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patchpane · 9 months ago
Most harrowing 15 minutes of my life
Watching the Points of Articulation discord channel freak out and the poll waffle between “tell the truth” and a fucking TIE right before the poll ended. Literally down the the final seconds. Jfc (I love you all thank you for reading and voting, that was a blast 💖🌲).
Still cannot believe it ended in a tie in the LAST TEN SECONDS. Good lord.
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Well, I guess y’all will find out what happens to Henry when the poll ties, hm? 👀
(If you 🫵🏻 would like to weigh in on future polls, come join Points of Articulation. It’s free to read and free to vote, and then you too can control what happens to our boy Henry.)
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dailymusemaniac · 1 year ago
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www.redbubble.com/people/Inspire76 popart style punks in love dreamai art
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spraykit · 3 months ago
tghe burner fandom is dying. Revlog if youre a true arsonist!!!!!!
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judejuggs · 26 days ago
A/B/O dynamics with my monk OCs. discuss.
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omega-floweys · 1 year ago
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predispusalascandal · 2 years ago
la mulți ani tuturor femeilor, dar mai ales miței biciclista, care mergea cu bicicleta, purta bikini și era overall super mișto
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srbachchan · 7 months ago
DAY 5983
Jalsa, Mumbai July 5, /July 6, 2024 Fri/Sat 4:21 PM
🪔 ,
July 06 .. birthday greetings to Ef Pronobesh Roy Choudhury from Kolkata .. 🙏🏻❤️
No apologies .. no asking for an delayed Blog reasons .. just the World of the Connect playing truant in my poart of this communicative World -
THE INTERNET .. truant is a veritable weak express , for it is not responsible for all that shall endeavour to be in the communication of the aspects of information - the EYE .. what you see, you receive respond enact .. it is the utmost now for all aspects pf life .. and more is on the way .. some of the genius minds that have been in contact recently have expressed in volumes, what the future holds ..
Alright .. so the week is coming to another end and the anticipation for the Sunday GOJ is awaited .. anticipation yes but also the apprehension of whether it shall be in the presence of the well wishers or not ..
बाहर निकलने से पहले, बड़ा डर लगा रहता है कि, पता नहीं वहाँ लोग होंगे या नहीं । और अगर होंगे तो उनका व्यवहार कैसा होगा । चिन्ता का विषय रहता है । लेकिन जब द्वार खुलता है, और आप सब का स्नेह देखता हूँ, तो बहुत भावुक हो जाता हूँ । सोचता हूँ, मैंने ऐसा क्या किया है जीवन मैं, जिस की वजह से इतना स्नेह प्राप्त होता है ।
फिर सांत्वना देता हूँ , पूज्य बाबूजी के शब्दों से -
मन का हो तो अच्छा, ना हो तो ज़्यादा अच्छा !!
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पूज्य बाबूजी को !
मेरा स्नेह सदा आपके साथ !!
My gratitude and love ever with you all ... ❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan अमिताभ बच्चन
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niamh-writes-things · 6 months ago
dbd pjo ideas!!!
so, first of all i think it's pretty obvious that edwin is a son of athena, but i think it could also be cool to make him a son of a minor god/goddess like Oizys (goddess of despair) because it would be ironic, but i still think that athena works best
charles i'm not too sure about because he definately could be a few of them, if we want to go for irony then make him be percy and be a son of Poseidon (him and percy feel very similar both backstory and personality-wise so i'm tempted to go for poseidon)
for crystal i thought maybe psyche (goddess of the soul) or again, apollo because of her visions which could be changed into being prophecies, or she can be the rachel elizabeth dare of the series and have no godly parent and just be the human,mortal oracle who hangs around during summer hbut also i think she should be a half blood because then she gets to come on more adventures, she also could be hecate (godess of magic)
Niko was the trickiest for me to come up with but i think she could be a child of Aphrodite because of how much she loves love in the series. either that or iris (rainbow) becasue of all the bright colours she wears
charles can keep his bag - a nice Hephaestus camper made it for him and he loves it
will either update this when i've had more ideas or make a poart two so keep an eye out
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patchpane · 8 months ago
A Malevolent reference? In my Malevolent-inspired participatory serial novel where the protagonist is possessed by some kind of eldritch entity and the audience gets to vote on what happens each week? (It's more likely than you think).
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vypridae · 2 months ago
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officialromaniantranslatiuni · 10 months ago
Ascult ca tot milenialul roman muzica veche si mi-am adus aminte cand un reporter a incercat putin circ intre Andreea Antonescu de la Andre si Giulia Anghelescu de la Candy.
Reporter: A zis Giulia ca ea a fost prima cu codite si tu ai copiat-o.
Andreea: A zis cumva a inventat si apa minerala?
*cum a fost de fapt*
Giulia: Coditele se potriveau cu stilul meu muzical. Dupa au inceput si alte fete sa le poarte.
Reporter: Cum e Andreea Antonescu?
Giulia: Probabil.
Ironia e ca au pus in reportaj secventele fix asa si asa am invatat de foarte tanara cand de rahat e presa. Asta si cand profa de jurnalism a zis ca titlurile articolelor trebuie sa fie dramatice chiar daca sunt "usor" false.
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un-suflet-anonim · 10 months ago
Nimănui nu-i este ușor să râdă când îl doare sufletul,
Nimănui nu-i este ușor să-și ascundă durerea și lacrimile, în spatele unui zâmbet,
Nimănui nu-i este ușor să poarte atâtea lupte de unul singur, și să mai găsească puterea să meargă mai departe,
Nimănui nu-i este ușor.
Dar asta nu dă dreptul nimănui să arunce cu pietre, să calce în picioare, să lovească în inimile altor oameni.
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celeestial · 1 year ago
Te as astepta o viata și încă o zi.
Te as astepta pana as rămâne fără respiratie.
Dar nu mai pot stagna.
Am încercat prin toate modurile posibile sa te fac sa te intorci
Răspunsul tău a fost mereu același.
Nu ma poți invinui pentru ca am avut speranta ca totul o sa se schimbe
Dar acum nu mai pot sa sper
Nu mai pot sa sper ca tu o sa realizezi candva cat de mult te iubesc
Pentru ca tu deja o știi
Te as astepta o viata și încă o zi
Dar iti mulțumesc ca m ai lăsat sa plec
Singura nu as fi reusit niciodată
Te as fi asteptat mereu cu mancarea calda
Cu un zambet
Și cu speranta ca azi e diferit
Ca poate m ai văzut in vis
Ca poate m ai văzut in rochie alba
Ca poate m ai iertat
Te as astepta o viata și încă o zi
Dar as vrea sa ma simt iubita.
Sa îmi porti poza in portofel
Sa o scoți mandru și sa spui
"Ea o sa îmi poarte numele"
As vrea sa vad in ochii tai iubire iar
Atunci când ma atingi
Nu doar disperare
Nu doar pofta
Nu doar nevoie
Te as astepta o viata și încă o zi
Dar nu mai pot sa îți scriu scrisori
Fără un răspuns înapoi
Fără o dovada de iubire
Ci doar o obligatie
Nu pot accepta cum te uiți la mine și nu ți mai vezi viitorul in ochii mei
Ci doar o obligatie.
O nostalgie.
Te as astepta o viata și încă o zi
Dar asta este ultima mea scrisoare către tine
Poate in alta viata, băiatul meu frumos
Știi ca eu o sa te aștept acolo
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baoinsirius · 5 months ago
Tot ce ti doresc… (Blestem la fericire / Partea I )
Când pierduta n privirea ta cu sufletul îndurerat am rămas
Tu te ai ridicat si fără a ma anunța din viața mea mi te ai retras ,
Te ai îndepărtat si inima mi ai întristat
Când te am privit cum spre necunoscut te ai distanțat.
M am oprit si am ales sa te privesc cum din viața ta m ai aruncat
Si nici măcar atunci iubirea mea pentru mine n a încetat.
N am putut opri niciodată dragostea ce ți-am purtat
Oricât de mult sufletul si inima mi au întristat.
Cu toate astea, din depărtare si cu sufletul secat
Îmi doresc inima si sufletul să-ți fie vindecat
Și plin de iubire și fericire îndeplinit
Alături de sufletul ce într-o zi o să-ți fie întâlnit.
Dragostea mea, să-ți poarte-n viață sufletul protejat
Și alături de omul iubit să-ți fie ghid fără de păcat.
Lacrimile durerii provocate să-ți spele drumul sufletului blocat
Și de un nou început să ți-l lase nemarcat.
Golul din sufletul tău ,de iubirea viitorului să-ți fie umplut
Si de umbrele iubirii mele preconceput.
Dorul meu să-ți aducă norocul din necunoscut
Si spre o viață plină de iubire să-ți fie susținut.
Îmi doresc ca lacrimile din ochii mei întristați
Să-mi fie uscate de fericirea ochilor tăi pătați
Și chiar dacă o altă iubire în ei îmi reflectați
Eu am să fiu la fel de uimită de cât sunt de minunați.
N-am să mi te umilesc si nici răul n-am să-ți doresc,
N-am să te urăsc și nici n-am să încetez t te iubesc.
N-am să -ți vorbesc și din umbra sufletul am să ți-l însoțesc
N-am să-ți mai cânt dar nici să-ți descânt.
Și-n final așa cum sufletul meu s-a întristat
Al tău de bucurie, liniște și iubire să fie apăsat
Și așa cum eu am rămas cu gândul la tine plecat
Așa să ți se plece ție sufletul de greutatea fericirii adoptat.
Toata durerea din trecut să-ți fie înzecită sub forma iubirii viitorului apropiat
Și așa cum lacrimile , sufletul ți-au îndurerat
Așa să ți se plece inima la bucuria unui nou început încuviințat
Și așa să-ți-ncânte ochii, viitorul minunat ce nu-ți l-ai imaginat.
Și când din urmă te voi privi
Indiferent de mâna cui vei fii
Tu sufletul mi-l vei umple de bucurii
Că fericit și liniștit sufletul ți-l voi știi.
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shallahi-and-snowflake · 5 months ago
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docholligay · 1 year ago
Ep 4: Misty
Hello! This is about up to Episode 4 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY episode 4 of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond the fourth episode, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
I feel like every time I watch this show and specifically every time I watch Misty, all I can say is “Holy shit, oh my god” and though it is not very interesting, it is always right. I laughed ALOUD at the “do people write notes…before they���re murdered, or is that more of a suicide thing?” I have never identified with Misty more even though I would not be surprised if in fact Misty did kill Travis. Why? I mean, at this point I’d be satisfied with “for the same fucking reason she pulled Nat’s starter” to bring her closer
Which is sort of a tangential segue into what I wanted to talk about with Misty and her being a CNA. I am so embarrassed I didn’t see this before, but it’s just a natural outgrowth of her desire for people to NEED her, to be placed in a position where she’s the one who can help. But she couldn’t hack it as a nurse, I guess, or the schooling, so here she is, and it’s not at all what she imagined, it’s bringing jello to old people. 
This is another reason why it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Misty were at the heart of a lot of this. It’s getting the band back together! It’s reconsturcting a part of Misty’s life that, so far, we’re shown is some of the happiest she’s ever been, because she is useful, and in groups like this, she can’t be on the outs. She can be teased, but even when they tease her about wanting to give a sponge bath to Coach Ben, she is more a part of this group than she has been before. She is more a poart of SOMETHING. 
So, even to the extreme negative, I absofuckinglutely think Misty is capable of this shit, and quite willing to engage in it--we see how she has access to people who can hack email, she can track people down, and she knows enough about being caught to know how NOT to be caught. 
So where do we think her obsession with coach Ben is going? I mean, TIMES ARE TOUGH, we’re out here with exactly two guys and a lot of women who so far assume they dig on dudes and also are swelling with hormones. But I think Misty was latched onto him long before we ever boarded that plane. His leg has made him rely on her, and that reliance feels like love to her, I think, even if there is no way in heaven or hell Ben would be interested. 
Fucking tailing Nat after Nat tells her the plans are none of her business, Jesus Christ, Misty, and it’s just another example of how Misty doesn’t understand why no one likes her and why she can’t have friends. Nat is no fucking peach, and I’m the first to say that, but Misty either has no actual idea about appropriate ways to act, or doesn’t care. And really, I think it’s a little of both, i think Misty has somehow talked herself into the idea that she alone, bullied and beleaguered, has the right to act however she wants because she’s HELPING. When she stalks Nat, she sees it as HELPING, she talks herself into the fact that she is looking out for her, she ‘has her back’ this isn’t creepy, it’s helpful. I think to a very large extent, she buys her own bullshit on this. 
It’s pathetic as fuck, but Nat is the closest thing she has to a friend. It’s such a perfect moment when the gal that she takes out as a cover (brilliant, by the way, I laughed. Great touch.) tells her that she reminds her of her granddaughter and “no one really likes her either” 
The show is working with Misty in such a way that it wants to show us how a person can be lonely and unliked and to what extent do we allow ourselves to feel like they have it coming?
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