hey joe! tell him it’s okay! sabata!
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j (just the letter) | they/them | 26 | finely curated bad taste || simblr @daddymortimer || formerly georgegordonbyrons & dwightfryes
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coffinflop · 3 days ago
id rather you have cringy but honest interests than try and act like everything youve ever loved was in an ironic way cause you think that love for simple or useless or silly things is beneath you . pathetic! embrace existence with both hands coward
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coffinflop · 5 days ago
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The computer doesn't make the jumps. That was all you. ICE PRINCESS (2005) dir. Tim Fywell
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coffinflop · 5 days ago
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Clueless (1995) dir. Amy Heckerling
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coffinflop · 6 days ago
things are going to be difficult. But you
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coffinflop · 6 days ago
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BIG thing i get teased about over the years (in playful ways, it is fine buckaroos, but a light tease none the less) is the DIRECTNESS of my titles. many who stumble upon my books will immediately comment 'the title is so long it just says what happens'. here are some of my thoughts on that...
as with a lot of things in the tingleverse, my unusual artistic choices end up being a sort of TROJAN HORSE, called unserious and mocked by many, but hopefully over the years revealing something to buckaroos who are not tied to the separation of ‘low brow’ or ‘high brow’ art
i feel understood by most, but for some who JUST NOW encounter the tingleverse there is an automatic apprehension, from outright to subliminal. things like scoffing ’im not going to try and find meaning in a chuck tingle book’ (real quote) or 'skeptical of the horror, ive seen his OTHER books'
i have written a LOT about how much of this, whether buds know it or not, is not just about the dinosaurs and the living objects. it is about a culture that is built to see queerness and neurodivergence and (drumroll) SEXUALITY as fundamentally unworthy of ‘real’ artistic merit. this trot runs deep
theres SOMETHING ELSE i dont talk on much however, which is directness of my writing style, both in titles and on page. why i do it is this: AS AN ARTIST it is never my intention to impress you. my books are not the 'ME show' theyre the 'US show’ so i simply want my sentences to express what happens
i wont dance circles around you, leading you through the story saying LOOK AT ME LOOK HOW GOOD I AM IM SO COOL. i want to walk BESIDE you. of course, writing to impress is also great and valid art too, just not MY preference. this is ARTISTIC choice, but i want to talk for a moment on politics of it
i tend to see buckaroos holding a sort of STRICT interpretation of what makes ‘good’ art. it is a training that has been pounded into their heads declaring ‘real art cannot just come out and say what it means.' a good example would be if someone was being critical by just saying 'its heavy handed'
the thing is, there is a huge difference between saying ‘it was blunt.’ and ‘it was TOO BLUNT for what it was trying to accomplish.’ TIME AND TIME AGAIN however, you will see folks simply deciding ‘this art just said what it meant on the surface’ and leaving it there, as if that is INHERENTLY WRONG.
and the question i am forced to ask myself is ‘WHY is this wrong?’ in the vast, infinite pantheon of WHAT ART CAN BE why are we so obsessed with hiding ourselves? obscuring our thoughts? removing our politics? there is certainly a time for subtly, but it seems there is NEVER a time for being blunt
some say this is because arts more DIFFICULT to craft when it is subliminal, but folks do not REACT that way. art that is both direct AND subliminal and layered will STILL get torn down for leaving things on the surface, even when technically speaking it is probably most impressive to juggle both
there is plenty for you to research on this regarding the CIA secretly funding abstract expressionist art during the cold war. it is still HOTLY DEBATED, but i will mention it here for anyone reading my thread who is interested in a deep dive. HERE, however, i will talk about it on a personal level
i think that culturally we are CONSTANTLY told to not take up space, especially in marginalized groups. there is decades and decades of programming telling us ‘you can express yourself, but in a CIVILIZED WAY, not too loud, not too direct. CERTAINLY not too political.' i flatly reject this
of all the places to do what you want and say what you want to say, ART IS THE PERFECT ARENA. your writing, your songs, your music can absolutely be as subtle as you want, but especially during times like this, dont let anyone tell you that youre too dang loud. lets trot buckaroos.
and since i spent all morning writing this is am going to leave a link for my new book LUCK DAY, which is LOUD AS HECK. now is a time to make art, and it is also a time to support the artists you love. give a preorder if you can. LOVE IS REAL
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coffinflop · 6 days ago
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Working all week long (because I'm an artist).
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coffinflop · 6 days ago
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I draw this while listening to Ziggy Stardust
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coffinflop · 6 days ago
the lobotomy was a failure. tgey trued to scoop that thang out and it bit them cause it lovesme too much to leave
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coffinflop · 6 days ago
watching twin peaks is hard because sometimes you think 'these characters could use some therapy'. and then you remember that some of them did seek out professional help but their only option was this
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coffinflop · 6 days ago
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Your highness, the transmission we received. What is it they sent us? Hope.
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coffinflop · 7 days ago
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Twin Peaks: Pilot (1990) dir. David Lynch
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coffinflop · 7 days ago
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Twin Peaks: Pilot (1990) dir. David Lynch
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coffinflop · 11 days ago
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Lee Van Cleef in Sabata (Ehi amico … c'è Sabata. Hai chiuso!), 1969
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coffinflop · 12 days ago
on their clit like morse code
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coffinflop · 12 days ago
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Isa ♡ GPT Inkigayo 241103
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coffinflop · 12 days ago
sometimes i feel like im climing up this incline again alone but thankully sisypus and the itsy bitsy spider and here with me
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coffinflop · 13 days ago
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