening the intensity of (something that pains or distresses); ease
Convalesce - to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness
Dudgeon - a fit or state of indignation—often used in the phrase, "in high dudgeon"
Fervency - intensity of feeling or expression
Fettle - state or condition of health, fitness, wholeness, spirit, or form—often used in the phrase, "in fine fettle"
Forfend - protect, preserve
Heartsease - peace of mind; tranquility
Heliotrope - a variable color averaging a moderate to reddish purple
Impetuous - marked by impulsive vehemence or passion
Inkhorn - ostentatiously learned; marked by or given to showing knowledge in a showy way
Irascibility - marked by hot temper and easily provoked anger
Meliorate - to improve; to make better
Openhearted - outspoken; free in expressing one's true feelings and opinions
Purpleheart - a strong durable purplish wood that is obtained from various leguminous trees (genus Peltogyne) of Central and South America; amaranth
Revivify - to give new life to; revive
Umbrage - a feeling of pique or resentment at some often fancied slight or insult; shadow
Violaceous - of the color violet
Hope this helps with your writing. If it does, do tag me, or send me a link to your work. I would love to read it!
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bethanynightfall · 6 months ago
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If I had a flower for each thought of you, I’d wander through my garden forevermore. ⚘️🤍
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soleil-de-minuit · 3 months ago
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Might turn this one into a proper song, who knows :)
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blitzd-sadgirl19 · 2 months ago
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sometimes, you meet the right person in the wrong timeline.
that’s okay.
just know, in another universe where we’re still under the same moon, we still see the same stars; i love you still, with all my heart.
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scorp-simran · 5 months ago
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itscontinental · 6 months ago
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It's no scan, but we believe we've found a system.
Q #909
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anulithots · 8 months ago
My dear, you are so perfectionistic it's eating you up inside.
My dear, your emotions fluctuate and that is okay, they are not to be managed and controlled, analyzed to tiny pieces, cut up with a knife so they may be 'right'. The more difficult, the icky ones which clog and clump over every available area are not to be scraped away so the remaining edges are raw and bloodied. It is okay, it is okay, little one, to let them remain and let them be. Beasts of sorts. That's what they are, behemoths to be observed from afar
My dear, not every word has to be presentable, not every action and every expression and every day of lazy butterflies must be boxed so a bow of loose glitter may be placed atop. You are allowed to exist. You are not a waste of space. For the stars, black holes, galaxies and colorful nothings fill it, yet the space remains regardless of its wonders. You are not what you can give, nor do you give little. This does not justify your existence because your life does not need justification.
My dear, what is this life if not a collection? Why must you gather all the lights and scatter them across the aesthetic pages of a worn sketchbook and call that worthwhile? Why when it brings you nothing but burnt hands and a sky without its stars. Is there not something poetic within this, icky and almost-disgusting as it may be? Does there need to be poetry in this? Ah, I see you write this down but even so does it need to be in fancy words? Is there not something beautiful in it when you step away for a moment to gaze upon what has amassed?
My dear, this body has emotions and those emotions fluctuate and what is it if not a dance of sorts? Breathe and let yourself rest. It is okay.
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pixie-skull · 6 months ago
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323rd edit and I used Disney’s Pocahontas, from well, Pocahontas (I included two screenshots of her as one contrast of her older design). Besides having scenes of straight hair like The Nightmare Before Christmas’ Sally, Pocahontas I appreciate has a similar or closer body build too. Lastly, like Sally, Pocahontas default face is sad or worried. I am running out of 3D characters + stop motion women characters to reimagine as 2D or hand drawn characters. Guilty confession, I think Pocahontas 2 is better film compared to Pocahontas 1.
*= I have so far not used one 2D character twice for my reimagining series.
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inkneverdies · 4 months ago
Orgasmic State
I missed the last bus, left to wander alone, With nothing but shadows and pavement unknown. Stores all closed, food waiting afar, So I stepped on the road, guided only by stars.
This wasn’t a walk made for comfort or ease, With cars roaring past like beasts unleashed. Eighty miles per hour, their headlights ablaze, Casting brief shadows in dizzying waves.
No charged device to show how far I’d go, But eight miles stretched in the darkness below. Four times I paused, thought I’d just settle down, Rest in the dust of the roadside ground.
But then, as if knowing I needed a guide, The moon broke through clouds, took its place by my side. It lit up the blackness with silver and grace, A steady companion in the vast, open space.
And in that pure glow, I was struck by the sight— How the moon in its splendor wasn’t quite right. For all its beauty, its pull, its claim, It was but a flicker of her radiant flame.
Yet there in that stillness, I felt something rise, An ache so deep it brought tears to my eyes. Lost in the night, with just the moon as my friend, I walked through the darkness, to whatever end.
She wasn’t there, but I felt her near, Her spirit alive in the light so clear. For now, it’s the moon that will show me the way, A guide through the shadows till night yields to day.
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prisilasweetheart · 9 days ago
that moment when everything just clicks in your writing or in a scene you’re putting together or an unexpected last minute idea pops into your mind that ends up fitting perfectly with what you wrote >>>>
the excitement that consumes my body is out of this world
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literaryvein-reblogs · 7 months ago
If you’re doing character word lists, may I request Giorno?
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Adamantine - unyielding; resembling the diamond in hardness or luster
Aegis - protection; control or guidance especially by an individual, group
Aureate - of a golden color or brilliance
Beneficence - the quality or state of doing or producing good
Chary - (archaic) dear, treasured
Cloudland - the realm of visionary speculation or poetic imagination
Colorable - seemingly valid or genuine
Dégagé - being free and easy
Epistemic - of or relating to knowledge or knowing; cognitive
Ladybug - any of numerous small nearly hemispherical often brightly colored often spotted beetles (family Coccinellidae)
Largesse - generosity
Lionhearted - courageous, brave
Luminary - a body that gives light; one of the celestial bodies
Magnanimous - showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit
Mensch - a person of integrity and honor
Noetic - of, relating to, or based on the intellect
Qui vive - alert, lookout—used in the phrase "on the qui vive"
Roseate - resembling a rose especially in color; overly optimistic; viewed favorably
Stalwart - marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit
Wallflower - a shy or reserved person
Hope this helps with your writing. If it does, do tag me, or send me a link to your work. I would love to read it!
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bethanynightfall · 1 month ago
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Love found inside her locket... ♡
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tigertrotter · 7 months ago
Gyro Zeppeli: A Haiku
Gyro Zeppeli,
The JoBro of Part Seven,
To Johnny Joestar.
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apocalypsefairwelltour · 19 days ago
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Derecho in the Desert
Green, sun bleached blue,
veins of summit narrow
to a vertigo tilt. Charred black,
crows nest caws, warnings
of running hounds, wasting day.
Whisper the way down, do not
wake aging bones to burdens
of gravity, flesh. Valley floor sun,
eaten by the same mountain
that spit us out. Now beg dirt filled
winds to die, under green moonlight.
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Threading from page to mind
My books are my tapestry weaving through time
Each word a hole I’m threading through from page to mind.
Flowing letters set down by past hands,
Mingling the black and white marks with my experiences.
And I’m thinking, millions of us read the same words,
Yet, our minds are fashioning different visual textures.
How beautiful that books are the threaded needle,
Ready for whoever picks them up and starts sewing a new story.
The outlines are always similar, yet each sparkling detail unique.
Through reading on, the patterns rest in hazes, shifting from distinct edges to impressions.
Its making space for us to feel finishing memories
And start creating anew.
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