#po was already dead i replaced her
i had a dream i was fighting somebody and my ultimate move was ending the world via waking up
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Have the silly Swap/John Doe AU me and @marys-ghost have created !! (Yes I consider you a creator of it you help me with ideas /silly /pos)
Yes I'm aware that there's already some aus & designs (I saw like. one andy! Ezra/John design once) of this already but FUCK YOU (/lhj) THIS IS OUR TAKE ON IT !! (no hate to the other ones btw they're all silly)
Penny Lamb ; " The Guiltiest Girl In Town . "
[ █▅▅▅ █▅▅█ ] 'John Doe' ; " ██▅ █▅▅█ █▅▅▆▅▅▅ ▇▅▇ ▇▅ ▇▅▅▅ . "
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Elaboration under the cut
small summary ! What if Ezra & Penny had swapped places? Well, here's our take on that concept!! :]
Both of them went to the fall fair with the choir, but Penny decided not to go on the Cyclone (as she has a fear of roller coasters), staying behind to try and win some prizes for her and her little brother while he went with the choir's family/friends(the cut characters). Penny tried winning a Raggedy Ann to match with the Raggedy Andy that Ezra had won, but ended up with the porcelain doll we're all familiar with instead. She's grown rather fond of the thing,, but yeah. Temporary split up, and then the Cyclone accident happened. Father Markus prevented Penny from seeing the aftermath of it all(or. he hoped he did,, up to interpretation!), and Ezra was left unidentified once Father Markus died from a heart attack. Penny's been searching everywhere top to bottom— but she knows Ezra's gone. Yet, she doesn't wanna believe it, and. Carries a lot. of regret & guilt. Nobody ever listened to her when she tried to identify him, due to her reputation as a "psycho cannibal kid that maimed a dude, born & raised from a place where all the adults were higher than freakin' skyscrapers." Plus her. Criminal record in general. Therefore, Ezra was labeled as John Doe.
While in limbo, he ain't doing too hot either, supposedly! Unlike most versions of Jane, John is purposefully pissed off. Knowing he's been fucked over entirely but can't completely pinpoint it. I'd like to think he gets along well with Astrid,, but he & Corey might have a rivalry similar to Penny & Ocean's. haters frfr/silly
Also yeah Ez gets Raggedy Andy head the Lamb siblings r so Ann & Andy coded /pos
So. the choir never die, but the cut characters do. Unfortunately includes Talia, as we need 6 people dead. 😭
Oh yeah Penny's also filled with spite & a sheer hatred for Uranium. She will throw hands or kill a man as seen here
still kinda in progress & I do have more info for it but that's the basic plot line !!
Definitely gonna draw them a lot they're silly/vvpos
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the fornication under consent of the king bit is replaced with John beatboxing/rapping. Trishna is terrified.
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Kung Fu Panda 4 - Edited
A really, really long discussion post.
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve expressed an explicit opinion on anything, hasn’t it? Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever done a hot-take post. I guess now is as good a time as any to write my first one, given our current situation...
So, the elephant (panda?) in the room: CinemaCon.
While we’ve hardly even had twenty-four hours to process this new information, I know that there are already a lot of strong opinions out there, and many of which are displeased. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone who’s necessarily happy about the news we received yesterday, and while everyone has differing reasons as to why they’re not thrilled, I think there are a lot of common factors among the skeptics. IMO, all of the concerns I’ve heard since the announcements have been understandable. Here’s a list of the most significant concerns:
Chen/Fox Warrior
A replacement for the Dragon Warrior
A villain whose “power” is (potentially) resurrecting past villains from the dead
The Furious Five and their relevancy
Director Mike Mitchell
Many fans are finding themselves confused with this alleged plot, mainly because (to put things bluntly) it doesn’t make any sense. I have a plethora of questions in regards to the second bullet alone, imagine how many I have in total!
You won’t have to imagine, actually, because I’m doing you all the favor of writing down my every thought. Strap in, folks!
First of all, who is Chen (?) and why is she relevant? While these are things that will, without question, need to be answered in the upcoming film, I’m still feeling apprehensive. Why would Po choose her as the next Dragon Warrior, a title that for three consecutive movies has been regarded as the highest possible title that any living being in this universe can achieve? What makes Chen the next Dragon Warrior, what makes her eligible? The Dragon Warrior is essentially OP at their full potential, and if we’re assuming that this title can in fact be passed on, why would Po give this power and influence to someone he meets in the same movie in which he makes the life-altering decision to seek out an heir? Why wouldn’t he at least choose someone he knows closely, rather than someone he initially doesn’t get along with (as stated in the plot description) and likely doesn’t trust? In my mind, the movie could only justify that choice with some sort of “message from the universe” making itself known to Po and telling him to choose Chen as his successor, but if that’s the road the writers end up going down, then I’d have to reiterate: why?
Backtracking for a second. We have never had any reason to believe that “another” Dragon Warrior existing is even a possibility, forget the concept of them co-existing with the current and original Dragon Warrior. Didn’t the initial significance and nuance of the title come from the fact that there is only one person who can be the Dragon Warrior, because the concept of the “Dragon Warrior” isn’t so much a title as it is Po himself? The universe (Oogway) must choose the Dragon Warrior because they are a singular being of legend. It is one person, and that person is Po. Wasn’t the point of the first film that the title ultimately doesn’t really matter because there is no “secret ingredient,” so to speak? The title doesn’t actually give Po anything. “It’s just you,” Po says, and that was the resolution.
Let’s set all of that aside for a moment, because I have a follow-up question: why in the world would Po be finding a replacement so soon? Yes, the alleged plot states that he’s been given a promotion and therefore wants someone else to fill in for him as the Dragon Warrior, but that doesn’t make sense to me. Why would Po’s new status (as something along the lines of the “Spiritual Leader/Master” of the Valley of Peace) hold him back from being the Dragon Warrior? If there’s something else behind him wanting to leave the role behind, I’m listening, but right now it feels very unbelievable. Why is he doing this so early in his life? He’s been the Dragon Warrior for four or five years at most, why is he throwing in the towel so soon? He’s young and has so much ahead of him, especially after all that he’s done. He’s built prestige and respect over the years and he’s so proud of his role as the Dragon Warrior. I’m confused!
One could make the argument that Po wants to settle down, which I’ve seen a few times on different social sites as a suggestion. However, he has shown no interest in such things in the past. He’s always excited to travel and see new things, so to see such a sudden change in attitude and priorities would likely have to be the result of a drastic occurrence. Po is not giving up his title as the Dragon Warrior, at least not with the way things are now. I’m not necessarily adverse to bold decisions being made in sequels, but this is probably too sharp of a turn for me to be okay with it. 
Is it even possible for Po to no longer hold the title? If we reference what I stated earlier, about the title being not so much a title but rather just Po himself, could we even consider that Po can just spontaneously decide to not be the Dragon Warrior anymore? He was chosen by the universe; can he UNO reverse card the universe? 
So many paragraphs, and I haven’t even gotten around to discussing the villain or the Furious Five. Let’s see how long I can write before my passion-induced rant starts to fizzle out!
In regards to the villain, I’m conflicted. 
On the bright side, I’ve been rooting for a female villain for as long as I’ve been in the fanbase. A female villain could add something really new and fresh to the series, giving fans a new perspective and experience altogether. The only canonical female villains in the KFP universe as of right now are the Wu Sisters, who are some of my personal favorite villains to ever come out of the franchise.
Additionally, rumors suggest that the chameleon can shape-shift. The idea of a shapeshifting villain (who potentially possesses dark magic, or something similar) is admittedly really cool. In an unreleased (unfinished) discussion post, I go into detail regarding the advantages of a manipulative villain. If the chameleon is as manipulative as her shape-shifting powers suggest, she could actually be pretty interesting to watch. Of course, being me, I’d prefer emotional manipulation over anything else, but that’s still a possibility!
In the plot description, it’s stated that the chameleon has the ability to “summon” villains from Po’s past. While it’s been assumed that this is in reference to full on resurrection, there’s still some wiggle room for speculative variation. There are disagreements and conflicting information on whether or not the chameleon can actually revive Po’s former adversaries, as some claim that she has the ability to resurrect the dead (perhaps via dark magic), while others state that she simply takes on their form to mess with Po.
Let’s assume that the chameleon is legitimately able to bring back villains that Po has done away with in previous movies. Isn’t that an incredibly easy way to make it seem like Po is going to experience difficulty in defeating this movie’s opposing force? While I’ll admit that coming up with someone/something that will make Po falter and struggle was never going to be an easy task, especially at this stage, I can’t help but feel as though there’s a bit lacking in the creative department. It’s also a bit insulting, to be honest, because if this new villain has to rely on the reputations and powers of previous villains to put up a fight, then is this a villain worth paying any real mind to? Does she pose any kind of true threat?
Personally, I hope that the whole resurrection theory is false. I don’t think it would be in the best interest of anyone if the past villains were to come back in any way that’s not a flashback (even then, I’m not sure I’d see the point). In all honesty, I thought that the whole point of the villains was that they died and stayed dead. They were defeated by Po once and for all as a testament to the idea of establishing Po's character growth and journey as a person through the bad things he’s able to overcome. It’d be highly contradictory to the messages of the other films if these villains were to suddenly come back.
For a while, there were theories floating around that suggested that Kung Fu Panda 4′s villain would have some significance to Tigress. The thought process behind this follows a “villain formula” of sorts; each movie villain so far has been connected to a main character through that respective character’s past. Tai Lung was Shifu’s failed prodigy; a fallen angel archetype. Shen killed Po’s mother and led a genocide on his people in a feeble and desperate attempt to save himself from his own fate. Kai was Oogway’s former fellow warlord and brother-in-arms, seeking revenge for the betrayal he felt had been enacted upon him.
I am a full-fledged supporter of the next villain having a connection to Tigress. Unfortunately, though, it doesn’t seem likely given the information we currently have. This chameleon, from what we know at this point in time, has absolutely no connection to Po or anyone in the main cast. I’d even go as far as to say that there’s more of a reason to believe the chameleon will have a connection to Chen; mainly because I think that if Chen needs to be integrated into the main cast, that’s the way the writers are going to go. The problem with this, however, is that it doesn’t make that much sense given how significant of a character Tigress has become in the franchise.
Take everything I say with a grain of salt, though, because in truth, we really don’t know that much about our new villain. This chameleon could very well have a connection to Tigress! We won’t know until the time is right, I suppose.
I’ll use Tigress as a segue to talk about the Furious Five, because unlike in the third film and god-forsaken TV shows, they’re actually relevant here! Personally, I think that the Furious Five still have a bit to offer as characters, for found family feels and to act as nostalgic plot devices if for nothing else. I love the five, and while I can understand if the upcoming film's story doesn't call for their involvement as frequently as in KFP 1 and 2, I would still very much appreciate their presence throughout the movie instead of being totally cast aside like in the third movie.
That said, though, I have a different opinion regarding Tigress. She has always stood out as the most significant member of the Furious Five (to both the audience and Po) and has been very impactful to Po and his journey; she was especially important in Kung Fu Panda 2, during which she was shown coming out of her shell and showing something akin to affection towards Po. Their interactions were later described by Guillermo del Toro (who I believe worked on the movie as a creative consultant) as possessing “the hint of a romance.” Whether or not the fourth movie will decide to capitalize on this idea is fully up in the air. It’s been stated by former directors that the theme of romance in KFP would only ever be applied in a comical fashion, but those directors may no longer be involved at all. I’m a Po and Tigress enjoyer, but I’d much rather KFP 4 be a good, solid movie than it being weak and trying to hold itself up with a shallow romantic subplot with Po and Tigress. I would also hate (with the fury of a thousand suns) to see Tigress’s character reduced to that of a love interest; she’s strong, capable, independent, and totally awesome. If she has a larger role in the fourth movie, I’d watch her being a cold-hearted badass a thousand times over before I sit through two hours of her being overtly out-of-character for the sake of a “classic romance” with Po. A relationship between them could work, and I’ll be supportive of it if it’s done well, but it doesn’t and shouldn’t have to happen for the movie to be emotional and impactful and mean something.
I have an unfortunate yet strong suspicion that the Furious Five will be tossed to the curb in this movie, and I really hope I’m wrong, because they’re fun characters that help encapsulate the original feel of the franchise. They’re a key part of what gave Po his beginnings in the world of martial arts, and they’re also the people he desperately wanted to be like throughout his childhood (and young adult years). They’re his best friends, and while I want Po to have adventures of his own, I don’t want his origins to be forgotten in favor of new characters. I want the nostalgia, alright? Is that wrong? No, and if it were, I wouldn’t want to be right. Speaking of long-time characters, what about Shifu? I can’t help but wonder what he’ll be up to during this whole debacle. Meditating, perhaps? I hope nobody in the writers’ room decides it’s Shifu’s time to go, which has been a growing concern of mine since learning of Po’s ambiguous “promotion.”
The movie’s director, Mike Mitchell, has been involved with KFP before, but not to the extent of previous directors. While I know little information about him, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and I’ll maintain that sentiment until the movie releases. A potential (confirmed?) co-director is Stephanie Stine, the director of Raya and the Last Dragon.
Final thoughts, summarized:
The plot is kinda off and contradicts both Po’s character arc and the other movies
A female chameleon is the villain, which is maybe the only aspect of the movie I can get behind
The Furious Five and Shifu may be completely ignored (again)
The whole “passing of the torch” storyline does not work given Po’s situation
Chen’s character doesn’t make sense
I’m not familiar with the director(s) 
If you took the time to read this post, kudos to you. I hope I was able to help you arrange your thoughts regarding this news, because I’m still a bit scatter-brained myself (which is a feeling that I think we can all relate to at the moment). I’ll likely add more to this post over time, whether it be via re-blogs or simple edits. I think of something new to add to this post every few minutes, which I’ve been doing for a few hours now...
Let’s end on a positive note, because I know I was a bit of a downer here:
The title looks pretty cool, I’m not gonna lie. I like the scale texture!
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shamefulzombie · 1 year
Your art is so good it makes explode/pos
Anyway I’m like, super super curious what your full story headcanon is between Lilac and Ethan!! Will it be revealed in later pieces?
That’s all I wanted to ask, ur super cool!!!!
Thank you! A lot of people been eating my drawings lmfao
I’m glad so many of you guys love my art style cuz I used to hate it and tried to change it multiple times ty 💀
And about Lilac and Ethan, I don’t know how to write much (I can only express through art) but I headcanon them to like, trying to be friends before. I probably didn't check this fully, i went yolo on this writing 👇
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I like to imagine the two popular musicians have posters all over the town/city.
Since Lilac is like 44, she probably (almost) lost her touch to playing the guitar, getting frustrated because she adores playing her guitar and enjoys the popularity that brings her comfort. Her popularity is slowly dying down and she notices her posters are getting replaced by Ethan’s and him doing most of the promotions, obviously she gets jealous.
Lilac and Ethan one day a meet up somewhere, she noticed it was the same musician that replaced her posters. At first, Lilac was pretty chill with him, not trying to cause a big problem. Kind of creating a friendly rivalry for the two, bragging towards each other, singing at a karaoke, playing music altogether. Then like there’s like a concert music competition, Lilac finds out he’s only 19 and since she hangs out with him, noticed he's already like super talented at music (prob any kind of music), earning more appreciation from the public than her. That messed her up and fears losing, boom- Ethan’s dead, causing devastation upon the world since Ethan was that popular. Luckily for Lilac, she got away and the popularity slowly returned to her, but Unknown Cultist [Effect 2], does some…investigation. (Oh and I like to think Effect 2 and Ethan are close, well, inspired by potiman and splatjack’s Orin Ayo theory lore)
You guys don’t have to follow my HC ✋
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crystalwhisp · 10 months
Your fnaf au! Do you have a list so far of what characters and ideas you have sorted?
Why yes I do!
So I already have a post about the animals/characters each of the boys is regardless of model generation (Edds=bear/Freddy, Matts=barn owl/Chica, Toms= Rabbit/Bonnie, Tords=Fox/Foxy. The only exception to this rule is the Circus or Funtime animatronics
The one I haven't gone over yet are:
Lolipop kid (AK) who replaces balloon boy and hands out lolipops to guests!
JJ doesn't have a replacement yet so send me asks for ideas!
The puppet (Laurel) who replaces the marionette and worked the prize corner!
I still gotta go over the human characters and the souls that poses the animatronics! (Please note that most of these are ocs made specifically for this au cuz I wanted more girl characters and didn't know how to use the background ones from Eddsworld)
Rosetta Silver fills Afton's role of resident child murderer and, in the interest of not giving away too much before her solo backstory post, she's a complete POS! Like you will want her DEAD by the time I'm done explaining.
Michie Goliard fills Mike Schmidts role as night guard. She's made some awful mistakes in her past but she has a kind heart and genuinely wants to make everything right.
Jessie Felbers fills the role of Jeremy Fitzgerald as the day shift guard! She is just the sweetest thing! Too bad she her head munched during "the incident." (More on that later) Not to worry though she lived and all it took was a little surgery! Btw her and Michie have a thing for each other.
Now for the aforementioned children (Tw child death and description of said death, details about the victims personalities always come first as they are more important than how they died NOTHING WILL BE USED FOR SHOCK)
Bea is the little Italian girl possessing Withered Eddy and Toy Elly (I'll explain joint/twin possession later). Timid and mild mannered, she loved singing and sewing. She was 10 years old.
Cause of death: She was stabbed
Hilde is the little German girl possessing Withered Matt and Toy Matilda. She loved helping bake sweets and was very sweet herself. She was 8 years old.
Cause of death: She had an artery cut open and was left in the deep freezer in the back.
Kaia is the little Māori girl possessing Withered Tom and Toy Tamara. She was loyal to a fault and a bit headstrong with a serious love for music. She was 9 years old.
Cause of death: She had her skull crushed.
Sunny is the little Norwegian girl possessing Withered Tord and Toy Tori. She had a special interest in marine life and was an adventurous child. She was 8 years old.
Cause of death: She was drowned in the kitchen dishwashing sink.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 70
Masterlist HERE.
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"Wouldn't you know We been hurt, been down before, nigga When our pride was low Lookin' at the world like, "Where do we go, nigga?" And we hate po-po Wanna kill us dead in the street for sure, nigga I'm at the preacher's door My knees gettin' weak and my gun might blow But we gon' be alright"
Kendrick Lamar – “Alright"
The former king of Wakanda, T'Challa Udaku stared at his cousin, the reigning monarch of the most powerful nation in the world. From his seat behind the stage, T'Challa watched King N'Jadaka stroll down the aisle of the United Nations gathering in New York flanked by the Dora Milaje and the handpicked onyx kingsguard in their obsidian uniforms and horned helmets.
Battle armor.
N'Jadaka's black robes were soft and billowy, but the glinting of gold from his golden jaguar necklace looked menacing around the thick neck resting on the wide chest. The gathered audience held its collective breath waiting for the king to face them.
Nakia stood at the podium waiting for the king to acknowledge and relieve her of the duty of introducing him. Head held high, lips painted dark to match her crisp black pantsuit, the love of T'Challa's life stepped aside once the king reached her. She stayed standing to the left of the king, eyeing the audience until she locked onto her target: Agent Ross.
T'Challa twisted his neck to catch a glimpse of the traitor spy.
Ross sat with a grin on his face, clapping along with everyone else as the assembly welcomed the new king. For a scant two seconds, T'Challa caught Ross's attention and the C.I.A. operative dipped his head toward him. T'Challa lifted his chin and then turned back to watch his cousin speak.
The rumble in N'Jadaka's chest made his voice sound even more powerful as he addressed the assembly. T'Challa felt the crackle of nervous energy grow thicker the longer N'Jadaka spoke. The leaders of nations far and wide witnessed a new style of leadership they were not prepared for. The king had been forceful and direct at his address in Geneva a couple of months back, but today he was scathing. Critical. His words scorched the plans that the various leaders present had for controlling Wakanda's resources. The anger in the room was palpable. N'Jadaka retracted and rescinded every promise T'Challa had made to the same assembly four years ago.
T'Challa glanced at his lady love Nakia.
She surveyed the responses in the room and kept her face neutral as N'Jadaka gave the leaders a tongue lashing with disdain in his throat. T'Challa checked for any signs of fatigue in Nakia. She'd been on her feet for hours with N'Jadaka as they toured the facility and met privately with other African leaders. She swiped a hand across her belly once and T'Challa couldn't suppress the smile on his face.
Nakia carried his child.
She was only four months along, but she was already showing signs of weight gain in her midsection and face. No one in the family knew yet. They had wanted to keep it a surprise until she was further along and could find the words to tell N'Jadaka that he would have to find a replacement for her as the Ambassador of Wakanda.
His cousin would be miffed of course, but there would be happiness too. He would know that they both finally got what they wanted. Their own family.
T'Challa wiggled his fingers and exhaled a short breath to keep himself from bolting up in his seat and announcing to the world that he was about to be a father… and a husband soon.
Ramonda patted his left thigh.
"Are you alright?" Ramonda asked.
She sensed his restlessness.
T'Challa wanted to be back at their hotel with Nakia, rubbing her stomach and cooing to the tiny fetus making magic of their genetic blending. He patted his mother's hand.
"I am fine. Tired," he whispered back.
"He will make short work of this," Ramonda said.
She removed her hand from his and he prayed to Bast to keep his lips sealed because he was screaming on the inside to tell her she would finally be a grandmother. Ramonda turned her head to observe the other side of the room and his maniacal grin paused her movement.
"What is going on with you?" she asked.
"Nothing," he said.
Her raised eyebrow and pursed lips disagreed with him.
N'Jadaka's speech lasted a full forty-five minutes and then Nakia took the podium once more.
"King N'Jadaka will not be answering any questions at this time. Thank you," she said.
The Doras and the kingsguard surrounded N'Jadaka and Nakia, escorting them out of the assembly room. Agent Ross stood up, buttoned his suit jacket, and glared at T'Challa.
"Come," Ramonda said, stepping quickly behind the king, bringing up the rear of the entourage.
T'Challa stayed by Ramonda's side. When they passed Ross, the agent darted forward.
"Can we talk?"
Ross's voice sounded hollow and bitter.
"Not now," T'Challa said, keeping step with the Wakandans he was assigned to protect.
News camera flashes and shouts to get a statement blasted them outside of the main room. They kept moving, entering dark Lincoln SUVs waiting for them out front.
"So it begins," Ramonda said.
"We are prepared for the fallout," T'Challa said.
Back at the hotel, the immediate family joined together, sequestering themselves in a room to watch the news of N'Jadaka's speech. Shuri, Ramonda, Nakia, and T'Challa were joined by Disa, Joba, and Disa's new companion, the Jabari architect, Adebiyi. Disa flew to America with them as a drop-off point for her and her daughter to visit her family for an extended break away from Wakanda. N'Jadaka left Yani and their children back home in Wakanda. The new school year had started and Yani didn't want to take her two little ones out for a two-week tour with the king.
The news on the screen wasn't favorable to Wakanda. Pundits painted the new king with a vicious brush, making him out to be a despot as N'Jadaka had predicted. The king watched the news with a tight face. Afterward, he spoke to Disa alone and hugged his daughter with their preparation to depart for Canada. The night before, N'Jadaka had spoken to Adebiyi alone for hours and then a Dora was assigned to them for the duration of their visit. Things must've been serious between Disa and Adebiyi because he was meeting her family.
There was a distant respect between N'Jadaka and the Jabari outsider. Disa was a prized jewel in the Udaku clan, however, an alliance with kin to Jabari leadership was seen as a plus. Nothing scandalous would come from families uniting. T'Challa got a kick out of thinking about M'Baku possibly becoming a relative in the future.
After dinner and taking time away from politics, T'Challa finally had time to be with Nakia by himself. He slipped down to her hotel floor and they embraced in her hotel room behind closed doors.
"I have missed you so," he whispered in her ear.
Nakia's lush lips smothered his and they undressed quickly. Time was not their own in America, and he was expected to start protective patrols in three hours. Once out of her clothes, Nakia's swelling belly was so obvious that it made T'Challa laugh with pride. He kissed down her neck and chest until he sprinkled more kisses all over her stomach.
"How is my little one today?" he asked.
"I may have felt something earlier… I'm not sure," she said.
Her fingers brushed through his curls as he stayed pressing his ear against her tummy. He stood and cradled her face in his hands, kissing her harder. Nakia's fingers reached down to the hot and heavy dick that stuck out between them.
"You are so quick," she teased.
He moaned while her hand fisted him slowly, the head of his dick swollen and pooling pre-cum all over her fingers.
"Only because you are so ready," he chuffed, fingering the wet petals of her folds.
The inner lips of her pussy were puffed wide open and slippery. He dipped two fingers in to test the amount of lubrication she had. She soaked his digits. T'Challa licked his fingers tasting the salty sweetness she produced. It had become even sweeter now that she was pregnant.
"You taste delicious," he said tugging on her hardened right nipple.
T'Challa guided Nakia to their hotel bed and drenched her skin all over with wet kisses and expert licks of his tongue between her thighs. Climbing above her slowly, he entered her depths with gentle assurance as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He dipped in and out of her with small grunts and watched her face contort in pleasure. Pushing her thighs back, he watched his dick make motions inside of her, pulling moans and eye rolls from Nakia. Her back arched and she came quickly, huffing warm breath in his ear. Clutching his shoulders, she giggled when he swore to Bast and emptied his warm cum in thick splashes against her sticky walls. He nibbled on her neck.
"Laughing at me?" he teased.
She smooched his response away before tugging on his bottom lip with her teeth.
"We don't last very long together anymore," she said, wiping sweat away from his brow.
He lifted off of her, conscious of his weight on her midsection.
"N'Jadaka keeps you away from me a lot these past few weeks and I can't hold back," he said.
"Well… we shall have plenty of time to be together more. When should we tell them?"
T'Challa glanced at his kimoyo beads.
"Within the next hour would be best," he said.
A crease across Nakia's forehead forced T'Challa to fold her into his arms.
"Are we doing the right thing?" she asked.
"You are having doubts, my love?"
"Not about us having a child together, but me stepping away from my duties. I can still work up until I give birth."
He tried not to show disappointment on his face. She caressed his cheek and pecked her lips against his forehead.
"You don't want me to work."
"I think it will be difficult for us to enjoy the process if we are both busy. If you are the Ambassador, you will be away from Wakanda all the time."
"But you will be working too."
"I am the Black Panther. I have the power to come and go. You do not. I want you to enjoy this time for yourself, and not worry about the nation. Let me handle the politics. You concentrate on you and our little one."
He touched her rounded belly again, his fingers spread wide to protect the blessing within.
"Well, I would like to at least attend to Haiti as N'Jadaka wanted. Once the school and technical institute have their ceremonial opening next month, I will resign," she said.
"Good. Now, have you made your decision about our wedding?"
"I would like for us to wed six months after the baby is born. It will be too much to prepare for birth and nuptials at the same time."
"As you wish."
He nuzzled his face against hers. Both their kimoyos lit up in the dark lavender signature of the king.
"He summons us," Nakia said with bated breath.
A sly grin curled his lips.
"It's time," he said.
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N'jadaka sipped on cucumber water and checked over the instructions he would send to his staff back in Wakanda. Slipping into his royal sandals, he prepared to meet up with the family for dinner and drinks.
Yani and their children were well. Seeing them on his kimoyo beads made him homesick. Especially for Yani. He missed her hand rubbing his head and the sound of her voice soothing his hectic nerves. They started having secret rendezvous outside of the chaperoned betrothal march parameters. No one could understand the physical aches they had for one another. Their sex together was otherworldly. Animalistic. Beyond the realm of making any damn sense. He'd fly a secret stingercraft to her home while the children were away and they'd fuck until his dick was raw and her pussy lips were swollen from the friction and deep pounding.
She knew how to have those pussy lips wide open and her legs up in the air once he swept into her bedroom, his raging erection poking holes through his royal trousers. Gripping under the big wide head of his dick, he always thrust in fast and she caught every stroke, giving it back to him purring his name, and scratching softly at the nape of his neck. The woman understood the proper way to talk him through explosive orgasms. He nutted hard and hollered every time like he was dying from lust and the completion of life itself. It scared him sometimes. Their vigorous sessions depleted him the way he needed to be drained after a difficult day. She deftly handled his body and the amount of cum he gushed into her, filling up every orifice in her body.
Each time he left her bed, it irritated him. But he had to play the royal game of propriety. The country was fully aware that he was going to marry Princess Yani Galiber in a year. They chose the day he first arrived in St. Thomas as their wedding date. It seemed so far away and not having her in his bed in the palace worked his nerves. He showed that attitude by making Yani get on her knees before he left her side. She got a kick out of his suffering and pining for her, taking advantage of the situation by sending him nasty holo vids of her playing with herself like she used to back on the island. Teasing him ratcheted up is desire. He beat off his heavy dick and she stared up at him with those doe eyes and parted lips, letting him call her salacious names so he could cum on her face, painting her lips and cheeks with his love and dominance. Once she became his wife he was going to do the real damage then. Fuck her every morning and night, giving up the random sneaky links that soured his sleep at night.
A knock at the door distracted him from thoughts of his woman.
His kimoyo let him know it was only family.
"Hey,' he said, letting her inside of his grand suite, "I thought you left already."
"We are, in about fifteen minutes. I just wanted to see you alone first," Disa said.
She looked radiant.
Her chocolate satin skin glowed with vitality and love. Dressed in a simple indigo caftan with a matching hijab, she clasped her hands together in a quiet display of peace.
"W'sup?" he said.
Disa threw her arms around him, smothering him against her soft plush body.
"Thank you," she said into his chest.
"For what?"
She pulled back from him slightly.
"This trip. Being cool with Adebiyi going to Canada with me and Joba. He told me about your talk. It made quite an impression on him. I was afraid my wanting to travel with him would upset you… I wanted him to meet Joba away from the palace… away from all the business there. It's not easy sharing this new part of me with her. Sometimes I think she'll be scared that you and I don't love each other anymore as co-parents. She sees all of us together as a family unit. I feel like I'm breaking up her world by bringing Adebiyi into it."
N'Jadaka held Disa's hand and squeezed it.
"Children adjust. I promise she'll be okay. I'm her only Daddy. Adebiyi is just your boy toy."
Disa punched him in the shoulder. He kissed her hand.
"I'm happy for you, Disa. Adebiyi is good enough for you in my book. He loves you."
Disa's eyes grew wide. He brushed a piece of lint from her hijab.
"That man thinks you are the air he breathes. M'Baku told me that his wife is over the moon because her brother has changed in so many ways because of you. Y'all fit the way you deserve a man to enrich your life. As long as he's good to my daughter, you have my support in seeing him for as long as you want."
Disa's eyes became glossy and he looked away quickly. He didn't want her to cry. N'Jadaka sensed her fear and hesitation about his feelings the moment she walked in. She'd been on eggshells the entire trip, so worried about the adjustment of their daughter meeting a boyfriend. It still stung in N'Jadaka's hidden places that he hadn't fulfilled that role of companionship for Disa as his youthful past had promised. However, they were closer than ever before as co-parents. Her happiness was his priority. If Adebiyi made her glow like that all the time, he was there for it to continue.
Mpilo knocked on the door urging his presence for the private family dinner.
"Wish you all were staying for one more meal," he said.
"We'll catch you all in a week."
"Is the tutor working out for Joba?"
"Yes. She's keeping up with her schoolwork and language lessons."
"Alright, get going," he said, nudging her toward the door with his hand against her lower back.
Outside of his suite, he watched Disa saunter down the hall. Mpilo grinned next to him.
"All is well, King N'Jadaka?" Mpilo said.
"All is well."
"This way."
He followed Mpilo toward another suite on a lower floor where a lavish meal was spread before the Udaku family present. Ramonda, Shuri, and T'Challa were already sipping wine. Nakia poured herself sparkling water flavored with raspberries. Unlike everyone else, Nakia was overdressed with layers.
Ramonda poured N'Jadaka a glass of red wine and handed it to him. He took his seat beside her and relaxed into having privacy and no responsibilities for the next few hours. Shuri began passing around platters and bowls as they all served themselves the food their private Wakandan chef had prepared in the hotel kitchen. N'Jadaka surprised himself with the change in his tastebuds. American food no longer suited his palate. He still craved the southern foods of his Black American roots, but anything fastfood or regular fare did not please his stomach.
"Agent Ross has been on my heels all day," Nakia said after they had eaten for a time.
"He could barely contain himself in the assembly," T'Challa added.
"The tide has shifted and he's no longer looked upon as the Wakandan insider. He's scrambling," N'Jadaka said.
Nakia glanced over at T'Challa who sat next to her. He gave her a look but then noticed N'Jadaka watching them carefully.
"Is there something you two need to tell us?" N'Jadaka said, stuffing his mouth with a forkful of pulled pork mixed with savory rice.
Nakia jolted like ice water was tossed down her back.
Ramonda and Shuri stopped eating and watched the both of them too. T'Challa rubbed a hand on Nakia's upper back.
"Now…?" Nakia whispered to T'Challa.
T'Challa cleared his throat. Nakia held his hand on the table.
"Queen Mother, Shuri, King N'Jadaka," Nakia began with lowered eyes, "we have some news to share."
"You are getting married!" Ramonda squealed, clapping her hands together and holding them near her face.
"Yes, next year, but there's something else," T'Challa said.
"I'm having a baby," Nakia said.
Ramonda almost knocked the chair over as she leaped to her feet and swept Nakia up into her bosom.
"Oh my Bast…oh my Bast!" Ramonda blurted with rushed breath.
Shuri simply grinned and gazed across the table at her brother. Ramonda smothered T'Challa with kisses and clutched both their hands in hers.
"Congratulations cuz."
N'Jadaka stood from his seat and gave his cousin a handshake and a loving pat on the shoulder. He kissed Nakia's hand and then her cheek. Sitting back down, he waited to hear what was coming next. For three months he'd been waiting for Nakia to come to him with news of her pregnancy. He caught wind of it early on once he noticed the change in her eating habits and avoidance of certain foods that she once favored. The energy about her shifted into a protective one and sometimes she became lost in her thoughts when he spoke of future plans. Her cheeks plumped up and the layered clothing came next.
"When is the baby coming?" Shuri asked.
"In five months," Nakia said, a sheen of relief falling across her face after revealing her secret.
N'Jadaka leaned back in his seat.
"You will need time off," N'Jadaka said.
"Yes. I am so sorry," Nakia said.
He held up a hand.
"Don't be. Babies come when they are ready to be here."
T'Challa cleared his throat.
"It won't just be time off for a short period of time. We have agreed that she will leave her post as Ambassador for good. We shall be married six months after the baby is born."
Ramonda took her seat with shiny, dancing eyes.
"That gives us time to prepare the proper betrothal march and wedding celebration. The moment we get home Nakia, we must have you moved into the palace," Ramonda said.
Nakia's left hand picked at the linen table cloth and her eyes held N'Jadaka's.
"I apologize again. You had such high hopes for my work and we have put you at a disadvantage. I will help find a suitable replacement," Nakia said.
"I already have one in mind," N'Jadaka said.
"Who?" T'Challa asked.
"Queen Mother Ramonda," N'Jadaka said.
"Excuse me?" Ramonda said, wrenching her eyes away from her future daughter-in-law.
N'Jadaka wiped his lips with a napkin and washed down the last bit of rice particles with his wine. He rested his arms on the table and leaned in.
"You were a decorated Dora Milaje warrior. Your experience as queen qualifies far more than anyone else I can get on board fast. You are the face of the nation that can move our agenda forward in the outside world. I trust you and you're family."
Shuri poked her mother's arm.
"Do it, Mother! You are perfect. Plus it will keep you out of my hair!"
"Shuri! Control your mouth, daughter," Ramonda scolded.
"Will you do it, Mother?" T'Challa asked.
Ramonda gazed at her son with love in her eyes. They swept over to Nakia and she raised an eyebrow.
"I will need some time to think this over," Ramonda said, her head held higher.
Nakia visibly relaxed.
"I will stay on until the Haiti plans are running smoothly with my visit to the ceremonial opening, and then I will tender my resignation officially," Nakia said.
"Ambassador Ramonda Udaku… I like it," Shuri said.
"I do too," T'Challa concurred.
"Are you sure you would want me to step into Nakia's shoes?" Ramonda directed at the king.
Nakia guffawed.
"Step into my shoes? No Queen Mother, your shoes will do quite well. Better than mine in fact," Nakia insisted.
Ramonda placed her fingers against her temples with her elbows on the table.
"This is all so much to take in. My first grandbaby, a wedding to prepare for… a new job. You children have put so much in my basket," Ramonda said.
"I trust you will rise to every occasion," N'Jadaka said.
He reached over from his plate and placed his hand on top of hers.
"I'll have a regal warrior as the face of the nation," N'Jadaka said.
Ramonda took a deep breath, shook her head, then lifted up her wine glass toward T'Challa and Nakia.
"A toast to my son and his future wife… and also to my precious grandbaby," Ramonda said.
They all lifted glasses and clinked them together. The warmth in the room overpowered the air. N'Jadaka felt even more powerful with Ramonda by his side. Bast, Ogum, and the ancestors truly made way for the changes to occur at a time when it was needed.
T'Challa kissed his woman and Nakia melted against him, placing her head on his shoulder. The show of affection made N'Jadaka think of Yani again and all of his children. Nothing meant more than family and connections to people who shared love.
"Two weddings back to back is going to drive our people wild," Shuri said.
Ramonda gave an exaggerated sigh.
"My schedule is going to be so busy with my new Ambassador duties. I'll have to hire a staff the minute we get back to Wakanda… and I want to be on the upper floor in the West Palace overlooking the east side of the river," Ramonda said, tapping N'Jadaka's wrist.
He grinned. She already made up her mind.
The suite door opened and the chef brought in their dessert and coffee. N'Jadaka ate quickly so that he could return to his suite and call Yani back. He wanted her loving eyes on him for the rest of the night. Until then he enjoyed the presence of his cousin T'Challa beaming with the mother of his unborn child.
Chapter 71 HERE.
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aajjks · 5 months
Ok I’m going to refer myself to 🍯 anon. I had a though and I just had to share it. There is tigger warning which is angst.
Let us say Sarang did have beef with Y/n but she did not show it, except she was fake about it. She had both Jungkook and Y/n wrapped around her finger. The wouldn’t suspect her to frame their oldest child. They have three children while Sarang has two boys. Jungkook and Y/n has an older daughter that loves her siblings more than herself. Sarang made everyone love her except the oldest daughter.
DhP! Jungkook and Y/N’s kids
Naeyoung - 15(Aries)
Jinsung- 7(Pisces)
Woosung- 3 (Libra)
Sarang’s kids
Sungmin- 5(Gemini)
Daehyun- 8(Scorpio)
Naeyoung is fifteen when she brutally attacks Sarang and her brothers turn against her because they see her be murderous. Both of the parents come in to see Arya “trouble-maker who really isn’t a troublemaker but because Sarang is a snake they believe her” covered in blood while their sons were crying hysterically.
Naeyoung has this blank look on her face while looking down on the floor knowing they will disown her. Naeyoung already called the cops and explained the situation. She knew she would get ignored if she told them about what was actually happening. She feels guilty about taking a life of a mom with kids, and letting her brothers see this but she doesn’t regret it at the same time.
Woonsung- “monster ahh ahh away”
Jinsung- “She didn’t do anything to us, you hated her that much. You took our babysitter away!”
Sungmin- “NOOOO MOMMY!” *cries*
Daehyun - “I hope you rot!”
The cops get there and arrest their daughter and they let her go away. Naeyoung would look at her mother but you looked at her in disgust then comforted your besties children.
Naeyoung knew that she was disowned by her own family. She had dead eyes because twelve years of being defensive didn’t do her great and they always ignored what she said even though she tired to get her dad on her side but he took Sarang’s instead.
Once the trial stated she keeps a dead look on her face not believe that the parents she thought would come to aid her were comforting all of the boys. She understands everyone needs love expect for her. She deserves this treatment she came to a conclusion that she could never see her parents again.
The interrogation room was awful she though as her parents are clouded with grief and they say things that they probably don’t mean but of course Naeyoung, young and innocent Naeyoung takes it to heart having a mantra of “Die die die, you should have never been loved”
Jungkook says “Why did I ever love someone like you? You are a disgrace to the Jeon’s”
Meanwhile Sarang’s oldest son was smirking and the youngest was crying. The oldest boy comforted his younger brother saying “She is going to rot forever she will never bother us again, plus we got new parents because they replaced her with us. Also, we got our revenge, her parents hate her.”
You deliver the final blow to your daughter “I wish I would have aborted you while I had the chance. You were never ours anyways. Also, why? Why did you take their mother away from them, you psychopath! She was apart of the family but your hate for her seeped through this family! I hate you, you hurt us all!”
Both you and Jungkook storm out clouded with grief to realize what you both said to your own daughter, while she whispers back “I still love you all.”
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to ten years later ~~~~~~~~~~~|
The kids ages now:
Naeyoung: 25
Woosung: 13
Jinsung: 17
Daehyun- 18
Sungmin- 15
An interview is set up because they need to get her out, they realize what has been happening to people with this case. The police realize their mistake because the prison jail mates some of them had Sarang and they were all savagely sabotaged by her and her psychological tricks to induce trauma.
The documentary starts with three of the inmates talking about how they fell for Lee Sarang’s tricks and they have ended up here.
As soon as Naeyoung came in her posture was very confident and relaxed. The interviewer started asking questions
Interviewer: “Hello Naeyoung, I heard that you also know of Lee Sarang and we have been doing an investigation on her and her colleagues. We have found people being mistreated and made into lunatics. I have some questions for you, if you do not mind.”
Naeyoung smiled a bit and nodded her head as she listens to the question.
Interviewer: “Why are you in this prison”
Naeyoung: “I was protecting my family and that backfired due to the fact that I was framed by her.”
Interviewer: “Alright, in what ways did she frame you? You sound like it was not the first time.”
Naeyoung: *sighs and nodded her head* “Yes, that was my breaking point but she had it out for my mom and us? It was like she was wedging herself so she could be my dad’s wife even though she herself was married and had kids.”
Interviewer: “Whoa, what in the world?! What did she do?”
Naeyoung: “She did whatever she wanted to, she would frame me to be the trouble maker and temper with the surveillance cameras and made me look like I would hit my brothers with murderous intent.”
Meanwhile Woosung was flipping through channels with the boys and they land on this interview and Sarang’s oldest, Daehyun snatched the remote from Woosung and turned it.
Daehyun: “Really are they letting murders talk about their crimes?! She needs to be put in her place! She needs to die!”
Woosung snatched the tv remote back and said “Do you even know what it’s like to have a older sister?! I miss her, yes I know she killed your mother but come on, I just wanted to hear her voice once more!”
You come in at the right time and said to Woosung “He is right, and you don’t need to miss her. She did this family wrong.” While Woosung puts his arms up in exasperation and walks off. He goes to watch the rest of the interview while Jungkook came in the living room and hugged his family. He asked about Woosung and you told him that Woosung is in his room.
Meanwhile Naeyoung is with this interviewer conversing about Naeyoung’ s life with this vile woman.
Interviewer: “ What else did she try to do?”
Naeyoung: “She would try to make her kids look better than us, when in reality not any child is better than another, w- they are all great.” Naeyoung faltered then realized she isn’t a child any longer because her childhood was taken from her.
Interviewer: “Did you try to get help? I mean you are in here because someone else was the culprit.”
Naeyoung: *smiles sadly* “I would save up money and buy tape recorders and camera’s that could record a conversation kinda like a surveillance camera. I never could trust Lee Sarang while everyone else did, she won by the way… she took me away from my family. I would listen back on what she would say. So, she would plan on wedging between my mom and dad and take the other two idots, my siblings take them up for adoption because once she was finished with my mom- *she pauses and takes a breathe then continues* “My dad wouldn’t want them and she would tell him that she will take him to Y/N’s parents house but put them in a shelter like the dogs they are.”
Interviewer: “Wait I didn’t hear about you? What was she going to do to you?”
Naeyoung: *looks intensely at the interviewer for a good two minutes then she sighs* “She would make me pay for not playing along or playing stupid like my siblings. I could care less about what that woman was capable of, I am in here she won. I would take on jobs at an early age, maybe I was rebellious teenager but I do have tendencies to protect someone I love. When my parents went on vacation she would put me through psychological trauma and stress. She told them to take more and she can handle me. She made sure I payed for it nothing she said made sense but as soon as I killed her and my brothers turning against me worked.
Interviewer: “Wait wait, you are such a good communicator. Did you communicate with your parents?
Naeyoung: *lets out the most manic laugh ever then straightens up and says* “I tried that and they always thought I was an evil thing since I have a track record of not trusting others with my brothers. I trust my parents and my grandparents but no one else. Then I realize not to trust anyone because she even made my grandparents turn against me. They wouldn’t listen to me if I had a clown suit on.”
Interviewer: “ Oh, uhm do you want to say anything to your par-“
Naeyoung quick with her answer “No”
Interviewer: *gulps what about your siblings?”
Naeyoung: “I still love you and you can always count on me to have your back. If you are in trouble call me and I’ll come to you. I never regretted protecting you. I mean I can try, also if her boys ever cause you trouble walk away and do not become me.” *she looks down and has tears in her eyes*
Interviewer: *looks at her then says* “Are you suicidal?”
Naeyoung: *looks around everywhere else, then sighs and looks back at the interviewer and nods*
Interviewer: “Is there any advice you would have told yourself when you were younger and life advice for anyone else?”
Naeyoung: *stays silent for a moment then states* “Are you really free when freedom can be taken away? Do you have family, not if they can be taken away… Am I really free within myself? I have struggled with those questions, and I realize that yes I can be free, I do have a family that doesn’t know what actually happened, and I am free within myself, I had to look for it. Do not trust anyone, just because they are someone you know that means it’s easier to tear you down. Fake people love tearing people with success down. I would tell my younger self to never give in and fight for yourself and for your family also get help because psychology shouldn’t be scary or dangerous. You should always take care of your mental health, go on adventures, take a walk, write, paint, but don’t live stagnant.”
The interviewer concludes the video meanwhile Woosung is on his knees sobbing because they have started to show behaviors and he felt replaced wondering how he can get his sister back. He realizes that he was in the wrong, and all she did was love him and got a jail card because of it.
( I know Darkest hours Prisoner Jk would take his kids side but for this scenario he didn’t grief clouded his judgement and yes all of them went to Lee Sarang’s funeral, and took the two boys in. The two boys would rub it in Naeyoung’s face that she was disowned and that they are theirs now. She was replaced and she felt like she deserved it.)
End of part 1, I’ll try to make part two final… this is just a scenario. I also have a raging migraine.
Oh wow… this is quite heavy and dark.. and I know you know this but dhp jungkook is very familiar with sarangs nature. He would never abandon his kids xx
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marisferasiop · 1 year
I just wanna ask. Which comics said that Miguel never wanted a child?
So I don't have marvel unlimited anymore and sorry, but I'm not spending $10 to answer this.
I believe says that flippantly at some point in the way most young men do- doesn't want kids, hops around with his two one-again, off- agains until one of them is killed. Also, see peter B's arguments ITSV- it's scary enough making the decision/ choosing to be a hero and having your potential love interests and family constantly be in danger, imagine adding a defenseless kid to that equation and not only protecting them from villains but being responsible for raising them when you're gone constantly, or risk being killed constantly.
He does have a son in a comics arc, Gabri (named after his brother) that Cronos almost kills while the mother is pregnant (its not Xina- I think Tempest? A mutant that he fights and/or saves a few times) but Gabri is born. I think the time you even see his son I think he's already grown and wearing miggy's old suit and miggy's in the white one? I'm not even sure it's a full arc, maybe just a few comics?
Anyway. It seems like the ATSV movie is saying that his child did die (they switched to daughter) and that he went looking for a replacement world in which he died instead so he could replace the dead Miguel and still have his daughter.
(Y'know- scarlet witch style, because that was a great plot device for her 🙄 sorry if you liked the Dr Strange/SW and MoM movie- I think that as an entire plot vehicle is stupid so I didn't appreciate when they did it with my favorite spiderman when it doesn't really fit his character imo) rant over
I might be misrembering; I've read a lot of 2099 comics bc again, he's my favorite Spidey bc he's such a loser and kind of an asshole and creates all his own problems constantly, and it's funny, but I do not remember a "scarlet witch moment" over having / losing a kid, ever. So the fabrication of that device just to turn him antagonistic annoys me a lot. Sometimes it's hard to keep all the various counterintuitive arcs in a row- maybe this was an arc I either haven't read or mentally discounted as canon because it was brief.
If you find a place where he definitely wanted kids but for some reason had one with a fling (and not his girlfriend or on purpose) and he was desperately happy enough about it to attempt to escape his life after they died and destroy another timeline to have that kid again, let me know 🤷🏻‍♀️ bc I get the vibe that he just had a kid and it was just treated as "yet another thing that happens to him that he has to figure out," and then said kid becomes "the other spiderman"
I'm happy to be proven wrong, because frankly the ATSV movie treating him like that annoyed the shit out of me and I'd like to see any ounce of source material to support their decision to make an pretty rude but otherwise par- for- the- course spiderman into that much of a dickhead. I loved the movie, I've seen it several times now, but I'm waiting on his turnaround in part 2 because even tho I loved all the teens so much, it was hard to watch what I anticipated as Miggy finally making it to the big screens turned into "Miggy is a POS for 3 hours"
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nico00235 · 2 years
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(From a different comic of yours where MK is upset he can’t pick up the staff, and Wukong is like “it’s ok, you’re still my successor 😅”)
Honestly, how would their attitude change towards him?
Cuz like, LBD isn’t gone. She’s just no longer a problem. But like, others getting uneasy around MK. Getting flashback and stuff.
(Am very sorry if anything here is hard to understand, it’s almost 1am on a school night, lmao-)
Don't worry
I really don't mind when people ask me things
In fact
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Wukong's attitude towards MK changed a bit, MK was dead for almost 2 years (yea, you read it right, the boy was gone for 2 YEARS) , things changed since then
Wukong still loves MK, of course he does, but now that the connection between them is literally broken and unrepairable, this causes somewhat awkward situations that Wukong can't control (like the times MK releases ice breath, it's one of the things Wukong still struggles to deal with) but he keeps trying to train him as his protégé
ANND as you know, LBD cancelled just some of the powers MK got from Sun wukong (or "changed them"), the powers that he still has are:
The 72 (he has 2 extras now)
The Clones (they are all changed now to literally skeletons)
But the powers he got from LBD are:
The ice knife (better known as the "Ice Dao")
A breath that causes an intimidating environment (ice breath)
The chance to create ice (just like LBD)
The possibility of seeing spirits (it doesn't always do it, it is very rare, it is like the replacement of the Golden Vision, but this ability is not at will)
MK cannot possess people, but he can apply the method that LBD used with him in the second season (example:)
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which is to make projections of himself in a spectral way (this is unconscious and only happens if he is very scared or stressed, his projections cause terror and pain to those who see them manifest)
This happened once with Macaque, he didn't take it very well
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redwinterroses · 3 years
well I heard you like headcannons. as a self conscious third life fan, here is an idea I wrote out for the crastle duo to decorate your inbox.
Third life, unsurprisingly, had a lot of magic related to life. And in a cruel twist, a lot of it was the good kind. Green lifers were known to be healthy and strong, filled out and rosy even if they hadn’t eaten or slept quite enough to justify it. This worked fine when inhabitants were human or similar.
Third life didn’t know quite what to do with one of the Undead. So, as world data tended to do, it attached itself to the small portion of Cleo that made sense- her flower crown. The flowers were already the undying sort, with some sort of enchantment or attachment to Cleo. In third life, though, they bloomed. Cleo’s hair was ringed with thick green stems and green-white petals. The crown was most obvious, but there were littler things too: smaller orange flowers, interspersed throughout Cleo’s thick hair, accenting the ring around her head. Brushing your fingers through it would result with tiny orange petals fluttering out of place, and picking one of anything would mean an immediate replacement bud.
Running fingers through Cleo’s garden (as bdubs had come to call it) wasn’t all fun though. The green stems weaving into her hair had hearty thorns, very willing to stab anyone who might try to grab by the hair or pull away the crown. It was beautiful and dangerous. Fitting, then, for Cleo.
Bdubs, spending most of his time with Cleo, had plenty of time to observe. His own green life had passed too fast to take much note of any differences from the average, but sideways glances at Cleo’s ring of flowers always painted a regal picture. He’d be lying if he said the beauty-danger didn’t eventually inspire some of the Crastle. It was a home fit for a queen, after all.
Third life’s magic wasn’t all positives, though. Green lives came and left. When Bdubs woke up to see Cleo’s yellow life, it felt bitter. Her lively garden had been reduced. The little orange blossoms were gone from anywhere but the crown, and the big green-white flowers had changed color to yellow-white, instead. The whole thing seemed more brittle, like a bouquet that had already been out a few days. Bdubs let Cleo take care of herself. She was queen of the castle. She was strong. She could take care of a garden and cherish a home.
Red life was the worst.
Beyond Bdubs own frustrations with it, the visible reminder of his failure sat in Cleo’s hair. The flowers had crisped and died, aside from a few dried-up blossoms. Red and white. The thorns were much more threatening when dry and stiff, and what had once been a garden was now merely a defense. Dead brown petals fell behind wherever Cleo went, a trail of dry tears in a place that simply did not have time to cry.
When Bdubs finally realizes Cleo is gone, he has to go out and find her. It’s a matter of duty.
He retrieves her body to bring back home. Whatever vindictive, weedy life was left in Cleo’s garden had gone, loosening the crown around her head and leaving only soft brittle pieces.
Bdubs ignores the coffins. He walks to the forest. Cleo had thought it was pretty. She had cut it down to protect them. He digs in the dirt and lays her down, face up. It’s simply an indent, not meant to cover or bury. Bdubs lets Cleo’s glassy eyes look at the stars, and he fixes her regal crown. After a long quiet he goes back to defend their crastle.
A long time passes. Silence eventually falls over the land. Blood feeds the earth and it is sated. Fires go out and nature is reclaimed.
Out of dead blossoms, flowers grow.
There is a forest around the crastle, once again, and a queen lays in wait to watch the sky.
OH MY GOOOOOSH this is so lovely?? and heartbreaking??? sob /pos i love it so much.
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He's not my favorite in a normal sense. His crazy fucking lifestyle and death are. He knew Elvis, The Rolling Stones, and many others too. Here's a mini bio on him:
Ingram Cecil Connor III better known professionally as Gram Parsons. He was a musician and frontman. Parsons worked with The Byrds in 1968, before quitting and joining his own band, The Flying Burrito Brothers from 1969 through 1970. 
Gram was born in Winter Haven, Florida on November 5th, 1945 to Ingram Cecil Connor Parsons II and Avis Snively Connor. Avis returned to her hometown to give birth to her son. She was the daughter of citrus fruit magnate John A. Snively, who held extensive properties in Winter Haven and in Waycross. Gram's father, Ingram Connor II was a famous World War II flying ace, decorated with the Air Medal, who was present at the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.
In 1956 when he was only nine-years-old, Gram saw Elvis Presley in concert and fell in love with music. That’s where his love of music came in. Two years later his father who went by “Coon Dog” took his own life two days before Christmas, Gram was only 11/12. Both him and his sister Avis (Jr) were both shattered after their father’s death.
Avis Sr remarried to Robert Parsons and the children took his name and were adopted by him once he married their mother.
Gram Parsons did briefly attend the prestigious Bolles School in Jacksonville, Florida. That was before transferring to the public Winter Haven High School. Which he did after failing his junior year. Gram returned to Bolles which had converted from a military to a liberal arts curriculum amid the incipient Vietnam War. 
For a time, the family found a stability of sorts. They were torn apart in early 1965, when Robert had an extramarital affair and Avis' heavy drinking led to her death from cirrhosis on June 5, 1965, the day of Gram's graduation from Bolles.
Barely in his teens, he played in rock and roll cover bands such as the Pacers and the Legends, headlining in clubs owned by his stepfather in the Winter Haven/Polk County area. By the age of 16, he graduated to folk music, and in 1963 he teamed up with his first professional outfit, the Shilohs, in Greenville, South Carolina. 
Gram was heavily influenced by The Kingston Trio and The Journeymen. The band played hootenannies, coffee houses and high school auditoriums. Parsons was still enrolled in prep school, he only performed with the group in select engagements. Forays into New York City (where Parsons briefly lived with a female folk singer in a loft on Houston Street)included a performance at Florida's exhibition in the 1964 New York World's Fair and regular appearances at the Café Rafio on Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village in the summer of 1964.
 Although John Phillips who is an acquaintance of Shiloh George Wrigley arranged an exploratory meeting with Albert Grossman, the impresario balked at booking the group for a Christmas engagement at The Bitter End when he discovered that the Shilohs were still high school students. Following a recording session at the radio station of Bob Jones University, the group reached a creative impasse amid the emergence of folk rock and dissolved in the spring of 1965 around the time of Gram’s mother’s passing.
Shockingly despite being poor in school and having bad test grades, Gram went to Harvard University in 1966 with the help of a strong essay he wrote. He only did one semester and that’s where he became more serious about country music. He heard Merle Haggard for the first time.
In 1966, he and other musicians from the Boston folk scene formed a group called the “International Submarine Band”. After briefly residing in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx, they relocated to Los Angeles the following year. Following several lineup changes, the band signed to Lee Hazlewood's LHI Records, where they spent late 1967 recording Safe at Home. The album contains one of Parsons' best-known songs, "Luxury Liner", and an early version of "Do You Know How It Feels", which he revised later in his career. Safe at Home would remain unreleased until mid-1968, by which time the International Submarine Band had broken up.
In that same year Gram got the attention of The Byrds’ guitarist Chris Hillman thanks to business manager Larry Spector as a possible replacement member since David Crosby and Micheal Clarke left in late 1967. Parsons had already met Hillman at a bank in 1967. Gram had his only child, Polly, with Nancy Ross the girlfriend of David Crosby.
Gram passed the audition in February 1968. He was at first a jazz pianist but was switched to rhyme guitar and vocals. Gram left the band when asked why Gram responded with,
"Being with The Byrds confused me a little. I couldn't find my place. I didn't have enough say-so. I really wasn't one of The Byrds. I was originally hired because they wanted a keyboard player. But I had experience being a frontman and that came out immediately. And [Roger McGuinn] being a very perceptive fellow saw that it would help the act, and he started sticking me out front."
He was also friends with The Rolling Stones members Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. And they stayed close to each other until a fall out in the 70s. Before Parsons' departure from The Byrds, he had accompanied the two Rolling Stones to Stonehenge along with McGuinn and Hillman in the English county of Wiltshire.
 Immediately after leaving the band, Parsons stayed at Richards' house and the pair developed a close friendship over the next few years, with Parsons reintroducing the guitarist to country music. According to Stones' confidant and close friend of Parsons, Phil Kaufman, the two would sit around for hours playing obscure country records and trading off on various songs with their guitars.
Returning to Los Angeles in 1969, Parsons sought out Hillman, and the two formed The Flying Burrito Brothers with bassist Chris Ethridge and pedal steel player “Sneaky” Pete Kleinow. They did every genre of music possible from hard rock all the way to country and jazz gospel.  Around this time of The Flying Burrito Brothers, Gram started dabbling more and more into drugs.
Then Gram started a solo career in 1970 and toured with Emmylou Harris for a bit ; he may have been romantically involved with her as well. He then accompanied the Rolling Stones on their 1971 U.K. tour in the hope of being signed to the newly formed Rolling Stones Records.
Parsons and Keith Richards had mulled the possibility of recording a duo album. Moving into Villa Nellcôte with the guitarist during the sessions for Exile on Main Street that commenced thereafter, Parsons remained in a consistently incapacitated state and frequently quarreled with his girlfriend, aspiring actress Gretchen Burrell who later become his wife. 
Eventually, Parsons was asked to leave by Anita Pallenberg, Richards' longtime domestic partner. Decades later, Richards suggested in his memoir that Jagger may have been the impetus for Parsons' departure because Richards was spending so much time playing music with Parsons. Rumors have persisted that he appears somewhere on the legendary album, and while Richards concedes that it is very likely he is among the chorus of singers on "Sweet Virginia", this has never been substantiated. Parsons attempted to rekindle his relationship with the band on their 1972 American tour to no avail.
After leaving the Stones' camp, Parsons married Burrell in 1971 at his stepfather's New Orleans estate. Allegedly, the relationship was far from stable, with Burrell cutting a needy and jealous figure while Parsons quashed her burgeoning film career. Many of the singer's closest associates and friends claim that Parsons was preparing to commence divorce proceedings at the time of his death; the couple had already separated by this point.
In the summer of 1973, Parsons' Topanga Canyon home burned to the ground, the result of a stray cigarette. Nearly all of his possessions were destroyed with the exception of a guitar and a prized Jaguar automobile. The fire proved to be the last straw in the relationship between Burrell and Parsons, who moved into a spare room in Kaufman's house. While not recording, he frequently hung out and jammed with members of New Jersey–based country rockers Quacky Duck and His Barnyard Friends and the proto-punk Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers, who were represented by former Byrds manager Eddie Tickner.
Before formally breaking up with Burrell, Parsons already had a woman waiting in the wings. While recording, he saw a photo of a beautiful woman at a friend's home and was instantly smitten. The woman turned out to be Margaret Fisher, a high school sweetheart of the singer from his Waycross, Georgia, days. Like Parsons, Fisher had drifted west and became established in the Bay Area rock scene. A meeting was arranged and the two instantly rekindled their relationship, with Fisher dividing her weeks between Los Angeles and San Francisco at Parsons' expense.
Gram loved to visit Joshua Tree National Park. He would visit it often. Gram would frequently do psychedelic drugs and try to spot UFOs there. He told Phil Kauffman that he wanted his ashes spread there in Joshua National Tree Park since he loved that place and practically lived there when not in LA. 
So he, Dale, Micheal, Phil, Gram's girlfriend Margaret, and Dale's unnamed girlfriend all went to stay at JNTP Inn. Where Gram got morphine from an unknown woman.
He injected himself and OD. Margaret shoved ice cubes up his ass and put him in a cold shower which worked. He was up and talking. Dale was left in charge to watch over Gram and then Gram stopped breathing. Dale tried CPR but failed. Margaret and Dale both watched Gram die. Finally they call a fucking ambulance and he's pronounced dead on arrival.
Now Gram’s stepfather is a POS okay. He wanted Gram buried in Louisiana so he could take Gram's little wealth and the family estate which didn't belong to the stepfather since he wasn't blood.
Phil and Micheal couldn't allow this. Gram wanted to be cremated and his ashes spread. So with a shit ton of booze to make an elephant drunk they take a loaned hearse, because you know everyone has a hearse on loan. They were dressed as cowboys. For as suits were “too itchy” to wear.  The duo take his body back from the airport where he's meant to fly back to Louisiana back to Joshua National Tree Park.
 So the duo crash in JNTP and they pour five gallons of gasoline on Gram and his coffin. Causing a fireball. But cremation and gasoline are different. So instead of having Gram's ashes they had a cooked charred Gram instead. Police were of course called. The duo was fined $750 each and made to do community service.Gram was sadly buried in Louisiana against his wishes but his stepfather didn't get anything.
Gram's wealth and estate were split between his wife, girlfriend, sister, and his daughter. And the family denied the whole illegal cremation happening and won't talk about it.
The end.
Omg that is a really good summary, very sad life tho and how he died but wow
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percontaion-points · 3 years
Handbook for Mortals chapter 1
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Chapter 1
I have to admit that I’ve always found something handsome about a man in show
blacks. Perhaps it’s the artsy answer to a man in uniform, or maybe I’m just odd.
Walking closely with Charles and Sofia was the handsome tech who had caught my eye earlier. Probably in his late 20s, he was also wearing show blacks, and frowning. His sandy-blondish brown hair framed his face perfectly, and his hazel eyes seemed to sparkle. He was slender and tall, definitely six feet if not an inch or so more, with just the right amount of muscle in his arms.
At this point, I'm surprised that the author didn't literally just tell the readers “this is going to be the love interest”.
He was slender and tall, definitely six feet if not an inch or so more, with just the right amount of muscle in his arms. You know, just enough to grab you and hold you tight— but not enough to look like he was stung by a bee and was allergic.
Oh my god.
“Zade, hi. I’m Pete Trigger, but some people call me Trig. I’ll answer to Pete or Trig just not Mr. Trigger cause that’s my dad and it sounds like a dead horse.”
I don't know about the rest of you, but when I'm writing, I like to say stuff out loud to make sure that it flows well.
This is some of the most goddamned awkward writing that I've ever had the misfortune to see.
“You remembered her name. You never remember names.”
I turned my eyes toward them and caught Charles’s reply, “Most people’s names aren’t worth remembering.”
“OF COURSE I'M GOING TO REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE MAIN CHARACTER. Hahaha, I'm a two-bit minor character.”
As I plummeted toward the stage, brightly colored sparks began to shoot from my outstretched hands. The sparks fell and hit the ground ahead of me, becoming a roaring fire directly beneath me. The fire burned a brilliant red, spreading and growing below me.
I love how she showed up for this audition and there's already perfectly timed pyrotechnics set up for her.
Like this isn't how any of this works.
If this is an actual magical spell that she's doing, then fine. But this is just fucking stupid.
Like those stage hands would be rushing to put out what must appear to them to be a spontaneous stage fire.
I would soon learn that Tad was Mac’s best friend, an all-around good guy who worked well with everyone. In theory, Mac was Tad’s boss, but they had been working together for a long time and had been friends for much longer.
Like with chapter 0, this chapter is just bogged down with all of this random tidbit info. And I'm kind of sitting here going “I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this info. Is this going to be relevant? We literally just met these people and I kind of don't care.”
It wouldn’t have made logical sense no matter how hard they tried to figure it out because it was beyond anything a mortal could do.
No no, I fucking got that, thanks.
I decided I would double check with whatever lawyer I went to, and I’d ask the cards. I wasn’t really concerned with it that much. I already had what I wanted; I had made myself a new life:
A somewhat normal life.
Chapter 1 summary: Zade gets to Vegas, where she seems to have set up an audition with some guy that she knew ahead of time, Charles. He runs some sort of multi-act magician show there.
As I mentioned earlier, there's a lot of info that's presented in this chapter, but like chapter 0, a lot of it is this completely worthless fluff that should have been cut. Lines of dialogue, characters attempting to have a conversation, are divided by long paragraphs describing the physical appearances of all characters, and the backgrounds of those Zade deemed “worthy of her attention”.
She eventually goes up onto the catwalk, where she then takes an intentional swan-dive off from it and onto the stage. However, the stage is then replaced with a hidden pool. All of which she does with literal magic, rather than stage magic.
And everybody is impressed with it, and they've never seen anything like it and we're going to offer you a million and one dollars because we're so impressed! And the entire thing makes me want to hurl with how SPECIAL that Zade is.
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reginaofdoctorwho · 3 years
weird shit that would probably have something to do with me in a horror movie
no one wanted this but i’m bored and found a bottle so you’re all getting it. yes these are all true. check the tags, if u think i’ve missed something please let me know!
there was a murder (technically, i don’t really count it as a murder) next door when i was four years old on christmas morning
the weird antique glass bottle i found half-buried in the woods in the woods yesterday with living bugs in it that made no attempt to leave it once i uncovered it
there is a local cult in the next town over. this is not the same as the local cult that was in the other town over where my mom grew up
random completed animal skeletons in the woods behind our house, i’m talking prey and predator, both laid out like in a goddamn scientific diagram. for a while there’d be ones in the middle of our yard, always the same type of animal, always just the bones and nothing else, laid out like it was posed. this has been happening for over half a decade and we have no fucking clue how, why, or who is doing it
the screaming from the woods that i’m going to assume is a fox
my sister almost dated a murderer. his niece or something is in my class
there is a house that is now part of a “local ghost tour” that belonged to my great+ grand parents during the civil war where my great+ aunt died allegedly murdered by her husband who is actually blood related to me. family history says she died of childbirth, which given that it was the 1800s... probably is true
there was an actual murderer in our family a few generations back but he married in and killed his wife and her sister. they didn’t find out about it until they read his journals after he died where it apparently told everything he did and they decided. “well, that wouldn’t look good for the family, and they’re already dead anyway” and just kept it hidden??
the fact we have my great great grandmother’s dress from probably 1890s or 1900s. even more so the fact that i fit in it. if this was fantasy horror (vampires, some immortal thing or ghost) i’d be fucking dead or cursed
fairly certain i was possessed by the ghost of a puritan as a kid
my family seems to have a curse with babies and nurses? my great uncle died when he was born because long story short, hospitals were the new hot thing, he was perfectly healthy, then a nurse dropped him and he died instantly. my sister died when she was a toddler and the hospital actively tried to delete her hospital records to cover it up and ended up getting fined by the state for it. the nurses responsible were not arrested or punished in any way.
my family all has fucked up connective tissue, in my brother it was bad enough he had to get a steel bar in his chest so it wouldn’t cave in.
the many times i have almost drowned, sometimes due to intentional actions by humans (my dad, it was my dad)
this in addition to the other fucked up shit he did before the divorce when he still lived here, including but not limited to: killing my mom’s favorite pet goat, hanging its skull in a tree, and leaving the body in the woods. not letting his kids learn how to cook. anytime someone asked him to cook he’d put as much pepper/hot sauce in as he could (even for like, scrambled eggs) and give it to the youngest person, usually a toddler. this was me at times. taking his kids out to the woods and threatening murder. taking his kids out to the woods and threatening burning. purposely locked the basement from the inside so we couldn’t get the gaping hole in the stairs leading to one of three kids rooms fixed. tearing up pictures of the kids whenever my mom did something he didn’t like. i had more here but i tried to cut it down a litttle
people have threatened to murder me before. one time a girl didn’t threaten, and actually acted like she was starting to like me, but her cousin read her diary or something and found out she was planning to commit a lot of murder, and told her parents and she got sent to a psychiatric ward for a couple weeks
my mom lived down the street from a family that got axe-murdered by one of their two sons when she was a kid. the murderer did get out on an insanity plea and is still in the area. also their neighbor’s mom “lost her mind” (how the story was told) when she had to protect their kids while her husband went over to try to protect the non murderer son when he got home from school and ran over screaming about his brother trying to kill him and had killed their parents
also she knew a girl who almost got kidnapped by this really fucked up traveling serial killer that has his own wikipedia page that is,,, lengthy. the girl had [alleged] mafia ties, and the guy ended up dying shot by police despite them being told to bring him in, which sounds kinda suspicious
long story short i’d probably be the sequel where one comes back
apparently i go to the “bad” school, which i found out in a coffee shop when i overheard two girls talking about how one’s dad went there and how horrible and dangerous it is
school fights are weird. either they don’t happen or they come freakishly close to murder. people slam heads into lockers, stomp on bones, drag people by hair along the ground. one time in my brother’s class a 4′9″ girl sent a 6′2″ football player to the hospital. there was video of a fight a couple years ago that’s still around. it was brutal, but also one of the girls fighting was taking one for the team in it and got the other kicked out
we don’t have a ceiling in all of the third floor, and the cafeteria has 2. this is not relevant in any way, but it’s important to me that you know this
also the guys kept ripping the heating vents/radiators/whatever off the walls in their bathrooms and got almost all the bathrooms locked. including the girls’ ones.
also everyone kept punching holes in the walls so on some of them it’s just,,, metal sheeting down the whole hallway
there are so many fucking shootings in the next town over. literally five years ago it was this nice place where kids would go on history tours, i did when my sister worked for that group. now there is pretty much one business that has not been held up at gunpoint, and if u look up to the serial killer bullet point, it is for v similar ties. it’s a pizza place and if u ever stop by u gotta try it
women in my family have weirdly good intuition but every couple generations we get doubtful. my great grandma didn’t want a hospital birth but decided “hey it’s the hot new thing for a reason”, my mom switched churches based on nothing but intuition and it turned out someone was a pedophile there (found out years later), i instantly could tell my friend’s boyfriend was a pos and wasn’t surprised later when he told her he’d murder and dismember me in front of her, and upon meeting him told him he was a fucking coward and couldn’t do it. he broke up with her a month later.
i was really good friends for a while with two guys that burned a building down. yes they were arrested. i was friends before and after the fire. they’re pretty nice, but this girl they used to date (at different times, they were brothers, yes it was fucking weird and uncomfortable for everyone involved except her but that’s it’s own thing) said some fucked up shit and it was the closest i ever got to starting a fight. anyway i’m still friends with both on facebook. one of them shares a lot of king of the hill memes
speaking of that fight, i 100% would’ve tried to kill her in that moment. u know that john mulaney quote like “i didn’t understand how a person could want to kill another person. then i got cheated on, and i was like ‘oh, okay.’”? that was me, but replace “cheated on” with she told me it was good my five year old sister was dead because she was a waste, and told me she hoped i’d die of covid”. it was mainly the sister thing. i couldn’t move because if i did i’d start a fight with the [way] above mentioned shit.
my family has a literal feud with a local farming family. i mean, we keep farm animals (sheep, goats, chickens), these people have that, pigs, and crops too. the feud was because their great uncle (or great grand uncle, i’m a little fuzzy on the details) published an autobiography (despite not being anyone famous/important) and in it talked about when he was friends with my grandfather and how creepy my great grandfather was (this was the one with the dead firstborn son) because he kept newspaper clippings of the Lindbergh baby’s kidnapping and murder pinned to a board on the wall of his office/basement. also because he was a child of german immigrants who wanted to fight against nazis in WW2 (how suspicious [sarcasm]). members of their family are in my grade. they charged my sister for almost half an extra pound of goods, too, which just revitalized it.
i live by corn fields. i am surrounded by cornfields. (joke one)
i was friends for a while with this girl whose baby teeth,,, didn’t really fall out completely? she was 17 the last time i saw her in person, she’s probably 19 now and judging by her facebook pictures they’re still Like That. she had a very symmetrical mouth/teeth, which made it weirder. just to clarify, she had some of her baby teeth pushed forward and up, so they kind pointed out a little? and all her adult teeth. she was literally so pretty.
a teacher who is v sexual with his female students came into my english class (he is a science teacher) to demand why i wasn’t signed up for his class. we then both became increasingly passive aggressive and he told the whole class where i live with specific directions and landmarks. the guy sitting next to me had to try to tone things down despite being obviously confused as to why it was even happening (me too buddy). he lives down the road from my sister. when my niece had her birthday party at our house i was outside setting things up and he slowed his car down and honked at me. fuckin creep
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I just saw the live-action Mulan movie, and in short, it sucked.
It’s not worth the money! Not worth the 37 dollars you’ll need to pay so that you can merely rent the movie. Don’t worry, I pirated it. I didn’t give Disney any money, and I’m writing this so you won’t have to as well.
To think, my mom was so excited about this film especially since we are Chinese and the animated Mulan film was one of her favourite Disney films. But throughout the film, we were disappointed again and again.
First of all, the directing, camera work, pacing, and editing was terrible. The pacing of the movie was all over the place. The fight scenes especially, were so erratic and badly put together. Either they’d have the scene move at a normal pace but would cut and change to a new angle or perspective multiple times until you can barely tell if there were any hits or what they were doing. Or they would do slow-mo and do a zoom-in on Mulan’s blank, stiff face.
They had Donnie Yen, a famous martial artist and actor, doing some incredible swordsmanship and martial arts in front of the soldiers but then they ruined it by constantly cutting away from him to some random blank-faced soldier. What wasted potential!
Did I mention the blank faces. Everyone looked so stiff during the movie, barely any proper acting done. This was especially obvious with the Witch, whose face barely seems to move. The most emotional I saw her was when she had teary eyes, but still, the rest of her face stayed smooth.
My biggest problem lay with the fact that they took the sexism of the animated Mulan movie and managed to crank it up to a thousand. The whole concept of chi/qi was wrong. For starters, real chi lies in everyone, and it does not give you superpowers or suddenly makes you a good fighter. But in the movie, apparently only men can use chi and gain superpowers, and that if a woman somehow had chi then she’s a witch and must be outcast or killed. And it made it seem like the only reason Mulan could keep up with the men or be better than them was because she had these superpowers. I honestly have no words to express my anger and disappointment at this.
I understand they removed Mushu in the live action since it was offensive to Chinese mythology. But replacing it with a phoenix based on Greek mythology?? That made no sense. And not only that, the CGI was terrible. Not only did it look obviously fake, my siblings and I all felt like the phoenix was made of paper. One of them joked that it was a kite. The coloring also reminded me of the bird in Wings of Time that I saw in Sentosa Singapore.
Btw, Chinese don’t have any concept of witches or witch hunts. Lord knows why Disney tried to put more Western concepts when they wanted to make an Asian movie.
Moving on to the characters and their chemistry. In short, there was none. Little to none actually. I don’t understand why Honghui was supposed to be her love interest. No chemistry and barely any meaningful interactions. They met with him insulting her and continuing to insult her throughout most of their scenes. The “love interest” also spent a lot of his time staring at Mulan like one of those creepy perverts that you try your best to ignore. Is this really the kind of lesson you want to teach kids?
And Ling? Yao? Chien-po? What happened to them? Their names were barely mentioned and their characterizations were so one-dimensional. There were not enough scenes building them up as proper characters, which made them easily forgettable. Because of this, we also had trouble telling all of the soldiers apart, and this includes Honghui and Cricket. Cricket was initially mistaken as Chien-po. There was even less time emphasizing their friendship with Mulan. I also didn’t understand why the need to add Cricket in the movie as another soldier. Disney still didn’t give him any proper growth or arc beyond that one shining moment with the arrow. I also didn’t understand why he suddenly decided to play dead at the end of the corridor fight. Another “dramatic moment” that fell flat.
Where do I begin with the Witch? Shan Yu was an incredible bad guy already. Why did they try to make his falcon human and have her as a witch? For the most part, it seemed like she was just there to drive down the movie’s point that women should be subjugated. She had the power to kill Bori Khan easily, but… chose not to because she thought he would help make her not an outcast?? And even when she changed sides, instead of idk killing Bori Khan when he tried to shoot Mulan, she just… flew… in front of… the arrow… and died. Wow.
What was Bori Khan’s revenge supposed to be anyways? For the most part, it looked like he was trying to slow-cook the Emperor. Like what was up with the random forges and the 2 inch pool of lava?? Were forges back then even hot enough to make lava and have it stay red hot the whole time even when it was in that pool?? Also, swords do NOT melt that fast.
Also, the part where Bori Khan was talking to the captured Emperor was so unintentionally funny. Like at the end of every sentence he would just suddenly make sparks with his weapon at the Emperor’s face. If it was a one-time thing, it would have been fine. But he just… kept… doing it. And with every strike I just started laughing more and more.
The Emperor was… something. Of course he was probably one of the men who has chi powers judging by his sleeve attacks. Honestly, that part felt so random, my siblings and I were all laughing and going “what??”. His voice was so clearly dubbed in, and badly done. He also seemed to have been given the clunkiest dialogue in the movie. I also miss the scene in the animated movie where Shan Yu tells the Emperor to bow down to him and the Emperor replies, “No matter how strong the wind blows, the mountain cannot bow down to it.” because that line was awesome.
The sister’s character was also completely unnecessary. According to Disney, she’s to showcase Mulan’s devotion to her family and give her more motivation to do what she does. But?? She took her father's place in the war to protect him?? Wasn’t the whole point of her story is her pretending to be a man to protect her father from certain death?? Is that not already a huge motivational factor and shows her devotion to her family??
Does anyone else also find it weird that when Mulan was in the army, everyone referred to her by her full name? Like everyone had their first names and were called that, but for Mulan it was always Hua Jun? Btw for those not aware, with Chinese names, the surname is at the beginning. Hua is Mulan’s surname. So shouldn’t they be calling her simply as Jun??
Moving on, I have to bring attention to several of the changes in the movie. It’s like they cut out all the scenes that gave the movie an emotional impact and replaced it with bland scenes that didn’t add to the story at all. Her decision to take her father’s place in the war and steal his armor was replaced with some weird thing about her getting lost and the phoenix having to bail her out.
The incredible moment when Mulan gets the arrow from the top of the post was replaced by bringing two buckets to the top of the mountain. Anyone who is strong and determined enough would have been able to do that. With the arrow, she needed to think and strategize, using the weights to help carry her up. With the buckets, she just used her chi superpowers.
The drama and shock as the happily-singing soldiers come upon the destroyed village becomes a drawn-out traveling scene that has the General asking Mulan to marry his daughter, and then cuts to the army at the village.
The scene where it looked like Shang was going to kill Mulan but then he spares her because she saved his life is gone completely since they decided to split Shang into two characters instead. Even Mulan’s line where she says, “You believe Ping, why not Mulan?” was given to Honghui instead, robbing Mulan of her moment.
Honestly, there was no need for the Witch and her fight scene with Mulan, but apparently in the movie, chi is weakened by dishonesty. It’s weird that the Witch is even telling her that since they’re supposedly enemies, and telling her about the dishonesty will make Mulan stronger.
Another thing is Disney’s weirdly intense focus on arranged marriages and matchmaking, with multiple characters mentioning whether or not they are matched or asking others if they are. Even at the end, the sister goes “oh I am matched”. I didn’t see the point of having that in the movie.
I almost forgot about the trebuchet/catapult! The Rourans are supposed to be a Nomadic people. Where are they finding the time and energy to drag that gigantic thing around? I also have to mention that the Rourans had some incredibly good aim when firing at the soldiers but missed by a long shot when they fired at where Mulan was hiding. That was… dumb, to say the least.
How did Mulan even get there anyways? And how did she carry all those helmets with only two hands? I’m even giving her some leeway because there are people who can control a horse with just their legs. The actress for Mulan also has clearly never fired an arrow before and was not given training for it. The way she loaded the arrows and how her fingers sprung open like that screamed CGI arrows
And now I’m remembering the random horse gymnastics the Rourans used to turn around on their horse so that they could fire arrows while riding. It looked cool, yes, but I don’t think that was the most efficient way to turn around.
Back to the fight scene, Mulan managed to go from chasing the Rourans into the mountains and fighting the Witch, to back to where her army was, then somehow teleported to a different mountain behind where the Rourans were. She also somehow outran an avalanche?? She also killed her own men in that avalanche. Not the best plan in my opinion.
Ultimately, Mulan’s growth and arc to become a soldier and hero of China was undermined by the fact that she was already perfect due to her chi powers. There was no need for her to grow and train because her chi made her strong, her chi made her skillful. And because of this, she lost her relatability. I hate to say this, but she became a Marysue.
I don’t know where to put this but Mulan’s makeup and outfit for the matchmaker scene was the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Green eyebrows?? Really?? What happened to her face? What happened to her dress? Everyone’s costumes also felt unrealistically colorful for a poor farming village.
Lastly, I’m sure many of you know that Disney worked with, credited, and gave thanks to the Xinjiang authorities. Those authorities are responsible for imprisoning up to TWO MILLION Uighur Muslims in concentration camps, forcing them to learn and be patriotic about China’s communist doctrine and propoganda, not allowing them to practice their faith, and subjecting them to horrific conditions, torture, sexual abuse, forced sterilization, brainwashing, and other abuses.
To end this overly wordy review, I don’t understand why Disney would willingly get so much wrong. They tried very hard to make changes and appeal to the Chinese audience but refused to have Chinese creators to help with the screenplay, directing, costume and makeup, etc. Now all they’ve done is alienate said audience.
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stringergames · 4 years
Downtime Roleplay 4 - Checking Out
Post Session 5 - Misty Eyed
Ireena and Magpie spend some one on one time in the Kolyana Library, as the rest of the party continue to exasperate Ismark downstairs.
Words spoken in Elvish are denoted in italics. Spoiler warning: contains spoilers for episode 5 of Edge of Night
Content warning: grief, implied dead parents, alcohol consumption
"So, Mr Magpie, do you like poetry?" Ireena smiles at him as they climb the stairs.
"I do, it can be very beautiful. I prefer such things set to music, but that's a personal taste." 
Magpie casts a slightly wary eye over the opulent staircase, taking in the disrepair and lack of upkeep. He takes another sip of wine and makes no comment.
"I enjoy the simplicity of poetry, so much can be said with so few words." Ireena is caught up in her own enthusiasm and does not notice Magpie's appraisal of the house. "Novels are good for escaping entirely to another realm, and you already know of my enjoyment of learning through books." This is said in Elvish, with a smile, before switching back to Common. "But poetry will remain my favourite, I think. If only for its love of pain that cannot be spoken in other ways."
Ireena opens a door on the landing that leads to a damp room piled with books, in the centre of which is a chair. The dust marks on the floor indicate that a desk once also stood there, but judging by the fate of other furnishings in the house, this was probably pilfered to become barricade materials a while ago.
Magpie replies in Elvish, quietly pleased to be able to use his native tongue. "Songs are my favourite, I believe. The dual storytelling between lyrics and tune is wonderfully versatile, but poetry definitely has a beauty of it's own, I can see why it calls to you so." He takes an almost hesitant step into the room, and checks back that she's joining him.
Ireena follows him into the study and responds in Elvish, clearly excited to be able to do so. "I wish I had a better understanding of music. It is a rare thing to hear music in Barovia that isn't a funeral march. Unless you encounter the Vistani whose performances are... livelier." Ireena smirks, and gestures to the room. "This is my library!"
Magpie quirks an amused grin at her Elvish, and takes a slow look around the room. "We heard Vistani musicians at the party. They played very well, Sierra was there among them actually. You'll have to see if she'll play the violin for you, it's truly beautiful."
"I would like that." Ireena pauses, wondering how far she can push her luck. "Maybe you would dance with me."
Magpie crouches in front of a bookshelf, scanning the titles distractedly, not so much as reaching a hand out to touch any of them. "I'm not sure you'd enjoy that, I was... never in a position to be taught any of the proper dances, and quite besides, I've been reliably told I have two left feet."
Ireena crouches next to him. "Then I shall simply have to teach you." 
Her smile is soft and her tone no longer teasing. The tension in her shoulders is heavy, but not directed at this conversation or her present company. It is tension she's clearly been carrying for a long time. 
"I like this one." She selects a book from the shelf. "It's long, but it tells the most wonderful story of a hero who journeys to find his way home after a long battle away from those he loves." She strokes the cover wistfully.
Magpie looks over at the book, admiring the cover. 
"Sounds like a compelling tale." He casts his eyes to the floor briefly, and takes another drink of wine before focusing back up on Ireena and the book. "You have so many books, it must be lovely to be able to come here and escape with them."
"Father loved to read. And there weren't exactly many other ways for me to spread my wings beyond this village." She sighs darkly and gestures at the window. "Even before..."
Aware that her façade has slipped again, Ireena straightens her shoulders and attempts another smile. 
"But yes, I am lucky. There are a few tomes in here that predate the beginning of the Von Zarovich reign in Barovia."
"Really? How old does that make them?" Magpie looks very interested at the promise of old books, a shadow that had fallen over his face lifting a little.
"Well over a century! Father rarely let anyone handle them, they're very delicate, but I always loved the way old books smell."
“Incredible. I shan’t ask to look at them, but what are they about? I often find some of the most fascinating stuff is in the oldest books.”
"There's a first edition of some very dramatic plays, and a couple of these epic poems too. If I'm being entirely honest, I am not completely sure I know what is in all of the oldest books Father had. But please, if you would like, feel free to select any volumes that take your fancy to take with you. It is wonderful to finally have a fellow bibliophile to share these with. My brother is not opposed to literature, but he's mostly been too busy with more important things to indulge me in expounding the joys of fiction."
Magpie looks gently surprised. "You'd let me bring some? Just like that?"
"I doubt Ismark will miss them, I will certainly be bringing some with me, and Father hardly has a use for them any more. Of course you may take some, as many as you would like." She laughs a little. "Or as many as you think you can carry, at any rate!"
Magpie laughs a little in return, a hesitant set to his face still. "It won't be many then. Most of us ended up here without a bag. You're sure I can borrow some?"
"Borrow, have, whatever you would like. And while we can't promise armour or weapons, I feel confident my brother can provide satchels or something to carry possessions in." Ireena puts a hand on his arm gently. "I mean it, really."
Magpie flinches at the touch, and pulls his arm away gently. "Satchels would be a great help, I don't think Fox's bag will survive anything else being put in it."
Ireena retracts her hand, but does not seem offended. "I did notice that sewing does not appear to be among Lord Ripley's particular skills."
Magpie laughs properly this time. “Apparently not, though I’m not sure I can say much after the gods awful job I did on those replacement gloves. It turns out not having something proper to cut the fabric with is a significant hindrance.”
"I hadn't liked to mention it, but they were somewhat unorthodox." Ireena giggles. "I wondered if it was some new trend from where you're from!"
“Decidedly not, just shoddy and hurried craftsmanship on my part.” He gives her a lopsided grin. “If you’re certain I can take a couple of books with me, do you have sections you’d rather I chose from? Or perhaps any recommendations?”
"You must feel free to choose whatever you'd like, although I suggest you take something less likely to fall apart when you touch it! But if you are open to suggestions, then I could show you some of my personal favourites?"
“I’d welcome that gladly, I find myself decidedly in a position of rather too much choice, and while I’d often like nothing more than to stay up all night browsing, I fear after the day we’ve had I need the rest.”
Ireena starts pulling books from shelves and various piles. They're all well-thumbed volumes, but don't seem in danger of falling apart completely. They span a wide range of genres: a poetry anthology by a Lord Byron, the classic epic poem she'd picked out earlier, a trilogy of long form fantasy, a collection of old Elvish plays, a couple of shorter looking novels (one historical fiction and one murder mystery), and a nonfiction biography of ancient rulers of Barovia. She sets them down in a pile in front of Magpie.
"This should narrow down the selection somewhat, I wasn't sure what you preferred, so I have chosen my favourites of many genres." She looks between Magpie and the pile a little nervously. "I hope there's something to your liking here?"
Magpie looks at the pile in astonishment, and brushes a gloved hand delicately across the covers. 
"All of it, I'd wager; I'll struggle to pick those that I can carry from such a fascinating collection." He looks up and catches her eye. "Thank you. Truly."
Ireena shows him a flash of the smile she must've had before the recent events of her life, and it lights up her whole face for a moment. 
"You are more than welcome, Magpie. I am aware that the journey ahead of us will be difficult, but I will not regret the opportunity to spend more time with you." She pauses and then adds almost as an afterthought, "With all of you. It will be nice to be able to say I have friends."
"It would be lovely indeed." Magpie looks back at the books, carefully thumbing through a couple of pages and starting to sort them into two neat piles. "After such a kind gesture, the least I could do is help you with your Elvish, if you still want to learn."
"Very much so, if it isn't too much trouble!" Ireena suddenly looks like she might cry and turns towards the door. "We should be getting back to the others, it is intolerably cruel of me to leave them solely in the company of my brother for too long." She turns back, and if her voice cracks, she doesn't acknowledge it. "Besides, as you said, you've all had a very long day. I imagine you will be wanting to rest soon."
Magpie blinks a couple of times at the abrupt change in mood, but makes no comment on it. He drains the last of his wine and sets the glass down, carefully picking up a stack of five books he'd set aside, the biography of rulers of Barovia, Elvish plays, and trilogy of fantasy, balancing them carefully in his arm before picking his glass back up. 
"Are these alright? Is it too many?"
"No, no of course not! That's fine! Would you like some help carrying them?"
"That's very kind of you, but I have a good hold on them, and there's no risk of me spilling my wine." He gives her a cheeky grin. "Well, shall we go and save the others from the company of your brother then?"
Ireena smiles back, small and shaky, but perhaps more real than some of her smiles up to this point. "An excellent idea, Mr Magpie." 
She leads the way back out of the study. She pauses on the landing and points at another door. "I believe that is to be your room for the night, if you'd prefer to drop the books off there, although I have no objections to you bringing them downstairs to share your finds with the others, if you wish."
"I –" Magpie looks torn, and a flicker of something passes over his face. "Perhaps, I'll drop most of them off. Bring just one down. To flick through."
"Great, I can wait here, or just meet you downstairs if you'd rather?"
"I'll be just a second." Magpie smiles at her briefly, and dips into the room to gently place the books down, keeping hold of the Elvish plays, and returning to her quickly.
"Shall we?" Ireena gestures at the staircase.
Magpie nods, and walks alongside her downwards, gently clutching the gifted book to his chest.
Written by Francesca Forrest & Nick Drew
Edited by Rowan E. Madden
Edge of Night is a dnd 5e actual play podcast, brought to you by Stringer Games. It is available on iTunes, Spotify & all good podcast providers.
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writerofthespiral · 4 years
The Machine
Author’s Note: So you know, I recently finished Pirate101 for the first time after getting back into it since I was like eight (and now I’m getting back into Wiz) and I must say I genuinely enjoyed it. I laughed a lot and cried some — it was great! The only thing I didn’t enjoy was the ending (I liked it, but I was just sad to see it end, ya know). So, I decided to write it from the p.o.v of my pirate — hope you enjoy! Comment down below!
Word Count: 2400
Trigger Warning: Blood, gore, asphyxiation
The time for the final battle had come upon Ingrid and her crew — to defeat Kane himself. She looked around the lower control room of The Machine, a strong sense of disgust running through her veins. Around her was smashed machinery, oil stains, and the twitching remains of masked automata on the gold and steel platform, some of which had fallen onto the cold, brown marble flooring below. But, that wasn’t where her attention lay.  
“After him Captain, for the Spiral!” El Toro exclaimed, a heroic smile beneath the bull’s white mask, but Ingrid barely noticed the bull.
She drowned out his voice as she descended the metal steps they previously climbed, her getas clicking against the floor. She stopped at the corpse of Gazpaccio, a sad old man killed by his own creation, his own child, Kane. But, could she blame the heartless monster for his actions?
Gazpaccio was the cause of all of this. The death of her parents, the need for a revolution to begin with, and the endangerment of the Spiral. All of this in the name of revenge against the Tortellini family. And of course, darkness bred darkness. It was only until his last days that he acted, wanting to give his son the heart he should’ve had to begin with. But, it was far too late.
Ingrid wanted to hate him for all the problems he’d caused, understanding how much it hurt to be born out of revenge. But, like her own parents, he had shown his creation love, and love was something Kane wasn’t capable of. Even without a proper heart, he never took the time to understand it — to try to feel it — for surely someone with a magnificent mind could learn to love. Even his chaotic creation, Phule, could love.
Either way, nobody should have to die as Gazpaccio did, nor should they be left to rot. Thus, in good conscience, Ingrid turned his body over, laying his arms across his chest.  She took off her headdress, clutching it to her chest and kneeling in prayer. She gently placed it on his chest and stood to her feet, a sorrowful look in her eyes. 
With that done, it was time to cover him. She took off her tattered robes, once a fine silk kimono from Mooshu colored black, white, and gold, now, worse for wear from combat. She never properly appreciated nor wore them as it was. And if they could give a man the peace he deserved, even for a fleeting moment, then she would do that for him. Though the sky pirate was used to death, and even able to revive the dead as a Witchdoctor, her mojo was nearly spent, not to mention his age making things more difficult. Besides, she could feel his tired soul reject life, and she would not raise the unwilling.
She felt a hand on her shoulder from her closest friend, if not father figure. He spoke in a gentle tone, “You tried your best, Dragonfly, the fault does not lie with you. We are at the end of our journey — let us not allow his death to be in vain.”
“But… Kan Po, isn’t it already in vain? He wanted to give his son a heart, to properly fix him, and that’s what we came for, isn’t it? Even if our main objective became saving the Spiral, that doesn’t take away from the original purpose, does it?”
“No, but, in a way, he would have died. Life is a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth; we would have killed off the evil in him in one way, Dragonfly, and now we will in another.”
She solemnly nodded in response. “Yes, I suppose. No mercy for a bastard.”
She took a moment to ready herself, checking to see if her chest was bound properly and that her hakama was aptly done. She wouldn’t want her pants to be too loose or come undone in the midst of combat. They hadn’t yet, but you could never be too sure.
‘You know,’ she thought to herself, observing her tan brown skin, ‘I never noticed how many scars I’ve gotten over all these years…’
She looked back up at the platform, Bonnie Anne motioning for her and Kan Po. “Come on, let’s go!” She yelled with urgency.
The young pirate nodded, rejoining the group with haste. This was it.
The crew rode in tense silence, stepping into the upper control room — the head of the near-destroyed Machine. The room was like a dome, decorated with silver and golden gears, and a map of the Spiral with magnifying glasses on the back wall. The green skies of Valencia were visible all around the crew from the glass, polluted by the smog of clockwork machinery. Above their heads was a strange laser-like contraption made from the ethereal purple crystals from the Isle Of Doom, which momentarily brought Ingrid’s attention to the ones kept in glass casings. And at the center of it all was Kane, his elites, and his marine pawns.
That’s when the young pirate took notice of the floor: it was a chessboard. All of this  —  her suffering, that of her crewmates, and that of the entire Spiral’s — was a game. His pursuit of perfection was just a game. With this realization, her doubts faded away. She had to end him.
“We’ve played a long chess game, you and I, and you’ve done far better than expected. But now it’s time I was rid of you. How about one final match? To be sporting, I’ll only use half my pieces — is that not generous?” Kane menacingly spoke.
“Deacon! Rooke! But how?” El Toro exclaimed in shock.
“Should’ve stayed dead,” Ingrid mumbled to herself, never one for words. She always was unnaturally quiet, even when her parents were alive. She didn’t like noise, nor did she enjoy parties or crowds. In fact, she found the rambunctious nature of the Unicorn nobles so unbearable that it took all of her will not to break down and cry. It was the main reason she stormed The Clock Works and The Machine without hesitation. 
Somehow, Valencian nobility was worse than Marleybonian nobility, and that’s saying a lot as her own mother was Marleybonian nobility. Ingrid could play diplomat, but wasn't completely socially literate. She knew better than anyone else that what she lacked in social skills, she more than made up for it with her combative abilities. Therefore, this battle had to be.
“They’re only machines. It was expensive to replace the children you destroyed, but I managed.” Kane stated. “Bishop, of course, you already know. Allow me to introduce Queen, greatest of my creations.”
“You flatter me, darling,” Queen spoke.
“Not at all. Kill them, my children. Kill them all.”
Thus, combat began. The Clockwork marines rapidly charged forward, striking with near-deadly accuracy. They were merely pawns, but could kill, and stab, and cut, and some of Ingrid's crew aren’t able to block or dodge as easily.
Ingrid focused her attention on Kane, her ruby red eyes widening in shock — he could teleport? Seeing as mojo was illegal by Armada standards, the fact that he had any was a surprise, and the fact that he could use it well was terrifying, especially because he was attempting to pick everyone off like flies…
Ingrid rushed over to Old Scratch, helping her fellow Witchdoctor strengthen their team and call upon the willing dead, creating a better chance for survival. Once finished, she jumped into the fray — she’d never been one to simply stand on the sides and cast spells like a Wizard. Her first target was Deacon; she hated him with her soul, so seeing him ‘live’ again… He wouldn’t live for long.
She took him by surprise like Kan Po had taught her to, summoning a mojo knife and slicing off his head. He’d already been damaged by Bonnie Anne’s spark gun, so he was an easy target.
El Toro, Contessa, Kan Po, Ratbeard, and Hawkules fought tooth and nail through hordes of Armada marines, facing Rooke, Bishop, and Queen. They faced bombs, clockwork traps, guns, and halberds head-on.
As the battle went on, neither side seemed to truly win. Bones, ectoplasm, oil, and Clockwork bodies filled the room. Most of Ingrid’s crew had fallen, and she could only hope they were knocked out and not dead. She’d seen Bonnie Anne subdued with spark guns, Mormo stabbed through, Ratbeard and Hawkules fall taking down Rooke, and El Toro hurt by one of Bishop’s traps. Kane’s army was no different, however, for all that remained standing was he and Queen. As for Ingrid, Contessa and Kan Po remained — everyone else was hurt or…
Ingrid didn’t have time to think about it; she focused on the fight. If this truly was only half of Kane’s pawns, then he needed to die, or everyone’s sacrifices would be in vain. Catbeard would surely scold her for that, and she wouldn't want Gracie's genius to be stamped out.
Ingrid looked to her still standing friends. They nodded at each other, knowing what had to be done. Ingrid used one of her abilities, soulreaver. Giant skeletal hands held Queen down, spirits attacking her as Contessa and Kan Po charged forward. But, the eloquent creation refused to go down so easily. With her dying 'breath,' she brought down Contessa, running her blade through the abdomen of the unicorn rebel.
Ingrid felt her heart sink at the sight of it, yet she continued to fight. "Just like the old times, eh? Just the two of us, Kan Po."
He nodded. "Let us finish our journey, Dragonfly."
She took a deep breath, sending a mojo blast towards Kane, magical lightning leaving her finger-tips. But to her dismay, he teleported away, and that's when she felt herself being shoved to the ground. She looked up in horror as she watched Kane slice through Kan Po's chest, bits of the goat's blood staining her clothing. He kicked the man's body aside, standing over the shocked pirate, tears in her eyes.
"Kan…P…" was all she could mumble before her staff was knocked away.
"Now that that's settled, it seems I've won," Kane spoke, holding his blade above the teen. "You really should have joined me — you and I were born out of vengeance; I could've used your prowess. You defeated Deacon, Bishop, and Rooke. Why, you even took Bishop's staff as a trophy. Too bad you've become obsolete."
He brought down his blade to finish the job, but at the last moment, the witch grabbed  Kan Po's staff, managing to block his attack and kick his weapon away. Before she was fully a Witchdoctor, she was a sickly runt who got by by fighting in the pits of Krokotopia — she could still fight. She was badly bruised and bleeding, but she killed herself to continue on. Her physical wounds would never match her emotional wounds.
She tackled Kane, spitting in his face. With venom, she spat, "I would never join you." She did her best to beat him with the staff, her mojo low. But it was no match, he was physically stronger than her, rather easily knocking it from her hands.
They tussled around in the heap of the dead and dying, but Kane overpowered her, freed himself from her grasp, and knocked her into one of the walls. The white-haired witch weakly attempted to get up, only to be kicked in the stomach and collapse. He grabbed her by the neck, violently shoving her into one of the crystal containers, broken glass penetrating her back as he tightened his grip, slowly suffocating her. She wanted to let out a scream, but couldn't breathe.
"Now, now, close your eyes and fall aslumber — eternally. I must perfect myself, then the Spiral. There is no place for people like you, so go ahead and die for me."
She felt her consciousness fading, her body slowly going into a state of shock. And in what she believed to be her final moments, she saw visions of her parents. She felt… Her mother's embrace, hearing a silent, yet sweet, "I love you" in her ear. Her father, however, she could not hear, and yet, she felt him just as strongly. His demonic will echoed through her — fight. She had to fight.
Her mother lost nearly everything she cared for, but she fought for what she wanted — demanded it. The deal Alison Voss made with the spirits, along with the sacrifices it took to bring back both husband and child, is the only reason why Ingrid Voss was alive. And in return, as the Witchdoctor had found along her journey, she was to face the leader of the Armada. Their stories were tied, and fates sealed, one way or another. Thus, she fought against her own body.
Her ruby eyes glew a deep red as she weakly brought Kane into her embrace, showing affection to the mind that never knew love.
"If you're trying to fight me, it won't work," he spat, "I'm almost done just let me-"
Her face was turning a deadly shade of blue, but she shook her head and cut him off, mumbling, "I… forgive… you…"
"Forgiveness I-" This time, he was cut off by his limbs locking against his will — his hubris was his undoing as Ingrid used her mojo and his against him. Even just a little drop was good enough for her.
"Let's… die… together…" she muttered, sending a powerful electric blast of mojo through the both of them. Her screams filled the room this time, pain running through her from electricity, burning, and broken glass.
"No...not like this. Not like this. I must not…!" he desperately exclaimed, as he fell backward, his systems overpowered by the surge in electricity. As he fell and died, his iron grip dissipated from Witchdoctor's throat.
Heavily wounded, she collapsed onto the ground and closed her eyes, a smile on her face — she won. She heard the silent, yet shaky breaths of her crewmates, and in her heart, she knew they would live. She knew she would live, for she was destined to grow old and see the Spiral change, and she would do it with them. They would sustain, thus she could rest.
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