#poems about the ocean
serenecirce · 2 years
Oh the desire to be loved like how the moon loves the ocean
They loves the moon even when they cannot see it
They dance for eternity
In sync with each other until the universe crumbles
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maryhall · 1 year
in the inky abyss
lives a glowing octopus
she shines sky-blue
despite being so deep
see her stomach
in her glass head
she floats with the current
wherever it takes her next
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ohwaitwhatdamn · 8 months
I’m standing at the edge of the Pacific Ocean
getting pelted in my face with hail
I’m screaming into the void
but no one can hear me over the roaring
The wind is embracing the angry waves
and creating an offspring of saltwater
Sticky and humid across my skin
The air thick and sweet
The ocean keeps my private thoughts
deep down and buried
I brought the humidity back to Seattle
with me and it sticks to my knees
It’s a fair price to pay for something that
knows my feelings and thoughts
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asoftepiloguemylove · 3 months
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Franz Kafka Letters to Felice // リリイ・シュシュのすべて All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001) dir. 岩井 俊二 Shunji Iwai / Phoebe Bridgers Funeral // Emily Palermo // Ocean Vuong Someday I'll Love Ocean Vuong // 堕落天使 Fallen Angels (1995) dir. Wong Kar-wai // Margaret Atwood // Bell Hooks All About Love // @mango-season // Mitski Nobody
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cyberr-v0id · 10 months
Too many people relate the ocean to sunshine and summer and relaxation and… that’s just not it.
I mean no hate if that’s what it means to you, and maybe it’s the fact that I AM an ocean child, my family is from the sea and we came to this country across it, but I can just never relate the ocean to an ice cream and a pool floatie.
To me the ocean is wild. It is danger. It is freedom. It is tasting the edge and knowing that not everyone can come back from it. It is swimming as far out the bay as you can when you’re twelve because you’re just so enchanted by the water and what it promises, only to realise that you’ve drifted far from where your family was. It is promises and secrets and treasure. It is alluring, a siren in the back of my mind, calling to me. It is hooked deep into who I am and I know that I can never come back from that.
The ocean is restless and she cares for no one any more than she has to. She would willingly drag me down ti her depths and never let me go, and that just makes me love her more. The ocean is in my heart.
The ocean, the sea, the waves that crash on the rocks in the storm, that rush up up up over the sand banks and into the town. That isn’t a being that is intrinsically tied to sunlight and fruit and sun tans.
Have you never stood on the cliffs, or the end of the pier, and felt the waves crashing below and the salt spray fly onto your face? Have you never felt the tug of a current, or stayed on the shore even as the tide comes up to your legs, then up to the harbour wall? Have you never stepped into her fierce embrace and wished to never leave?
The ocean is restless, yes, and wild, and dangerous. She will be tamed by nobody.
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boycritter · 5 days
things that make me think lake thoughts
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starsstardust · 10 months
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About Love from the last 5 books I read
Amanda Lovelace, the princess saves herself in this one // Trista Mateer, Aphrodite Made Me Do It // Ocean Vuong, Night Sky with Exit Wounds // Phoenicia Rogerson, Herc // Ada Limon, Bright Dead Things
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delicris · 9 months
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Ocean Vuong || Dear T || Time Is a Mother
ALT text in the picture
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"Do not ask how the oceans blue, or why the tides their time do keep. To love, is simply to know this: the tides are true as the ocean is deep."
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pencap · 11 months
#sylvie speaks#(in the tags because this isn't a complete enough though to make a proper post out of)#(and i will probably delete it anyway)#i am having Thoughts about creating and sharing and credit#and what it means to be a creator on the internet#(as much as that term has become loaded now)#i have mostly accepted that i do not get to control what people do with my words once i post them in a public forum#i will ask and i will request and i will trust in the goodness of strangers#but there will always be some people acting in ignorance or malice#and really when it comes to things like gifsets and fics and such i am so so happy for people to use them#even if it's for a fandom/media/ship that i might personally dislike or find uncomfy or some such thing#because it inspired and someone found meaning in my words and that is. all i can ever really ask#and they tend to be well credited anyway#and even if they aren't i think most people recognize that the quotes probably came from someone else#i'm not even as upset about poems floating around wholesale uncredited#(i'd have a personal vendetta the size of the pacific ocean against pinterest if i did)#but when it becomes credited to someone else#or when someone else claims credit for it#that... that does upset me in ways i find hard to articulate#and takes me by surprise in its stark contrast to how little i care about the other kinds of usage#i think it's about ownership perhaps#it is one thing to let something go#it is another thing entire for someone else to take it for themselves#it is mine; or it was; and i don't mind sharing i really don't#you don't even have to say thank you or tell me you're using it or even say it's mine#(though i much much much prefer that you do)#but it feels deeply violating for someone else to slap their name on it#i am perhaps slightly more bitter about this than usual#bc i recently discovered another piece of blatant plagiarism#that isn't worth pursuing but it does make me sad
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hersurvival · 4 months
As a girl I lived on an island,
One you probably haven't heard of,
Because why would you?
All that to say, I was raised on the beach.
5 a.m: The sea foam, like champagne bubbles,
Washed ashore and clung around my ankles,
Leaving behind rings of wet sand.
8 a.m: The waves lapped at my knees,
I don't remember walking out this far,
But I am still safe, still in control.
By 11 a.m. I was up to the waist, surrounded,
And dragged out into the depths.
They always warn you about the undertow -
Before you know it, you're out of sight, too far.
And I've been stuck in the ocean ever since.
Have you ever swallowed the sea?
Waves crashing above your head,
Sending you under the surface?
It makes you sick.
You fight to float, to tread water,
No energy to waste on screaming.
No one can hear you out there
The tides change every twelve and a half hours.
But high-tide to low-tide,
You'll just keep getting farther out
At sea.
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amalgamationink · 5 months
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NAPOWRIMO24 #12: the pyrite age of pyracy
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asoftepiloguemylove · 2 months
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Saptajit Banerjee What does it mean to be human? // 스위트홈 Sweet Home (2020-2024) dir. Jang Young-woo; Lee Eung-bok; Park So-hyun // Victoria Schwab Vicious // Melissa Broder Problem Area from "Last Sext" // Clarice Lispector The Hour of the Star // 스위트홈 Sweet Home (2020-2024) dir. Jang Young-woo; Lee Eung-bok; Park So-hyun // Ocean Vuong On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous // George Seferis Collected Poems 1924-1955 // 스위트 홈 Sweet Home (2017-2020) cr. Kim Carnby & Hwang Young-chan // Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Brothers Karamazov // Frank Bidart Half-light: Collected Poems 1965-2016 // Florence + the Machine Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) // 스위트홈 Sweet Home (2020-2024) dir. Jang Young-woo; Lee Eung-bok; Park So-hyun // John Flaxman Scylla
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maryhall · 1 year
candlelight flickers in the dark
and i do not know who i am
the space between the bed and the wall
stretches as an abyss or watery grave
that laps at the legs of my bed
its dark consumes discarded blankets
drags them down like my own self
but still i wonder who i am
my true self lays at the very bottom
of the ocean with the whale fall
where marine snow falls lightly
onto the heads of little crabs
and larger ones eat them
until my body is nothing but bones
let me remain in this bed
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loonarmuunar · 1 year
The water laps and pulses. Growling, stroking, choking.
Same place same rhyme.
Sickly blues and black eat at the metal, as it has eaten before.
History repeats. Same rhyme.
The ocean feeds, as it was force-fed your oils and skins. The sweat on your back like those back in your sweatshops like the sweat in your blood money. Blood to a shark, you followed to the depths.
Pulsing, stroking, choking.
Air is pulsing and beating, the rhythm in your chest a weak drum. Deus ex machina’s abandoned lover. How many days? How many hours? How many minutes?
Unsinkable, indestructible, immortal.
Choking and choking and choking and waiting.
The sun is gone
Stroking, choking, dying
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headspacedad · 1 year
The Sea Wolf
when I was a very little kid, still in the single age digits, I found a poem I half memorized in a book at the library. 
Then, for the next thirty years or so I never saw it again, not even when I put the lines I remembered into internet search.  A few years back - I finally found it.  I still have no idea who wrote it but here it is:
The fishermen say, when your catch is done And you’re sculling in with the tide, You must take great care that the Sea Wolf’s share Is tossed to him overside.
They say that the Sea Wolf rides, by day, Unseen on the crested waves, And the sea mists rise from his cold green eyes When he comes from his salt sea caves.
The fishermen say, when it storms at night And the great seas bellow and roar, That the Sea Wolf rides on the plunging tides, And you hear his howl at the door.
And you must throw open your door at once, And fling your catch to the waves, Til he drags his share to his cold sea lair, Straight down to his salt sea caves.
Then the storm will pass, and the still stars shine, In peace-so the fisherman say- But the Sea Wolf waits by the cold Sea Gates For the dawn of another day.
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